
World War I Web Quest
8 - grade U.S. History
Based on the Webquest at
Historical Context:
World War I was supposed to be the war that ended all wars. Instead, it set the stage for future conflicts
throughout the 20 Century. The people of the time called the conflict the Great War, and they believed that
there would never again be another like it. Although the United States tried to remain neutral, it was
eventually drawn into the conflict. The war had a profound effect on the nation, and touched upon many
aspects of American life. When the war ended, the United States, and the world, was changed forever.
Your task:
Place all your answers on this packet. Please use the links provided to answer the following questions.
Area 1: Choosing Sides and War Plans: Use
1. Write down the 5 major Allied Powers, and the 4 major Central Powers.
Allied Powers (5)
Central Powers (4)
2. Which country switched sides just before the war started?
3. List AND describe at least five of the eight causes of World War I as described in this website.
4. From the same website, what was the spark that led to the immediate cause of World War I?
5. Describe the details of the German Schlieffen Plan for avoiding a combined attack from France,
Britain and Russia?
Area 2: Weapons of War:
1. List AND describe the 9 weapons shown in the table in this website.
2. What were 4 reasons propaganda posters were used?
3. What nation produced the most posters throughout World War I?
Area 3: Life in the Trenches:
1. What is trench foot? What caused trench foot?
2. What effects did it have on the body?
3. What was the remedy for it?
Area 4: America enters the War:
1. What was the LUSITANIA?
2. How many people died when it was torpedoed? How many of them were Americans?
Total deaths:_________________________ American deaths:______________________________
3. What did the German government say was cause of the second explosion?
4. What did Britain claim was the cause of the second explosion?
5. Scroll down and find the table that shows Allied and Neutral Ships Lost in the War. How many
Allied and Neutral ships were lost to submarines in 1917?
6. What is the Zimmerman Telegram and who wrote it?
7. In the Telegram, what did the German government decide to begin on Feb. 1, 1917?
8. When did the United States declare war on Germany (Month, Day, Year)?
9. In the Brest-Litovsk Treaty, Russia ended its participation in the war. List the 5 areas they had to
Area 5:
Results of the War:
1. What was the name of President Wilson’s Speech to Congress on January 8, 1918?­‐War-­‐I-­‐The-­‐Fourteen-­‐Points.htm _________________________________________________________________________________
2. Write the number of each point that addressed these issues (write more than one number if more
than one point dealt with that particular issue:
a. Militarism
b. Secret agreements
c. Navigation of the Seas
d. Self-Determination/Independence (including evacuation of an area by countries that had taken over)
e. League of Nations
3. What were the three reasons that Allied support for the Fourteen Points was lacking?
4. In Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles, what is Germany responsible for?
5. In Article 232 of the Treaty of Versailles, what is Germany required to do, even though Germany’s
resources are not adequate?
6. What country lost the most soldiers (include the number killed), and which one had the most
missing (include the number missing)?
Lost the most:______________________________________ # Killed__________________________
Most missing: ______________________________________ # Missing _______________________
7. How many American soldiers died?
8. Based on this website, what did Germany’s sense of injustice over the terms of the peace treaty
lead to?