Int J Ayu Pharm Chem RESEARCH ARTICLE E-ISSN 2350-0204 Polyalcohols from periodate oxidized seeds polysaccharide of Wrightia tinctoria R.Br. (Roxb.) plant by Smith degradation method R. B. Singh 1 * * Department of Zoology, School of Life Sciences, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Khandari Campus, Agra-282002 U.P., (India) Received: 7th September 2014/ Accepted: 31st October 2014 / Published: 10th November 2014 Greentree Group ©International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 2014 R B Singh [email protected] Int J Ayu Pharm Chem Vol. 1, Issue 2, 2014 Int J Ayu Pharm Chem Abstract Water soluble polysaccharide was extracted from Wrightia tinctoria R.Br. (Roxb.) seeds, on acid hydrolysis with sulphuric acid and obtained hydrolysate on paper chromatography led to separation of D-galactose and D-mannose in the molar ratio of 1:3. Periodate oxidized polysaccharide on reduction with sodium borohydride by Smith degradation method followed by acid hydrolysis (H2SO4), yielded polyalcohols as glycerol, erythritol and thritol in the molar ratio of 1.20:4.95:0.009 on paper chromatogram. Derivatives of polyalcohols were produced from seeds polysaccharide as glycerol tri-O-p-nitrobenzoate and tetra-O-tosyl-erythritol. The absorbance of polyalcohols were recorded in photoelectrocolorimeter at 540 mµ for glycerol and erythritol. Keywords Polyalcohols, Wrightia tinctoria seeds polysaccharide INTRODUCTION Wrightia tinctoria R.Br. (Roxb.) plant[1] soluble polysaccharide contains D-galactose belongs to the family-Apocynacceae and and D-mannose in 1:3 molar ratio. In our called as Indrajau. It occurs in Northern earlier communications the nature of sugar India, Eastern & Western Coast, Myanmar, are obtained from the water soluble seeds Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Australia. polysaccharide[2], methylation studies[3] to Medically the bark is used in the treatment obtained of nervous system disorder, Paralysis, fever, determination of proposed polysaccharide snakebites, dysentery, diarrhoea, piles and structure and periodate oxidation studies[4] leucoderma. for Powdered seeds are the the methyl sugars confirmation the of proposed of Wrightia carminative tonic and useful in chest polysaccharide infection, asthma, leprosy and burning tinctoria R.Br. (Roxb.) seeds. The present sensation. Flowers and fruits are a source of manuscript highlights the identification of blue dye, fresh fruit polyalcohols by Smith degradation[5] studies juice used for coagulating milk, and leaves are used as of wrapper for Bidis. Seeds yielded water polysaccharide for the confirmation of Greentree Group 125 the structure for periodate oxidized seeds Int J Ayu Pharm Chem proposed seed polysaccharide structure of hydrolysed with H2SO4 (1 N, 100 ml) Wrightia tinctoria R.Br. (Roxb.) plant. at 1000C for 12 hrs. Hydrolysate was neutralized with barium carbonate slurry, MATERIALS AND METHODS filtered and the filtrate was deionised by Separation of products Amberlite Ion-exchange resins[12], IR-120 Polyalcoholic sugars were separated from (H+) and IR-45 (OH-) then concentrated to a periodate oxidized hydrolysed compounds thin syrup. by paper chromatographic analysis [6] on RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Whatman No. 3 MM filter paper sheet. The following upper phase of solvent mixture Characterization of polyalcohols (v/v) were used as : (A) n-butanol, ethanol, Hydrolysed syrup of periodate oxidized water (4:1:5)[7], (B) ethyl acetate, pyridine, seeds polysaccharide was resolved into its [8] water (2:1:2) and used spray reagent as component by paper chromatographic (R) acetonical silver nitrate, alcoholic separation method on Whatman No. 3 MM sodium hydroxide[9] was applied for the filter paper sheet in solvent mixture (A) and detection of polyalcohols. The used (R) as spray reagent to revealed the evaporation was carried out under reduced presence of three spots of polyalcohols pressure at 45-500 C. corresponding to the glycerol, erythritol and thritol. The component sugar strips were cut Identification of polyalcohols by Smith out with the help of guide spots and eluted degradation with water according to the Dent’s Purified seeds polysaccharide (1.5 gm) were method[13], which on evaporation gave oxidized[10] glycerol, with sodium metaperiodate (0.125 M, 30 ml) for 72 hrs at 4-80C in refrigerator. It was further reduced [11] and thritol were characterized and identified as follows: with Fraction-I: Glycerol sodium borohydride (1 gm) for 24 hrs at Sugar syrup (380 mg) was dissolved in R.T. and excess periodate was removed by ethanol (50 ml) and decolourized with ethylene glycol (5 ml) to decompose the aqueous solution of animal charcoal and excess of periodate ions and reaction filtered off. The filtrate was concentrated to mixture was dialysed against running water syrup and it moved a single spot on paper for 48 hrs. It was concentrated to syrup and Greentree Group erythritol 126 Int J Ayu Pharm Chem chromatogram corresponding to the chloride (1.5 gm), then the reaction mixture authentic