Lenovo Solution Center – API Technical Definition Document Version Date: 18 May 2014 Lenovo Solution Center – API History Date Description 08/05/2013 Document creation 02/21/2014 Updated document Author Monielle Mateo Rafael Teodoro Rodrigo Barbieri Tiago Machado 05/18/2014 New features added Rodrigo Barbieri Naftali Santos 6/11/2014 2 Added LSCWinservice properties window screenshot ©Lenovo 2014 Neal Caliendo Lenovo Solution Center – API Table of Contents History ....................................................................................................................................... 2 Table of Contents....................................................................................................................... 3 1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Service ..................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Request .................................................................................................................... 4 1.3 Response ................................................................................................................. 5 1.4 Return Code ............................................................................................................. 5 1.5 Launching LSC ......................................................................................................... 6 1.6 Alerts ........................................................................................................................ 6 2. Storage Devices ................................................................................................................. 7 3. Memory ..............................................................................................................................10 4. Backup...............................................................................................................................13 5. Software updates ...............................................................................................................15 6. Battery ...............................................................................................................................17 7. Recovery media .................................................................................................................22 8. File and Printers .................................................................................................................23 9. Virus Protection .................................................................................................................25 10. Firewall ...........................................................................................................................27 11. Internet Connection ........................................................................................................29 12. Fingerprint ......................................................................................................................33 13. Device Manager .............................................................................................................34 14. Product Registration .......................................................................................................36 15. Warranty.........................................................................................................................38 16. Snapshot ........................................................................................................................41 17. Predictive .......................................................................................................................62 18. Hardware Scan...............................................................................................................65 Appendix A. Notices ..................................................................................................................66 Trademarks........................................................................................................................67 Second Edition (March 2014) © Copyright Lenovo 2014. LIMITED AND RESTRICTED RIGHTS NOTICE: If data or software is delivered pursuant a General Services Administration “GSA” contract, use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in Contract No. GS-35F-05925. 3 Lenovo Solution Center – API 1. Introduction Lenovo Solution Center (LSC) provides an application programming interface (API) to enable administrators or other applications to communicate programmatically with the LSC diagnostic back-end engine to obtain system health information. 1.1 Service The LSC API is HTTP based. To activate the local Web service programmatically on a system, first start the Windows service named LSCWinService using the parameter “StartBackend”. Whenever it is not necessary to obtain information, you may close the Web service starting LSCWinService using the “CloseBackend” parameter. You can manually start the service using the service’s properties window. 1.2 Request To access the LSC API, use the following URL: http://{ip}:{port}/?v={v}&controller={controller}&method={method}[&args={true|false}] {ip} The ip address of a given client. {port} 4 ©Lenovo 2014 Lenovo Solution Center – API Go to C:\Program Files\Lenovo\Lenovo Solution Center and open the file lscConfig.xml. Get the <ServicePort> value and substitute within the link. Note: The default port can be configured by an administrator through Group Policy. Refer to the Lenovo Solution Center – Large Enterprise Technical Definition document for additional information. {v} The protocol version. Current version is 1. {controller} Controller identifies the section of the application. Valid values are: SystemController, SecurityController, CheckupController, and SupportController. {method} Method is the name of the function that retrieves the desired information. Methods are specific to each controller. Refer to the documentation within each section. {args} When this argument is set to “true”, LSC refreshes cached information, when applicable, for the section before returning the information to the requestor. If this value is “false”, LSC returns information from the cache without refreshing first. Refer to the documentation within each section for applicability. 1.3 Response The format of all HTTP responses is JSON and includes the properties of each module. Note: The alert fields within JSON responses are reserved for LSC application use only and could change without further notice. 1.4 Return Code Several modules include a return code in the returned JSON to describe whether the request failed, succeeded, or a module-specific behavior. The value is the sum of all possible return code values for the requested module. Example: Product Registration Return Codes (in Hex) Sample Value 0x1 = No Internet connection 0x2 = Not a Lenovo System 1 073 741 828 (decimal) 0x4 = Request Timeout 0x8 = Service Unavailable 0x40000000 = Disabled by Administrator 0x80000000 = Invalid 5 or 4000 0004 (hexadecimal) Lenovo Solution Center – API In the above example, the sample value is the sum of Request Timeout value and Disabled By Administrator. Since the Invalid value is not included, the request was processed successfully. 