美國電影中之個人英雄主義 nHHntu -mm F-L -mm MmnHUuu-FhL n、。 Mm um 間 Mm mm 刊 aan MRTEE n、O EE 』 UM-nhM 165 Harold Leung-ki Siu 蕭完期 I. INTRODUCTION The screen is a dangerous and wonderful instrument , if a free spirit uses it. It is the superior way of expressing the world of dreams , emotionsand instinct. 一-Lius Bunuel Th is paper is a modest attempt to understand some aspects of American popular culture from a foreigner's point of view. Its basic aims are: (l) to identify the role of I訂ge; movies , especially American movies , in society at (2) to explore the implications and meanings of vigilantism as shown in American movies; and (3) to find out the link between movies and popular thought. Among the many forms of popul缸 culture, significant one--a strong arm of world. the 紅的 that films/movies are clearly a powerful , penetrates nearly every corner of the As art historian and critic Erwin Panofsky has suggested , their absence from our lives would probably constitute a “ social catastrophe. "1 He wrote in Film Theory and Criticism: “ If all serious lyric poets, composers, painters and sculptors were forced by law to stop their activities , a rather small fraction of the general public would seriously regret it. If the same thing were to happen with the movies the social consequences would be catastrop ic. "2 That is probably an overstatemen t. However , the movies' power to evoke certain authentic tone of a society and a particular era to a certain degree is beyond doub t. For this reason alone , it will be worthwhile for this author to write on the subject of American movies with an emphasis On vigilantism. In addition to this significance , a personal involvement with movie review and motion picture studio experience give added 1. Erwin Panofsky ,“Style and Medium in the motion Pictures ," in M. Cohen and G. Mast , eds. , Film Theory and Criticism (New York: Oxford University Press, 1974) , p. 152. 2. Ibid. 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AllOH U! p;}:>unouo1d lSOW S;}!AOW UB:>!l;}WY AlB10dW;}lUO:> jO lU;}W;}P SU!PUBlSlfiO uv 軍閥Ill:::> ONY 3:::>N:~nOIA HnnOllH.L 刺S I.LNY'InIA 。lUBUS!A ;}可 ljO lBl[ l 訂閱 SBW! ;}l[ ljO ;}UO ';}lnlln:> UB:>!l;}山Y '11 0lU! l l[S!SU! ;}WOS sn SU!l uBlS‘ SS;}Usnopsuo:> S‘ ;}:>U;}!pnB ;}l[l ;}dB l[S dl叫 pUB p;}日;}1 l[loq lB l[l 10!A它可 ;}q pu它 ;}nSoIB~p ‘ Sl;}PB1Bl[:> 'S;}SBW~ ;}A!lS;}SSns pUB lUBUOS;}l ;}lB;}l:> 0l ;}lQB S! pOO M. -AUOH ‘ l;}A;} M. 0H ':>!l官W;}lQo1d pUB ;}A!叩開的‘ lln:>!11 !p ;}q lsnw Al;}POS B jO sW;} lQ o1d pu它 SPOOW ‘ suopdwnSSB 呵呵q ;}l[ l P;}fOld sWH1 M.。可 ;}U!1;}P pUB ;}lOldx;} OlllOjP ;}l[l ‘ sn吐L ':>l;} 'X;}S 'AlP!U l[l;} ‘ SSBp IBpoS ‘ ;}SB Aq P;}P!A!P一 -jl;}Sl! ;}:>U;}!p nB ;}l[ l SB P;}!JBA SB ;}lB P 閃閃 lB lndod ;}l[ llO :>!lqnd ;}l[l U! l[l!M. S;}PU;}PU;}l pUB SPU;}ll ;}l[.L ‘ 1now 它IS . 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Ol;:ll{-l ;:llH)[ ;:ll{l ‘ SS;:l JOld B JO S;:l HHBnb ;:l AH它l;:l l ;:ll{l S! l{lllI 'UO!P呵呵開S I它 UOH OW;:l 它l{l!M ;:l Ju;:l!pn它;:ll{l jj閃 P!AOld ‘ Sl;:lPBIBl{J ;:lJH-UB l{l-l ;:l jjlBI ;:l S刊l ;:l lB ;:llJ S它可 pOOMAHOH ‘ (LS61 ‘ l;:l苟它Wl;:l PMOd ]J) AIOPBJ W昀lp B sy 0l ;:l nb!un P ;:lS它;:lJ l ;:l A ;:l U 'Ol;:l可 P;:lZH它UOHBl pUB l{ l!M l~ql~jjOl ‘ pOOMAUOH ‘ ~SU~S -U! l~ l{lO 'P ;:l Z!SBlUBJ S! l{l JO lU;:l uodX ;:l U;:l ppr l{ J l{l ;:l q 0llno suml ‘ Sl叫BW-~!AOW lU~pu~d~p p ;:l日 HSAW lng .ABM l~ l{H~ jjum! 山 WOJ-~JU~IO!A S! l! S! l{l UI 'sd它 l{l~d ‘ s~sodmd lU~l~JJ!P 10J ‘ ~JU~IO!A 0l IB~ddB IBU!山pJ ~l{l pUB '~yq它l{s!njjuHS!pu! S~WOJ~q I它可 WpJ pu它 Ol~l{-l~ lH)[ ~ql u~aMl~q l{lO g ‘ MO l{~WOS Ol~ 時l~m)[ ~l{l UOHJUHSFP ~l{ l 'sIBU!WPJ U!