GROWING SMART SOLUTIONS SERVING THE BEST GROWERS OF TODAY AND TOMORROW 2015 GROWER GUIDE To Our Valued Customer, Thank you for considering Farmers Cooperative Company as your production partner for the 2015 growing season. The main objective for Farmers Cooperative Company is to partner and challenge tomorrow’s grower to deliver the highest profit per acre to feed the world today and in the future. We are an industry leader in both knowledge and innovation, committed to providing you with the best in products, service, knowledge, and profitability. As a full service farmer owned retailer with access to the widest selection of genetics, traits, and crop protection products that are backed by our local agronomy experts. This localized agronomy guide is an example of Farmers Cooperative Company providing to you localized data and information to help you select the right products, for the acre at the right time to help you maximize the highest profit per acre. Farmers Cooperative Company Agronomy Team 2 Traits & Treatments Hybrid Description Protection Genuity® SmartStax®; GENSS YieldGard® VT Rootworm, HERCULEX® RW, YieldGard VT PRO™ Corn Borer and HERCULEX® I protection; Roundup Ready 2 Technology® and LibertyLink® VT3P Genuity® VT Triple PRO™; GENVT3P YieldGard® VT Rootworm and Yield Gard VT PRO™ Corn Borer protection; Roundup Ready 2 Technology® VT2P Genuity® VT Double PRO™; GENVT2P YieldGard VT PRO™ Corn Borer protection; Roundup Ready 2 Technology® VT3 YieldGard VT Triple®; YGRW/RR2/YGCB YieldGard® VT Rootworm and YieldGard® Corn Borer Protection; Roundup Ready 2 Technology® VT YieldGard VT Rootworm®; YGRW/RR2 YieldGard® VT Rootworm protection; Roundup Ready 2 Technology® RR2 with YieldGard® Corn Borer; RR2/YGCB YieldGard® Corn Borer prootection; Roundup Ready® Corn 2 Roundup Ready® Corn 2; RR2 Roundup Ready® Corn 2 AS3111 Agrisure Viptera™; CB/LL/RW/GT/BL Agrisure® Corn Borer, Rootworm and Broad Lepidopteran protection; Glyphosate Tolerant and LibertyLink® AS3110 Agrisure Viptera™; GT/CB/LL/BL Agrisure® Corn Borer, Broad Lepidopteran protection; Glyphosate Tolerant and LibertyLink® AS3000/GT Agrisure® 3000GT; CB/LL/RW/GT Agrisure® Corn Borer and Rootworm protection; LibertyLink® AS3 Argisure® CB/LL/RW Agrisure® Corn Borer and Rootworm protection; Glyphosate Tolerant and LibertyLink® GT/CB/LL Agrisure® GT/CB/LL Agrisure® Corn Borer protection; Glyphosate Tolerant and LibertyLink® Agrisure® GT Agrisure® Glyphosate Tolerant Roundup Ready® with HERCULEX® XTRA; RR2/HXT/LL HERCULEX® Corn Rootworm and Corn Borer protection; Roundup Ready® Corn 2 and LibertyLink® HXT HERCULEX® XTRA; HXT/LL HERCULEX® Corn Rootworm and Corn Borer protection; LibertyLink® RH Roundup Ready® with HERCULEX®I; RR2/HX/LL HERCULEX® Corn Borer protection; Roundup Ready® Corn 2 and LibertyLink® Agrisure 3000GT with HERCULEX® XTRA Agrisure® Corn Borer and Rootworm protection, AgrisureGT, Herculex®, Herculex RW® SS RB or RR/ Bt RR GT RHXT 3122 EZ Refuge 3 Corn - RM 100-111 DKC58-87RIB GENSS DKC58-89RIB GENVT2P (108day) • Excellent agronomics with good stability under drought stress allows for tougher soils • Consistency in mid to lower yield environments • Very nice stalks, roots, and greensnap package • Girthy ears with nice kernel depth-semi flex ear with above average TW NuTech 709 CONV, RR, AM, AMX (109day) • Med-tall hybrid with moderate ear placement • Excellent agronomic package with good stress tolerance, roots, and late season plant health • Very good heat and drought tolerance Mycogen 2V709 SMARTSTAX (110 day) • Responds to high mgt-fertility & fungicide • Good drought tolerance with medium plant height and ear height • Position early in the harvest window. Consistent ears down the row 4 