ANNEX 7 Details of Projects for Priority Area 7 Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) Table of Contents SMARTWATER4EUROPE ............................................................................................................... 2 SAID ............................................................................................................................................ 3 WATER4INDIA.............................................................................................................................. 4 SWITCH-ON ................................................................................................................................. 5 HYDRONET .................................................................................................................................. 6 WESENSEIT .................................................................................................................................. 7 MOBESENS .................................................................................................................................. 8 URBANWATER ............................................................................................................................. 9 EFFINET ..................................................................................................................................... 10 WATERP .................................................................................................................................... 11 ICEWATER.................................................................................................................................. 12 DRONIC ..................................................................................................................................... 13 IWIDGET .................................................................................................................................... 14 HYDROBIONETS ......................................................................................................................... 15 SHOAL ....................................................................................................................................... 16 LENVIS ....................................................................................................................................... 17 “QU” ......................................................................................................................................... 18 RADAR....................................................................................................................................... 19 AQUAVIR ................................................................................................................................... 20 NAPES ....................................................................................................................................... 21 ISIS ............................................................................................................................................ 22 TAWARA_RTM ........................................................................................................................... 23 SECUREAU ................................................................................................................................. 24 SAFEWATER ............................................................................................................................... 25 FRESHMON ................................................................................................................................ 26 DEWFORA.................................................................................................................................. 27 LOTUS........................................................................................................................................ 28 GLASS ........................................................................................................................................ 29 MYWATER ................................................................................................................................. 30 WATPLAN .................................................................................................................................. 31 SIRIUS........................................................................................................................................ 32 Page 1 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) SMARTWATER4EUROPE Acronym SMARTWATER4EUROPE Title Start/End Date Website Abstract Demonstration of integrated smart water supply solutions at 4 sites across Europe 2014-01-01 to 2017-12-31 European water utilities face many problems related to their 3,5 million km’s of distribution networks. Large parts of water distribution networks have to be rehabilitated requiring investments of € 20 billion/year. Prioritization and optimization of investments is needed urgently. In many countries, water quality needs improvement in order to reduce health risks and resources for water production and distribution must be used more efficiently. The European Innovation Partnership on Water has established priority areas related to the challenges in water supply distribution networks, focusing on resource efficiency, Smart Water Management and decision support systems. Although the technology components for Smart Water Management are available, the route to application is still uncertain. The main hurdles are: lack of integrated and open solutions; difficulty to comply with user and integration requirements; lack of clear and validated business cases for solutions; lack of business intelligence awareness and lack of political and regulatory support. Project aims 1) To integrate and demonstrate 12 innovative solutions 2) To demonstrate 4 integrated solutions 3) To establish and guard integration and standardisation aspects 4) To establish business cases, deployment potential and market uptake routes Solution This project will overcome the hurdles by developing and demonstrating in 4 important Smart Water Management themes (water quality management, leak management, energy optimization and customer interaction). 12 innovative theme oriented solutions and 4 integrated (technological, financial, ICT, organisation, management) solutions will be demonstrated at 4 well-scaled and real-life demonstration sites in France, United Kingdom, Spain and The Netherlands. These solutions will be tested, validated and evaluated and business cases will be generated. FP7-ENVIRONMENT; ENV.2013.WATER INNO&DEMO-1 VITENS N.V., THE NETHERLANDS THE UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD, UNITED KINGDOM STEREOGRAPH SARL, FRANCE INTELLITECT WATER LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM CENTRE D'INNOVATION DES TECHNOLOGIES SANS CONTACT-EURARFID, FRANCE OPTISENSE B.V., THE NETHERLANDS WATER SECURITY MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY, FRANCE ARSON TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION COMPANY SL, SPAIN ACCIONA AGUA SA, SPAIN KWR WATER B.V., THE NETHERLANDS SYRINIX LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM VERNON MORRIS & COMPANY LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM COMMISSARIAT A L ENERGIE ATOMIQUE ET AUX ENERGIES ALTERNATIVES, FRANCE UNIVERSITE DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES DE LILLE - LILLE I, FRANCE THAMES WATER UTILITIES LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM QUASSET BV, THE NETHERLANDS SOLVD LTD, UNITED KINGDOM COMPUTER AIDED LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT FOR WATER SA, FRANCE SCAN MESSTECHNIK, AUSTRIA MYCOMETER AS, DENMARK HOMERIA OPEN SOLUTIONS, S.L., SPAIN Call ID Coordinator Participants Page 2 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) SAID Acronym SAID Title Start/End Date Website Abstract SmArt water management with Integrated Decision support systems 2014-01-01 to 2016-12-31 The need for providing high quality water to citizens and to reduce damages produce by floods and droughts has motivated research and development of many software-based decision support systems (DSSs). However, despite the notable technical advances DSSs, most of the water infrastructures in Europe are still managed by expert operators based on traditional best practices but with little support from these new smart tools. The objective of SAID project is to involve the final users and the SMEs in order improve the production and deployment of more smart water management systems in Europe. The project will focus in the deployment and evaluation of a complex demonstrator, composed by several heterogeneous and innovative DSSs in the same river basin. This demonstrator, in the south of Spain, represents many similar basins in Europe, and will be based on cutting-edge DSS technologies in four areas: flood control (including the optimization of dam management), quality of water, energy production and energy consumption. The feedback from the final users will drive the improvement of the DSSs and the development and validation of a software platform that facilitate the integration of existing and future DSSs. SAID project will be carry out by water management authorities, companies operating water infrastructures, SMEs that produce DSS and research centers with proved knowledge in techniques and technologies for real-time data monitoring, environmental modelling, simulation and optimization of the water related elements. Call ID Coordinator Participants SAID will contribute to the initial action 1 (Smart water management systems) identified in the priority 4.7 Decision support systems and monitoring in the Strategic Implementation Plan of the EIP on Water. FP7-ENVIRONMENT; ENV.2013.WATER INNO&DEMO-1 ABEINSA BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SA, SPAIN IHP GMBH - INNOVATIONS FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE MICROELECTRONICS, GERMANY SOFTWARE FOR CRITICAL SYSTEMS SL, SPAIN UBIWHERE LDA, PORTUGAL CONSEJERIA DE MEDIO AMBIENTE Y ORDENACION DEL TERRITORIO, SPAIN ADDITION PROJECTOS E SERVICOS DE INFORMATICA LDA, PORTUGAL SIMBIENTE - ENGENHARIA E GESTAO AMBIENTAL LDA, PORTUGAL LESSWIRE AG, GERMANY UNITE TECHNIQUE DU SEMIDE GEIE, FRANCE UNIVERSIDAD DE MALAGA, SPAIN Page 3 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) WATER4INDIA Acronym WATER4INDIA Title Smart, Cost-effective Solutions for Water Treatment and Monitoring in Small Communities in India. Decision Support System Integration. 