Anzcies 2014 International, Indigenous and Multicultural Imperatives for Education ANZCIES Programme Wednesday 26 November, 2014 Conference Registration 1.30 pm onwards Level 5 Foyer P Block Gardens Point, QUT Pre-conference Workshop: Early Career (Research and Publishing) Workshop facilitators: Antonia Darder & Zane Ma Rhea 2.00 – 4.00pm ROOM P 506 Pre-conference Meeting – SIG: Pacific Caucus 3.00 – 5.00pm P 506A Welcome Reception (Sponsored by the QUT Faculty of Education) 5. 30pm- 7pm, Level 6 P Block Hosted By QUT Conference Committee, 2014 Juliana McLaughlin, Radha Iyer, Erika Hepple & Anne Hickling-Hudson Welcome by Conference Convenor Juliana McLaughlin and ANZCIES President Tom Griffiths 1 PROGRAM DAY 1 FROM 8.00 am Thursday, 27 NOVEMBER, 2014 REGISTRATION- FOYER P BLOCK LEVEL 5 8.30am - Conference Opening- Welcome to Country by Raymond Walker Formal Opening Professor Wendy Patton, Executive Dean, Faculty of Education & Professor Anita Lee Hong, Director Oodgeroo Unit, Chancellery, QUT 9.00- 10.00am Keynote Address Lecture Theatre P 512 Session Chair: Juliana McLaughlin Connection And Connectedness – Realizing the Imperative for Indigenous Education Associate Professor Gary Thomas 10- 10.30 am Themes Session chair 10.3011.00 MORNING TEA ROOM P 506 Indigenous knowledges and intellectual traditions ROOM P 512 Cultural diversity and education P 505 Role of comparative education and research P 504 Postcolonial and decolonising paradigms Tom Griffiths Zane Ma Rhea David Small Kaori Okano Peter Roberts Looking back and looking forward: a retrospective case study of one Australia - Russia project Unthinking the 200 year old colonial mind: Indigenist perspectives on leading and managing Indigenous education Beyond cultural relativism: Cultural metaphors of thinking - a new pathway for comparative education Voices from beyond: Insights from beginning teachers in Malaysia and New Zealand Teaching about 'poor' countries: My emerging praxis as an emerging postcolonial and post structural scholar Niranjan Casinader 11.0011.30 Valeri Chukhlomin & Philip Neck Zane Ma Rhea Primary years program of the international baccalaureate An indigenous academic perspective to preserving and promoting Indigenous knowledge and traditions: A Fiji Case Study Wahab Ali Tamara Fahy 11.3012.00 P BLOCK FOYER Room P 506 A International partnerships: North-South and South – South Tongan students and science Transitioning understandings of Indigenous Knowledges in preservice teacher education Vivienne Anderson, Sharon Young & Keely Blanch Tim Blackman & Nisha Thapliyal The intercultural dimensions of participation and practice: culturally and linguistically diverse preservice teachers and belonging to perform Radha Iyer & Martin Reese Curriculum understanding: From metaphors to a shared language Education and the end of the myth of racial harmony in New Zealand Beyond provincializing inclusive education: Theoretically engaging with Tagore, the indigenous native intellectual Sonia Fonua Ngoc Thach Phan Juliana McLaughlin & Susan Whatman Encouraging empathy through picture books about migration Kumarasinghe Dissanayake Mudiyanselage Tertiary Education, neoliberalism and critical citizenship Peter Roberts David Small 2 Mousumi Mukerjee 12.0012.30 Researching intercultural learning and Asia literacy in pre-service teacher education during a short-term study tour to Malaysia Let's meet up and have a yarn: Peer support for Indigenous students at an Australian university Kaori Okano LUNCH P BLOCK LEVEL 5 FOYER Room P 506 A Room P 506 Room P 512 Room P 505 Room P 504 Wahab Ali Susan Whatman Keita Takayama Christine Fox Juliana McLaughlin Somewhere over the rainbow: The folly of uncritical transfer of "western" education in developing countries Unlocking the learning potential of incarcerated Indigenous and low SES young people: Mathematics outcomes for