ATTADALE PRIMARY SCHOOL Wichmann Road, ATTADALE WA 6156 Phone: 9330 3422 Fax: 9330 7486 NEXUS Issue No. 3; 27 February 2014 UPCOMING EVENTS Mon 3 Mar Public Holiday Welcome from the Principal Tue 4 Mar Edu Dance PP-Yr4 Hello and welcome to all families and community members. Thur 6 Mar Years 1&2, Room 4 Assembly Faction Captain Badge Awards Tue 11 Mar Edu Dance PP-Yr4 ATTADALE PRIMARY SCHOOL WEBSITE Should you require any information to do with the school, please take a look at our website which contains all the necessary information you may need. The website is located at .au Here we are in week 4 with ‘loads’ done and a lot more to come for term one. The assembly last week was sensational and a credit to Ms Jardine, her students and their families. For those who missed this assembly, the class celebrated the work and educational life of two teaching staff members , (Mrs Glenis Teede & Mrs Ann Pickles) who retired, with humour and history. The year has started very smoothly with staff and students impressively engaged in learning every day. Please read on to get an idea of what is to come and where you might like to get involved. Regards, Scott Save the Dates…. Faction Captain badge presentations will take place on Thursday 6th March during Assembly Harmony Day – Friday 21 March—Kite flying afternoon 1.30pm to 3.10pm Swimming Carnival – Thursday 27th March from 12.30 to 3pm at Melville Aquatic Centre Edu-dance Concerts – Tuesday 1st April Concert 1 - 1.30 to 2.10pm (PP 1, Room 4, Room 11, Room 9 and Room 7) Concert 2 - 2.20 to 3.10pm (PP 2, Room 5, Room 12, Room 10, Room 7) (Please note: Room 7 will perform the same dance in both concerts) Clipart © IMPETIGO (SCHOOL SORES) There have been a couple of cases of Impetigo reported in the Kindy and Pre-Primary classes. A note has been sent home about this a few weeks ago and because it is a highly contagious virus, parents need to be made aware of the symptoms of Impetigo by going onto our website under Parent Links and clicking into the Student Health section. NUMERO Numero is a great way to practise your maths skills. In each newsletter we will be presenting a challenge. Print off the challenge and work out the best solution. Place your completed entry into the box outside the Deputy’s office by WEDNESDAY 5TH MARCH to be in the running for a pack of Numero cards. (If you can’t print off the challenge ask your classroom teacher for an entry form) PARLIAMENTARIANS Congratulations to our 12 Parliamentarians who presented outstanding speeches to their peers and were elected to hold office in 2014. School leaders should be kind, friendly, helpful people who show caring, loyal support of the school and all members of the school community. They should be responsible students who provide excellent role models by their: exemplary behaviour, courtesy, confidence, sense of humour, organisational skills and initiative. At Attadale Primary School we are fortunate to have a large pool of children who would make excellent leaders. Your 2014 Parliamentarians are: Premiers: Milan Milanovic and Hunter Garvey Ministers for Sport: Riley Newton and Jackson Knowles Ministers for Environment: Caitlyn Carlsen and Ben Parker Ministers for Cultural Affairs: Zac Clarke and Kate Edwards Ministers for Communications: Sam Parrish and Will Ho Ministers for Resources: Aidan Wheller and Matthew Lawson Clipart © School Board Nominations I have attached a nomination form for those interested in one of these positions. You can nominate yourself or be nominated. (The person nominated must sign to indicate they agree to be nominated.) To nominate, please fill out the form on the next page and either hand in to the front office or email to the school address [email protected] with ‘Board Nomination’ in the subject line. Nominations will close On Tuesday 4th March at the close of school business, 4pm. Given we need to ask our community to vote, (necessary if we have more than 3 candidates), voting slips with candidates names will be emailed to all families Wednesday 5th March to be returned Monday 10th March by 4pm. Successful candidates will be notified Tuesday 11th March and required to attend our Board Meeting 12th March 7pm in the school staff room. (Although inability to attend this particular meeting should not preclude you from nominating) The following link will take you to the Board Code of conduct , on our web page [under heading ‘Our School’ then School Board’], that I strongly recommend you read before nominating. The role is not onerous or requiring a particular knowledge base of education, but demands a team and whole school