IndianJournalofEngineering & MaterialsSciences Vol. 1,June1994,pp. 149-152 , :),," .U Z:~I ..., ')I ,...1,') ;, ;LI ",",'..' !t.. ,.~ \ ." IUl "'=- ", I -~ ,?; \t ':) ?o Structure If and application of a modified filter using solid-state microwave lock-in notch ,.j., oscillator SuvraSarkarI PhysicsDepanment, DurdwanUniversity, Burdwan713104,India Received 31 December 1993;accepted 15March1994 \ , A modified lock-in notch filter (MLINF), based on an injection synchronizedsolid-state microwave (SSMW) oscillator and a voltage-controlledmicrowave phase shifter (VCMPS) has been proposed.The improved strong-signalrejection capability of the MUNF and the better weak signal amplifying property of the system,based on MllNF have been observed through analytical studies. The algorithmof the MUNF has beenexperimentallytestedin the RF band. ' ,.. j ~ -put -..,.. In the present age of communication explosion, a frequency channel is being shared by a number of users and a communication receiver has to identify the desired signal in presence of co-channel unwanted signals. In some cases, the desired signal may be weak compared to the interference signal and to reject the unwanted strong signal the lock-in notch filter (UNF) is often used. A UNF in the RF band has been describedl, where a 10cal oscillator is synchronized to the stronger component of the input signal and the output of the synchronized oscillator (SO) is subtracted from the input to eliminate the strong signal. Butsignal its rejection capability is notunwanted uniform Theoretical Analysis Fig. la shows the block diagram of an ISGO based MUNF, where the input signal is sum of a weak wanted signal (WWS) and a strong co-channel tone interference signal (SCIS). Assuming the WWS is free from angle modulation, one can approximate the effective input signal as .. S(t)=Esm((J).t+xsm~(J)t) .., (1) where E and (J), are respectively the amplitude and angular frequency of the SCIS, while xE and ( (J),+ ~ (J))are those of the WWS. The GO of the system be locked SCIS and producing the WWS can be will considered astoa the perturbation throughout the lockband of the SO. When the SO output signal phase lags or leads, the synchronizing signal (SS) phase, depending upon the initial frequency detuning (FD) of the two signar, the performance of the conventional UNF (CUNF) degrades appreciably. In the proposed MUNF the phase difference between the synchronizing and synchronized signals is detected using an additional phase detector (PD), then the phase of the SO output signal is brought in phase with the SS by means of a variable phase shifter controlled by the PD output. Subtracting the phase shifted SO output from the SS, rejection of the strong incomponent can be ensured throughout the whole lockband of the SO. The additional sub-' phase modulation of the, ISGO. Following3, the steady state phase modulation index (M) of the i... hedoutput,Fig la-Block diagramof the solid-statemicrowaveoscilla-! tor basedMUNF circuits (viz. PD and VCMPS) are available in the state-of-art of microwave technology. The algori- (:.-~(- )+SCIS MLlNF ~w ' thin of the MUNF has been analytlca II ' fi y ven d e in the case of a system comprised of injection synchronized (IS) Gunn oscillator (GO) and experimentally tested in the RF band. ~ II WWS{I'\j (Ws'~- -s- d Notch at ~ Dulred Signal~d) 1560 Wrdw (~I Mod~~ed by Fig, 1b-Schematicdiagramof a MUNF basedsystemused to extractWWSassociated withSCIS.