1.5 Launching LSC LSC can be launched by reading its application path from the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\LSC.exe, value “Path”. LSC supports the following parameters: Parameter Description Sample No parameter LSC starts displaying home screen LSC.exe -diag HWScan LSC either starts displaying prompt to run Hardware Scan (30 seconds timeout), or just displays prompt if LSC is already running LSC.exe -diag HWScan -diag nopostpone LSC either starts and runs Hardware Scan, or runs it immediately if LSC is already open. LSC.exe -diag nopostpone -l {language} LSC starts displaying text in the specified language. LSC.exe -l pt_BR 1.6 Alerts Additionally, the backend can be run just to update the alerts. This is useful for applications that require reading lscStatus.xml in order to display LSC’s alerts information. In order to do so, the Windows Service named LSCWinService must be started with the parameter “UpdateStatus”. Upon starting, a few minutes later the file lscStatus.xml will be overwritten with updated information. 6 ©Lenovo 2014 Lenovo Solution Center – API 2. Storage Devices Get storage devices information. {controller} => SystemController {method} => GetStorageDeviceInfo The link is as follows: http://{ip}:{port}/?v={v}&controller=SystemController&method=GetStorageDeviceInfo&args={true |false} Sample JSON response: [{ "Caption": "SAMSUNG HD321HJ", "DeviceID": "SAMSUNG HD321HJ S24AJ50Z814844", "FirmwareRevision": "1AC01116", "FreeSpace": "2644992", "LogicalDisks": [{ "Alert": null, "BootVolume": true, "Caption": "System Reserved", "DeviceID": "SAMSUNG HD321HJ S24AJ50Z814844:::1", "Dsk_DeviceID": null, "FileSystem": "NTFS", "FreeSpace": 77385728, "Size": 106893312, "UsedSpace": 29507584, "VolumeName": "System Reserved" }, { "Alert": null, "BootVolume": false, "Caption": "C:", "DeviceID": "SAMSUNG HD321HJ S24AJ50Z814844:::2", "Dsk_DeviceID": null, "FileSystem": "NTFS", "FreeSpace": 199136440320, 7 Lenovo Solution Center – API "Size": 319963389952, "UsedSpace": 120826949632, "VolumeName": "" }], "Manufacturer": "", "Model": "SAMSUNG HD321HJ", "Primary": true, "Removable": false, "ReturnCode": 64, "SerialNumber": "S24AJ50Z814844", "Size": "320072933376", "Status": null }] Property Description Sample Caption Hard drive label ST320LT007-9ZV142 DeviceID Hard drive Id ST320LT007-9ZV142 W0Q4JTYF FirmwareRevision Hard drive firmware version FreeSpace Hard drive unallocated (in bytes) 0004LVM1 1400832 LogicalDisks List of logical disks for the hard drive. 8 BootVolume Identifies if the partition is bootable. (True/False) Caption Volume caption DeviceID Volume device Id ST320LT007-9ZV142 W0Q4JTYF:::1 Dsk_DeviceID Deprecated field Null FileSystem Partition File System FreeSpace Space available on the volume (in bytes) True System Reserved NTFS ©Lenovo 2014 75358208 Lenovo Solution Center – API Property Description Size Volume size (in bytes) VolumeName Volume label Sample 104853504 System Reserved Manufacturer Hard drive vendor Model Hard drive model Primary Identifies If the hard drive is the boot drive (True/False) True Removable Identifies If the hard drive is removable (True/False) False ST320LT007-9ZV142 Identifies the return code for this module. Possible values: Unable to read caption = 0x1 Unable to read device id = 0x2 64 (dec) or 0x40 (hex) Unable to read free space = 0x4 Unable to read size = 0x8 ReturnCode Unable to read serial number = 0x10 The code above is the sum of the following errors: Unable to read firmware revision = 0x20 Unable to read manufacturer = 0x40 Unable to read manufacturer Unable to read model = 0x80 Disabled by Administrator = 0x40000000 Invalid = 0x80000000 SerialNumber Hard drive serial number Size Hard drive capacity (in bytes) Status Deprecated field 9 W0Q4JTYF 320072933376 Null Lenovo Solution Center – API 3. Memory Get memory information. {controller} => SystemController {method} => GetMemoryInfo The is as follows: http://{ip}:{port}/?v={v}&controller=SystemController&method=GetMemoryInfo Sample JSON response: { "Alert": null, "ReturnCode": 0, "lstPhysicalMemories": [{ "BankLabel": "A1_BANK0", "Capacity": 1073741824, "DeviceLocator": "A1_DIMM0", "Manufacturer": "Undefined ", "MaxCapacity": 8589934592, "MemoryType": "DDR3", "Onboard": false, "ReturnCode": 0, "SerialNumber": "8694FD05 ", "Speed": 1333 }, { "BankLabel": "A1_BANK2", "Capacity": 1073741824, "DeviceLocator": "A1_DIMM2", "Manufacturer": "Undefined ", "MaxCapacity": 8589934592, "MemoryType": "DDR3", "Onboard": false, "ReturnCode": 0, 10 ©Lenovo 2014 Lenovo Solution Center – API "SerialNumber": "EE87FD05 ", "Speed": 1333 }], "maxMemory": 4294967296, "maxSlotMemory": 4294967296, "numberOfSlots": 4, "totalMachineMemory": 4294967296 } Property Description Sample List of memory sticks BankLabel Memory slot where the stick is plugged in Capacity Memory stick capacity (in bytes) DeviceLocator Memory channel and slot where the stick is plugged in Manufacturer Memory vendor code MaxCapacity The maximum capacity this slot supports (in bytes) MemoryType Memory type Onboard Identifies if the memory is onboard (True/False) BANK 0 2147483648 ChannelA-DIMM0 0194 8589934592 DDR3 false lstPhysicalMemories Identifies the return code for this object. Possible values: 11 Unable to read banklabel = 0x1 ReturnCode Unable to read capacity = 0x2 Unable to read manufacturer = 0x3 Unable to read memory type = 0x8 Unable to read speed = 0x10 0 Lenovo Solution Center – API Property Description Sample Unable to read serial number = 0x20 Unable to read device locator = 0x40 SerialNumber Memory serial number 032A6C2B Speed Memory speed in MHz 1333 Identifies the return code for this module. Possible values: ReturnCode Disabled by administrator = 0x40000000 0 Invalid = 0x80000000 maxMemory Max memory than can be used according to the motherboard and recognized in the Operating System (in bytes) 4294967296 maxSlotMemory Max memory that can be used in 1 slot (in bytes) 4294967296 numberOfSlots Number of the slots in the machine totalMachineMemory Total memory of the machine (in bytes) 12 ©Lenovo 2014 2 4294967296 Lenovo Solution Center – API 4. Backup Get backup information. Most of the information will be available only if the required tools (such as Microsoft backup or Lenovo Rescue and Recovery) are installed and a backup has been performed on the computer. {controller} => SystemController {method} => GetBackupInfo The link os as follows: http://{ip}:{port}/?v={v}&controller=SystemController&method=GetBackupInfo Sample JSON response: { "Alert" : null, "ReturnCode" : 0, "isFileHistory" : false, "oneKeyPath" : "", "rnrApp" : "", "rnrBackupLocation" : "", "rnrCanceled" : "", "rnrInstaled" : "false", "rnrLastBackup" : "", "rnrNextBackup" : "", "rnrStatus" : "", "winLastBackup" : "05/14/2014 16:56:17", "winNextBackup" : "05/18/2014 19:00:00", "winStatus" : "true" } Property Description isFileHistory Identify if the file history is enabled (Windows 8 systems) (True/False) oneKeyPath One key Recovery path (Idea systems) 13 Sample false Lenovo Solution Center – API Property Description Sample