FASIS Action/Reason Code Matrix The list below includes all Action/Reason Codes that may be initiated through some action of a department administrator or employee. Where Position Data/Appointment Forms are required, any code with a "POS" Action is used on the Position Data side; all other codes are entered on the Appointment side. eRecruit: Transaction is automatically processed through eRecruit Sal Plan: Transaction is entered in FASIS Admin during the annual Salary Planning cycle PDF: Complete a Personal Data Form; the codes do not need to be entered on this form Portal: Transaction is processed based on employee entry in the FASIS Self Service Portal FASIS Adm: Enter transaction on the indicated FASIS Admin page FASIS Hlp: Contact the FASIS Help Desk for assistance Te m p St af f Re se ar c St h af f Description Fa cu l ty Action Reason Code Code Re se a Fa rch cu lty Pos/Appt: Complete a Position Data/Appt Form using these codes HR Comp: Contact your HR Compensation Analyst HR Conslt: Contact your HR Consultant HR Leave: Contact the HR Leave Administrator Temp: Enter transacton in on the FASIS Admin Temp Panel Gr ad u St ate ud en t KEY: Use This Code When… Demotion DEM DDP Demoted to Different Position Pos/Appt Pos/Appt An employee is moved into a lower graded position via an application in eRecruit or manager's initiative. Also use code PAY/DEM if the employee's pay is adjusted down. DEM DRC Position Reclassification HR Comp An employee's position is reclassified to a lower salary grade due to a job audit. Use code POS/CLS to change the position's grade, and code PAY/DEM if the employee's pay is adjusted down. DTA CHG Department/Location Change DTA CJC Job Code Change DTA RCE Appt Extension due to Tenure Clock Extension Pos/Appt DTA REA Reappointment Pos/Appt DTA RM# Room Number Change FASIS Adm FASIS Adm FASIS Adm FASIS Adm FASIS Adm Portal Portal Portal Portal Portal Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt DTA SPV Supervisor Change Appointment Data Changes Updated: 10/28/2014 Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Temp Temp • Research Faculty or Research Staff: an employee moves to a different department. • Temps: an employee moves to a different node within the same 4‐digit HR DeptID using the "Transfer" function on the Temp Panel. If a temp is transferring to a different 4‐digit HR DeptID, the current department must process a termination in the Temp Panel and the new department will rehire the temp using a Personal Data Form. A temp's Job Code changes, using the "Job Change" function on the Temp Panel. Used to extend a faculty member's appointment by one year when a tenure clock extension has been approved. Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt An employee's Appointment End Date is expiring but a new appointment or extension has been obtained without a break in service. • Faculty: signifies a new academic appointment start and end date without a change in rank or job title (unless paired with a promotion). • Research Faculty and Research Staff: in addition to the Posn/Appt Form, a Recommendation Form is required to process the reappointment. Additional information is available at: http://www.research.northwestern.edu/policies/research‐appointments/research‐faculty.html (Research Faculty Appointments) and http://www.research.northwestern.edu/policies/research‐appointments/research‐staff.html (Research Staff and Visitor Appointments) An employee's campus room number should be changed. This can be processed directly by the employee via the FASIS Self Service Portal ("Update My Online Directory"), by a manager via FASIS Admin ("Online Directory HR" page), or on a Posn/Appt Form. Temp An employee's supervisor is changed using the "Supervisor Change" function on the Temp Panel. Page 1 Te m p Gr ad u St ate ud en t St af f Re se ar c St h af f Description Fa cu l ty Action Reason Code Code Codes for Departmental/School Use Re se a Fa rch cu lty FASIS Action/Reason Code Matrix Use This Code When… Hire HIR ADD Additional Appointment on New Job Record Pos/Appt Pos/Appt HIR EST Early Start Pos/Appt HIR HIR Initial Hire Pos/Appt HIR NMF Initial Hire ‐ Northwestern Pos/Appt Medicine Appointment HIR REW Additional Appointment for a Retiree Pos/Appt Pos/Appt LOA ACA Academic/Research Leave Pos/Appt Pos/Appt LOA FML Pos/Appt HR Leave HR Leave LOA MED Family and Medical Leave Pos/Appt Act Unpaid Non‐FMLA Pos/Appt Pos/Appt HR Leave HR Leave Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt eRecruit Pos/Appt eRecruit Pos/Appt Pos/Appt PDF PDF A current employee is hired into an additional position on a new Job Record other than 0. The Job Record number for the new appointment must be greater than the record numbers of all currently active appointments. If the appointment will last less than 6 months (except graduate students), use an Additional/Special Pay Form instead. A new tenure‐eligible faculty member is hired into an academic department between January 1 and August 31. Early Start allows the faculty appointment to begin prior to the September start of the tenure clock. This should not be used to distribute early