THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN OF QUEENSLAND INC. Logo Affiliated with the Na onal Council of Women of Australia Inc. Ltd And The Interna onal Council of Women Patron: Her Excellency the Governor of Queensland Ms Penelope Wensley AC Postal Address: The Honorary Secretary, NCWQ, Harris Terrace, 46 George St. Brisbane, Qld 4000. March 2014 Newsle er 223 President Noela O’Donnell [email protected] Vice-Presidents Avril Kent Chiou See Anderson Secretary Avril Kent Treasurer Paula Riordan Recording Secretary Kathy Cavanagh State Coordinator Beryl Spencer Membership Secretary Kirsty Levis Newsle er Editor Lisa Pring newsle [email protected] Website Telephone (07) 3846 4418 Email [email protected] ABN 43 025 349 777 Opinions expressed in this publica on do not necessarily coincide with those of the NCWQ. Applica ons for the 2014 NCWQ bursaries have opened and all connected with this project have been working extremely hard and pu ng in many hours. Thank you. This is our biggest project of the year and epitomises one of our goals – to work for the empowerment of women and families. Educa on is a pathway to empowerment and if we can assist Queensland women along this path, it is an honour and a privilege and I believe our responsibility. The Forum Workshop was another opportunity to empower women. Feedback advised us that the skills gained provided a endees with new-found confidence. Women who have contributed much to NCW, and to their own organisa on, over the years were acknowledged in the Australia Day Honours list. Zita Sidaway, long-term NCWQ Member, was awarded a Medal (OAM) in the General Division in the Australia Day Honours. Robyn Gaspari, the NCW NSW Coordinator of Standing Commi ees was named a Member (AM) in the General Division and Jenni Russell, Immediate Past President of NCW Victoria received an OAM. Chris Tracey-Pa e, a member of Quota Interna onal has been awarded an OAM and Adele Rice, well-known to NCWQ members as both a member of Sorop mist Interna onal and for her years of work at Milpera High School, is now a Member (AM) in the General Division. These women all deserve this recogni on. Congratula ons to each of them and our thanks for leading the way for other women to follow. NCWQ Patron, Queensland Governor Ms Penelope Wensley AC, in her speech to guests at the IWD Recep on held at Government House called for be er representa on of women in the annual Order of Australia awards. Women accounted for one-third of the 683 awards announced on Australia Day this year. “I have been no ng this discrepancy, this gender imbalance – with growing concern – over the past 5 ½ years and am now convinced this is an issue all thinking women in our community should be concerned about,” she said. Ms Wensley said she had presented 1200 awards, with only one-fi h given to women. To nominate a deserving woman you know, go to for details and nomina on form. You can send your nomina ons at any me. Celebra ng Interna onal Women’s Day 2014 took many forms and some, featuring NCWQ members, are highlighted in this newsle er. Women, it is me to celebrate and to honour. 1 Noela O’Donnell NCWQ President The NCWQ annual President’s Dinner provides a wonderful opportunity for delegates from affiliated organisations and associate members to meet together – to ‘network’ and strengthen relationships. The 2014 Dinner was another huge success with 90 guests gathering to celebrate a wonderful year of achievements under the leadership of President Noela O'Donnell. We recognised Noela being named an Aspiring Queensland Woman at the Queensland Parliament's Speaker's Awards on International Women's Day, honoured by YWCA as one of 125 Leading Queensland Women and finally being nominated for Australian of the Year. Quatramania, a cappella quartet consisting of four members of the award winning Redland Rhapsody Chorus – Carolyn Drumm, Rosemary Williamson, Kylie Knight and Christine Flockhart, entertained us with "Straighten Up and Fly Right", "It had to be You", "Java Jive" and "Lean on Me". Following the blessing by Sallymatu, dinner was enjoyed in the lovely surroundings of Tattersall’s. Guest speaker, Noela L'Estrange, Chief Executive Officer of the Queensland Law Society, spoke on poor representation of women across senior ranks of the corporate sector, resonating with many of our guests. This continues, despite education standards of women being on a par or exceeding that of their male counterparts. Elloise Waite, a 2013 NCWQ Bursary recipient, left us inspired by her tales of trials and triumphs in her very young 21 years of life. A mother of a 4 year old and the product of many foster homes since the age of 7, she is the true embodiment of how NCWQ's bursaries can make a difference to a young woman's life by supporting them in their quest to better themselves through education. Her story exemplified this year’s theme of education. The evening concluded with delighted winners collecting their of raffle prizes, generously donated by members of the Management Committee and Rosalie Lewis and Glenys Barclay from Elements Living. 