它ld UB l{l l~l{l它 1 U~W~JHod snoIB~zl~AO jjuHH)[ ~wH S刑l '~jjBdwBl snOl~pmw SB S!l{ UO S~pIBJ POOMlsB 互 lUH:) 'tfJJ 1JH tfjJlσUI UBW1~W 叫!Z In它d Aq 9 '~JU~IO!A ~A!SS~JX~ P~l~P!SUOJ S! ‘S~p~S tfJJ 1JH tfjJlσ~l{l L9l JO jjU!ABl{ ~UO 'a;)J 0 .d ULn uavW puy 吾吾王齋主tv 國}字中箔E包圍三至 教學與研究第九期 168 fate is connected to success , failure , and death , according to Warshow's analysis: At bottom , the gangster is doomed because he is under the obligation to succeed , not because the means he employs are unl~wfu 1. In the deeper layers of the modern consciousness , all means are unlawful , every attempt to succeed is an act of aggression , leaving one alone and guilty and defenseless among enemies: one is punished for success. .. The effect of the gangster film is to embody this dilemma in the gangster and resolve it by his death. The dilemma is resolved because it is his death , not ours. We are safe; for the momen t. . . we can choose to fail. 9 Th is theme is partly evidenced by the treatment of God-father, which will be discussed in next section. However , sometimes the vigilante , as determined by the movie director and the public sentiment of a peculiar period , is above death , and no price is claimed or collected for the violence he does in the name of justice. To the audience , therefore , the problem of crime and punishment is not a moral issue , but an experience of cinematic art. Violence can be done in the form of vengeance , and thus become a kind of vigilantism , as shown in Death Wish (1 974). The protagonist of Death Wish , a “ mild-mannered professional" (played by Charles Bronson) , is transformed into a deadly avenger by the savage muggings of his wife and daughter. Instead of seeking out actual culprits the protagonist appoints himself a law officer and goes gunning down all the crooks and delinquents he can find in the subways and on the streets , shooting down one after another , almost casually. As his violent exploits are publicized by the press , the annoymous lone ranger becomes a heroic figure to the Manhattan habitants一- so much so that when the police finally establish his identity they can do no more than banish him to a distant city. Apotheosized , he has provided a role-model for would-be snipers , future clansmen , potential terrorists and assassins. This seems to be a scenario reminiscence of the Bernard Goetz case which took place three days before Christmas , 1984. In a dingy , noisy subway in New York , Goetz fired five shots , wounding four black youths who allegedly were about to mug him. Goetz became a vigilante overnight. The story of Goetz hit the raw nerve in the American psyche. Some psychiatrists argued that the prevalence of violent crime made people feel helpless , and that Goetz symbolically accomplished what the ordinary people could not do and were taught not to do. Goetz is seen as striking a blow 9. Ibid. , p. 133. 美國電影中之個人英雄主義 for all of them. 169 Time magazine reported: Th e panel of 23 New Yorkers (of the grand jury) indicts Goetz only for illegal possession of handguns. Much of the city applauds. So does much of the nation. A Media General-Associated Press poll discloses that 479也 of Am ericans approve of what Goetz did , 369也 prudently say that they do not know enough of the details to form a judgement, and only 179已 feel that Goetz was wrong in shooting the teenagers. 