DKC61-88RIB GENVT3P DKC61-89RIB GENVT2P (111 day) • Very rapid drying ability, open husks and dries like a 108 day • Excellent disease package including Goss’s • Plan to harvest by 18% moisture for best results! • Performs best at M-MH populations and is a wide leafy plant • Proven Optimum AQUAmax hybrid platform reliable performance over a wide area • Med-short plant stature with mid-point ear placement for height • Excellent stress tolerance and good for continuous corn acres NuTech 811 RR2, CONV, AM, AMXT (111 day) Mycogen 2V717 SMARTSTAX (111day) • Good drought tolerance • Flex-ear style adapts to a wide range of plant densities • Keep in low pop environments and plant 32,000 or less RM EMERGENCE STALK ROOT STAYGREEN DROUGHT TEST WT EAR FLEX PLANT HT EAR HT GLS GOSS NCLB Corn - RM 100-111 DEKALB 53-56 VT3 102 3 4 2 3 2 4 18-20 M M 7 4 3 DEKALB 58-87 SS 108 2 2 2 2 2 4 16-18 M-T M-H 5 4 DEKALB 59-35/37 SS/VT2P 109 3 3 2 2 3 3 SD M M 5 4 NuTech 709 109 6 4 4 5 1 5 SD 16-18 6 6 6 5 Mycogen 2V709 SS 110 4 4 4 3 2 3 SF M ML 4 3 3 DEKALB 61-88/89 VT3/VT2P 111 3 3 3 2 3 3 SD 16-18 M-T M-H 3 5 3 Mycogen 2V717 SS 111 4 4 3 3 2 4 F M MH 3 3 3 NuTech 811 111 6 2 4 3 2 4 SF 16-18 3 5 5 4 3 Mycogen 2H729 111 3 3 3 3 3 4 SF MT M 5 5 5 SS SCALE: 4 1-4 BEST 5-6 OK 7-9 WATCHOUT Notes 5 Corn - RM 112-113 DKC62-97GENVT3P DKC62-98GENVT2P (112 day) • Excellent stalks and very good roots • Very good drought and greensnap tolerance • Excellent choice for corn on corn • Adapted to minimum tillage systems due to good seedling vigor NuTech 113 AM, RR/HX/RW (113 day) • Very consistent, workhorse type of product that handles stress • Semi-flex ear with 16-18 kernel rows of high test weight grain 6 Mycogen 2A749 SMARTSTAX (112day) • Strong stalks and roots with very good emergence • Excellent late-season staygreen and ear retention • Very good where Northern Corn Leaf Blight a concern • 18-20 kernel rows with good test wt. DKC63-33RIB GENSS DKC63-35RIB GENSS (113day) • Very good stalks and good roots with good greensnap tolerance • Place on most productive soils and plant at medmed high pops RM EMERGENCE STALK ROOT STAYGREEN DROUGHT TEST WT EAR FLEX PLANT HT EAR HT GLS GOSS NCLB Corn - RM 112-113 DEKALB DKC62-95 RR2 112 3 2 3 2 3 3 16-18 M M 4 4 6 DEKALB DKC62-97 VT3P 112 3 2 3 2 3 3 16-18 M M 4 4 6 DEKALB DKC62-98 VT2P 112 3 2 3 2 3 3 16-18 M M 4 4 6 Mycogen 2A749 SS 112 3 2 2 2 3 4 SF M-T M 3 7 2 NuTech 113 113 6 5 2 3 2 3 SF 16-18 3 5 4 4 5 DEKALB 63-33/35 113 3 3 3 2 3 3 SD 16-18 M M-H 5 4 3 SS/VT2P SCALE: 1-4 BEST 5-6 OK 7-9 WATCHOUT Notes 7 Corn - RM 114-Above DKC65-67GENVT2P (115DAY) • Excellent stalks and strong roots • Superior staygreen and harvest appearance • Good corn on corn due to strong emergence & excellent standability NuTech 615 RR, RR/HX, RR/HXT (115day) • Very attractive hybrid all season long due to strong early growth • Good heat & drought tolerance with very good late-season plant health • Can be used on continuous corn environments 8 Mycogen 2C788 SMARTSTAX (114day) • Stable, high yielding hybrid offers good late-season intactness • Very good tolerance to GLS, NCLB, and SCLB • Can go on lower fertility ground with variable soils and offers good drought tolerance DKC64-87RIBGENSS DKC64-89RIB GENVT2P (114) • Very good standability and greensnap tolerance • Plant across high yield to moderate stress environments • Excellent emerging hybrid that has moderate ear flex with 18-20 kernel rows RM EMERGENCE STALK ROOT STAYGREEN DROUGHT TEST WT EAR FLEX PLANT HT EAR HT GLS GOSS NCLB Corn - RM 114-Above 115 4 3 5 2 3 5 SD 16-18 5 6 4 3 5 SS/VT2P 114 2 2 3 2 3 3 SF 18-20 M M 5 4 2 2C788 SS 114 3 3 3 3 2 3 SF 16-18 M MH 3 7 3 DKC65-67 VT2P 115 2 3 3 2 3 4 16-18 M M 5 2 3 NuTech 615 