Infrastructure Working Council (IWC) Presentations Day One SRP’s PERA Club, Tempe, AZ March 26 - 27, 2014 SUMMARY OF CHANGES OF ARTICLE 625 FOR THE 2014 NEC GERY KISSEL Prepared For NATIONAL ELECTRIC TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE WORKING COUNCIL NEC 2014 ARTICLE 625 DRAFT • Article 625 has been restructured to better align with the NEC style manual. • Technical content of the Article has changed as a result of the NFPA NEC revision process. • The table provides a mapping of paragraphs between the 2011 and 2014 Article. • This summary will refer to 2011 paragraphs. • This summary is to be used for guidance only as it may not contain the final publication intent text. 2011 Restructure Proposal 625. 625. 1 1 2 2 4 4 5 5 9 10 13 44 14 12 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 21 40 22 22 23 42 25 46 26 48 28 Deleted 29 50 30 52 30 new NEC 2014 ARTICLE 625 DRAFT • Layout • The current Article is arranged into 5 sections: • • • • • General Wiring Methods Equipment Construction Control and Protection EVSE Location • Starting in 2014 the Article is arranged as follows: • General • Equipment Construction • Installation NEC 2014 ARTICLE 625 DRAFT • 625.1 Scope • Added the following Informational Note • Informational Note No. 2: UL 2594-2013, Standard for Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment, is a safety standard for Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment. UL 2202-2009, Standard for Electric Vehicle Charging System Equipment, is a safety standard for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment. NEC 2014 ARTICLE 625 DRAFT • 625.2 Definitions • Electric Vehicle Connector modified to read as follows: Electric Vehicle Connector. A device that, when electrically coupled to (conductive or inductive) an electric vehicle inlet, establishes an electrical connection to the electric vehicle for the purpose of power transfer and information exchange. This device is part of the electric Vehicle coupler. • Electric Vehicle Inlet modified to read as follows: Electric Vehicle Inlet. The device on the electric vehicle into which the electric vehicle connector is electrically coupled (conductive or inductive) for power transfer and information exchange. This device is part of the electric vehicle coupler. For the purposes of this Code, the electric vehicle inlet is considered to be part of the electric vehicle and not part of the electric vehicle supply equipment. NEC 2014 ARTICLE 625 DRAFT • Definition for Electric Vehicle Nonvented Storage Battery was replaced with Electric Vehicle Storage Battery - A battery, comprised of one or more rechargeable electrochemical cells, that has no provision for the release of excessive gas pressure during normal charging and operation, or for the addition of water or electrolyte, or for external measurements of electrolyte specific gravity. • Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment • Added Informational Note No. 2: Within this article, the terms Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment and Electric Vehicle Charging System Equipment are considered to be equivalent. NEC 2014 ARTICLE 625 DRAFT • Added definition – Cable Management System. An apparatus designed to control and organize unused lengths of output cable to the electric vehicle. • Added definition – Fastened In Place. Equipment attached to a structure either permanently or where the fastening means is specifically designed to facilitate removal for interchange, maintenance and repair, and repositioning to another location. • Added definition - Output Cable to the Electric Vehicle. An assembly consisting of a length of flexible EV cable and an Electric Vehicle Connector (supplying power to the electric vehicle). • Added definition - Power Supply Cord. An assembly consisting of an attachment plug and length of flexible cord that connects the electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) to a receptacle. NEC 2014 ARTICLE 625 DRAFT • 625.4 Voltages • Added - and DC system voltages of up to 600 volts • 625.5 Listed • Removed “labeled” from title and text. • 625.9(A) Polarization (new 625.10(A)) • Modified as follows: The electric vehicle coupler shall be polarized. Exception: A coupler that is part of a listed electric vehicle supply equipment. • 625.9(E) Grounding Pole (new 625.10(E)) • Modified as follows: The electric vehicle coupler shall be provided with a grounding pole, unless provided as part of listed isolated electric vehicle supply equipment system. NEC 2014 ARTICLE 625 DRAFT • 625.13 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (moved to 625.44 and renamed Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Connection) • Electric vehicle supply equipment shall be permitted to be cord and plug connected to the premises wiring system in accordance with one of the following: (A) Connections to 125-Volt, Single Phase, 15 and 20 Ampere Receptacle Outlets. Electric vehicle supply equipment intended for connection to non-locking, 2-pole, 3wire grounding type receptacle outlets rated at 125 volts, single phase, 15 and 20 amperes or from a supply of less than 50V DC. (B) Connections to Other Receptacle Outlets. Electric vehicle supply equipment that is rated 250 volts maximum and complies with all of the following: (1) It is intended for connection to a non-locking, 2-pole, 3-wire and 3 pole, 4-wire grounding type, receptacle outlet rated no more than 50 amperes. (2) EVSE shall be fastened in place. (3) Power supply cord length for electric vehicle supply equipment fastened in place is limited to 1.8 m (6 ft). (4) Receptacles are located to avoid physical damage to the flexible cord. All other electric vehicle supply equipment shall be permanently wired and fastened in place to the supporting surface, a wall, a pole or other structure. The electric vehicle supply equipment shall have no exposed live parts. NEC 2014 ARTICLE 625 DRAFT • 625.14 Rating • Modified per TIA 70-11-2 - Electric vehicle supply equipment shall have sufficient rating to supply the load served. Electric vehicle charging loads shall be considered to be continuous loads for the purposes of this article. Where an automatic load management system is used, the maximum electric vehicle supply equipment load on a service and feeder shall be the maximum load permitted by the automatic load management system. NEC 2014 ARTICLE 625 DRAFT • 625.17 Cords and Cables • Paragraph was re-written to better distinguish requirements for power supply cords, output cable to the EV and cord and cable lengths. • (A) Power Supply Cord. The cable for cord-connected equipment shall comply with all of the following: (1) Be any of the types specified in (B)(1) or Hard Service Cord, Junior Hard Service Cord and Portable Power Cable types in accordance with Table 400.4. Hard Service Cord, Junior Hard Service Cord and Portable Power Cable types shall be listed, as applicable, for exposure to oil and damp and wet locations. (2) Have an ampacity as specified in Table 400.5(A)(1) or, for 8 AWG and larger, in the 60 C columns of Table 400.5(A)(2). (3) Have an overall length as specified in (a) or (b): a. When the interrupting device of the personnel protection system specified in 625.22 is located within the enclosure of the supply equipment or charging system, the power supply cord shall be no more than 300 mm (12 in.) long, NEC 2014 ARTICLE 625 DRAFT b. When the interrupting device of the personnel protection system specified in 625.22 is located at the attachment plug, or within the first 300 mm (12 in.) of the power supply cord, the overall cord length shall be a minimum of 1.8 m (6 ft) and shall be no greater than 4.6 m (15 ft). • (B) Output Cable to the Electric Vehicle. The output cable to the electric vehicle shall comply with all of the following: (1) Be Type EV, EVJ, EVE, EVJE, EVT, or EVJT flexible cable as specified in Table 400.4. (2) Have an ampacity as specified in Table 400.5(A)(1) or, for 8 AWG and larger, in the 60 C columns of Table 400.5(A)(2). Informational Note: Listed electric vehicle supply equipment may incorporate output cables having ampacities greater than 60°C based on the permissible temperature limits for the components and the cable. NEC 2014 ARTICLE 625 DRAFT • (C) Overall Cord and Cable Length. The overall useable length shall not exceed 7.5 m (25 ft) unless equipped with a cable management system that is part of listed the electric vehicle supply equipment. (1) Where the electric vehicle supply