10 Although the Goetz case took an unexpected turn (he was later charged with four counts of attempted murder) , the vigilante mentality of the American public was eviden t. According to Graeme Newman , vigilantism is not a new product of the 20th century. It has remained in existence in America ever since it emerged from the swamps of South Carolina' about 1760 to compensate for the absence of law and order. l1 Once established , vigilantism grew and flourished by developing its own mystique of rugged individualism. The legitimation of vigilante violence has been constantly displayed/exposed in popular novels and movies. In many cases , the vigilantes were not portrayed as outlaws ,“though they were plainly outside the law , nor as vengeance-seeking killers and terrorists , but rather as good citizens taking up arms in the ‘ American way' to serve the cause of justice and civilization. .. Their illegal violence. . . was made to appear not only legitimate but positively high-minded and moral. "12 III. VIGILANTE FILMS Thre酬najor vigilante films will be discussed. They are Dirty Harry , The Godfather, and Taxi Driver. A. Dirty Harry (1 971) 一-Warner Bros.; directed by Don Siegel; leading actor: Clint Eastwood The genesis of Dirty Harry is by way of police melodramas like The French Connec- tion and Bulli衍, justification. which begin to develop the fetish for proficiency as the cop's major Symbolic of this in both films are elaborate chase sequences in which all thought of right and wrong, good or evil , is unequivocally translated into action: The best man is simply the best driver. Queen) and 10. 11. 12. “ Popeye" Pitted against ruthless mobsters , both Bullitt (Steve Mc- Doyle (Gene Hackman) in The French Connection have to be tough Ed Magnuson ,“Up in Arms Over Crime ," Time (April 8, 1985), p. 28. Graeme Newman , Understanding Violence (New York: J. B. Lippincott , 1979), p. 47. A也ley Montagu and Floyd_Matson , The Dehumanization of Man (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co. , 1983), pp. 156-7. 教學與研究第九期 170 to prevail, even at the sacrifice of being nice people or adhering to the letter of law. Misunderstood by their superiors and unappreciated by the public they serve , they achieve satisfaction only from their skill and its ultimate vindication. Although both films are highly stylized , they make a show of realism , which means in this case an obsession with gritty details. The cop is depicted as the sole repository of social order. It is a short hop from the existentialism that dr卸的 Popeye Doyle to the indignation of Dirty Harry. Be- cause his nemesis, Scorpio (Andy Robinson), is the most vile criminal conceivable, Harry Callahan (Clint Eastwood) becomes the ultimate cop. Scorpio is a sniper , a terrorist , a pervert and a deranged hippie , whose contempt for life is reflected by his nefarious plot to extort money from the City of San Francisco by killing an innocent person a day. Thus, Scorpio's extremism is no less dramatic than the extremism of Harry , who breaks into Scorpio's lair without a search warrant , and tortures him to learn the whereabouts of a girl he has buried alive , thus breaking the law himsel f. The ensuing legal “ technicalities" permit Scorpio , a known killer, to go free , while Harry, the man who brings him to justice at great personal risk, is reprimanded for his transgressions; and Harry is forced to operate outside the law to effect the justice that the society has clearly forgotten how to enforce. As Carlos Clarens points out in Crime Movies , the foundation of Dirty Harry is the classic showdown between Scorpio and Harry , two larger-than-life figures locked into a