Publications Catalogue 2014-2015 Language T eaching Dear Teachers, The Hellenic American Union (HAU) has been conducting open and fair language examinations since 1957 as part of its broader institutional mission to promote the teaching and learning of English as a Foreign Language. In pursuing this mission, the HAU also supports research in language learning, testing and assessment, and publishes examination preparation materials. Preparation materials are produced for the following examinations: The Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE) The Advanced Level Certificate in English (ALCE™) The Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English (ECCE) The Basic Communication Certificate in English (BCCE™) Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC®) The materials include both exam practice test books as well as books that target the development of specific skills. Great care is taken to ensure that our publications are up-to-date, relevant and on- level. Exam-preparation material is produced in strict accordance with specifications provided by the official testing bodies (University of Michigan, Educational Testing Services, and Hellenic American University). Our practice test books are written by professional test developers with experience in writing test items for major international examining bodies, while the exam-skills series are written by professional writers with years of classroom teaching experience. We also provide free support materials such as English-Greek glossaries, sample tests and other support materials. These are available to teachers and school owners on the Hellenic American Union ORFEAS portal ( To obtain an access code for this material, please contact the HAU Examinations and Certifications Division. In addition to its exam-preparation publications, the HAU also offers on-going academic support to teachers. Such support can take the form of free training workshops or school visits conducted by members of our academic support team. Our editorial staff is in constant contact with teachers, students and school owners at ELT book exhibitions, seminars, school visits, and conferences. This direct contact with teachers and students provides us with valuable feedback that we use to ensure that our publications meet the needs of teachers and candidates alike. Best regards, HAU Publications Department 3 Contents 2014 - 2015 Publications Examination ECPE CEFR Level C2 (CAMLA) Practice Test Books NEW! Practice Tests for the ECPE Book 1 ECPE Practice Examinations Book 1 ECPE Practice Examinations Book 2 ALCETM (Hellenic American University) TOEIC® (Educational Testing Service) ECCE (CAMLA) C1 B2 - C1 B2 B2 BCCETM (Hellenic American University) 4 B1 Companions NEW! Practice Tests for the ECPE Book 1 Companion with Key Skills Books The New Build Up Your Listening Skills for the ECPE Build Up Your Proficiency Writing Skills ECPE Practice Build Up Your Vocabulary Examinations Skills Book 1 Companion with Key Getting To Know The New ECPE Speaking Test: An Essential Guide ECPE Practice Examinations Build Up Your Proficiency Book 2 Companion with Key Practice Tests for the BCCETM Exam................................................................. 6 ECCE ECCE Practice Examinations Book 1............................................................... 8 Practice Examinations Book 2............................................................... 8 ECCE Practice Examinations Book 3............................................................... 9 ECCE Practice Examinations Book 1 Companion with Key.................... 9 ECCE Practice Examinations Book 2 Companion with Key.................... 9 ECCE Practice Examinations Book 3 Companion with Key.................... 9 The New Build Up Your Listening Skills for the ECCE ............................ 10 Build Up Your Reading Skills for the ECCE................................................. 16 The New Build Up Your Writing Skills for the ECCE................................. 22 ECCE TOEIC® B2 Practice Exams for the TOEIC® Test........................................................ 28 Practice Examinations for the TOEIC® Test................................................. 30 Practice Tests for the ALCETM Exam ALCETM Practice Speaking Tests for the ALCETM Exam Practice Tests for the ALCETM Exam................................................................ 32 Practice Speaking Tests for the ALCETM Exam ........................................... 34 Practice Examinations for the TOEIC® Test ECPE Practice Tests for the ECPE Book 1................................................................ 36 Practice Tests for the ECPE Book 1 Companion with Key..................... 37 ECPE Practice Examinations Book 1............................................................. 38 ECPE Practice Examinations Book 1 Companion with Key.................. 38 ECPE Practice Examinations Book 2............................................................. 39 ECPE Practice Examinations Book 2 Companion with Key.................. 39 The New Build Up Your Listening Skills for the ECPE............................. 40 Build Up Your Proficiency Writing Skills......................................................... 44 Build Up Your Vocabulary Skills........................................................................ 46 Getting To Know the New ECPE SpeakingTest: An Essential Guide....... 48 Build Up Your Proficiency.................................................................................... 52 B2 Practice Exams for the TOEIC® Test ECCE Practice Examinations Book 1 ECCE Practice Examinations Book 1 Companion with Key NEW! The New Build Up Your Listening Skills for the ECCE ECCE Practice Examinations Book 2 ECCE Practice Examinations Book 2 Companion with Key Build Up Your Reading Skills for the ECCE ECCE Practice Examinations Book 3 ECCE Practice Examinations Book 3 Companion with Key Practice Tests for the BCCETM Exam BCCETM The New Build Up Your Writing Skills for the ECCE Greek Language Textbooks Ξεκινώντας ............................................................................................................ 54 Επιτυγχάνοντας στα Ελληνικά..................................................................... 58 Συνεχίζοντας......................................................................................................... 60 Διδάσκοντας τη Νέα Ελληνική ως Δεύτερη / Ξένη Γλώσσα.......... 62 ISBN List................................................................................................................... 64 5 BCCEBCCE BCCETM Practice Tests B1 level The Hellenic American University’s Basic Communication Certificate in English (BCCETM) examination provides recognized certification that the holder can communicate at B1 level in English, as outlined by the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Practice Tests for the BCCETM Exam contains six complete practice tests providing essential practice for the BCCETM examination. The practice tests accurately reflect the level, format, and skills tested in the actual examination. Key Features Six practice tests Six speaking tests Introduction with a complete description of the examination familiarizing students with the examination and what to expect Scoring rubrics for the writing and speaking sections familiarizing students and teachers with the scoring scales and marking criteria Sample answer sheet so that students can practice marking their answers directly on the answer sheet in the time allowed Full listening transcripts The Teacher’s Edition also includes: answers six class audio CDs containing the listening material for the listening section in the same timed format as the exam itself overprinted Student’s Book ISBN: 978-960-492-020-4 Teacher’s Edition with 6 Audio CDs ISBN: 978-960-492-021-1 6 7 ECCEECCE ECCE Practice Examinations B2 level eightspeakingtests • f ullintroductiontotheECCE, including scoring rubrics for the writing and speaking sections • answersheets • fulllisteningtranscripts Components: • Student’sBook 3 3 • T eacher’sEditionwithoverprinted answers and justification for the