CHAPTER construct LEVELLING AND advancedOUT roofs SETTING 31 s Dr Glenn P. Costin Sa m pl e pa ge This chapter focuses on the construction of five common roof forms that fall within the very broad advanced roofing category: • Gambrel (Dutch gable) • Jerkin head • Skewed gable • Oblique hip • Unequal pitch. For each of these, the mathematical, geometric and construction techniques are described in detail, which will give you the ability to explore other advanced roof types, such as octagonal ends, tapering spans and the comparatively simple Mansard. This chapter expands on—and at times challenges—the basic principles developed in Chapter 5 of Site Establishment, Formwork and Framing (Laws 2009), which covered the setting out and construction of basic roofs, such as the gable, broken hip, valley and Scotch valley. We will start with a brief revision of these roofing basics. BASIC PRINCIPLES OF ROOFING The purpose of this revision is twofold. First, it is to re-acquaint you with the basic principles of roofing, including the underpinning mathematics and geometry; and second, it is to highlight key assumptions within these basic principles that are challenged in Cheetham 03.indd 73 advanced roofing, particularly by roofs with unequal pitches or tapering spans. We suggest that you revisit Chapter 5 of Site Establishment, Formwork and Framing (Laws 2009) and the PowerPoint slide show, ‘The Seven Pillars of Roof’ (Costin 2009), available with that text. Having developed an understanding of basic roofing, it is reasonable for you to have formed the belief that the following points hold true for all roofs: 13/11/12 1:16:32 PM ADVANCED BUILDING AND JOINERY SKILLS The mathematics: the ‘Seven Pillars’ revisited 0.466 m 1.000 m CR rise/m run = tan Rise tan 25° = 1.000 0.466 = rise 2. Common rafter length per metre run (CR factor) 3 1.10 0.466 m CR/m run2 = 12 + 0.4662 CR/m run2 = 1 + 0.217 CR/m run = √1.217 CR/m run = 1.103 m 3. Common rafter set-out length (CR set-out length) pl m Sa Cheetham 03.indd 74 m 1.000 m e From the two texts referred to earlier (Laws 2009; Costin 2009), the following is the basis of mathematics underpinning roofing. While there are some notable changes with regards to hip and valley length calculations, these basic principles still hold, as does the geometry that they are derived from. This sample calculation for a basic hipped roof is based upon a building with the following characteristics: Pitch = 25° Span = 8010 mm Eave width = 600 mm Rafter sectional size = 125 3 45 mm Hip sectional size = 175 3 35 mm It is important that you develop a clear understanding of this system of calculations and, most importantly, the application of the common rafter length per metre run (CR factor) and, similarly, the hip length per metre run of common rafter (hip factor). It is by using these factors that lengths of some of the seemingly more difficult components are most easily found. 1. Common rafter rise per metre run (CR rise/m run) s 1. Roofs are made up of right angled triangles and are set out to centre lines (including hip and valley rafters, centring rafters and ridges). 2. Ridges run parallel and level to wall plates. 3. Regardless of the roof shape, rafters run at 90° to the wall plates. 4. Hips and valleys bisect internal and external corners regardless of the angles of those corners. With the exception of point 3, all of the above will be challenged at some point in the following pages. And point 3, while not directly challenged here, can not be viewed as a given in all roofing, for there are occasions in some more complex architecture where it may be rational to forgo this ‘rule’ also (though generally in small areas where only light loads apply). pa ge 74 4.419 m 3 1.10 m 0.466 m 1.000 m 4.005 m (Half span) CR set-out length = CR factor 3 half span CR set-out length = 1.103 3 4.005 CR set-out length = 4.419 m 4. Common rafter order length (CR order length) 5.204 m 3m 1.10 0.466 m 1.000 m 4.605 m (Half span eave width) R order length = [CR factor 3 (half span + eave C width)] + rafter depth 13/11/12 1:16:34 PM 75 CHAPTER 3 construct advanced roofs CR order length = [ 1.103 3 (4.005 + 0.600)] + 0.125 = [1.103 3 4.605] + 0.125 = 5.079 + 0.125 = 5.204 CR order length = > 5.4 m Remember to add the depth of the rafter material (in this case 125 mm) to allow for the bevel cut (see the ‘Seven Pillars’ PowerPoint for clarification if you are unclear on this issue). 