2013 ANNUAL HSE REPORT Avinash Parakkal QHSE Manager ANNUAL HSE REPORT 2013 FOREWARD When Health, Safety and Environmental policies become a lifestyle and everyone in the organization adopts this with responsibility, pride and like a family rule book, it reaches to a stage of near perfection. With thirty plus years of business excellence integrated with management system standard implementation, Emdad HSE systems now reap the benefits of its mellowness phase. The key to the success of this maturity lies in four basic parameters. First being the commitment of its top management, HSE team and work force, secondly the documented systems and the training we continuously conduct at periodic intervals, thirdly the cooperation and recognition we get from our partner OPCO companies, manufacturers and suppliers. And last but not least, is the will of Emdad team members and the understanding they have developed with regards to HSE system, the initiatives they propose, the sound implementation and the recognition they get in return. As CEO of Emdad it is my pleasure and pride to lead an organization which reflects sound HSE management systems, an organization which is recognized multiple times by client companies for its HSE initiatives, record keeping and sound track record. And above all the people who reflect full adaptation to the HSE systems. Yes it requires involvement, dedication, presence and investment, but as our year logo said, life is precious, more than the business revenue it generates and the sweet profits it yields. For us, in true sense safety comes first and is second to none. As collective Emdad team, we will strive to excel further, ensure full participation and presence in the coming years. Aim at learning from our experiences and ensuring continual improvement at every phase of the activity ‐ which can possibly impact health, safety and environment. Mr. Mansour Al Alami CEO 2 ANNUAL HSE RE EPORT 201 13 MANAG GEMENT COMMIT TMENT Emdad haas a long‐‐standing HSE commitment tto the hig ghest stan ndards forr the health and safety o of our emp ployees, cu ustomers, and contractors; as well as to o the protection ies in which we livee and work. In n of the environmen nt in the communit c 2013, Emdad’s man nagementt has been n fully co mmitted tto ensurin ng a safe and healthy workplace, w the prote ection of the environ nment and d quality sservices in n our day‐to‐daay businesss. Emdad d manage ement’s deedication is demon nstrated o on a continued d basis through the eir visible leadership p, such ass, promotting a heaalthy lifestyle, reinforcin ng the co ompany’s core values, chairing HSE EQ meetiings, employing g a qualifie ed HSE staaff, performing site visits and meeting t the workfo orce, encouragiing positivve and safe behavvior, prom moting thee latest eenvironmeental technolog gy, and lasst but not the least, regular cllient meettings to ap ppreciate ttheir expectatio ons and to o deliver a s service of e excellencee. 3 ANNUAL HSE RE EPORT 201 13 HSE PERFO ORMANCE-201 13 Prevention of injuriess and prote ection of t he environ nment continue to bee the majo or fo ocus for EM MDAD. Du uring the y year 2013 T Total man hours worrked by EM MDAD is 483475 with h no loss time injury. MAN N HOUR RS WORKED IN 2013 ‐ 4834755 120000 109,9 923 100000 80,175 80000 67,470 76,,906 69 9,343 60000 39,04 46 40000 20000 14,640 12,806 115,230 0 4 ANNUAL HSE REPORT 2013 MAN HOURS MONTH WISE IN 2013 60000 55382 52506 50000 41221 37487 40000 39674 42631 39566 38,059 37697 34708 34532 30012 30000 20000 10000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec MAN HOURS WORKED COMPARISION 2009‐ 2013 600000 500000 483475 467249 426803 400000 300000 267612 296640 200000 100000 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 5 ANNUAL HSE RE EPORT 201 13 73343 69337 0 50000 79712 104703 150220 107438 A Aug 137204 113810 Jul 112581 134738 8 150664 121395 100000 150000 200000 TOTAL L KMs DRIVEN I N 2013 13551190 KMss Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun n Sep Oct Nov Dec KMs DRI K VEN CO OMPARISON CH HART 2000000 2 176 62318 1800000 1 1600000 1 1355190 1400000 1 1094610 1200000 1 1000000 1 800000 600000 475341 4 400000 200000 0 2010 20111 2012 2013 6 ANNUAL HSE RE EPORT 201 13 FIRST AID,RW WC, MTC C & LTI‐22013 1 0.8 MTC 0.6 RWC LTI 0.4 FAC 0.2 Road 0d Road LTI MTC Jan J Mar Feb Apr A May JJun Jul Dec Oct Nov Sep Auug TRIR 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0 0 2011 20112 0 2009 2010 2013 7 ANNUAL HSE RE EPORT 201 13 NEA AR MISS S REPOR RTED 3 343 60 44 40 31 20 20 10 25 32 51 35 31 28 17 19 0 JA AN FEB MAR APR R MAY JUN JULL AUG SEP OCT NOV D DEC QHSE DASHBOAR RD eloped to reflect EM MDAD’s kkey QHSE performaance. QHSE daash board was deve Graphical represen ntation of each dataa in the daashboard w will help in n knowing g the trend of QHSE pe erformance e in an eaasy manneer. Updateed QHSE dash boarrd is circulated d to EMDAD’s top managem ment by th he QHSE m manager, on a mon nthly basis, alo ong with th he monthlyy report. 