2012-09-01 to 2015-08-31 Fresh water of sufficient quality for human consumption is becoming a scarce resource and its availability is a concerning issue in India whose growing wealth and population create increasing needs leading to higher water consumption while quality standards for drinking water are being enhanced. In this context the overall objective of Water4India consists in studying the different centralized and decentralized options for water treatment at community level in India taking into account resource availability, management, treatment solutions, water quality, economic, environmental and social factors. Water monitoring is of capital importance at each step of the process: different technologies will be considered in the frame of a Water Safety Plan. A Decision Support System (DSS) will be developed based on the previously stated information to assess policy makers take the appropriate decisions to solve the existing problem with drinking water. Water4India will deliver two forms of water availability assessment: the quality and quantity of available water and the resource management with information on current and expected water requirements. The quality of available water will be studied using Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment. The DSS must find the optimal solution considering not only its cost but the overall sustainability of the process, paying particular attention to energy consumption and obtaining for this purpose, the friendliness of the proposed technologies and their adaptation to the social environment. The proposed technologies of the DSS will be applied in two places with different climatic and social situations that will constitute the pilot sites validating the developed work. Finally,a dissemination and best practice step will be carried out in order to define how the results of the project will be communicated to users and guarantee large scale implementation results which can be widely deployed into EU-India water technological business network. FP7-ENVIRONMENT ENV.2012.6.6-1 SOLINTEL M&P SL, SPAIN RHEINISCH-WESTFAELISCHE TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE AACHEN, GERMANY FACHHOCHSCHULE NORDWESTSCHWEIZ, SWITZERLAND SOLARSPRING GMBH, GERMANY CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY, UNITED KINGDOM UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA AMIAD WATER SYSTEMS LTD, ISRAEL KWR WATER B.V., THE NETHERLANDS THE UNIVERSITY OF EXETER, UNITED KINGDOM VERTECH GROUP SARL, FRANCE ADIN HOLDINGS LTD, ISRAEL Start/End Date Website Abstract Call ID Coordinator Participants Page 4 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) SWITCH-ON Acronym SWITCH-ON Title Sharing Water-related Information to Tackle Changes in the Hydrosphere - for Operational Needs 2013-11-01 to 2017-10-31 The project SWITCH-ON addresses water concerns to thoroughly explore and exploit the significant and currently untapped potential of open data. Water information is highly sought after by many kinds of end-users, both within government and business as well as within civil society. Water touches virtually all societal and environmental domains and the knowledge domain is largely multidisciplinary. New water information and knowledge can thus lead to more efficient use of environmental services and better handling of environmental problems, including those induced by climate and environmental change. SWITCH-ON will show the benefits achieved through the whole process chain by repurposing (re-using under different context) open data products into more dedicated and refined water products, which have high value and a broad impact on society. The vision is to improve public services, and to foster business opportunities and growth, by establishing new forms of water research and facilitating the development of new products and services based on principles of sharing. The SWITCH-ON objectives are to use open data for implementing: 1) an innovative spatial information platform with open data tailored for direct water assessments, 2) an entirely new form of collaborative research for water-related sciences, 3) fourteen new operational products and services dedicated to appointed end-users, 4) new business and knowledge to inform individual and collective decisions in line with the Europe’s smart growth and environmental objectives. While focusing on water, the project is expected to inspire a much broader environmental and societal knowledge domain and many different endusers. The SWITCH-ON project will be one trigger in a contemporary global movement to better address environmental and societal challenges through openness and collaboration. FP7-ENVIRONMENT ENV.2013.6.5-3 SWEDENS METEOROLOGISKA OCH HYDROLOGISKA INSTITUT, SWEDEN FONDAZIONE ENI ENRICO MATTEI, ITALY STICHTING DELTARES, THE NETHERLANDS ALMA MATER STUDIORUM-UNIVERSITA DI BOLOGNA, ITALY TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITEIT DELFT, THE NETHERLANDS LINKOPINGS UNIVERSITET, SWEDEN TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET WIEN, AUSTRIA GECOSISTEMA SRL, ITALY EMVIS SYMVOULOI MICHANIKOI ANONYMI ETAIREIA, GREECE DIPL.-ING. GÃœNTER HUMER GMBH, AUSTRIA UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL, UNITED KINGDOM CISMET GMBH, GERMANY HKV LIJN IN WATER BV, THE NETHERLANDS , ECOLOGIC INSTITUT GEMEINNÃœTZIGE GMBH, GERMANY JEREMY BENN ASSOCIATES LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM Start/End Date Website Abstract Call ID Coordinator Participants Page 5 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) HYDRONET Acronym HYDRONET Title Start/End Date Website Abstract Floating sensorised networked robots for water monitoring 2008-12-01 to 2012-01-31 Water is one of our most precious and valuable resources. It is important to determine how to fairly use, protect and preserve water. New strategies and new technologies are needed to assess the chemical and ecological status of water bodies and to improve the water quality and quantity. The relatively recent progress in micro-electronics and microfabrication technologies has allowed a miniaturization of sensors and devices, opening a series of new exciting possibilities for water monitoring. Moreover, robotics and advanced ICTbased technology can dramatically improve detection and prediction of risk/crisis situations, providing new tools for the global management of the water resources. The HydroNet proposal is aimed at designing, developing and testing a new technological platform for improving the monitoring of water bodies based on a network of autonomous, floating and sensorised mini-robots, embedded in an Ambient Intelligence infrastructure. Chemo- and bio-sensors, embedded in the mobile robots will be developed and used for monitoring in real time physical parameters and pollutants in water bodies. Enhanced mathematical models will be developed for simulating the pollutants transport and processes in rivers, lakes and sea. The unmanaged, self-assembling and self-powered wireless infrastructure, with an ever-decreasing cost per unit, will really support decisional bodies and system integrators in managing water bodies resources. The robots and sensors will be part of an Ambient Intelligence platform, which will integrate not only sensors for water monitoring and robot tasks execution, but also communications backhaul systems, databases technologies, knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) processes for extracting and increasing knowledge on water management. Following the computation on stored data, feedback will be sent back to human actors (supervisors, decision makers, industrial people, etc.) and/or artificial actuators, in order to perform actions. FP7-ENVIRONMENT ENV.2007. SCUOLA SUPERIORE DI STUDI UNIVERSITARI E DI PERFEZIONAMENTO SANT'ANNA, ITALY INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN, SLOVENIA NORSK INSTITUTT FOR LUFTFORSKNING, NORWAY THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM., ISRAEL UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI, SLOVENIA INSTITUT ZA FIZIKALNO BIOLOGIJO D.O.O., SLOVENIA LUMEX-MARKETING LLC, Russian Federation ROBOTECH SRL, ITALY FACHHOCHSCHULE ZENTRALSCHWEIZ - HOCHSCHULE LUZERN, SWITZERLAND DEDALUS SPA, ITALY Call ID Coordinator Participants Page 6 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) WESENSEIT Acronym WESENSEIT Title Start/End Date Website Abstract WeSenseIT: Citizen Observatory of Water 2012-10-01 to 2016-09-30 WeSenseIt will develop a citizen-based observatory of water, which will allow citizens and communities to become active stakeholders in information capturing, evaluation and communication. We propose: (i) data collection: (a) a first hard layer consisting of low-cost, static and portable devices that sense and transfer water information when automatically monitored or when initiated by citizens from their mobile devices; (b) a second soft layer consisting of techniques to harness citizens Collective Intelligence, i.e. the information, experience and knowledge embodied within individuals and communities, both in terms of enabling direct messages to the authorities (with mobile-phone pictures, messages, etc.) and in terms of crowd-sourcing (e.g. by mining social networks like Twitter and Facebook, as well as bulletin boards, RSS feeds, etc.). (ii) the development of descriptive and predictive models and decision-making tools integrating sensor and citizen-based data; the data suppliers (physical sensors or people) are seen as nodes of an integrated heterogeneous data collection network which undergoes progressive multi-objective optimization and tuning. (iii) two-way feedback and exchange of environmental knowledge/experience between citizens and authorities for decision-making and governance within an ecollaboration framework, enabling improved transparency, knowledge management, accountability and responsiveness, as well as facilitating participation in water management. We will test, experiment and demonstrate the citizen observatory of water in three different case studies in water management with civil protection agencies in UK, NL and Italy. The topic is the entire hydrologic cycle with a major focus on variables responsible for floods and drought occurrences. The project results have the potential to fundamentally change the traditional concept of environmental monitoring and forecasting, as well as models of governance. FP7-ENVIRONMENT ENV.2012.6.5-1 THE UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD, UNITED KINGDOM ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND DONCASTER METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL, UNITED KINGDOM SENSORSCOPE SARL,SWITZERLAND AUTORITA DI BACINO DEI FIUMI ISONZO TAGLIAMENTO LIVENZA PIAVE BRENTA BACCHIGLIONE, ITALY