M I LWAU K E E P U B L I C L I B R A R Y M I LWAU K E E P U B L I C L I B R A R Y 2 0 1 4 2 3 2 0 N . C R A M E R S T. , M I LWA U K E E , W I 5 3 2 1 1 (4 1 4 ) 2 8 6 - 3 0 0 0 | M P L . O R G / E A S T L I B R A R Y LIBRARY PROJECT Mayor Tom Barrett and the Common Council established funding for the replacement of the aging East Library along the city’s East North Avenue corridor. MPL partnered with developer HSI, Inc. to create a mixed-use development – The Standard @ East Library – which includes 99 market-rate apartments above a first floor library and an adjacent retail space, located on the same site as the previous East Library building. The Standard @ East Library was developed by HSI, Inc. and designed by Engberg Anderson. MPL owns the library space on the first floor, which was designed by HGA and built by Scherrer construction. EAST BRANCH IS A 21ST CENTURY LIBRARY FOR READING, LEARNING AND CONNECTING 16,000 square feet space | Modern community, meeting and collaboration spaces with bright, minimalist furnishings | Designated spaces and collections for Adults, Children and Teens | “Living room” area with fireplace and seating | Weekly programs for every member of the family | Express check-out stations with self-check | Automatic Sorter for immediate item check-in with public viewing window | Free surface parking for library customers | 36 PC & Mac Laptops for check out and use in the library and computer and job training classes | High speed internet access and free Wi-Fi | Three public art installations | Salvaged materials from previous East library repurposed for use in the new building as laptop bars, decorative glass panels, benches and ceiling beams. NOON - 5 PM OUR TEAM M AYOR Tom Barrett M I LWAU K E E C OM MON C OU NC I L NOON Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony WELCOME Library Director Paula Kiely REMARKS M I LWAU K E E P U B L IC L I B R A R Y B OA R D OF T R U S T E E S Mayor Tom Barrett President, John Gurda; Vice President, Michele Bria, Ph.D.; Financial Secretary, Supervisor Theodore Lipscomb, Sr.; Denise Callaway, Alderwoman Milele Coggs, Sharon Cook, Alderman Ashanti Hamilton, Alderman Nik Kovac, Christopher Layden, Joan M. Prince, Ph.D., Director Mark Sain, Library Director Paula A. Kiely Alderman Nik Kovac Board of Trustees President John Gurda Ryan Schultz, HSI Properties Milwaukee Public Library Foundation Executive Director Ryan Daniels M I LWAU K E E P U B L IC L I B R A R Y F OU N DAT ION B OA R D OF DI R E C T OR S 12:30 PM President, Arthur Harrington; Vice President, Laurence Compton; Vice President, Nancy Hernandez; Secretary, Barbara Stein; Treasurer, David Fondrie; Mark Birmingham, Maria Cox, Cecelia Gore, Ashanti Hamilton, Marsha Huff, J. Lewis Perlson, Dan Renouard, Eve Romersi, Don Rosanova, Thelma Sias, Matthew Simon, David Stoeffel, Margy Stratton, Michael Weiss. Distinguished Directors: T. Michael Bolger, David V. Uihlein, Jr., Executive Director Ryan Daniels FIRST FAMILY CHECK- OUT F R I E N D S OF M I LWAU K E E P U B L IC L I B R A R Y B OA R D OF DI R E C T OR S President, Marsha E. Huff; Vice President, Chris Merker; Treasurer, Kelly Goodmon; Secretary, Barbara Franczyk; Keith Barnes, Kevin Duffey, Karen Ehrle, Erin Frank, Barbara Haig, Ellen Irion, Andrea Johnson, Deborah Koconis, Diana Pine, Lorie Rieden, Anne Steinhilb, Judith Steininger, Colleen Wisniewski, Distinguished Directors: J. Lewis Perlson Esq., Ron S. San Felippo, Marsha Sehler E A S T B R A NC H S TA F F Branch Manager Rachel Collins Margaret DeVito, Elizabeth Gabriel, Christina Kulp, Sarah Leipold, Alison McElvery, Austin Patrick, Shyanne Pitts, Harper Robison, Sophie Sensat, Emily Stueven L I B R A R Y P R O J E C T P L A N N I NG T E A M Rachel Collins, Bruce Gay, Joan Johnson, Dawn Lauber, Corey Megal, Taj Schoening, Brooke VandeBerg, Duane Wepking, Kevin Allebach, Jane Dedering and David Lang from HGA Architects Margaret, Maria, George, Marla and Lisa Carini 1:15 PM - 2:00 PM Mad RED Kat performance 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Mini-story time T H R O U G H O U T T H E D AY Tours on the half hour Crafts Photo booth Browser the Library Lion Public art by Ray Chi, Santiago Cucullu and kathryn e. martin Complimentary coffee from Colectivo
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