equipment or charging system is not fastened in place, the cord exposed useable length shall be measured from the face of the attachment plug to the face of the electric vehicle connector. (2) Where the electric vehicle supply equipment or charging system is fastened in place, the useable length of the output cable shall be measured from the cable exit of the electric vehicle supply equipment or charging system to the face of the electric vehicle connector. • 625.18 Interlock • Added - An interlock shall not be required for DC supplies less than 50V DC. NEC 2014 ARTICLE 625 DRAFT • 625.19 Automatic De-Energization of Cable • Added - An interlock shall not be required for DC supplies less than 50V DC. • 625.22 Personnel Protection System • Paragraph modified to read - The electric vehicle supply equipment shall have a listed system of protection against electric shock of personnel. Where cord-and-plug connected electric vehicle supply equipment is used, the interrupting device of a listed personnel protection system shall be provided and shall be an integral part of the attachment plug or shall be located in the power supply cord not more than 300 mm (12 in.) from the attachment plug. NEC 2014 ARTICLE 625 DRAFT • 625.23 Disconnecting Means (moved to 625.42) • Paragraph modified to read - For electric vehicle supply equipment rated more than 60 amperes or more than 150 volts to ground, the disconnecting means shall be provided and installed in a readily accessible location. The disconnecting means shall be lockable open in accordance with 110.25. • 625.26 Interactive Systems (moved to 625.48) • Paragraph modified to read - Electric vehicle supply equipment and other parts of a system, either on-board or off-board the vehicle, that are intended to be interconnected to a vehicle and also serve as an optional standby system or an electric power production source or provide for bidirectional power feed shall be listed and marked as suitable for that purpose. When used as an optional standby system, the requirements of Article 702 shall apply, and when used as an electric power production source, the requirements of Article 705 shall apply. NEC 2014 ARTICLE 625 DRAFT • New 625.50 Location • This new paragraph combines portions of the former paragraphs 625.28, 625.29(A), 625.29(B), 625.30(A) and 25.30(B). • 625.50 Location. The electric vehicle supply equipment shall be located for direct electrical coupling of the EV connector (conductive or inductive) to the electric vehicle. Unless specifically listed and marked for the location, the coupling means of the electric vehicle supply equipment shall be stored or located at a height of not less than 450 mm (18 in.) above the floor level for indoor locations and 600 mm (24 in.) above the grade level for outdoor locations. NEC 2014 ARTICLE 625 DRAFT • New 625.52 Ventilation • This new paragraph was formally part of 625.29 Indoor Sites. The paragraph maintains the calculation and tables of 625.29. The new paragraph now includes ventilation requirements for DC voltages greater than 50V DC. Formally 625.29 did not contain consideration for DC voltages. Proprietary Confidential Demonstrative experiment on optimum charging and power demand control system based on SmartGrid standard technologies ~Real world application of SAE protocol~ 3/26/2014 Toyota InfoTechnology Center U.S.A., Inc. Toyota Motor Corporation 0 Background of the Smart Grid (standardization related to PHEV) Proprietary Confidential The aim of the experiment is to realize automated optimum charging by using the standardized technologies. The background of the needs are as follows. ○Direct Investment for electric power delivery facility in the U.S. is limited, especially in West coast utilities the balance of the demand–supply is critical and tight →For leveling the investment for facilities, Smart Grid technology is thought as one of the solutions ○Along with the popularization of EV/PHV, peak-demand will become more severe, so utilities are interested in the Demand Response program →like west coast utilities (PG&E,SCE,SGE), and other utilities have been also providing the control for air conditioner during demand-peak period ○There are about 3000 utility companies in the US, so the necessity of standardization has been pointed out →NIST(National Institute of Standard Technology) has defined the standard scheme for 米国の標準化の背景 Smart Grid 米国システム (SAE・SEP2.0ベース) for limited distribution ○As for the EV/PHV, its standardization has been done in SAE to harmonize the various communication systems. DR Server (DRAS) HGW SAE J2836 7 Application OpenADR SAE J2847 (SEP2.0) 6 Presentation 5 Session TCP 4 Transport 3 Network 2 DataLink 1 Physical PHV EVSE IPv4 or IPv6 IEEE802.x 他 IPv6 SAE J2931 SAE J1772 Communication standard for Smart Grid (SAE・SEP2.0 based) 米国では早くからスマートグリッド標準化を推進して来た Smart Grid Standardization has been promoted early in the US 1 Project Overview Demonstrative experiment Proprietary Confidential ○Aim Toyota / Duke Energy apply of SAE J2931/2836/2847 communication to real world demonstration project. ○Collaboration Collaboration among Duke Energy, Toyota, ESN, Sumitomo Electric, Leviton ○What Test emerging standards (SAE 2931) from both a technical and customer–experience points of view, as it pertains to optimal charging of a PHEV. ○Where Field (customer) testing in Indiana, USA, specifically near/around Indianapolis. Demonstrative experiment Project Overview Proprietary Confidential ○Evaluation and verification for optimum charging and demand-control system in cooperation with Duke Energy based on standard technology Generation Transmission Distribution control Gateway router Power Utility (Duke Energy) TCP/IP Power Consumption accounting Internet ①Verify communication system for tariff table / DR signal acquisition ③Verify computing logic of optimum charging configuration Smart Utility Network (IEEE802.15.4g) 3G PLC for limited distribut Charge the vehicle by choosing the hours in which utility rates are lower. Price ④Evaluate HMI system of charging notice and configuration BB Gateway (Sumitomo) 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 time SoC moving End moving Start ⑤Verify cloud-based charging management system Charging 4 Smart Meter ZigBee,PLC Home EVSE AC L2 charging (LEVITON) PLC (J2931 HP-GP) (Sumitomo) 3 Experimentation Results: an example of DR request accommodation Proprietary Confidential ○example of the system behavior to the TOU&DR request ・5/7(Tue) 17:00-20:00 DR (non-mandatory, 50% curtailing) request issued from Duke ⇒ Peak rate (14-19) charging suspended (to avoid peak rate) DR request period after DR request charging Customer 1 2 3 Plugged Optimum charging timer charging → disconnected Optimum charging timer charging → fully charged Optimum charging timer charging → fully charged Charging current(A) charging current was curtailed (to 6A) charging current was recovered to full (10A) Charging start SoC Charging end SoC 15:50 19:03 0% (19:29) - 16:12 19:00 0% 20:49 100% 16:34 19:01 10% 20:35 100% (to monitor 1,3) (to monitor 2) note(DR) Charging current was curtailed to 6A cable disconnected @19:29 Charging current was recovered from 6A to 10A after DR request period (20:03) Charging current was recovered from 6A to 10A after DR request period (20:03) Peak Rate period (14:00-19:00) 10 DR request period 6 Charging was suspended to avoid the peak rate monitor1 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 monitor2 20:00 monitor3 21:00 4 Application Flow Chart Proprietary Confidential ○Process flow of optimum charging setting Login Choose menu Charging Complete Auto setting Manual setting 5 Experimentation schedule Proprietary Confidential ○Overall schedule ・Started from 2013/1, for 12 month ・In Indianapolis, capital of Indiana state ・using 5set PHV Prius and system (developed EVSE, HGW, and iPad with application for controlling) total10 customers - first 6 months 5 employees from Duke Energy for evaluation of safety, performance and acceptance - latter 6 months 5 general customers from territory for evaluation of performance and acceptance 2013/1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5 DukeEnergy employees HMI, system feedback Analysis, improvement Safety accessment removal installation 5 general monitors 6 Experimentation Results: customer behavior for DR and TOU (Phase1) Proprietary Confidential ○customer behavior for DR, TOU and results of the charging ・DR events issued totally 17 times, and customer accepted more