
Witches Sailing Through The Sky
Witches sailing through the sky,
On their broomsticks way up high.
Black cats howl as they go by
For this is Halloween.
Jack-o-lanterns big and round
On each gate post can be found
Ghost and goblins all around
For this is Halloween
This is Halloween!
Three Little Pumpkins Sitting On a Fence
Three little pumpkins sitting on a fence
And a witch came riding by,
Ha, Ha, Ha!
I’ll take you all,
And make a pumpkin pie.
Ha ! Ha !
Three Little Pumpkins Lying Very Still
Three little pumpkins lying very still
In a pumpkin patch on a great big hill.
This one said, “Oh, I’m very, very green,
But I’ll be orange by Halloween.”
This one said, “Oh me, oh my,
Today I’ll be pumpkin pie.”
This one said, “Oh, I’m on my way,
To have a Happy Halloween day.
There Was a Small Witch on a Halloween Night
There was a small witch on a Halloween night,
Who wanted to see if her hat was on right.
She looked in the mirror
And gave a loud scream.
For she really did look like a very bad dream.
There was a small ghost on a Halloween night
Who wanted to see if his head was on right.
He looked in the mirror,
And gave a loud scream
For he really did look like a very bad dream.
That ghost met that witch on a Halloween night,
They looked at each other and said,
“What a fright”
Let’s go ‘round together and cause such a scare_
For we really do look like a King sized nightmare.
There is a Haunted House in Town
There is a haunted house in town. (in the town)
Where all the walls are tumbling down. (tumbling down)
Where the cobwebs hang
And the window shutters bang
And all the creatures gather round.
Oh the bats and cats and witches
Keep the skeletons in stitches
While they drink their spider
Cider in the haunted house.
They’re there. (they’re there)
They’re really there, (really there)
Watch out be careful and beware. (oh beware)
Don’t you trick or treat,
Or you’re the one they’ll eat,
When the moon shines on the haunted house.
The Witches Go Flying Along
The witches go flying along
Way up high, in the sky,
You can see them going by,
As the witches go flying along.
Here and there, in the air,
You can see them everywhere
As the witches go flying along
With a zoom, zoom, zoom
Everyone is on their broom
Singing a Halloween song.
In the bright moonlight
It’s really quite a sight,
As the witches go flying along.
The Smallest Witch You Ever Did See
The smallest witch you ever did see
Just peeked in the window and looked at me.
I waved once or twice
But very soon she jumped three times
And flew to the moon.
I’m a Mean Old Witch With a Hat
I’m a mean old witch with a hat
Heh, heh, heh!
And I ride on a broom with a cat
And my shoes are pointed
And my chin is too.
So you’d better watch out,
Cause I might scare you!
I’m a mean old witch with a hat!
Boo !
Purple People Eater
Well I saw the thing comin’ out of the sky_
It had one long horn, one big eye_
I commenced to shakin’ and I said
“ooh – ee” It looks like a purple people eater to me.
It was a one-eyed, one-horned,
flyin’ purple eater_
one-eyed, one-horned,
Flyin’ purple people eater
one-eyed, one-horned,
Flyin’ purple people eater
Sure looks strange to me.
Well he came down to earth and lit in a tree.
I said, “Mr. Purple People Eater don’t eat me.”
I heard him say in a voice so gruff_
“I wouldn’t eat you ‘cuz you’re so tough!”
I said, “Mr. Purple People Eater what’s your line?”
He said, “Eatin’ purple people and it sure is fine.
But that’s bit the reason that I came to land.
I wanna get a job in a rockin’ roll band.
Well Bless my soul, rock and roll,
Flyin’ purple people eater
Pidgeon toed, nder growed,
flyin’ purple people eater.
We wear short shorts
Flyin’ Purple People Eater
Sure looks strange to me.
Three Little Pumpkins
Three little pumpkins sitting on a fence
And a witch came riding by,
Ha, Ha, Ha!
I’ll take you all,
And make a pumpkin pie.
Ha ! Ha !
Bats in the Belfry
(Sung to the tune of “Rock-a-bye Baby”)
Bats in the belfry,
Owls in the trees.
Cats in the cornfield,
Ghosts in the breeze.
Right after midnight
All of its done, and
Halloween’s over, but wasn’t it fun!
A Big Black Cat and a Witch
Three little pumpkins sitting on a fence
and a witch came riding by,
Ha! Ha! Ha!
I’ll take you all,
And make a pumpkin pie.
Ha! Ha!
I’m a Little Wicked Witch
I’m a little wicked witch.
Wicked witch, wicked witch.
Every year I get an itch to be a wicked witch.
I’m a scary skeleton.
Scary skeleton, scary skeleton
Out to frighten everyone a scary skeleton.
I’m a little belfry bat,
Belfry bat, belfry bat
If you find me in your hat,
It’s me a belfry bat.
I’m a goblin, I’m a ghost
Goblin, ghost, goblin, ghost
Guess who’s gonna scare you most?
A goblin or a ghost.
I’m a little Frankenstein, Frankenstein
Won’t you be a friend of mine?
A friend of Frankenstein.
All together we’re a sight
We’re a sight, we’re a sight.
Out to give the folks a fright on Halloween night.
I’ve Been Working on My Costume
I’ve been working on my costume
all the lived long day.
I’ve been working on my costume
watch out I’m on my wayWhen you see me at your doorbell.
You’ll know what I mean_
I’ve been working on my costume
Cause it’s Halloween.
A little bit of this,
A little bit of that,
An itty bitty pillow to make me fat_
Wig upon my head,
Sheet from off my bed.
All because it’s Halloween !