i APPENDIX-A ii APPENDIX-B INFORMED CONSENT FORM EFFECTIVENESS OF A NURSE EXECUTED EPILEPSY EDUCATION PROGRAM ON KNOWLEDGE, SELF-MANAGEMENT AND QUALITY OF LIFE AMONG PATIENTS WITH EPILEPSY Name of the principle investigator: Mrs. A. Seethalakshmi The current study is aimed at determining the effectiveness of an epilepsy education program. The effectiveness of this program on knowledge, selfmanagement and Quality of Life is determined by the Epilepsy Knowledge Scale, Epilepsy Self Management Scale and the QoLIE31. Each session takes about 20 minutes. The data is to be collected once at first contact, once at 90 days (three months) after the group instruction using the Epilepsy Information Booklet and the 2nd posttest is at the end of 180 days (six months) to determine the Knowledge, Selfmanagement, seizure frequency and Quality of Life. It involves a voluntary participation and does not involve any invasive procedures. The data are to be collected from patients diagnosed with epilepsy attending the neurology OPD at Sri Ramachandra Hospital. This study involves voluntary participation and if you are not willing to participate there will be no disturbance to the regular care and consultation that you are receiving. The duration of participation in this study will be for six months. It involves collecting information at the time of first contact regarding your condition, how you are able to manage epilepsy, day-to- day activities, your medication intake and your Quality of Life. When you come for your second follow-up on the 15th day some of you will receive group instruction (along with 3-5 others) for 25 minutes on your condition, management, trigger factors, activities to be avoided, medications and regarding any other doubts that you might have. You will also receive the Epilepsy Information Booklet and a seizure dairy that you will have to maintain for the next 30 days. The seizure diary has to be brought along with you on your subsequent follow-up at the end of 30 days. It will take 20 minutes to give your responses to the questions asked. The first assessment will be carried out at 90 days (the third month) and the second assessment at 180 days (the end of the sixth month) when you will have to give your responses to the questions asked. iii This study does not involve any invasive procedures or tests; it involves collecting and giving information only. There is no risk to your physical self by participating in this study. You will benefit from the information that is given to you on Self-management of epilepsy. There is no cost for participation in this study. Participation is completely voluntary and no payment will be provided. The information that is obtained from you will be kept confidential. Your name will not be used in reporting of information in publications or conference presentations. You have the right to refuse to participate in this study, the right to withdraw from the study and the right to have your data destroyed at any point during or after the study without penalty. Participation in this study is completely voluntary and your consent is required before you can participate in this study. I have read this consent form and fully understood the contents of this document. I voluntarily consent to participate in this study. All of my questions concerning this study have been answered. If I have any questions in the future about this study they will be answered by the investigator listed below. I understand that this consent ends at the conclusion of this study. Contact address with phone number: Principle investigator: Mrs. A.Seethalakshmi Reader, Faculty of Nursing, SRU, Porur - 116. Phone number: 9940420846 By signing this form, I agree to participate in this study. A copy of this form has been given to me. Date: Name: Participant’s Signature/ Thumb impression: Witness name: Witness signature: iv CERTIFICATION OF INFORMED CONSENT I certify that I have explained the nature and purpose of this study to the above- named individual and I have discussed the potential benefits of this study participation. The questions the individual had about this study have been answered, and I will always be available to address future questions. Date: Consent: Signature of the person obtaining: Name: Signature of Principal investigator: v APPENDIX-C RANDOMIZATION 0001: group 2 0002: group 2 0003: group 