ADVANTIC SISTEMAS Y SERVICIOS, SPAIN DISDROMETRICS BV,m THE NETHERLANDS MIDDLESEX UNIVERSITY HIGHER EDUCATION CORPORATION, UNITED KINGDOM KNOWLEDGE NOW LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM STARLAB BARCELONA SL, SPAIN HYDROLOGIC RESEARCH BV, THE NETHERLANDS SOFTWARE MIND SA, POLAND QUINARY SPA, ITALY UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION –UNESCO, FRANCE Call ID Coordinator Participants Page 7 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) MOBESENS Acronym MOBESENS Title Start/End Date Website Abstract Mobile water quality sensor system 2008-06-01 to 2011-05-31 Management of the environment for predictable and sustainable use of natural resources is one of the great challenges of the 21st century. Although water covers most of the planet, it is becoming increasingly difficult to ensure adequate supplies of fresh, clean water for drinking, as well as, for sports and wellness activities. The demand for water resources is increasing as the population grows. At the same time, water resources are increasingly exposed to pollutants and spills as parts of the world become ever more crowded and industrialised. Potential climate changes due to global warming may also impact water resources. Management of water quality requires regular measurements and monitoring. Today, measurements of water quality are performed manually. The process can be slow and painstaking. Multiple point measurements are needed to cover an area. The process needs to be automated and extended to provide rapid and effective monitoring. Autonomous, mobile and self-healing solutions are needed to identify trends and to help localize and track potential problems. Call ID Coordinator Participants MOBESENS provides a modular and scalable ICT based solution for water quality monitoring. It enables data to be gathered quickly and reported across wide areas. The low power wireless sensor network gathers data samples, which are time and location stamped and automatically entered into the grid based information system to facilitate analysis and issue alarms if needed. Mobility is a unique feature of MOBESENS, which are capable of navigation and both surface and subsurface measurements. This extends range, enables 3D area measurements and facilitates operation, even in bad weather. MOBESENS may form ad-hoc networks enabling rapid and reliable reporting as well as relative localization and tracking (e.g. of contaminants). Opportunistic communication between MOBESENS and both fixed and mobile buoys is envisioned. Renewable energy sources are studied for selfsustained MOBESENS operation. FP7-ICT ICT-2007.6.3 CSEM CENTRE SUISSE D'ELECTRONIQUE ET DE MICROTECHNIQUE - RECHERCHE ET DEVELOPPEMENT, SUISSE IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND MEDICINE, UNITED KINGDOM UNIVERSITE DE GENEVE, SWITZERLAND INSTITUT FRANCAIS DE RECHERCHE POUR L'EXPLOITATION DE LA MER, FRANCE GROUPE DES ECOLES DES TELECOMMUNICATIONS, FRANCE ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND ADASA SISTEMAS, S.A.U., SPAIN MICROSENS S.A., SWITZERLAND Page 8 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) URBANWATER Acronym URBANWATER Title Start/End Date Website Abstract Intelligent Urban Water Management System 2012-12-01 to 2015-05-31 Improving the efficiency of water management in Europe was recognised by the EC as essential for overcoming the growing exposure of European countries to Water Scarcity and Droughts. UrbanWater proposes a platform that will enable a better end-to-end water management in urban areas, accounting for 17% of freshwater consumption in the EU. The project will undertake the development, demonstration, and economic up-scaling of an innovative ICT-based platform for the efficient integrated management of water resources. The system will benefit end-users, utilities, public authorities, the environment and the general public, in terms of: (i) providing consumers with comprehensive tools enabling them to use water more efficiently thereby reducing overall consumption; (ii) helping water utilities to meet demand at reduced costs; and (iii) fostering new partnerships between water authorities, utility, equipment and software companies so as to ensure the successful commercialisation of the system and the evolution of the European water sector as a global leader. The system will incorporate advanced metering solutions, real-time communication of consumption data and new data management technologies with real-time predictive capability, demand forecasting, consumption pattern interpretation, decision support systems, adaptive pricing and user empowerment solutions. The UrbanWater consortium includes ICT companies, research organisations, water utilities and authorities with complementary capacities and all the know-how required to oversee the successful completion of the project. Two water distributors included in the group will undertake large-scale validations with their urban users, thus promoting a final outcome that is close to the market and to the end-users. The final outcome of the project will remain open and interoperable with energy and water management schemes, thus positively impacting not only water consumption, but overall usage of natural resources across Europe. FP7-ICT ICT-2011.6.3 CENTRE DE RECERCA I INNOVACIO DE CATALUNYA S.A., SPAIN AQUALOGUS - ENGENHARIA E AMBIENTE LDA, PORTUGAL ORGA SYSTEMS GMBH, GERMANY SCOTTISH WATER, UNITED KINGDOM SAGEMCOM ENERGY & TELECOM SAS, FRANCE RED SKIES LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM SERIOUS GAMES INTERACTIVE, DENMARK SVEUCILISTE U ZAGREBU FAKULTET ELEKTROTEHNIKE I RACUNARSTVA, Croatia HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS, SPAIN TAVIRAVERDE - EMPRESA MUNICIPAL DEAMBIENTE, PORTUGAL Call ID Coordinator Participants Page 9 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) EFFINET Acronym EFFINET Title Start/End Date Website Abstract Efficient Integrated Real-time Monitoring and Control of Drinking Water Networks 2012-10-01 to 2015-09-30 This project addresses three main management problems in urban water system: optimal operational control, real-time monitoring and demand forecasting/management. Real-time optimal control deals with operating the main flow and pressure actuators to meet demands using the most sustainable sources and minimizing electricity costs and is tackled using stochastic model predictive control techniques. Real-time monitoring of water quantity and quality refers to the continuous detection and location of leakage and or water quality problems. It uses fault detection and diagnosis techniques. Demand forecasting and management is based on smart metering techniques and includes detailed modelling of consumption patterns as well as a service of communication to consumers. The project will provide an integrated software platform and two real-life pilot demonstrations in Barcelona (Spain) and Lemesos (Cyprus), respectively. FP7-ICT ICT-2011.6.3 AQUALOGY AQUA AMBIENTE SERVICIOS INTEGRALES SA, SPAIN WATER BOARD OF LEMESOS, CYPRUS CINTERION WIRELESS MODULES GMBH, GERMANY UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS, CYPRUS AGENCIA ESTATAL CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS, SPAIN SIGNALGENERIX LTD, CYPRUS SOCIEDAD GENERAL DE AGUAS DE BARCELONA S.A., SPAIN SCUOLA IMT (ISTITUZIONI, MERCATI, TECNOLOGIE) ALTI STUDI DI LUCCA, ITALY CETAQUA, CENTRO TECNOLOGICO DEL AGUA, FUNDACIÓN PRIVADA, SPAIN Call ID Coordinator Participants Page 10 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) WATERP Acronym WATERP Title Start/End Date Website Abstract Water Enhanced Resource Planning "Where water supply meets demand" 2012-10-01 to 2015-09-30 Water supply involves many actors. While many management tools exist, they cannot intercommunicate and no framework is available for integrating all of them, preventing integrated water resources management to be fully achieved. WatERP will develop a webbased Open Management Platform (OMP), integrating intelligent systems through open interfaces, to enable water supply distribution chains to be managed in a unified and customized way. The OMP will provide inferred information on water supplies, flows, consumption, distribution efficiency, and supply and demand within a single framework. It comprises 3 tools: (a) Data Warehouse, using semantics and common language, (b) DSS, for coordinating actions, prioritizing water uses, improving distribution efficiency, and saving water, energy and costs, and (c) Demand Management, supporting socio-economical analyses and policies. Open standards will be used to maximize interoperability and data sharing. WatERP technologies will be developed under a user-centred participatory design. 9 Partners (ES, DE, GR and UK, with a large SME component, a water authority, a water utility and a big water sector companies association) will validate the project outcomes in 2 different pilots: (1) Ter-Llobregat water supply system (ES) representing water-stressed parts of Europe and (2) Karlsruhe water supply system (DE) representing more water-rich regions. WatERP enables improved matching of water supply and demand from a holistic point of view, pursuing 2 objectives: (i) improving coordination among actors and (ii) fostering behavioural change to reduce water (8%) and energy (5%) consumption. By enabling a more dynamic and agile interaction among the different actors involved in water supply distribution, the platform improves water governance while maintaining the autonomy and independence of the actors. WatERP will also develop a strong dissemination capability, besides an evaluation of their anticipated cost and benefits and market prospects. FP7-ICT ICT-2011.6.3 FUNDACIO PRIVADA BARCELONA DIGITAL CENTRE TECNOLOGIC, SPAIN AGÈNCIA CATALANA DE L'AIGUA, SPAIN DVGW DEUTSCHER VEREIN DES GAS- UND WASSERFACHES -WISSENSCHAFTLICHER VEREIN EV, GERMANY INCLAM SA, SPAIN INSTITUTE OF COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS, GREECE HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS, SPAIN STADTWERKE KARLSRUHE GMBH, GERMANY DISY INFORMATIONSSYSTEME GMBH, GERMANY STAFFORDSHIRE UNIVERSITY, UNITED KINGDOM Call ID Coordinator Participants Page 11 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) ICEWATER Acronym ICEWATER Title Start/End Date Website Abstract ICT Solutions for Efficient Water Resources Management 2012-10-01 to 2015-09-30 ICeWater will increase the stability of freshwater supply to citizens in urban areas by adjusting the water supply to the actual consumption, while minimizing energy consumption through smart-grid integration and water spillage through leak detection. ICeWater uses wireless sensor networks