A N I N V I T A T I O N Institute of Management & Information Science (Approved by AICTE, Govt. of India) Central Office:Vivekananda Marg Bhubaneswar-751 002, Orissa, India Ph : +91-674-2431953, 2433762, 2435697 Fax : +91-674-2433932 Campus Recruitment Program 2015 Campus: Swagat Vihar, Bankuala Bhubaneswar-751 002, Orissa, India Ph : +91-674-3291471, 6542256/ 57/ 58/ 61/ 62 Website : www.imis.ac.in E-mail : [email protected] / [email protected] D I S C I P L I N E I L E A D E R S H I P Institute of Management & Information Science, Bhubaneswar I C O M M I T M E N T IMIS Bhubaneswar Institution beyond Education for creating ready professionals The B-School that Thinks Ahead ... IMIS believes in imagination. What it cannot see is infinitely more important than what it can see. There are two big forces: external and internal. We have very little control over external forces such as tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, disasters, illness and pain. What really matters is the internal force. How do we respond to those? Looking for answers to this is what we call at IMIS “thinking.” As long as we are thinking, we are ahead. The moment we stop, we know that it is the end of the road. We have realized: “Nothing can stop a man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal.” Such realization has come from the three simple but powerful words: Discipline Leadership -Commitment. IMIS Bhubaneswar - 19 years of Business Education Rear view of IMIS Hostel Section 1 The Institute Achievements Facilitation 1 2 4 Section 2 Admission 2013-2015 Academic Programs Curricula Mentors Campus Life Events @ IMIS Thought Leaders (Visited Campus) Alumni What Our Recruiters Say List of Recruiters for past 3 years 6 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Demographics Students for CRP 2015 (Functional Area) Marketing Finance HR 23 Section 3 Section 4 Placement Office Placement Guidelines, Schedule & Contacts In & around Bhubaneswar Bhubaneswar Connectivity 24-30 31-38 39-40 41 42 43 44 Welcome Address In recent times, with the wave of globalization sweeping across countries, the world has become integrated in all dimensions – cultural, social, political and economic. Globalisation has grater impact on institutional framework in both developing and industrialized countries. This will cast an all time high demand on the quality of talents and skilled human resources. This will be more so, in the emerging competitive business environment. The global standard is going to determine the survival and growth of business entities. In this backdrop, the future managers will need to be groomed in a way they can meet the current challenges while maintaining the speed of the transformation process. IMIS has been in the vanguard of management education since 1995. It has all along endeavored to address the issues of employability of the management graduates in a consistent manner. Its excellent industry-academic interface has made it possible to produce industry ready professionals to deliver results right from the time of entry into the corporate world. Skill building by industry experts, opportunities for live projects by industry giants and involvement of corporate leaders in designing the curriculum are some of the initiatives in this direction. The Class of 2015 is all set to enter the corporate world. We have always enjoyed the full support of our esteemed recruiters in finding opportunities for the talents in the past. We are confident that our talents of this batch would meet the expectations of the prospective employers. With a hopeful note, we welcome all the esteemed employers to visit IMIS for a pre-placement interaction and sourcing of the right talents through participation in our Campus Recruitment Program (CRP) 2015. Wishing a successful campus hiring. Dr. Usha Kamilla Director An Invitation Talent acquisition is gaining its importance for the right reasons. Undoubtedly, human capital has been prime mover of the industry and will continue to be so, in future. In this context, IMIS has captured the essence of talent building in its every activity undertaken to prepare the future managers. While, the inputs from the industry is constantly gathered to keep the curriculum current, the mentoring process is made robust to produce holistic and pragmatic managers. Series of corporate talks, excellent industry-institute interface, guidance of advisory board which is a mix of industry experts and academicians and the proactive research efforts are some of the ingredients that go into our talent building process. A continuous assessment and individual counselling of the student managers by domain experts in addition to skill development by senior corporate leaders help in bringing out industry ready managerial hands. The class of 2015 comprising 100 students is a blend of management talents which will cater to varied needs of different sectors. The special feature of the Batch lies in talent portfolio with the students from different disciplines and geographical regions. This gives an added advantage for the recruiters from the stand point of talent sourcing. In fact, it becomes a one stop sourcing point: be it a regional requirement or for any functional role. The industry can have a wider range to choose from. We extend our warmest invitation to the esteemed recruiters to give us an opportunity to be associated and partner in their success of talent acquisition. Wishing your august presence in CRP 2015. Prof. S. Bhuyan Dean (Corporate Relations) www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Front Corridor of Hostel 1 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 The Institute Over the last decade the institute has carved a unique identity for itself in the country in the arena of management education. Board Members Chairman Dr. Thomas P.D., Sj Ex-Director, XLRI Director, XITE Members “We are not different, only we try to make it happen differently.” Ranked under ‘A3’ Category by Indian Management, ‘A+’ by Business India and amongst top 100 B-Schools in India by Business World and Dalal Street., the Institute of Management and Information Science has certainly become a name to reckon with. Over the last decade the institute has carved a unique identity for itself in the country in the arena of management education. Since 1995, IMIS has been consistent in its endeavor of imparting teaching and training to the managerial aspirants and working professionals in techno-managerial disciplines with a strong emphasis on value-based management education. Adrian Williams Chief Human Resources Officer Reliance Communications Shobha Swarup Director HR - Indian Subcontinent Sealed Air Corporation Dr. Asit Mohapatra Director (HR) Raymonds Textile Ltd. Dr. S. Moharana Professor, Dept. of Commerce, Utkal University Bimal Rath Founder, Think Talent Services Ex-Head (HR), Nokia India Dr. Tanaya Mishra Sr. Vice President - Corporate HR, JSW Steel Limited C.V. Raghu Director, Legal & Regulatory Affairs Max India Ltd. Manoj Padmanabhan Sr. Vice President - Marketing (Digital) & Sales (New Media), Zee Networks P. C. Rath Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, Utkal University Capt. Rahul Sharma Sr. Vice President, Head HR & Training DHFL Financial Group Rajesh Padmanabhan President & Group CHRO Vedanta Resources Plc Vinit M. Durve President (Corporate HR) Zicom Electronic Security Systems Ltd. H. K. Patnaik Director General, IMIS Dr. K. K. Beuria Advisor, IMIS Dr. Usha Kamilla Director, IMIS Satyabrata Bhuyan Dean (Corp. Relations), IMIS Subhamaya Panda Professor (Marketing), IMIS 2 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Mr. H. K. Patnaik (Director General of IMIS) is receiving the “50 Outstanding Educational Entrepreneurs of India” Award from World Education Congress on 28th June 2013 at Taj Lands End, Mumbai 3 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Achievements IMIS is a B-school whose core competency and focus is on management education, training and customized capacity building for corporates. Students of IMIS, Bhubaneswar Won the Best Environment Friendly Business Plan award at Ventura 2013, conducted by NIT, Trichy on 10th March, 2013. IMIS Bhubaneswar has been awarded “The Dewang Mehta & BSA Best B-School Award-2013” for Finance Curriculum & Academic Inputs for the third time. Dr. K. K. Beuria, Advisor receiving the award. Rank Publication A+ Category Business India November 2013 A3 Category Indian Management (AIMA) May 2013 B-School of Excellence Competition Success Review October 2013 Top 100 B-Schools The Education Post 2013 Best 100 B-Schools By Business World June 2013 A team of students from IMIS, Bhubaneswar participated in a Business Start-Up Workshop conducted at IIMAhmedabad in March 2013. Students from IMIS bagged the second runners up prize in the ‘V-Guard B-Plan’ contest held at Cochin in November 2012. 