8 ANNUAL HSE REPORT 2013 9 ANNUAL HSE REPORT 2013 CORPORATE HSE STATISTICS 2013 10 ANNUAL HSE REPORT 2013 EMDAD HSE HIGHLIGHTS 2013 HSE TRAININGS Regular trainings play a critical role in accident prevention and increase the awareness of the employees in the HSEQ Management System. In order to make the employees aware of the HSE aspects, we are generating a HSEQ training plan for every employee and coordinating with Training Centers to complete these plans successfully. At Emdad, we also ensure regular in‐house trainings for all our employees. 11 ANNUAL HSE REPORT 2013 Following are some of the trainings our personnel have undergone. Name of Training No of Participants Training provided by H2S & BA 164 First Aid 8 GTSC Fire Fighting 7 GTSC PTW 11 ERM ADSD 10 GTSC, Numero Uno Defensive Driving 2 GTSC Gas Testing 3 Numero Uno Rigging & Slinging 4 TUV SUD Crane Operation 4 TUV SUD Fork lift Operation 4 TUV SUD TBOSIET 3 GTSC ADMA Offshore 2 GTSC HSE MS, and TRA 4 ADCO Level 3 Food Safety 4 ADCO Hearing Protection 10 ADCO Land Transportation Safety 5 ADCO HSE Induction 180 HSE Manager, HSE Officers, Clients HSE Manager, HSE Officers PPE 70 HSE Manager, HSE Officers ADCO LPR 140 HSE Manager, HSE Officers ADCO Lessons Learned 60 HSE Manager, HSE Officers Working at Height 150 HSE Manager, HSE Officers Heat Stress & Summer Safety 180 HSE Manager, HSE Officers Earth Quake Safety 85 HSE Manager, HSE Officers Grinder Safety 18 HSE Manager, HSE Officers Manual Handling 150 HSE Manager, HSE Officers Behavior Based Safety 170 HSE Manager, HSE Officers Excavation 35 HSE Manager, HSE Officers HSE Policy 38 GTSC, Numero Uno 12 ANNUAL HSE REPORT 2013 HSE CAMPAIGNS: HSE campaigns aim to raise awareness on issues related to Health, Safety & Environment, provide information, practical advice and encourage activities that have positive impact in the work place. EARTH HOUR As part of support to environment‐oriented initiatives, EMDAD participated in the Earth Hour 2013 which was held on Saturday, March 23, from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm. All non‐ essential lights were switched off at all sites and in EMDAD base. At site camps, during the earth hour, few activities were conducted to raise the awareness among employees and to show commitment towards Mother Earth. FITNESS AT WORK With the support of Life line hospital, Emdad’s HSE department conducted a health campaign called “Fitness At Work” for our office staff. Fitness specialists from LLH delivered lectures and involved employees with activities on the following topics: Lifestyle Changes Correct Postures Rejuvenating Short workout session Simple workout tips to be done at workplace 13 ANNUAL HSE REPORT 2013 USE THE STAIRS As part of HSE awareness initiatives, HSE department conducted a campaign called Use The Stairs. Employees participated in the campaign by using stairs at least once during the day of campaign and not taking the lift either while climbing up or down the stairs to Office. This campaign was conducted with an aim to create health & environmental awareness. WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL DAY EMDAD participated in WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL Day on 5th June 2013. Think.Eat.Save ‐‐‐ an anti‐food waste and food loss campaign that encouraged to reduce food prints caused by every individual. 14 ANNUAL HSE RE EPORT 201 13 CLEAN U UP CAMPA AIGN EMDAD employee es participaated in clean up cam mpaigns org ganised byy ADCO at various sites. Em mdad’s HSE E departm ment always shows ffull supporrt to ADCO Os initiativves. Approxim mately 30 00 kg of waastes were collected and dispossed as partt of the campaigns. 15 ANNUAL HSE REPORT 2013 NEW POLICY EMDAD’ HSE department has developed and implemented a Drug, Alcohol & Smoking Policy which defines the rules and regulations regarding the usage of Drug , Alcohol & smoking with in EMDAD premises or while representing EMDAD elsewhere. Implementation of this policy also aims to reduce smoking & also prevent the use of alcohol and drugs while working . 