1 0004: group 1 0005: group 1 0006: group 2 0007: group 2 0008: group 1 0009: group 2 0010: group 1 0011: group 1 0012: group 2 0013: group 2 0014: group 2 0015: group 1 0016: group 1 0017: group 2 0018: group 1 0019: group 1 0020: group 2 0021: group 1 0022: group 2 0023: group 1 0024: group 2 0025: group 2 0026: group 1 0027: group 2 0028: group 2 0029: group 1 0030: group 1 0031: group 1 0032: group 1 0033: group 1 0034: group 1 0035: group 2 0036: group 2 0037: group 2 0038: group 2 0039: group 2 0040: group 1 0041: group 2 0042: group 1 0043: group 1 0044: group 1 0045: group 2 0046: group 1 0047: group 2 0048: group 1 0049: group 2 0050: group 2 0051: group 1 0052: group 2 0053: group 2 0054: group 1 0055: group 1 0056: group 2 0057: group 2 0058: group 1 0059: group 1 0060: group 2 0061: group 1 0062: group 2 0063: group 2 0064: group 1 0065: group 1 0066: group 2 0067: group 1 0068: group 1 0069: group 2 0070: group 2 0071: group 1 0072: group 1 0073: group 1 0074: group 1 0075: group 2 0076: group 2 0077: group 2 0078: group 1 0079: group 2 0080: group 2 0081: group 2 0082: group 2 0083: group 1 0084: group 2 0085: group 2 0086: group 1 0087: group 2 0088: group 1 0089: group 1 0090: group 1 0091: group 1 0092: group 2 0093: group 1 0094: group 1 0095: group 1 0096: group 2 0097: group 1 0098: group 2 0099: group 2 0100: group 2 0101: group 1 0102: group 2 0103: group 1 0104: group 2 0105: group 2 0106: group 1 0107: group 1 0108: group 1 0109: group 2 0110: group 2 0111: group 2 0112: group 2 0113: group 1 0114: group 1 0115: group 1 0116: group 1 0117: group 2 0118: group 2 0119: group 2 0120: group 1 0121: group 1 0122: group 1 0123: group 2 0124: group 2 0125: group 2 0126: group 1 0127: group 2 0128: group 2 0129: group 1 0130: group 1 vi 0131: group 2 0132: group 1 0133: group 2 0134: group 2 0135: group 1 0136: group 1 0137: group 2 0138: group 1 0139: group 2 0140: group 1 0141: group 2 0142: group 2 0143: group 1 0144: group 2 0145: group 1 0146: group 2 0147: group 2 0148: group 1 0149: group 1 0150: group 1 0151: group 1 0152: group 1 0153: group 2 0154: group 2 0155: group 2 0156: group 1 0157: group 1 0158: group 1 0159: group 2 0160: group 2 0161: group 1 0162: group 2 0163: group 2 0164: group 1 0165: group 2 0166: group 1 0167: group 1 0168: group 1 0169: group 2 0170: group 2 0171: group 2 0172: group 2 0173: group 1 0174: group 1 0175: group 2 0176: group 2 0177: group 1 0178: group 2 0179: group 1 0180: group 1 0181: group 2 0182: group 2 0183: group 1 0184: group 1 0185: group 1 0186: group 2 0187: group 2 0188: group 1 0189: group 2 0190: group 1 0191: group 1 0192: group 2 0193: group 2 0194: group 1 0195: group 2 0196: group 2 0197: group 1 0198: group 1 0199: group 1 0200: group 2 0201: group 2 0202: group 1 0203: group 1 0204: group 1 0205: group 1 0206: group 2 0207: group 2 0208: group 2 0209: group 1 0210: group 2 0211: group 1 0212: group 2 0213: group 1 0214: group 1 0215: group 2 0216: group 2 0217: group 1 0218: group 1 0219: group 2 0220: group 2 0221: group 1 0222: group 1 0223: group 1 0224: group 2 0225: group 1 0226: group 2 0227: group 1 0228: group 2 0229: group 2 0230: group 2 0231: group 2 0232: group 1 0233: group 1 0234: group 2 0235: group 2 0236: group 2 0237: group 1 0238: group 2 0239: group 1 0240: group 1 0241: group 1 0242: group 1 0243: group 2 0244: group 2 0245: group 2 0246: group 2 0247: group 2 0248: group 1 0249: group 1 0250: group 1 0251: group 1 0252: group 1 0253: group 1 0254: group 1 0255: group 1 0256: group 2 0257: group 2 0258: group 2 0259: group 2 0260: group 2 0261: group 2 0262: group 1 0263: group 1 0264: group 1 0265: group 1 0266: group 2 0267: group 2 0268: group 2 0269: group 2 0270: group 1 vii 0271: group 2 0272: group 2 0273: group 2 0274: group 2 0275: group 1 0276: group 2 0277: group 1 0278: group 1 0279: group 1 0280: group 1 0281: group 1 0282: group 1 0283: group 2 0284: group 2 0285: group 2 0286: group 1 0287: group 2 0288: group 2 0289: group 1 0290: group 1 0291: group 2 0292: group 1 0293: group 2 0294: group 2 0295: group 1 0296: group 1 0297: group 2 0298: group 1 0299: group 2 0300: group 1 viii APPENDIX-D PART-I BACKGROUND VARIABLES A.DEMOGRAPHIC DATA 1. Age (in years) a. 21-40 b. 41-60 2. Gender a. Male b. Female 3. Education a. Non formal b. Primary c. Secondary d. Graduate 4. Occupation a. Employed