2015 is NCWQ's 110th Anniversary. We look forward to sharing the celebration of this remarkable milestone with you. Chiou See Anderson 2 NCWQ STATE ADVISERS MEETING NCWQ State Advisers held their first mee ng for 2014 at the Mélange Cafe at the Roma Street Parklands and all seemed to enjoy the relaxed atmosphere and the beau ful surroundings. Six advisers a ended, along with our President Noela O’Donnell. We were very pleased to welcome Helen McAllister and Kathy Faulkner as our new advisers for Educa on and Health. Very brief reports were given and me was spent discussing what each Adviser sees as the importance of her role. A ques onnaire was well responded to and all agreed that our key role is not so much wri ng reports but rather the outcomes we can work towards for our State and communi es. Photograph (L-R) Kathy Faulkner, Health; Georgina Pickers, Human Rights and Interna onal Rela ons and Peace; Kirsty Levis, Youth; Pat Pepper, Environment; Noela O’Donnell, NCWQ President; Beryl Spencer, State Coordinator and Adviser for Rural and Remote Women and Helen McAllister (Educa on). NCWA Conference The Na onal Council of Women of Australia (NCWA) Mid Term Conference will be held from Tuesday a ernoon, 27 May to the evening of Thursday 29 May 2014 at the Chifley Alice Springs Resort, Northern Territory. Whilst the venue is a long way from home, it does allow us the chance to combine a endance at a Na onal conference with some new travel experiences. The Conference theme ‘Caring for Women is Caring for the World’ will be reflected in the events planned. As well as NCWA business, delegates will have the opportunity to experience some of the culture and arts of the tradi onal owners. Op onal tours include the Alice Springs School of the Air, the Tjanpi Desert Weavers Gallery, the Bush Balm Workshop or by self guided walking tours. The Conference Dinner will include a guest speaker and entertainment. Resolu ons before the Conference include that NCWA, no ng the 2013 criminalisa on of forced marriage, calls on the Federal A orney-General to take further ac on; that NCWA urges the Commonwealth to immediately develop strategies to reduce problem gambling in our society and that NCWA request the Australian Government to establish an AGRI Bank. The Conference fee is $330.00 for the standard rate if paid prior to 30 April. For online conference registra on and a link to the accommoda on booking go to All are welcome. May Hatter’s Tea Party On May 1st NCWQ, in conjunction with White Lady Funerals will be hosting a event for the Mantle Housing Project. Mantle Housing, in partnership with Wesley Mission Brisbane will build safe, supportive homes for people living with severe and enduring mental illness. The Tea Party will be held during the opening of the new White Lady Funeral Clayfield branch. There will be entertainment by the Clayfield College’s Allegria String Quartet & Their Wind Quintet, as well as a stunning hat display by Brenda Walker from The House Of Windsor. Where: When: Cost: White Lady Funerals Clayfield, 616 Sandgate Road Clayfield 10.00am - 1.30pm on 1st May 2014 Your $10 donation will go directly to the Mantle Housing apartments. To RSVP please contact Annette Lourigan on P: 3262 5005 or E: [email protected] 3 NCWQ 2014 Bursary Program Update The 2014 Bursary program is now well under-way, with applications due to close on Friday 4th April. It has proved to be a record year – growing to 20 bursaries this year. What a great achievement from the initial three inaugural bursaries in 2009. We welcome the sponsorship, which allows for the program to continue. This year the Office for Women (Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services) increased its sponsorship to three bursaries: Return to Work – for female students over 25 preparing to return to the workforce; Transition from Care – for a female from an in-care arrangement moving to independence; and the new bursary An Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander female enrolled in tertiary studies. With the closing of applications rapidly approaching, it will soon be ‘the pointy end’ when the various Selection Panels do their assessment, with the final decisions for bursary recipients being made at the end of April. It is such an inspiring time to read how the applicants are moving towards the attainment of their goals. And how much we wish we had more bursaries to award. So in the short time that will still be available, we do urge you to ensure that all potential applicants in your circle of friends, family and professional contacts are aware of the bursary program – and to consider applying before 4th April. Full details are available at the NCWQ website Kathy Cavanagh A 1940S – 1950S PERSPECTIVE ON INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY FROM THE NCWQ “CENTURY OF MINUTES” International