Fastfill & Netverify Mobile Implementation Guide for iOS This guide is a reference manual and configuration guide for the Fastfill and Netverify Mobile product. It illustrates how to embed the SDK into your app, retrieve information immediately (Fastfill), and perform the optional ID verification. Copyright: Jumio Inc. 268 Lambert Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94306 Contents Fastfill & Netverify Mobile Implementation Guide for iOS ........................................................ 1 Contents.................................................................................................................................. 2 Release notes ...................................................................................................................... 3 Contact ................................................................................................................................ 3 Setup ....................................................................................................................................... 4 Integration .............................................................................................................................. 4 Initializing the SDK .............................................................................................................. 4 Configuring the SDK ............................................................................................................ 5 Localizing labels................................................................................................................... 6 Customizing look and feel ................................................................................................... 6 Displaying the SDK .............................................................................................................. 6 Fastfill: Retrieving information ........................................................................................... 6 Callback ................................................................................................................................... 9 Global Netverify settings ...................................................................................................... 16 Application settings........................................................................................................... 16 Accepted IDs ..................................................................................................................... 16 Data settings ..................................................................................................................... 17 Release notes The current version of the SDK is 1.3.0. Visit Fastfill & Netverify Mobile Release Notes to see additions, changes and fixes included in each release. Contact If you have any questions regarding our implementation guide please contact Jumio Customer Service at [email protected] or The Jumio online helpdesk contains a wealth of information regarding our service including demo videos, product descriptions, FAQs and other things that may help to get you started with Jumio. Check it out at: Setup The minimum requirements for the SDK are: iOS 6.0 and higher Internet connection, communication via standard SSL port 443 These frameworks need to be added to the Xcode project: AudioToolbox OpenGLES AVFoundation QuartzCore CoreGraphics Security CoreMedia UlKit CoreText libz.dylib CoreVideo libc++.dylib Foundation libiconv.dylib MobileCoreServices Add the following flags to your Xcode Build Settings in section "Other Linker Flags": -lc++ -ObjC Valid architectures must be set to "armv7 armv7s" (64-bit support will follow). The supported platforms are "iphonesimulator" and "iphoneos" (device). Integration Use the SDK in your application by including the library with header files. Check the Xcode sample project to learn the most common use. Initializing the SDK To create an instance of the SDK, perform the following call as soon as your app’s view controller is initialized. NetverifySDK* netverifySDK = [NetverifySDK sdkWithMerchantApiToken: @"YOURAPITOKEN" apiSecret: @"YOURAPISECRET" delegate: self]; Make sure that your merchant API token and API secret are correct and specify a delegate object that implements the NetverifySDKDelegate protocol. Note: Log into, and you can find your merchant API token and API secret on the "Settings" page under "API credentials". Configuring the SDK User journey You can specify issuing country (ISO 3166-1 alpha 3 country code) and ID type or let the user choose them during the verification process. netverifySDK.preselectedCountry = @"AUT"; netverifySDK.preselectedDocumentType = NVDocumentTypePassport; Transaction identifiers The merchant scan reference allows you to identify the scan (max. 100 characters). Note: Must not contain sensitive data like PII (Personally Identifiable Information) or account login. netverifySDK.merchantScanReference = @"YOURSCANREFERENCE"; Use the following property to identify the scan in your reports (max. 100 characters). netverifySDK.merchantReportingCriteria = @"YOURREPORTINGCRITERIA"; You can also set a customer identifier (max. 100 characters). Note: The customer ID should not contain sensitive data like PII (Personally Identifiable Information) or account login. netverifySDK.customerId = @"CUSTOMERID"; ID verification Enable ID verification to receive a verification status and verified data positions (see Callback chapter). Note: Not possible for accounts configured as Fastfill only. netverifySDK.requireVerification = YES; You can enable face match during the ID verification for a specific transaction. This setting overrides your default Jumio merchant settings. netverifySDK.requireFaceMatch = YES; Use the following method to pass first and last name to the verification. [netverifySDK setFirstName: @"FIRSTNAME" lastName: @"LASTNAME"]; Localizing labels All label texts and button titles can be changed and localized using the LocalizableNetverify.strings file. Just adapt the values to your required language and use this file in your app. Customizing look and feel The SDK can be customized to fit your application’s look and feel. Submit button: title color, background color and accessory indicator color Navigation bar title image Create your own theme by implementing a class which conforms to the protocol NetverifyThemeDataSource. This protocol is defined in the interface NetverifyTheme.h and provides these optional methods. - (UIColor *) netverifySubmitButtonTitleColorForState: (UIControlState) state; - (UIColor *) netverifySubmitButtonBackgroundColorForState: (UIControlState) state; - (UIColor *) netverifySubmitButtonAccessoryIndicatorColorForState: (UIControlState) state; - (UIImage *) netverifyNavigationBarTitleImage; Apply the theme by specifying an instance of your class. netverifySDK.customTheme = yourCustomTheme; Displaying the SDK To show the SDK, call the method below within your ViewController. [self presentViewController: netverifySDK animated: YES completion: nil]; Note: The SDK is restricted to portrait orientation on iPhones. On iPads any orientation is supported and the presentation style UIModalPresentationFormSheet is applied. Fastfill: Retrieving information Implement the following delegate methods for successful scans and user cancellation notifications. Dismiss the SDK view in your app once you received the success or cancel callback. - (void) netverifySDK: (NetverifySDK *) netverifySDK didFinishWithDocumentData: (NetverifyDocumentData *) documentData scanReference: (NSString *) scanReference { NSString *scanReference = scanReference; NSString *selectedCountry = documentData.selectedCountry; NVDocumentType selectedDocumentType = documentData.selectedDocumentType; NSString *idNumber = documentData.idNumber; NSString *personalNumber = documentData.personalNumber; NSDate *issuingDate = documentData.issuingDate; NSDate *expiryDate = documentData.expiryDate; NSString *issuingCountry = documentData.issuingCountry; NSString *lastName = documentData.lastName; NSString *firstName = documentData.firstName; NSString *middleName = documentData.middleName; NSDate *dob = documentData.dob; NVGender gender = documentData.gender; NSString *originatingCountry = documentData.originatingCountry; NSString *street = documentData.street; NSString *city =; NSString *state = documentData.state; NSString *postalCode = documentData.postalCode; } - (void) netverifySDK: (NetverifySDK *) netverifySDK didCancelWithError: (NSError *) error scanReference: (NSString *) scanReference { NSString *scanReference = scanReference; NSInteger errorCode = error.code; NSString *errorMessage = error.localizedDescription; } Class NetverifyDocumentData Parameter Type Max. length 3 Description selectedCountry NSString selectedDocumentType NVDocumentType idNumber NSString 100 personalNumber NSString 14 issuingDate expiryDate NSDate NSDate issuingCountry NSString 3 lastName NSString 100 Country of issue as ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code Last name of the customer firstName NSString 100 First name of the customer middleName dob NSString NSDate 100 Middle name of the customer Date of birth gender NVGender originatingCountry NSString 3 street NSString 64 Country of origin as ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code Street name city NSString 64 City state NSString 2 Last two characters of ISO 31662:US state code ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code as provided/selected NVDocumentTypePassport, NVDocumentTypeDriverLicense or NVDocumentTypeIdentityCard as provided/selected Identification number of the document Personal number of the document Date of issue Date of expiry Gender M or F Extraction (*1) MRZ, bar code, OCR MRZ Barcode, OCR MRZ, bar code, OCR MRZ, bar code, OCR MRZ, bar code, OCR MRZ, bar code, OCR Bar code, OCR MRZ, bar code, OCR MRZ, bar code, OCR MRZ, OCR Bar code, OCR (except passport) Bar code, OCR (except passport) Bar code, OCR (except passport) postalCode NSString 15 Postal code Bar code, OCR (except passport) (*1) Global Netverify settings like accepted/supported IDs and data settings do not apply. Fastfill supported IDs: MRZ: Value is returned, if all checksums are valid Bar code: Value is returned, if available within the specific bar code OCR: Value is returned, if available on the ID if readable as readable (can be invalid) if on the ID's front side if the region of the selected country fits to the region of the ID (United States, Australia, Asia, Canada, America, Europe, Africa) Error codes Code 100 101 102 103 105 106 120 Message We have encountered a network communication problem Description Retry possible, user decided to cancel Authentication failed 143 No Internet connection available API credentials invalid, retry impossible Retry possible, user decided to cancel Callback If ID verification is enabled, an HTTP POST is sent to your specified callback URL containing an "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" formatted string with the result. User journey state Drop off Scan state Pending => Failed Finished Done Callback Transaction will be cleaned-up from pending to failed after 15 minutes Callback: verification status NO_ID_UPLOADED ID verification will be performed Callback: verification status depends on the result (see table below) The following parameters are posted to your callback URL. The values depend on the verification status. Parameter callBackType clientIp idFaceMatch idCheckDataPositions idCheckDocumentValidation idCheckHologram idCheckMRZcode Max. length 15 3 idCheckMicroprint idCheckSecurityFeatures idCheckSignature idCountry idScanStatus idScanSource idType 3 jumioIdScanReference 36 Approved and verified Fraud NETVERIFYID IP address of the client Face match percentage 0-100 (*4) OK OK OK OK or NOT_OK if idType PASSPORT and MRZ check enabled N/A otherwise OK OK OK ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code SUCCESS SDK PASSPORT, DRIVING_LICENSE, ID_CARD NETVERIFYID IP address of the client N/A N/A N/A N/A Jumio’s reference number for each Jumio’s reference N/A N/A N/A ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 ERROR SDK PASSPORT, DRIVING_LICENSE, ID_CARD Unsupported ID type (*5) NETVERIFYID IP address of the client N/A N/A N/A N/A Unsupported ID country (*5) NETVERIFYID IP address of the client N/A N/A N/A N/A Not readable ID (*6) No ID uploaded NETVERIFYID IP address of the client N/A N/A N/A N/A NETVERIFYID IP address of the client