b. Self-employed c. Unemployed d. Daily wages f. Housewife g. Others 5. Family income (in Rs/month) a. 2500 b. 2501-5000 c. 5001-7500 d. 7501 6. Place of residence a. Urban b. Rural 7. Marital status a. Married b. Unmarried 8. Type of family a. Joint family b. Nuclear family Coding 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 ix 9. Accompanied by caregiver a. Yes b. No B. Social variables 10. Caregiver relationship a. Mother/Father b. Sister/ Brother c. Wife/ Husband d. Friends/ Others 11. Dependent on a. Independent b. Mother/ Father c. Sister/ Brother d. Wife/ Husband e. Friends/ Others 12 Medical expenses met by a. Self b. Others C. CLINICAL VARIABLES 13. Age at onset of epilepsy (in yrs) a. 5 b. 6 -15 c. 16-25 d. 26 14. Duration of epilepsy (in yrs) a. 5 b. 6 -10 c. 11-15 d. 16 15. Type of epilepsy a. Focal b. Generalized c. Unclassified 16. Time of occurrence of your seizures a. Day b. Night c. Any time 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 x APPENDIX-E EPILEPSY KNOWLEDGE SCALE SL. No. YES NO DO NOT KNOW 1 People with epilepsy should avoid strenuous work because this can provoke seizures. 0 1 0 2 An EEG can always prove the diagnosis of epilepsy. 0 1 0 3 People with epilepsy are as capable as other people. All the people with seizure should avoid working with open machinery. 1 0 0 0 1 0 5 Every seizure destroys a number of nerve cells in the brain. 0 1 0 6 People with seizures should not swim without an accompanying person. 1 0 0 7 All people with epilepsy should avoid flashing or strobing lights. 0 1 0 8 In most cases doctors can control epileptic seizures with medication. 1 0 0 9 If your seizures are controlled for some months, you can reduce the dose of antiepileptic medication. 0 1 0 10 All people with epilepsy have similar symptoms. 0 1 0 11 If a patient expects a seizure, he/she should take an additional dose of antiepileptic medication. 0 1 0 12 On job application, a patient should always disclose his or her epilepsy condition. 0 1 0 13 People with epilepsy can take an active part in sports. An epileptic seizure always results in loss of consciousness. 1 0 0 0 1 0 4 14 15 People whose seizures only happen during sleep may hold a drivers license. 1 0 0 16 Everyone can have a seizure, given the appropriate circumstances. 1 0 0 17 Blood samples can be used to measure the concentration of antiepileptic medication in the body. 1 0 0 18 Epilepsy is a symptom of mental illness. 0 1 0 19 If persons with epilepsy drive, they must inform the driving authorities about their condition. 0 1 0 xi APPENDIX-F Epilepsy Self-Management Scale The Epilepsy Self-Management Scale (ESMS) is a 38 item scale that assesses frequency of use of epilepsy self-management practices. Each item is rated on a 5point scale ranging from 1, never, to 5, always. Items for the scale were developed from a review of the literature on epilepsy self-management and discussions with people with epilepsy and health care professionals caring for people with epilepsy. The 26 original items were categorized into three areas: a) medication-related, b) safety-related, and c) general lifestyle management. Total scores are found by reverse coding the 12 negatively worded items and summing responses to all 38 individual items. Total possible scores range from 38-190 with higher scores indicating more frequent use of self-management strategies. The 26-item instrument was evaluated by a panel of experts in epilepsy management familiar with instrument development. Content validity was assessed on the original 26-item version using the procedures described by Waltz, Strickland, and Lenz (1984) yielding a content validity index (CVI) of 93% indicating strong agreement among the reviewers that the items measure self-management practices. Internal consistency reliability reported for a 26-item scale has ranged from .81-.86 (DiIorio et al., 1992; DiIorio et al., 1994). Twelve additional items were written to address lifestyle issues and safety measures and these items. The 38-item scale was factor analyzed yielding 5 factors: Medication, Information, Safety, Seizure, and Lifestyle Management (DiIorio et al., 2004). References DiIorio, C., Faherty, B., & Manteuffel, B. (1992). The relationship of self-efficacy and social support in self-management of epilepsy. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 14 (3), 292-303. DiIorio, C., Faherty, B., & Manteuffel, B. (1994). Epilepsy self-management: Partial replication and extension. Research in Nursing & Health, 17, 167-174. DiIorio, C., & Henry, M. (1995). Self-management in persons with epilepsy. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 27, 338-343. DiIorio, C., Hennessy, M., & Manteuffel, B., (1996). Epilepsy self-management: A test of a theoretical model. Nursing Research, 45, 211-217. xii DiIorio, C., Shafer, P., Letz, R., Henry, T., Schomer, D., Yeager, K. (2004). Project EASE: A study to test a psychosocial model of epilepsy medication management. Epilepsy & Behavior,5(6), 926-936. DiIorio C. Shafer P. O., McCarty F., Letz R., Henry T., Schomer D.L., Yeager K.A. (2006). Behavioral, social, and affective factors associated with self-efficacy for selfmanagement among people with epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior, 9, 158-163. DiIorio C., Escoffery C., McCarty F., Yeager K.A., Henry T.R., Koganti A., Reisinger E., Wexler, B. (2008). Evaluation of WebEase: An epilepsy selfmanagement website. Health Education Research. [August 4. doi:10.1093/her/ cyn012]. Robinson, E., DiIorio, C., DePadilla, L., McCarty, F., Yeager, K., Henry, T., Schomer, D., & Shafer, P. (2008). Psychosocial predictors of lifestyle management in adults with epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior. June 30 [Epub ahead of print]. xiii Epilepsy Self Management Scale Instructions: The following statements describe what people do to manage their epilepsy. Please circle one number for each statement to show how often you do the following. As you answer the questions, please think about your activities in the past year. Never Rarely Sometimes IM 1. I write down how often I have seizures and when they occur. LM 2. I do things such as relaxation, guided imagery, and self hypnosis to manage stress. IM 3. I call my doctor when I think I am having side effects from my seizure medication. *MM 4. When my seizure medication is running out, I spread out the time between doses. IM 5. I keep a record of the types of seizures I have. *SM 6. I stay out late at night. IM 7. I keep track of the side effects of my seizure medication. *MM 8. When my seizure medication is running out, I take less medication at each time. MM 9. I take my seizure medication the way my doctor orders it. SeM 10. I stay out of situations that might cause a seizure. SeM 11. If I am going away from home, I take my seizure medication with me. SeM 12. I call my doctor if I am having more seizures than usual. LM 13.I make sure I get enough sleep. LM 14. I do things that I enjoy to help manage stress. SeM 15. I have a way to remind myself to take my seizure medication. Most of the Always Time 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 1 2 3 4 5 xiv Most of Never Rarely Sometimes the Always Time MM 16. I take my seizure medication at the same time each day. *SM 17. I would go swimming alone. LM. 18. I do things such as relaxation, guided imagery, and self hypnosis to keep myself from having a seizure. SeM 19. When the doctor orders blood tests, I have them done. IM 20. I wear or carry information stating that I have epilepsy. *MM 21. I have to put off having my seizure medication refilled because it costs too much money. LM. 22. I get enough exercise. *SM. 23. I use power tools such as electric saws, electric hedge trimmers, or electric knives without an automatic shutoff. *MM 24. I miss doctor or clinic appointments. *MM 25. If I had side effects from the seizure medications, I would skip a dose without asking my doctor. SM 26. I take showers instead of baths. MM 27. I plan ahead and have my seizure medication refilled before I run out. M *MM 28. I miss doses of my seizure medication because I do not remember to take it. SM 29. I keep the temperature of the water in my home low enough so I do not get burned. *MM 30. I skip doses of seizure medication. SM 31. I check with my doctor before taking other medicines. SeM 32. I stay away from things that make me have seizures. LM. 33. I eat regular meals. 