Women’s Day is first documented as such in the Minutes in 1939. (Or at least from my searching techniques.) However, given that since its inception in 1905, NCWQ was variously involved in International conferences, NCWQ would have been involved much earlier. In 1939, the International Women’s Day sub-committee sought a speaker from the League of Women Voters. The Queensland Women’s Peace Movement suggested that the day presented an opportunity to promote the subject of equal pay for equal work irrespective of gender. The Federal Clerks Union was also asking for a meeting on “Equal pay for Seniors”. World War II intervened, but in 1943, it was reported by President Byth (who is honoured by her grand-daughter in our current bursary program), reported that the Australian National Council of Women had carried resolutions on International Women’s Day supporting the welfare of the child. 1946 saw arrangements for women in national costume to form a tableau, to last for 15 minutes, during an ABC Orchestral Civic Concert at City Hall. In 1947 there was a move to bring forward the date to 4th March in an endeavour to have Dr Evatt as guest speaker. Arrangements were proving difficult to finalise, so a telegram was sent. Perhaps not successfully, because a function was held in the Canberra Hotel on 11th March, with over 90 delegates and associates listening to an address by Miss Annabelle Rankin. At this function Mrs Byth announced details of the first International Council of Women conference to be held since the end of the War. To be held in September, at the University of Pennsylvania, it was hoped that delegates could come from every country, with a special effort to have representation from those countries who had suffered during occupation. It was suggested that the 1948 function should be advertised through a stamp being used on all correspondence, with the details of the conference on International Women’s Day. The speaker, Mrs Margaret Watts, of the Society of Friends, had also been asked to broadcast her experiences in Germany, under the auspices of NCWQ. At an earlier March meeting in 1949, Judge Mansfield spoke on “Punitive and Corrective Attitude to Crime”. International Women’s Day was marked by a luncheon at McDonald’s Café – yes, I also did a double-take – attended by over 100 people. Miss Beth Gallagher spoke on the condition in ordinary homes, including those in Belgium, Holland, France and Italy. International Women’s Day functions involved music during the 1950s. In 1950, a member from the New Settlers was to perform. A piano was hired from Grice Music Store for £4.15 in 1952 – which seems a considerable amount at that time. Sir Raphael Cilento gave the address. In 1953, a motion was passed to leave the arrangements for International Women’s Day to the President. (She must have had plenty of time on her hands?) 1954 saw the gathering at Albert Hall, with over 75 attending, but unfortunately not as many from the country has expected. The 1955 invitation list included Asian women students, Japanese wives and a Dutch woman dentist. One can only surmise that with such specific details in the Minutes at the time, it was considered unusual. The guest speaker at the 1956 International Women’s Day gathering was Mrs Golnick, who spoke on “The Place of American Women in Public Life.” The NCW rooms were packed to capacity, so it was thought that the Albert Hall, Ann Street Presbyterian Hall or All Saints Hall would provide better venues. (And no more mention of Mc Donald’s café!) It was also suggested that a collection for funds towards the UN Children’s Appeal, or similar be taken. The move towards recovery from the War, and interaction with other countries, featured in the observance of International Women’s Day throughout this time. Now, as NCWQ supports the broad range of activities for International Women’s Day, as shown in a report of this year’s functions, we see that perhaps the emphasis hasn’t changed all that much over the years. Kathy Cavanagh 4 International women's day 2014 The colours – white for purity, purple for justice and green signifying hope and new life – were conspicuous earlier this month as we celebrated International Women’s Day - a day to recognise the economic, political and social achievements of women since that time in 1908 when inequality and oppression forced women to begin the campaign for equality of rights, equal pay for equal work, the vote, and recognition of the enormous contribution to be gained for all by these concessions. In 1910 a woman named Clara Zetkin (Leader of the 'Women's Office' for the Social Democratic Party in Germany) tabled the idea of an International Women's Day. She proposed that every year in every country there should be a celebration on the same day - a Women's Day - to press for their demands, but it wasn’t until 19 March 1911 that International Women's Day (IWD) was honoured for the first time in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. It