5. Hip length per metre run of common rafter (hip factor) 7. Hip order length 7m 6.85 Allowance needed for bevel cut 9 1.48 m 5m 4.60 With allowance for bevel cut, order 7.2 m hip 0.6 5m 4.0 0 Hip order length = [ hip factor 3 (half span + eave Hip s width)] + hip depth pa ge 0.466 m hip order length = [1.489 3 (4.005 + 0.600)] 1.414 m 1.000 m 00 m 1.000 m 9m 1.48 e 0.466 m pl 1.414 m Hip factor = √hip run + rise hip factor2 = 1.4142 + 0.4662 hip factor2 = 2 + 0.217 hip factor = √2.217 hip factor = 1.489 m 6. Hip set-out length 2 Sa m 2 + 0.175 = [1.489 3 4.605] + 0.175 = 6.857 + 0.175 = 7.032 hip order length = > 7.2 m Basic roofing geometry From Chapter 5 of Constructing a Pitched Roof (Laws 2009), you will be aware that for basic roofing eight bevels are required. The development shown in Figure 3.1 has been taken directly from that text. These eight bevels remain all that are required for our first two roofs (gambrel and jerkin head), and the basic principles hold for all the others. You need to focus particular attention on the development of 5.963 m the hip edge bevel. This is based upon the level line Hip factor 1.489 m 1.414 m (LL) principle (see Figures 3.2 and 3.3). This principle Rise works on the basis that any line running at 90° to the 1.000 m 4.005 m component being considered is level. And as long as the top edge of that component is square to a line Hip set-out length = hip factor 3 half span hip length = 1.489 3 4.005 hip length = 5.963 m Cheetham 03.indd 75 running plumb or vertically through it (generally the case with square or rectangular rafters, etc.), then this line is also running along that surface. 13/11/12 1:16:37 PM 76 ADVANCED BUILDING AND JOINERY SKILLS LBCR Rise Elevation view Start near here or on centre PB hip FB purlin EB hip se Ri LB hip Start here These two lines and extend same length up EP purlin Plan view pl m True bevel Bevel is clearly not 45° as LL1 and the true length of X are not the same. Sa Figure 3.2 The level line principle ‘fold out’ e Eight roof bevels: 1 Plumb bevel common rafter PBCR 2 Level bevel common rafter LBCR 3 Plumb bevel hip PB hip 4 Level bevel hip LB hip 5 Edge bevel hip EB hip 6 Edge bevel creeper EB creeper 7 Face bevel purlin FBP 8 Edge bevel purlin EBP The skill in developing roof bevels is always in determining where to find the relevant right angled triangle, i.e. where to place the level line, and where to find the true length of the other side of that triangle. After that it is ‘just’ (teachers love that word!) a matter of putting the two lengths together as a right angled triangle to form the ‘true’ bevel. In Figures 3.2 and 3.3 the component we are dealing with is a hip. Given that a level line in the plan view is a true length, it is the side running up the hip that is raking and so is actually longer than it appears. The true length of this side is found in the side elevation of the hip. Using a layout similar to that modelled in Figure 3.1, we can see one way of graphically putting this into practice (see Figure 3.2). True length of X Rise LL1 Ridge centre line EB creeper Figure 3.1 One approach to the development of roof bevels s PBCR pa ge 90° angle LL1 Crown end centre line X Bevel we are looking for. In plan appears as a 45° angle as both X and LL1 are the same length. Hip centre line Hip centre line Cheetham 03.indd 76 13/11/12 1:16:39 PM 77 CHAPTER 3 construct advanced roofs Figure 3.3 The level line principle— pictorial view (top) and plan view (bottom) (reproduced in colour in the Appendix) Centre lines Ridge Hip s Centring rafter pa ge Hip pl Sa m These lines are level as long as they run ‘square’ to the component (at 90º). In bringing the line ‘over’ the centre line of the component beside it, the resultant triangle provides the edge bevel sought. It is not the ‘true’ angle, however, until the true length of the other side