4 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 State-of-the-art Library equipped with LIBSYS 5 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Facilitation IMIS Bhubaneswar campus today is state-of-the-art and provides an ideal learning ambience to all boarders Lecture Theatre Hostel • The lecture theatres are centrally air-conditioned with comfortable sitting arrangements. IMIS provides fully residential campus with provision for furnished accommodation for both boys and girls. • Equipped with state-of-the-art audio visual aids, Local Area Networking and other modern teaching equipment. Sports Library • The IMIS library is a researcher’s delight. • It is fully automated and supported by LIBSYS with value added services like customized information requirements and on-demand sourcing of books/ periodicals. • It includes an impressive list of more than 26000 volumes to cater to the need of the students. • Subscriptions to 217 research journals and magazines from all over the world. • Online literature from database EBESCO and CMIE easily accessible to all students and faculty members. IT Infrastructure Server 3 IBM Servers (X3650 M2) with RAID for Mail Server, Intranet Server , Web Server and LIBSYS Desktops 310 nos. in Computer Lab Firewall One firewall of DFL-1660 from D-Link Wi-Fi 48 Access Point with 2 controller to provide Wi-Fi connectivity to the whole campus Internet 10 Mbps Internet link from STPI and Connectivity Railtel through Radio Links Intranet Facility All the students, faculty and staffs are connected through AIS (Academic Information System) to share the Information The institute provides an environment for the students to develop their personality and building good health. Also, there are provisions for both indoor and outdoor games in the campus. In addition to that, the institute takes special care to impart Yoga and meditation sessions for better well-being of the students. 6 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 IMIS students are selected through CAT, XAT & MAT 7 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Admission 2013-2015 IMIS Bhubaneswar selects students from Xavier’s Admission Test (XAT) conducted by XLRI Jamshedpur; Management Aptitude Test (MAT) conducted by AIMA, New Delhi and Common Admission Test (CAT) conducted by IIM, Kozhikode. Institute of Management & Information Science admits students to its various postgraduate programs through tests that have three distinguished components of assessments, viz. (a) Written Test, (b) Group Discussion, (c) Personal Interview. IMIS Bhubaneswar selects students from Xavier’s Admission Test (XAT) conducted by XLRI Jamshedpur; Management Aptitude Test (MAT) conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA), New Delhi and Common Admission Test (CAT) conducted by Indian Institutes of Management (IIM), Kozhikode. The options given by aspiring students selecting IMIS Bhubaneswar is one of their preferred institutes for the batch 2013-15 are as follows: Serial No. Written Test Year No. of Options 1 Xavier’s Admission Test (XAT) conducted by XLRI Jamshedpur 2013 6,340 2 Management Aptitude Test (MAT) conducted by AIMA, New Delhi. 2013 9,615 3 Common Admission Test (CAT) conducted by IIM, Kozhikode 2013 1,125 Total 17,080 After the aspiring candidates take the written test, they are called for a Group Discussion (GD) followed by a Personal Interview (PI) conducted by IMIS Bhubaneswar in different test centres across the country. The final merit list for admissions is prepared from the composite scores of Written Test, GD & Personal Interview Scores by providing weightages in the following manner. Sl. No. Test Parameter Weightage Distribution 1 Written Test (XAT/MAT/CAT) 50 percent 2 Group Discussion (GD) 25 percent 3 Personal Interview (PI) 25 percent Total 100 percent The final cutoff percentiles for this 2013-15 batch that was admitted in 2013 and are now ready to take up final placements are as follows: Sl. No. Program Cutoffs 1 PGDM 63 Per-centile 2 PGDM (Fin & Control) 60 Per-centile 8 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Academic Programs Postgraduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) Besides PGDM, the inclusion of program in Finance & Control is a manifestation of its uniqueness towards need-based management education. The Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM), the oldest and the most prestigious academic program at IMIS is a rigorous, two-years full-time program. The program is approved and made equivalent to MBA level program by All India Council of Technical Education, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India. The specialization areas offered in PGDM include : Marketing, Finance, HR and Systems Program Pattern : Trimester Number of Terms : Six Summer Training : 2 months Specialization : Dual (Major & Minor) Seeking Career @ Across all sectors in respective functional areas for the matching profiles. Preferred sectors include FMCG, Durables, Banking, Logistics & Supply Chain, Telecom, Infrastructure & Power, IT & ITES, Research & Analysis, Media & Entertainment etc. Postgraduate Diploma in Management - Finance & Control (PGDM-FC) The most happening sector is the financial sector. To cater to the changing requirement of the financial sector, the course PGDM (Finance and Control), approved by AICTE, is designed to prepare the best finance professionals in the country. This two years program seeks to equip the students with conceptual and analytical skills for financial decision making and offers insights into how the financial markets function. Program Pattern : Trimester Number of Terms : Six Summer Training 2 months : Seeking Career @ Banking, Insurance, Mutual Funds, Portfolio Management, Treasury Management, Project Appraisal, Corporate Finance, Stock Market Operations, Equity Research, Financial Planning & Investment, etc. 9 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Curricula PGDM Core Courses Organisational Behaviour-I & II Business Communication-I & II IT Skills for Managers Quantitative Methods-I & II Managerial Economics Financial Accounting Legal Aspects of Business Marketing Management-I & II Financial Management Economic Environment of Business Human Resources Management Modern Retail Management Research Methodology Business Ethics & Corporate Governance Financial Market & Services Summer Internship & Report Corporate Policy & Strategic Management Management Information Systems Dissertation & Viva-Voce Operations Management Cost & Management Accounting International Business Advanced Operations Management Electives (Marketing) Channel Management Services Marketing Consumer Behaviour Social Marketing Brand Management Business to Business Marketing Rural Marketing Supply Chain & Logistics Management International Marketing Customer Relationship Management Advertising and Sales Promotion Marketing Research Selling & Sales Management Marketing and Creativity PGDM (FC) E-Marketing Product & Innovation Marketing Electives (Finance) Retail Banking Insurance & Risk Management Risk Management in Banks Practices of Insurance Direct Tax Planning Security Analysis & Portfolio Management Financial Derivatives Merger, Acquisition & Corporate Restructuring Investment Options & Financial Planning International Finance Leasing & Hire Purchase Fixed Income Market Micro Finance Credit Management Financial Econometrics Management of Small and Medium Enterprises Financial Statement Analysis Treasury Management Mutual Fund Indirect Taxation Entrepreneurship Development Electives (HRM) Manpower Planning Learning & Development Organizational Change & Development Performance Management Compensation & Reward Management Labour Legislation-I & II Strategic HRM Employee Relations New Age HR Interventions International HRM Competency Mapping Leadership & Emotional Intelligence Role of HR in Knowledge Management Labour Economics Counselling Skill for Managers Participative Management Industrial Jurisprudence People Capability Maturity Model Occupational Testing Electives (Information Management) Business Data Management System Business Intelligence Enterprise Resource Computing E-Business IT Strategy and Planning Software Project Management Enterprise Architecture Information Systems Analysis and Design Problem Solving & Decision Making IT Outsourcing Knowledge Management Business Decision Support System M-Commerce Business Data Networks Electives (Retail Management) Retail Store Operations Visual Merchandising Buying & Merchandising Mall Management Category Management Brand Management Consumer Behaviour Enterprise Resource Management Supply Chain & Logistics Management Retail Customer Services Store Planning, Design & Layout E-Retailing Customer Relationship Management Advertising and Sales Promotion Retail Franchising Financial Services Retailing Organisational Behaviour-I & II Business Communication-I & II Marketing Management Quantitative Methods-I & II Managerial Economics Financial