rnrApp Rescue and Recovery path (Think systems) rnrBackupLocation Rescue and Recovery backup location (Think systems) rnrCanceled Deprecated field rnrInstaled Identify if the Rescue and Recovery is installed (only for Think systems) (True/False) rnrLastBackup Rescue and Recovery last backup date (Think systems) (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss) rnrNextBackup Rescue and Recovery next backup date (Think systems) (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss) rnrStatus Identify if Rescue and Recovery is enabled or not. (Think systems) (True/False) winLastBackup Windows backup last backup date (Windows software) (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss) 05/14/2014 16:56:17 winNextBackup Windows backup next backup date (Windows software) (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss) 05/18/2014 19:00:00 winStatus Identifies if Windows backup is enabled or not. (True/False) true false Identifies the return code for this module. Possible values: ReturnCode Disabled by administrator = 0x40000000 Invalid = 0x80000000 14 ©Lenovo 2014 0 Lenovo Solution Center – API 5. Software updates Get software updates information. Most of the information will be available only if the required tools (TVSU/Lenovo Update) are installed. {controller} => SystemController {method} => GetSoftwareUpdateInfo The link will be as below: http://{ip}:{port}/?v={v}&controller=SystemController&method=GetSoftwareUpdateInfo Sample JSON response: { "Alerts" : null, "PreLoad" : "False", "ReturnCode" : 0, "tvsuApp" : "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Lenovo\\System Update\\", "tvsuDtLastUpdate" : "05/05/2014 07:39:49", "tvsuInstalled" : "true", "winAutoDownloadUpdates" : "true", "winDtLastUpdate" : "04/17/2014 10:29:32", "winIDStatus" : "4" } Property PreLoad Description Identify if TVSU is in preload (Think systems) (True/False) tvsuApp TVSU path (Think systems) tvsuDtLastUpdate TVSU last update date (Think systems) tvsuInstalled Identifies if TVSU is installed (Think systems) (True/False) 15 Sample False C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Lenovo\\System Update\\ 05/05/2014 07:39:49 true Lenovo Solution Center – API Property Description Identifies when the Windows update is winAutoDownloadUpdates allowed to download the updates automatically. (True/False) winDtLastUpdate Windows last update date. (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss) Sample True 04/17/2014 10:29:32 Windows automatic update setting winIDStatus 4 = active 4 Any other value = inactive Identifies the return code for this module. Possible values: ReturnCode Disabled by Administrator = 0x40000000 Invalid = 0x80000000 16 ©Lenovo 2014 0 Lenovo Solution Center – API 6. Battery Get battery information. Some fields depend on Energy/Power Manager tool installed. {controller} => SystemController {method} => GetBatteryInfo The link is as follows: http://{ip}:{port}/?v={v}&controller=SystemController&method=GetBatteryInfo&args={true|false} Sample JSON responses: [ { "Alert" : null, "BarCodingNumber" : "1ZKFD3CWP70", "BatterySlotNumber" : 1, "BatterySoftwareInstaled" : true, "BatteryWarrantyMessage" : "BatteryWarrantyNotFoundBarcode", "ChargeStatus" : 0, "Condition" : 2, "Current" : 0, "CycleCount" : 6, "FirstUsedDate" : "04/11/2014 00:00:00", "FullChargeCapacity" : 57520, "ID" : "45N10011", "IsLenovoBattery" : true, "IsRemovable" : true, "ManufactureDate" : "12/28/2013 00:00:00", "ManufactureName" : "SANYO", "OriginalBattery" : false, "PWMCondition" : 0, "RemainingCapacity" : 57520, "RemainingPercent" : 100, "RemainingTime" : 0, "ReturnCode" : 0, "SerialNumber" : 25278, "SoftwarePath" : "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ThinkPad\\Utilities\\PWMUI.EXE", 17 Lenovo Solution Center – API "Temperature" : 29, "ValidWarranty" : true, "Voltage" : 12517, "Warranty" : "04/30/2013 00:00:00", "Wattage" : 0 }] Property Description BarCodingNumber Battery’s barcode BatterySlotNumber Battery slot BatterySoftwareInstaled Identifies if the battery software is installed. (True/False) BatteryWarrantyMessag e The battery warranty description Sample 1ZKFD3CWP70 1 true BatteryWarrantyNo tFoundBarcode Identifies the Battery current status, possible values: ChargeStatus NoActivity = 0 0 Charging = 1 Discharging = 2 StatusError = 0xFFFF Battery’s health condition. Possible values are: Poor = 0, Condition Fair = 1, 2 Good = 2, Invalid = 3, Damage = 4, Weak = 5, 18 ©Lenovo 2014 Lenovo Solution Center – API Property Description Sample Normal = 6, Unauthorized = 7, Not_Installed = 8, Not_Determined = 9, None = 10, Error = 11. Current (mA) Amount of current currently being used by the Battery. Values range from -16323 to 16323 0 CycleCount Charge/Discharge Cycle Count, values range from 0 to 32767 6 FirstUsedDate Date of when Battery was first used FullChargeCapacity (mWh) Amount of capacity at full charge, values range from 0 to 327670 ID Battery’s ID IsLenovoBattery Identifies if battery is an official Lenovo battery. (True/False) true IsRemovable Identifies if battery is removable. (True/False) true ManufactureDate Battery’s manufacturing date ManufactureName Battery’s manufacturer OriginalBattery Identify when battery barcode matches in warranty information. (True/False) 04/11/2014 00:00:00 57520 45N10011 12/28/2013 00:00:00 SANYO true Identifies Battery current condition as detected by Power Manager. PWMCondition Possible values (in Hex): Normal = 0x00000000 19 0 Lenovo Solution Center – API Property Description Sample HighTemperatureWarning = 0x00000001 UnsupportBatteryDetect = 0x00000002 TrickleCharge = 0x00000004 OverheatedError = 0x00000008 PermanentBatteryError = 0x00000010 NonThinkPad = 0x00000020 WrongACAdapter = 0x00000040 HardwareAuthenticationError = 0x00000080 RemainingCapacity (mWh) Battery’s currently remaining capacity. Possible values range from 0 to 65535. RemainingPercent (%) Battery’s currently remaining percentage RemainingTime (minutes) Battery’s currently remaining time SerialNumber Battery’s serial number 57520 100 0 25278 SoftwarePath Means the Lenovo tool path. C:\\PROGRA~1\\T hinkPad\\UTILIT~1\ \PWMUI.EXE Temperature (ºC) Battery’s current temperature 29 ValidWarranty Identifies if battery warranty is valid. (True/False) Voltage (mV) Battery’s current voltage. Possible values range from 0 to 32767. Warranty Means the warranty date for battery. (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss) Wattage (mW) Battery’s current wattage. True 12517 09/17/2013 00:00:00 0 Identifies the return code for this module. Possible values: ReturnCode 0 No battery installed = 0x1 20 ©Lenovo 2014 Lenovo Solution Center – API Property Description Power Manager not installed = 0x2 Generic battery installed = 0x4 Disabled by administrator = 0x40000000 Invalid = 0x80000000 21 Sample Lenovo Solution Center – API 7. Recovery media Get recovery media information. {controller} => SystemController {method} => GetRecoveryMediaData The link is as follows: http://{ip}:{port}/?v={v}&controller=SystemController&method=GetRecoveryMediaData&args={tr ue|false} Sample JSON responses: { "Alert": null, "HasPartition": false, "RecoveryPath": null, "ReturnCode": 