answers to the questions in the reading section • Companionwithkey Cambridge Michigan Language Assessments BOOK The Companion book includes: • vocabularyglos sedinorderof appearance in each exam • vocabularyrevis ionexercisesf or each exam • vocabularyrevis ionexercisesf or exams 1-4 and 5-8 • alphabeticalwor dlist • answerkey Components: • Student’sBook • • Teacher’sEdition withoverprint ed answers and justif ication for the answers to the questions in the reading section Companionwith key ISBN 978-960-49 2-040-2 ECCE BOOK ECCE BOOK 3_COVER_SB&TE_SPREAD.indd 1 3_COMPANION_C ECCE PRACTICE EXAMINATIO N Examination for the Certificate Cambridge Mic of Competency higan Language S in English Assessments Companion BOOK 3 COMPAN ION STudENT’S BOOk ISBN 978-960-492-045-7 BOOK ECCE Practice Examinations Book 3 Companion is designed to be used by Greek students in conju nction with ECCE Practice Examinations Book 2 as a vocab ulary aid. The vocabulary for each exam is listed together with the part of speech, Engli definition, exam ple sentence, Gree sh translation and k related words. Vocabulary exercises pract ice the listed vocab focusing on phras ulary es, usage, easily confu collocations, correct sed words. Student’s Book • Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English ECCE PRACTICE EXAMINATIONS BOOK 3 BOOK Book 3 includes: • eightcompletepracticetests comprising listening, grammar, vocabulary, reading, and writing sections PRACTICE EXAMINATIONS ECCE PRACTICE EXAMINATIONS 3 ECCE ECCE Practice Examinations Book 3 helps students become familiar with the content, level, and format of items on the Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English (ECCE). 3 BOOK OVER_SPREAD.i ndd 1 8/2/13 4:08 PM 8/5/13 4:06 PM ECCE Practice Examinations Books 1, 2 and 3 each contain eight complete ECCE practice tests providing essential practice in the Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English (ECCE). The practice tests accurately reflect the level, format, and skills tested in the actual examination. The books are accompanied by Companions and Teacher’s Editions. Key Features Eight full practice tests Eight full-color speaking tests Introduction with a complete description of the ECCE familiarizing students with the examination Scoring rubrics for the writing and speaking sections familiarizing students and teachers with the scoring scales and marking criteria Sample answer sheet so that students can practice marking their answers directly on the answer sheet in the time allowed Full The Teacher’s Editions also include: overprinted answers four class audio CDs containing the listening material for the listening section in the same timed format as the exam itself 8 listening transcripts full listening transcripts justification for the answers to the reading section questions The Companions contain: key B2 level vocabulary lists providing parts of speech, English definitions, example sentences, Greek translations and derivatives vocabulary exercises focusing on nuance, correct usage, idioms, easily confused words and expressions, phrasal verbs, and more two revision tests of 100 multiple choice items each alphabetical word index answer key Book 1 Student’s Book ISBN: 978-960-492-031-0 Book 1 Teacher’s Edition with 4 Audio CDs ISBN: 978-960-492-032-7 Book 1 Companion with Key ISBN: 978-960-492-034-1 Book 2 Student’s Book ISBN: 978-960-492-038-9 Book 2 Teacher’s Edition with 4 Audio CDs ISBN: 978-960-492-039-6 Book 2 Companion with Key ISBN: 978-960-492-040-2 Book 3 Student’s Book ISBN: 978-960-492-045-7 Book 3 Teacher’s Edition with 4 Audio CDs ISBN: 978-960-492-046-4 Book 3 Companion with Key ISBN: 978-960-492-047-1 9 ECCEECCE ECCE Listening Skills B2 level New The New HAU Exam Skills Series Build Up Your Listening Skills THE NEW BUILD UP YOUR LISTENING SKILLS FOR THE ECPE for the ECCE Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English CAMBRIDGE MICHIGAN LANGUAGE ASSESSMENTS The New Build Up Your Listening Skills for the ECCE is a theme based listening skills development book aimed at B2-level students who are preparing for the University of Michigan’s Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English (ECCE). The book thoroughly works on developing the necessary skills for dealing with all parts of the listening section of the examination. There are eight units divided into three sections. The first two sections focus on building up the listening skills required for each of the examination listening tasks and the third section focuses on practicing the skills in examination format. Emphasis is given to building up topic-based vocabulary throughout. The book is accompanied by a Teacher’s Edition with overprinted answers and class audio CDs. Key Features Eight full-color topic based units over three sections Two full listening practice tests Focus on topic vocabulary Focus on developing all listening skills and sub-skills Vocabulary expansion activities English-Greek glossary available for free download on ORFEAS ( Student’s Book ISBN: 978-960-492-057-0 Teacher’s Edition with 5 audio CDs ISBN: 978-960-492-058-7 STUDENT’S BOOK 10 Student’s Book 11 ECCEECCE ECCE Listening Skills B2 level 8 Putting it all together build up your listening skills Putting it all together 1 Label the following pictures. 2 Circle the correct answer. Write sentences for the other words. 1 Chop / Slice the bread and put it in the bread basket. 2 Spicy food often tastes hot because it has mayonnaise / chili in it. 3 Garlic / Curry is a member of the onion family and has a strong taste. 2 4 Processed / Prepared foods don’t have the nutrients that fresh fruits and vegetables have. 6 We eat a lot of potatoes. We usually roast / fry them in the oven. 7 I followed a(n) recipe / ingredient I found online and the dish turned out great. 4 8 I’m avoiding sugar, so I don’t eat pasta / desserts after meals. 10 If you want to avoid meat, try making this spaghetti dish with tuna / mince. 3 6 12 Eating a lot of nutritious / junk food can be harmful to your health. 8 10 SET 2: 2 In what situations would you expect to hear them discussed? SET 1: (Trk 01) Listening for gist. Listen to four short dialogs and circle a or b. 3 Which words might the speakers use to describe the pictures? 1 The man and woman are... Variety of activities SET 1: a eating at home. b eating in a restaurant. SET 2: 2 The man... a doesn’t like the woman’s cooking. b needs to watch his diet. 4 What possible questions could link the three pictures? SET 1: 3 The woman has been reading... a about the health benefits of fish. b different recipes for fish. SET 2: 4 The woman... SET 1 a does not like cooking herbs. b wants to try new recipes. 4 9 SET 1: SET 2: 11 When we go camping we always take some canned / catered food with us. 7 1 What do the three pictures have in common? These skills will be tested in various questions in parts 1 and 2 of the listening test. 9 Heat the water until it is boiling / grilling. 5 at the pictures below and, for each set of three, answer the following questions. Listening for gist ● Understanding purpose or function ● Predicting and understanding context ● Understanding cohesion and coherence ● Listening for detail ● Understanding opinion and meaning ● Understanding implication and inference 5 Have you ever tried Indian kitchen / cuisine? 3 5 Predicting and understanding context. a. Look ● Vocabulary: Food and cooking Focus on key vocabulary 8 1 Through the units of this book, you have built up your skills in: Section A: Listening Part 1 1 Focus on developing listening skills required in the ECCE test Putting it all together Sample pages from Unit 8 Section A focuses on Listening Test, Part 1 (Trk 02) Understanding purpose or function. Listen again to the dialogs. Say which dialog matches the following. Dialog : Someone is informing someone else. Dialog : Someone is expressing a wish to do something. Dialog : Someone is expressing dissatisfaction with the situation. Dialog : Someone is making an offer and someone is politely refusing. A B C B C SET 2 A b. (Trk 03) Listen to the dialogs and see if your guesses were correct. 