1OO qd q'a +qr qTE d qrftfq f{drr q'rfq {{PTr t +, €ro ftlTT T6r 100 Years $a, oter+rm - 700 017, qrd of Service to the Nation THE TNDIAN SCIENCE COI\GRESS ASSOCIATION 14,Dr. Biresh Guha Street, Kolkata - 700 017, INDIA Fax : 0091-33-2287-2551 Telegram : SCICONG CALCUTTA Teiephone : (033) 2287- 4530,2281-5323 Website : http://sciencecongress.nic.in Dr. E-Mail : [email protected] es.sciencecongress@nic. in Amit Krishna De, pn. D., FtcN, FNESA. FAEB Executive Secretary trfll O Circular tzlt4-20i5 April 24,2014 Dear Sir / Madam, This is for your information that the 102'd Session of the Indian Science Congress Association will be held at Mumbai underthe auspices of University of Mumbai, Mumbai from January 3 to7,2015. The Focal Theme of the l02nd Science Congress is "S-cienceand Technology for Huma!_pjyslglm9q.t ". As usual, the above Science Congress is proposed to be inaullriitctt by?rim€-NliiiGter of Inaia. In this connection, I u* h.r.*ith u pu.p onffis. s.gd,ng presentation at the l02nd Indian Sciencde ing submission of papers for You are requested to kindly circulate the enclosed Pamphlet among the Scientists/ Research Workers/Technologists etc. working in your organization. Also ,a copy may be fixed on the Notice Board of your organization for information. Thanking you ,,9 Yours taithiully r ,.J,t -J^,$h r;b ;^ N* \ltr $rgtrq f€5q 14, €ro frtqT TdT $a, eirfq €€P{r eto+ro - 700 017, ql{f, The lndian science Gongress Association INDIA 14,Dr. Biresh Guha Street, Kolkata - 700 017' AT THE TO2N' SESSION OF INSTRUCTION TO AUTHORS FOR PAPER PRESENTATION HeLo FROM 3-7 JANUARY 2015AT MUMBAI' tNDtAN SCIENCE CONGRESS ro ei A. PAPER PRESENTATION (ORAL / POSTER) to the concerned at the 102'o Science congress must be seni 1. All papers to be submitted for presentationaccompanied words, without by three copres of abstracts (within 100 sectionar presidents. Each pape*u=t L" 2. 3. 4. the Section where paper and C6-fiyped in MS Word)' The name of any sketches, tables, etc.) and a copy of tne tutt ine mooel format for abstract along with addresses of Sectional the paper is to be presented should be indicated. PresiCents are given on Page no'3' Each author is entitled to submit only two papers' are author must give a declaration that authors/co-authors All authors must be members of ISCA. corresponding the Session' members of lSCAorwili become members of lSCAbefore these papers if approved will be printed in papers shouid reach on or before september 1s,2oi4.The abstracts of papers (along with abstracts)received after september part ll of the proceedings of the 102"d Science congress. 1 5, 201 4 will not be considered ' papers will be primarily by way of posters' Authors of the accepted Contributed papers would be presented poster should be posters' Size of each . 5. about preparaiion of advised by the concerned Sectional Presidents 1 meter x 1 meter and should be neatly pt"put"a which can be read from a distance of 3 feet' MODEL FORMAT FOR ABSTRACT TITLE OF THE PAPER AUTHOn',S NAME (S) & AFFILIATION B. 1. BEST POSTERAWARD PROGRAMME : 2014'2015 posterAwards in each congressAssociation has instituted two Best To encourage scientists, The lndian Science Sections.TheseawardscarryasumofRs.5,000/-besidesaCertificateofMerit. theAssociation who have paid their subscription are invited from members (Life, Annuar & student)of Apprications on or before JulY 15, 2014. 2. 3. must reach the copies of the abstract (not exceeding 100 words) Four copies of fu, rength paper arong with.four of each copy of top the At 2014' 1s, nruirrl not rater than sepiember office of the Generar secretary (Membership be indicated, should considered be to paper is Section underwhich the the paper and its ,0,t,,"t, tt.," name of the nic in/html/paper-presentations'php Fordetails of sections see http://www.sciencecongress AlongwiththeFourcopiesofpaper,FourcopiesoftheApplicationForm(tobedownloadedfromlSCAwebsite with brief bio-data of the http://www.sciencecongress.nic.in/html/pdf/aiplication-form-for-best-poster.pdf) Cd must also he pages), full length paper, abstract in tne torm'ot a candidate (not exceeding 2 along with the hard coPies. '-'-'--- 4. 5. Thenumberofauthorsofeachpostersubmittedfortheawardshallbelimitedtotwoonly.Thefirstauthorofthe poster shall be the presenting author. The research work should have been carried out in lndia and this has to be certified by the Head of the lnstitution from where the candidate is applying. 6. 7 . The candidate should give an undertaking that the paper being submitted has not been published in any journal or presented in any other Conference / Seminari Symposium orsubmitted for consideration of any award. A scientist shall submit only one poster in any one Section (and not a second poster on the same or any other topic in any other Section)for consideration for poster presentation award. B. A person who has already received ISCA Best PosterAward in any section once will not be eligible to apply for the above Award in the same or any other section. 