DEKALB 64-87/89 Mycogen DEKALB SCALE: 1-4 BEST 5-6 OK 7-9 WATCHOUT Notes 9 Silage Hybrids Mycogen TMF2R736 SMARTSTAX (112day) • Very good tonnage and digestibility • Med-Tall plant with flex ear • Recommended for silage, earlage, and highmoisture corn • Very good drought tolerance along with good roots and green snap protection DKC65-79RIB GENSS DKC65-81RIB GENDGVT2P (115day) • Dual purpose hybrid with moderate ear flex • Very good staygreen, drydown, emergence, & Goss’s Wilt tolerance DKC66-40RIB GENSS DKC66-42RIB GENDGVT2P (116day) • Tall high yield potential dual purpose product • Outstanding heat and drought tolerance • Excellent harvest appearance with good NCLB and SCLB Mycogen TMF2W727 HX/LL/RR2 (113day) • Very good tonnage with high grain content • Tall plant with excellent GLS • Flex ear on a moderate-fast drydown plant NuTech 713 AM, AMX (113day) • Excellent stalks and roots with above average stay green makes for a showy hybrid • Dual purpose hybrid that needs positioned in higher yield environments • Good Goss’s Wilt and Northern Corn Leaf Blight tolerances 10 Silage Hybrids Notes 11 Soybean RM 2.5-3.1 Asgrow AG2632 GENRR2Y (2.6) • Med-Tall plant with excellent standability, and a lt. tawny pubescence • Maturity is later-should be 2.9-3.0 Excellent BSR resistance with Rps1a gene • SCN (MR3) resistance, good tolerance to SDS and white mold NuTech 7273 RR (2.7) • Top end yield potential with a good defensive package • Very good SDS and Frogeye Leaf Spot, contains the Rps1k gene for phytophthora • Branches a lot so can drop pops on this variety, med bush type with med height 12 Asgrow AG3135 GENRR2Y (3.1) • Med-Tall plant with gray pubescence allows you to drop pops in high yield environments • Rps1c PRR package wo keep on better drained soils • Good BSR and excellent emergence allows you to plant in no-till NK S31-R2 (3.1) • High yielding with diversity allows you to plant on hills, bottoms, and variable wet soils • Above average plant height fits most acres without getting to tall • Rps1k gene for PRR with excellent BSR & good SDS MATURITY PUB EMERGENCE STANDABILITY PRR SDS BSR FELS SWM CANOPY PLT HT Soybean RM 2.5-2.9 ASGROW AG2632 2.6 LT 2 2 Rps1a 5 2 N/A 4 M MT NK S29-G4 2.9 LTW 2 4 Rps1c 2 2 N/A N/A M MT NuTech 7273RR 2.7 G 3 Rps1k 4 5 2 7 MB M ASGROW AG3034 3 G 1 2 Rps1c 6 3 N/A 5 MB MT ASGROW AG3135 3.1 G 2 3 Rps1c 5 3 4 5 MB MT NK S31-R2 3.1 LTW 3 4 Rps1k 3 2 N/A N/A M MT Notes 13 Soybean RM 3.2-3.4 Asgrow AG3231 GENRR2Y (3.2) • Med-Tall plant with excellent standability • Good BSR & SDS product with good resistance to SCN (R3) • Top yielding variety that is a med tall plant with a med bush profile • Excellent BSR resistance with very good emergence that fits no-till adaptation • Rps1c PRR gene with above avg white mold and SDS tolerance NK S34-Z1 (3.4) • Med-tall versatile sb with wide canopy and branching • Place on variable soils and stress conditions • Good SDS and charcoal rot NuTech 7323 RR (3.2) • Tremendous med-tall yielding variety with excellent stress tolerance • Superior tolerance to BSR and above avg tolerance to SDS • Good choice for poorly drained soils with the Rps1k gene for PRR 14 Asgrow AG3432 GENRR2Y (3.4) NuTech 7346 RR (3.4) • Top end yield potential is protected by good SDS and BSR tolerance • Rps1k gene for PRR and also good SWM protection • Average plant height with excellent standability 3.2 G 2 NK S34-Z1 3.4 LTW ASGROW AG3432 3.4 NuTech 7346RR 3.4 PLT HT AG3231 CANOPY ASGROW SWM 3 FELS LT BSR 3.2 SDS EMERGENCE 7323RR PRR PUB NuTech STANDABILITY MATURITY Soybean RM 3.0-3.4 Rps1k 4 3 5 6 MB MT 1 Rps1c 4 2 N/A 5 N MT 3 4 Rps1c 3 N/A 5 N/A MB MT G 2 3 Rps1c 5 2 N/A 5 MB MT LT 2 Rps1k 4 4 5 5 MB MT Notes 15 Soybean RM 3.5-Above