Bio of Monitoring Team

Team Leader
: Muhammad Sugeng Wahyudi
Place, date of birth
: Demak, June 6, 1992
: Student
Blood Type
: Adventure, outdoor activities
Phone / Mobile
: 0877-7011-2578
: [email protected]
: Kp. Fallow paddy field RT.01/RW.04
Pamoyanan Village district. South Bogor – Bogor.
Muhammad Sugeng Wahyudi was born in Demak, on June 6, 1992. He is currently listed as an
undergraduate student VIII semester in the Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University
(IPB). Besides being active as a student, Sugeng is also active in the Forestry Conservation
Student Association (Himakova) and once was one of the flag raiser fomation (Paskibra) Bogor
in 2008. Had registered as military academy cadets until having passed the province level, he
is interested to become a conservationist and forestry activist after enrolling at the University.
Up to now, Sugeng who received scholarships for studying in IPB aspire to continue conserving
forests and actively call for the importance of forests to the community. So when offered to
monitor the results of greening conducted by Paguyuban Budiasi, he did not think twice and
was very excited to do it.
1st Member
: Ika Kasuarina Samiasih
Place, date of birth
: Malang, April 11, 1992
: Student
Blood Type
: Writing short stories and traveling
Phone / Mobile
: 0878-5945-9793
: ika.kasuarina @
: Road No. Kusnan Marzuki. 2
RT.08/RW.03, Wates, Wonomulyo, district. Poncokusumo –
Ika Kasuarina Samiasih was born in Malang on April 11, 1992. Currently, Ika is in VIII
semesters of Faculty of Forestry at Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). Besides being a busy
college, she is active in various organizations such as the International Forest Student
Association (IFSA) and the Forestry Conservation Student Association (Himakova). A series
of achievements have been achieved, such as being the 1st winner in writing Essay in Malang,
3rd winner in writing short stories in IPB Art Contest (IAC) in 2013, and received a grant from
the Directorate of Higher Education (DIKTI) related to funding Student Creativity Program
(PKM) in 2013. The daughter of one of the resort's head in Bromo Tengger Semeru National
park since childhood has been already familiar with the world of conservation. So when asked
to monitor the greening results in Paguyuban Budiasi, she was totally doing it for the sake of
her love to environmental conservation.
2nd member
: Reza Nugraha Putra
Place, date of birth
: Cilacap, April 11, 1993
: Student
Blood Type
: Reading, Futsal
Phone / Mobile
: 0856-9116-0504
: [email protected]
: Ds. No. Waru Jaya. 17 RT.06/RW.05
district. Parung - Kab. Bogor
Reza Nugraha Putra was born in Cilacap on April 11, 1993. Currently, he’s still listed as an
undergraduate student VII semester in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bogor
Agricultural University (IPB). During his study in IPB, Reza was active in various
organizations such as the International Association of Student in Agricultural and Related
Sciences (IAAS) LC IPB and Agrometeorologi Student Association (Himagreto). In V-VII
semester, he also worked as a lab assistant of General Sociology courses taught at the Joint
Preparatory Level student (TPB) IPB. Currently Reza is preparing the final assignment of the
drought index in West Java after seeing so much of climate and weather impacts for the
community. The students that explore the science of meteorology and climatology are
determined to continue to promote the discipline so that people will realize the importance of
the environment and avoid the risks of climate change.