N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 ERROR SDK PASSPORT, DRIVING_LICENSE, ID_CARD, UNSUPPORTED Jumio’s reference N/A N/A N/A ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 ERROR SDK PASSPORT, DRIVING_LICENSE, ID_CARD, UNSUPPORTED Jumio’s reference N/A N/A N/A ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 ERROR SDK PASSPORT, DRIVING_LICENSE, ID_CARD N/A N/A N/A ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 ERROR SDK PASSPORT, DRIVING_LICENSE, ID_CARD, UNSUPPORTED Jumio’s reference Jumio’s reference merchantIdScanReference 100 verificationStatus scan Your reference for each scan APPROVED_VERIFIED customerId 100 ID of the customer, if provided idFirstName 200 First name of the customer idLastName 200 Last name of the customer idDob 10 idExpiry 10 idNumber 200 idUsState 2 idScanImage 255 Date of birth in the format yyyymm-dd Date of expiry in the format yyyymm-dd Identification number of the document If idType = DRIVING_LICENSE: Last two characters of ISO 31662:US state code Possible values if idType = PASSPORT or idType = ID_CARD: Last two characters of ISO 31662:US state code ISO 3166-1 country name URL to the image of the scan (JPEG), if available (*1) idScanImageBackside 255 URL to the back side image of the scan (JPEG), if available (*2) personalNumber idAddress 14 Personal number of the document Address as JSON object in US, EU or Raw format, see tables below (*3) - rejectReason merchantReportingCriteria 100 Your reporting criteria for each scan number for each scan Your reference for each scan DENIED_FRAUD number for each scan Your reference for each scan DENIED_UNSUPPORTE D_ID_COUNTRY ID of the customer, if provided First name of the customer, if provided Last name of the customer, if provided - number for each scan Your reference for each scan ERROR_NOT_READABL E_ID ID of the customer, if provided First name of the customer, if provided Last name of the customer, if provided - number for each scan Your reference for each scan NO_ID_UPLOADED ID of the customer, if provided First name of the customer, if provided Last name of the customer, if provided - number for each scan Your reference for each scan DENIED_UNSUPPORTE D_ID_TYPE ID of the customer, if provided First name of the customer, if provided Last name of the customer, if provided - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - URL to the image of the scan (JPEG), if available (*1) URL to the back side image of the scan (JPEG), if available (*2) - URL to the image of the scan (JPEG), if available (*1) URL to the back side image of the scan (JPEG), if available (*2) - URL to the image of the scan (JPEG), if available (*1) URL to the back side image of the scan (JPEG), if available (*2) - URL to the image of the scan (JPEG), if available (*1) URL to the back side image of the scan (JPEG), if available (*2) - URL to the image of the scan (JPEG), if available (*1) URL to the back side image of the scan (JPEG), if available (*2) - Reject reason as JSON object, see tables below Your reporting criteria for each scan - - - Your reporting criteria for each scan Your reporting criteria for each scan Reject reason as JSON object, see tables below Your reporting criteria for each scan ID of the customer, if provided First name of the customer, if provided Last name of the customer, if provided - Your reporting criteria for each scan (*1) For ID types that are configured to support a separate scan of front side and back side, this is the front side. If face match is enabled, this is the image of the ID and the picture of the face. To access it, use the HTTP GET method and HTTP Basic Authentication with your merchant API token as the "userid" and your API secret as the "password". Set "User-Agent: YOURCOMPANYNAME YOURAPPLICATIONNAME/VERSION" (e.g. MyCompany MyApp/1.0.0) in the "header" section of your request. (*2) For ID types that are configured to support a separate scan of front side and back side, this is the back side. To access it, use the HTTP GET method and HTTP Basic Authentication with your merchant API token as the "userid" and your API secret as the "password". Set "User-Agent: YOURCOMPANYNAME YOURAPPLICATIONNAME/VERSION" (e.g. MyCompany