Advanced Metalworking Solutions for naval systems that go in harm’s way Bilge and Tank Maintenance Platform Project (Z2528) Presentation for the National Shipbuilding Research Program Surface Preparation and Coatings Panel Meeting April 2014 Presented by Erik Oller Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited This material is submitted with the understanding that right of reproduction for governmental purposes is reserved for the Office of Naval Research, Arlington, Virginia 22203-1995. Navy Metalworking Center A ManTech Center of Excellence ICM Mini Climber With NAVSEA 05 Paint Center of Excellence funding, a project team consisting of International Climbing Machines (ICM), Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC) and Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) developed a Mini Climber for use in submarine bilges and tanks. NNSY and Puget Sound Naval Shipyard (PSNSY) are making plans to implement the Mini Climber in Spring 2014. ICM Photo 2 Outline • Background and Objective • Payloads • Versatility • Adhesion • Mini Climber range of adjustment • Mini Climber maintenance • Mini Climber benefits Mini Climber in a mockup of a 24inch frame bay (ICM Photos) 3 Project Background and Objective • Background: NNSY performs inspection, maintenance and preservation of submarine and aircraft carrier bilges and tanks. In some cases, this work must be performed in hazardous environments involving exposure to radiation, mechanical hazards, fall hazards, and potentially hazardous atmospheres. • Objective: Modify an existing remotely operated climber to be able to carry a wide variety of inspection, decoating and preservation technologies to reduce operator exposure to radiation and other safety hazards. 4 Mini Climber Payloads Simulated CleanLaser OSH 80 Laser Ablation End Effector Simulated CleanLaser STAMP 14 Laser Ablation End Effector Desco Mini Flushplate Electric Abrader Empire Abrasive Equipment Blast N’ Vac® Right Angle Workhead ICM Photos 5 Mini Climber Versatility Repositionable (hook-and-loop mounted) navigation and workhead cameras COTS fittings allow a wide range of adjustment and a wide variety of payloads ICM Photo 6 Mini Climber Versatility ICM Photos 7 Mini Climber Versatility ICM Photos 8 Mini Climber Versatility ICM Photos 9 Mini Climber Vacuum Adhesion • • • • • Uses vacuum to climb or provide better traction Flexible rolling seals maintain vacuum over obstacles ≤ ½ inch Can negotiate curved surfaces with a radius as small as 1 foot Can support a payload of up to approximately 20 pounds Adhesion is unaffected by grit or moisture on the surface. The rolling seals cause the vacuum to dead-head in the vacuum chamber, so (in general) contaminants stay in the vacuum chamber and do Rolling Seals not move to the vacuum source. Vacuum Chamber (ICM Photo) 10 Mini Climber Dimensions • Exterior maximum dimensions • 15 inches long • 14.5 inches wide • 10 inches tall (with boom), 7.5 inches tall (without boom) • • Can turn 360° in its own footprint Weighs 23.7 pounds with boom without a payload Mini Climber in a mockup of a nominal 24inch frame bay (ICM Photo) Mini Climber without boom in a mockup of a nominal 24-inch frame bay (ICM Photo) 11 Mini Climber Controls • Controlled using a common game controller after minimal training • The Mini Climber has a continuous range of speeds up to 3 inches per second. (ICM Images) 12 Maintenance • The rolling seals are typically the first parts to wear out, yet they normally last up to a year depending on use. ICM Photo 13 Also Available from ICM The ICM Standard Climber has the same capabilities on a larger scale. ICM Photos 14 Also Available from ICM The ICM Underwater Climber uses water flow to create adhesion. ICM Photos 15 Contact Information Erik Oller Project Manager Concurrent Technologies Corporation 100 CTC Drive Johnstown, PA 15904 Office: 814-269-2731 Cell: 814-241-9024 Fax: 814-269-6847 Email: [email protected] Sam Maggio President International Climbing Machines 630 Elmira Road Ithaca, NY 14850 Office: 607-288-4001 Cell: 607-342-2664 Fax: 607-288-4004 Email: [email protected] 16
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