NK S35-C3 (3.5) • High yielding , tall, rugged sb where plant height is needed • Easy cutting and a pleasure to harvest • Performance on stress prone soils with good SDS tolerance • Tall plant with good emergence and standability • High yield potential with good defensive characteristics NuTech 7373 RR (3.7) • Solid PRR with Rps1k gene • Solid SDS and Frog Eye Leaf Spot for added security • Tall bushy type variety that is well suited for all soils but excels on productive soils Asgrow AG3832 GENRR2Y (3.8) • Med-tall, medium bush plant with excellent standability and gray pubescence • SCN resistance and very good FELS tolerance • Good SDS and above avg white mold 16 Asgrow 3731 (3.7) NK S38-W4 (3.8) • High yielding, tall, rangy, western adapted variety • Fits clays, gumbo, and variable soils well • Very strong charcoal rot tolerance on stress soils PRR SDS BSR FELS SWM CANOPY PLT HT 3 N/A 3 N/A M MT Rps1k 4 5 1 6 MB T 2 Rps1c 5 N/A 5 5 MB MT 2 2 Rps1k 4 N/A 5 6 MB MT LTW 2 3 NONE 3 NONE 3 N/A M T 3.8 G 2 1 Rps1c 4 N/A 4 5 MB MT 3.9 LTW 2 4 NONE 2 NONE 7 N/A MB MT EMERGENCE NONE PUB 4 MATURITY STANDABILITY Soybean RM 3.5-Above NK S35-C3 3.5 LTW 3 NuTech 7373RR 3.7 LT 3 ASGROW AG3731 3.7 G 2 ASGROW AG3735 3.7 TW NK S38-W4 3.8 ASGROW AG3832 NK S39-U2 Notes 17 Soybean - Conventional and Liberty Link Asgrow A3253 (3.2) • Excellent emergence and very good standability • SCN(R3) resistance with very good tolerance to PRR • Med bush type plant Asgrow A3555 (3.5) • Taller plant with excellent standability • Above average IDC, SDS, BSR, and charcoal rot tolerances NuTech 3343L (3.3) Liberty Link • Tall plant with exceptional standability made for high fertile soils and stress environments • Rps1k PRR gene for multi race protection with good SDS tolerance • Highly versatile soybean with a solid defensive package • Very good tolerance to BSR with Rps1c gene for PRR • Medium plant type with resistance to SCN (R3) NuTech 3273L (3.2) Liberty Link NuTech 315CN (3.1) • Solid SDS and SWM scores with exceptional yield potential • Good plant height and standability • Adapted to most environments but excels on productive soils NuTech 353 CN (3.5) • Excellent top-end yield with excellent SWM protection and standability • Rps1c PRR gene with above avg field tolerance • Widely adapted for most soil types with exceptional stress tolerance 18 NuTech 3372L (3.3) Liberty Link • All plant with abundant lateral branches for yield flexibility and stress tolerance • Pods high and has a very dynamic defensive package • Excellent emergence with Rps1c PRR gene, very good SDS, and great tolerance FELS MATURITY PUB EMERGENCE STANDABILITY PRR SDS BSR FELS SWM CANOPY PLT HT Soybean - Conventional and Liberty Link ASGROW A3253 3.2 LT 1 2 NONE 6 3 N/A 5 MB MT ASGROW A3555 3.5 G 3 3 Rps1c 5 3 N/A 6 M MT NuTech 315CN 3.1 T 3 NONE 4 5 4 4 M T NuTech 353CN 3.5 T 3 Rps1c 5 4 5 3 M MT CONVENTIONAL SOYBEANS LIBERTYLINK SOYBEANS NuTech 3273L 3.2 G 3 Rps1k 4 4 5 4 MB T NuTech 3343L 3.3 LT 2 Rps1k 4 4 4 5 MB T NuTech 3372L 3.3 G 2 Rps1c 4 4 3 4 B T Notes 19 Top Return Corn Management Products IMPROVEMENT OF BASE FERTILITY PRODUCTS PERFORMANCE AVAIL® A water soluble additive for dry Phosphorus fertilizer that enables phosphate to remain free in the soil, providing opportunity for better plant uptake. WOLF TRAX MICRONUTRIENTS Adds higher quality with more consistent blends of micronutrients that provide better placement, better availability, and quicker more responsive uptake. SULFUR Almost a must with the environmental changes of the sulfur levels that are available for crop production. NITROGEN MANAGEMENT PRODUCTS N-SERVE Delays nitrification of ammoniacal and urea nitrogen fertilizer compositions in the soil by