for water flow monitoring and it provides a decision support system for the water utilities so that supply and demand patterns can be matched in real-time. As an additional benefit, leakage can be predicted with statistical methods so that water network damages can be mended even before they occur (fixbefore-break). Call ID Coordinator Participants ICeWater uses wireless sensors of various types to provide real-time monitoring of water supply and demand. Based on the sensor data, decision support systems facilitate optimization of the water grid network operation (pumping schedules, pressure etc.). The demand management and consumption information is accessible online to the relevant actors in the water supply chain (including consumers) and allows dynamic pricing schemes with nudge-pricing to motivate behavioural change in customers causing critical consumption patterns. Services for asset management, such as predicting deterioration, leakage detection and leakage localization functionalities, will reduce water waste. New networking concepts (protocols, management of virtualized network resources) are required for better information flow, network resources management and sharing in a service oriented architecture (SOA). The information gathered with these services allows a better understanding of the consumers and to improve the effectiveness of the water resource management together with new metering and pricing schemes. FP7-ICT ICT-2011.6.3 SIEMENS AG, GERMANY AQUATIM SA, ROMANIA TOSHIBA RESEARCH EUROPE LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM ITALDATA SPA, ITALY CONSORZIO MILANO RICERCHE, ITALY UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION –UNESCO, FRANCE K & S GMBH PROJEKTMANAGEMENT, GERMANY METROPOLITANA MILANESE SPA, ITALY INSTITUTE OF COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS, GREECE Page 12 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) DRONIC Acronym DRONIC Title Application of an unmanned surface vessel with ultrasonic, environmentally friendly system to (map and) control blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria) 2014-01-01 to 2016-06-30 Through the DRONIC project, the consortium will showcase a new, innovative blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) monitoring and treatment robotic system, that can localize hotpots of blue-green algae blooms and only treats the part of the lake which is experiencing bluegreen algae bloom. Because of the direct and localized treatment, the system is environmentally friendly, with a minimal impact on the ecology of the lake.The new water robot concerns the retrieval, prevention and abatement of harmful algae blooms in lakes and in inland water reservoirs used for drinking water production. Start/End Date Website Abstract In lakes and reservoirs, species of blue-green algae and their concentrations can vary locally due to wind or water flow direction and local variations in temperature, nutrients and depths. In lakes and reservoirs, hotspots of blue-green algal blooms can be often detected only in one area of the water body whereas other area's experience no problems due to blue-green algae. Therefore, it is important to map the algal concentration over extended at flexible, different area's in order to localize algal hotspots. The mobility of the robot will allow targeted intensive algae reduction at hotspot locations, thereby increasing the efficiency of the abatement measure. Measurements directly related to algae concentration will be combined with measures of water quality and dimension related parameters to locate the algae, make an estimation of the local water quality and hydrographic parameters. Call ID Coordinator Participants This new robotic approach offers the first cost-effective method to control algal blooms in larger lakes, reservoirs, canals and rivers with low water velocity (< 1 m/s). With DRONIC technology blooms of blue-green algae will be treated locally at the place where the blooms are present and there is no need to treat the complete surface of the lake or reservoir anymore. Besides that, with the local use of higher power ultrasound, also the cyanobacterial by-products like toxins can be neutralized. FP7-ICT ICT-2013.2.2 LG SOUND BV, THE NETHERLANDS ARCHITECTURE ET CONCEPTION DE SYSTEMES AVANCES, FRANCE UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI, SLOVENIA VLAAMSE INSTELLING VOOR TECHNOLOGISCH ONDERZOEK N.V, BELGIUM MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT OF CYPRUS, CYPRUS SCOTTISH WATER, UNITED KINGDOM SEPTENTRIO NV, BELGIUM CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE, FRANCE Page 13 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) IWIDGET Acronym IWIDGET Title Improved Water efficiency through ICT technologies for integrated supply-Demand side manaGEmenT 2012-11-01 to 2015-10-31 The aim of iWIDGET is to advance knowledge and understanding about smart metering technologies in order to develop novel, robust, practical and cost-effective methodologies and tools to manage urban water demand in households across Europe, by reducing wastage, improving utility understanding of end-user demand and reducing customer water and energy costs. The main scientific challenges for iWIDGET are the management and extraction of useful information from vast amounts of high-resolution consumption data, the development of customised intervention and awareness campaigns to influence behavioural change, and the integration of iWIDGET concepts into a set of decision-support tools for water utilities and consumers, applicable in differing local conditions. In order to meet these aims and challenges, iWIDGET will investigate: (i) how best to provide the dynamic accurate measurement and data transfer of useful information about end-user water consumption, (ii) how best to use consumption data to improve the operation of utilities and influence end-users to modify their behaviour, (iii) how to arrive at the best business model to convert a promising technology into a useful and cost-effective product, and (iv) how to demonstrate and validate the new methodologies on two case studies in the North and South of Europe. FP7-ICT ICT-2011.6.3 THE UNIVERSITY OF EXETER, UNITED KINGDOM WATERWISE PROJECT LTD, UNITED KINGDOM UTILITY PARTNERSHIP LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM IBM IRELAND PRODUCT DISTRIBUTION LIMITED, IRELAND AGS-ADMINISTRACAO E GESTAO DE SISTEMAS DE SALUBRIDADE SA, PORTUGAL SAP AG, GERMANY NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS, GREECE HR WALLINGFORD LTD, UNITED KINGDOM LABORATORIO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA CIVIL, PORTUGAL Start/End Date Website Abstract Call ID Coordinator Participants Page 14 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) HYDROBIONETS Acronym HYDROBIONETS Title Autonomous Control of Large-scale Water Treatment Plants based on Self-Organized Wireless BioMEM Sensor and Actuator Networks 2011-10-01 to 2014-09-30 Recent advances in ICT and MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) have led to devices incorporating wireless communication, processing and storage capabilities, as well as diverse sensing and actuation functionalities in a single unit that is compact, economical, autonomous and destined to become ubiquitous. This revolution appears in the form of dense and distributed Wireless Sensor Networks, the potential of which is enormous for various applications that are of great interest to society, including water monitoring and management in large-scale industrial plants, where microbiologic control of water quality is crucial. A basic understanding of system performance limits and the optimal design of largescale, robust in-network practical algorithms associated with such biological signals remains far from mature. Start/End Date Website Abstract This proposal is motivated by the grand challenge of providing: a) a fundamental understanding of the performance bounds of large-scale Self-Organized Wireless BioMEM Networks (WBNs); b) concrete design guidelines, algorithms, software and hardware architectures to assure the required robustness, fault-tolerance, power efficiency, autonomy and adaptation; c) implementation and deployment of a large-scale and reactive WBN for microbiological autonomous monitoring and decentralized control of water quality in industrial environments. Call ID Coordinator Participants HYDROBIONETS will address: a) the distributed acquisition of spatio-temporal biological signals, including the specific design of BioMEMs and their stable integration to motes; b) in-network cooperative processing and distributed intelligence to achieve essential tasks such as inference, detection, and decision-making; c) networked dense control to ensure adequate water quality, productivity and energy efficiency of water treatment plants. The results of this project will be demonstrated in real large-scale industrial water treatment and desalination plants, provided directly by partner ACCIONA, a worldwide leader in Water Industrial. FP7-ICT ICT-2011.3.3 UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA, SPAIN FOUNDATION FOR RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY GREECE, GREECE MFKK FELTALALOI ES KUTATO KOZPONT SZOLGALTATO KFT, MAGYARORSZAG IXSCIENT LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM KUNGLIGA TEKNISKA HOEGSKOLAN, SWEDEN ACCIONA AGUA SA, SPAIN AGENCIA ESTATAL CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS, SPAIN Page 15 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) SHOAL Acronym SHOAL Title Search and monitoring of Harmful contaminants, other pollutants and leaks in vessels in port using a swarm of robotic fish 2009-03-02 to 2012-07-01 Robotic fish designed to mimic the natural movements of real fish and to monitor the environment SHOAL will develop a shoal of robotic fish to analyse contaminants in water and produce a real-time map of which pollutants are present, in what concentrations and where these are on a 3D map of the port. The robot fish will function independently and as part of a larger group. SHOAL will use advanced swarm intelligence techniques to control the robots in order to coordinate the group efficiently and adapt quickly to changes in the environment. This will benefit not only monitoring operations in ports across the EU, but also lead to important advances in robotics, chemical analysis, underwater communications and robot intelligence. SHOAL is innovative because it can analyse chemicals not only on the surface of the water but also those that are dissolved in the water. This will allow the fish to find pollution from agriculture as well as leaks from ships or