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 xv Most of Never Rarely Sometimes the Always Time *SM 34. I climb objects such as high stools, chairs, or ladders. IM 35. I talk with other people who have epilepsy. *SM 36. I drink a lot of alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, and whiskey. IM 37. I participate in a support group for persons with epilepsy. IM 38. I practice what to do during a seizure with my family and friends. Subscales: IM = Information management MM = Medication management SM = Safety management SeM = Seizure management LM = Lifestyle management * Reverse code 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 xvi xvii xviii xix xx xxi xxii xxiii xxiv xxv xxvi APPENDIX-H SEIZURE DIARY Name: IP NO: Seizure Diary for the month of______________ Date Sleep Seizures Yes / No Waking Seizures Yes / No Time of Seizures Comments Kindly include alcohol intake , Mood changes, missed medication, Date of menstrual cycle. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st Total Medication intake: Any days of skipped medication, no availability of medication and other illness xxvii APPENDIX-I CONTENT VALIDITY FROM EXPERTS Prof. P.V.Ramachandran Chairman Nursing Education, Sri Ramachandra College of Nursing, Sri Ramachandra University, Porur, Chennai -600116 Prof. Dr. Rajeswari Vaidyanathan Research Co-ordinator, MIOT College of Nursing, Manapakkam, Porur, Chennai-600 116. Dr. Ardith Doorenbos Associate Professor, University of Washington, School of Nursing, Seattle, W.A498195. Dr. V.Shankar, M.D, D.M., Professor of Neurology, Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Sri Ramachandra University, Porur, Chennai-600 116. Dr. Rebecca Samson, M.Sc., (N), Ph.D., Dean, College of Nursing, Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS), Puducherry-605 014. xxviii APPENDIX-J J¨£¢u¨ £iÁ® Á¼¨¦ EÒÍÁºPÎß ÁõÌUøP uµ©õØÓ® ©ØÖ® ußøÚ uõ÷Ú PÁÛzx öPõÒÁvÀ HØ£k® ©õØÓ[PøÍ PÀ P»¢uõ´Âß ÂøÍÂß - »©õP AÔuÀ. ¬ußø© Bµõ´a]¯õͺ : v¸©v. B.^zuõ»Uèª ÿ Cµõ©\¢vµõ ©¸zxÁ PÀ¿¶ ÷£õ¹º, ö\ßøÚ&116. B´ÄUSÔ¨¦ C¢u B´Âß ÷{õUP® uªÈÀ E[PÐUS öPõkUP¨£k® uPÁÀ øP÷¯miß ©ØÖ® PÀ P»¢u B´Âß - »® HØ£k® ÂøÍÁõP ÁõÌUøP uµ©õØÓ® ©ØÖ® ußøÚ uõ÷Ú PÁÛzx öPõÒÁvÀ HØ£k® ©õØÓ[PøÍ AÔuÀ BS®. A¢u uPÁÀ øP÷¯miß £¯ÚõP ÁõÌUøP uµ©õØÓ®, ©ØÖ® ußøÚz uõ÷Ú PÁÛzxU öPõÒÁvÀ HØ£k® ©õØÓ[PøÍ ÂÚõ Âøh°ß - »©õPÄ®, ]» ÷PÒÂPÎß - »©õPÄ®, PshÔ¯¨£k®. CuØS 25 |ªh[PÒ Áøµ ÷uøÁ¨£k®. 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Method : Explanation, discussion and clarification Teaching Aid : Epilepsy and its Self- management Information Booklet. Central objective : The patients with epilepsy improve their knowledge and self management in epilepsy thereby leading to a better Quality of Life. xlvi Contributory objective: The PWE gain information on 1. Epilepsy 2. List the causes of epilepsy 3. Identify the triggers of a seizure 4. Differentiate the stages of a seizure and its management 5. Discuss the first AID management of a seizure by the family members 6. Recall the diagnosis of epilepsy 7. Recall their medication, its dosage, and the common adverse effects to be reported 8. Identify the dietary intake to overcome some of the side effects of AED’s 9. List the need for regular medication intake 10. Identify the Support of the family 11. Overcome the myths of epilepsy 12. Enumerate the activities that can be done 13. List the activities that are to be avoided. 14. Identify the special considerations for women. 15. Recall the ten commandments for a seizure free life xlvii Introduction: I am A. Seethalakshmi, here to teach you about the nature of epilepsy Sl. Contributory No. objective 1. Content Researcher’s Participant’s activity activity The PWE understand Epilepsy is a condition that is caused by repeated excessive neuronal Explaining Listening and about epilepsy clarrifying firing that leads to uncontrolled movements of some or all the parts of the body. Repeated and unprovoked seizures is called epilepsy This varies from one to another. 2. List the causes of epilepsy The causes for epilepsy range from Explaining Listening 1. No specific known cause/ idiopathic onset. 2. Head injury/ brain tumors/intracerebral hemorrhage 3. Birth injury or asphyxia 4. Stroke 5. Lack of sodium or minerals 6. Meningitis, encephalitis 7. Uncontrolled fever in young children The causes also vary between individuals 3. Identify the triggers There may be specific trigger factors for seizures such as headache, Questioning Answering and of a seizure stress, missed medications, menstrual cycle in the women, food and Listening xlviii Sl. Contributory No. objective Content allergies, exposure to extreme heat/hot water/flickering lights in some Researcher’s Participant’s activity activity Explaining people. One may be able to identify the triggers and inform the family members to obtain their help and support. 