LIST OF USEFUL ACRONYMS USED IN EMISSIONS ACTIVITIES AAM ACEA ACEM ADA ADAC ADEME AECC AECS AEGPL AFEEVAS A/F or AFR AFITE AFTP AGU AIAM AIT ALDE APHEA API AQ ARB ASC ATC ATIEL ATOC AUVA B30 BACT BAFU BAT BC BECS BEE BEUC BG BAU BEV BMU BMVI BREF BTL BUWAL CADC CAFE CATP CAPoC Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers (US) Association des Constructeurs Européen d'Automobiles (European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association) Association des Constructeurs Européen de Motocycles (Motorcycle Industry in Europe) Abgaszentrum der Deutsche Automobilindustry Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l'Energie (F) Association for Emissions Control by Catalyst AISBL Auxiliary Emission Control Strategy Association Européenne des Gaz de Pétrole Liquéfiés South America Vehicles Emission Control Equipment Manufacturers Association Air:Fuel Ratio Association Française des Ingénieurs et Techniciens de l'Environnement Association Française des Techniciens et Professionnels du Pétrole Automotive Grade Urea (CEFIC) Alliance of International Automobile Manufacturers (US) Alliance Internationale de Tourisme Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (EP group) EU Project: Air Pollution and Health - a European Approach American Petroleum Institute Air Quality Air Resources Board (California) Ammonia Slip Catalyst Additives Technical Committee (CEFIC Sector Group) Association Technique de l'Industrie Européenne des Lubrifiants Association of Train Operating Companies (UK) Austrian Social Insurance for Occupational Risks Diesel fuel containing 30% biodiesel (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester) Best Available Control Technology Bundesamt für Umwelt (Swiss Environment Ministry) Best Available Technique Black Carbon (soot, approximately equates to Elemental Carbon) Base Emission Control Strategy European Environmental Bureau Bureau Européen des Unions des Consommateurs Berufsgenossenschaft der Bauwirtschaft - Professional Association of the Building and Construction Industry (Germany) - former TBG Battery Electric Vehicle Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit (German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety) Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrstruktur (German Federal Ministry for Transport and Digital Infrastructure) Best Available Technique Reference Note Biomass to Liquid Bundesampt für Umwelt, Wald & Landschaft (Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape) - now BAFU Common Artemis Driving Cycle Clean Air for Europe and Corporate Average Fuel Economy (US) Committee for Adaptation to Technical Progress Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control (International Congress) Diamant Building Boulevard Auguste Reyers 80 B-1030 Bruxelles Belgium Tel. : +32.2.706.8160 Fax. : +32.2.706.8169 E-mail: [email protected] Website: CARB CARS21 C-DPF CCC CCMC CCNR CEC CECE CECRA CEFIC CEMA CEN CER CVEC CF CFV-CVS CH4 CI CITA CLA CLD CLEPA CNG CMAJ CO CO2 COMEAP CONCAWE CRC CR-DPF CPC CUC CVS DECSE DEEP DEFRA DeNOx DF DfT DG DG-CLIMA DG-ENER DG-ENTR DG-ENV DG-JRC DG-MOVE DI DIN DME DMU DNT DOC DPF DPM DTC DWE EBU California Air Resources Board Competitive Automotive Regulatory System for the 21st Century Catalysed Diesel Particulate Filter Close Coupled Converter Comité des Constructeurs Européen d'Automobile du Marché Commun (now ACEA) Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine Co-ordinating European Council (Test Methods for Fuels/Lubricants) Committee for European Construction Equipment Comité Européen du Commerce & de la Réparation Automobiles European Chemical Industry Council European Committee of Associations of Manufacturers of Agricultural Machinery Comité Européen de Normalisation / European Committee for Standardization Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies Committee of Vehicle Emissions Control in China Conformity Factor Critical Flow Venturi Constant Volume Sampling System Methane Compression Ignition (Diesel) Comité International de l'Inspection Technique Automobile Chemiluminescence Analyser (NOx or ozone analyser) Chemiluminescence Detector (NOx or ozone detector) Comité de Liaison de la Construction d'Equipement et de Pièces d'Automobiles Compressed Natural Gas Catalyst Manufacturers Association of Japan Carbon Monoxide Carbon Dioxide Committee on Medical Effects of Air Pollutants (UK) Conservation of Clean Air & Water in Europe Coordinating Research Council (US Auto/Oil