is a significant day for women everywhere, from all walks of life, all religions and all ages. The day is celebrated in different ways throughout the world with marches, forums, community service projects, morning teas and fundraisers to inspire women and celebrate achievements. It is a day to acknowledge the resilience and tenacity of those women who paved the way, to celebrate their achievements in the comparative ease of the acceptance of women’s roles today, and to look to the future assisting the wonderful young women of the next generation to continue to uphold these values. Members of NCWQ celebrated the day in various venues and in various ways. Here’s a snapshot of them. The Romero Centre event at the State Library on 4 March started the IWD events to honour and celebrate women. This event consisted of a panel discussion, the viewing of a video featuring young refugee women telling their story music and a very colourful fashion parade. A Bridge of Peace (Sisterhood Ceremony) took place in Springwood, hosted by the Women’s Federation for World Peace and the Logan Elders. Each guest was teamed up with a sister, from a different culture, and pledged that ‘Through this Sisterhood Ceremony I join in friendship with my partner to build a bridge of peace and reconciliation between our two cultures.’ This was a most moving ceremony to celebrate IWD. 5 The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly the Hon Fiona Simpson MP, herself an inspiring woman, hosted the second Queensland Inspiring Women Speaker’s Breakfast at Parliament House. NCWQ President Noela O’Donnell was one of the Inspiring Women honoured. Soroptimist International Club of Bayside hosted a very successful International Women’s Day breakfast for more than 60 attendees at the Alexandra Hills Hotel. The discussion panel from the UN Women IWD Breakfast at the Convention Centre Southbank was streamed live to the gathering. Among the guests were members of other Soroptimist clubs and students from Alexandra Hills State High School, Sheldon College, Moreton Bay College and Wynnum State High School, accompanied by teacher representatives, together with members of the Bayside community. The very popular Black, Bold and Beautiful IWD Luncheon was held at the Hilton Hotel, Brisbane. Hosted by Sandra Georgiou, this event features Aboriginal and Torres Strait and South Sea Islander women presenting a very lively and fun fashion parade. Guest speakers, wonderful entertainment and raffles and door prizes (including a television set) all help to make it an action packed event, filling the Hilton ballroom with women having a great time. The Caboolture Historical Village IWD event celebrated local Caboolture women. Julie Kaesar, Editor of the book “Celebrating Caboolture Women” shared with the group about the incredible local “Quiet Achievers”, who through their tireless dedication, have contributed vast amounts of social and community wealth and growth. 6 The QCWA IWD dinner was held on Friday night 7th as part of their International Study weekend held in Ipswich. The guest speaker was Neroli Roocke, a member of QCWA Brisbane Business Women Branch. For eight years, until late last year, Neroli presented the Qld Country Hour on ABC Local Radio. She's been a journalist since graduating from University in Adelaide and moved to Brisbane in 1997. Neroli spoke on the life of her grandmothers which inspired her so much and then about her own career. To complete her talk, she challenged each woman present to write down what one piece of advice they would give to another woman. The Zonta Club of Gladstone supported the Australian Institute of Management (AIM) International Women’s Day lunch held at the Gladstone Entertainment and Convention Centre. The lunch brought together more than 220 women and men from the region to celebrate with guest speaker, past Gladstone local, Judy Reynolds. On Friday March 7th Quota Redcliffe held their 19th annual IWD Breakfast to celebrate the economic, political and social achievements of women in the past, present and future. The audience of over 100 included many students from the Peninsula Senior Schools, both girls and boys, all enjoying three very interesting and uplifting presentations, including the two Ambassador of the Year winners from 2013 who delivered their winning addresses. The keynote speaker was Trish Jenkins, well known to NCWQ members through our EWS Seminars, who enthused her audience with tales of her life, struggle and eventual victory over adversity. Soroptimist International Moreton North Inc. (SIMNI) first event was their annual Be Inspired Forum held at the Redcliffe Cultural Centre on Sunday 2nd March with over 100 people attending. Awards were presented to Dr. Eve Fesl, Aboriginal Elder of the Gubbi Gubbi People, distinguished academic, linguist and past Olympian and Wildlife Warrior Bindi Irwin. Club Members and friends sponsored local school girls and girl guides to attend the event. 