is found. e Crown end rafter Study this concept carefully until you can fully visualise what is being done. This concept will occur repeatedly in developing the bevels for each of the roofs that follow. It is also important for you to realise that there are many ways that the development of the above bevel may be laid out. Cheetham 03.indd 77 However, each is working on the same principle of recognising when a line is being seen in its true length, and knowing how or where to find the true length of those lines that are raking towards or away from us. 13/11/12 1:16:41 PM 78 ADVANCED BUILDING AND JOINERY SKILLS GAMBREL (DUTCH GABLE) ROOF In a gambrel roof, the ridge is extended as shown in Figures 3.4 and 3.5. This means extra rafters are installed and the hips shortened. The result is a vertical gable in the hip end, located wherever the builder, client or architect desires: usually at the most convenient common rafter position. A waling plate is fixed to the last set of common rafters to pick up the ends of the jack rafters that fill out the end of the roof (see Figure 3.6). Then the hips and any creepers are cut in to finish the framing. The gambrel or Dutch gable roof is basically a hipped roof with an extended ridge forming small gables at each end, i.e. the hips start from the plates at the corners but don’t reach the apex. Sometimes the gable end is built as a vent or has vents let into it. This is a style that continues to be popular in contemporary home design. Extended ridge Waling piece pa ge s Figure 3.4 Gambrel roof frame e Figure 3.5 Plan of typical gambrel roof framing (reproduced in colour in the Appendix) Jack rafters Shortened hip m pl Last common rafter Sa Extension of ridge A normal hip end Centring rafters Common rafters Jack rafters Shortened hip Last common rafter Cheetham 03.indd 78 13/11/12 1:16:43 PM 79 CHAPTER 3 construct advanced roofs on the end wall plate; then all other rafter positions moving away from these centre line marks at the normal rafter spacings. At this point you should do the development of all your basic bevels (the eight bevels shown in Figure 3.1) and the calculation of the first five of the ‘Seven Pillars’, as shown in the following table. Extension of ridge First five roofing pillars In this case (see pages 74 & 75 for calculations) Rise/m run of CR CR length/m run (CR factor) Set-out length of CR Order length of CR Hip length/m run of CR (hip factor) 0.466 m 1.103 m 2.482 m 3.144 m 1.489 m Setting out and constructing the gambrel roof pl e For simplicity, the roof being considered will have similar characteristics to that used in the revision exercises, but a narrower span i.e.: Pitch = 25° Span = 4500 mm Eave width = 600 mm Rafter sectional size = 125 3 45 mm Hip sectional size = 175 3 35 mm Begin by marking out the top plates as you would a normal hipped roof: i.e. the centre line of the centring rafters set back from the end of the build by the half span; centre line of the crown end at the half span From this information, you should create a pattern rafter as per normal (see Laws 2009, pp. 141–145), but exclude the creeper rafter lengths for now. Setting out the ridge Ridge set-out is done by marking it off the wall plate, as you would in normal roofing practice, the only difference being the allowance for the extension. This is simply a matter of determining which rafter is going to be the last common one. Sa m 1 2 3 4 5 pa ge Figure 3.6 Typical Dutch gable showing the ridge extension s Normal hip travel Figure 3.7 Gambrel roof with extended ridge Ridge is extended past original centring rafters as required Set out all other rafter positions as normal: i.e. working away from centring and crown end towards corners Normal centring rafter location Centre line of crown end as per normal Centre line of centring rafter Half span Half span Cheetham 03.indd 79 13/11/12 1:16:46 PM 80 ADVANCED BUILDING AND JOINERY SKILLS Figure 3.8 Ridge set-out CL of centring rafter Half span Top plate Ridge Cut-off point for extended ridge. Mark but do not cut until roof is up. s Extension of ridge: in this case 3 450 mm rafter spacings, or 1350 mm mm pa ge 