companies) Continuously Regenerating Diesel Particulate Filter Condensation Particle Counter Clean-up Catalyst Constant Volume Sampling System Diesel Emission Controls Sulfur Effects project (US) Diesel Emission Evaluation Program (Canadian mines) Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (UK) Catalyst/trap system that reduces NOx in lean exhaust Deterioration Factor Department for Transport (UK) Directorate-General Directorate-General for Climate Action of the European Commission Directorate-General for Energy of the European Commission Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission Directorate-General for Environment of the European Commission Joint Research Centre (DG of the European Commission) Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport of the European Commission Direct Injection Deutsches Institute für Normung Dimethyl Ether Diesel Multiple Unit Diesel NOx trap Diesel Oxidation Catalyst Diesel Particulate Filter Diesel Particulate Matter Diagnostic Trouble Code Diesel Water Emulsion European Barge Union Page 2 of 7 EC EC ECAS ECE ECMA ECMT ECR ECS EEA EEB EEFMA EESC EEV EFD EFI EFEG EFOA EFV EGO EGR ELV ELR EMA EMPA ENGVA ENVI EP EPP EPA EPEFE EPMF ESC ETBE ETC EtOH EU EUCAR EUDC EUROMOT EUROPIA EV EZEV FAEE FAME FAS FBC FCV FEMA FFV FIA FIA FID FiGE FQ FTIR FTP GDI European Community (now EU) or European Commission Elemental Carbon (fraction of particulate matter) European Citizen Action Service United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (also ECE urban test cycle) European Catalysts Manufacturers Association (CEFIC) Emission Controls Manufacturers Association (India) European Conference of Ministers of Transport European Conservatives and Reformists (EP group) Emissions Control System European Environment Agency (EU) European Environmental Bureau European Emulsion Fuel Manufacturers’ Association European Economic and Social Committee Enhanced Environmentally-friendly Vehicle Europe of Freedom and Democracy (EP group) Electronic Fuel Injection Environmental Fuels Expert Group (European Commission) European Fuel Oxygenates Association (CEFIC Sector Group) Environmentally Friendly Vehicle Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor Exhaust Gas Recirculation End of Life Vehicles European Load Response test (Heavy Duty) Engine Manufacturers Association (US) Swiss Federal Laboratory for Materials Testing & Research European Natural Gas Vehicle Association Environment, Public Health & Food Safety Committee of the European Parliament European Parliament European People’s Party (EP group) US Environmental Protection Agency European Programme on Emissions, Fuels & Engine Technologies European Precious Metals Federation European Steady State Cycle (Heavy Duty) Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (fuel oxygenate) European Transient Cycle (Heavy Duty) Ethyl Alcohol (Ethanol) European Union European Council for Automotive R&D (ACEA) Extra Urban Driving Cycle (EU) European Association of Internal Combustion Engine Manufacturers European Petroleum Industries Association Electric Vehicle Equivalent Zero Emissions Vehicle (CARB standard) Fatty Acid Ethyl Ester (biodiesel) Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (biodiesel) Forum for the Automobile and Society Fuel Borne Catalyst Fuel Cell Vehicle Federation of European Motorcyclists Associations Flexible-Fuel Vehicle Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile Flame Ionisation Analyser (hydrocarbon analyser) Flame Ionisation Detector (hydrocarbon detector) Forschungs Institut Gerausche und Erschutterungen Fuel Quality Fourier-Transform Infra-Red analyser (emissions analyser) Federal Test Procedure (US) Gasoline Direct Injection Page 3 of 7 GEME GFV GHG GPF GRPE gtr GUE/NGL GVW GWP H2 HC HCCI HDC HD(V, E) HDDF TF HDH HEGO HEV HGV HUEGO I&M or I/M IANGV IC ICE IDI IFP IMCO IMechE IMMA IMO INRETS IPA IPCC IPMI IPPC IRGA IRIS ISC ISO ITRE IUC IUPR IWT JAMA JASIC JE05 KAMA KBA LCA LCV LD(V) LeanNOx LEV LEZ LNG LNT LOC Expert Group on Emissions from non-road mobile Machinery engines (European Commission) Gaseous Fuelled Vehicles (UNECE) Green House Gas Gasoline Particulate Filter Meeting of Experts on Pollution and Energy (UNECE) Global Technical Regulation (UNECE) European United Left – Nordic Green Left (EP group) Gross Vehicle Weight Global Warming Potential Hydrogen Hydrocarbons Homogeneous Charge Combustion Ignition Highway Driving Cycle Heavy Duty (Vehicle, Engine) Heavy-duty Dual Fuel Task Force (UNECE) Heavy-duty