MyApp/1.0.0) in the "header" section of your request. (*3) Address recognition is performed for supported IDs, if activated in your Jumio merchant settings. There are three different address formats. You can see which format applies to specific IDs under "Data settings" in your Jumio merchant settings. Different address parameters are part of the JSON object, if they are available on the ID. (*4) Face match is performed, if enabled. (*5) Scan is declined as unsupported, if the provided ID is not supported by Jumio or not accepted in your Netverify settings. (*6) Scan is declined as not readable, if the customer does not provide an ID which is able to be processed during all three tries (see reject reasons below), or if the ID is able to be processed but enabled fields are not readable during the ID verification. US address format Parameter city state streetName streetSuffix Max. length 64 2 64 14 Description City ISO 3166-2:US state code Street name Examples include: ALY=ALLEY, ANX=ANNEX, ARC=ARCADE, AVE=AVENUE, BYU=BAYOO, BCH=BEACH, BND=BEND, BLF=BLUFF, BLFS=BLUFFS, BTM=BOTTOM, BLVD=BOULEVARD, BR=BRANCH, BRG=BRIDGE, BRK=BROOK, BRKS=BROOKS, BG=BURG, BGS=BURGS, BYP=BYPASS, CP=CAMP, CYN=CANYON, CPE=CAPE, CSWY=CAUSEWAY, CTR=CENTER, CTRS=CENTERS, CIR=CIRCLE, CIRS=CIRCLES, CLF=CLIFF, CLFS=CLIFFS, CLB=CLUB, CMN=COMMON, COR=CORNER, CORS=CORNERS, CRSE=COURSE, CT=COURT, CTS=COURTS, CV=COVE, CVS=COVES, CRK=CREEK, CRES=CRESCENT, CRST=CREST, XING=CROSSING, XRD=CROSSROAD, CURV=CURVE, DL=DALE, DM=DAM, DV=DIVIDE, DR=DRIVE, DRS=DRIVES, EST=ESTATE, ESTS=ESTATES, EXPY=EXPRESSWAY, EXT=EXTENSION, EXTS=EXTENSIONS, FALL=FALL, FLS=FALLS, FRY=FERRY, FLD=FIELD, FLDS=FIELDS, FLT=FLAT, FLTS=FLATS, FRD=FORD, FRDS=FORDS, FRST=FOREST, FRG=FORGE, FRGS=FORGES, FRK=FORK, FRKS=FORKS, FT=FORT, FWY=FREEWAY, GDN=GARDEN, GDNS=GARDENS, GTWY=GATEWAY, GLN=GLEN, GLNS=GLENS, GRN=GREEN, GRNS=GREENS, GRV=GROVE, GRVS=GROVES, HBR=HARBOR, HBRS=HARBORS, HVN=HAVEN, HTS=HEIGHTS, HWY=HIGHWAY, HL=HILL, HLS=HILLS, HOLW=HOLLOW, INLT=INLET, I=INTERSTATE, IS=ISLAND, ISS=ISLANDS, ISLE=ISLE, JCT=JUNCTION, JCTS=JUNCTIONS, KY=KEY, KYS=KEYS, KNL=KNOLL, KNLS=KNOLLS, LK=LAKE, LKS=LAKES, LAND=LAND, LNDG=LANDING, LN=LANE, LGT=LIGHT, LGTS=LIGHTS, LF=LOAF, LCK=LOCK, LCKS=LOCKS, LDG=LODGE, LOOP=LOOP, MALL=MALL, MNR=MANOR, MNRS=MANORS, MDW=MEADOW, MDWS=MEADOWS, MEWS=MEWS, ML=MILL, MLS=MILLS, MSN=MISSION, MHD=MOORHEAD, MTWY=MOTORWAY, MT=MOUNT, MTN=MOUNTAIN, MTNS=MOUNTAINS, NCK=NECK, ORCH=ORCHARD, OVAL=OVAL, OPAS=OVERPASS, PARK=PARK, PARK=PARKS, streetDirection streetNumber unitDesignator 4 14 14 unitNumber zip zipExtension country 14 14 20 3 PKWY=PARKWAY, PKWY=PARKWAYS, PASS=PASS, PSGE=PASSAGE, PATH=PATH, PIKE=PIKE, PNE=PINE, PNES=PINES, PL=PLACE, PLN=PLAIN, PLNS=PLAINS, PLZ=PLAZA, PT=POINT, PTS=POINTS, PRT=PORT, PRTS=PORTS, PR=PRAIRIE, RADL=RADIAL, RAMP=RAMP, RNCH=RANCH, RPD=RAPID, RPDS=RAPIDS, RST=REST, RDG=RIDGE, RDGS=RIDGES, RIV=RIVER, RD=ROAD, RDS=ROADS, RTE=ROUTE, ROW=ROW, RUE=RUE, RUN=RUN, SHL=SHOAL, SHLS=SHOALS, SHR=SHORE, SHRS=SHORES, SKWY=SKYWAY, SPG=SPRING, SPGS=SPRINGS, SPUR=SPUR, SPUR=SPURS, SQ=SQUARE, SQS=SQUARES, STA=STATION, STRM=STREAM, ST=STREET, STS=STREETS, SMT=SUMMIT, TER=TERRACE, TRWY=THROUGHWAY, TRCE=TRACE, TRAK=TRACK, TRL=TRAIL, TUNL=TUNNEL, TPKE=TURNPIKE, UPAS=UNDERPASS, UN=UNION, UNS=UNIONS, VLY=VALLEY, VLYS=VALLEYS, VIA=VIADUCT, VW=VIEW, VWS=VIEWS, VLG=VILLAGE, VLGS=VILLAGES, VL=VILLE, VIS=VISTA, WALK=WALK, WALK=WALKS, WALL=WALL, WAY=WAY, WAYS=WAYS, WL=WELL, WLS=WELLS Examples include: E=EAST, W=WEST, N=NORTH, S=SOUTH Street number Examples include: APT=APARTMENT, BSMT=BASEMENT, BLDG=BUILDING, DEPT=DEPARTMENT, FL=FLOOR, FRNT=FRONT, HNGR=HANGAR,LBBY=LOBBY, LOT=LOT, LOWR=LOWER, OFC=OFFICE, PH=PENTHOUSE, PIER=PIER, REAR=REAR, RM=ROOM, SIDE=SIDE, SLIP=SLIP,SPC=SPACE, STOP=STOP, STE=SUITE, TRLR=TRAILER, UNIT=UNIT, UPPR=UPPER Unit number Zip code Zip extension ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code EU address format Parameter city province streetName streetNumber unitDetails postalCode country Max length 64 64 64 15 64 15 3 Description City Province Street name Street number Unit details Postal code ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code