967 Figure 3.10 Jack rafter set-out m pl e Figure 3.9 Main roof section erected and braced Sa In this case, the plan calls for an extension of three rafters spaced at 450 mm centre to centre (see Figure 3.8). If in your plan no dimension is given, you will have to scale the length and then check with the client or architect. Standing the main roof section Having marked out the ridge and pattern rafter, the first part of the roof may be cut out and assembled. Be sure to install a temporary brace at this point in case of unexpected high wind gusts (see Figure 3.9). The jack rafters and location of waling piece To find the location of the waling piece, we will need to set out and cut one of the jack rafters (see Figure 3.10). This will then be used to mark where the top edge of the jacks will finish on the common rafters (see Figure 3.11). The jack rafter is simply a shortened common rafter (hence the name ‘jack’). To calculate the length of Plumb line marked from jack rafter plumb cut Top edge of waling piece Figure 3.11 Locating the waling piece Cheetham 03.indd 80 Jack rafter cut to length and positioned for marking 13/11/12 1:16:49 PM 81 CHAPTER 3 construct advanced roofs Line of plumb cut Figure 3.12 Locating waling piece detail Position of top edge of waling piece Jack rafter held in position for marking Waling piece s In this case: cut-off length = 877 3 1.103 cut-off length = 967 mm Having cut at least one jack rafter as a pattern, place the rafter as shown above and mark down the plumb cut (see Figure 3.12). Do this on both sides of the roof. Where this plumb line meets the bottom edge of the common rafters is where you will position the top edge of the waling piece. 967 mm Sa m pl e pa ge any component that has the same pitch as a common rafter, you need two easily found pieces of information: the run, or plan length, of the component; and the CR length/m run, or rafter factor. The run of the jack is found by: Half span – (ridge extension + half the thickness of a common rafter*) In this case: jack run = 2250 – (1350 + 23*) jack run = 877 mm The cut-off length of the jack rafter is then simply: Cut-off length = component run 3 CR length/m run Option A: Notched rafters 967 967 Option B: Rafters shortened by thickness of waler; waler positioned in line with top of jack rafter Line of plumb cut Normal position (Option A) Cheetham 03.indd 81 Figure 3.13 Alternative waling piece positions mm mm Option C: Waler lowered to suit underside of jack rafter; achieved by marking the thickness of the waler back towards the wall plates from the plumb line (see explanatory figure at right) *Note: This reduction can be done later, as you would for a crown end rafter. In taking this alternative approach, you will be finding the ‘set-out’ length of the jack rafter. You must then be sure to take off the half thickness of CR (horizontally, and not down the length of the rafter). Thickness of waling piece Lower waler position Jack rafter held in position for marking 13/11/12 1:16:51 PM ADVANCED BUILDING AND JOINERY SKILLS Hip rafters Finishing the framing Installation of the hips is much the same as normal, though you will need to notch the top end of the hip over the waling piece. This is easiest done by direct measurement and use of the normal hip plumb and level bevels. As with the jack rafters, be sure that the top edge of the hip aligns correctly with the edges of the jack and common rafters (see detail in Figure 3.17). Set-out, cutting and installation of the creepers is now done, as for a standard hipped roof (see Figure 3.18). As always, take care that all surfaces are true (in wind and straight). e To calculate the length of hips we use, as with basic hipped roofing, the run of the common rafter that is required to obtain the same height. In basic hipped roofing this is simply the half span. In this case, as is clearly evident in Figure 3.16, the jack rafter obtains the height we require. So it is the run of the jack rafter that we require. We then simply multiply this length by the hip length/m run of CR (the hip factor). Hip set-out length = run of jack rafter 3 hip length/m run of CR In this