92 12 93 13 ECCEECCE ECCE Listening Skills B2 level Section B focuses on Listening Test, Part 2 Sample pages from Unit 8 6 (Trk 04) Understanding cohesion and coherence. Listen to four short dialogs and choose a, b or c. 1 Why did she go back to the restaurant? a She enjoys the food there. b She had an appointment there. c She forgot something there. 2 Why will he speak with the chef? a The woman is unhappy with her meal. b The woman wants to know the ingredients. c The woman would like to order something else. 8 a It contains too much basil. b She doesn’t like it. c She likes it and wants the recipe. 4 What does the man want? a something light to eat b to go to bed early c to go out for dinner (Trk 06) Understanding opinion and meaning. Listen to three short dialogs and mark the sentences T (True) or F (False). Vocabulary: science and tecHnology b The man is concerned about giving his children candy. 2 a Simon can cook complicated meals. ● 2 Nowadays, technology effects / affects everyone in one way or another. 3 An innovation / impact is a new product or a new way of doing things. T/F T/F 1 4 Technology has developed / influenced nearly every aspect of our lives. 2 5 Few people could live without electrical appliances / gadgets like washing machines. b The woman is impressed by the information in the article. T/F 9 (Trk 07) Understanding implication and inference. Listen again to the dialogs and write the exact words the speakers use to convey the following ideas. Circle the correct answer. Write sentences for the other words. 1 This is a very expensive piece of equipment / device. Please be careful. cable ● bulb ● adaptor ● switch ● key ● plug T/F b If he was on his own, Simon would probably eat ready meals. T/F 3 a The man is keen to try different foods. 3 1 Label the following pictures. 1 a The woman didn’t eat any candy or chocolate as a child. T/F 3 What does the woman think of the meal? Extensive listening practice 8 Section B: Listening Part 2 Putting it all together Putting it all together 8 Focus on topic vocabulary 6 Many portable devices have an AC adaptor / monitor for when the battery is low. 7 In an earthquake the earth can move from side to side or vertically / horizontally, or both. 3 8 Scientists are hopeful that a progress / breakthrough is not too far off. 4 1 a I didn’t like candy very much. 4 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. 7 (Trk 05) Listening for detail. Listen again to the dialogs and answer the questions below. 1 a Where were the woman’s sunglasses? 5 b What will she do if she is not sure about the ingredients? 3 a Why does the man use a lot of basil? b Has the man made this dish before? 4 a Why does the man refuse the woman’s first two suggestions? b Why does the woman suggest making a smoothie? 2 My old PC was fast, but it kept breaking and one day it just stopped working. 6 2 a If I had to cook for myself, I would manage. 2 Complete the sentences with the correct verbs. b What was she late for? 2 a Why is the woman concerned about the ingredients? 1 Pam spent a year carrying research before she started building the software. b I think it’s unhealthy for children to eat candy every day. b I can make a basic salad. 1 I downloaded a handbook to find out how to o my new cell phone. 2 To a your files, click on this icon and it will open the folder. 3 a We should try eating more superfoods. b I don’t object to trying superfoods. 3 My phone has the capacity to s 1000 phone numbers. over 4 Tablets are very convenient if you like to b the Internet regularly. 5 After our vacation, my friend asked me to b a CD with all the photos on it for her. 6 My phone has run out of battery. I need to c it as soon as possible before it goes dead. 7 If you make a mistake while copying and pasting text, you can always u it, so don’t worry. 3 I don’t think there’s ever really a need to experiment animals, is there? 4 The new program worked well once they had ironed the initial problems. 5 It’s annoying when ads pop screen. 6 If you plug the tablet charging automatically. on the , it will start 7 If you remove some of the programs you don’t need, it will speed the computer. 8 It’s a good idea to switch electrical devices and unplug them if you’re going away. 9 Click here if you want to zoom see the photos in more detail. and 10 My battery’s very low. Can I call you when I get home? 8 My computer is e with a camera and microphone so I can video chat with my friends. 94 14 95 15 ECCEECCE ECCE Reading Skills B2 level HAU Exam Skills Series Build Up Your Reading Skills for the ECCE Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English CAMBRIDGE MICHIGAN LANGUAGE ASSESSMENTS Build Up Your Reading Skills for the ECCE is a thematic reading comprehension practice book aimed at B2-level learners who wish to develop their reading comprehension skills for the University of Michigan’s Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English (ECCE). The book thoroughly prepares students for the reading section of the exam through exposure to a variety of texts, topics and tasks. There are six units each divided into three complete lessons. The first two lessons focus on one of the two types of exam style reading tasks and work on building skills and strategies required for dealing with the reading comprehension questions for each task. The third lesson focuses on building vocabulary related to the topic of the unit. The book is accompanied by a Teacher’s Edition with overprinted answers. Key Features Six full-color topic based units covering three lessons each Three vocabulary reviews Two full reading practice tests Focus on building reading skills and strategies step by step Extensive reading practice Focus on topic vocabulary Vocabulary expansion exercises Unit-by-unit vocabulary list English-Greek glossary available for free download on ORFEAS ( Student’s Book ISBN: 978-960-492-048-8 Teacher’s Edition ISBN: 978-960-492-049-5 Student’s Book 16 17 ECCEECCE ECCE Reading Skills B2 level Sample pages from Unit 1 1 Section B: Reading Task 2 A READING AND ANALYZING THE TEXT The second task in the ECCE test consists of a set of four related texts followed by 10 multiple choice questions. Read the texts below and do the activities that follow. A COLORADO C Silver Mountain Resort By James Wright stores, to name a Colorado Springs, few, rely on the CO. At this point winter season to we don’t know make ends meet. what to expect. If we don’t attract During the last 50 years, our winters tourists from all over the world, if were characterized by perfect, soft, white snow. we don’t have what tourists want in winter, we will need Our annual average snowfall ranged from 25 to 50 inches. to find new alternatives to keep our beautiful city alive. Last year we had less than 10 inches of snow. And The City Council will soon something similar happened schedule an open meeting all over the country. with local residents and Last winter Vermont, businesspeople to discuss Massachusetts, Philadelphia, what the city should do and Montana had about 50% in response to changes of the average snowfall of produced by global the last twenty years. warming. We should all be there. It’s time to start The economy of our city thinking about what we want depends on the weather. for the future and to start Our ski resorts, hotels, making new plans. restaurants, sporting goods The perfect place to go skiing and snowboarding in Colorado Variety of interesting texts Winter season: Peak elevation: Skiable area: Longest trail: November 1 to March 31 12,500 ft. 350 acres 5.5 miles Ski area hours: Half-day hours: 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. or 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Full-day tickets: $60 Half-day tickets: $45 Accommodations: hotels available within 5 miles, starting at $120 for double rooms. NEW!! This summer, throughout the months of June and July, we will have mountain biking races! B THE CITY OF COLORADO SPRINGS The Mayor of Colorado Springs, Ms. Alisha White, requests the honor of your presence at an open forum Winter without snow: Analyzing alternatives August 1 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. City Council Auditorium 1200 Main Street, Colorado Springs The Presidents of the Colorado Hotel Association, the United Ski Resorts Association, and the mayor will present and award the best five initiatives received from city residents. Each of the top five initiatives will get an award of $100,000 from the city to support the creation of new businesses and the development of alternative sources of income not dependent on snow. There is still time to submit more initiatives. If you have an initiative to propose, submit it by e-mail to [email protected] by July 15. 