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Jubilee Health Centre
Response to Healthwatch visit
Page 9
Agenda Item 5
Healthwatch Report
Action taken
Feedback on building
Signpost: Vivette Bell, Head
of Premises Management,
NHS Property Services
[email protected]
Tel: 0208 687 4743
Shotfield Med Practice:
Sarah Kavanagh, Practice
0208 669 7612
Improve signage in reception by providing a large board
Reviewed by the Tennant’s committee
indicating the location of services with floor and or room number on 29th April who advice that they
/reception area to report to (which can be easily changed
believe the signage is adequate.
according to services available on the day)
Further action pending as the request
for further signage made following the
reception flows meeting is actioned.
This is currently being costed
Reviewed by the Tennant’s committee
on 29th April who advice that they
believe there is adequate signage
around the building and that all doors
now have numbers.
NHSPS has asked Essentia to review
and assess where the additional
signage is required.
Improve signage for toilets and to assist patients to find their
way around the building, particularly on the first floor.
If patients are required to find rooms by numbers these should
be on doors.
Provide signage on the exterior of the building indicating
opening times, the GP practices available, and what to do for
‘Out of Hours’
This has been actioned
Provide greater clarity regarding reception desks on ground
floor with “general enquiries” being clearly signed and clear
signs indicating GP reception only with a for all other services
“go to “/see information board
Ground Floor – Advised by the
Practice Managers that signs are above
each reception stating 'Information',
'Shotfield Medical Practice' and
'Wallington Family Practice'. There are
no walls or suitable areas in the atrium
close by to put any additional useful
signage to make this any clearer.
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Agenda Item 5
Wallington Family Practice:
Jonathan White, Practice
0208 669 6186
The meeting regarding ‘Reception
Flows’ has been held re: reception on
1st floor – with a series of actions arising
from this meeting that are being worked
through at the Tennant’s Committee.
ESH: Nicole Gresham,
General Manager
0208 296 2000
On the 2nd floor, a new reception desk
has been installed to support the patient
flows for physiotherapy appointments
SMCS, Sarah Wright,
Clinical Therapies Director
020 8251 0460
Contacting JHC
Provide a contact telephone number for the JHC
Agenda Item 5
Page 11
Signpost: Vivette Bell, Head
of Premises Management,
NHS Property Services
[email protected]
Tel: 0208 687 4743
The size of this building means it is not
feasible for a dedicated switchboard.
Each service provider is responsible for
providing contact telephone numbers for
patients to access their services. The
building specification did not include a
dedicated switchboard or single point of
Healthwatch Report
Action taken
Feedback on building
Address issues of temperature throughout the building
particularly ground floor reception/waiting area
Signpost: Vivette Bell, Head of
Premises Management, NHS
Property Services
[email protected]
Tel: 0208 687 4743
Following a recent meeting, NHSPS
has asked Essentia to further
investigate and raise with Peter Fox.
Essentia will look into air cooling
costs and options available and
feedback to tenants committee.
Garden development to be completed to allow use of the doors
between the two Jubilee buildings, with monitoring of
temperature in the winter resulting from 2 sets of external
doors opening onto the reception area
Peter Fox, Landlords Agent has
advised that he took the outcome of
the Tender process to Shotfield
Development Business Partnership
Ltd for a decision on 29th April,
decision to proceed outstanding.
The preferred bidder can commence
on site early June with completion
anticipated by the end of August,
2014, once funding released.
Finalise action to ensure ‘drop off’ spaces and ‘disabled’
parking are maintained as such
The Tennant’s committee have
advised that installation of the new
car park barrier will help maintain
protected ‘drop off’ spaces and
disabled parking
Provide information on all bus services serving the area
Information regarding bus services is
already available in the ground floor
Signpost: Peter Fox, Landlords
[email protected]
Tel: 01708 787787
Signpost: Claire Edge, Chair of
Tennant’s Committee,
[email protected]
Page 12
The Tennant’s committee have
advised this will improve with the
introduction of an air curtain.
Meanwhile it is being monitored by
NHS Property Services.
Agenda Item 5
Miscellaneous (Building)
Infection control
The provision of anti-bacterial hand gel close to touch screens
The Tennant’s committee advised
that anti-bacterial hand gel is not
appropriate at the touch screens
because of the proximity to the
screens but this can be reviewed.
Source and encourage information and about support services
delivered by voluntary and community groups
The Tennant’s committee advised
that messages can be added to all
electronic boards within the building
to provide information. Requests
should be submitted to the Building
Signpost: Claire Edge, Chair of
Tennant’s Committee,
[email protected]
Signpost: Claire Edge, Chair of
Tennant’s Committee,
[email protected]
Reading materials
Provide more reading material and some activities for children
on 1st and 2nd floor
The Tennant’s committee advised
that there is sufficient reading
material around the building. No toys
are allowed due to infection control
Improve the management of patients arriving for blood tests.
ESH advised that phlebotomy patient
flows have been reviewed and fewer
patients at a time are now called
forward to ease congestion
Signpost: Claire Edge, Chair of
Tennant’s Committee,
[email protected]
Page 13
The Tennant’s committee have been
asked to consider the use of leaflet
racks in key areas
Feedback on providers
ESTH – phlebotomy
Agenda Item 5
Signpost: Nicole Gresham,
General Manager
0208 296 2000
ESTH to check transport wait times for elderly patients
The same process applies for patient
transport for all ESTH patients with
waits reduced as far as possible.
Service providers at both Jubilee buildings to review
appointment letters to ensure patients are directed to the
correct building, provided with a map/directional information,
floor and room numbers or location of reception
All service providers have been asked
to review their appointment letters on
a regular basis to ensure accuracy of
location details.
Signpost: Nicole Gresham,
General Manager
0208 296 2000
All providers – appointments etc
Signpost: ESH, Nicole Gresham,
General Manager
0208 296 2000
Page 14
SMCS, Sarah Wright,
Clinical Therapies Director
020 8251 0460
Agenda Item 5
ESTH – patient transport
KCH, Shirley Berman,
Feedback on GP
Shotfield Med Practice:
Sarah Kavanagh,
Practice Manager
0208 669 7612
Wallington Family
Jonathan White,
Practice Manager
0208 669 6186
Issues relating to GP Practices to be referred to the respective
Patient Participation Groups to obtain further feedback and
improvements to the patient experience particularly
Any issues regarding privacy at reception
Politeness of reception staff,
Use of the automated check-in
Comfort/ temperature in waiting areas
Management of waiting areas
Online appointments
Promptness of appointment times
Information and outreach stands in reception
Reading material in waiting areas
Agenda Item 5
Page 15
The Practice Managers advised that they
operate a 'virtual' PPG currently. Their
patient survey results and report/action
plan are posted on their website
www.shotfieldmedicalpractice.co.uk for
2014 which includes questions chosen
by our PPG as their priorities for this
year, and there is also a general question
about premises.
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