than 80% ・charging cable connected during peak-period in 10%-60% among them the acceptance ratio of off-peak charging setting calculated by the system more than 95% item to be evaluated ① DR event (17 total) ② DR request accepted DR request overrided by User preference (DR request denied) DR request acceptance ratio ①/(①+②) ③ ④ TOU (5/1-6/23) total number of charging total number of charging, plugged during peak time the ratio of charging cable connected during peak time ④/③ ⑤ total number of timer set automatically to avoid peak rate during peak time ⑥ total number of timer set overrided by manual operation by user during peak time acceptance ratio of timer set by system during peak time ⑤/(⑤+⑥) (a) (b) (c) customer1 customer2 customer3 customer4 customer5 5 4 7 6 3 1 1 0 1 0 83.3% 80.0% 100.0% 85.7% 100.0% 115 52 55 55 44 54 29 33 10 5 47.0% 55.8% 60.0% 18.2% 11.4% 53 28 33 10 5 1 1 0 0 0 98.1% 96.6% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% DR event accepted more than 80% system proposed off-peak charging accepted more than 95% (a) (b) (c) 7 Experimentation Results: acceptance ratio of optimum charging setting Proprietary Confidential ○alteration of acceptance ratio of system proposed charging setting acceptance ratio is glowed over time customer 1,2,4,5: almost 100% after 7th week (except for last several weeks) cusomer 3: 60% in 6th and 11th week, but almost 100% after 5th week Acceptance ratio of optimum charging setting by system 1 0.9 0.8 Acceptance ratio 0.7 Overall average 0.6 customer 1 customer 2 customer 3 customer 4 customer 5 0.5 0.4 97.6% 97.0% 82.8% 100% 94.0% 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 week 8 Experimentation Results: customer behavior for DR and TOU (Phase2) Proprietary Confidential ○customer behavior for DR, TOU and results of the charging ・DR events issued totally 18 times, and customer accepted 100% ・charging cable connected during peak-period in 20%-60% among them off-peak charging was selected by system and done about 80% ・the acceptance ratio of charging setting offered by system is about over 90% item to be evaluated DR event (18 total) 2 2 5 4 4 ② DR request overrided by User preference (DR request denied) 0 0 0 0 0 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% ③ total number of charging 88 169 147 209 146 ④ total number of charging, plugged during peak time (=⑤+⑥) 17 53 74 94 88 19.3% 31.4% 50.3% 45.0% 60.3% 12 47 67 45 85 5 6 7 49 3 70.6% 88.7% 90.5% 47.9% 96.6% 109 177 182 225 174 4 40 8 34 5 96.5% 81.6% 95.8% 86.9% 97.2% the ratio of charging cable connected during peak time ④/③ ⑤ total number of timer set automatically to avoid peak rate during peak time total number of charging imeediately by charging setting or manual operation ⑥ by user during peak time acceptance ratio of timer set by system during peak time ⑤/(⑤+⑥) acceptability of system setting customer1 customer2 customer3 customer4 customer5 ① DR request accepted DR request acceptance ratio ①/(①+②) TOU (7/11-9/30, 11/15-1/8) (a) (b) (c) (d) ⑦ total number of acceptance of charging setting calcurated by system ⑧ total number of charging setting by manual operation acceptance ratio of charging setting by system ⑦/(⑦+⑧) DR event accepted 100% during the peak, off-peak charging was selected about 80% (a) (b) (c) (d) 9 Experimentation Results: acceptance ratio of optimum charging setting Proprietary Confidential ○alteration of acceptance ratio of system proposed charging setting acceptance ratio is glowed over time except for the 17th week (because of system failure) customer 1,3,5: almost 100% after 7th week (except for several weeks) customer 4: almost more than 80% (except for several weeks) customer 2: almost more than 70% (except for 8th and 17th week: less than 50%) Overall average 96.4% 81.5% 95.8% 86.9% 97.2% 10 Experimentation Results: charging cost reduction effect (Phase2) Proprietary Confidential ○charging cost reduction effect (based on the log from Phase2) ・compare with the energy amount charged during off-peak and peak Charging energy amount 350 300 250 200 off-oeak 150 peak 100 50 0 manual optimum manual optimum manual optimum manual optimum manual optimum monitor1 monitor2 monitor3 monitor4 monitor5 Charging during peak-period is drastically diminished in optimum charging 11 Customer comments Proprietary Confidential ○application ・The iPad application that accompanied the PHEV was valued by customers both for its usability and because it allowed customers to “control” the charging process. ・Several customers, however, requested that more information should be available through the application, namely, historical charging, and associated energy usage data. ○charging setting ・A few of the customers indicated that they experimented with adjusting the charging settings (i.e., over-riding the default settings) upon first receiving the iPad application, but soon after relied primarily on the aggressive settings. ○charging control ・Customers in Phase1 cited the ability to control the charging process through the iPad as valuable. They valued being able to rely on the iPad application to identify this information for them. ・On the other hand customers in Phase2 did not control so often once they set their preference and test. → Easy operation and operation free (AS WE EXPECTED) Application and charging control system are overall valued and relied on by customers. 13 Conclusion Proprietary Confidential ○The optimum charging system based on standardized technology works effectively to keep balance the utilities needs and customers’ requirement. accommodating the requests both from utility companies and customers, by taking into account - demand response programs and tariff tables - logging data from each customer with respect to charging timing. ○We have been completed a pilot project in Indianapolis, IN to test and validate - the smart charging system - the digital communication system between vehicles and electric power grids, by totally 10 customers with Prius Plug-in Hybrid vehicles. Our automated system is to be accepted well. SAE J2931/2836/2847 with SEP2.0 are verified to be good solution for DR, and those are technically ready. We will assess the output of the performance evaluation and the feedback from the customers for further blush up aiming at the assumed deployment near future. Also we seek to adopt this concept, not only in the States but wherever needs DR. When we (OEM) deploy them is up to ‘concrete use case !’, that is good for customers. 14 Acknowledgement Proprietary Confidential We express our gratitude to the monitors participated in this program, researchers and all involved and also the partners of this experiment: Duke Energy Corporation ESN(Energy Systems Network) Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. 15 Building an Energy Ecosystem Toyota PHEV Pilot Project Introduction to Energy Systems Network (ESN) & Electrification Energy Systems Network • Not-for-profit • Locally minded, global impact • Industry-driven Initiative • World-class partners • Cleantech acceleration • Connectivity Experience with Electrification • $6.4 million grant for EV’s and charging infrastructure • 125+ EV’s and nearly 200 charging stations • Mayor Ballard city fleet initiative – EV/PHEV by 2025 • Clay Terrace Plug-In Ecosystem • Grid-tied, solar powered, quick charge, energy storage • Most highly utilized charging station in Duke territory • First US based completely electric car sharing program • 500 cars, 1000 charging stations, 200 sites • First site by EDTA conference in May, 25 sites in 2014 Energy Systems Network 2 Introduction Project Goals and Challenges In order to dramatically increase the adoption of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, OEMs must empower consumers to optimize operation based on convenience, pricing, and efficiency. Project Goal: Demonstrate/validate smart charging technology with realworld customers through optimizing benefits to both the utility and the consumer Main Challenge: How do you significantly accelerate that process while minimizing scope and scale of resources needed? Keys to Success: • Make it easy for the consumer • Realize efficiencies and cost benefits • Requires industry expertise • Seamless, approachable technology • Requires a real world pilot Energy Systems Network 3 A World Class Partnership ESN serves as a neutral, third party convener of large cap, multinational partners to ensure all parties goals and objectives are met and works to develop a team