Accounting Finance Law Financial Management Selling & Sales Management Economic Environment of Business IT Skills for Managers Financial Market & Services Cost & Management Accounting Retail Banking Insurance & Risk Management Security Analysis & Portfolio Management Research Methodology Business Ethics & Corporate Governance Human Resources Management Summer Internship & Report Risk Management in Banks Practices of Insurance Financial Derivatives Direct Tax Planning Management Information Systems Customer Relationship Management Investment Options & Financial Planning Management of Small and Medium Enterprises Merger, Acquisition & Corporate Restructuring International Finance Dissertation & Viva-Voce Treasury Management Leasing and Hire Purchase Credit Management Fixed Income Market Infrastructure Finance Financial Statement Analysis Indirect Taxation Entrepreneurship. Development Mutual Fund Micro Finance * Courses in italics are half credit courses 10 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Mentoring is a continuous process at IMIS Bhubaneswar 11 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Mentors IMIS Bhubaneswar, today, has some of the brightest minds as teachers. They also teach in top business schools in India as visiting faculties. Core Faculty Dr. Usha Kamilla Director Dr. S. P. Mohapatra Dean (Academics) Satyabrata Bhuyan Dean (Corp. Relations) Dr. Surya Dev Dean (Career Dev.) S. S. Ahmed Dean (Student Welfare) Marketing Finance Subhamaya Panda Professor Satyabrata Bhuyan Professor Decision Science & Operations Management Dr. Chinmay K. Dash Professor Dr. Surya Dev Professor Sujit K. Baboo Asso. Professor V. T. Thomas Professor Dr. Usha Kamilla Professor Dr. Manas Kumar Pal Asso. Professor Dr. Tanmoy De Asso. Professor Dr. S. P. Mohapatra Asso. Professor Manidatta Ray Asst. Professor Dr. Rabi N. Patnaik Asso. Professor Dr. Divya Gupta Asst. Professor Babuli Sahu Asst. Professor Rakhi Dutta Asst. Professor S. S. Ahmed Asst. Professor HRM & Business Communication Dr. S. Subramanian Professor Anupam Chand Asst. Professor Abhijit Panda Asst. Professor Dr. Dolly Dolai Asst. Professor Laxmiprada Pattnaik Asst. Professor Ashok Kumar Mishra Asst. Professor Brahmadev Panda Asst. Professor Visiting/Guest Faculty Dr. K. K. Beuria Advisor, IMIS Dr. B. K. Mohanty Professor, IIM, Lucknow Dr. P. K. Padhi Faculty in XLRI, Jamsedpur Dr. Martin Grossman Asst. Professor Bridgewater State College, USA Dr. Joydeep Mukherjee Professor, MDI, Gurgaon Dr. Biswaswarup Misra Dean, XIM, Bhubaneswar Dr. Pingali Venugopal Professor, XLRI, Jamsedpur Dr. Mrinalini Saha Professor, IMT, Ghaziabad Dr. Latha Ravindran Professor, XIM, Bhubaneswar Dr. Arabinda Tripathy Professor,VGSOM, IIT (K) Dr. A. Sahay Professor, MDI, Gurgaon Dr. R. K. Jena Professor, IMT, Nagpur Dr. Vishal Talwar London School of Eco., UK Dr. S. Moharana Professor, Utkal University Dr. M. Acharya Professor Communication, MICA, Ahmedabad Dr. Ashish Bhattacharya Professor, IIM, Kolkata Dr. Mrityunjoy Mohanty Professor, IIM, Kolkata Dr. A. K. Swain Professor, IIM, Kozhicode Dr. John Berry Queen’s University, Canada Dr. Himansu Rai Professor, IIM, Lucknow Dr. K. H. Padmanabhan Professor, University of Michigan Dr. Nalini P. Tripathy Professor, IIM, Shilong Dr. Sambit Mukherjee Professor, XIM, Bhubaneswar 12 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Ready to face any challenge 13 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Campus Life IMIS is perched on the bank of river Daya in a tranquil setting. The environment is serene and sublime verging on idyllic majesty. It augurs well for research, intellectual privacy and creative pursuits. The institute provides a host of opportunities in academic, sports, cultural and organizational activities for students to gain experience and pursue their interests. At IMIS, strong emphasis is laid on co-curricular and extra-curricular activities to ensure an all round development of the student while providing multiple platforms for students to improve their soft skills, which are imperative for one to excel in his/ her work space. opportunities to students to showcase their organizational skills and talents. Markues Marketing Club Mark Ecstasy Umang Wincitore Yi (Young Indians) There are also various initiatives like Finance Events, HR Events, Marketing Events, National Level B-School Meet, Blood Donation Camp, National and International Seminars and Workshops etc., which provide ample FinVista Finance Club Banking Conclave Fin Trade Fin Elitism Panacea HR Club HR Geometry Talent Hunt Panel Discussion Wall of Fame Various Clubs & Activities ShutterZ Photography Club Photo Exhibition Workshop Xpressus Cultural Club Management Odyssey SPIC-MACAY Retailgenic Retail Club IPL Food Fest Screen Movie Festival Movie Club 14 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Events @ IMIS Banking conclave is intended to bring together academics, scholars and practitioners at IMIS Bhubaneswar to address certain important issues in Banking. This prestigious event is conducted by FinVista (Finance Club) in the campus every year. The purpose of this meeting is to provide a setting for academic researchers, students & practitioners understand the global picture of Banking & discuss new research in this area & exchange ideas that help in assimilating the shape of things to emerge. The themes are : • • • • Innovations in Retail Banking Credit Risk Management in Banks Non-Banking Financial Institutions: The Road Ahead Housing Loans: Its future • Risk Management & Regulatory Issues in Banking • IT in Banking: Challenges and Responses • Rural Banking at the cross road • Investment Banking • Customer Relationship Management in Banks • HR Climate & Banking Reforms • Corporate Governance in Banks • Micro Finance : Shape of things to come • Agricultural Lending: Problems & Prospects • Asset Securitization • Basel III: Challenges & Responses • Forex Management • Globalization and Banking Legislations “HR Geometry: Interventions and Practices” is purely a knowledge based activity. This aims at bringing the required understanding of critical and recent HR issues in real time. The major focus of this lecture series is to assimilate various building blocks of HR into one seamless whole that generates impeccable and valuable insights in the current times. The expected outcome of this is better appreciation of the HR interventions and practices by participants who are expected to deliver similar tasks once there is a transition in the milieu: from an educational institute to the action packed corporates. Abhijit Sengupta, GM-HR, Eveready Industries Ltd., Kolkata In the pursuit of excellence in the field of education, we at IMIS always look to improve, update and share the wisdom of management among students, academicians, corporate professionals and management fraternity at large in different areas of management. ‘Marketing Nuggets’ conceptualized at IMIS as a platform for students of marketing to interact with the thought leaders of corporate, has become a true success in bridging the gap between principles and practices.The sectors covered by the industry experts are : • FMCG • Consumer durables • Media and entertainment • Express Industry • Telecom • Retail • Automobile • Construction and real estate • Healthcare • Travel & Tourism • Paints and chemical 15 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Mark Ecstasy is a national level B-School event organized by the students of the IMIS. B-Schools from all over India participate in various events to showcase their talents. The events are designed in such a manner that gives a chance to the students to use their knowledge on some real life marketing issues of the corporate. Dr. Tanmoy De, Mentor for Mark Ecstasy Revamping Rural India B-Schools Participated Christ University, Bengaluru DCS-MAT, Kerela Delhi School of Management DoMS IIT Delhi EMPI Business School FMS, Delhi IFIM, Bengaluru IIFT, Delhi IIM Kohzikode IIM Rohtak IIM Lucknow IMT Ghaziabad IMT Nagpur KIIT SOM, Bhubaneswar MICA, Ahmedabad NITIE, Mumbai S P Jain, Mumbai XIM Bhubaneswar Despite increase in agricultural productivity and income, rural masses are still not aware of latest product and technology. Keeping this rural gap in view, students of IMIS organize UMANG - a rural marketing mela to reach out the progressive rural masses. In this mission, corporate houses join hand to promote their products in the rural areas as well as conduct market research. The sectors participating in the mela ranges from FMCG, consumer durables, insurance, telecom, automobiles, fertilizers to rural & agro industries. Corporates who have showered their enduring patronage towards UMANG are PPL, Tata Motors, Hero Honda, ITC, Anchor, Intex, Videocon, ICICI, Reliance Telecom, LIC, IFFCO, Aries Agro to name a few. Apart from show casing the products and services; the students organize health camps, micro finance lectures and competition for the school children. The mela has received a tremendous response from the villagers and they support the initiative taken up by the students of the institute. MANAgEMENT ODYSSEY Odyssey is a long eventful journey especially in search of enlightenment. We are born unto this universe with a journey to cover. That journey is where we learn, grow, and mature. In this journey, we are not seeking a destination, only continued growth on that path. The journey has a series of episodes. Each one teaches us fantastic things. We learn through every step of it. We must embrace each moment, and live them fully. With this beautiful idea of the journey in mind, we have designed our Inter-college Fest “Management Odyssey.” This would be a fun, frolic, entertainment and learning packed two day program with various events. Management Odyssey, the annual management fest carrying the punch line “A Voyage Through’The Waves of Creative Excellence” is meant for stimulation and promotion of professional management practice by providing a forum for mutual sharing of ideas, experience, expertise and talents towards achievement of managerial excellence in a creative sense. 