bloody, sadomasochistic ritl時1 of mutual affirmation. Having directed Eastwood in three previous films , Don Siegel, the veteran of a dozen crime films, orchestrates the familiar and extreme romance between cop and criminal with attention to every existential nuance. After witnessing an hour of Scorpio's cold fury when~ informed that he has violated Scorpio's rights, he says, “Well , I'm broken off about that man's rights." And when Harry finally catches up with and kills Scorpio , the law , no less than the criminal, is the subject of his retribution: He contemptuously tosses his police badge into the ditch where Scorpio's body has corne to rest. As a vigilante film , Dirty Harry is a marvel of cross-purposes and a tentament to the confusion and loss of social cohesion that arise out of bitter resistance B. The Godfather (1 972)一 -a t。由e counterculture,的 well as Paramount film The Godfather was directed by the then young Francis Ford Coppola , who was of Italian descen t. March 15, 1972. cinema. The film was produced by Paramount. The Godfather premiered on By far it has been the eighth largest earning film in the history of the Now , more than a decade after its initial release, The Godfather is, as Vincent 美國電影中之個人英雄主義 171 Canby contended ,“one of the most brutal and moving chronicles of American life ever designed within the limits of popular entertainment." In fact , for their consummate precision , scale and sheer ambitiousness , the two Godfather films (I & II) form a colossus of American cinema in the seventies. In the most perceptive review of the film , Arthur SchlesInger , Jr. pinpointed the theme of The Godfather: The film shrewdly touches contemporary nerves. Our Society is pervaded by a conviction of powerlessness. The Godfather makes it possible for all of us , in the darkness of the movie house , to become powerfu l. It plays upon our inner fantasies , not only on the criminal inside each of us but on our secret admiration for men who get what they want , whose propositions no one dares turn down. 13 A tapestry of family , ambition and dynastic capitalism set against the backdrop of Am erica in the first half of this century , Coppola's epic makes the temporal leaps一 from late-nineteenth-century Italy (Sicily) to the arrivals of immigrants at Ellis Island , life in New York's little Italy in the 1910s and 1920s, Batista's corrupt Cuba of the fifties and Las Vegas of the early sixties 一一that produced , as Gerald Mast wrote ,“a political conversation between the simple hopes of the past and the complex corruption of the present." A gangster film , The Godfather e~pands on the genre and realizes its allegorical potential by providing a social context for the insularity and aggression of the crime family , relating its activities to a nation's history , and by integrating fully the lingo of the vendetta killing with the argot of the corporate boardroom. Li ke Patton , The Godfather lures the viewer into its fiction with the heroic qualities of the protagonists. Th e men of the Corleone family一- Vito , Michael and Sonny一 -share great strength of character and an admirable and well-honed instinct for survival , as well as an intuition criminal arts. Outside the law , they conform to their own strict code of tradition , patronage and hono r. “ system" for the The Corleones constitute an exaggerated replica of an existing or bureaucracy: business. Though their interests are illegal , there is consistency to their policies. The Godfather is in fact Hollywood's requkm for the American Dream. For young Vito Corleone (Robert De Niro) , whose parents and brother have been murdered by the Sicilian Mafia , immigration to America represents a traditional passage from persecution to freedom and opportunity. Vito comes to manhood in the Italian precincts of New York's Iρwer 1昀3. East Side , marries and has a son. Employed as a clerk in a grocery store , he gradual- Sc】h甘 Iles剖inger丸, Jrι.