of partners that bring together a diverse set of technical and market expertise: Toyota Motor Corporation is Japan-based company mainly engaged in the automobile business and financial business. The Automobile segment is engaged in the design, manufacture and sale of car products. Toyota’s Prius PHEV is the vehicle utilized in the pilot project. Duke Energy, a Fortune 250 company, is the largest electric power holding company in the US, supplying and delivering energy to approximately 7.2 million US customers. They have approximately 57,700 MW of electric generating capacity in the Carolinas, the Midwest and Florida. Duke Energy customers served as drivers for the pilot, and the utility monitored the demand response events. Sumitomo Electric, which began in copper wire production in 1897, has expanded to a number of business segments, such as automotive (including charging infrastructure technologies), electronics and industrial materials. Sumitomo Electric provided the communication systems for pilot participants. Energy Systems Network 4 Toyota PHEV Pilot Project Overview Goals: • Use real customers – nobody has done this before in a smart grid test project of this sort • Quick Timeframe – scattered resources required central management & leadership Scope and Timeline Objectives: • Test smart grid communications technology of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles with a leading utility using actual customers • Minimize timeframe for project start up • Minimize scope of project management and administration through collaboration of project partners and their resources Key Points of Project Success: • Most advanced real-world vehicle to grid communication demonstration in the world. • Phase 1 – Utility employees as drivers • Phase 2 – Utility customers as drivers • Statistically significant sample size by detailed selection process dev. by IU SPEA • Included testing of virtual rates and demand response events to validate system for multiple utility markets • Extensive quantitative and qualitative data was gathered including customer surveys to be compiled in a report through IU SPEA • Toyota will use pilot results to develop system for 2015 model year Prius Project Timeline Project Start Up (6 mo.) EVSE Installed Energy Systems Network Phase 1 Duke Drivers (6 mo.) 1st Focus Group/ EVSE Transfer Phase 2 Customer Drivers (6 mo.) 2nd Focus Group/ EVSE Removal Project Close (1 mo.) Future Work 5 Comprehensive Project Management and Coordination • Organized project development meetings • Executed legal agreements and contracts • Coordination with local vendors • Managed participant selection • Provided technical training • Conducted surveys and focus groups • Oversaw project budget Energy Systems Network 6 Presentation on Workplace & Public EV Charging EPRI Infrastructure Working Council March 26, 2014 Arcady Sosinov | Luv Kothari The Vision Fully Connected Always Charged Challenges facing workplace charging Current solutions & employer feedback BROAD Macro forces Market trends DEEP BROAD Examining alternatives Making our vision a reality Favorable Regulation NYC 20% of all new parking spots shall be EV-ready Local Palo Alto All new homes shall be wired for EV charging Emeryville, CA Parking lots with >17 spaces shall have at least 3% served by a charging station State EV & Charging Infrastructure Incentives CALSTART Employer EV Initiative Federal Zero Emissions Vehicle Mandates Workplace Charging Challenge EV Sales PwC Autofacts Sentech, Inc. Thousands EV Projections 3000 2500 Balducci, PNNL (Best) Balducci, PNNL (Base) Balducci, PNNL (Worst) 2000 Deutsche Bank Deloitte (Best Case) Deloitte (Base Case) Deloitte (Worst Case) 1500 Sullivan (Best Case) Sullivan (Worst Case) BCG (Best Case) 1000 BCG (Worst Case) KEMA (Best Case) KEMA (Worst Case) Frost & Sullivan 500 Pike Research Average 0 2010 1.8M 2011 EV’s sold in 2020 10% of Total Sales 2012 2013 2014 2015 on the 5M EV’s road by 2020 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Regulatory Changes Network Effects Aspirational Status Challenges facing workplace charging Current solutions & employer feedback BROAD Macro forces Market trends DEEP BROAD Examining alternatives Making our vision a reality Charging Infrastructure 9:1 Ratio 180k EVs on the road today That will grow to 12:1 by the end of 2014 20k public & workplace charging points (7700 charging stations) 61 employees drive EVs 16 charging stations 10% of workforce drive EVs 5:1 EV to charger ratio Sources: PEVCollaborative, US DOE Current Paradigm EV EV Grid-tied stationary charging stations. What are the challenges that this model imposes? Utilization Theoretical Capacity: 8 cars per day 7kWh avg energy needed per charging event Actual Capacity: 2 cars per day Utilization: 7kW 25% avg charge rate Why? Reliance on human intervention Optimization between employee productivity and capital utilization “The motivation behind Evernote’s robust workplace charging program is unique: to increase employee productivity. By gaining access to HOV lanes in their PEVs, some of our employees have cut their commute in half.” - Maeanna Glenn, Special Projects Manager Sources: EV Project, Google, ChargePoint, Evernote Scalability Bore concrete Run conduit underground City inspection services Permits and licenses Installation is complex, time-consuming, and expensive. Scaling up takes months of planning. Key Challenges: Parking Structures Dense Urban Areas Multi-unit dwellings Leased and shared office buildings “Our first installation included 30 charging stations. We allocated the same funding for the second round, but could now only afford 17 stations. At this point, we don’t even want to think about a third round.” - Brian Glazebrook, Senior Global Sustainability Manager Sources: Customer interviews, Harvey Electric, PEVCollaborative Energy Consumption Workplace Issues to consider: Demand Charges $10 - $30/kW peak rates versus $0 - $3 off-peak Energy Rates Difference between peak and off-peak can be 2X Public Outdated Infrastructure Companies will most likely need to upgrade their energy infrastructure once EV adoption increases Smart Grid Vehicles may not be able to request a charge when they need it due to overall system demand Sources: PG&E, UC Berkeley, Customer interviews Challenges facing workplace charging Current solutions & employer feedback BROAD Macro forces Market trends DEEP BROAD Examining alternatives Making our vision a reality Option 1 Blanket workplaces and public areas with L2 charging stations Utilization: Scalability: Energy Cons: Option 2 Level 1 charging (slow charging) Utilization: Scalability: Energy Cons: Option 3 Solar-powered charging stations Utilization: Scalability: Energy Cons: Mobi Charger A fully mobile and autonomous EV charging station. Utilization: Scalability: Energy Cons: Mobi Charger Building’s StepDown Transformer AC to DC Conversion Power Electronics Motorized Mobile Enclosure Cabling & Connectors DC CHAdeMO Plug = 50kW 240V/80A Single Phase AC = 19kW 30kWh Battery Mobi recharge time ~ 1.5 hours DC to DC Power Electronics Services 3 EVs before recharging ~ 45 minutes Avg Charge = 7 - 10kW Capacity 10 EVs per day Mobi Charger Cost per Charge (based on the ability to service 20 cars per day) Hardware Installation Electricity Productivity Loss Total Traditional Charging Station FreeWire Mobi $1.50 $3.20 $7.5k/spot, 2 cars per day amortized over 10 years $40k/unit, 10 cars per day amortized over 5 years $2 $0.40 $10k/spot, 2 cars per day amortized over 10 years $5k total, 10 cars per day amortized over 5 years $2.30 $1.12 Energy: 10kWh x $0.13 per kWh Demand: (10 stations requesting 6kW each x $13) / 2 / 20 days / 20 cars Energy: 6 cars at night ($0.07) and 14 cars during the day ($0.13) $16.25 None 15 min at $65/hour average wage $22.05 (incl productivity) $5.80 (not incl productivity) $4.72 Thank You [email protected] [email protected] WIRELESS CHARGING OF EV’S System Description, Status and Directions for the IWC PHEV Meeting March 26, 2014 PRESENTATION Jon Sirota WiTricity Corp Watertown, MA Active on behalf of WiTricity Corp in International Standards Development Organizations working on Wireless Charging of EV’s: SAE J2954/ IEC 61980/ ISO 19363 Education: BS, MS in Electrical Engineering Information presented is “typical” and is consistent with what the SDO’s are discussing, but does not represent a specific system implementation. 