Case study / Retrofit / moving column machine tool AfM - Accuracy for Machines © AfM Technology GmbH Volumetric Compensation of machine tools Page 1 Volumetric Compensation Volumetrische Vermessung und Kompensation einer Heckert CS800 mit Heidenhain iTNC 530 und Option KinematicsComp Volumetric Calibration and Compensation of a Heckert CS800 machine tool with Heidenhain iTNC 530 and Option KinematicsComp Verbesserung der volumetrischen Genauigkeit um: 91% ≙ 248 µm Improvement of volumetric accuracy by: 91% ≙ 248 µm © AfM Technology GmbH Volumetric Compensation of machine tools Page 2 Zeitplan / Schedule Vorarbeiten Pre work Montag Monday Steuerungsumrüstung der Heckert CS 800 auf HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530 / CNC Retrofit of the Heckert CS 800 machine tool by using a modern HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530 CNC Freischaltung der Option KinematicsComp / Enabling of option KinematicsComp Anreise / journey there Erstellung / Anpassung der Messstrategie an das Maschinenvolumen und an die Gegebenheiten vor Ort / Creation and modification of the measurement strategy and setup for the machine tool and milling head Temperaturmesssystem installiert / setup of the temperature measuring system Konfiguration der Maschinensteuerung / Configuration of CNC Control Dienstag Tuesday Kalibriermessung der Maschine / Calibration measurement of the machine tool Auswertung der volumetrischen Abweichung / Evaluation of the volumetric deviation Korrekturfeld erzeugt, installiert und Test der Kompensation / calculation and installation of error map, function test of volumetric compensation © AfM Technology GmbH Volumetric Compensation of machine tools Page 3 Zeitplan / Schedule Mittwoch Wednesday Verifizierungsmessung des kompensierten Volumens / Verification measurement of the compensated machine tool Auswertung Verifizierungsmessung und der Restabweichungen / Evaluation verification measurement an calcualtion of residual errors Abreise / Return trip © AfM Technology GmbH Volumetric Compensation of machine tools Page 4 Maschine / Machine tool Kompensationsvolumen / Compensated workspace: 1,4m³ X-Achse / X-Axis: 2140 mm Y-Achse / Y-Axis: 800 mm Z-Achse / Z-Axis: 790 mm Maschine ohne Herstellerkorrekturen Machine tool without vendor corrections © AfM Technology GmbH Volumetric Compensation of machine tools Page 5 Messgerät / Measurement device: LaserTRACER Developed especially for the volumetric calibration of coordinate measuring machines and machine tools Complete error analysis exclusively by length measurements (similar to GPS) Automatic tracking interferometer Resolution: 1 nm Length measuring error: 0,2 µm + 0,3 µm/m Measuring range: 15 m (extendable by mathematical superposition) © AfM Technology GmbH Volumetric Compensation of machine tools Page 6 Ergebnisse / Results Verification of KinematicsComp on a 3 axis moving column machine tool / Heckert CS800 Parameter position deviation [µm] straightness deviation [µm] rotational deviation [µrad] orthogonality [µrad] Laser length deviation [µm] Simulated length deviation [µm] Simulated spatial deviation [µm] © AfM Technology GmbH xTx / EXX yTy / EYY zTz / EZZ xTy / EYX xTz / EZX yTx / EXY yTz / EZY zTx / EXZ zTy / EYZ xRx / EAX xRy / EBX xRz / ECX yRy / EBY yRx / EAY yRz / ECY zRz / ECZ zRx / EAZ zRy / EBZ xWy/COY xWz/BOZ yWz/AOZ ∆L mea 1D sim 3D sim Without Heidenhain KinComp 330,7 15,5 4,5 25,5 76,6 15,0 25,2 5,8 