16 ANNUAL HSE RE EPORT 201 13 EMERGE ENCY DRILL As part of EMD DAD’s co omprehenssive progrrams for eemergencyy preparedness and d response e, Emergen ncy drills w were condu ucted at vaarious sitee locations with an objective to o train emp ployees on n how to re espond to r real situatiions TY YPES OF D DRILLS CO ONDUTED D IN 2013 Firre Personneel Injury H Heat Stresss Lost and Strranded in D Desert Vehicle A Accident H H2S Relea ase 4 2 3 2 2 1 3 2 2 0 2 0 Jan Feb 0 Mar M Apr Mayy Jun Jul Aug 1 Sep Oct Nov 1 D Dec 17 ANNUAL HSE RE EPORT 201 13 OCCUP PATIONA AL HEALTH H Emdad d ensures tthat its em mployees are fit to wo ork prior tto their deployment to site and d conduccts regularr fitness aassessmentt from rep puted hospitals. Forr employeees who are e expose ed to certaain occupational health hazard ds such as noise, dusst, high tem mperature, speciall health sccreening te ests are co onducted on yearly basis. It includes Spirometry y, Audiom metry etc. ning, workk sites aree monitorred by ch hecking th he level of Apart from health screen hazard dous itemss. Noise, A Air Quality, Temperature etc aare monito ored on regular basiss and reports are maintaine ed for verification. Based on the surveey results, required d PPEs aand operational controls are provided to protect the health of the emplloyees. wareness, employees are sentt for vario ous health h‐related trainings ‐ To raisse the aw Respiraatory Prottection Trraining , Hearing H Prrotection Trainings,, etc., arrranged by y ADCO at various sites.In ho ouse trainings are alsso conductted by the HSE team m. SUR RVEYS C CONDCU UTED IN N 2013 Dec 1 Nov 1 Oct 1 Sep 1 Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan 1 Noise 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0.5 Air 1 Temperrature 1 1 1 1 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 18 8 ANNUAL HSE REPORT 2013 HSE TEAM Emdad has a qualified and experienced HSE team. Out of six members, four are approved by ADCO, one by Takreer and one by GASCO. To upgrade the skills of HSE team members, they attend various training programmes conducted by clients and by third party. In 2013 Emdad’s QHSE Manager attended and passed ADEHS Practitioners Qudorat Program, One of the HSE Officers attended ADCO’s annual HSE assessment test for contractor safety officers. QHSE AWARDS Emdad always strives for improving employees’ morale and wants to improve its employees’ motivation. QHSE award scheme is developed in order to promote the QHSE performance at EMDAD and reward deserving individuals. The principle at the base of this document is the development and implementation of participative initiatives, rewards programme and communication that portray the positive aspects of QHSE performance. TYPES OF AWARD There are 7 kinds of awards Safety Man of the Month Safe Drivers of the Month Safety Man of the Year Safe Driver of the Year Best Near Miss Reporter Best ISM Initiator Best Health / Environment/ Employee welfare initiative. Upon identifying the various kinds of awards, selected employees’ will be provided with cash award or gifts worth the cash and a certificate signed by CEO shall be issued 19 ANNUAL HSE REPORT 2013 by the QHSE department. Certificates will be provided to employees during safety/welfare meetings. ADNOC HSE AWARD PARTICIPATION Emdad Participated in ADNOC HSE award 2013 in the environment category. Green practices at EMDAD OBM plant was selected for the submission. HSE DAY EMDADs HSE department conducted HSE day event on 15th Dec 2013 at EMDAD Habshan camp by involving Management of Emdad and site employees. The objective was to promote & integrate HSE culture across Emdad. As part of the HSE day event HSE department conducted a slogan contest and Ms. Gemma was selected as the winner for turning in with the most suitable slogan for the event. “LIFE IS PRECIOUS! ACT SAFELY, LIVE HEALTHY AND BE ECO-FRIENDLY” 20 ANNUAL HSE RE EPORT 201 13 HSE DAY LOGO O he logo: Lo ogo repressents Healthy, Safe & Environ nment Con nscious em mployee. About th Green co olour depicts health h & Safetyy consciouus and streetched haands depiccts good health. 