pipelines FP7-ICT ICT-2007.2.2 BMT GROUP LIMITED, UK UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX, UNITED KINGDOM AUTORIDAD PORTUARIA DE GIJON, SPAIN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CORK, NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND, CORK, IRELAND THALES SAFARE SA, FRANCE UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE, UNITED KINGDOM Start/End Date Website Abstract Call ID Coordinator Participants Page 16 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) LENVIS Acronym LENVIS Title Localised environmental and health information services for all: User-centric collaborative decision support network for water and air quality management 2008-09-01 to 2012-01-31 The main goal of the LENVIS project is to develop an innovative collaborative decision support network for exchange of location-based environmental and health services between all stakeholders, for enhanced capacity to assess population exposure and health risks and better management of the concerned ecosystems. LENVIS will include health indicators as integral part of the environmental management. Start/End Date Website Abstract There is a growing demand for real time and integrated environmental and health risk information. Provision of such location-based services linked to the state of the environment at particular geographical locations (addresses) is necessary for improving the quality of life of all people. This is essential for mitigation of environmental-related health threats associated to water quantity and quality, and outdoor air pollutions. LENVIS project aims to fill the existing gap between environmental management and the health management systems. This will be done by developing a generic ICT solution that combines service-oriented-architecture (SOA) and user-centric approach (peer-to-peer network, P2P) by fusion of location-based environmental and health data, information and modelling services. This novel collaborative peer-to-peer network, as an integral part of the Single Information Space for the Environment in Europe, will be validated through test cases on fresh surface water and outdoor air quality in the Netherlands, Portugal and Italy. Call ID Coordinator Participants LENVIS project will facilitate collaboration between different stakeholders, such as environmental protection agencies, health institutions and service providers, policy makers, citizens in general and environmental communities in Europe. FP7-ICT ICT-2007.6.3 UNIVERSITA' DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO-BICOCCA, ITALY INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TECNICO, PORTUGAL ARIA TECHNOLOGIES SA, FRANCE COMUNE DI BARI, ITALY HYDROLOGIC BV, THE NETHERLANDS NOORD-BRABANT PROVINCIE, THE NETHERLANDS UNESCO-IHE INSTITUTE FOR WATER EDUCATION, THE NETHERLANDS ESAPROJEKT SP Z OO, POLAND GMVIS SKYSOFT SA, PORTUGAL HIDROMOD MODELACAO EM ENGENHARIA LDA, PORTUGAL Page 17 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) “QU” Acronym “QU” Title Universal microarrays for the evaluation of fresh-water quality based on detection of pathogens and their toxins. 2011-03-01 to 2014-11-30 Monitoring the quality of drinking water is of paramount importance for public health. Water is not a commercial product but a heritage that must be protected, defended and treated as such (Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC). The threat of waterborne diseases in Europe will predictably increase in the future as the human population increases and as a result of globalization and migration from non-EU countries and of climate change. Development of efficient, sensitive, robust, rapid and inexpensive tests to monitor various aspects of water quality represents an essential milestone within the strategy for control and prevention of diseases caused by waterborne pathogens and by algal toxins. Traditional methods for the detection of waterborne pathogens, based on cultivation, biochemical characterisation and microscopic detection are laborious and time-consuming; molecular biological tools have now greatly enhanced our ability to investigate biodiversity by identifying species and to estimate gene flow and distribution of species in time and space. Start/End Date Website Abstract Call ID Coordinator Participants AQUA aims to design and develop a universal microarray chip for the high-throughput detection in water of known and emerging pathogens (bacteria, viruses, protozoa and cyanobacteria) and to assess the water quality monitoring the presence of select bioindicators (i.e. diatoms). A chip able to detect cyanobacterial toxins will also be developed. These innovative molecular tools should be amenable to automation so that they could be deployed on moorings for routine semi-continuous monitoring of water quality. AQUA also aims to identify cyanophages potentially capable of controlling and mitigating the periodical blooming of toxic cyanobacteria in drinking water reservoirs. Overall, these innovative and cost efficient technologies will reduce energy requirements and improve performance of water treatment, and allow rapid management response to new situations brought about by environmental (including climatic) changes. FP7-KBBE KBBE.2010.3.2-04 UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI CAMERINO, ITALY ISTITUTO SUPERIORE DI SANITA, ITALY QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY BELFAST, UNITED KINGDOM UNIVERSIDADE DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, SPAIN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE DUBLIN, NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND, DUBLIN, IRELAND UNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE - PARIS 6, FRANCE VEOLIA ENVIRONNEMENT RECHERCHE ET INNOVATION SNC, FRANCE MARILIM GESELLSCHAFT FUR GEWASSERUNTERSUCHUNG MBH, GERMANY NATIONAL CENTER OF INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES, BULGARIA UNIVERSITY OF PORTSMOUTH HIGHER EDUCATION CORPORATION, UNITED KINGDOM ISTANBUL UNIVERSITY, TURKEY SCIENION AG, GERMANY Page 18 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) RADAR Acronym RADAR Title Rationally Designed Aquatic Receptors integrated in label-free biosensor platforms for remote surveillance of toxins and pollutants 2011-01-01 to 2014-12-31 RADAR is a 7-member consortium that aims to develop a robust, sensitive, and versatile label-free, biosensor platform for spot measurements and on-line monitoring of toxins and pollutants in food production processes and in the aquatic environment. Specificity towards chemical pollutants and toxins is achieved by using recombinant receptors (namely the estrogen receptor and the aryl hydrocarbon receptor) whose amino acid sequences have been rationally designed based on genomic and functional information from aquatic organisms. Sensitivity of the biosensor is increased by the unique combination of isotachophoretic preconcentration step, and surface nanostructuring & chemical modification. The integration of the label-free detection sensors with an on-line automated sample handling and a wireless communication system will yield a best-in-class biosensor platform for robust, specific and sensitive detection of EDCs and PAHs in difficult operating conditions. To validate the RADAR biosensor the consortium will test the biosensors in fresh and marine water, in fish farms, and in food products such as fish, fruit juices, and milk. Through their contacts in these industries, the partners will evaluate the performance of the biosensors in such environments, analyzing a representative number of samples and reporting on the stability, ruggedness and accuracy of the sensors used under laboratory and real test conditions. Start/End Date Website Abstract Call ID Coordinator Participants This project is expected to have a high economic impact, since our cost-effective sensor could find a worldwide distribution in most food production and water testing lines as supported by Agilent Technologies Inc. FP7-KBBE KBBE.2010.3.2-04 CSEM CENTRE SUISSE D'ELECTRONIQUE ET DE MICROTECHNIQUE - RECHERCHE ET DEVELOPPEMENT, SUISSE FONDAZIONE PER L'ISTITUTO DI RICERC A IN BIOMEDICINA, SWITZERLAND ELYSIUM PROJECTS LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM JRC -JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE- EUROPEAN COMMISSION, BELGIUM OPTICS BALZERS AG, LIECHTENSTEIN STICHTING DIENST LANDBOUWKUNDIG ONDERZOEK, THE NETHERLANDS NACIONALNI INSTITUT ZA BIOLOGIJO, SLOVENIA Page 19 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) AQUAVIR Acronym AQUAVIR Title Start/End Date Website Abstract Portable Automated Water Analyser for Viruses 2013-11-01 to 2016-10-31 Water-borne viral diseases pose high risks for public health worldwide. The urban wastewater contains large number of pathogen viruses, and even the most advanced wastewater treatment is not safe for full removal of virus particles. The conventional biological water quality indicators do not provide adequate information about the presence of pathogenic viruses. The currently available reliable virus test - based on molecular biology - is expensive, time consuming and labour intensive, thus limited to few laboratories with sophisticated facilities and well-trained personnel, even though the protection of water networks against pathogenic viruses is crucial. In this project we aim to develop a novel, cost effective, portable, on-site detection system, which is capable for monitoring human enteric viruses in different freshwater bodies. The method is based on disposable microfluidic chip, in which the virus particles can be upconcentrated and detected by electrical readout with a detection limit of 0.01-1 virus/L. We will focus on selective detection of norovirus, Hepatitis A and rotavirus (the most prevalent viruses), but the sensor is capable to detect any other virus with relevant functionalization. The “plug-and-play” virus sensor chip will be integrated into a measurement unit, which will send the data to the monitoring station. The project will include laboratory and field tests and validation of the monitoring unit, development an early warning system and epidemic risk assessment, provide with exploitation possibilities at the end-users, economical assessment for positive production capacity and preparation for future standardization. FP7-NMP NMP.2013.1.2-1 DENMARKS TEKNISKE UNIVERSITET, DENMARK BUDAPESTI MUSZAKI ES GAZDASAGTUDOMANYI EGYETEM, MAGYARORSZAG DIN DEUTSCHES INSTITUT FUER NORMUNG E.V., GERMANY LABORATORI - LAB SERVICES RESEARCH INNOVATION, ITALY INSTITUTUL NATIONAL DE CERCETARE DEZVOLTARE PENTRU MICROBIOLOGIE, ROMANIA DELTA DANSK ELEKTRONIK, LYS & AKUSTIK, DENMARK SANNER GMBH, GERMANY SIMTEJO-SANEAMENTO