controlling the nitrification process. AGROTAIN Nitrogen stabilizer that can be blended with UREA and UAN fertilizers, giving nitrogen time to move into the soil instead of the atmosphere. PLANTING TIME OPTIONS Select a weed resistance management pre plant residual herbicide program and get applied prior to planting. IN FURROW LIQUID STARTER OPTIONS Use a high quality base liquid starter with the correct additives for your geography. ASCEND added to your current liquid starter program for a plant growth regulator that accelerates leaf, stem and root development and health. QUICKROOTS planter box treatment to replace talc and add microorganisms that increase availability of certain soil nutrients. POST TREATMENTS SELECTION OF A WEED RESISTANCE MANAGEMENT HERBICIDE PROGRAM FOLIAR NITROGEN TREATMENTS AND FOLIAR MICRO NUTRIENTS These products provide balanced foliar nutrition that is readily absorbed by the plant that provides a quick crop response. FUNGICIDE TREATMENTS Early-season application of fungicide allows for broad-spectrum preventive disease control and enhanced plant performance while corn leaf and ear shoots are being determined. 20 The Foundation: The foundation of achieving higher yields is understanding the underlying fertility in your fields. SmartYield™ starts here, utilizing comprehensive GPS Soil Sampling data and your yield info. Together we’ll build VR fertilizer recs that are tailored to each field. We don’t use a secretive, formula to achieve this; instead we’ll sit beside you to come up with the solution because we know that you know more about your fields than any computer program. From soil sampling to detailed analysis of your operation, SmartYield™ is your solution SmartYield™ is a tiered Precision Agronomy program designed to meet your specific needs. Our analytical focus is to maximize return on your inputs by applying them in the right place. That’s our focus, but our job is maximizing your yield. Data Analytics: We’ll build on this foundation to create VR planting recs and analyze each field’s performance. Together we’ll build Management Zones across your operation-field by field. This enables us to push fertility and plant population in the best areas (A Zones) of your field and scale back inputs in the highly variable yielding areas (C Zones) to maximize your yield potential. Data Analytics allows us to check our work at harvest, benchmark yield and management practices, and get better for next year. Your A to Z Solution: Even the best laid plans can fall apart if your equipment isn’t performing at its best. SmartYield™’s Machine Optimization option provides pre-planting and pre-harvest equipment calibration and service to ensure your machines are running optimally. Transform your data into ACTIONABLE field information! Intelligent Resource Allocation: Every acre in your field is different. From soil type to fertility to drainage your fields are variable, so why have we been treating them all the same? Management Zones give us the tools to re-distribute inputs to where they will have the greatest return. PUSH the A Zones MAINTAIN the B Zones MANAGE the C Zones 092112 Learning Blocks is a trademark of Premier Crop Systems. SmartYield is a trademark of Barker Implement. 