Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] Admissions Boarder/Student Admission 1 Centre for Good Governance WO HAND B BOOK] Tribal Weelfare Institu utions [HW The HWO has to fill the Ad dmissions daata by givingg the Joiningg Date, Admission numb ber, Height, Weight, Add dress Detaails, Amenitiees provided details etc. Notee: The Admisssion type Frresh and Ren newal entriees will be don ne under sam me screen ju ust the user has to selecct the Regiistration typee as Fresh orr Renewal. 2 Centtre for Good Governancee Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] Stock Opening Balance HWO has to fill the item wise Opening Balance. It is a onetime data entry. From next month onwards opening balance will be automatically calculated based on the Purchases and Issues. 3 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] Monthly Activities: School Holidays Before entering attendance HWO has to mark the school wise holidays like public holidays etc.HWO can mark holidays one time only for selected month, year and school. User has to mark the check box next to corresponding date to submit the Holidays. 4 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] School Local Holidays HWO can enter the local holidays selecting the School local Holidays by first selecting the School name and then later the Date from the given date picker and click on submit. 5 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] Daily Activities Student/Boarder Daily Attendance HWO should enter the Daily Attendance through this service by selecting the date. HWO should mark the hostel and school attendance and click on submit. 6 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] Class Wise Attendance HWO can enter the daily attendance by selecting all classes or else by individual classes and mark the attendance. Note: If HWO once selects individual Class to enter attendance he can never enter attendance by selecting All Classes Option in the select box. 7 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] Central Purchases In Central Purchases HWO should enter monthly stock details received from Civil supplies/AP Foods/ GCC. Daily Purchases HWO can Enter Daily purchases made from the local vendors data by entering the Bill details, Vendor Details Amount etc. 8 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] Daily Issues HWO should enter the Daily issues by selecting the date of issue, Item Name after selecting the name the available Quantity is populated with previously entered Quantity*Rate. HWO should select from the given list and then the enter the issued quantity. 9 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] Staff Daily attendance HWO should enter the Hostel Staff attendance daily by selecting the Date and click submit. A screen with the registered staff will be shown. HWO should mark the present / absent fields and submit the Staff attendance. Note: This service is used to monitor whether the staff is available in the hostel or not. It is no way linked to payroll for regular employees. 10 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] Edit Attendance, Purchases and Issues 11 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] HWO can use Edit Purchases, Attendance and Issues by selecting the Type from the given select box (Opening Balance Deletion, Central Purchase Deletion, Daily Purchase Deletion, Daily Issues Deletion, Re‐open Attendance Purchases Issues, Boarders Attendance Deletion, Staff Attendance Deletion, School Holidays Deletion, Tutor Bill Details Deletion, Wages Bill Details Deletion, House Rent Bill Details Deletion and Office Expenses Bill Details Deletion). To delete the Daily issues HWO should select the Date and then the Item. The corresponding Item Issue details will be shown. After selecting the issue Details purchase details will be displayed. HWO should select the purchase Details and click on Delete. 12 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] Monthly Activities Close Attendance, Purchases and Issues HWO can close Attendance, Purchases and Issues at end of the month by selecting the Month and year and checking the Attendance, Purchases, Issues and clicking submit. Transport Charges HWO should enter the Transport and Grinding charges through this service by selecting the Month and year and entering the Total charges and submit the Transport Charges data. 13 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] Treasury Bills Bills & Forms HWO can generate the Bills Monthly through Bills and Forms. He can select the Month and year and select the Bill Name (Diet, Office Expenses, Wages, Cosmetics, Medical, Tutor Charges and House Rent Charges). HWO can download corresponding Bill in PDF format. Note: To generate the Bills HWO should close the Purchases, Attendance and Issues first. To generate Office Expenses and Medical Bill details HWO should fill the Office Expenditure and Medical Expenditure Bill details first. 14 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] Office Expenses Bill Details To generate Office Expenditure Bill HWO should select the Month and year first and submit. A screen with Fields Bill Description and amount will be shown HWO should fill the Fields and submit the data to generate the bill. Note: HWO can enter any number of rows by clicking the Add Row button to enter more Bill Description and Amount. Medical Bill Details To generate Medical Expenditure Bill HWO should select the Month and year first and submit. A screen with Fields Bill Description and amount will be shown HWO should fill the Fields and submit the data to generate the bill. Note: HWO can enter any number of rows by clicking the Add Row button to enter more Bill Description and Amount. 15 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] Enter TBR No If HWO once submit the Bills to the Treasury a TBR Number is given. HWO can submit the TBR no for the corresponding Bill name. Note: Once TBR number is submitted HWO can never Edit Attendance, Purchases and Issues. 