GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASI{TRA STATE TNSTITUTE FOR ADMINISTR,ATIVE CAREERS, ( S I A C ) ( Pre.I.A,S.Training Centre ), Hazarirnal Somani Marg,opp.CST station,Mumbai-1 Iei^022- 22fr7 A9 zlFax No. 0 22-22}6rc7 I website- i n. IMPORTANT missio n proced,ure/eligibility conditionsl nrrCrnrLrrV_Ccl!{DrrrONS_rqR rEB SIAC nNTn tri{Cr DLryIrNlrrON [-A.d t. , . . o : Bachelor's degree completed in any faculty of a recognized University. Medicai graduates should hrave completed intennship' Domieile of Maharashtra (Centificate Essential ) Age lirnits: Gen- 21 ta 32 Yr., 0BC-21 to 35 Yr. , SCi ST- 2',1 to 37 Yr. (As per UPSC rules) As on 1nt August M * o ". { A.*fvertisernent of SIAC in August for Entrance Examination. ( t-eading newspaper.* of every district of Mahanashtra .) Entc'anee Exarnination wiBl be held on Novemben Syllabus as per UPSC, CIVIL $ERVICES PREt-lMlNlARY EXAMINATION Candidates may apply online by using the website- www.siAgorg.i0. &P-PLIE"$T-IQN {Q&&-! SEE-; Gen-Rs. 300/- Category-1 SCI/( bV D.D.of natioa'lalize bank in favour E E * of Director, SIAC, Murnbal ) Training period is '11 months , The number of seats -100 + 10 {Minority) il.lq fees for Training Prograrnme. Cnly deposlt refundable caution nloney Rs.500/- for !*ihr*n7 and R*"100/- for SIAC l-lostel aoccmmodation. An Hx-SIAC canoidate who has availed of the benefii of coaching for prelirns or Mains in SiA.C will nc*- be eligible. Fuli tirne candidates uyiil not be allovued to co any other courses ljob sin'lurltaneously. 4. rIACIr,n:rnas_QHW '* * , a Fssglraislss facilities, Reading Ror:nt faciNities ,lnternet tacillties Ciasses : Ciasses cr Generai $tudies /Aptitude Test and ail optional subjects cf Civil Services l\4ain Hxamination" l-irnited [-.iostei accCIfi']!"rrodation will be availabie for boys /girls residing out of Mumbai on merit. $ti$:end of !trs"Z$SCIi- per month. L..rbrary '{&AiN$*G n = , : ER(LG-e.&t!$" 8ffi Januaff to Augr.;s: i, Filst Term ) $e*tennuher to #e**rnhen ( ,$econd frdar*h /April PRS-fl A.Ed'?.r (-)N _ru_ry s { _} : "tr-erm ) - foe"Civii $ervices Frelirn Exant - fc,r Clivi! Services Main Hxam - fer lnterview Techriiques. s-r.a.c.ENTRANCE EXAMINATTOF{ Subiects/Paper Marks Section-l General Studies 100 Section-ll CSAT 100 Paper one General Studies Total Marks Duration of Examination 2 Hours 200 ) The questions will be of murltiple choices, objective type. > Allwrong answers will carry 0.33 % negative Marks. SYLLABUS Section- I : ( GENERAL STUDIES ) o o o o o o o Current events of National and lnternational lmportance Flistory of lndia and lndian National Movement Indian and World Geography - Physical, Social, Economic Geography of lndia and the World. lndian Polity and Governance - Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights lssues, etc. Economic and Social Development - Sustainable Development, Poverty, lnclusion, Demographics, Social Sector lnitiatives, etc. General issues on Environmental Ecology, Bio-diversity and Climate Change - that do not require subject specialization General Science. Section- ll : ( CSAT o o o o o o o ) Comprehension lnterpersonal skills including communication skills; Logical reasoning and analytical ability Decision making and problem solving General n'lental abilitY Basic Numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude etc.) (Class X level), Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc" -Class X level) English Language Comprehension skills (Class X level). Union Public Service Commission CIVIL SER\rICES EXAMINA.TION, (Commission's website - h ttp I l/www. upsc. LIST OF BOOKS GENERAL STUDIES PAPER _I Examination Preliim [xam Readins for SIAC Entrance Test and UPSCTCTY!! 