14 18 No Snow This Winter? Reading skills and strategies Paraphrasing Some questions will ask you to find information that is paraphrased. This means the same idea is expressed in a different way. Some ECCE items will contain information that is similar to what is in the text but that is expressed in different words. Your challenge is to find which of the options correctly describes the information in the text. For example, the following phrase in section D “... we estimate that we will receive 50% of the tourists we usually get at our resort ...” can be paraphrased as: “We won’t get as many visitors this year.” Both phrases express the same idea. 1 Find the sentences or phrases in the texts that 2 Now it’s your turn to paraphrase ideas. How can you rewrite the following ideas using different words? 1 You are one of the applicants we are considering. You are one of the candidates we are thinking Sports and Leisure Sports and Leisure 1 Focus on developing essential reading skills required for the ECCE test Section B focuses on Reading Task 2 of hiring. 2 If you want this position, contact our secretary. 3 We were impressed by your outstanding qualifications. 4 Half-day tickets are available. 5 There is still time to submit more initiatives. mean the same as these ideas: 1 We are glad you want to work with us. (section D) We appreciate your interest in joining our team ... 2 We would like to invite you to this meeting. (section B) D 3 You can find a place to stay near the resort. (section A) [email protected] [email protected] Your application Dear Mr. Addison, We appreciate your interest in joining our team of ski instructors. We were very impressed by your outstanding qualifications and experience. We were originally planning on hiring five new instructors but the drop in the annual snowfall has made us reconsider. Since we estimate that we will receive 50% of the tourists we usually get at our resort, we will be hiring only two new ski instructors, who will work full-day shifts. You are one of the applicants we are considering. We would like to schedule an interview with you at our resort on June 30 to discuss more initiatives that you could help us with next winter. If you are still interested in this position, please contact Betty Davidson to make the arrangements for your upcoming visit. I recommend you stay in the area for one or two nights so we can show you around our facilities and the local area. Yours sincerely, Trevor Banks, General Manager 4 Anything could happen. (section C) 5 The weather affects how successful our economy is. (section C) 6 We will have to come up with new ways to keep our businesses open. (section C) 7 We would like to meet with you on our premises. (section D) 15 19 ECCEECCE ECCE Reading Skills B2 level Skills boxes focus students’ attention on types of questions they will encounter Focus on key vocabulary Opportunities for speaking practice Sample pages from Unit 1 Reading skills and strategies Reading skills and strategies ationship between Recognizing the rel tions of the text sec t en ideas or differ Identifying purpose In questions about purpose, there is always one correct option that summarizes the purpose of the section. The other options are either very general or too specific. You have to find the option that best summarizes the author’s purpose for the entire text. 3 Answer the following questions about the texts on page 14. Identify which options are too general and which ones are too specific to describe the purpose of the section. Variety of skills covered in each unit 1 Section B: Reading Task 2 1 What is the main purpose of section A? a b c d to publicize a resort’s opening hours to advertise a hotel to invite bikers to mountain bike races to advertise a holiday destination 2 What is the main purpose of section B? a b c d to encourage people to submit proposals to announce the date of an event to invite people to an award ceremony to invite residents to meet the mayor 3 What is the main purpose of section C? a b c d to explain why we get less snow to make readers think about possible changes to invite residents to an open meeting to predict what will happen in the future 4 What is the main purpose of section D? a b c d to enquire if a candidate is interested in a job to confirm a job offer to reject a job candidate to introduce Betty Davidson Some of the questions will ask you to identify information that is mentioned in more than one section of the task. Look at the following question: 1 What will Mr. Wright probably be doing on August 1? a b c d visiting Silver Mountain Resort attending an open forum interviewing for a job writing a proposal The correct answer is b – attending an open forum. In section C, James Wright mentions in his article that all residents should attend the open meeting organized by the City Council. Details of this meeting are mentioned in section B. The date set for this open forum is August 1. Questions 4-5 refer to section C on page 14. B FOCUS ON KEY VOCABULARY Match the two halves to make compound nouns. 1 city a room 2 open b forum 3 double c warming 4 general d manager 5 sporting e biking 6 mountain f council 7 global g goods C INTERACTING wITH THE READING pASSAGE Imagine you were going to the open forum in Colorado Springs. What proposals would you make to the mayor to attract tourists to the town? Discuss with your partner and then present your ideas to the class. D pUTTING IT INTO pRACTICE 4 Answer the following questions according to the information in the text. The questions refer to sections A, B, C, and D. Justify your answers by underlining the relevant parts in the text. 1 What will Mr. Addison’s working hours be if he is selected for this job? a b c d 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. 2 Which sections have references to the impact of the weather on the city’s economy? a b c d sections A, B, and C sections B, C, and D sections A, C, and D all sections 3 What can Mr. Addison do during his visit to Silver Mountain Resort? a b c d go skiing teach snowboarding lessons attend the mayor’s meeting go mountain biking Choose the best option to answer the following questions: Questions 1-2 refer to section A on page 14. 1 What is the purpose of section A? a b c d to advertise a resort to announce a new activity to advertise a hotel to announce new prices 4 What is the main point of section C? a A city is undergoing an economic crisis. b Tourists are no longer interested in skiing vacations. c The mayor has agreed to have a meeting. d A way to attract more tourists should be found. Sports and Leisure Sports and Leisure 1 5 How much snow did Vermont get last winter? a b c d equivalent to the annual average more than expected half of the annual average more than in previous years Question 6 refers to section D on page 14. 6 Why did Mr. Addison receive this e-mail? a b c d He has been hired for a job. His working conditions have changed. He is being considered for a job. He is being made redundant. Question 7 refers to sections A, B, C, and D. 7 Which sections invite the reader to contact somebody? a b c d sections A and C sections B and D sections C and D sections B and C 2 How much would it cost to ski at the resort from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.? a b c d $45 $60 $90 $120 Question 3 refers to section B on page 14. 3 What will happen at the open forum? a b c d A dinner will be held. The residents will present their initiatives. Five residents will get cash awards. The mayor will propose new initiatives. 