Reliability based Radio Frequency Identification Reader Redundant Optimization Model in Electronic Product Code Network He Xu, Suo-ping Wang, Ru-chuan Wang Reliability based Radio Frequency Identification Reader Redundant Optimization Model in Electronic Product Code Network 1,3,4 He Xu, 2Suo-ping Wang, 1,3,4Ru-chuan Wang College of Computer, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210003, China, E-mail: [email protected] 2 College of Automation, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210003, China, E-mail: [email protected] 3 Jiangsu High Technology Research Key Laboratory for Wireless Sensor Networks, Jiangsu, Nanjing 210003, China, E-mail: [email protected] 4 Key Lab of Broadband Wireless Communication and Sensor Network Technology (Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications), Ministry of Education Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210003, China, E-mail: [email protected] *1, First Author, Corresponding Author Abstract The Electronic Product Code (EPC) Network, originally developed by the Auto-ID Center with its standards now managed by EPCglobal, is designed and implemented to enable all objects in the world to be linked via the Internet for all time. EPC is the next evolution of product identification, utilizing Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology to identify objects. RFID technology has been widely used in many areas, and how to deploy of a large number of readers becomes a core challenge due to the limited read range between reader and tag. This paper proposes a novel reader redundant optimization model for finding optimal redundant number of readers and their positions to cover all tags with using optimization algorithm in EPC network. Firstly, we give an overview of the collision problems in RFID system. Secondly, we propose reliability based RFID reader system model. Thirdly, we use ant colony algorithm to solve this optimization problem. Analysis results show the effectiveness of the proposed system model and simulation results show that the algorithm is effective in achieving the goal of this optimal solution. Keywords: RFID, Reliability, EPC Network, Ant Colony Optimization 1. Introduction Along with the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT), the humanity will use artificial intelligence to process the basic daily management all the time, which will make us extricate from the tedious low level management, thus more manpower and physical resource will be invested into this new technical research and development. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is one of the key technology of the IoT[1], and has been successfully applied to the areas of supply chain, transportation, healthcare, mobile payment and services to name a few[2-6]. An RFID system usually consists of three components: transponder, reader and middleware. The tag stores information, the reader is capable of reading data from and writing data to the tag, usually, the middleware usually is a data processing server which consists of a host computer utilizing data acquired through the reader and applications. There are two conflicts in RFID reader network, which is tag-tag conflict and reader-reader conflict. For the tag-tag conflict, ALOHA algorithm[7-9] and the binary tree algorithm[10] are usually used in RFID system. For the reader-reader conflict, there are also many works done in this problem. The reader collision problem in RFID system was first presented in [11]. When this problem was proposed, James Waldrop et al in [12, 13] presented the colorwave algorithm, which is an anti-collision algorithm for the reader collision problem and presented the colorwave which is a MAC for RFID reader networks. Colorwave is a distributed TDMA based algorithm, where each reader chooses a random time slot to transmit. If it collides, it selects a new timeslot and sends a kick (small control packet) to all its neighbors to indicate selection of new timeslot. If any neighbors has the same color, it chooses a new color and sends a kick and International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology(IJACT) Volume4, Number18,October. 2012 doi:10.4156/ijact.vol4.issue18.68 577 Reliability based Radio Frequency Identification Reader Redundant Optimization Model in Electronic Product Code Network He Xu, Suo-ping Wang, Ru-chuan Wang this continues. If the percentage of successful transmission goes below certain threshold, the maxColors is incremented and if the percentage increases beyond certain threshold, the maxColors is decremented. But in [12, 13], there was a small numbers of readers in RFID network. Shailesh M. Birari and Sridhar Iyer proposed PULSE [14], which is a distributed protocol reducing reader collisions. In PULSE, there are two channels: data channel and control channel. The data channel is used for reader-tag communication whereas the control channel is used for reader-reader communication. It has an assumption that the reader is able to simultaneously receive on both the control and the data channel. But PULSE is based on a beaconing mechanism, while a reader is reading the tags, it periodically broadcasts a beacon on a separate control channel. Any other reader that wants to communicate with the tags first senses the control channel for a beacon. If it does not receive any beacon for a specified amount of time, it transmits a beacon and starts communicating with the tags. It then continues to periodically transmit a beacon as long as it is communicating with the tags. But this kind of periodic transmitter data for the peripheral neighbor will cause the reader energy consumption to speed up. DiCa[15] was proposed to suit for energy-efficient wireless mobile