20° CONGRESSO NAZIONALE delle Malattie Digestive Napoli, 19-22 Marzo 2014 PRO - CONTRO Trattamento dell’acalasia: endoscopia o chirurgia? Sandro Mattioli Unità Operativa di Chirurgia Toracica Centro per lo Studio e la Terapia delle Malattie dell’Esofago Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna GVM Care & Research Cotignola (Ra), Italy Acalasia – Dilatazione Pneumatica Rigiflex Achalasia dilator (Microvasive, Milford MA, USA) Esophageal Achalasia - Pneumatic Dilatation vs Heller-Dor Retrospective comparative evaluation Inclusion criteria Heller-Dor and Pneum.Dil groups: PneumaticDilatation and Surgical groups Pre and post Clinical interview Upper GI endosc. x-ray Barium swallow Esophageal manometry PD-reduction of > 70% LES pressure after the procedure Surgery Heller-Dor (laparotomy) 36 cases/group homogeneous acc.to pre op RX morphology minimal FU > 48 months 1993 Esophageal Achalasia - Pneumatic Dilatation vs Heller-Dor Global Results Excellent Pneumatic dilatation Heller-Dor (mean F.U. 70.1 months) (mean F.U. 78.3 months) 5 / 13.9% 28 / 77.7% 22 / 61.1% 6 / 16.7% DS0,RS0,E0 Good DS1 or RS1,E0 Fair 4 / 11.1% 0 DS1,RS1,E1 Poor 5 / 13.9% DS2-3,RS2-3,E2-3 1993 2 / 5.5% Esophageal Achalasia - Pneumatic Dilatation vs Heller-Dor conclusions In the long run Pneumatic Dilatation and Myotomy are both valid treatments for esophageal achalasia, although only surgery may achieve complete cure of dysphagia. The gambler’s rule : risk more to obtain more 1993 The cure of oesophageal achalasia Dysphagia GOR Reflux Endoscopic evidence of GERD (erosive esophagitis) after POEM Surg Endosc 2013; 27:3322–3338 Surgery for Achalasia Long Abdominal Myotomy Latin Europeans Countries Short Transthoracic Myotomy North America and United Kingdom Esophagomyotomy for Esophageal Achalasia: Experimental, Clinical, and Manometric Aspects Types of experimental myotomies performed. A) "Classic" Heller; B) 'long" Heller; Ellis FH et al. Ann Surg 1967, 166:640-655 C) "short" Heller. Center for the Study and Therapy of Diseases of the Esophagus University of Bologna 1955-1970 85 Abdominal Heller Myotomy (13 + Lortat Jacob) Mean Follow up 155.8 months (r. 12-342 months) 1973-1976 30 Transthoracic short Myotomy acc. to F.H. Ellis Mean Follow up 88.4 months (r. 36-130 months) Dysphagia 9.6% Reflux Esophagitis 22.6% Dysphagia 23% Reflux Esophagitis 21% Causes of failure of the Heller Myotomy • Periesophageal scarring • Reflux Esophagitis • Insufficient Myotomy • Adenocarcinoma Abdominal Myotomy Transthoracic limited Myotomy Post Jatrogenic GER • Squamous Cell Carcinoma Sigmoid esophagus IL RAZIONALE Miotomia esofagogastrica lunga per abolire la HPZ distale Liebermann-Meffert D. Muscular equivalent of the lower esopgaheal sphincter Gastroenterology 1979; 761:31–8 Surgical Therapy of Achalasia Anti-Reflux Fundoplication A long and soft fundoplication To protect the surface of the myotomy 180° 270° LONG MYOTOMY Mattioli et al. Ann Surg 1993;218:635-9 Intraoperative Manometry and long term result Relationship between pressure and length of the fundoplication and presence or absence of reflux oesophagitis (31 pts mean f.u. 41.5 months) Mattioli S. Min Chir 1991 Oesophageal Surgery and Scientific Literature 1999-2010 (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed) Journal Citation Reports Edition 2007 Achalasia 126 articles Heller–Dor technique as procedure of choice = 76 (60.3%) Rank General Surgery Journals 1 ANN SURG 3 BRIT J SURG 10 ARCH SURG-CHICAGO Rank 5 32 Rank 11 35 36 Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgical Journals ENDOSCOPY SURG ENDOSC Thoracic Surgery Journals J THORAC CARDIOV SUR ANN THORAC SURG EUR J CARDIO-THORAC SURG Articles 38 22 3 13 Impact Factor 7.446 4.304 3.485 Articles 55 Impact Factor 2 53 4.166 2.242 Articles 33 9 15 9 Impact Factor 3.354 2.022 2.011 Dysphagia symptom improvement and postoperative GER Role of fundusplication Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis p=0,23 * DYSPHAGIA Campos G.M. et al. Ann Surg 2009;249: 45–57 Heller Myotomy Versus Heller Myotomy With Dor Fundoplication for Achalasia. A Prospective Randomized Double-Blind Clinical Trial Richards WO et al. Ann Surg 2004;240: 405–415 Endoscopic evidence of GERD (erosive esophagitis) after POEM Surg Endosc 2013; 27:3322–3338 Latency of CLE, Dysplasia and Cancer after myotomy 21/343 pts. 16,3% F.U. med. 220 m. Di Simone MP, Mattioli S, et al. Ann Thor Surg 1996 Mattioli S et al. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2006; 29 (6): 914-9. 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE HELLER–DOR OPERATION 1979 – 2009 262 patients Mortality Laparotomy 202 pts. (97 men, median age 55.5 yrs. IQR 43.7-71) Laparoscopy 60 pts. (24 men, median age 46 yrs. IQR 36.2-63) 1/202 0/60 Morbility Median Follow-up 6.5% 96 months (IQR 48-190.5) 8.3% 2 conversions 48 months (IQR 27-69.5) Mattioli S et al. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2010;140:962-9 INTRAOPERATIVE MANOMETRY Laparotomy 102 cases Laparoscopy 60 cases 100% 100% Mean Length DOR fundoplication 4.5 (±0.4) cm 4.5 (±0.5) cm Mean Pressure DOR fundoplication 13.3 (±2.2) mmHg 13.2 (±2.2) mmHg Abolition HPZ p=0.75 Mattioli S et al. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2010;140:962-9 0 12 36 60 Clinical interview, barium swallow x-ray, manometry, endoscopy. Clinical interview, barium swallow x-ray, manometry, endoscopy. Clinical interview, barium swallow x-ray, manometry, endoscopy. Clinical interview, barium swallow x-ray, manometry, endoscopy. Surgery Pre-surgery work-up Long term results following Achalasia treatment Follow - up protocol 120 months RESULTS Dysphagia Laparotomy 201 pts. Median follow-up 96 months (IQR, 48–190.5) Laparoscopy 60 pts. Median follow-up 48 months (IQR, 27–69.5) Excellent Good Fair Insufficient 90.5% 7.5% 2% 98.3% 1.7% 0% Mattioli S et al. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2010;140:962-9 RESULTS Reflux esophagitis Laparotomy 201 pts. Median follow-up 96 months (IQR, 48–190.5) Laparoscopy 60 pts. Median follow-up 48 months (IQR, 27–69.5) Excellent Good Fair Insufficient 90% 2.5 7.5% 96.7% 0% 3.3% Mattioli S et al. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2010;140:962-9 Laparotomy 201 pts. Laparoscopy 60 pts. Median follow-up 96 months (IQR, 48–190.5) Median follow-up 48 months (IQR, 27–69.5) Excellent 113 (56.2%) 30 (50%) Good 55 (27.4%) 27 (45%) Fair 14 (6.9%) 1 (1.7%) Insufficient 19 (9.5%) 2 (3.3%) RESULTS D0 RS0 E0 D1 RS1 E0 D2 RS2 E1 D3 RS3 E2-3-4 or L.A. A-B Mattioli S et al. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2010;140:962-9 Acalasia Sigmoide Mattioli S et al. Eur J Cardiothor Surg 2007; 32: 827-833 SIGMOID ACHALASIA-PULL DOWN TECHNIQUE Mattioli et al.European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery 32 (2007) 827—833 SIGMOID ACHALASIA PULL DON TECHNIQUE RESULTS % 45 40 35 30 25 No Pull-Down 20 Pull-Down 15 P > 0.05 10 5 0 Excellent Good Fair Insufficient Mattioli et al.European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery 32 (2007) 827—833 Pneumatic Dilation versus Laparoscopic Heller’s Myotomy for Idiopathic Achalasia N Engl J Med 2011;364:1807-16. •Exclusion criteria were…megaesophagus (diameter of >7 cm), •and differences in the length of the cut in the myotomy between our study and a 2003 study (in which the length of the cut extended up to 3 cm in the stomach) may have led to differences in the rates of therapeutic success. Pneumatic Dilation versus Laparoscopic Heller’s Myotomy for Idiopathic Achalasia Kaplan–Meier Curves for the Rate of Treatment Success N Engl J Med 2011;364:1807-16. Esophageal Achalasia - Endoscopic vs Surgical Therapy conclusions In the long run Pneumatic Dilatation and Myotomy are both valid treatments for esophageal achalasia, although only surgery may achieve complete cure of dysphagia. a good dilation is better than a “not perfect “surgery 2014
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