16 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Mr. Ramaballava Misra, CMD, Heavy Engineering Corporation Ltd., Ranchi as the Chief Guest for Convocation for the Batch 2012-14 17 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Thought Leaders Visited Campus Praveen Gupta S. K. Kale CGM, State Bank of India CGM, NABARD “It was a privilege for me to address the students. The students actively participated in the session, which was quite encouraging. I hope they keep their enthusiasm going and I wish all of them the best of luck in their career.” “Fruitful interaction with the students. Enjoyed the session on this important topic. I wish all the best to my audience and hope that the institute will continue striving for excellence and produced excellent citizen with responsible management acumen.” Awdhesh Krishna MD & Head-HR Nomura Services India (P) Ltd. Mahesh Motwani Executive Vice President BPN - Lintas Media Group Sandeep Tyagi A. P. Hota Managing Director & CEO National Payments Corporation of India Abhijit Sengupta General Manager - HR Eveready Industries “Highly interactive and interesting session.” Jay Lakhani Executive Director Giny & Jony Ltd. M. J. Xavier Director, IIM - Ranchi Vivek Suneja Pro-Vice Chancellor University of Delhi Biswa Swarup Misra Dean & Professor XIM, Bhubaneswar Vice President–HR, Videocon Industries T. R. Chawla Executive Director Allahabad Bank Shreelok Mohapatra Circle Sales Head - Odisha Aircel “The industry interaction brings the understanding of students in market scenario with teaching.” Chandrakant Mishra Executive Vice President Religare Health Insurance CMA Mritunjay Acharjee Associate Vice President Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. Sashikant Panda Zonal Head (Operations-East) IndusInd Bank S. D. Mahanti Professor Michigan State University Pramod Prakash Panda Development Centre Head Infosys Technology Jonathan H. Chan Professor KMUTT, Thialand Arabinda Tripathy Professor, IIM - Ahmedabad Narahari Sethi Vice President Axis Bank Soumitra Chatterjee General Sales Manager Perfetti Van Melle India Lambodhara Hota Director (Finance) ARP Group, Kenya Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya Country Group Head - HR Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services B. N. Patnaik Ashok Kumar Bal CEO, Essel Mining & Industries Ltd., Aditya Birla Group “It was a rewarding experience to interact with young students. I wish them all the Bests.” RBM (East) Glaxo SmithKline “Privileged to be the part of the interaction. Look forward to more such opportunities in future.” 18 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Alumni IMIS Alumni is a constant inspiration for the current batches. They are a source of motivation to push for excellence and to help youngsters dream for tomorrow. Dolon Mukherjee (2002-04) Rajiv Thakur (2007-09) Manager - Finance HSBC Vice President State Bank of India “The optimum mix of modernization & tradition makes it one of the best place for study. The ever helping teachers and inclination towards striving the best is what IMIS is made up of.” “The commitment of promoting the institute through discipline, dedication and direction has helped to enhance the institute’s image and further foster lifelong connections between the institute and society.” Akhilesh Gupta (1996-98) Arnab Guha (1998-2000) Gyan Prakash (2003-05) Vice President, Deutsche Bank Frankfurt, Germany Area Manager (East) Colgate Palmolive Director Triveni Global Pvt. Ltd. “I strongly believe passion for work and appropriate nourishing of skill sets, pave the way for accelerated growth.” “I found a strong and good environment of academics, which is very unique and helped to be a professional.” “The experience at IMIS was very holistic, and much more than just academia. It helped me in knowing the inside story of life and discovering the best part of my life. I am proud being an IMISian.” Siddhartha Das (2005-07) Sudipta Chakraborty (2001-03) Nabarun Deka (2003-05) Global Mobility Consultant Capgemini Associate Director Tata AIA Life Insurance Regional Sales Manager AO Smith India “It has been an amazing feeling to be in the campus after five years of passing out. It’s nostalgic for me. It was a wonderful experience to share my experience with budding managers.” “I found IMIS an excellent place to experience world class learning through its committed and resourceful faculties and support system.” “I am very happy to get an opportunity to interact with all my IMIS friends through F&F. I am very proud to be a ex student of IMIS. Wish you all the very Best !!” 19 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Few Distinct Names Rubi Kalita (2007-09) Regional Manager - HR Madura Fashion & Life Style “IMIS is one of the top institutions in the eastern region and I would be always indebted to it for whatever I am today. The institute is known for its quality education and overall grooming of the students.” Gourav Udani (2003-05) Area Business Manager Johnson & Johnson “IMIS still maintaining the same culture, which I witnessed during my days when I was a student here. Students are good, well behaved and talented. All the best.” Bidisha Chatterjee (2005-07) Manager - Banking & Operations IDBI Bank “When I was a student in IMIS, it was a great experience for me both learning and grooming wise. The resources and professors what I got in IMIS are the best I have ever seen in my opinion.” Sujata Dwivedi Head Business Development Omnicom Media Group Sudeep K. Gupta State Head - Bancassurance Magma - HDI GIC Ltd. Subia Khan Qualitative Analyst Amba Research Rohit Modawal National Sales Manager, Honeywell Intl. India (P) Ltd. Rajiv Bhattacharya DGM Product Enablement Tata Communication Transformation Services Ltd., Oman Shiraj Dakshy Head - Customer Service & Engagement, AEGON Religare LIC Ltd. Soumendu Bhattacharya Principal Consultant - Analytics Wipro Technologies, Indonesia Pritam Purakayastha Marketing Head, United Spirits Ltd., (Nepal) Anish Raj Zonal Sales Manager Bharti Airtel Sankha Nandy Project Manager Hewlett Packard Shravonty Roy Asst. Vice President (Mktg.) Zee Entertainment Enterprise Ltd. Umesh Balani Deputy General Manager ICICI Bank Abhik Banerjee Business Director Madison Communication Deepak Krishnan Product Manager Panasonic Marketing, Middle East Ranjeet Suraj Singh Head - Post Paid Business Aircel Ltd. Anirban Chakraborty Business Manager Oracle India Ranganath Eunny Director Mobius Knowledge Services Sukanya Roy Choudhury Business Partner & Head West India Shantanu Chaudhuri Training & Dev. Consultant, Learning Solutions Designer, Sydney Harish Prasad Regional Manager HCL Abhishek Samaddar Sales & Distributor’s Lead Vodafone Jagannath Ojha Cluster Manager - Operation, Landmark Group Debasish G. Choudhury Regional Sales Head L’Oreal Debendra Puri Zonal Category In-charge Adani Willmar Ltd. Arijit Samanta Collaboration Solution Sales, India East & SAARC, Cisco P. Srinivas Deo Asst. Vice President J P Morgan Chase Sharad Jha Director, SMS Micro Systems Ltd. London, UK Sanjeev Chatterjee Zonal Sales Manager, Idea Celluar Suddhasatwa Das Cluster Leader Hindustan Unilever Santosh Kumar M. Sr. Consultant Apps Associates LLC Boston, USA 20 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 What Our Recruiters Say ... “Campus is good. Students know their subject. General communication skills and personal presentability are good.” Jose Francis P. K. Panigrahy, GM, United Spirits Ltd. Chief Manager Federal Bank “It was a very pleasant experience to be in the campus. Everything was well arranged. Good hospitality. All the best to placement cell and college.” Sibesh Sen National Head - Agency Tata AIG General Insurance “Excellent experience. Great hospitality. Wonderful