16 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] Other Activities: Report Repairs HWO should report the repairs (Building Repairs, Water related Repairs, Other Repairs) categories. The Screen shows the fields Estimated Cost, Description, File uploads for repair description and then HWO can check the appropriate category and click on submit. The right side screen block shown in the above screen shot show the Repair Details which are already submitted. 17 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] Vendor Registration The HWO can use this service Vendor Registration to register a new Vendor. A screen is shown to enter the Vendor details like Name of the Shop, Business Nature, Tin Number, Address, Contact No, Name of the Supplier, Mobile no, Aadhar Number, Bank details, Account number and IFSC Code to register the Vendor. 18 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] Add Hostel Staff After registering Institutions HWO has to register the Institution Staff which includes Employee Name, Designation, Address, Qualification, Contact and Bank account details. These details can also be entered DTWO login. Upload Institution Photos HWO should upload the photos of the Institution through this service and select the Details field whether (Entrance Gate, Compound wall, Dormitory etc) and upload the picture and click on submit. 19 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] Hostel Loan Details Hostel Loan details service was provided to enter loan details taken from another hostel. In that HWO can take loan from Tribal Welfare hostel or another department hostel. Screen consists the details like date, item name and quantity etc. 20 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] Loan Returning While returning the loan taken from another hostel hostel name and quantity details will be displayed from which HWO has taken loan.HWO has to enter the returned quantity quantity by selecting the hostel name. 21 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] Reports Students Registered Report HWO can see the total Students registered report at any point of time and he is authorized to edit or upload the photos by clicking the red color highlighted links shown in the above screen shot. 22 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] School Wise Attendance Report HWO can see the School wise monthly Attendance Report like (Student ID, Admission no, Name, Class, days per month, Hostel and School attendance) which is mapped under the Institution. 23 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] Date Wise Attendance Report HWO can see the date wise Attendance Report like (Attendance Date, Institution Attendance, School Attendance) which are mapped under the Institution. 24 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] Daily Purchases Report A report for Daily purchases is also provided to the HWO listing the Vendor details like (Purchase Date, Bill No, Item name, Purchased Quantity, Rate, Amount and Vendor Name). 25 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] Daily Issues Report A Report for Daily issues is provided HWO can select the Month and year and a report is shown showing the Item wise Details like (Item Name, Issue Date, Issued Quantity, Rate and Amount). 26 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] Stock Available A Report for Stock is given to the HWO’s login so that he can have a glance at stock at any point of time. 27 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] Employee Details A Detailed Report of Employees under that Institution is given to the HWO. The Report consists of the Employee Designation (Class), ID, Qualification, Contact and Bank Account Details). 28 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] Renewal Student HWO can renewal Students after completion of the Academic year of the students. This service is used to Promote / Detain the students and to Continue/Migrate/Drop out the students. Note: To promote class X student Hall ticket details of Students are mandatory. The promotion should be done in decreasing order like the order should be (X, IX, VIII, VII, VI, V … etc) 29 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] Admit Migrate/Dropout The students marked in Migrate to another Hostel in Renewal student service are shown in this Admin Migrate/ Dropout service. HWO should enter the Admission number, District, Institution and select the student and click on submit to Admit the student from another Institution. Change Password The user can change his password at any time by just clicking on the change password option. The user can give the old password and next he should type the new password and clicks submit to change the password. 30 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] Contact Us Contact us is the service to the user which is provided to all. The user at any point of time can submit his queries by giving the Name, Designation, Query Type (Feedback, Suggestion, Complaint, Request, and Query), Description of the query, Email. Contact No and a reference file can be uploaded if any. After clicking the submit button the user will get a code for further communication the user should keep the code safe. Know your Query Status After submitting the query the user is given a Code for further communication the Code which is given should be entered here to know the query status. 31 Centre for Good Governance Tribal Welfare Institutions [HWO HAND BOOK] View your Query View your query is another service given to the User which gives the direct view to all the queries. The User can just directly click on the Reference no link which is highlighted in red colour and view the query status. 32 Centre for Good Governance
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