21 Top Return Soybean Management Products IMPROVEMENT OF BASE FERTILITY PRODUCTS PERFORMANCE AVAIL® A water soluble additive for dry Phosphorus fertilizer that enables phosphate to remain free in the soil, providing opportunity for better plant uptake. PRE HERBICIDE RESIDUAL AND BURNDOWN APPLICATIONS PLANTING TIME OPTIONS Select a Weed Resistance Management pre plant residual herbicide program and get applied prior to planting. Burn down of existing weeds in no-till. SEED TREATMENT OPTIONS CRUISER MAXX ADVANCED with VIBRANCE CruiserMaxx Advanced provides protection against a broad spectrum of both soil-dwelling (Pythium & Phytophthora) and foliar feeding insect pests, as well as all major seedborne and soilborne disease pathogens for increased vigor, stand, speed to canopy and yield potential. Tag Team LCO A multiaction biofertility inoculant that combines the proven performance of LCO Promoter Technology and the phosphate solubilizing benefits of Penicillium bilai. QUICKROOTS Planter box treatment with microorganisms that increase availability of certain soil nutrients. Can release plant available phosphorous from sources in the soil which has been shown to increase root mass. Increased plant nutrient availability will lead to increased plant health and vigor which translates into a yield response. EARLY POST TREATMENTS SELECTION OF ANOTHER RESIDUAL WEED RESISTANCE MANAGEMENT HERBICIDE PROGRAM FOLIAR MICRO NUTRIENTS These products provide balanced foliar nutrition that is readily absorbed by the plant that provides a quick crop response. LATE POST TREATMENTS FUNGICIDE / INSECTICIDE TREATMENTS R3 application of fungicide allows for broad-spectrum preventive disease control and enhanced plant performance while final yield potentials are being determined. FOLIAR MICRO TREATMENTS 22 23 FALL DORMANCY WINTERHARDINESS ANTHRACNOSE APHANOMYCES R1 APHANOMYCES 2 Alfalfa DEKALB DKA50-18 5 1.8 HR HR N/A DEKALB DKA43-13 4.3 1.3 HR HR Excellent winterhardiness DEKALB DKA41-18RR 4.1 1.8 HR HR Great yield with fast regrowth and broad pest resistance package DEKALB DKA43-22RR 4.3 2.2 HR HR Excellent yield potential with a broad disease and pest resistance package DEKALB DKA34-17RR 3.4 1.7 HR HR High recovery rate with a long rotational length NuTech NUTON 4 1 HR HR HR 35/35 disease ratings index! Very rapid regrowth with excellent traffic tolerance NuTech SONIC 4 1 HR HR HR 4-5 cut long rotation fine stem alfalfa NuTech Velocity 4 1 HR HR R 3-4 cut alfalfa, medium rotation, fine and medium stem blend trifoliate/multi-leaf NuTech Value Cut 3 2 R MR HR Multi-Foliate leaf with fine to medium stems avoid wet soils and wheel traffic Mycogen 4A420 4.2 1.6 HR HR R 3+ cutting/yr excellent high quality forage Mycogen 4S417 4 1.8 N/A HR N/A excellent cutting recovery with good forage quality Syngenta 6585Q 5 VH HR HR N/A Leading fall dormancy 5 variety for maximum cutting. High forage quality. Syngenta 6475H 4 VH HR HR N/A Leafhopper resistance with outstanding winterhardiness Syngenta 6472A 4 VH HR HR N/A Top choice for heavy or saturated soils with excellent yield Syngenta 6422Q 4 VH HR HR N/A Top quality forage with very high yield potential and quality Croplan Maxi Graze 2 2 R R Suited for high traffic and grazing areas Croplan MP 1000 3 3 HR R Multifoliate blend that yields on less productivve soils Croplan Legendairy 5.0 3 2 HR HR Exceptional leaf retention and stem quality Croplan Rebound 6.0 4 3 HR HR Exceptional ffast recovery suited for haylage and very aggressive hay mgt Croplan Trailblazer 7.0 4 3 HR HR Potato Leafhopper resistancewith outstanding agronomics Croplan Gunner 4.9 1.2 HR HR Plan for aggressive 5-6 cutting schedule with very high forage quality Croplan RR Presteez 3.2 1.2 HR HR Manage like Maxi-Pro 3.10RR & cv Legendairy 5.0 good leaf retention Croplan RR Aphatron 4.5 2 HR HR Manage like Rebound 6.0 fast recovery after cutting 4-5 cuttings Croplan RR Strattica 4.3 2 HR HR Manage like Consistency 4.10RR 4-5 cuttings for challenging soils Croplan RR Nemastar 4.9 2.8 HR HR Manage like Denali 4.10RR and Mountaineer adapted to haylage or baled hay systems Croplan RR Tonnica 5 2 HR HR Manage like Gunner Aggressive 5-6 cuttings spring or fall seeding situations Croplan RR Graze N Hay 2.9 1.8 HR HR Similar to Maxi Graze 1-2 cuttings followed by grazing 2 HR HR Matures 3 days ahead of Vernal Venus 4+T 4 Hubbard Venus 4 24 Fine stems and lot of leaves Notes Solid Red Clover – 3 Year clover with solid performance, disease resistance for long life. 8-10# alone or 5-6 # with grass. Norcen Birdsfoot Trefoil – An upright variety for pasture or hay. Does best in grass mixtures. May be frost seeded. 