students. Overall a A+ time.” “I am very thankful to this institute for having educated and coached such a wonderful, intelligent and dedicated lot of students. It was really tough to select the best 5. I wish all others a great future.” S. Dasgupta, GM, Central Bank of India “Aim at the moon, even if you miss you will land among the stars. Very good hospitality, good facilities. Nice College.” Jhuma Datta, HR & Admn. Officer, Reckitt Benckiser “Very positive batch. Good communication Development of students is good.” skills. C. Rodrigues Manager - Operation, United Parcel Service Sanjeev Ranjan Manager - HR Vodafone Spacetel “Quality of students is excellent. Wish them all the best in their future endeavours.” Sreeram Venkiteswaran Manager - HR Nestle India Ltd. “Available pool of candidates was good. Well disciplined students, Good campus; Good environment to learn. Overall, a good experience.” “Pool campus at IMIS was very well organised and coordinated. Looking forward to have a long term relationship going forward.” “Pleasant campus. Good students.” Shrenik Mehta, Zonal Finance Head, Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd. Niraj Kumar Customer Dev. Team Leader Colgate Palmolive “Students are of high caliber and could see the zeal & passion in the attitude. Faculty members & staffs are very nice and all activities were organized nicely. Wish the Best.” “Good ambience. Good infrastructure. Students are receptive and carry a better understanding of corporate world and industry (Insurance). Seems to have a focussed approach towards market.” Nishant Kumar, Regional-HR, SBI Life Susanto Patro Regional Head (Sales), ICICI Securities “I am very happy after interacting with students here. They know their subject. Need regular interaction with industry. Love to see them again.” Debasish Chatterjee Business Head (North & East) Bisleri International Biswajit Samanta Head - SME Vertical L&T Finance “Nice environment with cordial welcome. Good campus. Candidates are more focussed on theory. Can be trained on practical aspects.” 21 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 “Very good institute. Students are pro active.” Sayan Bandyopadhyay Manager - HR Asian Paints “Good, interesting interaction with students. In-depth questions asked. Enjoyed my time.” “Very well managed the whole drive. Very cooperative. Though it is our first visit, we were much comfortable in all the aspects.” Poornima Mohanty Executive India Resourcing, Royal Bank of Scotland “The coordination with Asian Paints has been very good. There is a positive change in the performance of the students. We hope that we continue with our rapport. Another thing that I would like to mention is that the alumni of IMIS who are placed with us are doing a very good job and are performing very well. I wish IMIS all the best.” Vijaya Priyadarshini Sr. Manager (HR), Asian Paints Titas Chaki Zonal Manager - HR Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Ltd. “Very good arrangement even in a very short span of time. Students are really good with good knowledge base.” Dhritipriya Ray Dasgupta, Zonal Head-East, Universal Sompo GIC Rajeev Chaturvedi General Manager (Mktg.) LIC Housing Finance “I am very fortunate to be here at IMIS Bhubaneswar campus. The entire atmosphere is excellent. The students are very knowledgeable, graceful and respectful too. I wish IMIS all the best.” “Descent candidates, good experience.” Shubhajit Banerjee, Dy.Vice President, Kotak Securities Suman Singh HR - East Region Madura Fashion & Life Style “Quality of students are very good. Very good experience. Hospitality is well appreciate. Will look forward visiting again. Wish you all the best.” “The campus and facilities are found to be good. Students are found to be satisfactory in overall etiquettes and general knowledge. I wish the institute, its students and faculty all the best for the days to come.” S. K. Sangar, GM, Union Bank of India Pradip Bandyopadhyay Manager - HR Berger Paints India Ltd. “It was a privilege to interact with the students of IMIS. I found the students to be focused and knowledgeable.” “I was really impressed with the work being carried out in building IMIS as a centre of excellence. The students and faculties interacted with gave me an impression that they enjoy each others company and in the process learning becomes enjoyable. All the best to IMIS.” Subhashish Das, Sr. VP (Corp. HR & Personnel), Berger Paints “Well coordinated drive, well taken care of guests and students of other colleges in the pool-campus drive. Students are good and got positive attitude.” Dharani Padhi Manager, XL Dynamics India Pvt. Ltd. Deepak GN Asst. Manager - HR ITC Ltd. “Students seem very determined and committed to make a mark for themselves in their career.” 22 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 List of Recruiters for past 3 years Analytics/ Research Fin Serv/Broking/Mutual Fund FMCG/Durables PNB Metlife Construction/Mfg Capital IQ Aditya Birla Money Mart Asian Paints Ltd. Reliance GIC Cranedge India Pvt.Ltd. Corporate Bridge Bajaj Capital Berger Paints India Ltd. SBI General Insurance Enzen Global Dewan Housing Finance Corp. Bisleri International Pvt. Ltd. SBI Life Insurance Fenesta Building System Ltd. DSP Black Rock Investment Ceasefire Industries Ltd. Tata AIG General Insurance Jindal Steel & Power Colgate Palmolive Universal Sompo GIC Labh Group Dabur India Ltd. IT/ITES/E-Commerce Somany Ceramics Ltd. Haier Appliance Aayuja Technologies eClerx Services Finitiatives Learning India Gravitas Technology J P Morgan Meritus Analytics Methodex Systems M-Power Solutions Edelweiss Financial Advisors FRR Forex Pvt. Ltd. HDFC HDFC Securities Ltd. Northern Trust ICICI Securities Limited XL Dynamics India Infoline Automobile/Aviation Kotak AMC Ltd. Jet Airways India Ltd. Piaggio Vehicles India Pvt. Ltd. Banking Axis Bank Ltd. Central Bank of India Federal Bank Hindustan Unilever Ltd. ITC Limited Luminous Power Technologies Methodex Systems Nestle India Limited Kotak Commodities Priya Cement Kotak Securities Ltd. Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd. L & T Finance Ltd. Ruchi Soya Industries Ltd. LIC Housing Fin. Financial Services Food & Beverages LIC Housing Finance Madison Street Capital Venus Safety & Health Capgemini Retail CSM Technologies Future Group Harita Tecserv Ltd. Gini & Jony IndiaMART InterMESH Madura Fashion & Lifestyle Info Edge India (Naukri.com) Max (Land Mark Group) Sparc Reliance Digital STPI Reliance Retail The Information Company Telecom WeP Peripherals Essar Telecom Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Wipro India Reliance Communication Milk Mantra Zieta Technologies TATA Communication Ltd. Logistic & Supply Chain Verse Innovation Mahindra & Mahindra Fin. Services United Spirit Limited ICICI Bank Ltd. Muthoot Finance Indian Overseas Bank National Payments Corp. of India Insurance IndusInd Bank Ltd. NJ Group Mutual Fund ING Vysya Bank Reliance Asset Management Royal Bank of Scotland Religare Securities Ltd. Syndicate Bank HDFC Ergo GIC Shriram Transport Finance GSK Pharmaceuticals Ltd. UCO Bank HDFC Life Insurance Gradient Training Pvt. Ltd. SMC Global Securities Ltd. Lupin Pharma Yes Bank ICICI Lombard GIC Ltd. Husys Consulting SREI Equipment Finance IndiaFirst Life Insurance Wockhardt Ltd. Jaro Education HDFC Bank Ltd. AVIVA Life Insurance Bajaj Allianz GIC Bharti AXA Life Insurance NYK Line India Ltd. Transport Corp. of India Ltd. United Parcel Services Pharma Vodafone Spacetel Limited Training/Consultancy Aakash Educational Services Convergys India Corporate Gurukul 23 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Demographics For the Campus Recruitment Program 2015, IMIS Bhubaneswar offers some of the best talents to suit to your varied manpower needs in Marketing, Finance & HR areas. MARKETING Gender FINANCE HR 7% 25% 41% 59% 75% 93% Male Career Female 2% 18% Male Female Male Female 6% 13% 25% 9% 24% 25% 25% 25% 25% 7% 6% 2% 51% 37% Eng Sc Com Arts BBA/BBM B.Pham Age Eng Sc Com Arts BBA/BBM BCA Eng Sc BBA BCA 16% 16% 25% 22% 33% 50% 51% 62% 20 to 22 23 to 24 Experience 25 25% 20 to 22 23 to 24 11% 25 20 to 22 25 23 to 24 12% 25% Experienced 75% 88% 89% Fresher Experienced Fresher Experienced Fresher 24 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Students for CRP 2015 Marketing Marketing Functional Area 25 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 E Abhisek Panda (24 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known Anurag Guha (24 Yrs.) : : : : : : : B.Sc (Hons.) 26 Vedanta Aluminium Ltd. Bisleri Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Com (Hons.) Nil : : : : : : : B.A (Hons.) Nil : : : : : : : BBA (Hons.) Nil Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi, Marwari & Odia Aishik Adhikary (25 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known Zee Entertainment Enterprise Ltd. Mumbai West Bengal English, Hindi, Bengali & French Anirudha Rout (22 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known N.B. : E stands for experienced profile Allied Blenders & Distillers Pvt. Ltd. Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia MARKETING MARKETING Aditya Agarwalla (23 Yrs.) : : : : : : : B.Com (Hons.) Nil Transport Corporation of India Kolkata West Bengal English, Hindi & Bengali Ashish Kumar Oraon (23 Yrs.) Background : B.Com (Hons.) Experience (Months) : Nil Name of Company : Summer Internship (SIP) : Pepsico Location : Rourkela State of Domicile : Jharkhand Languages Known : English & Hindi Asman Arun Dash (22 Yrs.) Background : Experience (Months) : Name of Company : Summer Internship (SIP) : Location : State of Domicile : Languages Known : B.Com (Hons.) Nil Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia Aswini Kumar Swain (22 Yrs.) Background : B.Com Experience (Months) : Nil Name of Company : Summer Internship (SIP) : TVS Motors Location : Bhubaneswar State of Domicile : Odisha Languages Known : English, Hindi & Odia 26 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Bishnu Narayan Sabut (23 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : Chandni Mathur (24 Yrs.) Background : Experience (Months) : Name of Company : Summer Internship (SIP) : Location : State of Domicile : Languages Known : B.Sc (Hons.) Nil ZEE Media Corp. Ltd Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia B.Com Nil Tata Teleservice Raipur Chhattisgarh English & Hindi E Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known Gopal Kumar (27 Yrs.) : : : : : : : BBA Nil TVS Motors Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia E Biswaranjan Mohanty (24 Yrs.) Background : B.A (Hons.) Experience (Months) : 27 Name of Company : Spanco, Nutanjyoti Dev. Pvt. Ltd. Summer Internship (SIP) : Allied Blenders & Distillers Pvt. Ltd. Location : Bhubaneswar State of Domicile : Odisha Languages Known : English, Hindi & Odia MARKETING MARKETING Biswajit Sethi (25 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : Goutam Behera (23 Yrs.) Background : Experience (Months) : Name of Company : Summer Internship (SIP) : Location : State of Domicile : Languages Known : B.A (Hons.) 38 RR Constructions Luminous Power Technologies Kolkata Bihar English & Hindi B.Tech (EE) Nil Piaggio Vehicles Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia C. Ravi Kishore Reddy (24 Yrs.) Grace Neha Nathaniel (22 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known N.B. : E stands for experienced profile : : : : : : : B.Com (Hons.) Nil Knowledge Stream Bangalore Andhra Pradesh English, Hindi & Telgu : : : : : : : B.Com (Hons.) Nil Adani Wilmar Ltd. Kolkata Jharkhand English & Hindi 27 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Himanshu Sekhar Mohanty (26 Yrs.) Kushal Kumar R (24 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Com (Hons.) Nil : : : : : : : BBA Nil Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known B.E (ECE) Nil Knowledge Stream Bangalore Karnataka English, Hindi, Kannada & Telgu Manoj Kumar Pradhan (24 Yrs.) Luminous Power Technologies Kolkata Kerala English, Hindi, Bengali, Malayalam & Tamil Kamala Kanta Prusty (23 Yrs.) Background : B.Tech (CSE) Experience (Months) : Nil Name of Company : Summer Internship (SIP) : InfoEdge (Naukri.com) Location : Bhubaneswar State of Domicile : Odisha Languages Known : English, Hindi & Odia Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known MARKETING MARKETING Jecko Jacob Jose (23 Yrs.) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : BBA Nil : : : : : : : B.Com (Hons.) Nil Aditya Birla Money Kolkata West Bengal English, Hindi & Bengali : : : : : : : B.Com (Hons.) 36 Tata Motors Pepsico Rourkela Jharkhand English, Hindi & Bengali TVS Motors Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia Md. Imtiaz Khan (24 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known E Khalain Torl Kanchan (25 Yrs.) Neelabjo Hore (23 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known N.B. : E stands for experienced profile : : : : : : : BBA Nil Pepsico Rourkela Jharkhand English, Hindi & Bhojpuri 28 Prateek Kumar Tiwari (24 Yrs.) Pritish Kumar Biswal (21 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Sc (Hons.) Nil Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known Pratik Das (23 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Com Nil Endurance Aurangabad Maharashtra English, Hindi & Marathi Future Group Guwahati Assam English, Hindi, Bengali & Assamese Pratyush Mahapatra (25 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Tech (CSE) Nil : : : : : : : B.Com (Hons.) Nil InfoEdge (Naukri.com) Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia Pritam Sahoo (23 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known N.B. : E stands for experienced profile : : : : : : : BBA Nil Adani Wilmar Ltd. Kolkata Odisha English, Hindi & Odia Raviranjan Kumar (23 Yrs.) MARKETING MARKETING www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.E (IT) Nil Luminous Power Technologies Kolkata Bihar English, Hindi, Gujurati & Marathi E Rohan Bhowmick (23 Yrs.) Background : Experience (Months) : Name of Company : Summer Internship (SIP) : Location : State of Domicile : Languages Known : B.Com (Hons.) 12 The Dream Merchant Adani Wilmar Ltd. Kolkata Odisha English, Hindi, Bengali & Odia Rohit Kumar (23 Yrs.) Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages Rourkela Odisha English, Hindi & Odia Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Pharma Nil Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Bhubaneswar Utter Pradesh English & Hindi 29 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 E Saibal Dutta (25 Yrs.) Sibani Biswal (23 Yrs.) : : : : : : : B.E 10 Udyogi Plastic Pvt.Ltd. Luminous Power Technologies Kolkata West Bengal English, Hindi & Bengali Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known Sandeep Kumar Thakur (24 Yrs.) Somit Samal (21 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Com Nil : : : : : : : B.Com (Hons.) Nil J K Tyre Kolkata West Bengal English, Hindi, Nepali, Bengali & Bhojpuri Sayan Chandra (24 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known TNS India Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata West Bengal English, Hindi & Bengali Shankei Michael (24 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known N.B. : E stands for experienced profile : : : : : : : B.Com (Hons.) Nil TNS India Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata West Bengal English, Hindi & Bengali MARKETING MARKETING Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : BBA Nil : : : : : : : B.Com (Hons.) Nil Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia Sourabha Stutiprajna Baral (21 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Sc (Hons.) Nil Subhrajit Jena (22 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : BBA Nil TVS Motors Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia TVS Motors Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia 30 Sunil Ranjan Mohapatra (22 Yrs.) Vishal Kumar Srivastava (23 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Com (Hons.) Nil Bisleri Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia Tapabrata Banerjee (22 Yrs.) Background : B.Com Experience (Months) : Nil Name of Company : Summer Internship (SIP) : TNS India Pvt. Ltd. Location : Kolkata State of Domicile : West Bengal Languages Known : English, Hindi & Bengali Utsho Chowdhury (24 Yrs.) Background : B.Com (Hons.) Experience (Months) : Nil Name of Company : Summer Internship (SIP) : TNS India Pvt. Ltd. Location : Kolkata State of Domicile : West Bengal Languages Known : English, Hindi & Bengali Vipul Sharma (24 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Com Nil Allied Blenders & Distillers Pvt. Ltd. Rajgangpur Odisha English, Hindi & Odia MARKETING MARKETING www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 : : : : : : : B.Com (Hons.) Nil J K Tyre Kolkata West Bengal English, Hindi, Bengali, Nepali & Bhojpuri 31 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Students for CRP 2015 Finance Finance Functional Area 32 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Adyasha Pattnaik (23 Yrs.) Ankita Sinha (23 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : BBA Nil Ananya Dash (23 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Com (Hons.) 12 Tejraj & Pal (CA Corporation) UCO Bank Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia : : : : : : : BBA Nil Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known Allahabad Bank Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia : : : : : : : BBA Nil NTPC New Delhi Bihar English & Hindi Anuradha Kumari (22 Yrs.) Anchal Kumari (22 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known Tata Steel Tube Division Jamshedpur Jharkhand English & Hindi FINANCE FINANCE E Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : BCA (Hons.) Nil Apurva Anand (21 