The Simplest Higgs Portal Dark Matter Model and Its Extensions Xiao-Gang He NCTS/SJTU Work with Jusak Tandean arXiv:1304.6058, PRD88, 013020(2013) Higgs Portal Workshop Umass, 05/01/2014 Dark Matter Properties ! Neutral (electric charge =0 and colorless) ! Very weakly interacting, no EM interaction ! Very long lived or absolutely stable ! Hot or warm or cold, prefer cold dark matter (CMD) ! Mass, spin not known This talk will concentrate on WIMP CMD Inward Bound Standard Model of Particles SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) None of the SM particles can play the role of DM The discovery of Higgs in 2012 mass is about 126 GeV The Higgs fit SM very well The LHC Higgs cannot have invisible branching ratio larger than 20 ~ 30%! Constrain Higgs portal Dark Matter models. The simplest: SM + a real scalar! The Darkon Model Thermal production of DM DM relic density, detection and DM production at colliders Status of Direct DM detection 10!39 1 DAMA !40 10 1 CRESST CoGeNT 1 SIMPLE CRESST CDMS II 10!42 SuperCDMS 1 N CDMS Si N Σel !cm2 " 10!41 Σel !cm2 " XENON10 TEXONO EDELWEISS XENON100 !43 10 10!44 1 CDMS Ge LUX 10 1 15 mWIMP 20 !GeV" 30 50 There are several indications of light DM of order 10 GeV, DAMA, CoGENT, CRESST, CDSMII… It is often claimed that Xenon and Lux experiments rule out these possibilities. But, the detection is target dependent. If interaction of DM with proton and neutron are different, Isopin Violating DM, it may happen that the nuclei-DM cross section for Xenon is small, but not for other nuclei. Low mass DM of order 10 GeV mass is not completely ruled out! The Darkon Model SM+D, the simplest Higgs portal model, as a realis8c realiza8on SM+D: SM3 + a real SM singlet D darkon field (plays the role of dark maAer). Sileira&Zee, PLB (1985) D is stable due to a D-‐> -‐ D Z2 symmetry. ASer H develops VEV, there is a term: v DD h. This term is important for annihila8on of D D -‐> h -‐> SM par8cle This term also induce h -‐> DD if DM mass is less than half of the Higgs mass increasing the invisible decay width and make the LHC detec8on harder! $D$is$stable,$but$$can$annihila $D$is$stable,$but$$can$annihilate$throu $D$is$stable,$but$$can $D$is$stable,$but$$can$annihilate$through$h$ex D is stable, but c an a nnihilate t hrough h exchange $D$is$stable,$but$$can$annihilate$through Direct Search 10!39 10!39 DAMA 10!40 DAMA 10!40 CRESST XENON10 CoGeNT XENON10 10!41 10!41 SIMPLE Σel !cm2 " 10!42 SIMPLE 150 10!42 EDELWEISS 300 200 CDMS Si SuperCDMS XENON100 EDELWEISS XENON100 10!43 10!43 CDMS Ge LUX 10!44 CRESST CDMS II N CDMS Si SuperCDMS TEXONO CoGeNT CRESST CDMS II N Σel !cm2 " CRESST TEXONO CDMS Ge LUX 10!44 Tong Li et al, MPLA (2007), PRD(2009); PLB(2010). 10 15 mWIMP 20 30 50 10 15 mD !GeV" 20 30 50 !GeV" If dark maAer mass is heavy mD > 300 GeV or around mh/2 no problem for both relic density and direct detec8on. But is small than mh/2, there are problems with direct detec8on and also invisible Higgs decay! Isospin-conserving DM: data only Isospin-conserving DM: data & THDM+D 10!37 10!37 CDMS Ge CDMS Ge XENON10 CDMS Si DAMA CRESST 10!39 Σel !cm2 " 10!38 SIMPLE CoGeNT TEXONO DAMA CRESST 10!39 SIMPLE p N Σel !cm2 " 10!38 CoGeNT XENON10 CDMS Si TEXONO EDELWEISS EDELWEISS CRESST 10!40 CRESST 10!40 SuperCDMS SuperCDMS CDMS II CDMS II XENON100 XENON100 LUX 10!41 10 15 mWIMP LUX 20 !GeV" 30 50 10!41 10 15 mD !GeV" 20 30 50 Dark maAer relic density and direct detec8on allow solu8ons with dark maAer mass less than half of Higgs mass. H -‐> DD allowed. Too large an invisible branching ra8o. This model is out! If the DM mass is indeed small, the model has to be extended!! To have low DM mass (mD < mh/2), one must overcome two problems: 1. Reconcile various DM derect search constraints? Xeno and Lux exclude all indications of low DM mass from Dama, CoGENT, CRESST and CDMSII: Isospin Violating DM. (Fegn etal, PLB2011) 2. Avoid too large an invisible decay of Higgs boson. More than one Higgs boson.