~ 150 INDIANJ. ENG.MATER.SCI.,JUNE1994 ISGO can be expressed as a complicated function of x, A,W and the static phase error (;0)' Again;o is of FD constant and M, within respectively. Although M function is considered3 the lockband of When the output of the UNF is applied to a 10cal oscillator (LO) of free running frequency equal tothewantedsignalfrequency(wd)(Fig.1b),theLO output can be looked upon as synchronized ampli- the SO assuming ;0 as [(.7l'/2):t M] but this condition is valid only at the end points. Table 1 gives calculated values of M for different FD and x. From these data, it is evident for a given x, M increases slowly with FD. Now a voltage proportional to the phase difference of the effective input si~ and the output of the ISGO can be obtained by a microwave phase detector (MPD) (designed using hybrid tee, square law detector and mixer4) and this error voltage is used in a VCMPS to shift the phase of the SO output accordingly to implement the MIlNF. The notched output can then be obtained using the algorithm described above. Considering output power of the SO large compared to the input signal, different spectral components of the output of the MLINF and the CUNF can be calculated5. Writing (ws+A,w) as Wd (wanted signal frequency) the following equations may be obtained: fied version of the WWS applied at the UNF input and the SCIS will produce angle modulation of the LO output signal. The performance of the whole system in extracting the WWS embedded in the background of the SCIS can be estimated by evaluating the angle modulation index of the angle modulated output of the LO of frequency Wd' Considering Gm(t) and Gc(t) as the inputs to the LO, the respective values of the angle modulation indices have been calculated4 and are represented by Mom and Mac, respectively. Fig. 3 shows variation of Mom and Mac with the FD for different x. Small magnitudes of Mom compared to Moc confirm better performance of the proposed system. Gm(t) = 'Imsin(w, t+ alm)+ '2msin(wdt+ a2m) + '3msin[(ws- A,w) t+ a3m] ...(2) and Gc ( t ) =, sin ( w.t+ , a ) +, sin ( w .3 lc 2c +'3csm[(ws-A,w)t+a3c] Ic t + d a ) Experimental Procedure The effectiveness of the proposed MLINF has been verified by an experiment performed in the RF band. The output of a synchronized Wienbridge oscillator (WBO) has a relative phase :t..7l' with the input SS. It is properly attenuated and phase shifted using opamp based RC phase shifters (PS). such that perfectly notched output can be obtamed t,hroughout the lockband of the WBO. Figs 4a and 4b show theoretical variation of 2c .., () where the suffixes m and c are for the modified and the conventional system, respectively. , nmand aRm (n = 1, 2, 3) are complicated function of M and x while' nc and aRcdepend on M, x and ;0' Then it is possible to obtain the amplitude ratio of the wanted signal and the interference signal at the notch filter output. Defining this parameter as Ym(= '2m/'lm) and Yc('2c/'IC)' the magnitude of Ym and Yc for identical input conditions in order to compare the responses of the MUNF and the CUNF may be computed. The computed results have been shown in Fig. 2 which ensures better performance of the modified system. LO output . .. phase and required phases of lockband (K) M the combination of two PS-one .7l'/ PS 1 and other (.7l'/2 =1= ;) PS2. Using a particular capacitor, variation of the resistor values (R) required for these phase shifts can be computed for different values of the input signal frequency. Computed values of R have been found to be in close agreement with the experimentally used resistors (Fig. 4c). Thus it is observed that using a variable phase. shifter after the SO and controlling the amount of phase shift as a function of steady-state phase error (;) produced in the SO depending on the FD, considerable improvement in the performance of the UNF can be obtained. 0.0048 0.1833 0.2909 0.577 0.6482 0.72 0.8626 0.9703 x -0.1 0.09427. 