16 17 Exam-style tasks 20 21 ECCEECCE ECCE Writing Skills B2 level The New HAU Exam Skills Series Build Up Your Writing Skills for the ECCE Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN The New Build Up Your Writing Skills for the ECCE is a thematic writing book aimed at B2-level learners who wish to develop their writing skills for the University of Michigan’s Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English (ECCE). The book thoroughly prepares students for the writing section of the exam through exposure to a variety of exam-style tasks and topics. Each of the 15 topic-based units contains a model letter or essay followed by activities focusing on organization and structure, vocabulary and language practice, culminating in a Plan Your Writing section aimed at preparing students for tackling a new writing task. The book is accompanied by a Teacher’s Edition with overprinted answers. Key Features Fifteen full-color topic-based units Analysis of exam-style prompts and tasks Analysis of model essays or letters in each unit Extensive language and planning practice Focus on topic vocabulary Vocabulary expansion exercises Opportunities for speaking and brainstorming in each unit Frameworks for each type of letter or essay provided at the back of the book for easy reference Scoring rubrics for the writing section of the exam familiarizing students and teachers with the scoring scales and marking criteria Unit-by-unit vocabulary list English-Greek glossary available for free download on ORFEAS (http://orfeas. Student’s Book ISBN: 978-960-492-002-0 Teacher’s Edition ISBN: 978-960-492-004-4 22 23 ECCEECCE ECCE Writing Skills B2 level Model essay / letter Sample pages from Unit 6 Show Me Your Friends... The essay below was written in response to the letter to the editor on the previous page. Read the essay and answer the following question: 1 How has the writer organized the questions from the task in the model essay? Number the parts of the essay that respond to each question. Build Up Your Reading & Understanding of the task 1 Warm-up ● ● ● ● Warm-up discussion 2 Reading and analyzing the prompt 1 What is the excerpt about? 2 What is its purpose? 3 Reading and analyzing the task 3 What pressures does it mention? 4 Who does the writer think should deal with peer pressure? d h school, I’ve notice Since I started hig try to ers ssured by oth many teens being pre like gs, thin es they are fun new things. Sometim er oth But bs. clu meeting at staying out late or or ttes are cig smoking times they are about about lie to their parents ny Ma l. oho alc drinking that both of fear. I believe what’s going on out ether to ents should come tog teens and their par ssure appropriately. deal with peer pre Skills 1 Which sentence expresses the main idea of the essay in the introduction? Circle it. a peer pressure is caused by parents. What kind of pressures do teens face today? How do they react to these pressures? How can teens avoid such pressures? Do you think teens nowadays are strong enough to not give in to peer pressure? Do you think that they need to ask for help to fight peer pressure, or should they deal with it on their own? This excerpt of a letter was written to the editor of a magazine. Read the letter, and then answer the questions. Exam prompt analysis & Organizational 1 Understanding the text 2 According to the essay… (two answers) Discuss the following questions. ● Build Up Your Text Show Me Your Friends 6 6 4 Reading and analyzing a model essay Read the task below and answer the following questions: Task: Essay What kinds of peer pressure are the most common among teens? Do you think teens need adult support in order to deal with peer pressure successfully? What do you think needs to be done in order to avoid peer pressure? Give examples to support your opinion. 1 What is the purpose of this essay? 2 How many questions do you have to reply to? Number them in the task. 3 Does it ask for any kind of solution? 40 Nowadays teenagers face many difficult concerns. They often feel pressure from others to take up bad habits like smoking or to do something wrong. Many times ce teenagers get into trouble because of the influen of peer pressure. Avoiding peer pressure is a ed challenging task for teenagers, but they can succe with the guidance and support of their parents. Peer pressure is one of the strongest—and most prominent—influences in a teenager’s life. Mostand young people want to be accepted by others to belong to a group. They often feel pressured to do things that other teenagers are doing, even when they know it is wrong. This is a very dangerous situation for them. It should be the s responsibility of both the teenager and the parent to deal with peer pressure appropriately. out Teenagers need to feel strong and figure things on their own. If they know who they are, they not will make better decisions for themselves and play be easily manipulated. Parents, however, should lves a role in this. Teens need to believe in themse and count on their parents to teach them to n make good decisions. Open communication betwee of teenagers and their parents is the best way avoiding the bad effects of peer pressure. can Teenage years are difficult and peer pressure and ers teenag if ss, e hel Nevert ing. m el overwh very be e parents work together to build confidence and promot e Whil d. avoide be can ms e probl good values, many will this may be hard—for both parents and kids—it definitely help teens think before making decisions. b peer pressure is not a serious problem for teens. c peer pressure is one of the strongest influences in a teen’s life. d communication can reduce the effects of peer pressure. 3 The writer believes that strong, confident teens… (two answers) Focus on organization and paragraph development a cannot avoid peer pressure. b will have a hard time making decisions. c rarely get into trouble. d will make better decisions for themselves. 4 According to the writer, what should parents do? 2 Extending and developing a point of view In the introduction, the writer expresses a point of view then extends and develops it. Look at the essay again and answer the following questions: 1 Underline the topic sentences in paragraphs two and three that extend the writer’s point of view. 2 Why do you think they come where they do in the paragraphs? 3 Giving examples What examples does the writer give to support his/her opinions? Tick them in the essay. Can you think of any other examples to add? 41 Exam task analysis 24 25 ECCEECCE ECCE Writing Skills B2 level New task Sample pages from Unit 6 A Read the following excerpt of a letter to an editor about difficult friendships. Discuss why teens should learn to voice their problems and / or concerns. Topic: Difficult friendships You are going to write an essay about difficult friendships. Difficult friends might do things such as be noisy in public, either to bother people on purpose or to simply get attention. Some teens don’t like this behavior, but let it happen anyway, due to the fear of not being accepted. I believe this is a very common problem among teens today and we should encourage them to speak up when they are feeling manipulated in order to rectify the problem. 