1 } Property Description Sample HasPartition Means the machine has the partition (Lenovo_Recovery). (True/False) false RecoveryPath It’s the recovery path where Recovery Media is installed. null Identifies the return code for this module. Possible values: ReturnCode Unable to read recovery path = 0x1 Disabled by administrator = 0x40000000 Invalid = 0x80000000 22 ©Lenovo 2014 1 (dec) or 0x1 (hex) The code above is the sum of the following codes: Unable to read recovery path Lenovo Solution Center – API 8. File and Printers Get information about shared printers and shared folders. {controller} => SystemController {method} => GetFileAndPrinterInfo The link will be as below: http://{ip}:{port}/?v={v}&controller=SystemController&method=GetFileAndPrinterInfo Sample JSON response: [{ "Description": "", "Name": "tmp", "Path": "C:\\Users\\saonasan\\Documents\\tmp", "ReturnCode": 0, "ReturnValue": null, "Type": "SharedFolder" }] Property Description Description Deprecated field Name Name of the folder Path Folder’s path Sample tmp C:\\Temp\\shared Identifies the return code for this module. Possible values: Unable to read name = 0x1 ReturnCode Unable to read path = 0x2 0 Unable to read description = 0x4 Disabled by administrator = 0x40000000 Invalid = 0x80000000 ReturnValue 23 Not applicable Null Lenovo Solution Center – API Property Type Description The type of the file. SharedFolder Shared folder or Shared printer 24 Sample ©Lenovo 2014 Lenovo Solution Center – API 9. Virus Protection Get virus protection information. {controller} => SecurityController {method} => GetAntivirusesInfo The link is as follows: http://{ip}:{port}/?v={v}&controller=SecurityController&method=GetAntivirusesInfo Sample JSON response: [ { "Alert" : null, "AntivirusInstalled" : "true", "PreLoaded" : "false", "ProductName" : "McAfee VirusScan Enterprise", "ProductState" : "266240", "ReturnCode" : 0, "ScanningStatusEnabled" : "true", "UpToDateStatus" : "true" }] Property Description Sample AntivirusInstalled Identifies if antivirus is installed. (True/False) true PreLoaded Identifies if antivirus is preloaded (in case no antivirus installed). (True/False) false ProductName Name of antivirus ProductState Windows code for application state. ¹ 266240 ScanningStatusEnabled Identifies if the antivirus is enabled or not. (True/False) true UpToDateStatus Identifies if the antivirus is updated. (True/False) true 25 McAfee VirusScan Enterprise Lenovo Solution Center – API Identifies the return code for this module. Possible values: ReturnCode 0 Disabled by administrator = 0x40000000 Invalid = 0x80000000 ¹ - Each byte of the ProductState value represents different pieces of information. Please refer to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj155487(v=vs.85).aspx for an enumeration of possible values. 26 ©Lenovo 2014 Lenovo Solution Center – API 10. Firewall Get firewall information. {controller} => SecurityController {method} => GetFirewallInfo The link is as follows: http://{ip}:{port}/?v={v}&controller=SecurityController&method=GetFirewallInfo Sample JSON response: [ { "Alert" : null, "DIV" : "DIV", "ERRO" : null, "Enabled" : "true", "FireWallInstalled" : "true", "Native" : "true", "ProductName" : "Windows Firewall", "ReturnCode" : 0 }] Property Description Sample DIV Deprecated field DIV ERRO Deprecated field Null Enabled Identify if firewall is enabled. (True/False) True FireWallInstalled Identify if firewall is installed. (True/False) True Native Means when the firewall is native (Windows). (True/False) False ProductName Name of firewall ReturnCode Identifies the return code for this 27 McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention Firewall 0 Lenovo Solution Center – API Property Description module. Possible values: Disabled by administrator = 0x40000000 Invalid = 0x80000000 28 ©Lenovo 2014 Sample Lenovo Solution Center – API 11. Internet Connection Get internet connection information. {controller} => SecurityController {method} => GetInternetConnectionInfo The link is as follows: http://{ip}:{port}/?v={v}&controller=SecurityController&method=GetInternetConnectionInfo Sample JSON response: [ { "AccessConnectionPath" : "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Lenovo\\Access Connections\\Access Connections.exe", "AdapterType" : "Ethernet 802.3", "ConnectionID" : "Local Area Connection", "DHCPEnabled" : null, "DHCPServer" : null, "DNSDomain" : null, "DefaultGateway" : null, "DeviceId" : "7", "DeviceName" : "Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection", "DriverProvider" : "Intel", "DriverVersion" : "", "HardwareRadioState" : false, "IP" : null, "IsConnectedToInternet" : "True", "MacAddress" : "00:21:CC:BA:D9:6B", "Mask" : null, "NetworkType" : "WIRED", "ReturnCode" : 0, "ShowPanel" : true, "SoftwareRadioState" : false, "Speed" : "9223372036854775807", "Status" : "MediaDisconnected", "TypeAccess" : "Internet", 29 Lenovo Solution Center – API "WirelessName" : "", "WirelessSecurity" : "" }, { "AccessConnectionPath" : "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Lenovo\\Access Connections\\Access Connections.exe", "AdapterType" : "Ethernet 802.3", "ConnectionID" : "Wireless Network Connection", "DHCPEnabled" : "True", "DHCPServer" : "", "DNSDomain" : "americas.ad.flextronics.com", "DefaultGateway" : "", "DeviceId" : "12", "DeviceName" : "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6205", "DriverProvider" : "Intel", "DriverVersion" : "", "HardwareRadioState" : true, "IP" : "", "IsConnectedToInternet" : "True", "MacAddress" : "10:0B:A9:63:7B:B0", "Mask" : "", "NetworkType" : "WIRELESS", "ReturnCode" : 0, "ShowPanel" : true, "SoftwareRadioState" : true, "Speed" : "54000000", "Status" : "Connected", "TypeAccess" : "Internet", "WirelessName" : "Flex-Skynet", "WirelessSecurity" : "True" } ] 30 ©Lenovo 2014 Lenovo Solution Center – API Property Description Sample C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Lenovo\\Access Connections\\Access Connections.exe AccessConnectionPath Gets the access connection Path when installed. AdapterType Adapter Type Ethernet 802.3 ConnectionID Connection ID Wireless Network Connection DHCPEnabled DHCP Enabled. (True/False) DHCPServer DHCP Server DNSDomain DNS domain americas.ad.flextronics. com DefaultGateway Default gateway DeviceId Deprecated field 12 DeviceName Device name DriverProvider Driver Provider Intel DriverVersion Driver Version HardwareRadioState Identifies if hardware switch is enabled. (True/False) IP IP IsConnectedToInternet Identifies if is Connected to Internet. (True/False) MacAddress Mac Address Mask Mask NetworkType Network type 31 True Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6205 True True 8C:70:5A:EA:6B:A8 WIRELESS Lenovo Solution Center – API Property Description Sample ShowPanel Not applicable true SoftwareRadioState Identifies if software switch is enabled. (True/False) True Speed The connection speed. (in bits/s) 54000000 Status Status Connected TypeAccess Type access WirelessName Wireless name WirelessSecurity Identifies the wireless security. (True/False) Internet Flex-Skynet True Identifies the return code for this module. Possible values: ReturnCode 0 Disabled by administrator = 0x40000000 Invalid = 0x80000000 32 ©Lenovo 2014 Lenovo Solution Center – API 12. Fingerprint Get fingerprint information. {controller} => SecurityController {method} => GetFingerprintInfo The link is as follows: http://{ip}:{port}/?v={v}&controller=SecurityController&method=GetFingerprintInfo Sample JSON response: { "DownloadUrl": null, "HasFingerprint": true, "PathSoftware": "C:\\Program Files\\ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software\\ctlcntrv.exe", "ReturnCode": 0 } Property Description Sample DownloadUrl Tag used to retrieve the link to download the fingerprint software null HasFingerprint Identify if has the fingerprint device. (True/False) true Path of software (when is installed). "C:\\Program Files\\ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software\\ctlcntrv.exe" PathSoftware Identifies the return code for this module. Possible values: No fingerprint = 0x1 ReturnCode No fingerprint software = 0x2 Not Lenovo = 0x4 Disabled by administrator = 0x40000000 Invalid = 0x80000000 33 0 Lenovo Solution Center – API 13. Device Manager Get Device Manager Information. {controller} => SupportController {method} => GetDeviceManagerInfo The link will be as below: http://{ip}:{port}/?v={v}&controller=CheckupController&method=GetDeviceManagerInfo Sample JSON response: [{ "Alert": { "Category": "DeviceManager", "Description": "DeviceManagerAlertProblem", "Id": "DeviceManager", "Ignored": false, "Img": null, "ImgToken": "deviceManagerAlert", "IsNewAlert": true, "Menu": "checkup", "Module": "deviceManagerScreen", "Reloaded": true, "RemindMeDate": null, "RemindMeType": -1, "TargetPipe": null, "Title": "DeviceManagerAlert", "Type": "NonCritical", "Visible": true }, "Description": "CD-ROM Drive", "DeviceId": "IDE\\CDROMHL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GH60N__________________NY02____\\5&1335F03D&0&1.0.0", "Name": "HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH60N ATA Device", 34 ©Lenovo 2014 Lenovo Solution Center – API "ReturnCode": 0, "Status": "DeviceManagerDisabled" }] Property Description Description Deprecated field Sample CD-ROM Drive DeviceId Device id IDE\\CDROMHL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GH60N_________________ _NY02____\\5&1335F03D&0&1.0. 0 Name Device Name HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH60N ATA Device Identifies the return code for this module. Possible values: Unable to read device id = 0x1 ReturnCode Unable to read device name = 0x2 0 Unable to read device status = 0x4 Disabled by administrator = 0x40000000 Invalid = 0x80000000 Device status. It might be: Status DeviceManagerNotInstalled – Means not installed DeviceManagerDisabled – Means disabled 35 DeviceManagerDisabled Lenovo Solution Center – API 14. Product Registration Get product registration information. {controller} => SupportController {method} => GetProductRegistrationInfo The link will be as below: http://{ip}:{port}/?v={v}&controller=SupportController&method=GetProductRegistrationInfo&args ={true|false} Sample JSON response: { "Alert" : { "Category" : "ProductRegistrationPerformance", "Description" : "ProductRegistrationNotRegisteredAlert", "Id" : "ProductRegistrationPerformance", "Ignored" : false, "Img" : null, "ImgToken" : "productRegistrationAlert", "IsNewAlert" : false, "Menu" : "support", "Module" : "productRegistrationScreen", "Reloaded" : true, "RemindMeDate" : null, "RemindMeType" : -1, "TargetPipe" : null, "Title" : "ProductRegistrationAlertTitle", "Type" : "NonCritical", "Visible" : true }, "Cached" : false, "RegistrationDate" : "", "ReturnCode" : 0, "isMetroAppInstalled" : false } 36 ©Lenovo 2014 Lenovo Solution Center – API Property Description Cached Identifies if the information returned is a previously cached information. (True/False) RegistrationDate Means the machine registration date. (mm-ddyyyy) isMetroAppInstalled Deprecated field Sample false 08-05-2013 False Identifies the return code for this module. Possible values: No Internet Connection = 0x1 Not a Lenovo System = 0x2 ReturnCode Request Timeout = 0x4 Service Unavailable = 0x8 Disabled by administrator = 0x40000000 Invalid = 0x80000000 37 0 Lenovo Solution Center – API 15. Warranty Get warranty information. {controller} => SupportController {method} => GetWarrantyInfo The link is as follows: http://{ip}:{port}/?v={v}&controller=SupportController&method=GetWarrantyInfo&args={true|false } Sample JSON response: { "Alert" : null, "Product" : false, "ReturnCode" : 0, "barCode" : null, "batteryBarCode" : "11S42T4790Z1ZJPZ226G1N", "batteryWED" : "04/30/2013 00:00:00", "cached" : false, "daysLeft" : 351, "error" : null, "expired" : false, "hasPartInfo" : false, "hasValidInfo" : true, "isFromServer" : true, "lastCheck" : "05/14/2014 16:15:09", "product" : null, "serial" : null, "serialNumber" : null, "statusCode" : "OK", "type" : "The battery included within this product is entitled to a 1 year on-site warranty. Please note that this may differ from the warranty of the base product itself.", "unableToConnect" : false, "validBarcode" : false, "wed" : "04/30/2015 00:00:00" 38 ©Lenovo 2014 Lenovo Solution Center – API } Property Description Sample Product Deprecated field false Barcode Deprecated field Null batteryBarCode Battery bar code 11S42T4790Z1ZJPZ226G1N batteryWED Battery warranty date. (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss) Cached Identifies if the information returned is a previously cached information. (True/False) False daysLeft Number of days until warranty expiration 351 Error Deprecated field Null Expired Identifies if the warranty is expired. (True/False) False hasPartInfo Not applicable False hasValidInfo Deprecated field True isFromServer Not applicable True lastCheck Last date and time the warranty was checked. (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss) Product Deprecated field Null Serial Deprecated field Null serialNumber Deprecated field Null 04/30/2013 00:00:00 05/14/2014 16:15:09 Response code from Lenovo Server. It might be: statusCode OK OK; 39 Lenovo Solution Center – API Property Description Sample NotConnected; NotFound; NotAvailable; RequestTimeOut. The battery included within this product is entitled to a 1 year on-sitewarranty. Please note that this may differ from the warranty of thebase product itself. Type Description unableToConnect Identifies the machine is unable to connect to internet. (True/False) False validBarcode Deprecated field False Warranty end date. (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss) Wed Value will be the base system warranty end date or the extended system warranty end date, if user has purchased an extended warranty. 