Lenovo® recom m ends W indow s 8 Pro. TH E LEN O VO ® B 490/B 590 LAPTO P AM AZIN G B U S IN ESS PER FO R M AN CE AT A G R EAT VALU E W IN D O W S 8 PR O FO R B ETTER PER FO R M AN CE EN H AN CED PER FO R M AN CE – U P TO 3R D G EN ER ATIO N IN TEL® CO R E™ PR O CESS O R S U PER IO R G R APH ICS – IN TEG R ATED IN TEL® H D O R N VID IA® O PTIM U S ™ D IS CR ETE 1 G R APH ICS W O R K FASTER – O PTIO N AL LEN O VO H AR D D IS K D R IVE PER FO R M AN CE B O O STER 1 PR O VIDES G R EAT STO R AG E CAPACITY W ITH SS D -LIKE PER FO R M AN CE R ELIAB LE AN D EASY-TO -U S E – S ECU R ED DATA W ITH O PTIO N AL FIN G ER PR IN T R EAD ER AN D CO M FO R TAB LE TYPIN G EXPER IEN CE W ITH ACCU TYPE KEYBO AR D TR AN S FER Q U ICKLY – U S B 3.0 PO R TS O FFER IN G U P TO 10-TIM ES FASTER DATA TR AN S FER R ATE TO EXTER N AL D EVICES TH AN U S B 2.0 PO R TS STYLIS H – PR O FESS IO N AL LO O K AN D AN ELEG AN T FEEL W ITH ICO N IC KIN K D ES IG N ALO N G W ITH AN EASY-TO -O PEN LID U N M ATCH ED PR O D U CTIVITY – LEN O VO S O LU TIO N S FO R S M ALL B U S IN ESS 1 AN D LEN O VO EN H AN CED EXPER IEN CE 81 FO R W IN D O W S 8. Introducing the Lenovo B490/B 590,a laptop equipped w ith am azing business features.W ith som e of the best and latest technologies,the laptop im proves your e ciency. The best-in-class processors, enhanced perform ance, extended battery life and faster boot-up tim e bring to you the advantage of im proving productivity and low ering costs. S im ple and stylish design, faster integrated graphics card and ergonom ic keyboard design provide you m ore com fort to w ork and play. Advanced IT m anagem ent and security solutions o er reliability. The elegantly designed notebook gives an am azing quality video conferencing w ith the 720p H D cam era1. W ith incredible perform ance,advanced security and classy design,the Lenovo B490/B590 is the best-suited laptop for hom e and o ce use. Lenovo® recom m ends W indow s 8 Pro. H IG H -EN D PER FO R M AN CE FAS T AN D EAS Y TO U S E The Lenovo® B490/B 590 allow s you to im prove business e ciency focusing on perform ance w ith: U p to 3rd generation Intel® Core™ processors w ith superior processing pow er N VIDIA® O ptim us™ technology1 enhances graphics perform ance preserving battery life O ptionalLenovo H ard Disk Drive Perform ance Booster1 provides faster S S D -like perform ance for faster W indow s® boot up Transfer data up to 10 tim es faster than US B 2.0 w ith U S B 3.0 ports The Lenovo B490/B590 has a unique and easy-to-use design w ith: Professionaland elegant Kink design A distinctive style w ith an easy-to-open lid Clean,user-friendly AccuType keyboard for a m ore com fortable and faster typing experience EN H AN CED S YS TEM S ECU R ITY AN D R ELIAB ILITY The Lenovo B490/B590 o ers reliable security features w ith: O ptionalfingerprint reader to secure data against unauthorized access to the laptop w ith personalized logon Lenovo S olutions for S m allBusiness1 provides unique security and productivity features Lenovo Cloud S torage by S ugarS ync2 o ers autom atic data backup and data sync w ith m ultiple devices 1 2 3 4 5 6 Available only on selected m odel Varies by country O ptional,tw o years extra duration only for China Available on H M 77-based m odels only Available on both H M 77- and H M 70-based m odels O ptional(supported by w ireless + B luetooth® com bo card) SERVICE O FFER IN G S Lenovo o ers a com prehensive portfolio of aw ard-w inning services to support and protect your investm ent.S ucceed w ith substance and let Lenovo’s S ervice support you allthe w ay. W arranty Extensions (1-to-3 Years TotalDuration)3 » This fixed-term ,fixed-cost service helps accurately budget for PC expenses,protect your valuable investm ent and potentially low er the cost of ow nership over tim e. AccidentalD am age Protection » Avoid the hassles of unexpected repair costs.Provides coverage for non-w arranted dam age incurred under norm aloperating conditions, such as m inor spills,drops or dam age to the integrated screen. W HY LEN O VO W AR R AN TY SERVICES B est S ervice and S upport tim es » Low er hold tim es and abandon rates (up to 50% better than com petition) » H igher first tim e fix (30% better than com petition) W e use Lenovo Parts » R esults in low er re-repair rates and higher custom er satisfaction W orld Class B rand and Infrastructure » G lobalnetw ork of regionalsupport centers o ers consistent,local-language support » Consistent internationalsupport and delivery » R ecognized as consistently best in class by TBR ,Laptop M agazine,PC M agazine and ID C D ataquest. TH E LEN O VO ® B 490/B 590 LA P TO P Lenovo® recom m ends W indow s 8 Pro. SO