3/26/2014 2 WiTricity Corp • The technology which enables magnetic field wireless power transfer for EV’s was invented at MIT a few years ago. WiTricity Corp was formed to further develop and promote the commercialization of the technology. MIT patented the invention and licensed it exclusively to WiTricity Corp. • WiTricity is a small research and engineering enterprise, with less than 60 full and part time employees in Massachusetts and Utah. • Relative to Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles we are not a product company; we continue to develop the technology so that others can build products which practice the technology under license. We work with many auto OEM’s and their Tier 1 suppliers. • Because of our involvement in Standardization activities, development activities and working with OEM’s and suppliers, we are quite aware of what is being considered for deployment in the market. 3 WiTricity Corp (2) • Web site for more info: • Link to CNN video released a few days ago, which briefly explains and presents the history and future potential of the technology: – pc-make-create-innovate-witricity.cnn.html 3/26/2014 4 State of the Industry • Currently, there are very few deployed systems. One “aftermarket” system is being advertised, but I have not heard of actual installations yet. • Various automotive OEMs have plans to deploy systems for evaluation soon. Those implementations would not be aftermarket systems. • Publications are being developed by SAE, IEC, ISO, to be issued initially as Specifications or Recommendations, with target issuance in 2014. Actual Standards are targeted to be issued within a couple of years. 3/26/2014 5 Timing Regarding Wireless and EV’s • As stated, SAE is planning to release a Recommendation regarding wireless charging of EV’s in 2014 and to issue a Standard at a later time. • Automotive OEMs are planning trials of wireless charging of EV’s as soon as this year. • Installations can meet the spirit of NEC 2014, but cannot be fully compliant. 3/26/2014 6 Conductive vs. Wireless Compare and Contrast • Portions of Conductive and Wireless Systems are similar enough that sections of Article 625 are correct for both. • In the other portions of the systems, the differences are significant enough that some rewording of sections of Article 625 are required to be accurate for each type of EV charging. 3/26/2014 7 Conductive vs. Wireless (2) Conductive Connection to “Grid” – DC or AC, Single Phase, 3 Phase; hard-wired or pluggable Input Safety Device for Conductive Cabling – between Safety Device and Electronics Cabinet -------------------------------------------------------------Electronics Cabinet - Contains the Electronics and Power Controls which condition and control the power, based on signaling from the vehicle over wires in the Power Cable. Power Cable – between Electronics Cabinet and Inlet Connector (J1772, for example), carries full power as 60Hz AC, or DC, depending on “grid” connection, as well as grounding and signaling. Connector - when inserted into the Vehicle Inlet, makes safety ground, contol, and power connections between the Electronics and the Vehicle. 3/26/2014 8 Conductive vs. Wireless (3) Wireless Infrastructure Side Connection to “Grid” – DC or AC, Single Phase, 3 Phase; wired or pluggable Input Safety Device for Wireless Cabling – between Safety Device and Electronics Cabinet ------------------------------------------------------------------------Electronics Cabinet - Contains the Electronics and Power Controls which condition and generate 85kHz Power based on signaling between the Electronics and the Vehicle over a wireless link (WiFi, NFC, Bluetooth, Zigbee). Power and Safety Ground is carried over Power Cable designed for carrying 85kHz power between Electronics Cabinet and Resonator, as well as some control signals. Power Cable – between the Electronics Cabinet and Source Resonator carries the full power being transferred, in addition to signals from possible safety detectors (foreign metallic objects, live objects, thermal) co-located with the Source Resonator. Cable is possibly shielded for EMC purposes. Wireless Link for signaling. Source Resonator – resonant Circuit consisting of a matching network and a coil (Inductor), often including shielding. The Source Resonator converts the 85kHz current into time varying magnetic fields thru which energy is transferable to a Receiving Resonator located on the Vehicle. Vehicle Side Receiving Resonator, Rectification and Conversion Electronics, connection to charging system. Wireless Link for signaling. 3/26/2014 9 Wireless Charging Installation • Installations will be Fixed or Movable, but not “portable”. Source resonator likely to be heavy (30 lbs or more), and therefore the location will be relatively fixed. Size likely to be about 50x50x5 (cm)or larger. Location will be under the vehicle, either on the surface or with the top flush with the surface. • Cabling between Electronics and Source Resonator needs to be protected since driveover is likely. Cabling will either be “hard wired” or might have a connector to facilitate installation. • Input connection might be pluggable or wired. • Safety systems might be co-located with Source Resonator: Foreign Object (metallic) Detection systems, Living Object Detection systems, Thermal monitoring systems. • Because of need to generate magnetic fields from the Source Resonator, there are restrictions on use of metals in the resonator. Surface cannot be conductive, although a metallic base plate can exist, and that should be grounded. 3/26/2014 10 SAE Definition of Power Classes • Class 1 – Up to 3.7kW (120V, 240V input) • Class 2 - Up to 7.7kW (240V, 208 3Ph input) • Class 3 - Up to 22kW (3Ph input) – Class 3 is not active currently; would be used for fast charging LD vehicles – Class 3 also for busses and trucks, might want to go to over 200kW for this application (Power levels named above reflect power drawn from the grid) 3/26/2014 11 Operation of Wireless EV Charging Infrastructure side will not allow power to be generated and transferred unless appropriate handshaking occurs confirming safety and interoperability between EV and EVSE. Handshake topics include (startup and ongoing): Power Classes Compatible communication Alignment Charging Levels Continuing Proper Operation 3/26/2014 12 Development Directions • CURRENT CONSIDERATIONS: Installations will be residential and public In Public Charging, possible to have one electronics control for several charging spots Unclear exactly what portion of the Electronics Cabinet would be shared and what portions replicated for each charging location. Packaging might have all or part of the electronics co-located with the Source Resonator • FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS: – BiDirectional Power- vehicle as a source . Currently not very practical – Very High Power – for charging Busses and Trucks – Dynamic Charging – Charging of EV’s while in motion 3/26/2014 13 OBSERVATION RE: ARTICLE 625 • The inclusion of Inductive (Wireless) Charging in Art 625 as it is written is not appropriate because of system differences. • From an industry perspective, in my opinion, Article 625 is better organized in 3 sections: -- Sections Common to Conductive and Wireless – Sections specific to Conductive – Sections specific to Wireless – In addition, UL2231, as written, should apply only to Conductive Charging. 3/26/2014 14 SECTIONS WHICH SEEM OK FOR WIRELESS AS WRITTEN I. General • 625.1 Scope • 625.4 Voltages II. Equipment Construction • 625.15 Markings III. Installation • 625.40 Overcurrent Protection • 625.41 Rating • 625.42 Disconnecting Means • 625.44 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Connection • 625.46 Loss of Primary Source • 625.48 Interactive Systems • 625.52 Ventilation 3/26/2014 15 SECTIONS WHICH NEED CHANGE TO APPROPRIATELY ADDRESS WIRELESS I. General • 625.2 Definitions • 625.5 Listed II. Equipment Construction • 625.10 Electric Vehicle Coupler • 625.16 Means of Coupling • 625.17 Cords and Cables • 625.18 Interlock • 625.19 Automatic De-Energization • 625.22 Personnel Protection System III. Installation • 625.50 Location In addition, there may be additional sections needed for wireless 3/26/2014 16 NEXT STEPS I have tried to introduce wireless charging sufficiently, but I am sure that there are topics that require further clarification, and I may have missed some topics as well. I am happy to address these in a subsequent conversation or presentation should that be desired. I am willing to make contributions to suggest modifications in detail that I feel are appropriate to cover wireless from an industry perspective, if requested. Industry would like to work with this Committee to find a way, if possible, that Wireless Charging is “excused from” some of the sections of NEC 2014 so that installations can be compliant with both the spirit and the details of Article 625. Waiting for NEC 2017 may be necessary but it will be in conflict with industry timing. 