04/30/2015 00:00:00 Identifies the return code for this module. Possible values: No Internet Connection = 0x1 Not a Lenovo System = 0x2 ReturnCode Request Timeout = 0x4 0 Service Unavailable = 0x8 Disabled by administrator = 0x40000000 Invalid = 0x80000000 40 ©Lenovo 2014 Lenovo Solution Center – API 16. Snapshot Get snapshot information. {controller} => CheckupController {method} => GetSnapshotInformation The link is as follows: http://{ip}:{port}/?v={v}&controller=CheckupController&method=GetSnapshotInformation&args={ true|false} Sample JSON response: { "DateOfCreation": "05\/16\/2014 09:24:33", "HardDrives": [{ "DeviceId": "SAMSUNG HD321HJ S24AJ50Z814844", "DeviceTypeName": "SystemInfoHD", "Properties": [{ "BaseValue": "SAMSUNG HD321HJ", "CurrentValue": "SAMSUNG HD321HJ", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_HardDrive_Name" }, { "BaseValue": "298,09 GB", "CurrentValue": "298,09 GB", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_HardDrive_Capacity" }], "Partitions": [{ "DeviceId": "SAMSUNG HD321HJ S24AJ50Z814844:::1", "DeviceTypeName": "PARTITION", "Properties": [{ "BaseValue": "System Reserved", "CurrentValue": "System Reserved", "IsDifferent": false, 41 Lenovo Solution Center – API "PropertyName": "Snapshot_HardDrive_Name" }, { "BaseValue": "101,94 MB", "CurrentValue": "101,94 MB", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_HardDrive_Capacity" }, { "BaseValue": "73,80 MB", "CurrentValue": "73,80 MB", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_HardDrive_VolumeFreeSpace" }] }, { "DeviceId": "SAMSUNG HD321HJ S24AJ50Z814844:::2", "DeviceTypeName": "PARTITION", "Properties": [{ "BaseValue": "C:", "CurrentValue": "C:", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_HardDrive_Name" }, { "BaseValue": "297,99 GB", "CurrentValue": "297,99 GB", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_HardDrive_Capacity" }, { "BaseValue": "184,75 GB", "CurrentValue": "184,75 GB", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_HardDrive_VolumeFreeSpace" }] 42 ©Lenovo 2014 Lenovo Solution Center – API }] }], "Memory": { "DeviceId": null, "DeviceTypeName": "SystemInfoMemory", "Properties": [{ "BaseValue": "4,00 GB", "CurrentValue": "4,00 GB", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_Memory_TotalMemory" }], "PhysicalMemories": [{ "DeviceId": "A1_DIMM0A1_BANK0", "DeviceTypeName": "MemoryHeader", "Properties": [{ "BaseValue": "Undefined ", "CurrentValue": "Undefined ", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_Memory_Manufacturer" }, { "BaseValue": "8694FD05 ", "CurrentValue": "8694FD05 ", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_Memory_SerialNumber" }, { "BaseValue": "1,00 GB", "CurrentValue": "1,00 GB", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_Memory_SlotSize" }] }], 43 Lenovo Solution Center – API "ReturnCode": 0 }, "Motherboard": [{ "DeviceId": " ", "DeviceTypeName": "SystemInfoMotherboard", "Properties": [{ "BaseValue": "LENOVO", "CurrentValue": "LENOVO", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_Motherboard_Manufacturer" }, { "BaseValue": "2.6", "CurrentValue": "2.6", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_Motherboard_Version" }, { "BaseValue": "5864B16", "CurrentValue": "5864B16", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_Motherboard_Product" }, { "BaseValue": " ", "CurrentValue": " ", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_Motherboard_SerialNumber" }, { "BaseValue": "5JKT64AUS", "CurrentValue": "5JKT64AUS", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_Motherboard_BIOSVersion" }, { 44 ©Lenovo 2014 Lenovo Solution Center – API "BaseValue": "01-30-2013", "CurrentValue": "01-30-2013", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_Motherboard_BIOSReleaseDate" }, { "BaseValue": "LENOVO", "CurrentValue": "LENOVO", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_Motherboard_BIOSVendor" }] }], "Network": [{ "DeviceId": "Intel(R) 82578DM Gigabit Network Connection", "DeviceTypeName": "SystemInfoNetworkCard", "Properties": [{ "BaseValue": "Intel(R) 82578DM Gigabit Network Connection", "CurrentValue": "Intel(R) 82578DM Gigabit Network Connection", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_Networkcard_Name" }, { "BaseValue": "Intel", "CurrentValue": "Intel", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_Networkcard_DriverProvider" }, { "BaseValue": "", "CurrentValue": "", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_Networkcard_DriverVersion" }] }], 45 Lenovo Solution Center – API "Processors": [{ "DeviceId": "CPU0", "DeviceTypeName": "SystemInfoProcessors", "Properties": [{ "BaseValue": "GenuineIntel", "CurrentValue": "GenuineIntel", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_Processor_Manufacturer" }, { "BaseValue": "2", "CurrentValue": "2", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_Processor_Cores" }, { "BaseValue": "Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 650 @ 3.20GHz", "CurrentValue": "Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 650 @ 3.20GHz", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_Processor_Name" }] }], "Programs": [{ "DeviceId": "7-Zip 4.65", "DeviceTypeName": "SystemInfoInstalledPrograms", "Properties": [{ "BaseValue": "7-Zip 4.65", "CurrentValue": "7-Zip 4.65", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_InstalledPrograms_Name" }, { "BaseValue": null, "CurrentValue": null, 46 ©Lenovo 2014 Lenovo Solution Center – API "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_InstalledPrograms_Publisher" }, { "BaseValue": null, "CurrentValue": null, "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_InstalledPrograms_Version" }] }, { "DeviceId": "Adobe AIR", "DeviceTypeName": "SystemInfoInstalledPrograms", "Properties": [{ "BaseValue": "Adobe AIR", "CurrentValue": "Adobe AIR", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_InstalledPrograms_Name" }, { "BaseValue": "Adobe Systems Incorporated", "CurrentValue": "Adobe Systems Incorporated", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_InstalledPrograms_Publisher" }, { "BaseValue": "", "CurrentValue": "", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_InstalledPrograms_Version" }] }], "ReturnCode": 2, "SoundCards": [{ "DeviceId": "HDAUDIO\\FUNC_01&VEN_10DE&DEV_000B&SUBSYS_10DE0101&REV_1001\\5&31E93 47 Lenovo Solution Center – API 8F5&0&0001", "DeviceTypeName": "SystemInfoSoundCard", "Properties": [{ "BaseValue": "NVIDIA High Definition Audio", "CurrentValue": "NVIDIA High Definition Audio", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_Soundcard_Name" }, { "BaseValue": "NVIDIA", "CurrentValue": "NVIDIA", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_Soundcard_DriverProvider" }, { "BaseValue": " 06-16-2013", "CurrentValue": " 06-16-2013", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_Soundcard_DriverVersion" }] }], "StartupPrograms": [{ "DeviceId": "C:\\Windows\\dwrcs\\DWRCST.exe", "DeviceTypeName": "SystemInfoStartupPrograms", "Properties": [{ "BaseValue": "DameWare MRC Agent", "CurrentValue": "DameWare MRC Agent", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_StartupPrograms_Name" }, { "BaseValue": "C:\\Windows\\dwrcs\\DWRCST.exe", "CurrentValue": "C:\\Windows\\dwrcs\\DWRCST.exe", "IsDifferent": false, 48 ©Lenovo 2014 Lenovo Solution Center – API "PropertyName": "Snapshot_StartupPrograms_Path" }] }], "VideoCards": [{ "DeviceId": "NVIDIA GeForce 310 |PCI\\VEN_10DE&DEV_0A63&SUBSYS_38991642&REV_A2\\4&71C36E3&0&0008", "DeviceTypeName": "SystemInfoVideoCard", "Properties": [{ "BaseValue": "NVIDIA GeForce 310 ", "CurrentValue": "NVIDIA GeForce 310 ", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_Videocard_Name" }, { "BaseValue": "512,00 