19ry! :es rrelrm Publication Author Name of The Books Su Sr No Purchase any one guide The Pearson GENERAL STUDIES PAPHR-I ^AM Preliminary (for Civil Services I Examination) McGraw-Hill's General Studies 2014 PaPer -l (for Civit Services Prelims Exam) 2 Spectrum Handbook of General studies 2014 (for Civit Serviees Frelims Exqrn) Unique Quintessence of General 4 Studies 2014 (For Civil Services Prelim Exam) General $cience; NCERT Books Science 1 2 Science and TechnologY supplements in the newsPaper's and Maqazines, Current events of National and lnternational lmPortance : Magazines: anv one 1 1) Competition Wizard 2) Civil Services Chronicle (Eng./Hindi) 3) Civil Services Time 5 I II Edgar Thorpe/ Showick Thorpe Pearson ,Publication Tara Chand R. Varama VlcGraw Hill Education (lndia) Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi Spectrum Pub. S. Sen Unique publication . NEW$PAPEBS-: ilr IV V The l-lindu , Times of lndia, The Economics Tirnes 2 lndia Year book J Manorama Year book lndian Economy lndian EconomY 1 2 lndian EconomY NCERT Books Economic Survey lndian HistorY: l-hsto, NCERT Books of class Vll 1 Xll (Enqlish or Hindi) lndian & word geograPhY : l{e f nf Books of class Vll-Xll z Atlas Govt. oI lnola rup Dutt&Sundh.l Ramesh singh N.U.t.K. - I 2 VII 1 vill. lndian polity: lntroduction to lndian Constitution lndian Politv(for civil services qIArn) General Mental Ability Quantitative Aptitude Eanlnrrrr and Enrlirnnrnenf Question Papers booklet I N.C.E,R.T I VI S. Chand Pub. McGraw Hill Pub. D.D.Basu/ PYlee ItI. Laxmikant R.S. Agganrual P.D. Sharnna UPSC,Civil Services Pnetiminary Ex am Solved paper lr/cGraw Hill Edu. S. Chand & Com. Rastoqi Pub. New Vishal Affizard/ Arihant GENEIL\I STUDIES (CSAN - PAPER -II SuggestedReadingforSIACEntranceTestarrd[JPSC,CivilservicesPrelimExamination Sr No 1 l.larne of The Books Author Publication ffiSTUDIES Edgar ThorPe Pearson Publlcatlon McGraw Hill Education serles General Studies zAM PaPer -ll Arun Sharma, Bhagat, McGraw Hill Education (lndia) Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi J. K. ChoPra Unique Publication Uma Kant SinEh Arihant Publications PAPER-II 2A14 (tor eivil Services PreliminarY 2 (csAr) For Civil Services Prelim Exams' Unique Quintessence oT utvll Services APtitude Test PaPer -ll (For civil services Preiim Exam) 6 6 General Studies PaPer-Z Upkar's Useful Books & lata MLCraw Hill's ToPic wise Useful Upkar Pub. Upkar's C$AT -Gtvli uervlces /Danar-ll \ l- qrr!' \t erv'| " / rlEtlllllllaly CSAT l-ogical Reasontng ano Analytical AbititY 1 2 Multi-Dimensional tteasontng 5 Data lnterPretatlon Analysls 6' \) t Givil Services Sctence anCI TechnologY Cornprehension and Hrecls vvtltrrrg 6 Q 7 English Language ComPrenensrorl Skills Class-X level- 3 4 uantitative APtitucte R.S. Agganrual R.$. Aggarwal S Cand Pub Upkar PuDllcatlon Ashok GuPta Upkar Virnal Kumar Upkar Sinqh Upkar R.S.Aggarwat S.Chand ruo. Ren & martin Pal & Suri S. Cand Pub'
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