future success- a discussion paper Bronwyn Ewing and Grace Sarra Deconstructing 'Controlling Images' of Nikkei-Brazilians in Japanese Middle School The emergence of elite international schools: The usefulness / role of comparative education & research in the twenty-first century Decolonising interpretive research: A critical bicultural methodology for social change Denis McLaughlin 2.003.30 Mefta Ulijanna & Diemroh Ihsan & Rita Inderawati The significance of Samoan cultural values in the Samoan hybrid education system Tagatese Tupu Tuia 12.30 pm – 1.30 pm 1.302.00 Non-formal education and multiculturalism in Japan: The changing interface with formal schools Lindy Kimmins Deborah Henderson, Jennifer Alford, Donna Tangen & Erika Hepple Session Chair Using reader response strategy in reading narrative texts in the search of multicultural imperatives Kelly King Antonia Darder Moosung Lee, Ewan Wright & Allan Walker Symposium 1 Symposium 2 Symposium 3 Doing Southern theory in Australia: Implications for comparative education Rose Amazan, Keita Takayama, Siri Gamage, Vegnes Maniam Discussant: Arathi Sriprakash The turn towards ‘learning’: Implications for Pacific Education Systems Looking from the inside out: The opportunities and potential of research in Solomon Islands Marie Quinn, Barbara Thorton, Shalom Akao, Emily Siriki Christina Bokolo, Peter Suiramo, Constance Nasi, Ambrose Malefoasi, Doreen Alfred Rebecca Spratt, Elizabeth Cassity, Alexandra McCormick Discussant: Eve Coxon 3.30-4.00pm 4.00- 5.00 pm AFTERNOON TEA P BLOCK LEVEL 5 FOYER Keynote Address Lecture Theatre P 512 Session Chairs: Transcultural and Postcolonial Explorations: Unsettling Education Associate Professor Catherine Manathunga Erika Hepple & Radha Iyer ANZCIES ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING FROM 5.00 – 6.30PM, ROOM: P506 Conference Dinner at KABUKI RESTAURANT--- STAMFORD HOTEL 3 ANZCIES 2014 International, Indigenous and Multicultural Imperatives for Education FRIDAY 28 NOVEMBER, 2014 FROM 8 .00am REGISTRATION 9.00 - 10.00am Keynote Address Lecture Theatre P 512 Session Chair: Anne Hickling-Hudson Internationalization and Education: Dilemmas of Local and Global Citizenship Professor Carlos Torres 10.00- 10.30am Themes Session Chair 10.3011.00 11.0011.30 MORNING TEA Room P 506 A International partnerships: NorthSouth and South – South ROOM P 506 Indigenous knowledges ROOM P 512 Cultural diversity and education Room P 505 Role of comparative education and research Room P 504 Role of comparative education and research & postcolonial paradigms Rose Amazan Claire Andersen Erika Hepple Niranjan Casinader Radha Iyer An analysis of the Australian Awards for Africa scholarship program on empowering women in Uganda and Mozambique Rose Amazan Joel Negin Against the odds: Finding place and space Does one-size-fits-all? The significance of culture and place in developing teacher capacity in Cambodia Preservice and in service teachers' English proficiency and multicultural education Universal rights based rationale for education and International partnerships in education: North-South and SouthSouth collaboration Power relations between global education discourses and IK: a Ninggirum experience Clair Andersen Chuzaimah Dahlan Diem Elizabeth Fiona King Colleen Oates A seeking for multicultural imperatives in Indonesian Education context through literature for all and literature across curriculum Rita Inderawati Teacher Transculturalism and cultural difference: addressing racism in Australian schools Niranjan Casinader Lucas Walsh I-Hsuan Cheng 11.3012.00 Education for social transformation: Soviet university education aid in the Cold War capitalist world-system. Tom Griffiths & Euridice Charon Cardona Intellect, dream and action: storytelling in Steiner schools and the embedding How did ex-foundation studies program students from China describe