FTW AR E O FFER IN G S SUPPO RTED O PERATIN G SYSTEM S W indow s® 7 H om e Basic 32 bit W indow s® 7 H om e Basic 64 bit W indow s® 7 H om e Prem ium 32 bit W indow s® 7 H om e Prem ium 64 bit W indow s® 7 Professional32 bit W indow s® 7 Professional64 bit W indow s® 8 64 bit W indow s® 8 Professional64 bit Ubuntu Linux® (China only) S U PPO R TED LSS B AN D LS C Q uick and sim ple dashboard to view totalsystem health H ardw are diagnostic tool Access to frequently used system m anagem ent tools for: » Backup and R estore » Antivirus and firew allsettings » S ystem and so w are updates » Internet connections » S ervice and support PRE-LOADED APPLICATIO N S Lenovo® Solution Center (LSC) Lenovo Solution for Sm allBusiness (LSSB) − optional Enhanced Experience 3 − optional Lenovo Cloud Storage By SugarSync – for selected countries Lenovo Data R ecovery O PTIO N S AN D ACCESSO R IES Cases Lenovo cases provide style,protection and quality,value priced! Pow er A second AC Adapter m akes m oving from place to place m ore convenient A second battery extends your productivity and fun Expansion and Productivity M axim ize your convenience and expandability w ith the U S B 2.0 Port R eplicator w ith D VI UltraS lim Plus W ireless Keyboard and M ouse Lenovo U S B Laser M ouse ThinkPad In-Ear H eadphones TH E LEN O VO ® B 490/B 590 LA P TO P Lenovo® recom m ends W indow s 8 Pro. SPECIFICATIO N S PR O CES S O R O PER ATIN G S YS TEM S D IS PLAY W indow s® 7 H om e B asic 32 bit W indow s® 7 H om e B asic 64 bit W indow s® 7 H om e Prem ium 32 bit W indow s® 7 H om e Prem ium 64 bit W indow s® 7 Professional32 bit W indow s® 7 Professional64 bit W indow s 8 64 bit W indow s 8 Pro 64 bit U buntu® Linux® (China only) B 490 14.0" 1366x768 pixels high-glossy G R APH ICS M EM O R Y I/O (IN PU T/O U TPU T) PO R TS B 490 Intel® H D Integrated and S w itchable N VID IA® G PU’s G eForce® G T635M 1G B 4 G eForce® 610M 1G B 5 B590 H M 77-based m odels − 8G B M ax DD R 3 1600 M H z (2 D IM M slot) B490 H M 77-based m odels − 8G B M ax DD R 3 1600 M H z (2 D IM M slot) B490 H M 70-based m odels − 4G B M ax D DR 3 1600 M H z (1 D IM M slot) H M 77-based m odels − (1) VG A,(1) H D M I, (2) U S B 3.0,(2) U SB 2.0,(1) R J45 and (1) 4-in-1 card reader slot H M 70-based m odels − (1) VG A,(1) H D M I, (1) U S B 3.0,(2) U SB 2.0,(1) R J45 and (1) 4-in-1 card reader slot CO M M U N ICATIO N O PTICAL D IS K D R IVE H M 77 H M 77 H M 70 H M 70 based m odels − based m odels − based m odels − based m odels − Intel® Core™ i3 Intel® Core™ i5 Intel® Pentium ® Intel® Celeron® B 590 15.6" 1366x768 anti-glare or pixels high-glossy B 590 Intel® H D Integrated or S w itchable N VID IA® G PU G eForce® 610M 1G B S TO R AG E HDD G igabit Ethernet 320G B/500G B/750G B/1000G B (5400 R PM ) 802.11n W ireless 320G B/500G B (7200 R PM ) Bluetooth®6 optionalLenovo H ard D isk D rive Perform ance Booster − for selected H M 77-based m odels 12.7m m tray-loading R am bo D rive or no opticaldrive W EB CAM AU D IO B ATTER Y LIFE 0.3M P or 720P H D w ebcam or no w ebcam S tereo speakers 1/8" S tereo H eadphone output and M icrophone input com bo jack H M 77-based m odels − up to 6.5 hours H M 70-based m odels − up to 6 hours W EIG H T B 490 2.2Kg (4.9lbs) KEYB O AR D B 590 2.5Kg (5.5lbs) D IM EN S IO N S B 490 6 340m m x 234. mirel x ess 33.+1mB lm O pt ional(support ed6m by w uetooth® com bo card) (13.4" x 9.2" x 1.3") AccuType Keyboard M ECH AN ICAL CO LO R S B 590 378m m x 252m m x 33.4m m (14.9" x 9.9" x 1.3") Black W W W .LEN O VO .CO M Lenovo reserves the right to alter product o erings and specifications at any tim e w ithout notice.M odels pictured are for illustration purposes only.Lenovo is not responsible for photographic or typographic errors.Inform ation advertise has no contractuale ect.For fullLenovo product specifications visit w w w.lenovo.com .For a copy of applicable w arranties, w rite to,W arranty Support Dept,EM EA Services,Lenovo,Einsteinova 21,851 01 Bratislava,Slovakia.Lenovo,the Lenovo logo,Rescue and Recovery,ThinkPad,ThinkCentre,ThinkStation, ThinkVantage,ThinkVision,IdeaPad,O neKey,VeriFace ThinkPad Classic,Edge and Lenovo Essentialand N ew W orld.N ew Thinking are tradem arks or registered tradem arks of Lenovo.M icroso , W indow s and Vista are trade m arks or registered trade m arks of M icroso Corporation.Intel,the Intellogo,IntelCore,Core Inside,Xeon and Xeon Inside are trade m arks or registered trade m arks of IntelCorporation in the U.S.and other countries.O ther brands and nam es m ay be claim ed as property of others. © 2012 Lenovo.Allrights reserved TH E LEN O VO ® B 490/B 590 LA P TO P
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