approach versus individual agendas. Our current School Board members, and previous, have been terrific to work with and really supported and inspired the school to continue improving. We look forward to working with the new members of the Board for the benefit of all students, parents and staff at Attadale Primary School. Thank you. Please see Nomination Form on next page Cross Walk On Wichmann Road This crossing offers a safe passage across a dangerous road. We have had accidents at this point in the past and to ensure this guarded crossing remains as it is, we must use it. In the last two years the crossing has been surveyed to see who uses it and how many cars pass by. Please use this crossing and encourage your children to use this crossing. We don’t want an accident or to lose this important safety feature. School Health and Wellbeing It seems the ill health ‘bug’ or ‘bugs’ continue to follow the school. I would like to thank the parents who are keeping students at home who are sick and staff who are sick, for staying home. All schools have periods of sickness, as do work places, but this is unusual for us. Let’s trust the long weekend helps to recharge everyone’s ‘batteries’ and we return with vigour to continue the term. A speedy recovery to all whom are not well. Parent Volunteers Thank you to all the parents who have volunteered to help at our faction swimming carnival. The response has been overwhelming and greatly appreciated. We will only require 8 place judges so Mrs McKay will personally contact you next week if your assistance is required. We hope to see as many parents as possible at the carnival cheering the students of Attadale along. Clipart © ATTADALE PRIMARY SCHOOL Wichmann Rd ATTADALE WA 6156 PH (08) 9330 3422 FAX (08) 9330 7486 “Strive to Achieve” An Independent Public School School Board Nomination—February 2014 Self Nomination I would like to nominate myself to the Attadale Primary School Board in 2014. Name: ___________________ (Please Print Clearly) Role in the Attadale Community _______________________ (e.g. parent / community member) Signature ________________________ Date __________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------——————— Nomination of Another Person I would like to nominate ____________________________ to the Attadale Primary School Board in 2014. Name of person nominating _________________ (please print clearly) Signature of person nominating ________________________ Date ________________ Name of person being nominated _______________________ (please print clearly) Role of the person being nominated in the Attadale Community _________________ (e.g. parent / community member) Signature of person being nominated _______________________ Date ______________________ • Indicating you agree to being nominated for a position on the Attadale Primary School Board. Clipart © OUT OF SCHOOL CARE ATTADALE PS WHATS on in March Ready Set Grow Out of School Care now operate an OSHC Program from Attadale Primary School for children aged from Kindy – Yr 7. We offer the following services: - Before School Care - After School Care - Vacation Care Activities include: We are currently developing our own book with all the ball games that we can think of. Each afternoon the balls come out and we try something new. In addition, we offer Sports, Cooking 4 Kids, Chillout Zone, Arts & Craft, Music, Drama, Indoor and Outdoor Games, Dance, Homework Club and much more!! If you are interested in enrolling in our Out of School Care Services for 2014 please contact: Lindsay or Ken on Phone: 0415 256 110 Email: [email protected] 2014 School Contributions Due Now……. CELEBRATION ASSEMBLY On Thursday 20th February Room 10 Year 3 hosted our ‘Celebration Assembly’ to farewell two amazing teachers, who had given a large part of their lives to education and Attadale Primary School. Room 10 took us back in time to tell the story of Mrs Teede and Mrs Pickles and their journey from childhood to retirement. A big thank you to Ms Jardine, Mrs Minervini and all the children of room 10, for presenting an entertaining and moving celebration to two wonderful teachers. We wish Mrs Teede and Mrs Pickles all the best for their new journey and thank them for their contributions to Attadale Primary School and the Department of Education. Clipart © If the garden seems quiet at the moment, it is because we have started planting seedlings for the cooler months ahead. A big thanks to Miss Perkins’ and Mrs Gibbs’ classes for coming in and planting the seeds. The kids enjoyed getting stuck into some serious hard digging. There will be more planting over