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Com (Hons.) Nil Central Bank of India Ranchi Jharkhand English & Hindi Edelweiss Financial Advisors Bhubaneswar Bihar English, Hindi, Nepali, Maithili & Bhojpuri E Anjali Roy Choudhury (24 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known N.B. : E stands for experienced profile : : : : : : : B.Com (Hons.) 36 TATA Motors TML Drivelines Ltd. (Tata Motors) Jamshedpur Jharkhand English, Hindi & Bengali Arpan Bhowmick (23 Yrs.) Background : Experience (Months) : Name of Company : Summer Internship (SIP) : Location : State of Domicile : Languages Known : BBA Nil Bank of India Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi, Bengali, Punjabi & Odia 33 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Arun Kumar Shenoy K (22 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Com Nil Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : BBA Nil Atanu Bera (26 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : Biswas Mishra (23 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known Indian Bank Ernakulam Kerala English, Hindi, Malayalam & Konkani B.Tech (E&C) Nil IDBI Bank Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia Chandra Sekhar Panda (23 Yrs.) Dena Bank Varanasi Utter Pradesh English & Hindi Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known FINANCE FINANCE Arvind Singh (23 Yrs.) : : : : : : : B.Tech (EIE) Nil Bank of Baroda Jamshedpur West Bengal English, Hindi & Bengali : : : : : : : B.Com Nil AXIS Bank Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia Debanjan Ghosh (22 Yrs.) Background : Experience (Months) : Name of Company : Summer Internship (SIP) : Location : State of Domicile : Languages Known : Aditya Birla Money Kolkata West Bengal English, Hindi & Bengali Debanjan Maitra (25 Yrs.) Background : Experience (Months) : Name of Company : Summer Internship (SIP) : Location : State of Domicile : Languages Known : BCA 21 Cognizant Technology Solutions UCO Bank Kolkata West Bengal English, Hindi & Bengali B.A (Hons.) Nil E Binay Kumar Nayak (25 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known N.B. : E stands for experienced profile : : : : : : : B.Com (Hons.) Nil Edelweiss Financial Advisors Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia 34 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Debanshu Ghosh (23 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Tech (AEIE) Nil : : : : : : : B.Sc (Hons.) Nil Laxmi Priya Jena (22 Yrs.) Background : Experience (Months) : Name of Company : Summer Internship (SIP) : Location : State of Domicile : Languages Known : Indian Bank Kolkata West Bengal English, Hindi & Bengali Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known Aditya Birla Money Kolkata West Bengal English, Hindi & Bengali Jayshree Rout (22 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Com Nil Kotak Securities Rourkela Odisha English, Hindi & Odia Kumari Ankita (24 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Com (Hons.) Nil Tata Cumins Jamshedpur Jharkhand English & Hindi FINANCE FINANCE Debarati Ray (23 Yrs.) Monalisha Lenka (21 Yrs.) Background : Experience (Months) : Name of Company : Summer Internship (SIP) : Location : State of Domicile : Languages Known : B.Com (Hons.) Nil Aditya Birla Money Kolkata Odisha English, Hindi & Odia BBA Nil Bank of India Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia Moumita Roy (24 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : BCA Nil Nandini Muduli (22 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : BBA Nil Aditya Birla Money Kolkata West Bengal English, Hindi & Bengali Indian Bank Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia 35 E Nikky Nanda (23 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : Papiya Halder (22 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : Papri Dutta (27 Yrs.) Background : Experience (Months) : Name of Company : Summer Internship (SIP) : Location : State of Domicile : Languages Known : Prasfutita Patnaik (23 Yrs.) Background : Experience (Months) : Name of Company : Summer Internship (SIP) : Location : State of Domicile : Languages Known : B.Sc Nil Reliance Retail Ltd. Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia B.Com (Hons.) Nil TML Drivelines Ltd. (Tata Motors) Jamshedpur Jharkhand English, Hindi & Bengali B.Tech (EE) 29 Skill Sets IT Online, Technnaisance, Friends Graphic Dena Bank Kolkata West Bengal English, Hindi & Bengali FINANCE FINANCE www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Priti Boipai (25 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : BBA Nil IDBI Bank Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia B.Com (Hons.) Nil Kotak Securities Ranchi Jharkhand English & Hindi Rahul Ranjan (23 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Com (Hons.) Nil Rahul Sahu (22 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Com (Hons.) Nil Kotak Securities Ranchi Jharkhand English & Hindi E Pradosh Satapathy (27 Yrs.) Background : B.Tech (EEE) Experience (Months) : 20 Name of Company : Puzzolana Machinery Fabricators Ltd. Summer Internship (SIP) : UCO Bank Location : Bhubaneswar State of Domicile : Odisha Languages Known : English, Hindi & Odia N.B. : E stands for experienced profile Kotak Securities Sundergarh Odisha English & Hindi 36 Rinky Kumari Shaw (22 Yrs.) Background : BBA Experience (Months) : Nil Name of Company : Summer Internship (SIP) : UCO Bank Location : Bhubaneswar State of Domicile : Odisha Languages Known : English, Hindi & Odia Sabuja Mitra Behera (23 Yrs.) Roselin. D (22 Yrs.) Sagnika Samantaray (23 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Sc Nil : : : : : : : B.Com (Hons.) Nil Indian Bank Madurai Tamilnadu English & Tamil Rupa Ray (22 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known Indian Bank Kolkata West Bengal English, Hindi & Bengali S Suvendu (23 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Tech (EEE) Nil Edelweiss Financial Advisors Rourkela Odisha English, Hindi & Odia Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known FINANCE FINANCE www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 : : : : : : : B.Com (Hons.) Nil Dena Bank Cuttack Odisha English, Hindi & Odia Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Tech (E&TC) Nil Sanat Kumar (24 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : BBA Nil Sanchita Das (23 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Com (Hons.) Nil Bank of Baroda Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia Kotak Securities Patna Bihar English & Hindi Kotak Securities Cuttack Odisha English, Hindi & Odia 37 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Sarama Rani Lal (22 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known Shilpa Das (22 Yrs.) : : : : : : : BBA Nil Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known Canara Bank Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi, Odia & Bengali Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known B.Tech (ETC) Nil Reliance Retail Ltd. Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia Saswati Rath (23 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Tech (Comp. Sc.) Nil : : : : : : : BBA Nil Vijaya Bank Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia Sheeba Rout (22 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known N.B. : E stands for experienced profile B.Tech (ECE) Nil Indian Overseas Bank Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia Sritam Kumar Dash (23 Yrs.) : : : : : : : FINANCE FINANCE Sasmita Das (23 Yrs.) : : : : : : : Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Tech (ETC) Nil Sushant Kumar (26 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Tech (EE) 7 Tata Business Support Services Central Bank of India Ranchi Jharkhand English & Hindi : : : : : : : B.Com (Hons.) Nil Indian Overseas Bank Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi & Odia E Suvojit Dey (23 Yrs.) Canara Bank Bhubaneswar Odisha English, Hindi, Bengali & Odia Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known Aditya Birla Money Kolkata West Bengal English, Hindi & Bengali 38 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Tapan Padhi (27 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Com Nil UCO Bank Berhampur Odisha English, Hindi & Odia FINANCE Titil Karsingha (24 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Tech (E&I) Nil Dena Bank Jamshedpur West Bengal English, Hindi & Bengali Vidhan Swaroop Mangeshkar (24 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Com Nil Kotak Securities Delhi Jharkhand English & Hindi 39 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Students for CRP 2015 HR HR Functional Area 40 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 E Anindita Dasgupta (32 Yrs.) Background : Experience (Months) : Name of Company : Summer Internship (SIP) : Location : State of Domicile : Languages Known : B.E (CSE) 60 Allen Info Systems, B. D. Infotech, Enigma