(Cai, Ren &He PRD2011, Tandean & He, 2011, 2012) Isospin Violating Dark Matter Feng etal arxiv:1307.1758 10!39 10!39 DAMA 10!40 XENON10 TEXONO CoGeNT XENON10 10!41 CoGeN 10!41 SIMPLE CDMS II Σel !cm2 " CRESST !42 10 SuperCDMS 10!42 N CDMS Si N Σel !cm2 " Isospin symmetric 10!40 CRESST EDELWEISS XENON100 10!43 10!43 CDMS Ge LUX 10!44 10!44 10 15 mWIMP 20 30 50 !GeV" Isospin-conserving DM: data only Isospin-con 10!37 10!37 CDMS Ge CD XENON10 CDMS Si CoGeNT DAMA CRESST 10!39 Σel !cm2 " 10!38 SIMPLE CoGeN 10!39 p N fn/fp = -0.7 Σel !cm2 " 10!38 CDMS Si TEXONO EDELWEISS CRESST !40 10 10!40 SuperCDMS CDMS II XENON100 LUX 10!41 10 15 mWIMP 20 30 50 10!41 !GeV" IVDM: data only IVDM ACFI-T13-05 CP3-Origins-2013-047 DNRF90 LA-UR-13-27904 ining LUX on Isospin-Violating Dark Matter Beyond Leading Ord NLO corrections for nucleon couplings Shining LUX on Isospin-Violating Dark Matter Beyond Leading Order a a a,b a,c Vincenzo Cirigliano , Michael L. Graesser , Grigory Ovanesyan , Ian M. Shoemaker Vincenzo Cirigliano , Michael L. Graesser , Grigory Ovanesyan , Ian M. Shoemaker a a Theoretical a Theoretical a a,b a,c arXiv:1311.5886 Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA Division, Los University Alamos National Laboratory, Los Physics Department, of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003, USA Alamos, NM 87545, USA CP -Origins and the Danish Institute for Advanced Study, University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark b Physics Department, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003, USA ins and the Danish Institute for Advanced Study, University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M, Abstract Isospin-violating dark matter (IVDM) has been proposed as a viable scenario to reconcile conflicting positive and null Xe, mX =10 GeV; position of the minimum of DNLO GeV; ls experiments. =0 results fromXe, directmdetection matter We show that the Benchmark lowest-order dark matter-nucleus scattering X =10 dark E: fnê f p=-1.45, ls=0, lq =-0.1 3 D: fnê f p=0.15, ls=0, lq=-0.025 10Benchmark -37 rate can receive large and nucleus-dependent corrections at next-to-leading 10-37order (NLO) in the chiral expansion. The size of these corrections depends on the specific couplings of dark matter to quark flavors and gluons. In general the LO -38 10-38 full NLO dark-matter-nucleus cross-section is not adequately described10by just the zero-energy proton and neutron NLO: l =0 q couplings. These statements are concretely illustrated in a scenario where the dark matter couples to quarks through 2 -39 -39 =0.1 scalar operators. We find the canonical NLO: IVDMlqscenario can reconcile 10the null XENON and LUX results and 10 the NLO: lqto =-0.1 recent CDMS-Si findings provided its couplings second and third generation quarks either lie on a special line or -40 10-40 are suppressed. Equally good fits with newNLO: values of the neutron-to-proton coupling ratio are found in the presence10of lq =-0.025 nonzero heavy quark couplings. CDMS-Si remains in tension with LUX and1XENON10/100 but is not excluded. s pHcm2L 10 3 s pHcm2L arXiv:1311.5886v1 [hep-ph] 22 Nov 2013 c b 10-41 rmin 10-42 5 7 8 9 10 15 20 10-42 5 30 6 X 10-37 n p s q 15 n 10-37 10-38 10-38 10-39 10-39 10-40 7 8 9 10 20 30 X s pHcm2L n 6 NLO 10-41 s pHcm2L DHNL LO lating dark matter (IVDM) has been proposed as a viable scenario to reconcile conflicting positiv m direct1detection dark matter experiments. We show that the lowest-order dark matter-nucleus ceive large and nucleus-dependent corrections at next-to-leading order (NLO) in the chiral expan 1. Introduction D 0.1 0 m HGeVL to quark flavors and m HGeVL se corrections depends on the specific couplings of dark matter gluons. In g To date, the dominant component of the matter in the Milky Way has only been detected through Benchmark G: f ê f =-1, l = l =1 Benchmark F: f ê f =-1, l =0,itsl gravitational =0.1 interactions. However, a number of experiments around the world are currently seeking to directly detect this Dark dark-matter-nucleus cross-section is not adequately described just the an B particle as itby A zero-energy proton C Matter (DM). The aim is detect the recoil energy deposited by an incident DM scatters on a nuclear -1 F quark target, producing characteristic spectrum [1]. These0.01 statements are aconcretely illustrated in a scenario where the dark matter couples to At present, the field of DM direct detection is in an