INTEGRADO DOS MUNICIPIOS DE TEJO E TRANCAO SA, PORTUGAL CORIS BIOCONCEPT SPRL, BELGIUM EPAL-EMPRESA PORTUGUESA DAS ÕGUAS LIVRES, SA, PORTUGAL UNISENSOR A/S, DENMARK DHI. DENMARK GOTEBORGS KOMMUN, SWEDEN UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI ROMA TOR VERGATA, ITALY Call ID Coordinator Participants Page 20 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) NAPES Acronym NAPES Title Start/End Date Website Abstract NAPES - Next Generation Analytical Platforms for Environmental Sensing 2013-12-01 to 2017-05-31 GOALS: The current state-of-the-art for autonomous environmental instruments monitoring the chemical and biological status of our water is based on flow systems that employ conventional approaches to sample/liquid handling, which makes them prohibitively expensive (often >€20K per unit) in terms of up-scaling deployments. This project will investigate ways to deliver revolutionary advances in liquid/sample handling combined with new approaches to performing sensitive in-situ analytical measurements. Our goal is to drive down the unit cost of these instruments by orders of magnitude to levels that can create a tipping point, at which the technology becomes ubiquitous. OUTCOMES: • Novel technologies that will contribute significantly to the realization of next generation autonomous analytical instruments for distributed environmental monitoring. • New services based on the information generated by these instruments in real deployment scenarios. • Photoactuated polymer valve structures fully integrated within microfluidic channels • Highly sensitive detector integrated with microfluidics sample preparation • Photocontrolled functions such as filtering, preconcentration, uptake and release, surface activation/passivation Call ID Coordinator Participants Prototype components will be integrated with existing autonomous sensing devices, and after lab based trials deployed at wastewater treatment plants and in the general environment. This strategy will enable risk to be managed by testing the novel biomimetic fluid handling components with existing detectors (e.g. colorimetric methods for nutrients). In a similar manner, a novel E coli sensor will be assessed using validated fluid handling technologies in the existing devices. This strategy will allow the biomimetic fluid handling and advanced detector elements of the research programme to advance independently, or collaboratively, depending on progress. FP7-NMP NMP.2013.1.2-1 DUBLIN CITY UNIVERSITY, IRELAND TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITEIT EINDHOVEN, THE NETHERLANDS UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO, ITALY INSTITUT CURIE, FRANCE T.E. LABORATORIES LIMITED, IRELAND WILLIAMS INDUSTRIAL SERVICES LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM AQUILA BIOSCIENCE LIMITED, IRELAND ASOCIACIÓN CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN COOPERATIVA EN MICRONANOTECNOLOGÍAS, SPAIN Page 21 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) ISIS Acronym ISIS Title Start/End Date Website Abstract Integrated intelligent sensor system for improved security of water supply 2014-01-01 to 2016-12-31 ISIS will provide public security by developing an advanced monitoring system for drinking water networks that instantly detects chemical or biological tamination and gives clear indication of the risk level. Water distribution systems are vulnerable to deliberate, accidental or natural tamination, having many potential entry points for rapid and extensive distribution of harmful substances. Recent increased terrorist activity has raised awareness of the threat. Surveillance platforms for intruder security are available but can only be adapted to alert for chemical and biological tamination if selective, sensitive and instantaneous detectors are available. However, current methods are limited to off-line laboratory analysis, which are too slow to initiate prompt action, or simple indicators (e.g. pH, ductivity), which are limited in the information that they provide, failing to cover many taminants and rendering decision-making unreliable.. The ISIS project will combine advances in the state-of-the-art in four main areas: sensors; wireless networks; intelligent surveillance strategies and integrated risk analysis software. This combination of technologies is a major advance in security systems, giving a capability for water suppliers that is not currently available. It will enable immediate alert of chemical or biological taminations and, crucially, indicate not only the location and nature of the hazard, but also the level of risk. This will allow appropriate informed action to be taken and will minimise the chance of false alarms, which not only cost water companies thousands of Euros, but also cause the panic and disruption that are also the aims of terrorist activity The ISIS sortium brings together two water company end-users with security and sensor specialists from the research, academic and SME communities. The partnership of 10 includes 4 SMEs, and has the capability to exploit the product. FP7-SECURITY SEC-2012.1.5-2 C-TECH INNOVATION LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM UNIVERSITAET WIEN, AUSTRIA CNIGUARD LTD, UNITED KINGDOM ADVANTIC SISTEMAS Y SERVICIOS SL, SPAIN IOS INTERNATIONAL NV, BELGIUM COMMISSARIAT A L ENERGIE ATOMIQUE ET AUX ENERGIES ALTERNATIVES, FRANCE UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI ROMA TOR VERGATA, ITALY KAUNO VANDENYS UAB, LIETUVA VIVAQUA SCRL, BELGIUM ALEKSANDRO STULGINSKIO UNIVERSITETAS, LIETUVA Call ID Coordinator Participants Page 22 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) TAWARA_RTM Acronym TAWARA_RTM Title Start/End Date Website Abstract TAp WAter RAdioactivity Real Time Monitor 2013-12-01 to 2016-05-31 The TAWARA_RTM project aims at developing a complete platform to control the quality of the tap water with respect to the radioactivity content. The platform will provide a real time measurement of the activity in the water (measuring the gross alpha and beta activity) to verify whether the distributed water is far from the limits set by the EU legislation (see Directive 98/83/CE of the European Council) reaching thresholds that require rapid actions. In case of an alarm due to an activity in the water lager than the defined thresholds, a warning message is sent to the water plant management to verify the need of stopping the water distribution. At the same time, a second part of the system is activated, to determine the nature of the contamination by gamma ray spectroscopy, defining the nature of the contamination and the corresponding counter-measures. Moreover, the determination of the contaminants is needed to establish the effects on the population and produce a full information report to the Civil Security Authorities. The prototypes of a real time monitoring system and spectroscopy analyser will be designed, built, tested under laboratory condition and finally installed at the water plant in the North Waterworks Plant [Zakład Wodociągu Północnego] of Warsaw managed by the Warsaw Waterwork Company (Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów i Kanalizacji w Warszawie S.A. – MPWIK), for the demonstration campaign. The site selected for the demonstration is particularly problematic for possible radioactivity contamination being communicating through the network of rivers and canals with the Chernobyl region and being close to a Polish National Nuclear Waste storage site. The TAWARA_RTM project will include the development of the complete platform including the fast Real-Time Monitor system (RTM), the Spectroscopic system (SPEC) as well as the Information and Communication System that will be designed to include in future also chemical and biological sensors. FP7-SECURITY SEC-2012.1.5-2 UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI PADOVA, ITALY UNIVERSITA DI PISA, ITALY NARODOWE CENTRUM BADAN JADROWYCH, POLAND MIEJSKIE PRZEDSIEBIORSTWO WODOCIAGOW I KANALIZACJI W M. ST. WARSZAWIE, POLAND WARDYNSKI I WSPOLNICY SPK, POLAND SCIONIX HOLLAND BV, THE NETHERLANDS COSTRUZIONI APPARECCHIATURE ELETTRONICHE NUCLEARI C.A.E.N. SPA, ITALY AGENZIA NAZIONALE PER LE NUOVE TECNOLOGIE, L'ENERGIA E LO SVILUPPO ECONOMICO, ITALY Call ID Coordinator Participants Page 23 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) SECUREAU Acronym SECUREAU Title Security and decontamination of drinking water distribution systems following a deliberate contamination 2009-02-01 to 2013-01-31 Vulnerability of drinking water distribution systems to deliberate attacks, which would have major public health, economic and psychosocial consequences, is one of the main issues of concern to regulatory agencies, and water utilities. Such a network appears very vulnerable and easy to contaminate through reservoirs, back-flow The main objective of this proposal is to limit the impact on the population of safe water privation because of contaminated networks, and to launch an appropriate response for rapidly restoring the use of the network after a deliberate contamination. Questions that will be addressed for successful coordinated response of water utilities and regulatory agencies to contamination include: Detection of unexpected changes in water quality which could be in relation with a deliberate contamination event, Adaptation of known analytical methods to rapidly detect specific CBRN contaminants in water and in biofilms. Localization of the point sources of contamination and subsequently the contaminated area allowing delimitation of the corrective actions. Decontamination procedures (efficient and realistic) of the distribution system. Controlling the efficacy of the corrective actions by analysing the water bulk and especially the pipe walls and the deposits. Cases studies will give the chance for the practitioners to apply on site in real conditions the selected sensors, methods, remediation technologies It is a unique occasion to test an emergency procedure on a complicated, inaccessible, and relatively fragile system, to evaluate its feasibility at field scale, and to evaluate the difficulty to apply corrective treatments to the huge water bulk generated by the neutralisation/extraction of contaminants. The SecurEau project will therefore contribute to the European scientific excellence, to the European competitiveness and to the fight against terrorism, in accordance with the guidelines set up by the EC in the last 5 years. FP7-SECURITY SEC-2007-1.3-05 UNIVERSITÉ DE LORRAINE, FRANCE COMMISSARIAT A L' ENERGIE ATOMIQUE, FRANCE CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE (CNRS), FRANCE RIGAS TEHNISKA UNIVERSITATE, LATVIJA UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON, UNITED KINGDOM TERVEYDEN JA HYVINVOINNIN LAITOS, FINLAND IWW RHEINISCH WESTFALISCHES INSTITUT FUR WASSERFORSCHUNG GEMEINNUTZIGE GMBH, GERMANY VEOLIA ENVIRONNEMENT RECHERCHE ET INNOVATION SNC, FRANCE UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO, PORTUGAL SATEILYTURVAKESKUS, FINLAND KELDA GROUP PLC, UNITED KINGDOM MONITORING SYSTEMS LTD, UNITED KINGDOM INSTITUT NATIONAL DE RECHERCHE SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES L'ENVIRONNEMENT L'AGRICULTURE, FRANCE AFFINITY WATER LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM Start/End Date Website Abstract Call ID Coordinator Participants Page 24 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) SAFEWATER Acronym SAFEWATER Title Innovative tools for the detection and mitigation of CBRN related contamination events of drinking water 2013-10-01 to 2016-09-30 SAFEWATER will develop an affordable global generic solution for the detection and management of drinking water crises resulting from CBRN contamination. SAFEWATER addresses the key drinking water incident management challenges at large, and in particular, the current shortcomings related to the contamination of water networks by CBRN agents - the lack of effective detection capacities, contamination warning systems, and decision support and management tools. SAFEWATER will start from best-of-breed technologies, including an EPA challenge winning event detection system. From this, the project will develop a dedicated DSS for the realtime support of decision makers, which comprises cutting-edge algorithms based on: • Improved water management models for the detection of abnormal behaviour in drinking water systems; as well as the prompt treatment of data from various sources, improving contamination alert systems of large water drinking systems • Result interpretation models to enable the real-time ranking of the severity of alerts and for the prompt identification of recovery measures • Spatial detection models to determine the contamination’s source and spread Start/End Date Website Abstract Call ID Coordinator Participants The functionalities of a leading Event Management System will be expanded by introducing beyond the state of the art online simulation capacities, allowing users to have a close to real-time view of the network’s behaviour. New sensors will be proposed for online biological and radioactive water quality measurements. SAFEWATER will improve sensor selection by carrying out benchmarking activities and develop an innovative detection approach based on “virtual sensors”, i.e. large networks of domestic sensors The project will test and validate the full SAFEWATER solution in three different scenarios, each situated in a different municipality corresponding to a different usage context and to specific security threats. FP7-SECURITY SEC-2012.1.5-2 ARTTIC, FRANCE FRAUNHOFER-GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FOERDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG E.V, GERMANY CHECKLIGHT LTD, ISRAEL WHITEWATER TECHNOLOGIES LTD, ISRAEL HAGIHON COMPANY LTD, ISRAEL ACREO SWEDISH ICT AB, SWEDEN 3S CONSULT GMBH, GERMANY COMMISSARIAT A L ENERGIE ATOMIQUE ET AUX ENERGIES ALTERNATIVES, FRANCE AGUAS DO ALGARVE, SA, PORTUGAL Page 25 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) FRESHMON Acronym FRESHMON Title Start/End Date Website Abstract High Resolution Freshwater Monitoring: FreshMon GMES Downstream Services 2010-12-01 to 2013-11-30 In-land aquatic systems are under significant pressure from agriculture, economical development and climate change. EU water policy consists of several European directives; most important the Water Framework Directive (WFD) to sustain aquatic ecosystems. Monitoring programmes have been defined that require a coherent and comprehensive overview about the water status within each river basin and lake district, i.e. continuous and frequent high resolution water quality map products are required. Earth Observation (EO) products improve the capability for harmonized monitoring of water constituents at entrapment scale, indicating impacts on water quality and changes within the aquatic ecosystem directly. The FRESHMON consortium will develop a new service-line for the frequent provision of Earth Observation based products for water quality monitoring, combining in situ and hydrodynamic modelling components and integrating the information in a GIS,. The users targeted by FRESHMON are international, national and state-wide authorities, who have a mandate for coordinating the implementation of the WFD. Additional users are national and international private entities, who are dealing with water quality and related issues. By providing high-resolution spatial geo-information on water quality parameters a wide group of user needs is addressed, that cannot be satisfied by existing GMES Core services. Call ID Coordinator Participants The main objective is to create continuous and well accepted downstream services for inland water monitoring at European level, through: * methodological research in improving and harmonizing different EO-based methodologies for retrieving water constituents and water depth * establishment of validation and quality management standards with end users * providing customization, confidence and acceptance of EO products for end users * establishment of a European business network of Downstream inland water service providers and end-users... FP7-SPACE SPA.2010.1.1-01 EOMAP GMBH & CO.KG, GERMANY WATER INSIGHT BV, THE NETHERLANDS EIDGENOESSISCHE ANSTALT FUR WASSERVERSORGUNG ABWASSERREINIGUNG GEWAESSERSCHUTZ, SUISSE SUOMEN YMPARISTOKESKUS, FINLAND BROCKMANN CONSULT GMBH, GERMANY Page 26 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) DEWFORA Acronym DEWFORA Title Improved Drought Early Warning and FORecasting to strengthen preparedness and adaptation to droughts in Africa 2011-01-01 to 2013-12-31 The principal aim of the DEWFORA proposal is to develop a framework for the provision of early warning and response to mitigate the impact of droughts in Africa. The proposal has been built to achive three key targets: 1. Improved monitoring: by improving knowledge on drought forecasting, warning and mitigation, and advancing the understanding of climate related vulnerability to drought both in the current and in the projected future climate. 2. Prototype operational forecasting: by bringing advances made in the project to the preoperational stage through development of prototype systems and piloting methods in operational drought monitoring and forecasting agencies. 3. Knowledge dissemination: through a stakeholders platform that includes national and regional drought monitoring and forecasting agencies, as well as NGO's and IGO's, and through capacity building programmes to help embed the knowledge gained in the community of African practitioners and researchers. Start/End Date Website Abstract To achieve these targets, the DEWFORA consortium brings together leading research institutes and universities; institutes that excel in application of state-of-the-art science in the operational domain; operational agencies responsible for meteorological forecasting, drought monitoring and famine warning; and established knowledge networks in Africa. The consortium provides an excellent regional balance, and the skilled coordinator and several partners have worked together in (European) research projects, implementation projects and capacity building programmes, thus building efficiently on previous and ongoing projects in Europe and Africa. Call ID Coordinator Participants The main impact of DEWFORA will be to increase the effectiveness of drought forecasting, warning and response. DEWFORA will provide guidance on how and where drought preparedness and adaptation should be targeted to contribute to increased resilience and improved effectiveness of drought mitigation measures. FP7-ENVIRONMENT ENV.2010.1.3.3-1 STICHTING DELTARES, THE NETHERLANDS COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH, SOUTH AFRICA EUROPEAN CENTRE FOR MEDIUM-RANGE WEATHER FORECASTS, UNITED KINGDOM UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO, PORTUGAL UNESCO-IHE INSTITUTE FOR WATER EDUCATION, THE NETHERLANDS INSTITUT AGRONOMIQUE ET VETERINAIRE HASSAN II, MOROCCO DINDER CENTER FOR ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LIMITED, SUDAN WR NYABEZE AND ASSOCIATES, SOUTH AFRICA POTSDAM INSTITUT FUER KLIMAFOLGENFORSCHUNG, GERMANY MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES AND IRRIGATION, EGYPT HELMHOLTZ-ZENTRUM POTSDAM DEUTSCHES GEOFORSCHUNGSZENTRUM, GERMANY STICHTING WETLANDS INTERNATIONAL, THE NETHERLANDS JRC -JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE- EUROPEAN COMMISSION, BELGIUM WATERNET TRUST, BOTSWANA UNIVERSIDADE EDUARDO MONDLANE, MOZAMBIQUE UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE MADRID, SPAIN MEDITERRANEAN AGRONOMIC INSTITUTE OF ZARAGOZA, SPAIN IGAD CENTRE FOR CLIMATE PREDICTION AND APPLICATION, KENYA Page 27 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) LOTUS Acronym LOTUS Title Start/End Date Website Abstract Preparing Land and Ocean Take Up from Sentinel-3 2013-01-01 to 2015-12-31 The objective of the LOTUS project is to support the development of GMES by developing applications of Sentinel-3 to complete the space observation infrastructure that are designed for land and ocean monitoring for GMES. Sentinel-3 is the GMES space component for monitoring the oceans. The SRAL instrument onboard Sentinel-3 is a radar altimeter that will provide observations of sea-surface and land-ice topography, in continuation of altimeter missions such as ENVISAT, Jason-1 and Jason-2. Furthermore, the SRAL instrument will operate in a SAR mode and provide along-track high-resolution heights of the sea surface in the open oceans, in the coastal seas, in-land water and sea ice areas. The SAR capability is a new feature and no data products based on this SAR mode data are provided or used operationally. New methodologies and new data processing chains need to be developed to prepare the take-up of the GMES Sentinel-3 data. Call ID Coordinator Participants The LOTUS project will develop new methodologies, data processing chains, and applications of the SAR mode data for the high resolution sea surface heights, wave heights and wind speeds in the open oceans, coastal seas as well as in sea ice covered regions for operational marine services. For the operational land services, the LOTUS project will develop new methodologies, data processing chains, and applications of the SAR mode data for the in-land water levels in rivers and lakes, soil moisture, and