the next couple of weeks so will update you next newsletter of what we have planted!!! Star Parents Thanks go to Tina and Janeile for helping out at the busy bee & Jacquie Patterson for donating a compost bin & wheelbarrow!! What gems you are!! MARKET NEWS!! What a fantastic market morning we had around the junior side of the school. All of the vegies we had were all sold. Apologies to the teachers who usually get the left overs - better luck next time! As there is not much in the garden to sell, we will be holding a LEMONADE STALL , THURSDAY 6th MARCH 8.15-8.45 outside the school hall as there was an abundance of bush limes so please pop over and grab a cup for 50cents. Attadale Dental Therapy Centre News Dear Parents From the commencement of this school year, ALL children enrolled at the Dental Therapy Centre will be issued an appointment to attend with a parent or guardian. If the appointment time allocated is not suitable, please contact the clinic to re-schedule. The previous method of getting children from class will no longer be utilised unless we receive communication from you as parent/guardian. Please feel free to call the clinic to discuss this if you would prefer that your child is taken from class for their examination. You will receive an appointment letter or yellow appointment card when your child’s appointment is due. Please bring this with you to your appointment. If you have been issued an appointment over the phone, please report to the front office to sign in. Thank You. Cherry, Janet & Renae PH: 9330 5876 Clipart © School Tour A tour of the school is being organised for the morning of Wednesday 5th March. The attached flyer gives time and dates. This is a terrific opportunity to have a coffee, meet other parents, see what the school has to offer and ask a few questions. ************************************************************** Welcome to Attadale Primary Coffee and Tour Wednesday 5th March 9am in the undercover area Attadale Primary welcomes all new families to our school !! Come and join us for a very informal coffee/cake (A coffee van will be on site) and chat to help you get to know your school and meet some new people! Meet our Principal, Mr Scott Harris, and have a walk around the school. Ask any questions that you have??? Learn ways to be involved (if that’s your thing) !! We want our new families to feel part of the school and welcome. Clipart © ITALIAN LESSONS AFTER SCHOOL A reminder to parents that there are After School Italian Lessons on Tuesdays after school from 3.30 – 5pm. So far there has only been one student attending and if this is the case in the next couple of weeks, the lessons will cease which is a real shame. If you are keen for your child to attend, please come into the office and get a form and go along to the classes. PREMIER’S SUMMER READING CHALLENGE AWARD Igi Piscedda is a new student in Year 3 who has taken part in the Premier’s Summer Reading Challenge and managed to achieve a spot in the top ten for fundraising for MS. Igi is very proud of his reading accomplishment and fundraising for MS. His goal was to raise $500 but he ended up raising $715 to help provide services for people living with MS in WA. See the letter below congratulating Igi on his great achievement and his offer to undertake a tour of WA Parliament House. Well done Igi!!!! Dear Students, Thank you for taking part in the Premier’s Summer Reading Challenge (in support of the Multiple Sclerosis Society of WA) over the school holidays and for choosing to raise money to help people living with MS. Not only did you reach your reading goal, you were also one of our top ten fundraisers. Congratulations! To thank you for your efforts, we would like to invite you and one guest, to a tour of Western Australia’s Parliament House. This will take place at Parliament House on Wednesday 26th February 2014 at 4.00pm. Please arrive at Parliament House at 3.45pm, dressed in your school uniform. Pictures will be taken on the day and we want you to look your best! The attached document has some information for your mum and dad, and may also answer some of the important questions that they may have. If you are able to attend please RSVP by this Friday the 21st February so we can confirm your spot. Thank you once again for the fantastic efforts you have made to help Western Australians living with multiple sclerosis! Best regards, Katherine Fowler Events Co-ordinator The Multiple Sclerosis Society of WA (Inc.) Ph: 08 6454 3121 Fax: 08 6454 3199 Email: [email protected] Web: Clipart © Clipart ©
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