7 Lisa France MP, Member for Pumicestone and Assistant Minister for Natural Resources and Mines, hosted an IWD event at Bribie Island, to celebrate the great talent of women. She shared with guests how at 8 months pregnant with her third child, she not only campaigned for the seat of Pumicestone, she campaigned to get an upgrade to the Bribie Bridge. She won one and is working hard on the other. Her guest speakers for the event were Kathy Rynders, Former Deputy Commissioner Queensland Police Service and Hon Fiona Simpson MP the first female Speaker of Queensland Parliament. Kathy let the group know that when she first “hit the beat” part of her uniform was a matching hand bag and gloves, which is a long way from the belts that the women police officers wear today. For International Women's Day, 8 March, the Wanwod Association of Queensland held a dinner meeting for members and friends. The aim of the dinner meeting was to celebrate the achievement of women all over the world by showing respect, appreciation and love towards them. In particular they honoured the women who sacrificed their life to help give us a good life, our mothers and all hard working women around the world. Those who have achieved and those who are striving to make a difference in women’s lives. Some achieve as much as they can with very little resources. Some survive under hard and unimaginable conditions however they continue to fight for a better life for the future of their children and others in their communities. Miraa House held its annual Women’s Day High Tea on Saturday 8th March 2014. The High Tea was held at the Verdant Restaurant and it was once again a great success with nearly 90 ladies enjoying the music, the magic, the pampering, the games and the raffles. David the magician had all amazed with his incredible magic tricks. The highlight for Tanya, one of the Miraa House young ladies, was seeing David produce a dove out of thin air! 8 MEMBER PROFILE Affiliated Organisation: Catholic Women’s League Catholic Women’s League Australia is made up of six member organisa ons located throughout Australia. Members usually belong to parish-based branches which undertake myriad tasks in their respec ve areas. The branches provide spirituality and friendship and the give women the opportunity to serve their churches and the wider community. Addressing social issues and ethical ques ons is one of our primary tasks. We seek to influence legisla ve and administra ve bodies at all levels in order to preserve the dignity of the human person. We strive to be a voice for the voiceless. Our Social Issues and Bioethics Convenors work with our Research Officer to prepare submissions for Parliamentary Commi ees of Inquiry. As a Non-Government Organisa on (NGO) we have consulta ve (roster) status at the United Na ons. We are dedicated to: the building a culture of life; advoca ng for the respect of human rights with a par cular focus on women and children; promo ng and suppor ng the forma on of women to meet contemporary challenges; upholding the dignity of women through educa on; encouraging women to take an ac ve part in social and public life. CWLA liaises with other organisa ons and faith communi es in crea ng awareness of social jus ce and ethical issues. We foster ecumenism and inter-faith dialogue. Of course, as a Catholic organisa on, we are true to the teachings and tradi ons of the Catholic Church, and we promote the role of lay women in the evangelical mission of the Church. We promote and support voca ons to the priesthood, religious life, the single life and Chris an marriage and family. Veronica Box 9 NCWQ/Forum Communicators Workshop NCWQ members recently learnt the answers to the questions – how did a horse become a camel? Who moves the financial statement be received? Who can't move the correspondence be received? And many more at the NCWQ/Forum Communicators Association ‘ Public Speaking and Meeting Skills’ Workshop held at St Thomas’s Conference Centre at Toowong, Forum Communicators, an organisation affiliated with NCWQ, is an organisation for people needing knowledge, support and confidence to fulfil their speaking role in work or community, Unlike trying to just ‘wing it’ Forum Communicators provides you with the opportunity to learn, practise and perfect your role and presentation skills so you can fulfil your duty to the best of your ability. One of the co-founders of Forum, in 1941 with Lady Groom and Mrs Ruth Don, was Marjorie Puregger, a leader in community affairs and a well-known journalist for the Sunday Mail. Marjorie gained a great knowledge of public and political life, which she used as Vice-President of the National Council of Women of Queensland. Her expertise in parliamentary meeting procedure was instrumental in training so many others to take on decision-making roles in Forum and other organisations. Her legacy ‘The Australian Guide to Chairing Meetings’ published in 1998 is the go-to resource for many a