uncertain and exciting state with a number of experiments Esame signals with null observations finding the evidence of such a signal [2, 3], and others seeming to exclude these ators. We find canonical IVDM scenario can reconcile the null XENON and LUX result [4, 5, 6, 7]. An apparent reconciliation however may be achieved by allowing the coupling of the DM to protons, f , 0.001 to di↵er from its coupling neutrons, f . Whileto suchsecond isospin-violating Dark Matter (IVDM) has been studied by MS-Si findings provided itsto couplings and-2 third generation quarks either lie on a spec many authors [8, 9, 10], it has become especially intriguing given the latest results from CDMS-Si [11], which are na¨good ıvley at odds withwith the limits from XENON100 LUXneutron-to-proton [7]. For example, the authors of [12] surveyed many ssed. Equally fits new values[6]ofandthe coupling ratio are found in the pr di↵erent possible astrophysical and microphysical possibilities for DM and concluded that only IVDM or inelastic 10-4 -3 avy quark CDMS-Si remains tension with and XENON10/100 not exc down-scattering the tension between and XENON100. After LUX, similar conclusions -0.10 LUX -0.05 0.00 0.05 but is 0.10 -2.0couplings. -1.5 significantly -1.0 reduce -0.5 0.0 inCDMS-Si p s q p 10-40 10-41 10-41 -42 -42 spN = 60 MeV 5 6 a 7 reconciliation 8 9 10 15 of20 30 results, 5 are found in Refs. [13, 14], with “Xenophobic” WIMP couplings still providing existing m HGeVL X albeit under increasing pressure. q In this paper we study the phenomenological implications of chiral NLO corrections to IVDM in light of the recent 10 r 10 l 6 mX HGeVL 7 8 9 10 15 20 30 10-37 Benchmark A: fnê f p=-0.7, ls= lq =0 Benchmark B: fnê f p=-0.7, ls=0, lq =-0.1 Benchmark C: fnê f p=-0.7, ls=0, lq =0.1 10-37 10-38 10-38 10-39 10-39 10-40 CDMS-Ge 10-39 XEN 10-40 CDMS-Si 10-41 10-42 5 ON 100 s pHcm2L s pHcm2L 10-38 mX HGeVL 7 8 9 10 15 20 10-40 30 10-42 5 10-41 10-42 10-41 LU X 6 s pHcm2L XENON10 6 mX HGeVL 7 8 9 10 15 20 30 10-43 5 6 mX HGeVL 7 8 9 10 15 20 30 Figure 4: Best-fit CDMS-Si (contours at 68% and 90% CL) and XENON/CDMS-Ge/LUX exclusions (at 90 % CL) under di↵ering assumptions labelled on the top of each panel. In all cases, we have set s = 0 and used central values of the hadronic matrix elements. The left-hand panel shows the ”conventional” IVDM point, reproducing results found in [13]. The middle and right panel show the same r = 0.7 point with small amounts of ✓ turned on. Note that for both points the region allowed in the left panel is now excluded. one of their Ge detectors - T1Z5 - that apparently has the best quality data. We use the efficiencies and total exposure provided by the supplemental information to [40]. The total exposure of this detector was 35 kg–days. To account for the finite energy resolution of the detector, the energy of the nuclear recoil is smeared according to [42] with an energy p resolution E = 0.2 E/keV keV [35]. This experiment saw 36 events in their signal region whose origin remains Two Higgs doublets + Darkon Model If H is the Higgs mediating DM interacctions, whose couplings to up and down quarks are different and can lead to IVDM interaction. ( the role of H and h can be switched) h is the SM like Higgs. If λh = 0 h does not interacts with DM, no problem with invisible Higgs decay width. H does the job fo DM physics! 10!37 CDMS Ge CoGeNT DAMA CRESST 10!39 SIMPLE p Σel !cm2 " 10!38 TEXONO XENON10 CDMS Si ELWEISS EDELWEISS CRESST !40 10 SuperCDMS 0 SuperCDMS CDMS II XENON100 LUX 50 10!41 10 15 mD 20 !GeV" IVDM: data & THDM+D 30 50 Conclusions ! Dark Matter exists, properties are not known completely. ! There are constraints from direct detections of DM. There are indications that DM has low mass of order 10 GeV, but excluded naively by Xenon experiments. One can reconcile the Xenon data with some of the low mass DM indications, via Isospin Violating DM. ! The properties of the Higgs boson discovered at the LHC can put stringent constraints on DM models. ! Possible to construct model to explain the low mass of DM indicated by the recent CDSMII and consistent with Xenon data, example: TypeIII 2HDM.
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