case: hip set-out length = 0.877 3 1.489 hip set-out length = 1.306 m As we are using a jack run that already allows for the half thickness of a common rafter, no further reductions are required when setting out the hip. The hip set-out is shown in Figure 3.16. s Alternatives for locating waling piece Locating the waling piece as described above requires that you notch the underside of each jack rafter as shown on the previous page (Option A). Options B and C offer alternatives to this approach (see Figure 3.13). Figure 3.14 shows the waling piece installed. The jack rafters can now be installed. Note that the top outer edge of the two outer rafters should meet the edge of the common rafters as shown in Figure 3.15. pa ge 82 Figure 3.15 Jack rafters installed Cheetham 03.indd 82 Sa m pl Figure 3.14 Installing the waling piece Waling piece set level and bolted or otherwise fixed as per AS 1864 13/11/12 1:16:53 PM 83 CHAPTER 3 construct advanced roofs Figure 3.16 Hip set-out Hip edge bevel (see pages 76–77) X 1.306 m Hip plumb bevel (see page 76) X is the plumb height taken from above the common rafter bird’s mouth. Figure 3.17 Hip position and detail Sa m pl e pa ge s X Figure 3.18 Completed framing for gambrel roof Cheetham 03.indd 83 13/11/12 1:16:56 PM 84 ADVANCED BUILDING AND JOINERY SKILLS Extended ridge Soldier wall s Figure 3.20 Pictorial view of jerkin head roof framing rafter components will be familiar to those with an understanding of basic hipped roofing. The skill that you need to develop in the case of the jerkin head roof is how to determine the height and width of the soldier wall. Figure 3.21 offers a comparison between the framing of a ‘normal’ hip end and the jerkin head. The length and position of the soldier wall is shown as a pink line. e JERKIN HE AD ROOF pa ge Figure 3.19 Ways of visualising the jerkin head roof (reproduced in colour in the Appendix) Sa m pl A jerkin head roof, like the gambrel, is an adaptation of the hipped roof. This roof form is useful where the attic or roof space of a house is required as the living area, or where the architect desires to reduce the imposing nature of a large gable. While an interesting and pleasing roof from a construction point of view, it is not much used in contemporary architecture. Its inclusion in this chapter is based on its value in developing skills useful for more advanced forms. Like the gambrel, in constructing a jerkin head roof the ridge is extended past the half span point where the centring rafters would normally be positioned. Unlike the gambrel, however, the hips and centring rafters move with the end of the ridge. The result may be described as a cut-off hip end (see Figure 3.19, blue lines), or a truncated gable end wall. The hips therefore do not intersect the corner of the building: instead, a soldier, or shortened, wall is constructed to support the crown end, creepers, and hips (see Figure 3.20). As can be seen from the diagram in Figure 3.20, the set-out and development of all the various Cheetham 03.indd 84 Calculating the height and width of the soldier wall This is a very simple calculation once you understand the basic geometry from which it derives. For this discussion we will use the same characteristics as in the gambrel roof example: Pitch = 25° Span = 4500 mm Eave width = 600 mm Rafter sectional size = 125 3 45 mm Hip sectional size = 175 3 35 mm And once more the ridge will be extended by 3 3 450 mm rafter spacings, or 1350 mm. Now look closely at Figure 3.22 on the next page. From Figure 3.22 you can see that the new hip and the normal hip run parallel to each other. This means that the red line (ridge extension) and the green line (the horizontal run of the jerkin head rafter) are equal, i.e. the run, or plan length, of the jerkin head 13/11/12 1:16:58 PM 85 CHAPTER 3 construct advanced roofs Extension of ridge Top plates Common rafters Creepers A normal hip end Soldier wall Normal centring rafter position Extension of ridge pl m Run of jerkin head rafter Normal hip position Normal centring rafter position rafter will always be equal to the amount by which you extend the ridge. In this case: Run of jerkin head rafter = 1350 mm As Figure 3.23 shows clearly, the width of the soldier wall may now be determined by the following: Cheetham 03.indd 85 Normal hip position New centring rafter position Figure 3.21 Plan of framing for a jerkin head roof compared to a ‘normal’ hip end (reproduced in colour in the Appendix) New hip position Equal Sa Normal centring rafter position Half span e Equal pa ge s New hip position Figure 3.22 Determining the length of the soldier wall (reproduced in colour in the Appendix) S oldier wall width = span – (2 3 ridge extension) Or in this case: soldier wall width = 4500 – (2 3 1350) = 4500 – 2700 = 1800 mm 13/11/12 1:17:01 PM 86 ADVANCED BUILDING AND JOINERY SKILLS Figure 3.23 Width of soldier wall (reproduced in colour in the Appendix) 1350 mm Ridge extension Figure 3.24 Rise/m run principle 1350 mm 1350 mm The height of the soldier wall (see Figure 3.25) is therefore: Height of the soldier wall = rise/m run of CR 3 ridge extension In this case: height of the soldier wall = 0.466 3 1.350 = 0.629 mm 2.0 0.466 0.932 m 1.0 m 2.0 m Framing out the roof From this point on, the setting out and cutting of the crown end, hips and creepers is very much the same as for a normal hipped roof: working, as always, with plan lengths, and multiplying by the appropriate factor (hip or rafter). Figure 3.26 shows how to determine these lengths. Crown end plan length = half span – ridge extension In this case: crown end plan length = 2.250 – 1.350 = 0.900 m Sa m pl e As with the gambrel, at this point you should do the development of all your basic bevels (the eight bevels shown in Figure 3.1) and the calculation of the first five of the ‘Seven Pillars’. Because we are using the same roof characteristics, these will be the same as those for the gambrel roof (see pages 74 and 75). The height of the soldier wall is now determined using the first of the ‘Seven Pillars’, i.e. the rise/m run of CR. Figure 3.24 shows how this works. That is, for every 1.0 m of run, a rafter at 25° will rise 466 mm. For 2.0 m, the rise will be twice as high (2 3 0.466). For 1.5 m, the rise will be 1.5 times as high (1.5 3 0.466), and so on. pa ge s 0.466 m Width of soldier wall 25° 629 mm 466 mm Figure 3.25 Height of soldier wall 1000 mm 1350 mm Cheetham 03.indd 86 13/11/12 1:17:03 PM 87 CHAPTER 3 construct advanced roofs Ridge extension Half span Figure 3.26 Finding the crown end plan length (reproduced in colour in the Appendix) Crown end run, or plan length Half rafter thickness 993 s Remember, this is your set-out length. As with a normal hipped roof, you must make a horizontal reduction on your pattern of half the thickness of the common rafter material (see Figure 3.27). Positioning of the crown end rafter is shown in Figure 3.28. pa ge crown end set-out length = p lan length 3 CR length/m run (rafter factor) crown end set-out length = 0.900 3 1.103 = 0.993 m 993 Se t-o ut len gth Sa m pl e mm mm Figure 3.27 Applying the crown end reduction Note: Be sure to apply reductions horizontally or square to plumb (i.e. at 90º to the plumb line), not ‘down’ the rafter. Centre lines Ridge Centring rafters Figure 3.28 Positioning the crown end rafter Crown end rafter Remember, in this case all the roof components align to a centre line (above). Make sure the top edges of the crown end rafter align with the edges of the centring rafters, as with a normal crown end cluster (right). Cheetham 03.indd 87 13/11/12 1:17:06 PM ADVANCED BUILDING AND JOINERY SKILLS Half mitre thickness of common rafter Cutting and installing creepers Traditionally creepers are set out using a rather complicated reduction method to locate the long point of the first (longest) creeper. Only after this may the standard creeper reduction be used. The author has developed a method which makes finding the lengths of creepers for all roofs far simpler, and for roofs such as this, particularly so. Once more, it is about determining the plan length, or run, of a component, and then multiplying this distance by the appropriate factor (in this case, the rafter factor). Figure 3.32 shows the measurements required for this approach. Normally