21 ANNUAL HSE REPORT 2013 LEARNING FROM INCIDENTS When a company has a mature safety culture, employees are more likely to recognize and act upon hazardous work conditions posing a threat to themselves and to their coworkers. To advance our safety culture, we have increased focus on key programs to drive safer behaviors and encourage sharing of lessons learned. To advance our safety culture, we have increased focus on key programs to drive safer behaviors and encourage sharing of lessons learned. All Lessons Learned were communicated as power point presentation with pictures, highlighting causes and specific learning. LABOUR WELFARE • We are committed to labour welfare rights in our business operation to protect Emdad’s strong reputation in the oil and gas industry. Welfare requirements are an essential part of the labour’s legal rights and are a contributing factor in reducing possible harm and accidents to the workforce and potential unrest among labours. Emdad has take few important steps to improve labour welfare and are as follows: 22 ANNUAL HSE REPORT 2013 Periodic Reviews on welfare. Conducts spot checks of labour camps Developed welfare committee meeting procedure Developed Labour welfare committee Conducted bimonthly welfare meetings and also one‐on‐one meetings with labourers. NEWLY PROVIDED PPEs To ensure the greatest possible protection for employees in the workplace, Emdad provides all required PPE’s to its work force. In 2013 HSE department of Emdad has provided few new types of PPE’s based on the operational requirements . NOMEX fire retardant cover alls to all employees at OBM. H2S monitors with measuring range 5ppm ‐low & 10 ‐ppm for GASCO project. 10‐15 minutes EEBA sets for Cp monitoring project team SO2 Sensor to CP construction project. ROAD SAFETY Road safety continues to be one of the great challenges for EMDAD . Safety department gives utmost care for road safety to avoid any incidents. To ensure safe driving, all required safety control measures are put in place to reduce the risks involved in driving. All EMDAD vehicles, deployed at site are mounted with IVMS. Drivers performance is monitored through RAG reports. As per the new 23 ANNUAL HSE REPORT 2013 requirements from ADCO, for better tracking & Driver Identification , Emdad has installed RFID reader in all vehicles and has provided individual RFID cards for all vehicle users in place of old blue keys. Geo fencing speed limits are also in place for all Emdad vehicles used at sites. Speed limit is set as per ADCO’s requirement. In order to raise the road safety awareness various road safety campaigns & trainings such as Driving in fog, rain, drills such as lost and stranded in desert, vehicle fire etc. are conducted . Lessons learned from all road accidents (shared by ADNOC groups, internal) are communicated with all vehicle users on timely manner. Total Km driven for the year 2013 = 1355190 Other proactive measures implemented are Conducting road safety and behavioral safety audits on regular basis. Drivers Evaluation by conducting quizes and written exams. CSR PROGRAMME Blood Donation: As part of ADCOs initiative, EMDAD team members volunteered for a blood donation campaign conducted at ADCO ASAB. About 15 employees participated and donated approximately 8 liters of blood. 24 ANNUAL HSE RE EPORT 201 13 oon Victim ms CSR – Donation for Typho d, has alwaays reached d out to sh how its sup pport to the victims o of disasterrs and Emdad natural calamitie es worldwid de. Emdad d extended d a helping g hand to t those affeccted by the e recent massive flloods & typhoon in P Philippiness by donatiing cloths, medicines and other it tems to th he needy. WASTE MANAG GEMENT d is equallyy committed to protect the en nvironment. We alwaays try to reduce the e Emdad environ nmental impacts caused by the wasttes generrated by Emdad’s operation. Reduce e, Reuse, R Recycle rem mains the motto of f our organ nization. er disposall of waste materials EMDAD h has entereed a contraact with an n To enssure prope approvved waste collection n contracto or. All typees of wasttes are pro operly seg gregated in n different skips and are dissposed by the contrractor. Trip manifesst and wasste volume e reportss are provvided by the t contraactor as per the reg gulatory requiremen nts. Waste e manag gement audit for the year 2012 2‐13 was do one by ADCWM approved 3rd party . 