NetID or e‐mail access. An employee is initially hired into the University. If the employee already has an active Job Record, use HIR/ADD to create an additional appointment. If the employee has previously worked at NU, refer to the "Rehire" codes. A Feinberg faculty member is hired into the clinical Northwestern Medicine position. The clinical position should be Job Record #1 (Job Record #0 must be the NU position). Pos/Appt eRecruit Pos/Appt PDF A existing retiree is hired into a non‐benefits eligible position. In this case, a new record number is added to the retiree's profile. Leave of Absence ‐ Unpaid A faculty member is taking a leave to continue their education, including gaining practical or industry‐involved experience. An employee whose leave meets the eligibility requirements of the Family Medical Leave Act. Can only be initiated after the employee has exhausted all available paid time. The employee has exhausted their FMLA leave time and was on leave of absence prior to 9/1/2012. LOA MIL Military Service Pos/Appt Pos/Appt HR Leave HR Leave An employee is called up for active duty. LOA PRS Personal Leave Pos/Appt Pos/Appt HR Leave HR Leave A leave is requested for personal, non‐health related reasons. LOA PYP Partial Year Position HR Leave An employee is in a contracted 9, 10, or 11 month position; this code is initiated during the non‐contracted months. LOA TER Terminal Unpaid Leave LOA UML Unpaid Medical Leave HR Leave HR Leave LOA WCC Workers Compensation Pos/Appt Pos/Appt HR Leave HR Leave A faculty member without assigned responsibilities is resigning or retiring from the University; the position is not held after the leave expires. A staff employee's medical leave goes beyond the time allotted by FMLA and the department wishes to hold the position beyond the requirements of FMLA. An employee is being paid worker's compensation and the absence is greater than two weeks. PLA ACA Pos/Appt Pos/Appt PLA CBA Paid Academic/ Research Leave Faculty Paid Leave for Childbearing or Adoption Pos/Appt Pos/Appt PLA CBI Faculty Paid Leave for Pos/Appt Intermittent Childbearing/ Childrearing PLA CRL Paid Leave for Childrearing Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Leave of Absence ‐ Paid Updated: 10/28/2014 Pos/Appt A faculty member is taking a leave to continue their education, including gaining practical or industry‐involved experience. A faculty member is taking a paid leave for childbearing or adoption. For additional information see: http://www.northwestern.edu/provost/policies/statements/familyleave.html. A faculty member is taking an intermittent paid leave for childbearing or childrearing. Pos/Appt A faculty member is taking a paid leave for childrearing. Page 2 of 6 Te m p Gr ad u St ate ud en t St af f Re se ar c St h af f Description Fa cu l ty Action Reason Code Code Codes for Departmental/School Use Re se a Fa rch cu lty FASIS Action/Reason Code Matrix Use This Code When… PLA FME Intermittent FMLA Pos/Appt Pos/Appt HR Leave HR Leave An employee is taking intermittent time off within the family and medical leave up to 12 weeks. PLA FML Pos/Appt Pos/Appt HR Leave HR Leave Family and Medical Leave Act when an employee is absent over two weeks. PLA FRW Pos/Appt Pos/Appt HR Leave HR Leave Employee returns to work with a reduced work schedule but has not yet exhausted FMLA time. PLA LAY Paid Leave ‐ Family & Medical Leave Act Reduced Work Schedule (FMLA) Layoff Pos/Appt HR Leave A staff member is laid off and is being paid severance. PLA MED Paid Medical Leave Pos/Appt Pos/Appt HR Leave HR Leave Employee has exhausted FMLA and is on a medical leave of absence between 12 and 26 weeks. PLA MEI Intermittent Leave (Non‐ FMLA) Paid Military Service Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt HR Leave An employee has exhausted FMLA and continues to be on an intermittent leave. PLA PLA PLA PLA MIL MRW Reduced Work Schedule (Non‐FMLA) SEP Paid Leave of Absence with Separation TER Terminal Paid Leave Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt HR Leave An employee is on a paid leave of absence for active military status or training. Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt HR Leave An employee returns to work in a reduced work scheduled and has exhausted all FMLA time. Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt HR Leave An employee is placed on paid leave preceding separation. Pos/Appt Pos/Appt A faculty member without assigned responsibilities is resigning or retiring from the University; the position is not held after the leave expires. Leave Extension and Return DTA LOA Leave Extension Pos/Appt Pos/Appt HR Leave HR Leave RFL RFL Pos/Appt HR Leave HR Leave RFL RPL Return from Unpaid Leave Pos/Appt of Absence Return from Paid Leave of Pos/Appt Absence Pos/Appt HR Leave HR Leave PAY ADJ Pay Adjustment (Staff) Pos/Appt HR Comp PAY DEM Demotion PAY MER Merit Increase An employee's Expected Return From Leave date needs to be extended. Use this code to extend the return date for either a paid or unpaid leave. An employee returns to work after an unpaid Leave of Absence. Must be submitted to Payroll to ensure the