Nearly-zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) Regional Conference - REGEA-i

Nearly-zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) Regional Conference
13 May 2014, Dubrovnik Palace Hotel, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Conference aims
The coming years will see a sharp increase in the market uptake of highly efficient buildings supplied
by renewable energy throughout Europe: by 2020, all new buildings must be Nearly-zero Energy
Buildings (new public buildings already by 2018). According to the European Buildings Directive, nZEB
building is very high energy performance building with a very low amount of energy required covered
to a very significant extent by energy from renewable sources. This regional conference, organized
within Intelligent Energy Europe Sustainable Energy for Rural Communities (SUSTAINCO) project aims
to discuss many important aspects of Nearly-zero Energy Buildings - technologies, business models,
policies, financing, definitions best practice examples from Austria, Croatia, France, Germany,
Ireland and other EU supported projects. The conference will be consisted of several key note
presentations, an interactive stakeholder’s panel and training session.
Target groups
 Public and private sector interested in financing nZEB projects
 Financial sector supporting development of nZEB projects
 National and local decision makers, ministries, scientists and experts, energy agencies.
 EU and Croatian nZEB perspective: decision makers exchanging views with regional and local
 Presentations of criteria for nZEB standard and discussions on optimal levels of energy
efficiency and renewable energy sources
 EU best practice in nZEB markets (an outlook on the developments on European and global
markets for sustainable buildings, including National Plans for NZEB)
 nZEB as a chance of regional competitiveness (emerging market of SE Europe business
 How to prepare and finance your nZEB project?
(Innovative financing models and credit lines for nZEB projects -ZABA, FZOEU, HBOR etc.)
 nZEB training – are we prepared for the new building standard? (exchange of experience
among experts and new business opportunities)
More details and updated programme
Supported by
Preliminary agenda
9.00 – 9.30
9.30 – 10.20
10.20 – 10.50
10.50 – 12.00
12.00 – 12.30
12.30 – 14.00
14.00 – 15.00
15.00 – 15.30
15.30 – 17.30
Julije Domac, Managing Director – North West Croatia Regional Energy Agency (REGEA)
Mihael Zmajlović, Minister - Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection (MZOIP) –tbc
Ivan Vrdoljak, Minister - Ministry of Economy (MINGO) –tbc
Anka Mrak-Taritaš, Minister - Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning (MGIPU) -tbc
nZEB in Croatia and EU – Part I
Status of nZEB in Croatia – Nada Marđetko-Škoro, Head for Strategic Planning, EU programs and
international cooperation Sector, Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning (MGIPU)
Can ambitious nZEB targets be reached? – Pau Garcia Audi, Project Officer
European Commission – Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI)
Coffee break
nZEB in Croatia and EU – Part II
Title tbd – Marie-Christine Roger, Head of Department of Technical Quality and Technical
Building Regulations, Ministry for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy (METL/MEDDE),
nZEB in Germany – transposition of the EPBD, best practice cases – Horst Schettler-Köhler, Head
of Section Energy Saving, Climate Protection, Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban
Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) at Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning,
Is cost-optimality driving buildings towards nZEB? – Bogdan Atanasiu, Senior energy expert,
Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE), Belgium
Open discussion
Moderated panel –nZEB driving industry, entrepreneurs, financing institutions and policy
makers towards sustainable future of Croatia?
Holcim, HKA, HKIG, HGK, ZABA, FZOEU, MGIPU, Du-Ne County, REGEA (speakers –tbd)
Coffee break
IEE SUSTAINCO project training - Detailed comparison of nZEB construction models in Croatia,
Ireland and Austria in the framework of SUSTAINCO project
Ivan Przulj/Milka Hrbud – REGEA, Croatia
Paul Kenny – Tipperary Energy Agency, Ireland
Ulla Baur-Gschier – LandesEnergieVerein Steiermark, Austria