PLEASE POST HUMAN RESOURCE SERVICES AND LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT (562) 997-8635 ♦ Fax (562) 997-8300 SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 SPECIALIZED POSITIONS LBUSD teachers interested in interviewing for a Specialized position should email the administrator listed. POSITIONS SUBJECT TO MODIFICATION ELEMENTARY Grant 3 Trk B Literacy [email protected] OCIPD - Teacher on Special Assignment, innovative Professional Development (iPD) Math Coach The iPD Math Coach works collaboratively with the Mathematics Curriculum Leader and a team of K-12 math coaches to perform a variety of duties related to professional development that supports the roll out of Common Core Math Standards. The coach works with Math Office staff to capture and document classroom teacher practices and model lessons. The iPD Math Coach will plan and conduct meetings and trainings, assist and coordinate the roll out efforts to the sites, as well as create and edit video tutorials and support materials for end users, and assist with curating content within the myPD Professional Development Management System. The iPD Math Coach should have a working understanding of LBUSD Math Scope and Sequence, Unit Guides, and Assessments and Instructional Materials. Teachers who are proficient in the Office Suite, Mac OS Applications including iMovie, Social Networking, and Google Applications are encouraged to apply. Interested teachers must hold a Single Subject Math Credential or a Multiple Subject Credential with a Supplemental Authorization in Math. Please submit an email cover letter and resume to Pamela Seki at [email protected] by September 15, 2014. OCIPD - Teacher on Special Assignment, innovative Professional Development (iPD) English Language Arts (ELA) Coach The iPD ELA Coach works collaboratively with the ELA Curriculum Leaders and a team of K-12 ELA coaches to perform a variety of duties related to professional development that supports the roll out of Common Core ELA Standards. The coach works with ELA Office staff to capture and document classroom teacher practices and model lessons. The iPD ELA Coach will plan and conduct meetings and trainings, assist and coordinate the roll out efforts to the sites, as well as create and edit video tutorials and support materials for end users, and assist with curating content within the myPD Professional Development Management System. The iPD ELA Coach should be knowledgeable and experienced in analyzing student work and assessments to determine instructional needs; developing lesson plans to support instructional objectives; leading professional development towards a common instructional goal; implementing the instructional shifts in Common Core; and planning and executing Anthology Alignment Project (AAP) lessons and on-demand reading and writing assessments. Teachers who are proficient in the Office Suite, Mac OS Applications including iMovie, Social Networking, and Google Applications are highly encouraged to apply. Interested teachers must hold a Single Subject English Credential. Experience in Write from the Future/Write from the Beginning and Beyond training is desirable. Please submit an email cover letter and resume to Pamela Seki at [email protected] by September 15, 2014. OCIPD - Teacher on Special Assignment, innovative Professional Development (iPD) Teaching and Learning Framework Coach The iPD Teaching and Learning Framework Coach works closely with the iPD Program Administrator and iPD Team to coordinate and implement the following theory of action within the Truenorthlogic Professional Development Management System: Given simple and multimodal access to high quality, job-embedded, collectively-developed online and offline professional development (anchored in a common Teaching and Learning Framework and high functioning Communities of Practice), Long Beach Unified teachers will be better equipped with the tools, research, and professional learning opportunities to accelerate implementation of the CCSS and increase student achievement. The iPD Teaching and Learning Framework Coach will collaborate with all Teacher Resource Center Offices to plan and conduct meetings and trainings, assist and coordinate the roll out efforts to the sites, as well as create and edit video tutorials and support materials for end users, and assist with curating content within the system. The iPD Teaching and Learning Framework Coach should have a working understanding of the California Standards for the Teaching Profession. Teachers who are proficient in the Office Suite, Mac OS Applications including iMovie, Social Networking, and Google Applications are encouraged to apply. Interested teachers must hold a Single Subject or a Multiple Subject credential. Please submit an email cover letter and resume to Pamela Seki at [email protected] by September 15, 2014. HIGH SCHOOL Cabrillo – Teacher on Special Assignment, English Learner Intervention Specialist The EL Specialist will work collaboratively with mainstream ELA and ELD teachers to implement instructional strategies to accelerate long-term English learners’ acquisition of academic English language proficiency and attainment of grade-level standards through a clinical model. Additionally, the teacher will collaborate with other teachers, in English Language Arts and core content areas, to identify, implement, and evaluate high leverage practices to support English Learners access the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts and Literacy in the History/Social Science, Science and Technical Subjects and Mathematics. The EL Specialist will also identify EL students who need extra support and provide direct assistance and create appropriate interventions for these students. Eligible Candidates must hold a Multiple Subject Credential or a Single Subject Credential. Please submit a cover letter and resume to Alejandro Vega, Co-Principal, at [email protected] and Elio Mendoza, Co-Principal, at [email protected] .
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