3/26/2014 17 QUESTIONS?? 3/26/2014 18 THANK YOU 3/26/2014 19 Update on OCPP for the Infrastructure Working Council Craig Rodine Director, Standards Development Open Charge Alliance Scottsdale AZ, March 26, 2014 Outline Open Charge Alliance (OCA) Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) Recent and upcoming events Invitation to participate Open Charge Alliance (OCA) Currently 24 members, vital core, rapid growth OCA vision, mission, and principles • Commitment to open processes and products • Free: no constraints on implementation or use • Development is market (requirements) driven • Pragmatic approach leverages expertise • Vital standards: wide adoption and deployed OCA Governance and structure 3 Board Members (E-Laad, ESB, Greenlots) Board plans to grow to 5-7 members in 2014 Published (concise) Policies and Procedures Culture is informal, pragmatic, productive OCPP 1.5 Mature specification Widely deployed 13,000+ charge points in ROW Dozens of vendors serving all geos Enables choice of CPs and back office Compliancy now well established Satisfies open standards mandates CEC and CT RFPs OCPP 2.0 Structured as core and optional extensions Direct, practical migration path from v1.5 Technical improvements (transport, encoding) Being finalized in parallel with Compliancy OCPP 2.0 Core Pricing Smart Charging Monitor & Control Core Same charging functionality as v1.2/v1.5 Almost all messages present in OCPP 1.5 are in OCPP 2.0 Core For consistency, some have been updated or renamed A few v1.5 messages are now part of v2.0 Extensions OCPP 2.0 Pricing Pricing Smart Charging Monitor & Control Core There are potentially many different pricing models. Rather than try to create a complex all-encompassing pricing model, OCPP 2.0 Pricing starts small and can grow as needed. OCPP 2.0 supports basic usage-based cost calculation on the charge point, limiting the complexity of the charge point and the amount of transferred data. Complex pricing models can be supported by the central system; pricing updates can be sent between or during charging sessions. OCPP 2.0 Pricing Pricing Smart Charging Monitor & Control Core OCPP 2.0 enables display of charging price and accumulated cost during a charging session OCPP 2.0 supports multiple price schemes - users can select one to be used for the session Display text can be sent in multiple languages to explain pricing, discounts, additional costs, etc. calculated by the central system Messages are language independent OCPP 2.0 Smart Charging Pricing Smart Charging Monitor & Control Core Smart charging in OCPP 2.0 is a controlled charging process: either a charge point, the central system, or both can set constraints on the amount of power delivered during a charge session. Can be used at a local level, to limit the total power that may be used by a group of charge points, e.g. in a parking garage. Can also be used on a global level to adjust the power consumption of charge points to match the capacity of the grid, the availability of renewable energy, etc. OCPP 2.0 Smart Charging Pricing Smart Charging Monitor & Control Core For an EV to control the power it draws from a charge point, some form of vehicle-to-charging station / grid communication is needed. Near term the majority of EVs will support PWM signaling; OCPP 2.0 supports IEC & SAE PWM charging control. Also supports more advanced smart charging, based on advanced EV-to-EVSE communications, e.g. ISO/IEC 15118 style smart charging. OCPP 2.0 Monitor & Control Pricing Smart Charging Monitor & Control Core Introduction of “Device Model” that represents a standardized logical view of the hardware and software “Components” that make up a typical charge point Each Component has standard “Variables” that can be used to represent and control significant aspects of its behaviour, its current “State” and significant “Events” Central System can monitor and control a Charge Point in a structured way, to more easily diagnose A charge point’s state and how it is performing What has happened when something goes wrong OCPP 2.0 Monitor & Control Pricing Smart Charging Monitor & Control Core Helps improve customer experience and lower maintenance costs by providing better, more structured, standardized near-real-time diagnostics: - Prevention of problems via advanced warnings - Identify, solve problems remotely when possible - Potentially engage charge point user to diagnose and if possible work around the problem - Only send service personnel after other options are exhausted OCPP 2.0 Monitor & Control Pricing Smart Charging Monitor & Control Core Auto-enrolment of new charge points can eliminate expensive, error prone manual data-entry Delivers detailed information on charge point’s current state Provides notifications of normal and exceptional events (e.g. access door opened, temperature limit exceeded) Enables remote changes to configuration of charge point components to enable, disable, or modify functionality Also remote changes to monitoring configuration, e.g. to only report events and values of interest Pricing OCPP 2.0 status Smart Charging Monitor & Control Core Resolving comments to Release Candidate 1 (RC1) Will release RC2 shortly (4-6 weeks) On track to publish OCPP 2.0 Final Specification in 3Q14 OCPP Compliancy Optional extensions and plug-and-play capability require rigorous compliancy tools and processes OCA Compliancy WG has been established to: Provide (develop or obtain) compliancy tools, e.g. reference implementations, test harnesses, test scripts processes and procedures Develop a path to formal third-party certification Administer an OCA mark for OCPP conformance OCA Compliancy WG covers OCPP v1.5 and v2.0 OCPP Compliancy WG First Interop Event was Feb 11-13, 2014 Eight vendors, four CPs and four CSs High degree of plug-n-play success Test harness, cases, processes, … Next Interop Event – May, 2014 Trying for Central or West Coast US Testing will cover OCPP 1.5, also (first ever) 2.0 interop (based on RC2) Planning more Interop Events in 2014 Venues in Europe and North America Interop helps refine OCPP 2.0 specification OCPP Marketing WG About to be launched Will focus on market requirements, priorities, increasing awareness and value, exploring opportunities, and growing OCA membership Interested? Please let us know Invitition to join OCA Download and review the OCA Participants Agreement (PA) and Membership Fees Send email ([email protected]) with representative contact information and the following attachments: signed copy of the PA (PDF file) Purchase Order for 2014 Participation Fee Contact me with questions or issues Thank you! [email protected] (408) 319-7307 WIRELESS CHARGING OF EV’S System Description, Status and Directions for the IWC PHEV Meeting March 26, 2014 PRESENTATION Jon Sirota WiTricity Corp Watertown, MA Active on behalf of WiTricity Corp in International Standards Development Organizations working on Wireless Charging of EV’s: SAE J2954/ IEC 61980/ ISO 19363 Education: BS, MS in Electrical Engineering Information presented is “typical” and is consistent with what the SDO’s are discussing, but does not represent a specific system implementation. 3/26/2014 2 WiTricity Corp • The technology which enables magnetic field wireless power transfer for EV’s was invented at MIT a few years ago. WiTricity Corp was formed to further develop and promote the commercialization of the technology. MIT patented the invention and licensed it exclusively to WiTricity Corp. • WiTricity is a small research and engineering enterprise, with less than 60 full and part time employees in Massachusetts and Utah. • Relative to Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles we are not a product company; we continue to develop the technology so that others can build products which practice the technology under license. We work with many auto OEM’s and their Tier 1 suppliers. • Because of our involvement in Standardization activities, development activities and working with OEM’s and suppliers, we are quite aware of what is being considered for deployment in the market. 