chairperson. Marjorie was named as one the 125 Leading Women of Queensland in 2013. The relationship between Forum & NCWQ continues. The workshop attendees included members of committees, new chairs/presidents of organisations and people wishing to learn new skills. The six presenters, including Dais President Margaret Townsley, covered many topics including Good Speech, Bad Speech; Thanking People Graciously; Basic Agenda; Understanding how to Move a Motion’; Confidently speaking for or against’ ‘ Structuring a captivating Presentation’ and ‘Calming the Nerves’. Libby Gomersall, a first time attendee said "I have no trouble standing and speaking in front of a class of children or their parents as I am confident in my subject area. However as talking to adults in a non-school environment is a different matter, I appreciated the various tips provided at the forum. In particular, I found the BIN formula for introductions and the relevant points to deliver a meaningful vote of thanks very useful. I look forward to the opportunity to implement the suggestions from the forum in my upcoming role as Quota president." Other feedback included ‘ Would recommend to friends’; ‘I learnt heaps’; ‘Today was very helpful and the notes contain a lot of information. This will be very helpful’; ‘Thank you so much for such an interesting and informative day. It will help me immensely in the year ahead’. With NCWQ focus this year on education, we feel many women were empowered by attending this workshop and it fulfilled one of the NCWQ Goals to ‘Work for the empowerment of women and families’. 10 Introducing Kathy Faulkner – NCWQ’s New Health Adviser I grew up in a family of six girls and I believe it is from these beginnings that I became interested in women’s health. My parents loved to travel and instilled this passion in us as well. After leaving high school, I spent 12 months as an exchange student in America and this taught me resilience and openness to things that are different (even when they appear very similar). For as long as I can remember I wanted to be a nurse. After spending the year in America, I completed my nursing training at the Princess Alexandra Hospital. As soon as I had money saved I once again travelled overseas and spent the early 1980s in England and visiting parts of Europe. While in England I completed my midwifery training and was lucky enough to have a placement in community midwifery and the experience of home births and midwife-led care. I spent almost 6 years overseas living and working in various parts of England before returning to Australia. I continued my education and eventually completed a Master of Health Science (major in Health Promotion) with an interest in women’s health. Today I am the manager at Women’s Health Queensland Wide, a not for profit health promotion, information and education service for women and health professionals in Queensland. I oversee a small organisation of around 10 staff, most of whom are part time. We use our knowledge and expertise and a range of technology platforms and social media to engage with women throughout the state to assist them to make healthy life decisions. Services include a telephone health information line that provides a free and confidential information and referral service for Queensland women staffed by nurse/midwives; health information and a free lending library via; and health education for the community and health professionals delivered via seminars, talks, videoconferencing and on YouTube. The more I work in this area, the more I come to realise how much of our life intertwines to benefit or detract from our health. Where we were born, how old we are, the society in which we live, where we work and the type of work we do, what education we received, what our housing is like, what recreational activities we do, how much money we earn or can access and whether we are boys or girls, men or women all impact on our health. These are referred to as the social determinants of health and unless we address these, health costs will continue to rise. State and federal governments are both saying that without any changes in another 20-30 years all state and federal budgets will need to be spent on health. This is not sustainable. We know that serious discussions will need to be held about what health systems can afford but what is obvious to me is that we need to invest in prevention and helping everyone to maintain their health. To do this we need to understand the social determinants of health and their impacts on individual lives, on families and on communities. This is what keeps me turning up for work every day. I have 2 sons, a 21 year old at the University of Queensland and a 16 year old in grade 11. So I see myself working for a few years yet until they are independent of my financial assistance. But I already have a number of ideas for my next travels. Kathy Faulkner NCWQ/BGGSOGA Young Women’s Forum An exciting forum will be held on the 14th