Hybrids (UNECE) Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor Hybrid Electric Vehicle Heavy Goods Vehicle Heated Universal Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor Inspection & Maintenance Program (US Clean Air Act) International Association for Natural Gas Vehicles Internal Combustion Internal Combustion Engine Indirect Diesel Injection Institut Français du Pétrole Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee of the European Parliament Institution of Mechanical Engineers (UK) International Motorcycle Manufacturers Association International Maritime Organization Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité (France) International Platinum Group Metal Association Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change International Precious Metals Institute Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Infra-Red Gas Analyser Integrated Risk Information System (US EPA) In-Service Conformity International Organization for Standardization Industry, Research and Energy Committee of the European Parliament In-Use Compliance In-Use Performance Ratio Inland Waterway Transport Japanese Automobile Manufacturers Association Japan Automobile Standards Internationalization Center New Japanese driving cycle (Heavy-duty) Korean Automobile Manufacturers Association Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (Germany) Life Cycle Analysis Light Commercial Vehicles Light-duty (Vehicles) Catalyst that reduces NOx in lean exhaust Low Emissions Vehicle (CARB) Low Emission Zone Liquefied Natural Gas Lean NOx Trap Light Off Catalyst Page 4 of 7 LPG M100 M85 MDV MDLT MECA MeOH MEP MI(L) MMT MON MS MSHA MTBE MVEG MVWG MY N2O NDIR NEC NEDC NESCAUM NGO NGV NLEV NMHC NMOG NO NO2 NOx NPRM NRMM NRSC NRTC NTE O3 OBD OBM OC OCE OE(M) OECD OICA OSC OTL PAH PAMS PCFV PDP-CVS PEMFC PEMS PI PGE PGM Pkm PM PM0.1 PM1 Liquefied Petroleum Gas 100% MeOH 85% MeOH:15% Gasoline Medium Duty Vehicles Mini-Dilution Tunnel Manufacturers of Emission Controls Association Methyl Alcohol (Methanol) Member of European Parliament Malfunction Indicator (Light) Methyl Cyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl Motor Octane Number Member State Mine Safety and Health Administration (US) Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether Motor Vehicles Emissions Expert Group (European Commission) Motor Vehicle Working Group (European Commission) Model Year Nitrous oxide Non-Dispersive Infra Red analyser (CO and CO2 analyser) National Emissions Ceilings New European Diving Cycle North Eastern States for Co-ordinated Air Use Management (US) Non-Governmental Organisation Natural Gas Vehicle National Low Emission Vehicle standard (US) Non-Methane Hydrocarbons Non-Methane Organic Gases Nitric oxide Nitrogen dioxide Nitrogen oxides (primarily NO + NO2) Notice of Proposed RuleMaking (US) Non-Road Mobile Machinery Non-road Steady-state Cycle (UN-ECE) Non-Road Transient Cycle (UN-ECE) Not-To-Exceed Ozone On-Board Diagnostics On-Board Measurement Organic Carbon (fraction particulate matter) Off-Cycle Emissions (UN-ECE) Original Equipment (Manufacturer) Organisation for International Co-operation and Development Organisation Internationale des Constructeurs d'Automobiles Oxygen Storage Capacity On-board Threshold Limit Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Portable Activity Measurement System Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles (UNEP) Positive Displacement Pump Constant Volume Sampling System Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (same as Solid Polymer Fuel Cell) Portable Emissions Measurement System Positive Ignition Platinum Group Elements (Pt, Pd, Rh, Ir, Ru, Os) Platinum Group Metals (Pt, Pd, Rh, Ir, Ru, Os) Passenger carried for 1 km Particulate Matter Particulate Matter < 0.1 micron mean diameter Particulate Matter < 1 micron mean diameter Page 5 of 7 PM2.5 PM10 PMP PN, P# PNC PNGV ppm PTW PZEV QUARG RAINS R&D RCD REC RDE-LDV RFG RME RON RPA RSC RVP S S&D SAE SC SCAQMD SCR SHED SI SIA SMMT SMPS SPCS SPFC SOF SOFC SOx STOA STTP SULEV SULG(P) SUV T&E TC TCS TDC TGRS THC tkm TLEV TNO TRAN TRL TSP TÜV TVA TWC Particulate Matter < 2.5 micron mean diameter Particulate Matter < 10 micron mean diameter Particulate Measurement Program (UNECE) Particle Number Particle Number Counter Partnership for New Generation of Vehicles (US) parts per million Powered Two-Wheeler (motorcycle or moped) or Pump-To-Wheels Partial Zero Emissions Vehicle (California) Quality of Urban Air Review Group (UK) Regional Air Pollution Information and Simulation Research & Development Recreational Crafts Directive Retrofit Emissions Controls (UNECE) Real-Driving Emissions – Light-Duty Vehicles Reformulated Gasoline Rapeseed Methyl Ester (biodiesel) Research Octane Number Relative Positive Acceleration Royal Society of Chemistry Reid Vapour Pressure Sulfur Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (EP group) Society of Automotive Engineers (US) Sub-Committee (ISO) South Coast Air Quality Management District (California) Selective Catalytic Reduction Sealed Housing for Evaporative Determination Spark Ignition (Otto)/Systeme International d'Unités Société des Ingénieurs de l'Automobile (F) Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders (GB) Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer Solid Particle Counting System Solid Polymer Fuel Cell (same as Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell) Soluble Organic Fraction Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Sulphur Oxides Scientific and Technological Options Assessment (European Parliament) Strategic Transport Technology Plan (European Commission) Super Ultra Low Emissions Vehicle Super Unleaded Gasoline (Petrol) Sports Utility Vehicle European Federation for Transport and Environment Technical Committee (CEN and ISO) Touring Club der Schweiz Top Dead Centre Technische Richtlinien für GefahrStoffe (Germany) - Technical guidelines for harmful substances Total Hydrocarbons Ton carried for 1 km Transitional Low Emissions Vehicle (CARB standard) Road Vehicles Research Institute (NL) Transport and Tourism Committee of the European Parliament Transport Research Laboratory (UK) Total Suspended Particulate Techischer Uberwachungsverein (German Testing Organisation) Value Added Tax (B/F) Three Way Catalyst Page 6 of 7 UBA UBC UBIA UEGO UFP UIC UITP UKPIA ULEV ULG(P) ULSD ULSG(P) UNECE UNEP UNIFE UTAC VAT VCA VDA VDI VDMA VED VERT VITO VOC VOSA VPR VROM WG WGAT WHDC WHO WHDC WHSC WHTC WHVC WLTC WLTP WLTP DHC WLTP DTP WLTP VTF WMTC WP29 WTP WTW WWF ZDAKW ZEV Z-LEV 1 Umweltbundesamt (German Federal Environment Agency) Under-Body Converter Union Belge des Ingénieurs de l’Automobile Universal Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor Ultra-Fine Particles Union Internationale des Chemins de fer (International Union of Railways) Union Internationale des Transports Publics Petroleum Industry Association (UK) Ultra Low Emissions Vehicle (CARB standard) Unleaded Gasoline (Petrol) Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel Ultra Low Sulphur Gasoline (Petrol) United Nations Economic Commission for Europe United Nations Environment Programme Union of the European Railway Industries L'Union Technique de l'Automobile, du Motocycle et du Cycle (France) Value Added Tax UK Type Approval Authorities Verband der Automobilindustrie (D) Vereinigung der deutschen Ingenieure Verband Deutscher Maschinen-und Anlagenbau (German Engineering Federation) Vehicle Excise Duty Verification of Emission Reduction Technologies Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (Belgium) Volatile Organic Compounds Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (UK) - responsible for roadworthiness tests Volatile Particle Remover Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieubeheer (Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment) Working Group Working Group on Agricultural Tractors (European Commission) World-wide Heavy Duty Certification procedure World Health Organisation World-Harmonized Heavy-duty Test Procedure (UNECE) World-Harmonized Steady-state Cycle (UNECE) World-Harmonized Transient Cycle (UNECE) World-Harmonized Vehicle Cycle (UNECE) World-Harmonized Light-duty Test Cycle (UNECE) World-Harmonized Light-duty Test Procedure (UNECE) WLTP Definition of Harmonized Cycle (UNECE) WLTP Definition of Test Procedures (UNECE) - LabProcICE Lab Procedures for Internal Combustion Engines - AP Additional Pollutants - PMPN Particulate Mass and Particle Number WLTP Validation Task Force (UNECE) World-wide Motorcycle Test Procedure (UNECE) World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (UNECE) Well-To-Pump Well-To-Wheel World Wide Fund for Nature Gasoline engine test cycle with poisoning phases; cycle developed by Zusammenarbeit Deutscher Automobilhersteller zur Katalysator Weiterentwicklung Zero Emissions Vehicle (CARB standard) 1/10th ULEV Stoichiometric air-fuel ratio 21/05/2014 Page 7 of 7
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