MB", "CurrentValue": "512,00 MB", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_Videocard_CardMemory" }, { "BaseValue": "", "CurrentValue": "", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_Videocard_DriverVersion" }, { "BaseValue": "NVIDIA", "CurrentValue": "NVIDIA", "IsDifferent": false, "PropertyName": "Snapshot_Videocard_Provider" }] }] } 49 Lenovo Solution Center – API Property DateOfCreation Description Snapshot date. (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss) Sample 05/16/20 14 09:24:33 List of hard drive devices DeviceId The id of the device SAMSU NG HD321H J S24AJ50 Z814844 The type of the device. Possible values: SystemIn foHD DeviceTypeName SystemInfoHD PARTITION HardDrives List of properties compared to the last recorded value The last value recorded for this property SAMSU NG HD321H J CurrentValue The current value read from the device SAMSU NG HD321H J IsDifferent Boolean indicating wether both are different Properties BaseValue The name of the property. Possible values: PropertyName Snapshot_HardDrive_Name Snapshot_HardDrive_Capacity 50 ©Lenovo 2014 False Snapsho t_HardDr ive_Nam e Lenovo Solution Center – API Property Description Sample Snapshot_HardDrive_Manufacturer Snapshot_HardDrive_SerialNumber Snapshot_HardDrive_Firmware Snapshot_HardDrive_VolumeFreeS pace List containing all the partitions for this hard drive DeviceId The id for this specific partition SAMSU NG HD321H J S24AJ50 Z814844 :::1 The type to identify this device. Possible values: PARTITI ON DeviceTypeName Partitions SystemInfoHD PARTITION Properties List of properties compared to the last recorded value BaseValue The last value recorded for this property 101,94 MB CurrentValue The current value read from the device 101,94 MB IsDifferent Boolean indicating wether both are different The name of the property. Possible values: PropertyName Snapshot_HardDrive_Name 51 False Snapsho t_HardDr ive_Cap acity Lenovo Solution Center – API Property Description Sample Snapshot_HardDrive_Capacity Snapshot_HardDrive_Manufacturer Snapshot_HardDrive_SerialNumber Snapshot_HardDrive_Firmware Snapshot_HardDrive_VolumeFreeS pace List of memory devices DeviceId The id of the device The type of the device. Possible values: DeviceTypeName SystemInfoMemory Properties Memory List of properties compared to the last recorded value. BaseValue The last value recorded for this property 4,00 GB CurrentValue The current value read from the device 4,00 GB IsDifferent Boolean indicating wether both are different The name of the property. Possible values: PropertyName Snapshot_Memory_TotalMemory Snapshot_Memory_Manufacturer Snapshot_Memory_SerialNumber Snapshot_Memory_SlotSize 52 false ©Lenovo 2014 Snapsho t_Memor y_TotalM emory Lenovo Solution Center – API Property DeviceId Description The id of the device The type of the device. Possible values: DeviceTypeName Sample A1_DIM M0A1_B ANK0 Memory Header MemoryHeader Properties PhysicalMemories List of properties compared to the last recorded value. BaseValue The last value recorded for this property 8694FD0 5 CurrentValue The current value read from the device 8694FD0 5 IsDifferent Boolean indicating wether both are different The name of the property. Possible values: PropertyName Snapshot_Memory_TotalMemory Snapshot_Memory_Manufacturer Snapshot_Memory_SerialNumber Snapshot_Memory_SlotSize Motherboard Motherboard device information DeviceId The id of the device The type of the device. Possible values: DeviceTypeName SystemInfoMotherboard 53 False Snapsho t_Memor y_Serial Number Lenovo Solution Center – API Property Description Sample List of properties compared to the last recorded value. BaseValue The last value recorded for this property LENOVO CurrentValue The current value read from the device LENOVO IsDifferent Boolean indicating wether both are different false Properties The name of the property. Possible values: Snapshot_Motherboard_Manufactur er Snapshot_Motherboard_SerialNumb er PropertyName Snapshot_Motherboard_Version Snapshot_Motherboard_Product Snapsho t_Mother board_M anufactur er Snapshot_Motherboard_BIOSVersio n Snapshot_Motherboard_BIOSVendo r Snapshot_Motherboard_BIOSRelea seDate Processors List of processors with device information DeviceId The id of the device The type of the device. Possible values: DeviceTypeName SystemInfoProcessors 54 ©Lenovo 2014 CPU0 SystemIn foProces sors Lenovo Solution Center – API Properties Property Description Sample BaseValue The last value recorded for this property GenuineI ntel CurrentValue The current value read from the device GenuineI ntel IsDifferent Boolean indicating wether both are different False The name of the property. Possible values: PropertyName Snapshot_Processor_Name Snapshot_Processor_Manufacturer Snapsho t_Proces sor_Man ufacturer Snapshot_Processor_Cores List of network devices information Network DeviceId The id of the device The type of the device. Possible values: DeviceTypeName Intel(R) 82578D M Gigabit Network Connecti on SystemIn foNetwor kCard Properties SystemInfoNetworkCard 55 BaseValue The last value recorded for this property Intel(R) 82578D M Gigabit Network Lenovo Solution Center – API Property Description Sample Connecti on CurrentValue The current value read from the device IsDifferent Boolean indicating wether both are different Intel(R) 82578D M Gigabit Network Connecti on false The name of the property. Possible values: PropertyName Snapshot_Networkcard_Name Snapshot_Networkcard_DriverProvi der Snapsho t_Networ kcard_N ame Snapshot_Networkcard_DriverVersi on List of programs installed on the system 56 The id of the device The type of the device. Possible values: DeviceTypeName SystemInfoInstalledPrograms Properties Programs DeviceId BaseValue The last value recorded for this property ©Lenovo 2014 Adobe AIR SystemIn foInstalle dProgra ms Adobe Systems Incorpor ated Lenovo Solution Center – API Property Description CurrentValue The current value read from the device IsDifferent Boolean indicating wether both are different Sample Adobe Systems Incorpor ated False The name of the property. Possible values: PropertyName Snapshot_InstalledPrograms_Name Snapshot_InstalledPrograms_Publis her Snapsho t_Installe dProgra ms_Publi sher Snapshot_InstalledPrograms_Versio n Video card devices information The id of the device VideoCards DeviceId The type of the device. Possible values: DeviceTypeName SystemInfoVideoCard 57 NVIDIA GeForce 310 |PCI\VE N_10DE &DEV_0 A63&SU BSYS_3 8991642 &REV_A 2\4&71C 36E3&0 &0008 SystemIn foVideoC ard Lenovo Solution Center – API Properties Property Description Sample BaseValue The last value recorded for this property NVIDIA GeForce 310 CurrentValue The current value read from the device NVIDIA GeForce 310 IsDifferent Boolean indicating wether both are different false The name of the property. Possible values: PropertyName Snapshot_Videocard_Name Snapshot_Videocard_CardMemory Snapsho t_Videoc ard_Nam e Snapshot_Videocard_DriverVersion Snapshot_Videocard_Provider List of software lauched when the system starts. 