Raw address format Parameter line1 line2 line3 line4 line5 country postalCode city Max length 100 100 100 100 100 3 15 64 Description Line item 1 Line item 2 Line item 3 Line item 4 Line item 5 ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code Postal code, if available City Reject reason Parameter rejectReasonCode rejectReasonDescription Max length 5 64 Description Possible codes and descriptions for verification status DENIED_FRAUD: 100 MANIPULATED_DOCUMENT 105 FRAUDSTER 106 FAKE 107 PHOTO_MISMATCH 108 MRZ_CHECK_FAILED Possible codes and descriptions for verification status ERROR_NOT_READABLE_ID: 102 PHOTOCOPY_BLACK_WHITE 103 PHOTOCOPY_COLOR 104 DIGITAL_COPY 200 NOT_READABLE_DOCUMENT 201 NO_DOCUMENT 202 SAMPLE_DOCUMENT 205 PUNCHED_DOCUMENT 206 MISSING_BACK 207 WRONG_DOCUMENT_PAGE 209 MISSING_SIGNATURE 210 CAMERA_BLACK_WHITE 211 DIFFERENT_PERSONS_SHOWN 300 MANUAL_REJECTION Reject reason details as JSON array containing JSON objects, if available Possible for reject reason codes 100 and 200 rejectReasonDetails Reject reason details Parameter detailsCode detailsDescription Max length 5 32 Description Possible code and description details for reject reason code 100: 1001 PHOTO 1002 DOCUMENT_NUMBER 1003 EXPIRY 1004 DOB 1005 NAME 1006 ADDRESS 1007 SECURITY_CHECKS 1008 SIGNATURE Possible code and description details for reject reason code 200: 2001 BLURRED 2002 BAD_QUALITY 2003 MISSING_PART_DOCUMENT 2004 HIDDEN_PART_DOCUMENT 2005 DAMAGED_DOCUMENT Sample callback: Approved and verified idExpiry=2022-12-31&idType=PASSPORT&idDob=1990-0101&idCheckSignature=OK&idCheckDataPositions=OK&idCheckHologram=OK&idCheckMicroprint=OK&idCheckDocumentValidation=OK&idCountry=USA&id ScanSource=SDK&idFirstName=FIRSTNAME&verificationStatus=APPROVED_VERIFIED&jumioIdScanReference=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&personalNumber=N%2FA&merchantIdScanReference=YOURIDSCANREFERENCE&idCheckSecurityFeatures=OK&idCheckMRZcode=OK&idScanIma %22state%22%3A%22OH%22%7D&idScanStatus=SUCCESS&idNumber=P1234 Sample callback: Fraud idType=PASSPORT&idCheckSignature=N%2FA&rejectReason=%7B%20%22rejectReasonCode%22%3A%22100%22%2C%20%22rejectReasonDescription%22%3A%2 2MANIPULATED_DOCUMENT%22%2C%20%22rejectReasonDetails%22%3A%20%5B%7B%20%22detailsCode%22%3A%20%221001%22%2C%20%22detailsDescription%2 2%3A%20%22PHOTO%22%20%7D%2C%7B%20%22detailsCode%22%3A%20%221004%22%2C%20%22detailsDescription%22%3A%20%22DOB%22%20%7D%5D%7D&idCheckD ataPositions=N%2FA&idCheckHologram=N%2FA&idCheckMicroprint=N%2FA&idCheckDocumentValidation=N%2FA&idCountry=USA&idScanSource=SDK&veri ficationStatus=DENIED_FRAUD&jumioIdScanReference=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&merchantIdScanReference=YOURSCANREFERENCE&idCheckSecurityFeatures=N%2FA&idCheckMRZcode=N%2FA&idScanImage=https%3A%2F%2F Global Netverify settings In your Jumio merchant settings, you can configure the ID verification as follows. Application settings Callback URL Provide an HTTPS callback URL using the TLS protocol. Ports are not allowed. Whitelist the following IP addresses for callbacks, and use these to verify that the callback originated from Jumio:,,, You can look up the IP addresses with the host name "". Data deletion Select a time interval to enable permanent purge of sensitive data. Fraud transaction data can be excluded from the deletion. Accepted IDs You can configure accepted IDs per region or country. The default setup includes all countries and ID types supported by Jumio at the time when your account was created. Note: You can enable the option to automatically accept newly supported IDs by Jumio. Per region configuration Per country configuration Data settings You can choose which fields should be processed during the ID verification. Mandatory fields Mandatory fields will be returned in the callback for all Jumio supported IDs, if enabled. Optional fields Optional fields will be returned in the callback under certain conditions, if enabled. Note: To perform the MRZ check, the fields date of birth, expiry and personal number will be processed during the ID verification and returned in the callback, if available on the ID.
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