5,3 89,8 217,0 92,1 27,3 8,2 11,7 17,1 10,5 9,5 -91,9 30,8 64,3 210,0 360,0 274,0 With Heidenhain KinComp Volumetric Compensation of machine tools U (max) Improvement Tracer 14,7 6,1 5,9 7,8 9,1 7,8 9,7 4,3 4,0 7,6 11,8 2,8 12,5 11,0 25,7 19,9 3,7 14,5 -6,1 -4,2 -9,1 28,0 17,0 26,0 0,5 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,5 0,2 0,3 0,3 0,2 1,1 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,3 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,7 0,3 0,5 0,3 0,9 0,9 0,9 absolut percentage -316,1 -96% -9,4 -61% 1,4 31% -17,7 -69% -67,5 -88% -7,1 -48% -15,5 -61% -1,4 -25% -1,3 -24% -82,3 -92% -205,1 -95% -89,3 -97% -14,8 -54% 2,8 34% 14,1 120% 2,9 17% -6,9 -65% 5,0 52% -85,8 -93% -26,5 -86% -55,3 -86% -182,0 -87% -343,0 -95% -248,0 -91% Page 7 Ergebnisse / Results Verification of KinematicsComp on 3 axis moving column machine tool Heckert CS800 400,0 350,0 300,0 250,0 200,0 150,0 100,0 50,0 0,0 -50,0 -100,0 Without Heidenhain KinComp © AfM Technology GmbH With Heidenhain KinComp Volumetric Compensation of machine tools Page 8 Positionsabweichungen / Position deviations Position deviation x-axis 200,0 100,0 50,0 0,0 -50,0 -30 90 210 330 450 570 690 810 930 1050 1170 1290 1410 1530 1650 1770 1890 2010 X-Axis / Y-Axis / Z-Axis Deviations related to 20°C 150,0 deviation [µm] X-Achse / Y-Achse / Z-Achse Abweichungen bezogen auf 20°C -100,0 -150,0 xTx / EXX Position deviation z-axis 200,0 150,0 150,0 100,0 100,0 0,0 -50,0 50,0 0,0 -50,0 -790 -750 -710 -670 -630 -590 -550 -510 -470 -430 -390 -350 -310 -270 -230 -190 -150 -110 -70 -30 50,0 deviation [µm] 200,0 -765 -725 -685 -645 -605 -565 -525 -485 -445 -405 -365 -325 -285 -245 -205 -165 -125 -85 -45 -5 35 deviation [µm] Position deviation y-axis xTx / EXX with KinComp -100,0 -100,0 -150,0 -150,0 yTy / EYY © AfM Technology GmbH yTy / EYY with KinComp Volumetric Compensation of machine tools zTz / EZZ zTz / EZZ with KinComp Page 9 Geradheitsabweichungen / Straightness dev. X-Achse / x-axis Straightness x-axis in z-direction 80,0 80,0 60,0 60,0 40,0 20,0 -20,0 -30 90 210 330 450 570 690 810 930 1050 1170 1290 1410 1530 1650 1770 1890 2010 0,0 xTy / EYX © AfM Technology GmbH 40,0 20,0 0,0 -20,0 -30 70 170 270 370 470 570 670 770 870 970 1070 1170 1270 1370 1470 1570 1670 1770 1870 1970 2070 deviation [µm] deviation [µm] Straightness x-axis in y-direction xTy / EYX with KinComp Volumetric Compensation of machine tools xTz / EZX xTz / EZX with KinComp Page 10 Geradheitsabweichungen / Straightness dev. Y-Achse / y-axis Straightness y-axis in z-direction 80,0 80,0 60,0 60,0 deviation [µm] 40,0 20,0 20,0 0,0 -765 -725 -685 -645 -605 -565 -525 -485 -445 -405 -365 -325 -285 -245 -205 -165 -125 -85 -45 -5 35 0,0 -20,0 40,0 yTx / EXY © AfM Technology GmbH -20,0 -765 -725 -685 -645 -605 -565 -525 -485 -445 -405 -365 -325 -285 -245 -205 -165 -125 -85 -45 -5 35 deviation [µm] Straightness y-axis in x-direction yTx / EXY with KinComp Volumetric Compensation of machine tools yTz / EZY yTz / EZY with KinComp Page 11 Geradheitsabweichungen / Straightness dev. Z-Achse / z-axis Straightness z-axis in y-direction 80,0 80,0 60,0 60,0 deviation [µm] 40,0 20,0 0,0 20,0 0,0 -790 -750 -710 -670 -630 -590 -550 -510 -470 -430 -390 -350 -310 -270 -230 -190 -150 -110 -70 -30 -20,0 40,0 zTx / EXZ © AfM Technology GmbH -20,0 -790 -750 -710 -670 -630 -590 -550 -510 -470 -430 -390 -350 -310 -270 -230 -190 -150 -110 -70 -30 deviation [µm] Straightness z-axis in