3 WiTricity Corp (2) • Web site for more info: • Link to CNN video released a few days ago, which briefly explains and presents the history and future potential of the technology: – pc-make-create-innovate-witricity.cnn.html 3/26/2014 4 State of the Industry • Currently, there are very few deployed systems. One “aftermarket” system is being advertised, but I have not heard of actual installations yet. • Various automotive OEMs have plans to deploy systems for evaluation soon. Those implementations would not be aftermarket systems. • Publications are being developed by SAE, IEC, ISO, to be issued initially as Specifications or Recommendations, with target issuance in 2014. Actual Standards are targeted to be issued within a couple of years. 3/26/2014 5 Timing Regarding Wireless and EV’s • As stated, SAE is planning to release a Recommendation regarding wireless charging of EV’s in 2014 and to issue a Standard at a later time. • Automotive OEMs are planning trials of wireless charging of EV’s as soon as this year. • Installations can meet the spirit of NEC 2014, but cannot be fully compliant. 3/26/2014 6 Conductive vs. Wireless Compare and Contrast • Portions of Conductive and Wireless Systems are similar enough that sections of Article 625 are correct for both. • In the other portions of the systems, the differences are significant enough that some rewording of sections of Article 625 are required to be accurate for each type of EV charging. 3/26/2014 7 Conductive vs. Wireless (2) Conductive Connection to “Grid” – DC or AC, Single Phase, 3 Phase; hard-wired or pluggable Input Safety Device for Conductive Cabling – between Safety Device and Electronics Cabinet -------------------------------------------------------------Electronics Cabinet - Contains the Electronics and Power Controls which condition and control the power, based on signaling from the vehicle over wires in the Power Cable. Power Cable – between Electronics Cabinet and Inlet Connector (J1772, for example), carries full power as 60Hz AC, or DC, depending on “grid” connection, as well as grounding and signaling. Connector - when inserted into the Vehicle Inlet, makes safety ground, contol, and power connections between the Electronics and the Vehicle. 3/26/2014 8 Conductive vs. Wireless (3) Wireless Infrastructure Side Connection to “Grid” – DC or AC, Single Phase, 3 Phase; wired or pluggable Input Safety Device for Wireless Cabling – between Safety Device and Electronics Cabinet ------------------------------------------------------------------------Electronics Cabinet - Contains the Electronics and Power Controls which condition and generate 85kHz Power based on signaling between the Electronics and the Vehicle over a wireless link (WiFi, NFC, Bluetooth, Zigbee). Power and Safety Ground is carried over Power Cable designed for carrying 85kHz power between Electronics Cabinet and Resonator, as well as some control signals. Power Cable – between the Electronics Cabinet and Source Resonator carries the full power being transferred, in addition to signals from possible safety detectors (foreign metallic objects, live objects, thermal) co-located with the Source Resonator. Cable is possibly shielded for EMC purposes. Wireless Link for signaling. Source Resonator – resonant Circuit consisting of a matching network and a coil (Inductor), often including shielding. The Source Resonator converts the 85kHz current into time varying magnetic fields thru which energy is transferable to a Receiving Resonator located on the Vehicle. Vehicle Side Receiving Resonator, Rectification and Conversion Electronics, connection to charging system. Wireless Link for signaling. 3/26/2014 9 Wireless Charging Installation • Installations will be Fixed or Movable, but not “portable”. Source resonator likely to be heavy (30 lbs or more), and therefore the location will be relatively fixed. Size likely to be about 50x50x5 (cm)or larger. Location will be under the vehicle, either on the surface or with the top flush with the surface. • Cabling between Electronics and Source Resonator needs to be protected since driveover is likely. Cabling will either be “hard wired” or might have a connector to facilitate installation. • Input connection might be pluggable or wired. • Safety systems might be co-located with Source Resonator: Foreign Object (metallic) Detection systems, Living Object Detection systems, Thermal monitoring systems. • Because of need to generate magnetic fields from the Source Resonator, there are restrictions on use of metals in the resonator. Surface cannot be conductive, although a metallic base plate can exist, and that should be grounded. 3/26/2014 10 SAE Definition of Power Classes • Class 1 – Up to 3.7kW (120V, 240V input) • Class 2 - Up to 7.7kW (240V, 208 3Ph input) • Class 3 - Up to 22kW (3Ph input) – Class 3 is not active currently; would be used for fast charging LD vehicles – Class 3 also for busses and trucks, might want to go to over 200kW for this application (Power levels named above reflect power drawn from the grid) 3/26/2014 11 Operation of Wireless EV Charging Infrastructure side will not allow power to be generated and transferred unless appropriate handshaking occurs confirming safety and interoperability between EV and EVSE. Handshake topics include (startup and ongoing): Power Classes Compatible communication Alignment Charging Levels Continuing Proper Operation 3/26/2014 12 Development Directions • CURRENT CONSIDERATIONS: Installations will be residential and public In Public Charging, possible to have one electronics control for several charging spots Unclear exactly what portion of the Electronics Cabinet would be shared and what portions replicated for each charging location. Packaging might have all or part of the electronics co-located with the Source Resonator • FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS: – BiDirectional Power- vehicle as a source . Currently not very practical – Very High Power – for charging Busses and Trucks – Dynamic Charging – Charging of EV’s while in motion 3/26/2014 13 OBSERVATION RE: ARTICLE 625 • The inclusion of Inductive (Wireless) Charging in Art 625 as it is written is not appropriate because of system differences. • From an industry perspective, in my opinion, Article 625 is better organized in 3 sections: -- Sections Common to Conductive and Wireless – Sections specific to Conductive – Sections specific to Wireless – In addition, UL2231, as written, should apply only to Conductive Charging. 3/26/2014 14 SECTIONS WHICH SEEM OK FOR WIRELESS AS WRITTEN I. General • 625.1 Scope • 625.4 Voltages II. Equipment Construction • 625.15 Markings III. Installation • 625.40 Overcurrent Protection • 625.41 Rating • 625.42 Disconnecting Means • 625.44 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Connection • 625.46 Loss of Primary Source • 625.48 Interactive Systems • 625.52 Ventilation 3/26/2014 15 SECTIONS WHICH NEED CHANGE TO APPROPRIATELY ADDRESS WIRELESS I. General • 625.2 Definitions • 625.5 Listed II. Equipment Construction • 625.10 Electric Vehicle Coupler • 625.16 Means of Coupling • 625.17 Cords and Cables • 625.18 Interlock • 625.19 Automatic De-Energization • 625.22 Personnel Protection System III. Installation • 625.50 Location In addition, there may be additional sections needed for wireless 3/26/2014 16 NEXT STEPS I have tried to introduce wireless charging sufficiently, but I am sure that there are topics that require further clarification, and I may have missed some topics as well. I am happy to address these in a subsequent conversation or presentation should that be desired. I am willing to make contributions to suggest modifications in detail that I feel are appropriate to cover wireless from an industry perspective, if requested. Industry would like to work with this Committee to find a way, if possible, that Wireless Charging is “excused from” some of the sections of NEC 2014 so that installations can be compliant with both the spirit and the details of Article 625. Waiting for NEC 2017 may be necessary but it will be in conflict with industry timing. 3/26/2014 17 QUESTIONS?? 