of May - NCWQ/BGGSOGA 'Young Women's Forum. This event will have 4 inspiring guest speakers. For more information or to RSVP please contact Steph either via [email protected] or 0410 157 477. Wednesday 14 May 2014 - 4:00 to 6:00pm Barbara Fielding Room, Brisbane Girls Grammar School, Gregory Terrace, Brisbane 11 The UN has declared 2014 as the International Year of Family Farming. “By choosing to celebrate this year, we recognise that family famers are leading figures in responding to the double urgency the world faces today: improving food security and preserving the natural resources,” UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Director-General Jose Graziano de Silva stated at the launch of the year, which was held at UN Headquarters in New York. Closer to home Claire and Craig Kapernick are family farmers. Here is their story. Claire Kapernick and her husband, Craig, own and operate Glenrock Hay – growing and distributing hay and chaff primarily to the Sunshine Coast for horse owners. Their home and business is located at Cloyna, an hour and a half west of Gympie in the South Burnett region. The property actually belonged to Craig’s maternal grandparents and is much loved by both Claire and Craig. structure”. Glenrock Hay was established ten years ago when the couple decided they wanted to take greater control of their life and business. At the time, they were in cattle and were frustrated by having no control over the price their cattle sold for. The Kapernick’s invested in a business coach, over a 3 month period initially, who helped them realize that they could turn the hay they grew into a business where they could establish the price. In Claire’s words, “He opened our eyes to possibilities that we wouldn’t have thought of on our own and helped us set up the appropriate entities and business Whilst Glenrockhay distributes from Kilkivan to Landsborough, there has been a local demand for their hay this past year due to the drought conditions following the floods of early 2013. “As fast as it is growing, it is going out”, said Claire. “We are not able to build up any stock pile for winter”. On being asked what was unique and special about Glenrock Hay, Claire talked about the service they offer. Clients are contacted personally 3-4 days before delivery to establish their order. “On the day, we turn up, place the feed in the shed, sweep the floor and leave a smiley-face lollipop along with the invoice.” Their motto: Glenrock Hay - for hassle-free hay. The fact that Claire and Craig are still in business, and successfully so, after ten years of operation is testimony to the client loyalty they have developed. Years of drought followed by two major floods in 2011 and then in 2013, both of which wiped them out altogether, requiring them to start from scratch, would normally wipe any business out. Not Claire and Craig’s business;; it is thriving again just a year later. Claire said they did a social media course and now use Facebook to let their clients know and see exactly where they are at and what they are up to. Claire is also active on updating their website and linking articles to Facebook. Pictures of fixing fences, working ground and growing new hay inform and educate. Claire attributes her network of family and Queensland Rural Regional & Remote Women’s Network (QRRRWN) friends as the vital safety net that supported her through the tough times. “The QRRRWN women of the Barambah branch have my back;; they understand and I can depend on them to listen”. She is so glad she took the advice of her good friend, Mandy Bishop, and joined QRRRWN. BlazeAid volunteers also got stuck in and helped Claire and Craig fence and repair when, in Claire’s words, “It stank and was a mess”. She added, “The mental benefits of having chirpy, positive people lend a hand and just listen to you surpassed even the physical help”. Claire’s email: [email protected] 12 TO THE WOMEN OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL Jennifer Ann DAVIES Queensland Women Writers, Poets, Visual Artists and Performing Artists, forge ahead, trailing tales, memoirs, legends and then energetically bounding into both comic and graceful action, startling some, delighting others and challenging many! …..The last becomes evident by “…the hunched commas of their bodies…” Isobelle Carmody: DARKSONG: 2008 In general, Arts and Letters thrive in our Sunny State; with, however, the continuing gloom of a coagulating LACK of Language, Literacies and lexical liaisons lacerating the limelight!! Promoting our ongoing custodian-ship as a pathway to a language-rich environment, I offer this gift to all the women involved with the National Council. A BOQUET OF LANGUAGE I see the Moon inside you…deep, silvery, soft, warm light Shining promise of New Woman – lively, vivacious, beautiful – whole. I see the Gull inside you…buoyant, noisy, gliding free Calling promise of New Woman – creative, abundant, wild – complete. I see the Rainbow inside