叮, TheyWan叫 It ," 恤 i n David Denby, edι. , Film 72 幻/7 3 Arthur (I ndianapolis: Bobbs-Me缸rr吋ill , 1973), p. 10. l~t[ 0l s~H ~H ‘ ~!uuoJ l~lS!S P~1~P10 'Ulnl 10J p~l~iiuU °AB)! ~J!M S! t[ pUB S!t[ pUB l~呵呵間 u~~Ml~q UOHBlU 01JlfO;) 0l pB t[;)!間 u~~Ml~q lU~ 叫~iiUBllS~ U! 'S! 0lmJ o( ossn'M !UUB!D) UB pUB p~sodx~ S! ASp;)OdA t[ l!~t[l ‘ Sldnl~ IBM B pUB pUB 'pABlU n p~UGlB~l t[l ~~B lsnf lnq ~ snol~dsOld pUB ~lBP~S ~q 0l sm~ddB ~Jn ‘ ~S~uo~JloJ ~t[l 'S~m 閏月 3 山p;) ){10 λM~N ~t[l iiuo 叫它 SlS!X~ ~;)B~d ~An它 pl 0l ~;)u~nb~s AIJBnlIrnA~ iiurPB~l iiUnBm 閃 sm日‘ l~B t[;)!間 Aq P~ll同 OJlBJ MBI-U!-l~t[lOlq UMO S! t[ Aq UOHBU!SSBSSB S! (UeBJ S~山B r) ~UO~JlOJ AUUOS iiUOllSPB~ t[ pUB ~A!Slnd 山! ~lll SU!ii~q ,{I! umJ ~t[l 0l S~tI o~JloJ ~t[l li~ t[M pUB AI!叮叮~t[ l ulnl~l S , l~Bt[;)!間 JO ~山n ~t[llV P~P1B;) AIP~llOdlnd ~lB S~山P;) ~t[l 切問l~ UBnS! 叫J t[ii n0 t[l °AI!叫它J ~t[l JO B ‘ m M. ~t[l JO pU~ ~t[ l iiU!~qH~M ~t[ l ~lnSU~ U~A~ ‘ p~~lii 10 ~iiU~A~l 'l~MOd JO lB 0l lno ~umu 叫l U! JO ABMB iiumnt[s ~t[l :p!日Un;) lBllU~;) B s~ss~ldx~ pUB 山m ~t[l JO JHO 叫 'uoHn;)~x~ l~lSiiuBii ~ldmn 山 B lBuii!s B S! 1I JO JO S~n~Uii!A 0l 山sqdBq lB1P~ t[lB;) B 山OlJ ~t[l 10 ‘ l~lt[iinBp p~lniius!p snoumJ S! t[ Sln;) 10J ~iiU~A~l 10J 昀 ld 氏的叫它 lB~t[ iiU!PP~M S‘l~lt[iinBp S!t[山OlJ ~叫l iiu閃閃 l~t[l叮pOD ~t[l JO 0l S! l! l~t[l~t[M--"lBnsn SB ss~u!snq" S~U~;)S iiup~qos t[l! M SUOHBlq~P;) 10 S~!UO山~l~;) snO!iin~l Sln;)l~l叫山m ~t[l ‘ UBl~ ;)!t[d -BliiB山~Up t[ l! M. 'B;)P~ 山V U! 可l!可 :S~t[S!M S, AH 山叮叮可 0l A1BllU 0 ;) ‘ I 旭M. S~悶兒間~t[ l U! 叮叮 lU~ ~t[ U~ t[ M t[ l!BJ ~lll °AI!山叮~t[ l AJHsnf JO p~fqo pl! t[ l B s~;)npOllU! JO l~Bt[;)!間 ){B~lqlnO ~t[l l它 'P~l;)BS S! AI!山叮 JO SlS~l~ lU! ~t[ l 0l ss~ulnJt[l!BJ JO UO!SU~lX~ UB SB Al! An;)B 1叩1山P;) l!~可l s~uo~ JloJ ;)t[l opeD U! t[ l!BJ l!~ 可1 可l!M 山SP!U A;) l!~ 可l ;)SOdBlSnf SUo!un 山間0;) ‘S~;)! Al~S lBl~unJ ‘S山河 ldBq 'SlBAHs~J sno!iiH~l ‘ SiiU!PP~M-- t[l!BJ lBuompBll Aq P凹的昀叫 S! B;)P~ 山V U! °Al!un 山間0;) lOJA可lBd 山~ 'Al日1山n可‘ ;);)u~iinPl t[ii n0 t[l 'Al!Un山間0;) ~t[l ~I! qo叫 Ol!A lBA! Al ns JO UBS JO U! s~uo~poJ UB ~l日 JO A10p~fBll AI!山叮叮 UOHBiinqo pUB ;)1°1 ~Al ~sqo ~M ‘ S~U~;)S lu~nb~sqns ~PO;) ~t[l l~dold ~t[ l pUB ~ld UlBx~ l日U ~t[ l JO ~t[l ~可 l l~n~q JO 0l一 S~!UO 山;)l~;) 'AHB;)!U01I JO ~SU;)S pUB ~10山--Sls~~ns ~m ~可1一- iiopl~pun ~t[ l 0l iiupq lH M ~t[ iiu!凹的凹的必M Sl可 uo S! 。可M ‘ ;)UO~POJ U! ;);)Bld S‘ P;)nUB ::I una AlplBMdn ~10 叫它 S! S詢問叩開 lnlOl 的 UOdS;)l ls~q Plnm 可。1可M 一 OlBUU;)D lBAHS~ ::I叫 l--ABp lSB~J sno!iiH~l ;)1阿M ABMHB 可 lU;)叫;)U;)l 它叫叫阿 S;)lBU!SSBSSB uI 田 ~USS~l t[lnl ~叫~llx~ ~UO~ Jl OJ ~t[ l lB t[ l : AlSBUAP U!BlsnS °Mol~q Sl~;)llS ;)可 l S! pB S, Ol!A B S~lBlq~l;);) AHS!OU pUB SdOljOOl ~t[l 山OlJ U! po。中 oq t[ii !;)U ;)t[l P;)nUB ::I S){lBlS 0l!A ‘ siiunu){ ;)HSnBnlP ‘S~UO~JlOJ ~t[l ~ZP;)l;)它m 耳。lH M q;)!可M l!它日 ;)H它叫別P pUB ;);)u;)pU~d~p 叫 ‘~Al~A ~t[l iiU!i 'ZLl 間存揖扭扭崗~草書 "l~noS ;)q WM. ;)1i U;)A;)l OU l叫l P1B M.l;)UB AlP閃 OS uoqBlnd;)l srq Anns 0l oS yB lnq 閃閃dBJ ;)JHod ;)l{l W有 0l AluO lOU ;)yq它 ;)q WM. A;) 可l 'U;) 叫l;)dBds M.;)U 1它 InJql 它d "I OllUOJ S;)UO;)PO::> ;)l{l pUB ‘ ld即lO J S! dOJ IBHU;)lOd ;)l{l JO dSB!1i 的呵呵JO ;)甲 ;)JU!S lB甲 lno SlU!Od;)H 呵呵 S;)lBllSUO 山;)P I;)呵呵刺 ;)l;)H AIsno;)1i BmoJ 0 l{M. ;)UO;)po:) ;)l{l :l;) M. Od ;)UO;)PO::> JO UOHBJHS!l{dos B l{l!M. UBJP;) 山V AIP0 l{S U;) l{M. "叮叮 ;)l日閃閃閃呵呵。