and value their Chinese and Australian education? John Burnett Ian Teo 4 Neo-liberal knowledge of education reforms as an effect of globalisation in the local: A case of Taiwan Skype session An Australian study of school children’s preference for naturecentred pedagogy. Vinathe Sharma-Brymer & Derek Bland Skype Session Methodological Debate: A reflections from a Tongan case Moale Otunuku Chin-Ju Mao 12.0012.30 Globalisation, Education and a Quest for Justice Challenging the equality of a system that currently privileges Western ways of being, knowing, speaking and valuing EFL teachers' performances in classroom teaching / learning activities Margaret James Margaretha Dinar Sitinjak Supranational quality assurance and accreditation movements in Africa: Is it "Bolognalisation"? Joel Johnathan Kayombo Skype: joel kayombo Samson Maekele Tsegay 12.30 1.15 Book Launches: Antonia Darder, Zane Ma Rhea and Catherine Manathunga 1.00- 2.00 pm 2.003.30 LUNCH Room P 506 A Developing cultural competencies and future professionals Zane Ma Rhea, Juliana McLaughlin Peter Anderson, Veronica Goerke, Kate Taylor, Marion Kickett Kaori Okano & Koji Maeda Discussant: Susan Whatman 4.005.30 ROOM P 512 Symposium 2 Symposium 3 A shared journey of improvement: The Pacific Literacy and School Leadership Programme (PLSLP) Changing contexts in comparative education: Geopolitical shifts and Australian research engagement Ritesh Shah, Rebecca Jesson, Jacinta Oldehaver Jack Maebuta, Heti Vaikune Alexandra McCormick, Lorraine Towers, Anthony Welch Discussant: Ritesh Shah Discussant : Arathi Sriprakash 3.30-4pm PANEL OF ANZCIES ELDERS Christine Fox Anthony Welch Anne Hickling-Hudson Lawrence Saha Eve Coxon P BLOCK LEVEL 5 FOYER ROOM P 506 Symposium 1 and Launch of the IEJ Room P 512 AFTERNOON TEA Room P 512 Room 505 Room 504 P BLOCK FOYER The usefulness and role of comparative education research and practice: Towards a new paradigm for the 21 st Century Reconstructing higher Education Against the Odds: Afghanistan and Myanmar Reforming Caribbean education: What imperatives for a radically postcolonial path to change? Is it possible not to be comparative? Comparative education and international ‘development’ Session Chair: Tom Griffiths Conference Closing 5.306.00 Conference Convening Team Juliana McLaughlin, Radha Iyer, Erika Hepple And Anne Hickling-Hudson and ANZCIES President Tom Griffiths Refreshments and Networking 5 Session Chair Key Responsibilities: Introduce the session and the presenters : please provide a brief introduction to the session and welcome all delegates Abstracts will be uploaded on to the computers if you wish to read the abstracts Please meet the speakers 5minutes prior to the beginning of the session Timekeeping- please ensure your speakers do not exceed duration of their presentations and the session runs to time. Time allotted for each presentation is 20 minutes presentation and 10 minutes for questions (30minutes in all) Inform all presenters that they will be given a notice of 5 minutes remaining and then a 2minute warning notice will be shown. They are required to STOP at the end of 2minutes when a STOP sign will be shown. Please brief each presenter of adhering to time and noticing your signage Advise delegates to turn off or put mobile phones on silent so as not to interrupt the speakers. Audio visual: All audio visual equipment is provided in the room. There will also be an audio visual technician available to provide support if required. Volunteers will also be there to assist in setting up the presentation All speakers are required to check in at the presentation room prior to the commencement of their session. Audio Visual support technicians will be available and computers supplied to allow presenters to preview or make finishing touches to their presentations. 6
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