25 5 ANNUAL HSE REPORT 2013 OBM PLANT Treatment of Oil Based mud using indirect thermal oxidation: This is one of the prestigious projects of EMDAD. TDU is the Best Available Technique in the market for the operation which has very low impact on the environment and this method for treating drill cuttings is initially introduced in GCC by EMDAD. EMDAD has successfully completed 7 years of safe operation with ADCO & Currently the contract has been renewed for the next 5 years . Also EMDAD is going to increase the volume of cuttings treated, by having a similar facility in the existing area. • Total Quantity of Mud Processed: 120,000 Tons. • Total Quantity of Oil Extracted & Re Used :1 Million Litre/ Year. • Total Quantity of Water Extracted & Re Used : 1/2 Million Litre/Year. • Total Quantity of Treated Mud Re‐used : 50,000 Ton. • Reduced 832 Tons of Carbon foot Print by Providing Treated Cuttings from the plant for Road Works locally rather than transporting from Quarry. SAFETY STATISTICS LTI, MTC, Road Accidents Man Hours KM Driven Near Miss FAC RWD 385670 733754 440 0 5 3 26 ANNUAL HSE REPORT 2013 QULAITY & HSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Emdad maintains an integrated Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental Management system based on three international standards, which are ISO9001:2008 for Quality, ISO14001:2004 for Environmental and OHSAS18001:2007 for Occupational health and safety. Apart from this Emdad’s valve service division is certified to APIQ1. Having certified to all these international standards, EMDAD demonstrate their status as good corporate citizens and service provider with effective quality management systems, sound environmental practices, and a robust safety culture. MANAGEMENT REVIEW MEETINGS Two Management review meetings were conducted during 2013. ISO MRM on June 2013 API MRM on July 2013 SCOPE EXTENSTION In 2013 EMDAD was successful in certifying 2 new services to its IMS. The two new services are ∙ MUD SERVICES ‐ Cutting Reinjection & Liquid Mud plant. ∙ Manufacturing & Design of Cathodic protection system. 27 ANNUAL HSE RE EPORT 201 13 EXTER RNAL AUD DITS EMDAD’s E d Managem ment Systeem 3rd Surrveillance a audit by BV V. Integrated IMS Scope I e extension n audit by BV. API Q1 and A d ISO 2900 01 1st surve eillance aud dit by API.. Emdad’s H E HSEMS was audited b by ADCO. Performan P nce appraissal audit w was conduccted by AD DCO and EMDAD sco ored 81% Waste Man W nagementt audit by E EDESSA. INTER RNAL AUD DITS In 20133 , 5 intern nal audits w were done,, of which, 2 were co omplete managemen nt system audits and 1 for M Manufactu uring & Dessign of CP system, 2 for sales & & order pro ocessing. AU UDITS C CONDUC CTED IN N 2013 B BV BV, 2 INTERN NAL, 5 ADCO, 2 1 API, 1 A ADCO A API EDESSA IN NTERNAL EDE ESSA, 1 28 8 ANNUAL HSE REPORT 2013 At Emdad we follow a system called ISM to record all observations, suggestions, innovative ideas raised by team members & external parties. Below graph shows the number of ISMs raised and processed during the year 2013. 30 May, 28 25 20 Jul, 14 15 Aug, 10 Jun, 13 10 Sep, 6 5 Jan, 3 Feb, 4 Mar, 2 Apr, 2 Mar Apr Oct, 3 Nov, 4 Dec, 1 0 Jan Feb May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 29 ANNUAL HSE REPORT 2013 HSE OBJECTIVES 2013 ACHIEVEMENTS HEALTH To develop Drug Alcohol & Smoking Policy 100% To Conduct Health Campaigns 100% To Invite doctors to conduct Health awareness session for employees. 100% SAFETY To Achieve Zero LTI 100% To Conduct one HAZMAT drill in Habshan OBM plant 0% To arrange for Senior Management Team Site Visit 100% ENVIRONMENT To conduct cleanup campaign at various sites. 100% To conduct Spill Prevention Campaign 100% To conduct paper recycling program at offices 100% 30 ANNUAL HSE REPORT 2013 HSE OBJECTIVES FOR 2014 HEALTH Conduct blood donation campaign. To release health related flashes on bi monthly basis. SAFETY To achieve zero LTI. To release Employee Safety Hand book Review and update all Task hazard register of all activities. ENVIRONMENT Conduct Environmental awareness campaigns. Install solar powered lights at OBM plant. To develop waste management policy & waste reduction plan. 31 ANNUAL HSE REPORT 2013 CONCLUSION EMDAD has ensured to maintain a significant safety performance over the years. The HSE team would like to thank all our clients and EMDAD’s Senior Management for their enormous support and continued guidance. EMDAD will continue and strive hard to ensure the health and safety of all its employees, contractors and visitors and also protect the environment. Emdad is also committed to strictly comply with the HSE regulations of the nation and will always adapt the best practices to continually improve the organization’s HSE standards. Avinash Parakkal QHSE Manager EMDAD THE POWER TO LEAD EMDAD LLC PO BOX 4118, ABU DHABI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Tel : +971 2 6349999 Fax : +971 2 6318181 www.emdad.ae 32
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