4-8# per acre 1/4 “ deep. Warrior Orchardgrass – Fuller maturity with a good strong disease resistance including an immunity to rust. Plant 15-20# acre alone. 1/4-1/2” deep. Patriot White Clover – 3-5 years stand life that increases forage quality, animal performance, extends no. of grazing days, and fixates N. Seed 3#/acre in late winter to early spring frost seeded. 25 THERE’S A TWO LETTER DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DEFICIENT AND EFFICIE N T. N&P This year reduce your fertilizer deficiency with fertilizer enhancers from SFP ®. Maximize your fertilizer efficiency with AVAIL® Phosphorus Fertilizer Enhancer and NutriSphere-N® Nitrogen Fertilizer Manager. For more information, talk to your dealer or visit today. P S FP, AVAIL and Nutr iSp he re -N are registe red tra demar ks of Speci alt y Fer ti li zer Produc ts ( SFP) , LLC. ©2 013 SFP. All r ig hts re s er ved. 47954 1306 OB 48095 26 ROTECTING NUTRIENTS. Notice to Buyer: EXCLUSION OF WARRANTY AND LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY. We warrant the seeds sold are as described on the label within legally recognized tolerances. THE FOREGOING IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WHICH ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. Without limiting the foregoing, it is expressly agreed that the seller makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the yield, quality or tolerance to disease, insect or growing conditions of the seed or the crop produced therefrom. In any event, it is expressly agreed that the seller’s liability to the buyer or other (whether such loss results from breach of warranty or contract, negligence or any other theory of liability) shall be limited to the purchase price of the seed. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE SELLER BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGE SUSTAINED BY THE BUYER OR ANY OTHER PERSON. THE ABOVE DISCLAIMERS ARE VOID IN STATES WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. A. Buyer represents that he is purchasing the seed solely for purposes of planting and that the seed, and any product from the seed, shall not be resold or used as seed. B. Buyer agrees not to alter, or permit the alteration of the seed, or product of the seed, through genetic techniques or otherwise. C. Buyer acknowledges that failure to adhere to the above provisions would substantially damage the supplier/developer who has a substantial investment in this seed product. BENEFITS OF NEW SEED SOYBEAN PIRACY STATEMENT Convenience • High quality and high yield potential product vs. bin-run • Reliable seed supply in many maturities Economics of New Seed vs. Bin-Run • Average loss of ~10–15% cleanout at harvest for bin-run seed • Seeds containing the Roundup Ready® trait and the Genuity® Roundup Ready 2 Yield® trait are protected under numerous United States patents, including Patent No. RE39,247. It is unlawful to save Roundup Ready® Soybeans or Genuity® Roundup Ready 2 Yield® Soybeans for planting or transfer to others for use as a planting seed. • Dealer agronomic support before and after the sale New Innovations • Monsanto’s 100% commitment to agriculture • spent on private sector research. LIBERTYLINK PATENT STATEMENT Soybean seeds containing