CHEMISTRY 201L FALL 2014 INSTRUCTOR: OFFICE: OFFICE PHONE: E-MAIL: OFFICE HOURS: Professor Keith Woo 3124 Hach Hall 294-5854 [email protected] MTR 2 pm, or by appointment WEB: Blackboard Address: Chem 201L and 201 are corequisite courses, i.e., students in Chem 201L are required to take Chem 201 at the same time or to have already received credit in 201. If you do not fulfill these requirements, you will not get credit for Chem 201L. Students who drop Chem 201L will be required to drop 201 and vice versa. Drop slips must be signed by the instructor, not a Teaching Assistant (TA). REQUIRED ITEMS: LABORATORY TEXT: Chemistry 201L Manual (available on line). LABORATORY NOTEBOOK: Hayden McNeil Student Lab Notebook ISBN 1930882505 or 1930882238 SAFETY EYEWEAR & LAB COAT: Jones & Co. Visorgogs or Magid Glove and Safety Manufacturing “Sapphire” safety glasses. The safety eyewear and lab coat may be purchased at the bookstore. Other styles or types of protective eyewear will NOT be permitted without written approval from the department safety officer. Safety eyewear and closed-toed shoes are REQUIRED in the laboratory. A scientific calculator and a stapler. LABORATORY REPORTS AND THE LABORATORY NOTEBOOK: Your laboratory instructor will discuss the laboratory notebook and reports at the check-in session during the first week of class. Grading of the laboratory reports is based on satisfactory completion of all sections of the report. A grading rubric for each experiment can be found in the laboratory manual at the end of each experiment. Lab reports are due the following week at the beginning of the lab section. Late lab reports will be penalized 3 points per day. A TA inbox for late lab reports is located inside 1225 Hach Hall by the door to Room 1225A. SAFETY: Safety topic assignments will be covered on-line with 8 graded exercises worth 4 points each. GRADING THE COURSE: The laboratory grade will be based on the prelab quizzes (49 pts) laboratory report scores (325 pts), safety assignments (32 pts) and the final poster presentation (50 pts). The Blackboard grade book will be used. Any cases of academic dishonesty will be dealt with according to university policy. The CO2 research portion of this lab is partially funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Assessments of the impact of this effort on attitudes and education may be surveyed to help us improve the research experience. If these surveys are implemented, extra credit points will be awarded for satisfactory completion of the questionaires. MAKE-UP POLICY: There are no scheduled make-up labs. Students are expected to attend all laboratory sessions and complete the experiments as scheduled. If you know in advance that you will be unable to attend a scheduled lab experiment for your section, it is your best interests to notify your laboratory instructor as soon as possible. Under no circumstances are you to do an experiment or submit a report in a laboratory section other than the one for which you are registered without the prior consent of the laboratory instructor. If a student is unable to complete the laboratory experiment during the scheduled period because of a valid reason (e.g., illness), the student must contact the professor in charge of the lab course and their TA by email within two weeks of the missed laboratory time. A valid explanation and documentation must be provided in order to obtain an excused absence. A maximum of two excused absences will be allowed per student. Students not excused from the experiment receive a grade of zero for that experiment. If you have a documented disability and anticipate needing accommodations in this course, please make arrangements to meet with me soon. Please request that a Disability Resources staff send a SAAR form verifying your disability and specifying the accommodations you will need. FALL 2014 CHEM 201L INFORMATION Instructor: Professor L. Keith Woo Office: 3124 Hach Email: [email protected] Week of Activity August 25 Check-in October 20 Labor Day Holiday. No Monday lab Safety Assignment #1 Prelab quiz 1 Safety Assignment #2 Prelab quiz 2 Safety Assignment #3 Prelab quiz 3 Safety Assignment #4 Prelab quiz 4 Safety Assignment #5 Prelab quiz 5 Safety Assignment #6 Prelab quiz 6 Safety Assignment #7 October 27 Safety Assignment #8 September 1 September 8 September 15 September 22 September 29 October 6 October 13 Text: Laboratory Manual and Experiments for Chem 201L Web site: or Blackboard Learn Laboratory: 1225 Hach Hall Description Check-in to your assigned locker. Obtain necessary replacements, as needed. Return your completed check-in sheets to your TA. Chapter 3: Measurement and Error Analysis (density measurement). Open week to finish first experiment. Monday students needing to finish experiments should arrange with TAs to work in an available section. Chapters 4: Recrystallization, Melting Points, and Thin Layer Chromatography Select an appropriate recrystallization solvent and learn the steps of crystallization. Chapter 5: Phase diagram experiment Determine the phase diagram for the Sn/Bi system Chapter 6: Equilibrium Equilibrium partitioning of compounds between toluene and water and Chap 7. Organometallic Chemistry (synthesis only) Chapter 7 (continued): Separation of ferrocene product Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 Project (manual provided on Blackboard) Electrochemistry Concepts. Bulk electrolysis of a metal. GC Calibration for Product Analysis Research Project 1: Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 at a Copper Electrode November 3 Research Project 2: Preparation and Assessment of a New Electrode Material for Reduction of CO2 Proposal for Research Project 3 due 48 hours after lab session. Research Project 3: Optimization of New Electrode for Reduction of CO2 Proposal for Research Project 4 due 48 hours after lab session. November 10 Research Project 4: Optimization of New Electrode for Reduction of CO2 Proposal for Research Project 5 due 48 hours after lab session. Research Project 5: Optimization of New Electrode for Reduction of CO2 November 17 November 24 No Lab December 1 Prelab quiz 7 December 8 Lab Final December 15 Check-out University Holiday Chapter 8: Kinetics Kinetic Isotope Measurement for the Iodination of Acetone Draft version of poster due in lab. The lab final will involve a poster session with oral presentations on students’ CO2 reduction projects. Mount posters on hallway bulletin boards outside of 1225 Hach. Check out at beginning of Lab. Last day to check out. Failure to do so will result in a loss of 10 lab points. Return your completed check-out sheet to your TA.
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