you…curved, bright, harmonious – joy! Shaping prosperity for New Woman – flowing, moving, forging newness. I hear the Waters inside you…rushing, bubbling, travelling freely Flowing with hope, laughter, play – to New Terrain, solid, fertile. I hear the Songs inside you…unsung, sad, joyful, beautiful Singing hope, freedom, newness, Life!! I feel Joy and Sadness inside you…Life’s autographs, footprints Etching wisdom, grandeur, reality – on body, soul, psyche and eternity! I see the Moon inside you…and trust her gentleness, Woman-ness Hopes, dreams, promise, gentle laughter and rebirth… I cannot wish you more…. Jennifer Ann DAVIES NCWQ Arts and Letters Adviser 13 WORLD DAY OF PRAYER 2014 World Day of Prayer 2014 for inner-city Brisbane was hosted by the Catholic Church and celebrated on Friday 8th March in the Cathedral of St Stephen. The Christian women of Egypt prepared the prayer service with the theme “Streams in the Desert”. Mrs Jill Whitehouse of the Salvation Army, National Liaison Officer of World Day of Prayer, welcomed the participants. Members of the participating churches proclaimed the Scripture readings and prayers. His Excellency Ambassador Ayman Aly Kamel consul General of Egypt came from Sydney to be our guest speaker. With him were Father Moussa of St Mina & St Anthony Gold Coast Church; Mr Albert Nematalla, President of the Egyptian Association QLD; Mr Benjamin from the Gold Coast; Mr Nazmi Gobriel of the Egyptian Sunshine Coast Community; Mrs Galila Abdelsalam, Director of the Islamic Women Association QLD; Mrs Fatima Abdel Karim and Ms Odette Tewfik. Joining the many women of the various churches were church representatives Rev David Pascoe, Dean of the Cathedral; Rev Dan Skippen from Albert Street Uniting Church; Rev Stephen Nuske, St Andrew’s Lutheran Church; Mr Frank Avio, Relationships Manager Scripture Union QLD and Shannon Henderson Relationships Manager Scripture Union QLD. Also present were a teacher and students from All Hallows College and Mrs Noela O’Donnell of the National Council of Women. The Churches involved in this year’s programme were Catholic, Uniting Church, Baptists, Lutheran, St John’s Anglican and Salvation Army. It was a lovely service attended by 80 plus people. His Excellency gave us an insight into Egyptian history and modern Egypt. Mr Kamel has worked for over 28 years as a career diplomat and a public service official in various Egyptian missions abroad. He was one of the Egyptian officers responsible for convening several rounds of the Middle East Peace Talks. He is married and the father of two boys. Each participant received a beautifully illustrated book ‘The Holy Family in Egypt’. Lyn Hurry led us in the hymns, Eileen Vanderham was the organist and two ladies from the Baptist Church performed a beautiful duet. A light lunch and friendship were shared at the Rush Centre. The 2015 World Day of Prayer will be hosted by the Lutheran Church. Vanessa Box CWL W T O N M Welcome Donna Williams as an Associate Member of NCWQ. We look forward to working with you. 14 Date Claimers Monday 14 April 2014 1:00 to 3:00pm Visit to ESA Leukaemia Village Which provides much-needed family facilities at the difficult time of cancer diagnosis and treatment Boggo Road Urban Village, Dutton Park Thursday 24 April 2014 5:30 to 7:30pm ANZAC Eve Candlelight Vigil Nurses Memorial ANZAC Square, Brisbane Thursday 1 May 2014 10:00-11:30am May Hatters Tea Party In aid of the Mantle Housing Project White Lady Funerals 616 Sandgate Road, Clayfield Wednesday 14 May 2014 4:00 to 6:00pm NCWQ/BGGSOGA Young Women’s Forum Hear Inspirational Young Women Barbara Fielding Room Brisbane Girls Grammar School Gregory Terrace, Brisbane STRENGTHEN THE FEMALE MIND BY ENLARGING IT, AND THERE WILL BE AN END TO BLIND OBEDIENCE. Mary Wollstonecraft 15 NAME BADGES Would you like an NCWQ Name Badge? Membership Secretary, Kirsty Levis, is currently taking orders. The cost per badge is $12.50. To order one, please contact Kirsty at [email protected] NCWQ wish to thank Mr Robert Cavallucci MP, Brisbane Central, for the printing of this newsletter from his office as a service to a local community organisation. THIS NEWSLETTER IS PROUDLY SUPPORTED BY Advertising in the NCWQ Newsletter Affiliated organisa ons and small businesses are invited to place adver sements with logo into the NCWQ Newsle er issues bi-monthly from end of January. Business card size including logo per adver sement per edi on $50 To secure an adver sement in each of 6 edi ons per year a discount of $20 applies $280 Quarter page including logo per adver sement per edi on To secure an adver sement in each of 6 edi ons per year a discount of $20 applies $70 Half page including logo per adver sement per edi on $150 $400 This Newsle er is sent to 127 Associates and 53 Affiliated Organisa ons with their own members and networks. Contact the editor at newsle [email protected] for further informa on. 16
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