1 Writing warm-up A There are many teens who stay in difficult relationships. Sometimes they don’t even know they are in one until it’s too late and bad behavior has become a habit. This can have negative effects on their self-esteem, especially if the difficult friend manipulates the other friend. Read the dialogue below. ● Who is being the difficult friend? How is Brad manipulating Nicky? ● Do you think Nicky has high self-esteem? Why/Why not? Brad: Hey, that’s a cool MP3 player. Can I borrow it? B Focus question Read the task below and write one focus question based on the excerpt above that you will answer with your essay. Nicky: Um, I don’t know. My mother just bought it for me for my birthday. I’ve hardly used it. Brad: Pre-writing warm-up discussion and dialogue Task: Essay Peer pressure is common in difficult friendships between teens nowadays. Some believe that self-esteem plays a large role in this. What are some ways teens can boost their confidence and cope with difficult friendships? Discuss your point of view and support it with examples. Oh, come on, man. I promise I’ll give it back to you tomorrow. Nicky: But you still haven’t given me back my mobile phone! Brad: I’ll give that to you tomorrow too. I promise. Nicky: Um, OK. Here you are. Brad: ● ● Focus on the main question in the task Focus question: Awesome. You’re the best. Have I ever told you that you’re the best? c B 6 3 Preparing to write, and following a framework Plan Your Writing Show Me Your Friends Show Me Your Friends 6 Is it common for teenagers to be in difficult relationships? Why do you think teens continue to be friends with difficult people who manipulate them to get what they want? ● Do you think teens stay in difficult relationships out of fear or low self-esteem? ● What do you think someone should do if they find themselves in a difficult relationship? C What difficulties might teens face with friends? Think of a friend that you have had difficulties with and add to the list of complaints below. If you haven’t had any difficult friends, just write what you think might happen. Working on a plan Think of two things that a difficult friend might do to create a problem and a way to cope with each. Then write a topic sentence based on each solution, which you will put at the end of your two body paragraphs. Problems that a difficult friend might create: 1 Now think of two examples per solution to lead up to your topic sentences. Write them below. 2 Topic sentence 1: Ways to cope with each difficulty: Example 2. 2 Topic sentence 2: Topic sentences: 1 List of complaints: ● Never returns anything I lend them ● Always asks me for money and never pays it back ● ● Example 1. 1 Pre-writing planning Example 3. Example 4. 2 D Look at the framework for a general essay. The introduction should express the writer’s point of view, then develop and extend that point of view. Think about your views on difficult friendships and how to cope with them. Now write a sentence to express your view: ● ● 3 Writing ● Now write your essay. Remember to follow the plan you completed in Exercise C and to use some of the vocabulary from the unit. 44 45 Brainstorming ideas 26 27 TOEIC TOEIC ® ® TOEIC® B2 Practice Exams B2 level HEllEnIC AMERICAn unIOn The Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC®) is an internationally recognized standardized English test designed to measure language proficiency at intermediate and advanced levels. B2 Practice Exams for the TOEIC® Test is a complete practice test book B2 PRACTICE EXAMS FOR THE TOEIC® TEST with containing five practice examinations carefully designed to familiarize intermediate students with the content and format of the TOEIC® Test. The tests are designed for intermediate students who are not yet ready to take a TOEIC® test containing B2+ items. The tests have been thoroughly piloted to ensure the content is appropriate for intermediate level students. The book is accompanied by a Teacher’s Edition with overprinted answers and 5 class audio CDs and a Self-Study Edition, containing an answer key with explanations and 5 audio CDs. S! GIE E T A STR nt’s Stude Editio n Key Features Five complete listening and reading practice tests Comprehensive strategy section focusing on skills and strategies required for dealing with each part of the test A thorough analysis of question types Test day tips Listening transcripts Sample answer sheet so that students can practice marking their answers directly on the answer sheet in the time allowed Student’s Book ISBN: 978-960-492-052-5 Teacher’s Edition with 5 Audio CDs ISBN: 978-960-492-053-2 Student’s Book with 5 Audio CDs (Self-Study Edition) ISBN: 978-960-8331-90-7 STudEnT’S EdITIOn TOEIC® is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS). This publication is not endorsed or approved by ETS. 2/5/2014 3:19:54 PM 28 29 TOEIC TOEIC TOEIC® Practice Exams B2 - C1 level ® PRACTICE EXAMINATIONS FOR THE TOEIC® TEST PRACTICE EXAMINATIONS FOR THE TOEIC® TEST ® The Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC®) is an internationally recognized standardized English test designed to measure language proficiency at intermediate and advanced levels. Practice Examinations for the TOEIC® Test is aimed at helping learners prepare for the TOEIC® Test. It includes 5 practice examinations covering listening and reading. The examinations provide learners with essential exam practice familiarizing them with the format and level of the TOEIC® Test. The book is accompanied by a Teacher’s Edition with overprinted answers and 5 class audio CDs and a Self-Study Edition, containing the answer key and 5 audio CDs. Key Features Five complete listening and reading practice tests Introduction with a complete description of the TOEIC® Test A thorough analysis of question types Focus on skills and strategies required for each part of the test Listening transcripts English-Greek glossary available for free download on ORFEAS ( Sample answer sheet so that students can practice marking their answers directly on the answer sheet in the time allowed student’s edition Student’s Book ISBN: 978-960-492-050-1 Teacher’s Edition with 5 Audio CDs ISBN: 978-960-492-051-8 Student’s Book with 5 Audio CDs ISBN (Self-Study Edition): 978-960-492-044-0 student’s edItIOn TOEIC® is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS). This publication is not endorsed or approved by ETS. 4/24/14 3:21 PM 30 31 ALCEALCE ALCETM Practice Tests C1 level The Hellenic American University’s Advanced Level Certificate in English (ALCETM) provides recognized certification that the holder can communicate at C1 level in English, as outlined by the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Practice Tests for the ALCETM Exam provides essential practice in all parts of the ALCETM examination. The practice tests accurately reflect the level, format, and skills tested in the actual examination. Key Features Six practice tests Six speaking tests Introduction with a complete description of the examination familiarizing students with the examination and what to expect Scoring rubrics for the writing and speaking sections familiarizing students and teachers with the scoring scales and marking criteria Sample answer sheet so that students can practice marking their answers directly on the answer sheet in the time allowed Full listening transcripts The Teacher’s Edition also includes: answers justification for the answers to the reading section questions six class audio CDs containing the listening material for the listening section in the same timed format as the exam itself overprinted Student’s Book ISBN: 978-960-492-018-1 Teacher’s Edition with 6 Audio CDs ISBN: 978-960-492-019-8 32 33 ALCEALCE ALCETM Speaking Tests C1 level Practice Speaking Tests for the ALCETM Exam contains eighteen practice speaking tests for the Advanced Level Certificate in English exam, providing candidates with the opportunity to practice their speaking skills and become familiar with the format and level of the ALCETM speaking test. Key Features 18 full-color practice tests Introduction with a complete description of the ALCETM speaking section Scoring rubrics for the speaking section familiarizing students and teachers with the scoring scales and marking criteria Student’s Book ISBN: 978-960-492-030-3 34 35 ECPEECPE ECPE Practice Examinations C2 level New ECPE Practice Tests for the ECPE, Book 1 contains eight complete practice tests for the University of Michigan’s Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE). The tests follow official test specifications and familiarize students with the format and level of the ECPE examination. Each practice test is followed by a vocabulary review practicing the vocabulary encountered in the test through a variety of exercises. Transcripts of the texts in the listening section are included. The book is accompanied by a Teacher’s Edition with overprinted answers, answer justifications, and class audio CDs, and a Companion book with extra vocabulary practice. PRACTICE TESTS FOR THE Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English Cambridge Michigan Language Assessments PRACTICE TESTS FOR THE