the LibertyLink® trait are protected under multiple United States patents and may be planted only to produce one (1) commercial crop and only after signing a Grower Trait License agreement. It is illegal to save or catch soybean seeds containing the LibertyLink trait for use as planting seed or for transfer to others for use as planting seed. Before opening a bag of seed, be sure to read and understand the stewardship requirements, including applicable refuge requirements for insect resistance management , for the biotechnology traits expressed in the seed as set forth in the technology agreement that you sign. By opening and using a bag of seed, you are reaffirming your obligation to comly with those stewardship requirements. Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Biotechnology Industry Organization. B.T. products may not yet be registered in all states. Check with your Monsanto representative for the registration status in your state. Growers of Genuity® SmartStax® are required to plant a structured refuge as mandated by the EPA. See the IRM Grower Guide for details. Individual results may vary, and performance may vary from location to location and from year to year. This result may not be an indicator of results you may obtain as local growing, soil and weather conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Apex®, Genuity®, Roundup®, Roundup Ready®, Roundup Ready 2 Technology and Design®, SmartStax®, YieldGard VT Triple®, GENVT2P®, GENVT3P®, RR2Y®, DEKALB®, ASGROW® and Design®, are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. Ignite® and LibertyLink® and the Water Droplet Design® are registered trademarks of Bayer. Herculex® is a trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC. Respect the Refuge® and Respect the Refuge and Corn Design® are registered trademarks of National Corn Growers Association. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©2011 Monsanto Company. 26117 Bayer CropScience LP, 2 T.W. Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. Always read and follow label instructions. Bayer, the Bayer Cross, Ignite, LibertyLink and the Water Droplet Design are registered trademarks of Bayer. Ignite is not registered in all states. Respect the Rotation is a trademark of Bayer. For additional product information call toll-free 1-866-99-BAYER (1-866-992-2937) or visit our website at PRESERVING HERBICIDE TECHNOLOGY: Respect the Rotation™ is an initiative to elevate importance and improve grower adoption of herbicide diversity through the rotation of crops, traits and herbicide classes. Rotate crops. Crop rotation provides opportunity for herbicide diversity. Rotate herbicide-tolerant traits. Alternate herbicide-tolerant traits or use of herbicide tolerant stacks for more efficient rotation of both nonselective and selective herbicides. Rotate modes of action. Rotate modes of action (MOA) and use multiple MOA to reduce the selection pressure caused by overusing a single MOA. Respect the Rotation is a trademark of Bayer. Agrisure Viptera™ is a trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. Agrisure® is a registered trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. The trademarks, logos and service marks displayed in this guide, including but not limited to those listed on this page, are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. 27 AFTON, IA – MAIN OFFICE 641-347-8428 1-800-342-1556 ARISPE, IA 641-346-2224 CRESTON, IA 641-782-7202 1-800-845-7202 DIAGONAL, IA 641-734-5303 ELWOOD, KS 913-365-8041 INDIANOLA, IA 515-961-6300 MACKSBURG, IA 641-768-2436 MOUNT AYR, IA 641-464-3821 OSCEOLA, IA 641-342-2139 SHENANDOAH, IA 712-246-2253
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