4. Differentiate the The first stage: Explaining Listening and stages of a seizure The individuals may feel depressed or angry and some may have a using the EIB asking and its management severe headache. These symptoms vary between individuals questions A sense of aura may be present ,the person may exhibit a vacant stare that may last for a minute or two The person may fall down with a loud cry and lose consciousness. Second stage: Seizures may start in one part of the body and spread to other parts. Uncontrolled movements of the side of the face, head and neck, hands and legs along with frothing at the mouth may be present. Third stage: The person looses consciousness, may go into deep sleep, lack of. Headache and body pain may persist. The person requires rest for at least 5-6 hours before they can get back to their normal routine; this again depends on the severity of the seizures. xlix Sl. Contributory No. objective Content Researcher’s Participant’s activity activity An individual with epilepsy does not require hospitalization for each seizure but if the seizure is prolonged for 5- 10 minutes then the person has to be hospitalized for the control of seizures by strong intravenous AED’s. 5. Discuss the first AID management of a seizure by the family members 1. Remove all sharp and hard objects near the person so that injury can be avoided. 2. Do not restrain the person and don’t hold the hands and legs forcibly as this could lead to a fracture. 3. During the seizure an individual may lose control of the bowel and bladder function. They may bite their tongue. One may fall down and get hurt. Admission to a hospital after each seizure is not needed but if a seizure lasts for more than 5 to 10 minutes continuously or there is loss of consciousness for a prolonged period of time and has difficulty in breathing then hospitalization is needed. 4. When a person has a seizure he or she has to be turned to one side and the head has to be turned to the side 5. Remove any tight clothing 6. Do not insert anything into the mouth of the person having the seizure. l Sl. Contributory No. objective 6. 7. Content Recall the diagnosis The diagnosis is made by the history, of epilepsy electroencephalogram and if needed a CT scan or an MRI. Researcher’s Participant’s activity activity Explaining Listening Recall their The common medications are : Eptoin, Gardenal, Tegretol, Explaining Listening and medication, its Encorate, Valparin clarrifying dosage, and the The medications Eptoin, Gardenal are available free of cost in common adverse selected hospitals throughout the state and can be obtained for a effects to be reported duration of 15 days with the prescription by a neurophysician Common side effects experienced: Swollen gums which can be managed by brushing and then massaging the gums after brushing. Skin rashes and thickening of the skin, changes in the gait, drowsiness, visual changes, diplopia and nystagmus. If any of these changes are experienced one has to consult the neurophysician immediately. Some may experience tiredness/ drowsiness, anger and confusion. Gastric irritability can be managed by adequate intake of liquids and if needed an antacid may be prescribed. If any adverse effects as diplopia, change in the gait and excessive drowsiness are identified they have to be reported to bring a change li Sl. Contributory No. objective Content Researcher’s Participant’s activity activity in the dosage of the drugs but one should not skip or change the dosage of the medication by oneself. 8. Identify the dietary Calcium rich foods: Explaining Listening and intake to overcome Milk, fish, egg, meat, nuts, green leafy vegetables, ragi, greengram using the EIB observing some of the side dhal, soya, cauliflower, beetroot, cabbages, tomatoe, black grapes effects of AED’s should be taken in adequate amounts to prevent bone demineralization due to prolonged intake of AED’s. Iron rich foods : Chicken, dates, dry grapes, peas, soyabeans, carrot, beetroot, greens, cereals and pulses to reduce the risk of anemia. Fiber rich diet: Include fruits and vegetables to prevent constipation. 