x-direction zTx / EXZ with KinComp Volumetric Compensation of machine tools zTy / EYZ zTy / EYZ with KinComp Page 12 Rotationsabweichungen / Rotational deviation X-Achse / x-axis 125,0 100,0 75,0 50,0 25,0 0,0 -25,0 -50,0 -75,0 -100,0 -30 90 210 330 450 570 690 810 930 1050 1170 1290 1410 1530 1650 1770 1890 2010 deviation [µrad] Roll x-axis xRx / EAX xRy / EBX © AfM Technology GmbH 125,0 100,0 75,0 50,0 25,0 0,0 -25,0 -50,0 -75,0 -100,0 -30 90 210 330 450 570 690 810 930 1050 1170 1290 1410 1530 1650 1770 1890 2010 deviation [µrad] 125,0 100,0 75,0 50,0 25,0 0,0 -25,0 -50,0 -75,0 -100,0 Yaw x-axis -30 90 210 330 450 570 690 810 930 1050 1170 1290 1410 1530 1650 1770 1890 2010 deviation [µrad] Pitch x-axis xRx / EAX with KinComp xRy / EBX with KinComp Volumetric Compensation of machine tools xRz / ECX xRz / ECX with KinComp Page 13 Rotationsabweichungen / Rotational deviation Y-Achse / y-axis 125,0 100,0 75,0 50,0 25,0 0,0 -25,0 -50,0 -75,0 -100,0 -765 -725 -685 -645 -605 -565 -525 -485 -445 -405 -365 -325 -285 -245 -205 -165 -125 -85 -45 -5 35 deviation [µrad] Roll y-axis yRy / EBY yRx / EAY © AfM Technology GmbH 125,0 100,0 75,0 50,0 25,0 0,0 -25,0 -50,0 -75,0 -100,0 -765 -725 -685 -645 -605 -565 -525 -485 -445 -405 -365 -325 -285 -245 -205 -165 -125 -85 -45 -5 35 deviation [µrad] 125,0 100,0 75,0 50,0 25,0 0,0 -25,0 -50,0 -75,0 -100,0 Yaw y-axis -765 -725 -685 -645 -605 -565 -525 -485 -445 -405 -365 -325 -285 -245 -205 -165 -125 -85 -45 -5 35 deviation [µrad] Pitch y-axis yRy with KinComp yRx / EAY with KinComp Volumetric Compensation of machine tools yRz / ECY yRz / ECY with KinComp Page 14 Rotationsabweichungen / Rotational deviation Z-Achse / z-axis 125,0 100,0 75,0 50,0 25,0 0,0 -25,0 -50,0 -75,0 -100,0 -790 -750 -710 -670 -630 -590 -550 -510 -470 -430 -390 -350 -310 -270 -230 -190 -150 -110 -70 -30 deviation [µrad] Roll z-axis zRz / ECZ zRx / EAZ © AfM Technology GmbH 125,0 100,0 75,0 50,0 25,0 0,0 -25,0 -50,0 -75,0 -100,0 -790 -750 -710 -670 -630 -590 -550 -510 -470 -430 -390 -350 -310 -270 -230 -190 -150 -110 -70 -30 deviation [µrad] 125,0 100,0 75,0 50,0 25,0 0,0 -25,0 -50,0 -75,0 -100,0 Pitch z-axis -790 -750 -710 -670 -630 -590 -550 -510 -470 -430 -390 -350 -310 -270 -230 -190 -150 -110 -70 -30 deviation [µrad] Yaw z-axis zRz / ECZ with KinComp zRx / EAZ with KinComp Volumetric Compensation of machine tools zRy / EBZ zRy / EBZ with KinComp Page 15 Rechtwinkligkeiten / Orthogonality Squareness xWy / COY 1,000000 xWy/COY X-Achse / Y-Achse / Z-Achse xWy/COY with KinComp X-Axis / Y-Axis / Z-Axis 0,000000 deviation [µrad] Squareness yWz / AOZ Squareness xWz / BOZ 1,000000 1,000000 0,000000 xWz/BOZ yWz/AOZ xWz/BOZ with KinComp yWz/AOZ with KinComp 0,000000 deviation [µrad] deviation [µrad] © AfM Technology GmbH Volumetric Compensation of machine tools Page 16 1D Abweichung / 1D deviation without Volumetric Compensation Maximum 360 µm deviation 1D Abweichung: Es wurden die Abweichungen entlang achsparalleler Geraden, in allen Ebenen- und in allen Raumdiagonalen berechnet. © AfM Technology GmbH with Volumetric Compensation Maximum 17µm deviation 1D deviation: The maximum deviation of measuring lines along the axes, in all planes and all spatial diagonals of the work space Volumetric Compensation of machine tools Page 17 2D Abweichung / 2D deviation Without Volumetric Compensation Maximum 228 µm deviation 2D Abweichung: Es wurde die maximale volumetrische Abweichung in der X-Y Ebene bei Z = -790 