employee's pay resumes. Employee returns to work from a paid leave; triggers required benefits transactions. Pay Rate Changes Pos/Appt Sal Plan PAY NEG Union Negotiation PAY OTH Other Pos/Appt PAY PRE Faculty Phased Retirement Pos/Appt Updated: 10/28/2014 Pos/Appt Sal Plan Sal Plan A staff member receives a mid‐year salary change that is not related to the annual merit increase and is not accompanied by any other change to the job grade or position. Always requires approval from HR Compensation. This may be used in the following circumstances: 1. To recognize significant improvement in job‐related skills as demonstrated by improved job performance and contribution, 2. To establish and maintain internal equity with other employees in the same or similar jobs with consideration given to the relative performance levels of other employees, 3. To recognize changes in market competitive pay levels, but the grade of the position does not change. An employee moves to a lower graded position and receives a pay decrease. This may occur when (1) a job audit is conducted that results in a lower salary grade for an employee's position, or (2) an employee moves to another position with a lower grade. This code should be used with a corresponding Demotion (DEM) code. Sal Plan An annual merit increase is assigned to the employee as part of the annual salary review process. Payroll Changes to a union member's salary based on negotiations and each union's bargaining agreement. HR Comp Used only under unusual circumstances when a pay change does not fit into any other category. A faculty member is going on phased retirement; used to re‐elect their lowered salary. Page 3 of 6 PAY PRO Promotion Pos/Appt PAY SAJ Pay Adjustment (Non‐ Staff) Pos/Appt PAY SRT Start/Stop Pay for Short Term Assignment Pos/Appt POS BUD Change Budgeted Salary POS BUS Business Title Change Sal Plan Sal Plan Sal Plan Sal Plan Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt HR Comp FASIS Adm FASIS Adm FASIS Adm FASIS Adm Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt HR Comp POS CLS Change in Classification Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt HR Comp Pos/Appt POS EXT Change Position End Date Pos/Appt Payroll Pos/Appt Payroll Pos/Appt Payroll Pos/Appt Payroll Pos/Appt Payroll POS HRS Pos/Appt Pos/Appt HR Conslt POS INA Change in Standard Hours Pos/Appt or % Full Time Inactivate Position Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Te m p Gr ad u St ate ud en t St af f Re se ar c St h af f Description Fa cu l ty Action Reason Code Code Codes for Departmental/School Use Re se a Fa rch cu lty FASIS Action/Reason Code Matrix Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Use This Code When… An employee moves to a higher graded position and receives a pay increase. This may occur when (1) a job audit results in a higher salary grade for an employee's position, or (2) an employee moves to another position with a higher grade as determined by Compensation. This code should be used with a corresponding Promotion (PRO) code. Pos/Appt Temp • Faculty and Research Faculty: a mid‐year salary change not related to annual merit increases is assigned. • Temps and Grad Students: a salary rate changes is processed when not part of a reappointment. Used to start or stop the pay for short term assignments, typically adjuncts. Should be used to change the Compensation Rate and Pay Group instead of PAY/SAJ. Position Data Changes Pos/Appt The Budgeted Salary for a position is changed. This typically happens annually, during Salary Planning. It may also be updated any time an employee's compensation changes using a Posn/Appt Form or the "Posn Budgeted Sal" page in FASIS Admin. A Business Title is requested for a particular employee in the position. Staff Business Titles must be approved by HR Compensation. A position is upgraded or downgraded as a result of a job audit, a change in classification, or the reclassification of faculty. A position's End Date is extended. This may be done using a Pos/Appt Form; it is also processed by Payroll as necessary when funding for a position is extended past its end date. Use in combination with DTA/REA if an employee's Appointment End Date must also be extended. • Non‐Exempt Positions: There is a change to the position's Standard Hours. • Faculty and Exempt Staff Positions: There is a change to the position's Percent Full Time. A vacant position is inactivated; this ensures it will not appear on the Cognos Position Management reports and distort a department's true financial picture. The position's work location changes. POS LOC Change in Location Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt POS NEW New Position Created Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt HR Comp Pos/Appt A new position is created. POS NME Department Name Change Pos/Appt FASIS Hlp Pos/Appt FASIS Hlp Pos/Appt FASIS Hlp Pos/Appt FASIS Hlp Pos/Appt FASIS Hlp POS QAT Location Change to Qatar Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt The name of the position's owning department is changed. A department may also contact the FASIS Help Desk to run a query