snow water equivalents. In turn, the new products based on the SAR mode data will support operational services for emergency response and security in the events of, e.g., storm surges and flooding. The new land products will provide valuable information about the hydrological cycle and support services on monitoring hydrological parameters for climate change. Through a strong involvement of innovative companies and SMEs the LOTUS project will stimulate new commercial activities in the value-adding sectors. FP7-SPACE SPA.2012.1.1-05 DENMARKS TEKNISKE UNIVERSITET, DENMARK UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE, UNITED KINGDOM STARLAB BARCELONA SL, SPAIN COLLECTE LOCALISATION SATELLITES SA, FRANCE DHI, DENMARK Page 28 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) GLASS Acronym GLASS Title Start/End Date Website Abstract Global Lakes Sentinel Services 2013-03-01 to 2016-02-29 The Global Lakes Sentinel Services project will set up a system that is able to handle large quantities of Sentinel 2 and 3 data. The focus will be on the ingestion, archiving, preprocessing and distribution of data and results in a harmonized and user friendly way. The GLaSS system will have innovative functionalities for integrated use of Sentinel 2 and 3 data, time series generation, data mining and further analysis. The quality of the GLaSS system and its products will be ensured by testing it against simulated datasets, and by validating the products through a number of field studies. In order to promote the take-up of Sentinel 2 and 3 products by a wide community of scientific and applied researchers, the GLaSS project will concentrate on the study of Global Lakes because lakes provide very relevant case studies, due to their high importance to society as supply of drinking and irrigation water, but also due to the fact that large lakes are often part of several countries with different socio-economic interest. Thus, our case studies will provide material for- and insights in the interdependence of technology and societal issues involved in Lake Management. Based on selected global case studies, the GLaSS project will produce sets of training material and courseware to make sure that interested researchers quickly can start using Sentinel and GLaSS products and services. The Advisory board is composed of eminent researchers in the field of optical remote sensing of water quality in three other continents. They will help to facilitate and participate in case studies of lakes in their areas of interest, thus ensuring the global dimension of GLaSS. FP7-SPACE SPA.2012.1.1-05 WATER INSIGHT BV, THE NETHERLANDS CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE, ITALY STICHTING VU-VUMC, THE NETHERLANDS TARTU OBSERVATORY - ESTONIAN MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND RESEARCH, ESTONIA BROCKMANN GEOMATICS SWEDEN AB, SWEDEN SUOMEN YMPARISTOKESKUS, FINLAND BROCKMANN CONSULT GMBH, GERMANY EOMAP GMBH & CO.KG, GERMANY Call ID Coordinator Participants Page 29 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) MYWATER Acronym MYWATER Title Start/End Date Website Abstract Merging Hydrologic models and EO data for reliable information on Water 2011-01-01 to 2013-12-31 In the entire world we are experiencing changing water resources needs mainly as a result of changes in land use. In developing countries the occupation of natural areas by agriculture is a major cause; economical reasons pushed by world globalization play also a major role. In both cases further global changes are expected as a result of climate change. Water availability is essential for socio-economic activities and citizens expect catchment managers to take the necessary measures for assuring quantity and quality for direct and indirect human consumption. The knowledge of the processes determining water fate, actual reserves and the capacity to forecast water consumption are essential for catchment managers decision making. Land use change drives the modification of three interdependent global variables of the watershed: evapotranspirated water, biomass production and soil organic matter content. The assessment of the consequences of land use changes requires the capacity for studying those global variables on an integrated way. Catchment models can simulate those interactions together with all the processes that determine plant dynamics and are major tools for integrated studies, essential to decision makers. The MyWater project aims at developing a water management system integrating satellite data, models and in situ data in order to improve knowledge and create the forecasting capabilities necessary to catchment managers, and at the same time optimizing the ratio cost/benefit of water resources monitoring. The specific products of the project are: 1) A webGIS data tool; 2) Tools for improving operational model exploitation; 3) Training and technological transfer. The MyWater consortium includes representatives of the type of users expected. For that reason the consortium includes European, African and Latin-American teams to work in selected case studies (Portugal, Greece, Netherlands, Mozambique and Brazil). FP7-SPACE SPA.2010.1.1-04 GMVIS SKYSOFT SA, PORTUGAL INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TECNICO, PORTUGAL JRC -JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE- EUROPEAN COMMISSION, BELGIUM UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION –UNESCO, FRANCE HYDROLOGIC RESEARCH BV, THE NETHERLANDS INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE PESQUISAS ESPACIAIS, BRAZIL HIDROMOD MODELACAO EM ENGENHARIA LDA, PORTUGAL ARISTOTELIO PANEPISTIMIO THESSALONIKIS, GREECE UNIVERSIDADE EDUARDO MONDLANE, MOZAMBIQUE PANNON EGYETEM, MAGYARORSZAG Call ID Coordinator Participants Page 30 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) WATPLAN Acronym WATPLAN Title Spatial earth observation monitoring for planning and water allocation in the international Incomati Basin 2011-02-01 to 2013-07-31 This project proposal focuses on water resources allocation and the identification of historical and current water use and high resolution monitoring of several water resource indicators on a weekly basis. For this purpose an operational earth observation system will be developed which includes a website with weekly updates of water resource data on water use. This system can be linked to GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems) in order to make data accessible for multiple users. The main data generated on a weekly basis as a result of this project are: - Water use and evaporation - Rainfall - Land use - Soil moisture - Biomass production Start/End Date Website Abstract Call ID Coordinator Participants These five parameters are the basic inputs for water accounting, which is a relatively new concept that can contribute to better water allocation, verification of water use and sustainable water utilization. FP7-SPACE SPA.2010.3.2-03 WATERWATCH BV, THE NETHERLANDS PREZENT INTERNET BV, THE NETHERLANDS GEOTERRA IMAGE, SOUTH AFRICA WE CONSULT LIMITADA, MOZAMBIQUE BASFOOD BV, THE NETHERLANDS AQUAGRI - ASSISTENCIA TECNICA E CONSULTORIA ACE, PORTUGAL UNIVERSITY OF KWAZULU-NATAL, SOUTH AFRICA HIDROSOPH, LDA, PORTUGAL Page 31 of 32 Annex 7: Decision support systems and monitoring (and Smart Technologies) SIRIUS Acronym SIRIUS Title Sustainable Irrigation water management and River-basin governance: Implementing Userdriven Services 2010-10-01 to 2013-09-30 SIRIUS addresses efficient water resource management in water-scarce environments. It focuses in particular on water for food production with the perspective of a sustainable agriculture in the context of integrated river-basin management, including drought management. It aims at developing innovative and new GMES service capacities for the user community of irrigation water management and sustainable food production, in accordance with the vision of bridging and integrating sustainable development and economic competitiveness. SIRIUS merges two previously separate strands of activities, those under the umbrella of GMES, related to land products and services (which address water to some extent), and those conducted under FP5/6-Environment and national programs, related to EO-assisted user-driven products and services for the water and irrigation community. Start/End Date Website Abstract Call ID Coordinator Participants As such, it will draw on existing GMES Core Services as much as possible, by integrating these products into some of the required input for the new water management services. It also makes direct use of the EO-assisted systems and services developed in the FP6 project PLEIADeS and its precursor EU or national projects, like DEMETER, IRRIMED, ERMOT, MONIDRI, AGRASER, all addressing the irrigation water and food production sectors, some of which have resulted in sustainable system implementation since 2005. SIRIUS addresses users (water managers and food producers) at scales ranging from farm, over irrigation scheme or aquifer, to river-basins. It will provide them with maps of irrigation water requirements, crop water consumption and a range of further products for sustainable irrigation water use and management under conditions of water scarcity and drought, integrated in leading-edge participatory spatial online Decision-support systems. The SIRIUS service concept considers the economic, environmental, technical, social, and political dimensions in an integrated way. FP7-SPACE SPA.2010.1.1-04 UNIVERSIDAD DE CASTILLA - LA MANCHA, SPAIN ARIESPACE SRL, ITALY BANGALORE UNIVERSITY, INDIA SWEDENS METEOROLOGISKA OCH HYDROLOGISKA INSTITUT, SWEDEN INSTITUTUL NATIONAL DE CERCETARE - DEZVOLTARE PENTRU IMBUNATATIRI FUNCIARE, ROMANIA INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, ROMANIA INFOTERRA LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM EA-TEK ULUSLARARASI ARASTIRMA GELISTIRME MUHENDISLIK, TURKEY INSTITUT DE RECHERCHE POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT, FRANCE UNIVERSITAT POLITECNICA DE VALENCIA, SPAIN MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES AND IRRIGATION, EGYPT DIPUTACION DE ALICANTE, SPAIN SERVICIOS DE ESTUDIOS EN INGENIERÕA Y SISTEMAS S.A. DE C.V., MEXICO INTEGRATED RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (IRM) COMPANY LIMITED, MALTA INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE PESQUISAS ESPACIAIS, BRAZIL FUNDACAO DA FACULDADE DE CIENCIAS E TECNOLOGIA DA UNIVERSIDADE NOVA DE LISBOA, PORTUGAL ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI ECONOMIA AGRARIA, ITALY COLEGIO DE POSTGRADUADOS, MEXICO Page 32 of 32
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