3/26/2014 18 THANK YOU 3/26/2014 19 EVSE UPDATE John Halliwell Senior Project Manager Updated March 25, 2014 North American AC EVSE Product List, Page 1 • EVSE LLC (Control Module Ind.) (AC Level 1 & 2; Circuit sharing device) • ABB (AC Level 2) • AddEnergie Technologies (AC Level 1 & 2) (CSA Certified – Canada Only) • Advanced Charging Technologies (A.C.T.) (AC Level 2) • Aerovironment (AC Level 2) • AVCON Corporation (AC Level 2 Legacy) • Bosch (formerly SPX, Inc) (AC Level 2) • BTCPower (AC Level 1 & 2) • CarCharging Group (Formerly ECOtality) (AC Level 2, charging network) • ChargePoint (AC Level 1 & 2, charging network) • ClipperCreek (AC Level 1 & 2) • DBT EV Charging Solutions (AC Level 1 & 2) • Delta Electronics, Inc (AC Level 2) • Delphi Automotive Systems (AC Level 1) • Dr. Ing. h. c. F. Porsche (AC Level 1) • Eaton Corporation (AC Level 2) • Electric Vehicle Institute (EVI) (AC Level 2) • Evatran (AC Level 2) • EV-Charge America (AC Level 1 & 2) • EVextend (AC Level 1 Enclosure) © 2014 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. RED Text Indicates Some Products Listed to UL Standards • General Electric (AC Level 2) • GoSmart Technologies (AC Level 2) • Green Garage Associates (AC Level 2) • GridBot, LLC (AC Level 1 & 2) • Ingeteam Inc. (AC Level 2) • Keba AG (AC Level 2) • Lite-On Clean Energy Technology, Corp (AC Level 2) • Lear Corp. (AC Level 1 & 2) • Legrand/Pass & Seymour (AC Level 1 & 2) • Leviton (AC Level 1 & 2) • meritCharge (eVergo) (AC Level 2) • Milbank (AC Level 2) • North Shore Safety (?) • Optimization Technologies (OpConnect) (AC Level 1 & 2, charging network) • Panasonic Corporation (Panasonic Electric Works Co. Ltd. (AC Level 1) 2 North American AC EVSE Product List, Page 2 RED Text Indicates Some Products Listed to UL Standards • Yazaki North America, Inc. (AC Level 1) • ParkPod LLC (AC Level 1 & 2) • PEP Stations, LLC (AC Level 2) • Poulsen Hybrid, LLC. (AC Level 2) • Schneider Electric (AC Level 2) • SemaConnect (AC Level 1 & 2, charging network) • Shanghai Viasystems EMS CO LTD (AC Level 2) • ShorePower (AC Level 1 & 2) • Siemens Energy Inc. (AC Level 1 & 2) • Signet Systems, Inc (AC Level 2) • Telefonix, Inc (AC Level 1 Public) • Tesla Motors (AC 240V, 72A Proprietary) • Volta Charging (AC Level 2; charging network) 34 Companies Now Have Some NRTL Listed/Recognized AC EVSE Products 48 Companies Total © 2014 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 3 DC EVSE/Charger Product List 11 Companies Now Have Some NRTL Listed/Recognized DC Charging Products • ABB (DC Level 2 – CHAdeMO and Combo) • AddEnergie Technologies (DC Level 2 & 3 planned) • Advanced Charging Technologies (A.C.T.) (DC Level 2 – dual cable CHAdeMO/Combo) • Aerovironment (DC Level 2 - CHAdeMO & DC Level 3) • Aker Wade (DC Level 2 - CHAdeMO) • Andromeda Power (Portable DC Level 2 – CHAdeMO) • BTCPower (DC Level 2) • Blink (ECOtality) (DC Level 2 CHAdeMO, charging network) • Coulomb Technology (DC Level 2, charging network) • DBT EV Charging Solutions (DC Level 2 CHAdeMO) • Delta Electronics, Inc. (DC Level 2 – CHAdeMO) • Eaton Corporation (DC Level 2 CHAdeMO) • Efacec (DC Level 2 – CHAdeMO and Combo) © 2014 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. • Epyon (DC Level 2) (Now part of ABB) • EvCollective (DC Level 2 – CHAdeMO; onboard battery) • EVTEC AB (DC Level 2 – CHAdeMO and Combo) • Fuji (DC Level 2 – CHAdeMO, 25kW) • IES Synergy (DC Level 2 – CHAdeMO and Combo) • JFE Engineering Corporation (DC Level 2 – CHAdeMO) • Nichicon (DC Level 2 – CHAdeMO) • Nissan (DC Level 2 - CHAdeMO) • Primearth EV Energy CO., LTD. – maybe CHAdeMO?? • Schneider Electric (DC Level 2 – CHAdeMO, 50kW) • Signet Systems, Inc (DC Level 2 – CHAdeMO) 4 SAE J1772™ Vehicle Connectors (240Vac) – Page 1 RED Indicates • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Recognized to UL 2251 Actuant Electrical, DBA Marinco (60A-240V - Connector) Amphenol Tuchel (30A-240V - Connector; 3A-240V, 30A - Inlet) BizLink Technology, Inc. (30A-600V, 50A-600V - Connector; 50A-600V - Inlet) Chung Kwang Electric Wire & Cable, CO LTD (18A-300V, 25A-300V, 30A-600V – Connector & Inlet) Delphi Corporation (15A-120V, 15A-240V, 20A-240V, 30A-240V – Connector; 15A120V, 15-240V, 30A-240V – Inlet) General Cable Corporation (20A-240V, 30A-240V, 65A-240V, 80A-240V - Connector) Harting Automotive GMBH (16A-250V, 30A-250V – Connector) Integro, LLC (30A-240V - Breakaway) ITT Veam, LLC (16A-120V – Connector; 15A-120V, 15A-240V, 20A-120V, 20A-240V, 30A-240V, 40A-240V, 75A-240V - Connector & Inlet) Jiangyin Sinbon Electronics CO LTD (16A-240V, 20A-240V, 30A-240V, 65A-240V, 80A-240V – Connector) Korea Electrical Terminal CO LTD (16A-240V - Inlet) Lear Corp (rating not specified - Connector & Inlet) Leviton (15A-120V, 20A-240V, 30A-240V, 40A-240V - Connector) Marechal Electric SA (87A-250V - Connector & Inlet) (Not sure if J1772) List based on Intertek website, UL website and web searches © 2014 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 5 SAE J1772™ Vehicle Connectors (240Vac) – Page 2 RED Indicates • • • • • • • • • • • • Recognized to UL 2251 Method Electronics, Inc. (30A-300V - Connector) Pass & Seymour (rating not specified – Connector) Philatron (?) Phoenix Contact (rating not specified – Connector) Rema USA, LLC (16A-240V, 30A-240V, 50A-600V - Connector & Inlet) Sumitomo Wiring Systems, LTD (12A, 15A - Connector; 15A, 32A - Inlet) Suzhou Chilye Green Technology Co LTD (15A-240V, 20A-240V, 30A-240V Connector; 30A-240V - Inlet) Tesla Motors (80A-240V – J1772 to Tesla Inlet Adapter) Tyco Electronics Corp (TE Connectivity) (18A-240V, 30A-240V - Connector) Well Shin Technology Company LTD (15A-240V, 20A-240V, 30A-240V – Connector; 15A-240V, 20A-240V, 30A-240V – Inlet) Yazaki Parts Company, LTD (12A-240V, 13A-240V, 13A-280V, 15A-240V, 15A280V, 20A-240V, 20A-280V, 30A-240V, - Connector; 15A-240V, 20A-240V, 20A280V, 30A-240V, 40A-240V, 40A-280V - Inlet) Zhangjiagang Youcheng Technology & Engine CO LTD (16A-240V, 30A-240V – Connector; 16A-240V, 30A-240V – Inlet) © 2014 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 6 CHAdeMO Vehicle Connectors Recognized to UL 2251 • Dyden Corporation (125A-500V - Connector) • Japan Aviation Electronics Industry LTD (120A-500V; 125A-500V - Connector) • Sumitomo Electric Industries, LTD (125A-500V Connector) • Yazaki Corporation (120A-500V - Connector; 100A-500V, 120A-500V, 125A-500V - Inlet) © 2014 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 7 SAE Combo Vehicle Connectors Recognized to UL 2251 • Rema USA, LLC (150A-600V, 174A-600V - Connector; 30A/150A, 30A/174A, 600V Inlet) • Korea Electrical Terminal CO LTD (16A-240Vac/150A600V - Inlet) © 2014 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 8 Electric Vehicle Service Providers (EVSP) – North America • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ABB - Aerovironment - Beam Charging (Car Charging Group) - Blink (Car Charging Group) - - also - ChargePoint - EV Connect - eVgo (NRG Energy) - EVoasis - General Electric - Greenlots - meritCharge - Opconnect - SemaConnect - Sun Country Highway (Canada Only) - SunSpeed Enterprises - U-Go Stations - VERnetwork (AddEnergie - Canada Only) - Volta Charging - © 2014 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 9 Wireless and Other – Products List • Alpha Energy (the Alpha Group) (solar vehicle charging) • Liberty PlugIns Inc. (point of sale, station management) • Conductix/Wampfler (wireless charging) • Momentum Dynamics Corporation (wireless charging) • Delphi (wireless charging) • Olev Technologies (wireless charging) • Envision Solar (portable solar charging station) • One Sun (solar charging stations) • SEW-Eurodrive, Inc. (wireless charging) • Evatran, LLC (wireless charging) • SolarCity (solar vehicle charging) • Flanders’ Drive (wireless charging) • WiTricity Corporation (wireless charging) • Green DOT Racing Inc (contact wireless charging) • Qualcomm (formerly HaloIPT) (wireless charging) Wireless charging products can be listed to UL 2202 and other related charger standards. Transmit and receive coils to be listed under UL 2750 (a work in progress). © 2014 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 10 A Couple of Websites that have EVSE (AC) Listings • – Includes listing status and pricing • – Vendor list where vendors must submit survey info to be listed on the site © 2014 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 11 Devices are Listed/Recognized by OSHA Defined NRTLs Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratorories Just searching UL’s database won’t show all products that are listed © 2014 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 12 Together…Shaping the Future of Electricity © 2014 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 13
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