9. List the need for Medications are to be taken preferably at the same time everyday so Explaining regular intake of that the blood levels are maintained to control the occurrence of a medications. seizure. Listening Medication should be taken as per the instruction of the physician The physician may reduce the dosage if a person takes the medication continuously for three to five years and has a seizure free period of at least two years. lii Sl. Contributory No. objective 10. Identify the Support Reminding about the regular intake of medicines of the family Reporting side effects if any. Content Researcher’s Participant’s activity activity Explaining Listening Avoid stigma or overprotection of family member with epilepsy. 11. Overcome the myths Epilepsy is not a communicable disease about epilepsy Epilepsy is not a mental disorder Epilepsy is not caused by magic, possession by evil spirits and previous sins. Epilepsy is not cured by placing a hot iron and driving away evil spirits. Holding an iron object will not stop a seizure and hence do not give keys or iron objects to hold. 12. Enumerate the 1. Routine activities activities that can be 2. Less stressful jobs done 3. Sleep for 7-8 hours every night 4. Take the medications at the correct time everyday to maintain the blood levels of the drug 5. Eat a balanced diet at the right time everyday as decreased glucose can also lead to a seizure 6. Take the AED’s even when one is sick and has to take other medications liii Sl. Contributory No. objective Content Researcher’s Participant’s activity activity 7. Practice stress reduction techniques as deep slow breathing, sharing ones difficulties with others, listening to soothing music, mild exercises and walking to keep oneself healthy. 8. Take the AED’s after food 13. List the activities 1. Avoid being awake late nights Explaining and that are to be 2. Avoid alcoholic beverages as it reduces the seizure threshold and discussing avoided. Listening therefore can lead to the occurrence of seizure. 3. Excessive consumption of coffee as it can lead to gastric irritability. 4. Avoid constipation. 5. Avoid repetitive thinking of events that are stressful. 6. Avoid bright, flickering lights and watching Television for a prolonged period of time. 7. Do not climb on ladders or chairs to fix things 8. Avoid travelling in hot or sunny weather. 9. Avoid swimming 10. A person with epilepsy should not drive commercial vehicles. 14. Identify the special Seizures may occur prior to the menstrual cycle considerations for Pregnancy women Women can get married and have children but one has to come for Explaining Listening and questioning liv Sl. Contributory No. objective Content Researcher’s Participant’s activity activity Explaining Listening regular follow up both with the neurophysician and the obstetrician so that the AED’s and supplements may be prescribed so that a seizure does not affect the mother and the foetus. 15. Recall the ten commandments for a seizure free life 1. Regular intake of antiepileptic drug for 3 to 5 years can prevent the occurrence of seizures in 70 to 80 percent of people with epilepsy. 2. Intake of the medicine as per the physicians order and at the same time everyday helps maintain the blood level of the drug and thereby prevents seizures. 3. Epilepsy is not a communicable disease or a mental illness 4. Seizure does not stop by placing an iron object in the persons hand 5. Practising mild exercises, slow breathing, sharing your feelings with trusted others and relaxation is helpful 6. The cause and type of epilepsy varies between individuals 7. Antiepeptic drugs are given free of cost in Government hospitals and selected private hospitals for a period of 15 to 30 days on prescription by the neurophysician. 8. If there is prolonged occurrence of seizures for 5 to 10 minutes then one needs hospitalization lv Sl. Contributory No. objective Content Researcher’s Participant’s activity activity Explaining and Discussion 9. Epilepsy is not a hindrance in carrying out ones routine activities, going to school or college and performing ones job 10. Epilepsy is not a hindrance to marriage and childbirth. Conclusion Epilepsy is a condition that can be managed, requires regularity in medication intake and some lifestyle changes. Regular follow up is an clarifying essential component to identify any improvements and change in medication dosage. lvi
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