Digital Concepts Pvt. Ltd., Bose Software Services Pvt. Ltd. Reliance ADA Kolkata Tripura English, Hindi, Odia & Bengali Pooja Kumari (24 Yrs.) : : : : : : : BBA Nil Videocon Industries Ltd. Gurgaon Bihar English, Hindi & Maithili HR Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known Soni Hembrom (25 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known : : : : : : : B.Sc (Hons.) Nil Bharat Coking Coal Dhanbad Jharkhand English, Hindi & Bengali Veer Pratap Singh (22 Yrs.) Background Experience (Months) Name of Company Summer Internship (SIP) Location State of Domicile Languages Known N.B. : E stands for experienced profile : : : : : : : BCA Nil Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages Bhubaneswar Uttar Pradesh English, Hindi, Marathi & Bhojpuri 41 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Placement Office The placement office handles all aspects of campus placements for the graduating students at IMIS Bhubaneswar. The office is well equipped with excellent infrastructure to support every stage of the placement process. Arrangement for Pre-Placement Talks, interviews, Group Discussions etc. are all handled by the staff at the office. The following facilities are made available for the various activities: • Auditorium to conduct PrePlacement Talks • Well furnished air-conditioned rooms for interviews • Fully computerized office • Video conference • Provision for SKYPE/ Telephonic interview The placement policies and other related activities are handled by Dean – Corporate Relations. The process of coordinating with companies for recruitment is handled by the Placement Office which consists of three Corporate Relations Officers. The companies are encouraged to contact Placement Cell for initial discussions and Placement Office for confirming all schedules and all official communication. 42 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Placement Guidelines, Schedule & Contacts General Guidelines The Schedule Pre-Placement Talk : 17th November 2014 onwards a) The Placement Office is the formal point of contact for placements at IMIS. b) After receiving the communication about the offer details from the recruiting organization, the CVs of all the willing students are forwarded to the organization for reference and/ or any further screening. Campus Recruitment Program : 15th December 2014 onwards Lateral Placement start date : 17th November 2014 Campus Recruitment by LIC HFL c) Recruiting organizations visit the campus on the decided dates and conduct a Pre-Placement Talk (PPT) communicating the relevant details about the company, the career, the offer & the selection process. Then the company/organization conducts tests and/or interviews according to their recruitment process. d) The list of finally selected students is required to be furnished by the company/organization on the date of final interview. e) Students once get the offer, may not be allowed to appear for other interviews as per the institute placement policy. f) Offer letters of selected students must be sent in duplicate to the Training & Placement Office of IMIS, Bhubaneswar. Placement Contacts Dibakar Mohapatra Sr. Corporate Relations Officer Cell: +91 94371 00573 Email: [email protected] Nagendranath Misra Corporate Relations Officer Cell: +91 99371 68080 Email: [email protected] M. A. Ahmed Corporate Relations Officer Cell: +91 94381 82112 Email: [email protected] Campus Recruitment by Colgate Palmolive Campus Recruitment by Universal Sompo E-mail for correspondence : [email protected] [email protected] 43 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 In & around Bhubaneswar The history of the city stretches back over 2000 years. The area first appears as the ancient capital of Kalinga. Bhubaneshwar, the ‘city of temples’, named after Tribhuvaneswar, ‘Lord of Three Worlds’, still preserves over 500 of India’s finest temples, around which the religious life of the city revolves. 1 Mythological references and the epigraphic sources describe the area as Ekamra Kshetra and Saiva Pitha. In 1936, the Odisha (Orissa) became a separate province with Cuttack as its Capital, which was eventually changed to Bhubaneswar in 1956. 2 4 5 Together with Puri and Konark, Bhubaneswar forms the ‘golden triangle’--one of the most visited destinations in East India, for its proud possession of magnificent sculpture and majestic architectural heritage. 7 3 6 1. Lingaraj Temple 2. Puri Sea Beach 3. Lord Jagannath Temple 4. Konark Temple 5. Nandan Kanan Zoo 6. Chilika Lake 7. Dhauli Shanti Stup 44 www.imis.ac.in/crp2015 Bhubaneswar Connectivity Bhubaneswar, the Temple City of India is well connected to important cities by air and rail. It also houses many five star properties and places to enjoy local traditional Odia cuisine. Located just 3 kms from the city centre towards the southern part of the city, the Biju Patnaik Airport in the capital city of Orissa is replete with all the needs of a modern day discerning traveller. Named after a great visionary patriot, Bijyandra Patnaik, popularly known as Biju Patnaik, the airport is well connected by road to the rest of city. The Bhubaneswar airport, the only major airport in the state, is well connected to the cities of Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, Vishakhapatnam, Hyderabad, and Raipur through regular flights. FLIGHT NO. FLIGHT NAME ORIGIN AI 670 Air India Bhubaneswar 6E 263 Indigo Airlines Bhubaneswar VIA Hyderabad DESTINATION DEPARTURE ARRIVAL FREQUENCY Mumbai 13.20 15.40 Daily Mumbai 10.10 13.30 Daily 6E 293 Indigo Airlines Bhubaneswar Mumbai 8.50 11.10 Daily 6E 552 Indigo Airlines Bhubaneswar Mumbai 13.00 15.20 Daily 6E 264 Indigo Airlines Mumbai Bhubaneswar 15.10 18.35 Daily Hyderabad 6E 553 Indigo Airlines Mumbai Bhubaneswar 10.05 12.30 Daily 6E 294 Indigo Airlines Mumbai Bhubaneswar 16.50 19.00 Daily AI 878 Air India Bhubaneswar Delhi 14.05 16.10 Daily AI 474 Air India Bhubaneswar Delhi 21.00 23.00 Daily 6E 256 Indigo Airlines Bhubaneswar Delhi 9.30 11.45 Daily 6E 258 Indigo Airlines Bhubaneswar Delhi 18.55 21.05 Daily 6E 368 Indigo Airlines Bhubaneswar Delhi 21.30 23.35 Daily 6E 257 Indigo Airlines Delhi Bhubaneswar 7.30 9.30 Daily 6E 259 Indigo Airlines Delhi Bhubaneswar 16.30 18.25 Daily 6E 341 Indigo Airlines Delhi Bhubaneswar 19.00 21.00 Daily 6E 263 Indigo Airlines Bhubaneswar Hyderabad 10.15 11.50 Daily 6E 265 Indigo Airlines Bhubaneswar Hyderabad 19.05 20.40 Daily 6E 266 Indigo Airlines Hyderabad Bhubaneswar 8.15 9.45 Daily 6E 264 Indigo Airlines Hyderabad Bhubaneswar 17.05 18.35 Daily 6E 511 Indigo Airlines Bhubaneswar Kolkata 10.45 11.40 Daily 6E 294 Indigo Airlines Bhubaneswar Kolkata 19.30 20.30 Daily 6E 293 Indigo Airlines Kolkata Bhubaneswar 7.20 8.20 Daily 6E 512 Indigo Airlines Kolkata Bhubaneswar 12.10 13.20 Daily 6E 491 Indigo Airlines Bhubaneswar Vishakhapatnam Bangalore 14.10 17.10 Mon/Thu/Sat Hyderabad Bangalore 19.05 22.20 Daily Bangalore 15.25 17.15 Tue/Wed/Fri/Sun Bhubaneswar 6.40 9.45 Daily 6E 265 Indigo Airlines Bhubaneswar 6E 492 Indigo Airlines Bhubaneswar 6E 266 Indigo Airlines Bangalore Hyderabad 6E 491 Indigo Airlines Bangalore Bhubaneswar 11.45 13.40 Mon/Thu/Sat 6E 492 Indigo Airlines Bangalore Bhubaneswar 11.45 14.55 Tue/Wed/Fri/Sun 6E 512 Indigo Airlines Bhubaneswar Vishakhapatnam Chennai 13.50 16.45 Daily 6E 511 Indigo Airlines Chennai Vishakhapatnam Bhubaneswar 7.20 10.10 Daily The B-School that Thinks Ahead ... IMIS believes in imagination. What it cannot see is infinitely more important than what it can see. There are two big forces: external and internal. We have very little control over external forces such as tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, disasters, illness and pain. What really matters is the internal force. How do we respond to those? Looking for answers to this is what we call at IMIS “thinking.” As long as we are thinking, we are ahead. The moment we stop, we know that it is the end of the road. We have realized: “Nothing can stop a man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal.” Such realization has come from the three simple but powerful words: Discipline Leadership -Commitment. IMIS Bhubaneswar - 19 years of Business Education Rear view of IMIS Hostel A N I N V I T A T I O N Institute of Management & Information Science (Approved by AICTE, Govt. of India) Central Office:Vivekananda Marg Bhubaneswar-751 002, Odisha, India Ph : +91-674-2431953, 2433762, 2435697 Fax : +91-674-2433932 Campus Recruitment Program 2015 Campus: Swagat Vihar, Bankuala Bhubaneswar-751 002, Odisha, India Ph : +91-674-3291471, 6542256/ 57/ 58/ 61/ 62 Website : www.imis.ac.in E-mail : [email protected] / [email protected] D I S C I P L I N E I L E A D E R S H I P Institute of Management & Information Science, Bhubaneswar I C O M M I T M E N T IMIS Bhubaneswar Institution beyond Education for creating ready professionals
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