und 。可M. 0l S;)AP1B lOJ '(U;)PABH d n SUnl ;)可‘OS 1i U!OP U! ~ ld叫;)UB ;)恥 )[J!nb S!H ";)Jn S! l{ uo ldw;)UB pUOJ;)S B 10J dn P;)日plo可 SJ ;)可‘spunoM. ;)可l 山OlJ 1i UP;)AOJ;)l 0l SB I;)B 呵。1 閥 U;) 可M. I;)B可。1刺1iU!J10J ‘ S;)UO;)po::> ;)可‘ 0pB:) l~S 1i U!;)q S! S;)n l;) l{lBJpoD ;)l{l ·AI!山呵呵 l l;) 1i unoA ;)可l UO 0l uOHB1i nqo SPUB 山;)P M. ;)U 0l 1i U!PP;) M. S‘ ;)!UUO:) lB ‘ lB M. )[B;)lqlno ;)l{ llB S;)UPB則叫1 叮叮叮IU;) I ;)B 可。1 刺 l;) M. od ;)甲可 l! M. AB M. ;)l{l S;)muosl;)d ;)可l "l;)l{lBJPoD lB;)l 1i JO uomsod B 0l ;)JU;)JOUU! ;)AHBPl JO ;)lBlS B S阿 ;))[H ‘ Ss;) !1i old lsn 山-l! SIB;)P! IBU!P1BJ 甲 oq n間 l;);)山 0l punod叫 OJ '(p;)m;)'l IV) ozzonos ‘ ;)Jn S,l;) l{lBJ S!l{ uo Sldw;)nB ;)l{l IBAP 刊1 ‘l;)UB l;)AOJS!P 0l S阿 ;)Z!U1i OJ;)l UOHBU!SSBSSB UB lng “";)山lO U ‘ AB)! 'AI!山BJ A叫 S! S阿1,,, AB)! PU;)PJP!1i 0l ;)P!J UOJ nHs UBJ 10l BllS!閃閃P它 UB" :“ 9 叫pJ JO "A)[snDJ 刺 PUB ozzonos I;)BJ.{J!刺 S! l!‘;)AH它lU;)S;)ld;)l AI!山BJ 0l1;)JJO U它 SPU;)S ;)lq!suodS;)l l;)ls1iUB1i 1i unl;)ls) A)[SnDJ即回BldB:) ‘ dOJ ldnllO。它 lSU!B1iB 的 nppol 閏月 S;)lqBU;) 1i u閃閃l{ l l;) l{l呵呵呵切可 l ;)1;)可M. IBl!ds。可 3叩開呵呵 d;)l S!可 ABd JO s1i un;);)J d;);)p 呵呵 ld 1;) 可1月 S!可 lSU!B 1iB ld 山;)UB :S 囚BpV 1iU!M.0noJ APlB!P;)山叫! ~IIM.M. JO ;)lopq l;) l{ lBJ 叫OlJ ‘山!l{ U! pBd ;))[盯 0l AI!山BJ ~l{l山OlJ P;)AO山;)llSO山 uos ;)l{l 一一 I ;)B 可 J!間﹒ 0l!A Ss;)u!snq UBJP;) 山V ;)l{lJ o UBJ uOqdnllO J Aq P;)lJ;)dx;) lSB;)1 pu它 P;) lU;)S;)ld 訂閱山昀 la P;)剖開山;)lSAS ‘ P;)lBJqS! l{dos I ;)B可 J!刺 p;)lBJnp~-l{lno山 pBa ;)可1, ";)SU;)S B ;)叫q山0。 UO 山叫 OJ pUB 山0PS! M. 'Al!nu;) 1i u! ‘ 1;)PB1B 呵。勻即 BUAp S‘ l;)l{ lBJ S凹的 l!;)可 ;)nll ;)l{l S! 。可M. 'uos lS;)1i unoA ;)l{ l ‘ I ;)B 可 J!刺耳 H "AJ它叫;)ldns 一-1i u阿 l 1i閃閃OJ ;)可l ;)UO;)p0::> l;)l{ JO ;)SnBJ;)q ss;)uIsnq 0l UOqB l!llI JO A1BSS;)J;)U sd;)lS ;)l{l ;)有問 0l 1i日InUHuoJ Al yB AoIS!P ;)可l IBUI1ipo ~l! S阿 lnq pUB SUOH;)lJS !P UI )[JByq ;)l{l SB )[10M. U;)A;) "I;)B可JJ刺 p;)pnpx;) ‘ ;)IUuo:) 1i unq 山nq d;);) 可S JO "OP;)l .:I JO SJHOJ1BU U! uoqBuIsSBSSB UB 1i uI M. 0noJ AI!山叮 3 甲叫OlJ ;)AOld InM. "S;)UO;)po:) 叫l ;)UO S;)A問 ;)IBZBD U可of ;)JUBpnpl B ;)可l lBl{M.--1iU月 3日JBll SI可 Aq S;)JUIA;) ‘ld叫;)UB SI可 ;)1;)M. ‘ ;)UO;)llO::> 0l!A ‘ 1;)可 lBJpoD SIl{ lIUU;)d 0l l{llB;)l{ Uml;)l lOUUB 。‘ X;)S B 1;)可lOlq 荒山凹 3 可l U!BlU!B 山 0l SB ;)A!;)Jl;)d S;)UO;)llO::> l;)1i unoA P;)AIOAU! l;) 1i 0l SS;)u 1i u !UJM. un 0l ;)ABS ;)H ‘ SS;)UIsnq AI!山BJ ;)可l ;)A!;)S InM. lS;)U!J S;)JUB 山lOJl ;)d 1 草草草游說Y 國}~中箔~圈莘 £Ll -U! JaJunllJaa σ) S~HU~A~S ~lBI ~qllBql 山sHoq山AS ~{qBHA~U! lB SBM JO pUB S~!AO 山 AUBW I~nlJ OS U! qHM SBM H AllSnpU! 山 m ~ql U~qM P~APlB Jail!J σ P:0.L JBunWWOJ 'uoHBIndod aql JO SABMIB lSnW Swm lBlndod 'P~lB~~lU!S!P AI~~ lB I SBM lU~W~~S ~{q BZ!S "lS~nB 苟:J0f B 0l ~(pASd B ~凹的~q UBl~l~A WBUl~!A "~JU~IO!A ~ABS ~JU~PUUOJ "Ul~JS!P 0l lImm!p ~WOJ~q JO SSOI B SBq lnq ‘ s~nJBA IBunw山OJ 'p~lBqS U! s~nIBA ~PBll tfm El pUB aOf 'mjjOJD uO:J!JaωY SB swm qJns SB ~.inlIml~ lU noJ ~ql ‘ S~HU~A~S-P!W ~ql Aa .(SL6 I) aJO Ul tfuy aJaH ail!7 J. usaoσ a:J!l Y lIl l!M ~JmO xoq lB p~lOJS AIIBuU pBq ‘OMl-All!ql u~ql ‘ ~S~SlOOS UH lB W lOP~l!P ~ II l~ql叮POD ~unOA ~up~nH~ U! llBd S!q lOJ 扭扭 o UB UOM lsnf pBq 0耳N ~a ll~qo~ lSOW s, pOOMAIIoH JO llBd ~ql uo ~AOI JO lO qBI wmBN 山nl°:) 它一 "JI~S山間 uo 'lOI S!q ~~UBqJ ~ql ~JUO 'BPBA~N lB S! lOUUBJ ~q lV lna U! punoJ S! 'S~!d JO ABa Aq P~ldnllO:) I~BqJ!W ‘ p昀 P ~ql ~ql u~~Ml~q SBq lBqM 0l pUB Bqn:) U! )[UH pB : Bl~ ~ql “ "~UOAUB UB JO UOnBU!SSBSSB 0l JBMOABS!p UOnBJunSAW~p ~ql OOl S! B SBM l~q JO s~nJBA l!