sample of glycerol. The residue was left for 24 hrs at R.T. Content was (350 mg) was dissolved in pyridine (5 ml) poured into ice cold water (50 ml) to and p-nitrobenzoyl chloride (2.4 gm) then crystallized the content was heated for 1 hr at 70-750C. derivatives of erythritol, which were washed The reaction mixture was poured into ice- with water followed by ethanol were dried cold solution of sodium bicarbonate to in air. On recrystallisation with acetone and obtain a precipitate which was filtered off. ethanol The filtrate gave the crystals of glycerol-tri- erythritol, had m.p. & mixed m.p. 165- O-p-nitrobenzoate derivative were obtained 1670C, Lit. m.p. 166-1680C[15]. on cooling the reaction mixture, which were out the mixture needle gave shaped tetra-O-tosyl- Fraction-III: Thritol separated by filtration. It on recrystallisation with acetone, had m.p. & mixed m.p. 188- Sugar syrup (50 mg) moved as a single spot 1900C, Lit. m.p. 186-1880C[14]. on paper chromatogram parallel to thritol. It was obtained in traces, which have Rf Fraction-II: Erythritol values more than the D-galactose and D- Syrup (850 mg) was treated with aqueous mannose was identified as thritol. The spot solution of animal charcoal (50 ml), filtered of thritol is visible only in ultraviolet light. and the filtrate concentrated to a syrup. It moved a single spot on paper chromatogram Quantitative estimation of polyalcohols corresponding to the erythritol. It was again Polyalcohols were quantitatively estimated dissolved in ethanol in ethanol (5 ml), on by cooling the crystal of erythritol was obtained Respective polyalcohols were separated by after recrystallisation with ethanol then descending filtered. It had m.p. & mixed m.p. 118- chromatographic examined on Whatman 1200C, Lit. m.p. 117-1180C[14] and 120- No. 3 MM filter paper sheets in upper phase 1220C[15]. of solvent mixture (B) and used (R) as spray by pyridine (5 dissolving ml), Greentree Group in anhydrous p-toluene sulphonyl acid techniques method[16]. of paper reagent. Polyalcohol components were cut Derivative of erythritol syrup (200 mg) was prepared chromatographic out with the help of guide spots and eluted with water according to the Dent’s method[13], producing glycerol, erythritol 127 Int J Ayu Pharm Chem and thritol in the molar ratio of 1.20 : 4.95 : polyalcohols as glycerol, erythritol and 0.009. The colour intensity and absorbance thritol in 1.20 : 4.95 : 0.009 molar ratio by were read at photoelectrocolorimeter 540 mµ in paper chromatographic analysis. The large and results are proportion of erythritol released with acid given in Table-1. hydrolysis of polyalcohols produced by sodium borohydride serves as evidences that Table-1 Absorbance of polyalcohols from Wrightia tinctoria R.Br. (Roxb.) seeds polysaccharide S. No . Amount in micrograms the main polymer linkages are of (1→4)-βtype Klett reading (absorbance) at 540 mµ Glycero Erythrito l l with D-galactopyranose and D- mannopyranose units. The ratio of erythritol to the amount of glycerol was obtained due Glycero l Erythrito l 1. 2.0 2.0 28 18 reducing end with (1→6)-α-type linkages in 2. 4.0 4.0 54 37 the main chain of the polysaccharide 3. 6.0 6.0 77 55 4. 8.0 8.0 100 73 5. 10.0 10.0 126 89 to the presence of D-galactose at the non- structure. It indicated one branch point on the average of the main 8 hexoses units in chain and side chain in polysaccharide structure. The derivative of glycerol was obtained by usual manner as glycerol-tri-O-p-nitrobenzoate while erythritol as tetra-O-tosyl-erythritol. The absorbance of polyalcohols was recorded in photoelectrocolorimeter on 540 mµ for glycerol and erythritol. It indicated one CONCLUSION branch point on the average of seven Wrightia tinctoria R.Br. (Roxb.) seeds hexoses units are in the backbone and one yielded a water soluble polysaccharide by hexose unit in the non-reducing end for the usual manner as D-galactose and D- support mannose in the molar ratio of 1 : 3. Purified Greentree Group method. It earlier proposed Wrightia tinctoria R.Br. (Roxb.) seeds sodium borohydride and sulphuric acid by degradation the polysaccharide structure of water soluble oxidized polysaccharide was reduced with Smith of polysaccharide as shown in Figure-1. yielded 128 Int J Ayu Pharm Chem REFERENCES [1] Chadha YR, The Wealth of India, Raw Materials, Publication and Information Directorate, CSIR, New Delhi, India, 10 (SP-W), (1976), 588-590. [2] Singh RB, Advances in Applied Science Research, Pelagia Research Library, 4 (5), (2013), 115-118. [3] Singh RB, Der Pharma Chemica, Vietnam, Scholar Research Library, 5 (1), (2013), 205209. [4] Singh RB, National Seminar on Recent Trends in Chemical Research (RTCR-2010), at Meerut College, Meerut (U.P.) on 4th-6th September, 2010, Abst. No.: OP-8, (2010), 32-33. [5] Smith F, J. Chem. Soc., 47, (1940), 1035-1038. [6] Partridge SM, Nature (London), 158, (1946), 270-274. [7] Partridge SM, Westall RG, Biochem. J., 72, (1948), 238-241. [8] Jermyn MA, Isherwood FA, Biochem. J., 44, (1949), 402-405. 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