ECPE BOOK 1 Student’S Book 1 Student’s Book 7/10/14 11:49 AM 36 Key Features Eight full practice tests Eight speaking tests with prompts for 3 candidates in each Vocabulary review activities after each test Introduction with a complete description of the ECPE Scoring rubrics for the writing and speaking sections Photocopiable answer sheets Full listening transcripts in both the student’s edition and the teacher’s edition The Teacher’s Edition also includes: overprinted answers and answer justifications four class audio CDs containing the listening material for the listening section in the same timed format as the exam itself full listening transcripts with answer justifications The Companion contains: C2-level vocabulary lists providing parts of speech, English definitions, example sentences, Greek translations and derivatives vocabulary exercises focusing on nuance, correct usage, idioms, easily confused words and expressions, phrasal verbs, and more alphabetical word index answer key key Book 1 Student’s Book ISBN: 978-960-492-054-9 Book 1 Teacher’s Edition with 4 Audio CDs ISBN: 978-960-492-055-6 Book 1 Companion with Key ISBN: 978-960-492-056-3 37 ECPEECPE ECPE Practice Examinations C2 level ECPE Practice Examinations Book 1 and ECPE Practice Examinations Book 2 each contain eight complete ECPE practice tests providing essential practice in the Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE). The practice tests accurately reflect the level, the format, and skills tested in the actual examination. The books have been revised to reflect the changes to the Cloze section implemented in the May 2013 administration of the exam. The books are accompanied by Companions and Teacher’s Editions. Key Features Eight practice tests Eight speaking tests Vocabulary review activities after each test Introduction with a complete description of the ECPE familiarizing students with the examination Scoring rubrics for the writing and speaking sections familiarizing students and teachers with the scoring scales and marking criteria Sample answer sheet so that students can practice marking their answers directly on the answer sheet in the time allowed Full listening transcripts 38 The Teacher’s Editions also include: answers four class audio CDs containing the listening material for the listening section in the same timed format as the exam itself full listening transcripts with answer justifications overprinted The Companions contain: C2-level vocabulary lists providing parts of speech, English definitions, example sentences, Greek translations and derivatives vocabulary exercises focusing on nuance, correct usage, idioms, easily confused words and expressions, phrasal verbs, and more alphabetical word index answer key key Book 1 Student’s Book ISBN: 978-960-492-029-7 Book 1 Teacher’s Edition with 4 Audio CDs ISBN: 978-960-492-028-0 Book 1 Companion with Key ISBN: 978-960-492-033-4 Book 2 Student’s Book ISBN: 978-960-492-035-8 Book 2 Teacher’s Edition with 4 Audio CDs ISBN: 978-960-492-036-5 Book 2 Companion with Key ISBN: 978-960-492-037-2 39 ECPEECPE ECPE Listening Skills C2 level The New HAU Exam Skills Series Build Up Your Listening Skills for the ECPE Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN The New Build Up Your Listening Skills for the ECPE is a listening skills book aimed at C2-level learners who wish to develop their listening skills for the University of Michigan’s Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE). The book thoroughly prepares students for the listening section of the exam through development of listening sub-skills and strategies that train students how to listen and how to use linguistic signals to predict, make inferences and understand meaning. Each of the twelve units focuses on one part of the listening test and addresses a different aspect of listening comprehension. Key Features Twelve units each focusing on one part of the listening section Vocabulary pre-taught and recycled throughout the unit Focus on expressions and colloquial language Focus on building listening skills and strategies for dealing with each part of the test Introduction with complete description of the ECPE Two complete practice examinations Complete listening transcripts Unit-by-unit vocabulary list English-Greek glossary available for free download on ORFEAS (http://orfeas. The Teacher’s Edition also includes: answers four class audio CDs overprinted Student’s Book ISBN: 978-960-492-005-1 Teacher’s Edition with 4 Audio CDs ISBN: 978-960-492-006-8 40 41 ECPEECPE ECPE Listening Skills C2 level Sample pages from Unit 1 Focus on what is tested in each part of the listening test Expressions pretaught in every unit Vocabulary pretaught in every unit Exam strategies Focus on conversational / colloquial English 42 43 ECPEECPE ECPE Writing Skills C2 level Build Up Your Proficiency Writing Skills is an exam-preparation book that focuses on developing writing skills for the writing section of the Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE). Each of the 12 units has been designed to help students improve their writing skills through analysis of model compositions and activities that guide students through a process of thinking about how to best organize and present ideas clearly with accuracy of form and meaning. The book is accompanied by a Teacher’s Edition with overprinted answers. Key Features Twelve topic-based units providing a sample essay and extended writing practice Focus on typical areas for improvement Opportunities for editing practice Exposure to and practice with literary themes like metaphor and poetic language Extensive planning practice and cohesive organization of ideas Introduction with full description of the ECPE and what to expect Scoring rubrics familiarizing students and teachers with the scoring scales and marking criteria Student’s Book ISBN: 960-8331-24-2 Teacher’s Edition ISBN: 960-8331-25-0 44 45 ECPEECPE ECPE Vocabulary Skills C2 level Build Up Your Vocabulary Skills is aimed at C1-C2 level students who wish to improve their vocabulary. Vocabulary is presented in context in six topicbased units. The book is accompanied by a Teacher’s Edition with a class audio CD. Key Features Six topic-based units New vocabulary presented in context through dialogues recorded on a CD Focus on expressions, colloquial language, nuances in meaning, metaphors, and more Focus on both the meaning and grammar of words Exam-style practice at the end of each unit Unit-by-unit glossary The Teacher’s Edition also includes: answers one class audio CD listening transcripts overprinted Student’s Book ISBN: 978-960-8331-79-2 Teacher’s Edition with Audio CD ISBN: 978-960-492-009-9 46 47 ECPEECPE ECPE Speaking Test C2 level Getting To Know The New ECPE Speaking Test: An Essential Guide is an exam preparation guide to the ECPE speaking test, which aims to familiarize teachers and students with the format, rationale, level and demands of the ECPE speaking test. The book contains a DVD with one complete speaking test. Key Features Five units each covering one of the five stages of the test DVD with one complete speaking test Detailed analysis of each stage of the test Detailed analysis of examiner and candidate behavior Strategy development for each stage Written by certified ECPE Speaking Test examiner trainers Student’s Book with DVD + answer key ISBN: 978-960-8331-85-3 48 49 ECPEECPE ECPE Speaking Test C2 level Sample pages from Unit 1 Focus on format and purpose of each stage of the speaking test Focus on understanding examiner’s instructions Focus on examiner and candidate behavior Detailed explanation of each stage Analysis of a speaking test recorded on the accompanying DVD 50 51 ECPEECPE ECPE Proficiency C2 level Build Up Your Proficiency is a 60-hour exam preparation course book containing fourteen units each dedicated to one section of the ECPE exam. The book is accompanied by a Teacher’s Edition with overprinted answers and class audio CD. Key Features Two units each on each section of the ECPE One complete practice test Glossary Listening transcripts The Teacher’s Edition also includes: answers class audio CD overprinted