~ql ss~upuHq ~ql JO ~UOU JO pUB "SlU~IBl .:) ~UnBU!山nl loqs 、 ~UO~ AB )I ql!M ‘ pU~ "::I uqof ~~nJl~lqns l~lS!U!S lSO 山 ~ql S~SpJ ~up~qos ~ql 0l OqM 'll~AO SB pUB S~U! {l~pun 'UOHBlUOlJUO。 puy 'Al! 田間 nq ‘ AUWBJ AB )I SIB~A~l B lBql “"~月BU ~U!~q S, OqA也有OOI SlU~P!S~ld" ‘SABS pUB AB )I W昀lp l! SB JO Uon OU 呵呵 P呵呵間 S~~BWBP ~qs ‘ uon lO qB ABM B U! “ ~~BPl的Sl山" AB)I U~qM ~ s~nIBA IBlPBW ss~upuHq 且可 : ~l!dSB S~UO~P0:) ~ql 呵呵呵 M S! ~ql s~!poq山~ dSYM SlOlBU~S l ,uop Jail!J σ p:o.! (9L6 I)。此μσ !XV.! at{J S! ~uo~ {l o:) I~BqJ!W AIInJls!M 0P~l ::l JO JO IH)[ UBJ nOA lBql S, l! ‘~U!qlAUB sn UB 山 ~ql U!BId 山 OJ ~ql Sl~P lO'市呵呵間 SB IBflln山 0l ~JU~JOUU! WOlJ s~ss~~old s, JallJojpoD all.! S~Al~S d阿suonBI~l AB)I-pBq勻即 ~q.L S~!W~U~ l~lsqow : PInOJ pl刑l S! PHqJ UOnBJ!pU!A/~JUB~~U~A~q.L "l~qlBJPoD AUUOS pUB lU~w~AIOA 閏 s‘ BUB 間 ~ql ‘ AP~UU~ )I p~p~dsns ~ql AIIBJUp~ds pUB ‘ S~nX!S ~ql qloq ‘ suo!snIJB S~)[BW wUJ ~ql ~l~H :SABS 叫‘ P~lJ~lOld II~M UOHJ~fqo ~ljJ l~AO AW~U~ lU~wuo!snIHs!p ~lB 山mn JO pUBI lsnw 's~JU~rtuU! IBuonu~山!p-mnw ~U!ABq '~l的 H~!A PIoq ‘ sS~Iqlnl ~q ‘ l~MOd snow lO U~ ~ql ~)[H-SS~lllOJ UMO S閃閃 l~uospd B ‘ ~UOJB U! punodwoJ 2呵SOp S‘回m ~ql s‘回m ~ql JO UOnBU!SSBSSB P~ls~~~ns u~~q ~nqns l~nBl S叫 μ0lS!q JI" JO pUB UBJp~ 山Y "AlPoqlnB pUB S~!U~P AIIB~l UB lSU!~B lS~l~l叫-JI~S Sl!d 呵呵呵瓜、!p::lJB!P s,凹的 ~ql S~lBlnl!dBJ~l S!SpJ "SSBP pUB U~W ~ABq MON" uBwnq IBfllU~A~ l!~q.L ss~u~wos~IoqM 0l :s~Hd~l ~H “ "P~II!)[ ,, '~A!B flU 臨芹揖at 姐回宙草書 ~gBng U1~1 ~ql sI ~::>u~loIA ~~Slno::>sIP gUIU 昀III S, .Jatll.Jσ lXDL ‘ qlBqpOOyq lBUOnBl JO UOnBSS~::> ~ql 山OlJ Sl1 nS~l SOBq:) S‘ SIABl1, JO qlB Illl~UB ~ql uI ‘且必 MOH :1昀1::> SIll~~S 'ABN,‘ 9囚的 ~ql q::>nIll uI l~nnq、或 UISSBSS它 U它 S~dB::>S~ OqM 'qll! tl !J svN uI ~l它PIPUB::> IBIlU~PIs~ld 叫l JO lBql SB snon::>BA S它 SI gUP~~uBgols sI曰 ~du耳 dB S它 ldnl lO::> S它 SI ~unuBIBd l叫l s~pnpuo::> AIP~ lU~Ill ~P OqM S!A它11, AIUO lO u S! l! PUB--l它 dlN 它 ~lB ‘ podS pu它 ~unuBIBd ‘ SPI pUB ASl~H u~~Ml~q 'Sl~l!Oldx~ l~q 1ll01J 詞的 n sold PUq::> 它 s~n::>S~l SI~UB1Bd ~q1, U!SSBSS 它 lB::>mIOd snopo lO u 它 u~~q ~ABq A~A1BH) PInOM SIA凹1, l它ql OqM 01呵呵Ap 它 UBqll~ 4l Bl SI uonB::>nd IllI ~4.L﹒ (n呵 I~ )l podS 'd叫Id S‘ SPI ‘ l~gl的 P~Pl它~ SS~1 B 0l s lJ!qs AHpB~l ~gBl S凹的 -~::>!Al~S l~l::>~S ~ql -JPS JO 有 Un JO uonu~n 它 ~ql 5MBlp 呵呵q"也可 MBqO刺 B OlU! lIB呵 呵呵 p~ABqS S‘ ~H III它~old ~ll血肉它 s~ogl~pun 'smg ~ql Ol Jl的叫阿 S叫兒 ~H . Al~POS '~UHdps!p UB叫nq ql!"也 lSBl S!q S~A昀 1 ~q '!XBl S閃閃 JJO 呵呵lp S!ABl1, U~qM pUB ‘叫阿 n的 UB::> P1BZ!M. g呵呵lO U S! ~l~qllnq ‘lB ~lql P~H~A B ‘ op 0l gU!og S! ~q lBqM MOU)[ l , Us~op 叫 1叫l pl它Z!M. Sn~l 叫 ~ dl~q 10J '( ~IAOH l~l~d) ‘ lqgp l! l~g P1BZ! M.‘ AqqB::> l~Pl0 UB 0l SUlnl ~H 'S lUnO Ill UO!扭扭ds~p S!q pUB l ,UB::> lsnf S!A它11, 'SS~U!p~~S S!q Aq S! ASl~H S它 ~IAlS 句 n l~q lB 山lBI它 S!q Aq JJO lnd S它 S! OqM '(l~lSO .cl ~!Po r) SPI ‘ ~lnmS Ol d PIO-1B~A- Z: 1 B UO S~lBXn S!A它11, 'ASl~H Aq p~p~f~ lI 屯的同 sIq Aq l~q ﹒叫 HJ oUlod Aq ~SU~S ~q 0l mqA:)) S‘ S!ABl1,‘ AUBnpB1D pUB JI~SH Sll~SS 它 ~pnmd~U! 'ss~un~uol :n~M SMOU)[ ~q gU!ql~ IllOS ASl~H ‘ sss~Ppog puoyq 它 s~!ds ~H ·gU!)