these would be taken directly off the wall plates; however, it is possible to calculate m pl e Figure 3.29 Hip reductions the same approach as would be used with a hip rafter for a standard hipped roof. Positioning of the hips is shown in Figure 3.31. s The hips As with a standard hipped roof, the hip factor is multiplied by the run of the appropriate rafter to gain the hip set-out length, or our sixth pillar. In a normal hipped roof, we would multiply by the half span, i.e. the run of the common rafter. In this case, the appropriate run, or plan length, is that of the crown end rafter found previously: Hip set-out length = crown end plan length 3 hip factor Hip set-out length = 0.900 3 1.489 Set-out is as per a normal hipped roof and, unlike the gambrel, you must make your standard reduction at the top of the hip of half the mitre thickness of the common rafter. See Figure 3.29 for further explanation. The application of reductions and the full hip setout are shown in Figure 3.30. As stated earlier, this is pa ge 88 Sa Draw a line at 45º on the edge of a piece of rafter material as shown above. Measure and divide in two. Note: As with the jack rafter reduction, this must be taken off square to plumb, i.e. at 90º to the plumb bevel (see Figure 3.27). Figure 3.30 Setting out the hip Half mitre thickness of CR taken off square or at 90° to the plumb cut as shown Hip edge bevel (see pages 76–77) 1.34 0 m Hip plumb bevel (see page 76) X Cheetham 03.indd 88 X X is the plumb height taken from above the common rafter bird’s mouth. 13/11/12 1:17:08 PM 89 CHAPTER 3 construct advanced roofs Figure 3.31 Positioning the hips pa ge s Note: As always, be sure edges of hips align with edges of rafters. pl X m Note: Assumes that rafter spacings on jerkin head end are the same as for the rest of the roof. e Width of hip material marked across corners Figure 3.32 Determining the plan length, or run, of the long side of the first creeper (reproduced in colour in the Appendix) Plan length of long point of first (longest) jerkin head creeper Y Sa Plan length of long point of first creeper (longest creeper) them. Calculating these lengths is not difficult and is important to know when dealing with larger roofs. The formulas for calculating these lengths are given after those for finding the set-out length for the first creeper. All other creepers may be set out from these long points (see Figure 3.33) using the standard creeper shortening: Creeper shortening = r after spacing 3 rafter factor In this case: creeper shortening = 0.450 3 1.103 creeper shortening = 0.496 m Note: This distance is applied ‘down’ the rafter (see Figure 3.33). Set-out length of first creeper = Y 3 rafter factor Cheetham 03.indd 89 Set-out length of first jerkin head creeper = X 3 rafter factor These distances are usually direct measured; however, they may be found mathematically by: Distance Y = (half span – half mitre thickness of hip) – (rafter spacing – half rafter thickness) Distance 3 = (half soldier wall width – half mitre thickness of hip) – (rafter spacing – half rafter thickness) It is not necessary to carry out these calculations here, as you are adequately equipped from the prev ious workings to undertake this yourself. However, it may be helpful to know the shorthand method of finding the half mitre thickness of a component when not direct measuring it: 13/11/12 1:17:10 PM 90 ADVANCED BUILDING AND JOINERY SKILLS Figure 3.33 Setting out the first (or longest) creeper and applying the creeper shortening Creeper edge bevel Creeper shortening Mea sure men t is to lo ng p oint of b eve l pl m Sa SKE WED GABLE Buildings are not always built as square or rectangular structures. Sometimes the wall at the end of a building will run at an angle other than 90°, making what is known as a ‘splayed’ or ‘oblique’ end. This has implications for roof design, requiring more Cheetham 03.indd 90 Figure 3.35 Skewed gable e Figure 3.34 Completed roof framing for the jerkin head pa ge Half mitre thickness = component thickness 4÷ 1.414 This completes the main framing of the jerkin head roof (see Figure 3.34). All other components, such as