CHAPTER 06 - MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES Question 1: Multiple choice questions (i) Which one of the following industries uses limestone as a raw material. (a) Aluminium (b) Cement (c) Sugar (d) Jute (i) (b) Cement (ii) Which one of the following agencies markets steel for the public sector plants? (a) HAIL (b) SAIL (c) TATA Steel (d) MNCC (ii) (b) SAIL (iii) Which one of the following industries uses bauxite as a raw material? (a) Aluminium (b) Cement (c) Jute (d) Steel (iii) (a) Aluminium (iv) Which one of the following industries manufactures telephones, computer, etc? (a) Steel (b) Electronic (c) Aluminium (d) Information Technology (iv) (b) Electronic Question 2: Answer the following briefly in not more than 30 words. (i) What is manufacturing? (i) Manufacturing is the process in which goods are produced after processing the various raw materials. The raw materials themselves may be manufactured products. (ii) Name any three physical factors for the location of the industry. (ii) Physical factors essential in deciding the location of an industry are − availability of raw materials, availability of capital and the proximity to the market. (iii) Name any three human factors for the location of an industry. (iii) Human factors essential in deciding the location of an industry are − availability of cheap labour, availability of services such as consultants and financial advice, and resources for maintaining labour. (iv) What are basic industries? Give an example. (iv) Basic industries are those which supply their raw materials to industries which manufacture other goods. An example is the iron and steel industry which supplies steel to the automobile industry. (v) Name the important raw materials used in the manufacturing of cement? (v) The important raw materials used in the manufacturing of cement are: limestone, silica, alumina and gypsum. Apart from these, coal, electric power and rail transportation are also needed. Question 3: Write the answers of the following questions in 120 words. (i) How are integrated steel plants different from mini steel plants? What problems does the industry face? What recent developments have led to a rise in the production capacity? (i) Integrated steel plants are different from mini steel plants in many aspects. An integrated steel plant is large and handles everything in one complex—from integrating raw materials to steel making, rolling and shaping. On the other hand, a mini steel plant is smaller, has electric furnaces, uses steel scrap and sponge iron, and has re-rollers that use steel ingots as well. It produces mild and alloy steel of given specifications. The problems faced by this industry are: (a) high production costs and limited availability of coking coal; (b) lower productivity of labour; (c) irregular supply of energy; and (d) poor infrastructure. Recent developments that have led to a rise in the production capacity of this industry are liberalisation and Foreign Direct Investment, with help from private entrepreneurs. (ii) How do industries pollute the environment? (ii) Industrial pollution of the environment is of four types: air, water, land and noise. Air pollution is caused by smoke released by chemical and paper factories, brick kilns, refineries and smelting plants, and burning of fossil fuels in factories ignoring pollution norms. Water pollution is caused by the discharging of organic and inorganic industrial wastes and affluents into rivers. This form of pollution is caused by paper, pulp, chemical, textile, dyeing, petroleum refineries, tanneries and electroplating industries. The major solid wastes released into rivers in India are fly ash, phospo-gypsum, and iron and steel slags. Thermal pollution of water is another form of water pollution, caused by the emission of hot water from factories and thermal plants into rivers and ponds. Dumping of solid wastes renders the soil infertile and useless too. Lastly, noise pollution results from industrial and construction activities, machinery, generators, and saws, pneumatic and electric drills. (iii) Discuss the steps to be taken to minimise environmental degradation by industry? (iii) The steps to be taken to minimise environmental degradation by industry are as follows: (a) To control water pollution, industrial effluents need to be treated on all three levels (primary, secondary and tertiary); the use of water for processing should be minimised via reuse and recycling; rainwater can be harvested to meet water requirements, and ground water usage should be regulated by law. (b) For the minimisation of air pollution, smoke stacks should be fitted to factories with electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters, scrubbers and inertial separators. Also, smoke can be reduced by using oil or gas instead of coal. (c) Noise pollution can be controlled by fitting generators with silencers, redesigning machinery to reduce noise, and using earplugs and earphones besides other noise absorbing material. Question 1: Multiple choice questions (i) Which two of the following extreme locations are connected by the east-west corridor? (a) Mumbai and Nagpur (b) Silcher and Porbandar (c) Mumbai and Kolkata (d) Nagpur and Siligudi (i) (b) Silcher and Porbandar (ii) Which mode of transportation reduces trans-shipment losses and delays? (a) Railways (b) Roadways (c) Pipeline (d) Waterways (ii) (c) Pipeline (iii) Which one of the following states is not connected with the H.V.J. pipeline? (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Maharashtra (c) Gujarat (d) Uttar Pradesh (iii) (b) Maharashtra (iv) Which one of the following ports is the deepest land-locked and well-protected port along the east cost? (a) Chennai (b) Paradwip (c) Tuticorin (d) Vishakhapatnam (iv) (d) Vishakhapatnam (v) Which one of the following is the most important modes of transportation in India? (a) Pipeline (b) Railways (c) Roadways (d) Airways (iv) (d) Vishakhapatnam (vi) Which one of the following terms is used to describe trade between two or more countries? (a) Internal trade (b) International trade (c) External trade (d) Local trade (vi) (b) International trade Question 2: Answer the following questions in about 30 words. (i) State any three merits of roadways. (i) Merits of roadways: (a) They are cheaper than railways in terms of construction costs. (b) Roads can go through dissected and undulating land areas and through steep mountains. (c) They are economical as loading costs are low and door-to-door service can be availed of. (ii) Where and why is rail transport the most convenient means of transporation? (ii) In the northern plains, rail transport is the most convenient mode of transportation. This is because this region has vast level lands that are good for laying tracks, and huge population and high agricultural productivity, making rail transport a profitable venture. (iii) What is the significance of the border roads? (iii) Border roads are strategically important as they improve accessibility to areas like the northern and north eastern border areas which have a difficult terrain. (iv) What is meant by trade? What is the difference between international and local trade? (iv) Trade is the movement of goods and services between regions for economic gain. Trade between two or more countries is termed as international trade, while trade occurring in a region within the same country is called local trade. Question 3: Answer the following questions in about 120 words. (i) Why are the means of transportation and communication called the lifelines of a nation and its economy? (i) The means of transportation and communication are called the lifelines of a nation and its economy because they are the preconditions for progress and development. Goods and services cannot move on their own from supply houses to demand locales. This necessitates the need for transportation. Thus, a country’s economy depends not only on the production and sale of goods and services, but on their transport as well. Globalisation has been possible on account of easier and fastdeveloping communication channels between the countries of the world. Hence, it complements trade as well as transport. India is well-connected with the rest of the world due to these two things—transport and communication, which have contributed vastly to the development of our national economy. They have also added extensively to growing amenities and facilities improving our lifestyles. (ii) Write a note on the changing nature of the international trade in the last fifteen years. (ii) The changing nature of the international trade for India, in the last fifteen years, has been impressive. Exchange of information and knowledge has surpassed exchange of goods and commodities. Through its advanced software knowledge and excellence in the field of information technology, India has emerged as a viable contender at the international level and is earning huge amounts of foreign exchange through the same. Tourism too has added to India’s upgraded position in international trade. In 2004, there was a 23.5% increase in foreign tourist arrivals as against the number in 2003. Thus, international trade for India has undergone a cognisable change in the past fifteen years.
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