58 The id of the device The type of the device. Possible values: DeviceTypeName SystemInfoStartupPrograms Properties StartupPrograms DeviceId BaseValue The last value recorded for this property ©Lenovo 2014 C:\Windo ws\dwrcs \DWRCS T.exe SystemIn foStartup Program s DameWa re MRC Agent Lenovo Solution Center – API Property Description CurrentValue The current value read from the device IsDifferent Boolean indicating wether both are different The name of the property. Possible values: PropertyName Snapshot_StartupPrograms_Name Sample DameWa re MRC Agent False Snapsho t_Startup Program s_Name Snapshot_StartupPrograms_Path List of sound card device information SoundCards DeviceId The id of the device The type of the device. Possible values: DeviceTypeName HDAUDI O\FUNC _01&VE N_10DE &DEV_0 00B&SU BSYS_1 0DE0101 &REV_1 001\5&3 1E938F5 &0&0001 SystemIn foSound Card Properties SystemInfoSoundCard 59 BaseValue The last value recorded for this property NVIDIA High Definition Audio Lenovo Solution Center – API Property Description CurrentValue The current value read from the device IsDifferent Boolean indicating wether both are different Sample NVIDIA High Definition Audio False The name of the property. Possible values: PropertyName Snapshot_Soundcard_Name Snapshot_Soundcard_DriverProvide r Snapsho t_Sound card_Na me Snapshot_Soundcard_DriverVersion Identifies the return code for this module. Possible values: SUCCESS = 0x0 UNABLE_TO_READ_HARDDRIVE S = 0x1 INVALID_HARDDRIVES_DATA = 0x2 UNABLE_TO_READ_MEMORY = 0x4 ReturnCode INVALID_MEMORY_DATA = 0x8 UNABLE_TO_READ_MOTHERBOA RD = 0x10 INVALID_MOTHERBOARD_DATA = 0x20 UNABLE_TO_READ_PROCESSOR S = 0x40 INVALID_PROCESSORS_DATA = 0x80 UNABLE_TO_READ_NETWORK = 0x100 60 ©Lenovo 2014 2 Lenovo Solution Center – API Property Description INVALID_NETWORK_DATA = 0x200 UNABLE_TO_READ_PROGRAMS = 0x400 INVALID_PROGRAMS_DATA = 0x800 UNABLE_TO_READ_VIDEO_CAR DS = 0x1000 INVALID_VIDEO_CARDS_DATA = 0x2000 UNABLE_TO_READ_STARTUP_P ROGRAMS = 0x4000 INVALID_STARTUP_PROGRAMS_ DATA = 0x8000 UNABLE_TO_READ_SOUND_CAR DS = 0x10000 INVALID_SOUND_CARDS_DATA = 0x20000 DISABLED_BY_ADMINISTRATOR = 0x40000000 INVALID = 0x80000000 61 Sample Lenovo Solution Center – API 17. Predictive Get predictive information. {controller} => CheckupController {method} => GetPredictiveInfo The link will be as below: http://{ip}:{port}/?v={v}&controller=CheckupController&method=GetPredictiveInfo&args={true|fal se} Sample JSON response: { "Alert" : null, "Devices" : [ { "Alert" : { "Category" : "PredictivePerformance", "Description" : "PredictiveMonitoringAlertDescription", "Id" : "Seagate-ST320LT007-9ZV142-W0Q4JTYF", "Ignored" : false, "Img" : null, "ImgToken" : "predictiveAlert", "IsNewAlert" : false, "Menu" : "checkup", "Module" : "predictiveScreen", "RemindMeDate" : null, "RemindMeType" : -1, "TargetPipe" : null, "Title" : "PredictiveMonitoringTitle", "Type" : "NonCritical", "Visible" : true }, "DeviceName" : "ST320LT007-9ZV142 - 298.09 GBs", "DeviceType" : "HD", "FailedAttributes" : "", "Status" : 1, "UDI" : "Seagate-ST320LT007-9ZV142-W0Q4JTYF" } ], 62 ©Lenovo 2014 Lenovo Solution Center – API "ReturnCode" : 0, "OnlyUnsupportedDevices" : false, "ShowPredictiveScreen" : false, "UpdatedInfo" : true } Property Description Sample List of predictive supported devices DeviceName Device name ST320LT007-9ZV142 - 298.09 GBs Predictive supported device type. As of current version, It might be: DeviceType HD Devices HD FailedAttributes List of failed attributes Device general status Status 0 = OK; 1 1 = FAILED; 2 = UNSUPPORTED. UDI Unique device id SeagateST320LT007-9ZV142W0Q4JTYF Identifies the return code for this module. Possible values: ReturnCode Not allowed = 0x1 Disabled by administrator = 0x40000000 Invalid = 0x80000000 63 0 Lenovo Solution Center – API Property Description Sample OnlyUnsupportedDevices If there are only unsupported devices in the list. (True/False) False ShowPredictiveScreen If predictive is allowed to be shown. (True/False) False UpdatedInfo If predictive diagnostics has been run. (True/False) True 64 ©Lenovo 2014 Lenovo Solution Center – API 18. Hardware Scan Get last hardware scan info. {controller} => CheckupController {method} => GetLastScanInfo The link is as follows: http://{ip}:{port}/?v={v}&controller= CheckupController &method= GetLastScanInfo Sample JSON response: { "LastScanDate": "05\/06\/2014 09:42:30", "ReturnCode": 0, "ScanResult": 0 } Property LastScanDate Description Returns the date of the last scan Sample 05/06/2014 09:42:30 Identifies the return code for this module. Possible values: ReturnCode Never executed = 0x1 0 Disabled by administrator = 0x40000000 Invalid = 0x80000000 Defines the result from the last scan, as follows: ScanResult Passed = 0, Failed = 1, Cancelled = 2 65 0 Lenovo Solution Center – API Appendix A. Notices Lenovo may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in all countries. Consult your local Lenovo representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to a Lenovo product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that Lenovo product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any Lenovo intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any other product, program, or service. Lenovo may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to: Lenovo (United States), Inc. 1009 Think Place - Building One Morrisville, NC 27560 U.S.A. Attention: Lenovo Director of Licensing LENOVO PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. Lenovo may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. The products described in this document are not intended for use in implantation or other life support applications where malfunction may result in injury or death to persons. The information contained in this document does not affect or change Lenovo product specifications or warranties. Nothing in this document shall operate as an express or implied license or indemnity under the intellectual property rights of Lenovo or third parties. All information contained in this document was obtained in specific environments and is presented as an illustration. The result obtained in other operating environments may vary. Lenovo may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. Any references in this publication to nonLenovo Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this Lenovo product, and use of those Web sites is at your own risk. Any performance data contained herein was determined in a controlled environment. Therefore, the result obtained in other operating environments may vary significantly. Some measurements 66 ©Lenovo 2014 Lenovo Solution Center – API may have been made on development-level systems and there is no guarantee that these measurements will be the same on generally available systems. Furthermore, some measurements may have been estimated through extrapolation. Actual results may vary. Users of this document should verify the applicable data for their specific environment. 1.7 Trademarks Lenovo, the Lenovo logo, and For Those Who Do are trademarks of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both. Windows is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies 67
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