network environments cooperated with RFID, and the DiCa is capable not only of avoiding collisions, but also changing power states autonomously through simple interaction of adjacent readers. But DiCa algorithm has not considered reader’s concrete position, when it carry on the avoidance no matter whether to have the interference region. In the meanwhile, fairness question has not been considered among in reader competition data channel’s domination time. HiQ[16] is a hierarchical, online learning algorithm that finds dynamic solutions to the Reader Collision Problem in RFID systems. The algorithm is based on a type of reinforcement learning called Q-learning, which is used to determine frequency and time assignments. But the tag does not have the frequency recognition capability, while there are two different frequencies simultaneously reading the identical tag, the tag is unable to decide the information returns for which reader, and this condition causes collision’s occurrence. Because HiQ has used the intelligent processing method, and this increases the complexity of the reader protocol design. The goal of this paper is to study the potential to discover more redundant RFID readers. The novelty we suggest is that we set up a novel reliability based optimization model with using ant colony algorithm to solve this optimization model for finding optimal number of readers in RFID network. The next two sections will describe the proposed optimization model depicting all the entities, working process and the solution method for this optimization model. 2. Proposed Model The reliability of RFID reader system is described with the confidence and the coverage. Consider the reality stream R, and an RFID data stream D. Given R and D, define: (1) True Positives (TP) as the set of all readings that are present in R as well as D; (2) False Positives (FP) as the set of all readings that are present in D but not in R; (3) False Negatives (FN) as the set of all readings present in R but not in D. The confidence and coverage are defined by as follows[17]. Confidence: a per-reading value, gives the probability that the reading exists in the reality stream (i.e., that the object exists in reality at the given time and location). Ideally, confidence is 1 for all readings in TP and 0 for all readings in FP. This metric is naturally extended to the entire data stream D, or any subset of readings: The confidence for a set of readings is the average of the confidences of the individual readings. Coverage: Coverage is a window-level value assigned to a set of readings for a given time period T. It gives the fraction of readings from R in the time period T that are present in D. Hence, for the entire stream, or for any time-window having associated values of TP, FP and FN, TP . Coverage TP FN Redundant-Reader Problem[18]: Given a set of RFID tags and a set of RFID readers covering all the RFID tags, find the minimum cardinality subset of RFID readers, covering all the tags. Suppose there are n regions and m kinds of readers in RFID Reader system. The similar kind of 578 Reliability based Radio Frequency Identification Reader Redundant Optimization Model in Electronic Product Code Network He Xu, Suo-ping Wang, Ru-chuan Wang reader is used in each region. According to the above supposition, the redundancy optimization model for reader system is set up as follows: n m minCs cij xij (1) i 1 j 1 s.t. R s n m i 1 j 1 Rij ( xij ) R0 (2) 1 if reader is active xij 0 if reader is turned off (3) Where C s represents the cost of total reader system, Rs is the system reliability, coverage of readerij , represents the absence Rij ( xij ) represents or present status of reader, of the i-th m xi {0,1} ( xij cij is the ), reliability j 1 m subsystem, R ij ( x ij ) 1 (1 p ij ) j 1 x ij , pij is the confidence of readerij , R0 is the predetermined reliability which RFID reader system must achieve. 3. Optimization Algorithm Finding minimal set of readers to cover the entire region in RFID network is a NP-hard problem[18]. Hence suitable optimization algorithm may be applied to solve the problem. In this paper, we use the ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm to solve the Reader Redundant Elimination (RRE) optimization problem, and name it ACO-RRE. In order to solve the proposed reliability based redundancy optimization model, we make the constraint equation as the penalty function added to Eq. (1), then the original constraint question is transformed to non-restraint optimization, which can be solved by ACO algorithm. Namely, n min m i 1 j 1 m n m xij j 1 R0 cij xij M min 0, (1 Rij ) i 1 j 1 2 (4) Where M is a very big positive number. Because of the limit power of reader, coverage area and entire RFID system, the redundant quantity m j 1 m xij (i=1,2,…, n) cannot be too big, suppose the maximum value of j 1 xij is x max . The reliability diagram is as Fig. 1 shown. There are x max readers in every column, totally x max n readers in RFID network. From Fig. 1 we can see that the 1st column level to the n-th column level are connected together, which composes a solution. As Fig. 1, it shows an probable solution (31,22,23, …,1n). 