™ GU SP E CI ANTE RoHS ED IMS Series AR NS For Motion, Think Newport Compliant F I C ATI O HIGH-PERFORMANCE LONG-TRAVEL LINEAR STAGES • Single axis or gantry configuration up to 1200 mm travel The IMS Series linear stage complements the ILS Series by providing longer linear travel ranging from 300 to 1200 mm. The IMS stages feature a robust design and high performance at low cost, making them cost-effective solutions for precision industrial and laboratory applications. Features include: recirculating ball bearing slides to provide excellent payload capabilities and long life; FEM-optimized extruded aluminum body to avoid bending effects or deflection under load. The IMS series are available in ball screw and linear motor drive versions. The preloaded, backlash-free ballscrew version provides rapid motion with fast, step and settling times. For PP and CC models, position measurements are read with a 4000 pts/rev. encoder mounted directly on the screw. The CCHA model features an integral linear scale providing 0.1 µm resolution feedback. The linear motor version IMS-LM series employs a centered, high efficiency 3-phase synchronous ironless, linear motor as driving element, providing high speed, high acceleration and high system responsiveness. The IMS series stages are ideal for many precision industrial applications such as semiconductor wafer inspection, micro-electronics test and assembly, pick and place, DNA sequencing or laser machining. The IMS-LM-SA version with 4-pt mounting is ideal for delay lines and other applications on non-flat mounting surfaces • High stiffness, FEM optimized extruded aluminum body avoids thermal bending effects Design Details • Precision recirculating ball bearing slides provide accurate linear motion without ball cage migration • Preloaded, backlash-free ballscrew drive allows rapid movement with short step and settling time IMS Base Material Bearings Double-row recirculating ball bearings with caged balls Drive Mechanism • LM version for non-contact drive system with high dynamic response and high reliability in a small footprint Drive Screw Pitch (mm) Feedback IMS-LM Extruded Aluminum Backlash-free 3-phase synchronous iron core linear motor ball screw (no Hall effect sensors) 5 – CC, PP: Screw mounted rotary encoder, Linear steel scale, 20 µm signal period, 4,000 pts/rev, index pulse 1 Vpp, 32768-fold signal subdivision CCHA: Linear steel scale, 20 µm signal period Limit Switches Origin Cable Length (m) when used with XPS controller Optical Optical 5 (included) Dynamic Specifications (LM Models) IMS1000LM Maximum Speed (mm/s), No Load 500 Maximum Acceleration (m/s2), No Load 26 Max. Force [Cont.] (N) 100 Max Force [Peak] (N) 140 For the definition of specifications, visit newport.com in the Motion Basics and Standards. Recommended Motion Controllers/Drivers XPS ESP301 IMSPP only Specifications IMS Version PP CC Travel Range (mm) IMS-LM(-SA) CCHA 300, 400, 500, 600 300, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000, 1200 Minimum Incremental Motion (µm) 1.25 0.2 Uni-directional Repeatability (µm) 1.25 0.5 0.02 0.5 Bi-directional Repeatability (1) (µm) 2.5 or ±1.25 1.0 or ±0.5 IMS300 to IMS600: 0.5 or ±0.25 IMS800 to 1200: 1.0 or ±0.5 On-Axis Accuracy (1) (µm) IMS300: 10 or ±5 IMS300: 8 or ±4 IMS300: 9 or ±4.5 IMS400: 12.5 or ±6.25 IMS400: 11 or ±5.5 IMS400: 11 or ±5.5 IMS500: 15 or ±7.5 IMS500: 12.5 or ±6.25 IMS500: 15 or ±7.5 IMS600: 20 or ±10 IMS600: 15 or ±7.5 IMS600: 20 or ±10 IMS800(-SA): 20 or ±10 IMS1000(-SA): 25 or ±12.5 IMS1200(-SA): 30 or ±15 Maximum Speed (mm/s) 100 200 Pitch (1) (2) (µrad) 200 500 IMS300: 150 or ±75 IMS300: 150 or ±75 IMS400: 150 or ±75 IMS400: 150 or ±75 IMS500: 150 or ±75 IMS500: 150 or ±75 IMS600: 250 or ±125 IMS600: 250 or ±125 IMS800: 500 or ±250 IMS800-SA: 400 or ±200 IMS1000: 550 or ±275 IMS1000-SA: 450 or ±225 IMS1200: 600 or ±300 IMS1200-SA: 500 or ±250 Yaw (1) (2) (µrad) IMS300: 100 or ±50 IMS300: 100 or ±50 IMS400: 150 or ±75 IMS400: 150 or ±75 IMS500: 150 or ±75 IMS500: 150 or ±75 IMS600: 150 or ±75 IMS600: 150 or ±75 IMS800(-SA): 300 or ±150 IMS1000(-SA): 300 or ±150 IMS1200(-SA): 300 or ±150 MTBF (h) 20,000 Weight (kg) 1) 2) IMS300: 17; IMS400: 18.7; IMS500: 20.3; IMS600: 22, IMS800; 24, IMS1000: 28, IMS1200: 32 Shown are peak to peak, guaranteed specifications or ±half the value. For the definition of typical specifications which are about 2X better than the guaranteed values, visit newport.com in the Motion Control Metrology Primer. To obtain arcsec units, divide mrad value by 4.8. Z Z Load Characteristics IMS-LM Stages D D QH QH kαy X Cx x kα Cz D kαz Y Y X +Cx Cz –Cx 66 QV IMS Stages (PP, CC, CCHA) IMS (CC, PP, CCHA) IMS-LM IMS-LM-SA Cz, Normal center load capacity on bearings 600 N 100 N +Cx; -Cx, Direct/Inverse load capacity on X axis <30 N – – kαx, Compliance in roll 1 µrad/N.m 2 µrad/N.m kαy, Compliance in pitch 0.2 µrad/N.m 2 µrad/N.m kαz, Compliance in yaw 1 µrad/N.m 1 µrad/N.m Q, Off-center load QH, QV ≤Cz/(1 + D/90) and QH ≤Cz/(1 + D/90) QV must be ≤Cx D, cantilever distance in mm between the center of the mass of the load and the bearings center Dimensions IMS Stages (PP, CC, CCHA) 3.54 (90) 1.10 (28) L1 7.09 (180) 4.45 (113) MODEL SHOWN: IMS300 2.96 (75.2) DIMENSIONS IN INCHES (AND MILLIMETERS) 1.81 (30) L2 5.91 (150) CAD See our website for CAD files 5.91 (150) 5.91 (150) SUB-D25M CONNECTOR n1 x 2 CLEARANCE HOLES FOR M6 THD SCREW 6.0 (152.4) 5.91 (150) n2 x 2 CLEARANCE HOLES FOR 1/4-20 THD SCREW 5.0 (127) MODEL (METRIC) (M-)IMS300LM (M-)IMS400LM (M-)IMS500LM (M-)IMS600LM 5.0 (127) n1 4 4 4 6 n2 4 4 6 6 TRAVEL 11.81 (300) 15.75 (400) 19.69 (500) 23.62 (600) 5.0 (127) L1 26.30 (668) 30.24 (768) 34.17 (868) 38.11 (968) L2 20.20 (513) 24.13 (613) 28.07 (713) 32.01 (813) Ordering Information Model Series Travel Drive 4-Point (mm) Mounting 300 Example: 400 CC The M-IMS800LM-SA is a 500 metric version of IMS CCHA MIMS 600 stage with 800 mm travel, PP 800 (1) a linear motor drive and (2) LM -SA 1000 (1) 4-point mounting. 1200 (1) 1) Only for LM drive version. 2) 800, 1000 and 1200 mm travels available. M-: For metric version CC: DC motor with rotary encoder CCHA: DC motor with linear encoder PP: Stepper motor with rotary encoder LM: Linear motor SA: 4-point mounting An RV160 vertically mounted with an EQ180 to an IMS stage. Dimensions L IMS-LM Stages MODEL SHOWN: IMS300LM 7.09 (180) DIMENSIONS IN INCHES (AND MILLIMETERS) SIDE VIEW (M-)IMS300LM TO (M-)IMS600LM 7.05 (179) 3.54 (90) 1.10 (28) .83 (21) .83 (21) 5.91 (150) 5.91 (150) 5.91 (150) SIDE VIEW (M-)IMS800LM(-SA) TO (M-)IMS1200LM(-SA) n1 x 2 HOLES CLR FOR M6 SCREW 5.91 (150) 6.0 (152.4) 5.0 (127) 5.0 (127) 4.36 (111) 7.09 (180) 5.0 (127) MODEL (METRIC) (M-)IMS300LM (M-)IMS400LM (M-)IMS500LM CAD See our website for CAD files n1 4 4 4 (M-)IMS600LM (M-)IMS800LM (M-)IMS1000LM (M-)IMS1200LM (M-)IMS800LM-SA (M-)IMS1000LM-SA (M-)IMS1200LM-SA n2 4 4 6 6 6 6 – 7 – 8 – 4 HOLES ON 26 x 6 (600 x 150) 4 HOLES ON 28 x 6 (750 x 150) 4 HOLES ON 34 x 6 (900 x 150) TRAVEL 11.81 (300) 15.75 (400) 19.69 (500) L 21.85 (555) 25.79 (655) 29.72 (755) 23.62 (600) 31.49 (800) 39.36 (1000) 47.23 (1200) 31.49 (800) 39.36 (1000) 47.23 (1200) 33.66 (855) 44.48 (1130) 52.35 (1330) 60.22 (1530) 44.48 (1130) 52.35 (1330) 60.22 (1530) Newport Corporation, Global Headquarters 1791 Deere Avenue, Irvine, CA 92606, USA PHONE: 1-800-222-6440 1-949-863-3144 FAX: 1-949-253-1680 n2 x 2 HOLES CLR FOR 1/4-20 SCREW www.newport.com EMAIL: [email protected] PHONE Belgium +32-(0)0800-11 257 China +86-10-6267-0065 France +33-(0)1-60-91-68-68 Japan +81-3-3794-5511 EMAIL [email protected] [email protected] Taiwan [email protected] +886 -(0)2-2508-4977 [email protected] [email protected] Newport Corporation, Irvine, California and Franklin, Massachusetts; Evry and Beaune-La-Rolande, France and Wuxi, China have all been certified compliant with ISO 9001 by the British Standards Institution. Santa Clara, California is DNV certified. PHONE Irvine, CA, USA +1-800-222-6440 Netherlands +31-(0)30 6592111 United Kingdom +44-1235-432-710 Germany / Austria / Switzerland +49-(0)6151-708-0 EMAIL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] IMS_DSE (03/14) Complete listings for all global office locations are available online at www.newport.com/contact
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