mm berechnet © AfM Technology GmbH With Volumetric Compensation Maximum 23 µm deviation 2D deviation: The maximum volumetric deviation in the X-Y plane at -790 mm Z position of the machine tool Volumetric Compensation of machine tools Page 18 3D Abweichung / 3D deviation Without Volumetric Compensation Maximum 274 µm deviation 3D Abweichung: Es wurde die maximale volumetrische Abweichung im gesamten Arbeitsraum berechnet © AfM Technology GmbH With Volumetric Compensation Maximum 26 µm deviation 3D deviation: The maximum volumetric deviation in the whole workspace of the machine tool Volumetric Compensation of machine tools Page 19 Messablauf / Measuring schedule LaserTRACER-Measurement / 3 axis moving column machine tool / Heckert CS800 Calibration Measurement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Position Actual Nominal 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 307 307 307 307 311 311 311 311 Date Start time End time 307 307 307 307 311 311 311 311 Duration tp [s] Start temp. End temp. 0:17:32 0:17:37 0:17:42 0:17:34 0:12:32 0:13:00 0:13:06 0:13:22 3,43 3,44 3,46 3,43 2,42 2,51 2,53 2,58 19,513 19,840 20,206 20,276 19,939 20,069 20,138 20,019 19,609 19,883 20,171 20,488 20,001 19,977 20,142 19,848 Temp. diff. Gradient [°C/h] Average 0,096 0,044 -0,035 0,212 0,061 -0,091 0,004 -0,170 0,329 0,148 -0,120 0,724 0,294 -0,422 0,018 -0,765 19,561 19,861 20,189 20,382 19,970 20,023 20,140 19,934 Verification Measurement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Position Actual Nominal 7 8 5 6 4 2 1 311 311 311 311 307 299 299 Date Start time End time 311 311 311 311 307 299 299 Duration tp [s] Start temp. End temp. 0:19:15 0:13:42 0:12:49 0:12:27 0:19:08 0:19:26 0:25:19 3,71 2,64 2,47 2,40 3,74 3,90 5,08 18,147 18,341 18,457 18,617 19,384 19,435 19,263 18,318 18,238 18,481 18,626 19,362 19,257 19,125 Temp. diff. Gradient [°C/h] Average 0,171 -0,103 0,024 0,009 -0,022 -0,178 -0,137 0,534 -0,452 0,111 0,043 -0,068 -0,549 -0,325 18,232 18,290 18,469 18,622 19,373 19,346 19,194 Measuring schedule Duration [hh:mm:ss] measurement time setup time total time © AfM Technology GmbH Calibration 2:02:25 2:25:55 4:28:20 Verification 2:02:06 5:17:07 7:19:13 Volumetric Compensation of machine tools Page 20 18:50:00 19:43:00 20:36:00 21:29:00 22:22:00 23:15:00 00:08:00 01:01:00 01:54:00 02:47:00 03:40:00 04:33:00 05:26:00 06:19:00 07:12:00 08:05:00 08:58:00 09:51:00 10:44:00 11:37:00 12:30:00 13:23:00 14:16:00 15:09:00 16:02:00 16:55:00 17:48:00 18:41:00 19:34:00 20:27:00 21:20:00 22:13:00 23:06:00 23:59:00 00:52:00 01:45:00 02:38:00 03:31:00 04:24:00 05:17:00 06:10:00 07:03:00 07:56:00 08:49:00 09:42:00 10:35:00 11:28:00 12:21:00 13:14:00 14:07:00 15:00:00 15:53:00 16:46:00 17:39:00 18:32:00 Temperatur Bedingungen / Temperature conditions Temperature over time 22,00 Calibration Y-Axis © AfM Technology GmbH X-Axis Verification 21,00 20,00 19,00 18,00 17,00 16,00 15,00 Air Z-Axis (-) Z-Axis (+) Volumetric Compensation of machine tools Page 21 Thank you for your attention Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit Grazie per la vostra attenzione Ansprechpartner Italien AfM Technology GmbH Roland Rauch Gartenstraße 133 Mobile: +39 348 4221124 73430 Aalen / Germany Fon: +49 (0)7361 889608-0 [email protected] Fax: +49 (0)7361 889608-99 • [email protected] © AfM Technology GmbH Volumetric Compensation of machine tools Page 22
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