Student’s Book ISBN: 978-960-492-022-8 Teacher’s Edition with Audio CD ISBN: 978-960-492-012-9 52 53 Ξεκινώντας A1 - A2 level ς ξεκινώντας “ξεκινώντας” ξ Ξεκινώντας (new edition) is an entirely revised version of the Hellenic American Union’s popular course book on learning Modern Greek as a second or foreign language. This book is for beginner and intermediate-level students (A1 and A2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference). ξεκινώντας ξεκινώντας νέο Η Νέα Ελληνική ως Δεύτερη/ Ξένη Γλώσσα ι α κ ή κ ο ι ν ό τ η τα ια ψ η φ μ σ ό κ ή σ τ ε ς το υ βιβλίο υ Παγ υς το υς χρ όλ ο για Key Features Twelve communicative units of four lessons each One introductory unit and two revision units Revision tests Dynamic communicative activities Integrated skills activities Three CDs with texts and listening comprehension exercises Vocabulary presentation through pictures, examples and linguistic information Appendix with transcripts Answer key to all exercises and tests Global virtual community: To promote collaborative learning, a Facebook page has been created, where users of Ξεκινώντας can meet to exchange views, texts, images, as well as audio and video files. The book can be used in combination with: Autonomous CD-ROM for use on a computer or an Interactive Whiteboard. Level A1 and A2 vocabulary can be presented and taught through text and multimedia (e.g. pictures, audio and video files). View the demo at: Student’s Book with 3 Audio CDs ISBN: 978-960-492-003-7 ΒιΒλιο μαθητη 5/26/2011 12:04:16 PM 54 55 Ξεκινώντας A1 - A2 level Sample pages from Unit Enrich your vocabulary! Practice your vocabulary & grammar! 4 87 Practice speaking! Focus on tricky points! 56 Practice your listening & writing! Participate in role plays and interactive activities! Practice your writing! 57 Eπιτυγχάνοντας στα Ελληνικά A2 - B1 level Επιτυγχάνοντας στα Ελληνικά prepares candidates for the Α2 and B1 levels (old A’ & B’) of the Examination for the Certificate of Attainment in Modern Greek. It can also be used in class as regular teaching material, to help students improve all four language skills. Contents Five complete practice A2 level examinations Five complete practice B1 level examinations Separate unit on the writing section Separate unit on the Interview Complete transcripts Student’s Book ISBN: 960-86321-6-1 Audio files (MP3) available on line at: 58 59 σ Συνεχίζοντας A2 - B1 level Συνεχίζοντας is an innovative, communicative coursebook for lowintermediate to upper-intermediate level students of Greek as a Foreign Language. The coursebook is organized in 12 units, each of which is separated into four lessons. συνεχίζον τας Contents Emphasis is placed on the functional use of language Variety of communicative activities and authentic texts The book is accompanied by an Exercise Book. συνεχίζοντας Student’s Book ISBN: 960-8331-18-8 Exercise Book ISBN: 960-8331-19-6 Set of 4 Audio CDs ISBN: 960-8331-20-X Audio CD (Exercise Book) ISBN: 960-8331-21-8 βιβλίο μαθητή EΛΛΗΝΟΑΜΕΡΙΚΑΝΙΚΗ ΕΝΩΣΗ ΗΕLLENIC AMERICAN UNION 4/24/13 11:47 AM 60 61 Διδάσκοντας τη Νέα Ελληνική Διδάσκοντας τη Νέα Ελληνική ως Δεύτερη/Ξένη Γλώσσα is a two-volume series of books for teachers of Modern Greek as a Second/ Foreign Language. The volume Προσεγγίσεις presents – in a challenging, communicative manner – the latest developments in language teaching and methodology, necessary for novice or experienced instructors of Greek. The volume Εφαρμογές presents a variety of stimulating exercises and activities ready-made, for instructors to apply in their classes. Contents Methodology, class management, lesson planning, materials evaluation Teaching grammar and the four language skills Mixed-ability classes Integrating technology into the classroom CD with live sample lesson Προσεγγίσεις ISBN: 960-8331-34-x Εφαρμογές ISBN: 960-8331-33-1 62 63 2014-2015 BOOK ISBNs BOOK TITLE ISBN BCCE GREEK LANGUAGE TEXTBOOKS TM Practice Tests for the BCCE™ Exam Student’s Book Practice Tests for the BCCE™ Exam Teacher’s Edition with 6 Audio CDs 978-960-492-020-4 978-960-492-021-1 ECCE Practice Examinations Book 1 Teacher’s Edition with 4 Audio CDs ECCE Practice Examinations Book 1 Companion with Key ECCE Practice Examinations Book 2 Student’s Book ECCE Practice Examinations Book 2 Teacher’s Edition with 4 Audio CDs ECCE Practice Examinations Book 2 Companion with Key ECCE Practice Examinations Book 3 Student’s Book ECCE Practice Examinations Book 3 Teacher’s Edition with 4 Audio CDs ECCE Practice Examinations Book 3 Companion with Key The New Build Up Your Listening Skills for the ECCE Student’s Book The New Build Up Your Listening Skills for the ECCE Teacher’s Edition with 5 Audio CDs Build Up Your Reading Skills for the ECCE Student’s Book Build Up Your Reading Skills for the ECCE Teacher’s Edition The New Build Up Your Writing Skills for the ECCE Student’s Book The New Build Up Your Writing Skills for the ECCE Teacher’s Edition 978-960-492-003-7 Επιτυγχάνοντας στα Ελληνικά Student’s Book 960-86321-6-1 978-960-492-031-0 Συνεχίζοντας Exercise Book 960-8331-19-6 978-960-492-034-1 Συνεχίζοντας Audio CD (Exercise Book) 978-960-492-039-6 Διδάσκοντας τη Νέα Ελληνική ως Δεύτερη/Ξένη Γλώσσα Εφαρμογές Συνεχίζοντας Student’s Book ECCE ECCE Practice Examinations Book 1 Student’s Book Ξεκινώντας Student’s Book with 3 Audio CDs 978-960-492-032-7 Συνεχίζοντας 4 Audio CDs 978-960-492-038-9 Διδάσκοντας τη Νέα Ελληνική ως Δεύτερη/Ξένη Γλώσσα Προσεγγίσεις 960-8331-18-8 960-8331-20-X 960-8331-21-8 960-8331-34-x 960-8331-33-1 978-960-492-040-2 978-960-492-045-7 978-960-492-046-4 978-960-492-047-1 978-960-492-057-0 978-960-492-058-7 978-960-492-048-8 978-960-492-049-5 978-960-492-002-0 978-960-492-004-4 TOEIC® B2 Practice Exams for the TOEIC Test Student’s Book 978-960-492-052-5 B2 Practice Exams for the TOEIC Test with 5 Audio CDs (Self-Study Edition) 978-960-8331-90-7 B2 Practice Exams for the TOEIC Test Teacher’s Edition with 5 Audio CDs ® Practice Examinations for the TOEIC Test Student’s Book Practice Examinations for the TOEIC Test Teacher’s Edition with 5 Audio CDs Practice Examinations for the TOEIC® Test with 5 Audio CDs (Self-Study Edition) 978-960-492-053-2 978-960-492-050-1 978-960-492-051-8 978-960-492-044-0 ALCETM Practice Tests for the ALCE™ Exam Student’s Book 978-960-492-018-1 Practice Speaking Tests for the ALCE™ Exam Student’s Book 978-960-492-030-3 Practice Tests for the ALCE™ Exam Teacher’s Edition with 6 Audio CDs 978-960-492-019-8 ECPE Practice Tests for the ECPE Book 1 Student’s Book 978-960-492-054-9 Practice Tests for the ECPE Book 1 Companion with Key 978-960-492-056-3 Practice Tests for the ECPE Book 1 Teacher’s Edition with 4 Audio CDs ECPE Practice Examinations Book 1 Student’s Book ECPE Practice Examinations Book 1 Teacher’s Edition with 4 Audio CDs ECPE Practice Examinations Book 1 Companion with Key ECPE Practice Examinations Book 2 Student’s Book ECPE Practice Examinations Book 2 Teacher’s Edition with 4 Audio CDs ECPE Practice Examinations Book 2 Companion with Key The New Build Up Your Listening Skills for the ECPE Student’s Book 978-960-492-029-7 978-960-492-028-0 978-960-492-033-4 978-960-492-035-8 978-960-492-036-5 978-960-492-037-2 978-960-492-005-1 The New Build Up Your Listening Skills for the ECPE Teacher’s Edition with 4 Audio CDs 978-960-492-006-8 Build Up Your Proficiency Writing Skills Teacher’s Edition 960-8331-25-0 Build Up Your Proficiency Writing Skills Student’s Book Build Up Your Vocabulary Skills Student’s Book Build Up Your Vocabulary Skills Teacher’s Edition with Audio CD Getting To Know the New ECPE Speaking Test: An Essential Guide with DVD + Answer Key Build Up Your Proficiency Student’s Book Build Up Your Proficiency Teacher’s Edition with Audio CD 64 978-960-492-055-6 960-8331-24-2 978-960-8331-79-2 978-960-492-009-9 978-960-8331-85-3 978-960-492-022-8 978-960-492-012-9 65 ECCE ATHENS Massalias 22, 10680, Athens, Greece Tel.: + 30 210 3680920, Fax: + 30 210 3680074 E-mail: [email protected] THESSALONIKI Fragon 14, 54626, Thessaloniki, Greece Tel.: + 30 2310 557600, Fax: + 30 2310 553925 E-mail: [email protected]
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