Primer Set VPS-1, VPS-2

Primers for the trh1 gene of Vibrio parahaemolyticus
Primer Set
VPS-1, VPS-2
( 腸炎ビブリオ耐熱性溶血毒遺伝子検出用 )
Code No. S002 Shipping at -20 ℃
Size: 1000 pmol each
Stored at -20℃
Supplied Reagent: 10X PCR Buffer
600 μ l
Lot No.
Concentration : 19 pmol / μ l
●増幅産物 210 bp
Volume : 53 μ l
●形状 滅菌水溶液
Expiry Date :
●調製 合成 DNA
Detectable gene: Thermostable direct hemolysin-related hemolysin (Trh1) gene of Vibrio parahaemolyticus.
Amplified Fragment: 210 bp
Form: Solution in sterilized water
Source: Synthetic oligonucleotide
Application Example:
耐熱性溶血毒類似毒素 1 型遺伝子 (trh1)
1. Reaction mixture for PCR (total 50 μ l)
TaKaRa TaqTM (5 units/ μ l)
0.25 μ l
10X PCR Buffer*
dNTP Mixture** (2.5 mM each)
Primer VPS-1
0.5 μ l
Primer VPS-2
0.5 μ l
Sterilized distilled water
34.75 μ l
50 μ l
(Reaction mixture should be prepared on ice.)
*Supplied with the Primer Set.
**Supplied with TaKaRa TaqTM(Cat#. R001).
***Purified DNA or heat extracted sample shall be used as the template.
Preparation of heat extracted sample ; Culture the bacteria in L-broth medium or
Alkaline peptone medium at 37℃ for over night. Add 90 μ l of sterilized distilled
water into 10 μ l of the culture medium, and heat at 95℃ for 5 min. Centrifuge
to remove the residue of bacteria and use the supernatant as a sample. When
higher sensitivity is required to detect from low population sample, centrifuge
1 ml of the culture medium at 5,000 rpm for 5 min and discard the supernatant.
Suspend the precipitated bacteria in 100 μ l of sterilized distilled water. Heat at
95℃ for 5 min, centrifuge to remove the residue, and use the obtained
supernatant as a sample.
2. PCR Condition
94℃ , 1 min.
60℃ , 1 min.
35 cycles
72℃ , 1 min.
1)Tada, J., et al. (1992) Mol. Cell. Prob. 6, 477-487
2)Nishibuchi, M. and Kaper, J. B., et al. (1990) Mol. Microbiol. 4, 87-99.
3)Nishibuchi, M., et al. (1989) Infect. Immun. 57, 2691-1697.
4)Nishibuchi, M., et al. (1992) Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 58, 2449-2457.
This product is intended to be used for research purpose only. They
are not to be used for drug or diagnostic purposes, nor are they
intended for human use. They shall not to be used products as food,
cosmetics, or utensils, etc.
Takara products may not be resold or transfered, modified for resale or transfer, or used to manufacture commercial products without written approval from TAKARA BIO INC.
If you require licenses for other use, please call at +81 77 543 7247 or contact from our website at .
1. 反応液組成
TaKaRa Taq TM (5 U/ μ l)
10X PCR buffer*
dNTP Mixture** (2.5 mM each)
Template DNA***
Primer VPS-1
Primer VPS-2
0.25 μ l
0.5 μ l
0.5 μ l
34.75 μ l
50 μ l
* 本 Primer Set に添付している。
**TaKaRa Taq TM (TaKaRa Code R001)に添付している。
*** 精製 DNA または熱抽出サンプルを使用。なお、熱抽出サンプルは、菌体
を L-broth 培地、あるいはアルカリペプトン培地中で 37℃一晩培養した培養
液 10 μ l に、滅菌水 90 μ l を加え、95℃、5 分間加熱後、遠心分離により
培養液 1 ml を遠心 (5,000 rpm, 5 分間 ) 後上清を除き、菌体を 100 μ l の滅菌
水に懸濁する。これを 95℃、5 分間加熱後、遠心分離により残渣を除いた上
2. PCR 条件
94℃ , 1 min.
60℃ , 1 min.
72℃ , 1 min.
35 cycles
1)西淵光昭ら (1992) 日本臨床 50(1992 年特別号 )348-352.
2)Tada, J., et al. (1992) Mol. Cell. Prob . 6, 477-487
3)Nishibuchi, M. and Kaper, J. B., et al . (1990) Mol. Microbiol . 4, 87-99.
4)Nishibuchi, M., et al. (1989) Infect. Immun. 57, 2691-1697.
5)Nishibuchi, M., et al . (1992) Appl. Environ. Microbiol . 58, 2449-2457.
本製品は、株式会社島津製作所で製造されたものです。 Manufactured by SHIMADZU CORPORATION.
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