0.09445 0.09497 0.09607 0.09656 0.09713 0.09846 0.09966 x = 0.3 0.28309 0.2836 0.2852 0.2886 0.2901 0.2919 0.296 0.2977 " --'t Phase shifters WIth mput Signal frequency. Th e actual phase shifter has been implemented as a Table I-Calculated valuesof M for different FD and x FD Normalizedby the ,.-- ~ . SARKAR: MODIFIED LOCK-IN NOTCH FILTER 151 I ~ e 0.19091t ~4' NUNFI CllI*" ~ I 1.0 " .. ~ , ~ 0.8 -a. ~ r t -~ ';&. 0.6 0 4 (f Ifo ) ,, \ 0.19091t . '. \. Fig. 4a- Theoretical variation of the steady-state phase error of the SO with the input signal frequency. \ \. , ~ c ..- , .;;: ..c \" 0.' 0 .005 ~ O. .2 1/1 .. .. 0.05 0.10 , 0 ~ 0.2 Norm r ~ (G) .FD, Fig. 2-Curves showing relative performance of the MUNF and the CUNF in extracting WWS [X axis: Norm. ~ ~ FD=(w, ~ -wo)/ K, Wo= centre frequency of the SO used in UNF, K-Lockband of the SO; Y axis: Ratio of the WWS arnplitude-to-tfte SCIS amplitude at the MUNF and the CIlNF output normalized to the corresponding maximum values, x ~ 0.3, (Wd -w,)/ K = 2.8234, sync. signal to oscillator power = 0.017]. r PS I ~ (b) 095 ...( 0 e -Experimental --Predicted 51 ~ ~ -I ~ .9. 2.0 G. NUNF . I i CUtF .. " / 1 g 1.0 4 "" (f/fo) Fig. 4c-Analytically predicted and experimentally used values of the resistors employed in the PSI and PS2 to imple- " ment the MUNF for different input signal frequency. [fo=Centre frequency of the oscillator, f=Frequency of the input signal]. " ~.O05 ~ (C) /.;' I :"'i1}J¥ ';::~" .."'{t ~,,"'" I 2 . 7 f I fo Fig. 4b-Required phase shifts in the PSI and PS2 as a function of the input signal frequency to implement the MUNF. ).0 ~ 104 o. throughout the lockband of the SO used in it. The best performance is obtained at the zero FD but ". N«m FD Fig. 3-Curves showing performances of the MUNF based and the CUNF based WWS extracting system. [X axis: Norm. FD = ( w, -wo)/ K, Wo= Centre frequ7n~y of the SO used .in UNF, K-Lockband .of ~e SO WIthin the UNF; ~ axiS: the Output corresponding phase modulatIon minimum Index values. of the ISGO x = 0.3, normalIzed (Wd-w,)ito it degrades with increase of the FD due to steady state phase error between the SS and the output of the SO. 2 The proposed UNF is very simple to implement and has better performance over CUNF. Its~ Interference rejectIon capabIlity IS almost same m K= 2.8234, sync. signal-to-oscillator power=0.017]. Conclusion On the basis of the above studies, it may be concluded that ..ence 1 The performance of the CUNF m extractIng the whole lockband of the SO. 3 The proposed MLlNF-based system would) be more suitable to extract and to amplify the weak ~ignal in the background of strong interfer-: sIgnal compared to the CUNF based system. 4 Preliminary experiments confirm the possibi-~"I WWS lity of realisation in the environment of SCIS is not uniform of the practical MUNF. 152 INDIAN J. ENG. MATER. SCI.,JUNE 1994 Acknowledgement The author is grateful to Prof. B N Biswas for his interest in the work. Financial assistance from the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, lh.. at full k I d d New De I, IS so grate yac nowe ge .4 R fi e erences 1 Pramanik K & Ray S K, Indian J Pure Appl Phys, 15 (1977). j 2 Pramanik K, Studieson unilaterallyand bilaterallycoupled oscillators,Ph D Dissertation.The University of Burdwan, 1981,199. 3 BiswasB. N, Phase-Lock Theories&Applications (QxfordmM,Indla), 1987,108. Biswas B N, Chatterjee S, Sarkar S, BhattacharyaA K & Ray S K, IEEE TransMicrowave Theory Tech,35 (1987) 812. 5 Biswas B N, Sarkar S & ChatterjeeS, IEEE TransMicrowaveTheory Tech,37 (1989)627. ,.-- \' ~ . .[, ",'1 L /1:1.J ',;,S.. , ,oi"",!, :. ;,!, 'fl~:!';:' -'!1'{r;ic..;..V.':"j ...J)('l! In:cj.~ '~f~)U'{'.1 I.'~:',; ,.I;c.,'r.q .. "" ,rt; rt: t'.'j!,1 .' ...' -,--- ( ~; l~' .If:':,' ~(, if-"!" ;vl j ,:' ,) ! ' i:ifj';if fW \.A~;r'~,I;'1.1 ';,; ' i ..!
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