[B 山 ~ql s~qp::> 臼p ~q ~HqM MOq l~呵 呵有它l ~q P~lBU!::>S 叮叮 ~qS S!q lnoqB u~ql l~q pUB ‘ Al!S 0l g間有IBl ~l它P 它 S~X它0::> pUB ‘ Sl~llBnbp昀 q ~!Bd叫的“lU~P!S~ld 10J ~unUBIBd" 叫1 肉 JO lno 有 10M lB ‘ (pl~qd~qS JO S! U它 JO 'UB Ill U! l~qlOuB 呵呵 UBHg!A 'P~lBql~::>BX~ Y jlno q::>lBM. X~S gU!ABq 叮叮!M ql!M 'l~q S!q S! Uon它 U~n 它 m)[ 0l gU!og ~l~qM lU~lllllBd它 MOPU!M ~ql ql昀u~q l~~lls ~ql uo dOlS 0l III問 S~l!q (~S~SlO::>S Aq P~ABld) l~gU~SSBd 它可 qgIu ~UO sIq UI 'qB::> ~ql JO lB的恥閃叫1 叫OlJ 囚的 pUB pooyq ~ql ~d!M 0l SBq ~q 'A1BIP S~lPM ~q 'lqg!U Al~A互 '~l~ql lO u ~l~M ~q J! PlnoM A~ql S它 p它 Sl~gU~SS它d s!q pUB JO d它 IS ~可 l pUB Sd Ol PU!Bl Aq P~llOlS!P ‘ Pl~!qsPU!M !X盯 ~ql qgnolql ‘ l~d!M Pl~阿SPU!M ~ql '~Jn l~~llS ‘ snOIll AOUUB S! S!ABl1, ~ql ~~S ~M u~ql 'PllOM ApnBg JO '~)[O山S puy s‘ S!A它11, ‘ ~g它叫! gu!u~do s , llllU ~ql uI l ,UB::> 'd~~IS ~q '~p~ S! ~H JO ~U~::>S l~U它 ~U~::>S lSBd U山nl°::> 它叫 OlJ S~gl~lll~ s~png ~呵 呵 gum阿S l~A~ MOn~A AIMols !XBl lqgpq 'mqs lqg!U ~ql UO l~APP !X它l B S它 qof 它 S~有 Bl ~H 'gU!SS! 叫 ~l它 S即可lAql gU! 苟明白 UMO ~Ll S 華三E 吉祥說 Y 國三言中箔真圈言要 教學與研究第九期 176 of the.chaotic society. The emergence of a vigilante (as in Taxi Driver's case) is an extreme example of social malice , of confusion of values. The vigilante's intent is to achieve r egeneration throu g}:l violence. IV. SUMMARY As long as there are social injustice and unfulfilled dreams , vigilantism in American movies will continue to be welcomed by the audience. Popular as qe may be , the vigilante in movies has no name. coherent politics. He could be James Bond or Patton or Harry. Heobliterates Resorting to violence , the vigilante undercuts the very social order he purports to defend; his cause is automatically lost and his universe deprived of consistent values. The contradiction of killing to end killing imposes a burden on the vigilante that can only by overcome at 也e expense of his humanity. The vigilante must become a superhuman , a fantasy figure whose charm is his efficacy , his ability to get things done by hook or by crook , his skill as a detective , a fighter , a trouble-shooter , a Godfather. In essence , his presence is more symptomatic of decay and chaos than a remedy for them. SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY Cawelti , John. Adventure, Mystery , & Romance. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press , 1976. Denney , Reue1. TheAstonishedMuse. Chicago: Univ. ofChicago Pr ess , 1957. Harrington , John. Film And/As Literature. Ea g1 ewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall , Inc. , 1977. Kando , Thomas , M. Leisure & Popular Culture in Transition. St. 1ρuis: The C. V. Mosby Co. , 1980. MacCann , Richard Dye r. Film and Society. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons , 1964. Mast , G. and M. Cohen , eds. Film Theory and Criticism. New York: Oxford University Press , 1974. Mast , Gerald , ed. The Movies in Our Midst. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Pr ess , 1982. Monaco , James. American Film Now: The People, The Power, The Money, The Movies. New York: Oxford Univ. Press , 1979. Montagu , Ashley , and Floyd Matson. The Dehumanization of Ma n. New York: McGrawHill Book Co. , 1983. Newman , Graeme. Understanding Violence. New York: L B. Li ppincott , 1979. O'Connor , John E., and Martin A. Jackson , eds. American History and American Film: 美國電影中之個人英雄主義 177 Interpreting the Hollywood Image. New York: Frederick Ungar , 1979. Rollins , Peter 仁, ed. Hollywood As Historian. Lexington: Univ. Press of Kentucky , 1983. Schatz , Thomas. Hollywood Genres. Philadelphia: Temple University Press , 198 1. SkI缸, Robert. Movie-Made America. New York: Random House , 1975. Stanley , Robert , H. The Celluloid Empire. New York: Hastings House , Pu blishers , 1978. Thompson , David. America in the Dark. New York: William Morrow & Co. , 1977. Warshow , Robert. The Immediate Experience. New York: Doubleday Co. , 1962. Wood , Michael. America in the Movies. New York: Basic Books, 1975.
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