and change the department name for all current incumbents in that department. Academic department name changes require approval from the Office of the Provost. An existing employee is transferring to NU‐Q and is switching their insurance to CIGNA prior to their actual move. POS RPT Change Reports To POS SAU Change in Salary Admin Unit (SAU) Sal Plan Pos/Appt Sal Plan Pos/Appt Sal Plan Pos/Appt Sal Plan Pos/Appt Sal Plan Pos/Appt The Salary Administration Unit is changed on a faculty or staff position. This change is typically entered directly in FASIS during the annual Salary Planning process. POS STA Reactive Position Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt HR Comp Pos/Appt A previously inactive position is changed back to "Active." POS TTL Title Change PRO PRC PRO PRP Promotion (with Position Reclass) Promotion (without Position Reclass) The POS/RPT code is not in use after 9/18/2014. This code was previously used to change the Kronos Approver for biweekly non‐exempt staff. Kronos approvers for all staff should now be entered directly in FASIS Admin Production on the Reports To page (Workforce Administration > Job Information > Maintain Approver Information > Reports To) HR Comp An change is made to the official University Title. The Job Code and Salary Grade remain the same. Promotion Updated: 10/28/2014 Pos/Appt HR Comp Pos/Appt A position is reclassified to accomdate the promotion of an employee. Use this code in conjunction with PAY/PRO (if a salary increase is to be performed) and POS/CLS (to change the position's grade). A staff member is promoted; use with PAY/PRO if a salary increase is to be performed. Page 4 of 6 Te m p Gr ad u St ate ud en t St af f Re se ar c St h af f Description Fa cu l ty Action Reason Code Code Codes for Departmental/School Use Re se a Fa rch cu lty FASIS Action/Reason Code Matrix Use This Code When… Rehire REH AAP Additional Appt on Existing Job Record Early Start Rehire Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt eRecruit Pos/Appt REH EST REH NMF Rehire ‐ Northwestern Medicine Appointment Pos/Appt REH REA Reappointment Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt eRecruit Pos/Appt REH REH Rehire Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt eRecruit Pos/Appt REH REW Rehire ‐ Retiree Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt REH RIN Reinstatement Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt eRecruit TER RTT Retirement Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt TER NRT Retirement ‐ Northwestern Medicine Appointment Pos/Appt PDF Pos/Appt PDF PDF An employee who is active on one Job Record has an existing but inactive Job Record re‐used for a new appointment. If a new Job Record number needs to be created, use HIR/ADD instead. A tenure‐eligible faculty member is rehired into an academic department between January 1 and August 31. Early Start allows the faculty appointment to begin prior to the September start of the tenure clock. This should not be used to distribute early NetID or e‐mail access. A Feinberg employee is rehired into their clinical Northwestern Medicine position, with a break in service of at least 31 days. Used when an employee already has an active job record, and another inactive job record needs to be used. If the employee has no active job records, use DTA/REA, REH/RIN, or REH/REH as appropriate. A former employee is rehired after having a break in services of more than 90 days, or a retiree is returning to work in a benefits‐eligible position. This code is used when: 1. A faculty returns as emeritus; 2. A retiree is rehired and returning to a non‐benefits‐eligible position; 3. A retiree elects to keep their WildCard, NetID, and email account. An employee is rehired within 90 days of termination. Keeps the original service date intact and all benefits revert back to what they were prior to the termination. Retirement An employee terminates from the University due to retirement. There are different transaction procedures based on different scenarios: 1. If employee does not elect to keep their email and wildcard: TER/RTT. 2. If employee elects to keep their email and wildcard: TER/RTT, then REH/REW with position code 00039762 (Retiree) in HR Dept ID 000002. 3. If an employee is recognized with emeritus status: TER/RTT, then REH/REW into the position number for the Emeritus position. Used on the Northwestern Medicine (clinical) appointment when a Feinberg faculty member retires. In this scenerio, the NU record(s) should be terminiated with TER/RTT and the NM record with TER/NRT Termination ‐ Involuntary Note: Departments must work with their HR Consultant to determine the appropriate code to use. All Forms regarding terminations must be reviewed by your HR Consultant prior to entry into FASIS. TER ABT Absent/Tardy TER CON Research Misconduct TER DEA Death TER DSC Immediate Discharge TER DUT TER ELI Inattention to Duty; Unsatisfactory Performance Elimination of Position Updated: 10/28/2014 Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt An employee is terminated due to excessive absences and/or tardiness. Pos/Appt Pos/Appt A staff member’s employment is terminated due to research misconduct which is defined as fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, or other serious deviation from commonly accepted practices in the relevant scientific community for proposing, performing or reviewing research, or in reporting research results. Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Used for the death of an employee. A staff member’s employment is terminated due to the violation of policy or rules that are serious enough to result in immediate discharge. See page 2.13 of the Staff Handbook. An employee is terminated due to unsatisfactory performance. Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Temp An employee's position is permanently eliminated. Page 5 of 6 TER EVR Not E‐Verify Authorized Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Te m p Gr ad u St ate ud en t St af f Re se ar c St h af f Description Fa cu l ty Action Reason Code Code Codes for Departmental/School Use Re se a Fa rch cu lty FASIS Action/Reason Code Matrix Use This Code When… Payroll An employee does not have the valid documents required to work in the U.S. TER EXP Appointment Expired Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt TER FAL Falsified Information Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Temp TER GDD Gross Dereliction of Duty Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Temp An employee has falsified information on any document submitted to the University, or within papers related to professional duties. An employee is terminated due to gross dereliction of duty. Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Temp An employee fails to call in or show for work for three consecutive work days. TER GRT Grant Expired TER JOB Job Abandonment TER NRA Not Reappointed Pos/Appt Pos/Appt TER PVT Physical/Violent Threat Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt An employee is not reappointed past the current Appointment End Date. A staff employee is terminated when grant funding supporting the appointment has expired. Pos/Appt An employee's appointment is classified as "annual renewable," and it is not being renewed for the following year. Pos/Appt Temp An employee has caused physical and/or violent harm to another individual or has threatened to do so. Pos/Appt Temp An employee has been terminated due to theft. Temp A temp employee's record is terminated using the FASIS Temp Panel. Also used when a temporary employee with multiple jobs is transferred into a regular staff position; this code is used on all records other than Record 0 (Record 0 will indicate XFR/TRE for the transfer into the regular position). An employee has violated established department rules and/or university policies. TER SEP Separation Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt TER TFT Theft Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt An employee is terminated due to separation. TER TMP End Temporary Employment TER VIO Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt TER VSA Violation of Rules or Policy Visa Non‐Renewal Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt TER CNT Contract Complete Pos/Appt TER EVT Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt TER LVE Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt HR Leave An employee currently on a leave of absence fails to return to work at the conclusion of the leave. TER OTP Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt A faulty or staff member leaves the University to take another position outside Northwestern. TER PER E‐Verify Volunteer Resignation Failure to Return from Leave Resignation‐Other Position Personal Reasons Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt An employee terminates from the University for non‐specific personal reasons. XFR DPO Move to Different Position Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt XFR EST Transfer ‐ Early Start Pos/Appt XFR TRE Employee's Request Pos/Appt Pos/Appt Pos/Appt eRecruit Pos/Appt Temp An employee's visa has not been renewed. Termination ‐ Voluntary Pos/Appt An employee's pre‐arranged contract period has expired and there is no expectation of renewal. Pos/Appt An employee does not present valid documentation during the E‐Verify process and elects to resign instead. Transfer Updated: 10/28/2014 • Faculty and Staff: An employee is transferring to a different position with no other changes. • Graduate Student: A graduate student is moved into a one‐to‐many head count position or into a new position due to a change in funding. Post‐doctoral fellows or other research staff members are transferred to a tenure eligible faculty position in an academic department prior to the academic year and start between January 1st and August 31st. The purpose of entering a Transfer ‐Early Start is to begin a faculty appointment prior to the start of the tenure clock. Temp • Staff: An employee currently in a regular position is transferred into another position they have applied for and received. • Faculty: An employee's primary (home) department affiliation is changed. Page 6 of 6
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