purlins, strutting, barge trimmers and the like should be familiar to you. s CR plumb bevel (see page 76) thought in the cutting of either gable or hip rafters and creepers. The skewed gable (see Figure 3.35) and the oblique hip (see page 97) fall under the category of ‘splayed ended roofs’. In this form, the skewed gable effectively has creeper rafters to consider. For the moment, only roofs with equal pitches will be dealt with, leaving the issues arising from unequal pitches to the final section. As the diagram in Figure 3.36 demonstrates, the skewed gable roof is aptly named as the gable end is out of square to the building proper, that is to say, it is skewed. The amount of skew is not relevant to the setting out or construction as the mathematics and geometry remain the same. Likewise, the main roof may be constructed of unequal pitches without altering the geometry that will be shown here. The main part of this project is simply a gable roof, which has been described previously in Laws (2009). 13/11/12 1:17:13 PM 1 12 ADVANCED BUILDING AND JOINERY SKILLS SUMMARY s As said at the outset of this chapter, advanced roofing is a very large and broad subject. This chapter, in exploring only five of the many forms possible—gambrel, jerkin head, skewed gable, oblique hip and uneven pitch—has barely touched the surface. It is hoped, however, that in choosing these particular forms, and in examining them as completely as space would allow, you have been equipped sufficiently for further exploration of your own. As with all skills, time and practice are essential to their development. The tasks that follow are therefore designed to assist the development of the skills explored in each of the various sections. For those for whom roofing, and its associated geometry and mathematics, is a challenge, take heart: mathematics is but one way of looking at the world; as you have been shown here, there are others, and they are just as trustworthy. Text and PowerPoint presentation pa ge References and Further Reading pl e Laws, A. (2009), Site Establishment, Formwork and Framing, Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest, NSW. Sa m Costin, G.P. (2009), Chapter 5, ‘Construct a pitched roof: the Seven Pillars of roofing’. Support material to Laws (2009), Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest, NSW. Australian Standards AS 1684.2: 2010 Residential Timberframed Construction—Non-cyclonic Areas AS 1684.3: 2010 Residential Timberframed Construction—Cyclonic Areas Cheetham 03.indd 112 Web-based resources There are myriad sites that offer, sometimes for a fee, solutions to the geometric and mathematical challenges presented by the more complex roof types. Most, however, do not spell out the ‘why’ behind the ‘how to’, offering the ‘answer’ only. Because of this, no sites are specifically mentioned here. However, the internet is very useful and you are encouraged to explore it frequently for new materials, fresh or alternative solutions and, most importantly, alternative perspectives on the ‘why’. Indeed, often the key to understanding is often found simply by viewing the issue from another angle or by the solution being presented in a different form. The internet can often provide these alternatives (though be aware that what is ‘out there’ is not always correct). 13/11/12 1:18:04 PM 113 CHAPTER 3 construct advanced roofs Worksheet 1 Student name:_________________________________________________________________ To be completed by teachers: Enrolment year: ______________________________________________________________ Student competent Class code:______________________________________________________________________ Student not yet competent Competency name/Number:___________________________________________ Task Roof type: Jerkin head 1800 mm s Characteristics: pa ge Pitch: 40° Span: 5000 mm Ridge extension: 1800 mm Rafter spacing: 600 mm e Rafters: 125 3 35 mm pl Hips: 150 3 35 mm Find: m Eave: 450 mm Height and width of the soldier wall 2. Set-out length of first creeper Sa 1. Cheetham 03.indd 113 ▲ continued 13/11/12 1:18:05 PM
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