579 Reliability based Radio Frequency Identification Reader Redundant Optimization Model in Electronic Product Code Network He Xu, Suo-ping Wang, Ru-chuan Wang Figure 1. The reliability based network topology According to the literature [19], the template for defining ACO models is: M(<problem>,<update_rule>,<nr_of_ants>) (5) Where < problem > is the considered problem (or problem type, such as, for example, unconstrained problems), < update_rule > is the pheromone update rule that is considered, and < nr_of_ants > is the number of ants that build solutions at each iteration. Suppose each column level establishes 1 ant (it is also possible to be set more than 1) in reliability based RFID network, each ant only moves in its own column level among readers, the probability of the ant in the j-th column level transfers to i-th reader is q ij q ij : ij (6) x max i 1 ij The renewal equation is: ijnew ijold Q (7) Where ij represents the attraction intensity of the i-th reader in j-th column, durable coefficient of the intensity (generally it takes 0.5~0.9), represents the Q is a normal number. ij represents the target function difference of the Eq. (4). If ij 0 , because the goal function value reduces, then the ant moves from the i-th reader to the j-th reader; if ij 0 , the ant maintains the current condition. Fig. 2 shows the detailed steps to solve RRE using ACO-RRE, which has the following steps: 1)S = 0(S is the cycle-time), the matrix [ ij ]n m is bestowed the same value, and set the value of Q and . 2)Put each column an ant randomly. (This is similar to give an initial solution) . 3)The ant according to the probability q ij decides to choose the reader. If ij 0 , the ant moves and then set the corresponding xij = 1 ; If ij 0 , the ant doesn't move, and set the corresponding xij = 0. 580 Reliability based Radio Frequency Identification Reader Redundant Optimization Model in Electronic Product Code Network He Xu, Suo-ping Wang, Ru-chuan Wang 4) Update the ij according the renewal equation (Eq. (7)), and set S = S+1. 5)If S > predefined cycle times, we record current ant's position (current solution), then stop the ant’s movement. Otherwise go to step 3. ij ij ij 0 ij 0 ij Figure 2. Flow chart of ACO-RRE 4. Performance Evaluation In this section, we compare the performance of our ACO-RRE with traditional RRE[18]. In the experiment, we set: n=m=10, q ij = Random (0.5, 0.9), cij = Random (0.8, 1.0), M=107, [ ij ]n m=[10]n m, Q=10, R0=0.95. The experiment compares the performance of RRE and ACORRE when the number of RFID readers increases from 100 to 1000(that is m or n which changes from 10 to 100), when the total number of RFID tags is 5000. Fig. 3 shows the results of this experiment. For scarce RFID readers, few of the readers are redundant. As the number of reader increases, the number of the redundant readers increases, but RRE discovers fewer redundant readers than ACO-RRE. The experiment’s result shows that ACO-RRE is a stable solution with good performance for redundant reader elimination for RFID system. 581 Reliability based Radio Frequency Identification Reader Redundant Optimization Model in Electronic Product Code Network He Xu, Suo-ping Wang, Ru-chuan Wang Figure 3. Number of redundant readers discovered The second experiment measures the dependency between the number of redundant readers discovered by RRE and ACO-RRE and the interrogation radius of readers. We randomly deploy 800 RFID readers and 2000 RFID tags, and increase the interrogation radius of readers from 10 to 100m. Fig. 4 shows that with the increase in the interrogation radius of RFID readers, both RRE and ACORRE discover an increasing number of redundant readers. This is because active readers cover larger areas, effectively necessitating fewer active readers to cover all the tags. While RRE discovers fewer redundant readers than ACO-RRE, the difference is almost constant for smaller interrogation zone overlaps, and the difference between RRE and ACO-RRE increases gradually for large interrogation zones. Figure 4. Number of redundant readers discovered by different reader interrogation zone 5. Conclusions In this paper we firstly give an overview of RFID reader collision problems. Then we set up optimization model for redundant reader elimination in RFID network which is reliability-based redundant optimization method, and use ant colony algorithm to solve this problem. Simulation results 582 Reliability based Radio Frequency Identification Reader Redundant Optimization Model in Electronic Product Code Network He Xu, Suo-ping Wang, Ru-chuan Wang show the effectiveness of the proposed optimization model and also show that the ant colony algorithm is effective in achieving the goal of this optimal solution. However, the proposed RFID reader system and the optimal reader redundant model add the communication complex compared with the traditional RFID reader system. We need to develop a new reader protocol for RFID reader software, and the security of RFID system in EPC network also has to be studied in future work. 6. Acknowledgments The subject is sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of P. R. China ( No. 60973139, 61170065, 61171053, 61003039, 61003236, 61103195), the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province(BK2011755), Scientific & Technological Support Project (Industry) of Jiangsu Province (No.BE2010197, BE2010198, BE2011844, BE2011189), Natural Science Key Fund for Colleges and Universities in Jiangsu Province (11KJA520001), Project sponsored by Jiangsu provincial research scheme of natural science for higher education institutions(10KJB520013, 11KJB520014, 11KJB520016, 12KJB520009), Scientific Research & Industry Promotion Project for Higher Education Institutions(JH2010-14, JHB2011-9), Postdoctoral Foundation (20100480048), Science & Technology Innovation Fund for higher education institutions of Jiangsu Province(CX10B-196Z, CX10B-199Z, CX10B-200Z, CXZZ11-0405, CXZZ11-0406), Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China(20103223120007, 20113223110002) and key Laboratory Foundation of Information Technology processing of Jiangsu Province (KJS1022), A Project Funded by the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions(PAPD). 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