(H/HB) time sheets need to be submitted to April Stephenson, ESE

Office for Student Support Programs and Services
Hospital Homebound Supervisor
813/ 794-2594 Fax: 813/ 794-2657
727/ 774-2594
352/ 524-2594
Dear Homebound Teacher,
Homebound (H/HB) time sheets need to be submitted to April Stephenson, ESE Bookkeeper,
biweekly; please include planning time at a ratio of 6:1 (for every six hours of instruction, you may
claim one hour of planning time). We can only accept instructional time and/or planning time reported
in quarter hour, half-hour, or whole hour increments.
A parent or supervising adult must sign the time sheet form on the day service is provided. We will
not accept forms that do not have the parent’s/guardian’s signature next to each day the student is
served and an administrator’s signature from the student’s registered school indicating that the
information has been verified. A list of time sheet due dates with corresponding pay dates is enclosed.
Please remember:
• Failure to follow these guidelines and to submit time sheets biweekly may result in a loss of
payment for those services
• Homebound services are not provided during weekends, holidays, vacation periods, or student
non-school days such as district training days or teacher planning days
• Teachers cannot work beyond 8:00 P.M.
• A copy of the student’s eligibility staffing form and T/IEP must be received prior to
submitting payment for hours the first time
• Hospital/Homebound and Off-Campus Instruction Time Sheet, MIS #780, must be submitted to
April Stephenson, Bookkeeper, Office for Student Support Programs and Services, biweekly.
After verification, a copy will be sent to the guidance secretary at the student’s school to be filed
in the student’s H/HB file.
• Homebound mileage forms must be submitted to April Stephenson at the end of each month.
Mileage sheets must be done using the Mileage Tracker on the computer. A link is included
When completing your MIS #108 Monthly In-County Mileage Report for Homebound travel, please
be sure that you complete the form in full. Also, please note that your school-based administrator
signs as “Supervisor Signature” and an ESE Department administrator will sign the Cost Center
signature after receipt of the form. Instructions and a sample are included in this packet. The travel
form may be accessed online at:
The Homebound Resource may be accessed online at http://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/wiki/ESE:Home/.
Please call the Program Supervisor at extension 42594 if you have any homebound questions and April
Stephenson at extension 42764 with questions regarding homebound time sheets, mileage forms, and
Office for Student Support Programs and Services
Revised 6/2013