9 lncompleteApplications will not be considered. 10. Full length papers will be evaluated by experts and twenty posters in edch section will be selected for presentation during 102"0 lndian Science Congress. 11. The final selection fortheAwards will be made by a duly constituted committee and the awards will be given during the Valedictory Session of 102^o lndian Science Congress session to be held on January 7 ,2015. 12 Applications submitted forthe above award will not be returned. 13. ThelastdateforreceivingapplicationsfortheaboveawardatlSCAHeadquartersisSeptemberlS,20'14. C. YOU N G SCIENTIST'S AWARD PROG RAM ME 201 4.201 5 To encourage Young Scientists, The lndian Science Congress Association has instituted a number of awards in different disciplines. These awards carry a sum of Rs.25,000/- besides a Certificate of Merit. 1 Applications are invited from members (Life &Annual) of the Association who have paid their subscription on or before July 15, 2014. The upper age limit of the candidates for the award is 32 years as reckoned on December 31 , 2014. 2. Four copies of the abstract (not exceeding 100 words) along with four copies of full length paper must reach the office of the General Secretary (MembershipAffairs) not laterthan August 16,2014. At the top of each copy of the paper and its abstract, the name of the Section under which the paper is to be considered should be indicated. For php details of Sections see http://www.sciencecongress.nic.in/html/paper_presentations 3. Along with the Four copies of paper, Four copies of the Application Form (to be downloaded from ISCA website with brief bio-data of the candidate (not http://www.sciencecongress.nic.in/htmliyoung_Sc_programme.php) pages), publications, with copies of reprints of already published papers if any and a soft copy of exceeding 2 list of the duly filled application form with scanned copies of enclosures (excluding reprints), full length paper, abstract and bio data in the form of a CD must also be sent simultaneously along with the hard copies. 4. The Paper submitted must be a single author paper and the resparch work should have been carried out in lndia and this has to be certified by the Head of the lnstitution from wherethe candidate is applying. 5. The candidate should give an undertaking that the paper being submitted has not been published in any journal or presented in any other Conference / Seminari Symposium orsubmitted for consideration of any award. 6. AYoung Scientist can present only one paper in any one Section (and not a second paper on the same or any other topic in any other Section). 7. A person who has already received Young Scientist Award in any section once will not be eligible to apply for the aboveAward in the same or any othersection 8. lncompleteApplications will not be considered. 9. The papers submitted will be subjected to verification for authenticity . 1 0. Full length paper will be evaluated by experts and the selected Six Young Scientists in each section will be invited to make oral presentation of their paper during 102"0 lndian Science Congress. The selected candidates will be provided admissible travelling allowances bythe ISCA. 11 . The final selection for the Awards will be made by a duly constituted committee and the awards will be given during the Valedictory Session of 102"0 lndian Science Congress session to be held on January 7 ,2015. 12. Applications submitted forthe above award will not be returned. 1 3. The last date for receivin g papers at SCA Headq uarters I is Au (2) gust 16, 201 4. addresses are The name of the fourteen Sections and the sectional Presidents along with their given below: 1. Agriculture and Forestry Sciences Dr.S.K.Mahapatra Principal Scientist, National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (l.C.A.R.), Regional Centre, lARl Campus, New Delhi-110 0'12; Tel :011-25841624 (O); 011-25832833 (R) Fax : 0'11 -25840166; Mobile : 09899660549 E-mail : [email protected] 3. Anthropological and Behavioural Sciences (including Archaeology, Psychology, Education and Military Sciences) Prof. Dr.Anup Kumar KaPoor Former Vice-Chancellor, Jiwaji U niversity, Gwalior; Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi Delhi-'1'10 007; 38121, Probyn Road, University of Delhi, Delhi-110 007; Tel : 011-27667329 (O), 011-27667297 (R); Fax: 011-27666614; Mobile : 09910544142', E-mail : [email protected] 5. Earth System Sciences Prof. Kanhaiya Lal Shrivastava Professor (Former Head), Department of GeologY, Faculty of Science, New CamPus, Jai Narain Vyas UniversitY, Jodhpur-342 005, Rajasthan. 50A-1, Umaid Heritage, Umaid Palace Hill, Jodhpur-342 011; Tel : 0291-2721947 (O); Mobile'. 094 1 4 1 32094 I 094 1 457 8924 E-mail : [email protected] 7. Environmental Sciences 2. Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences Prof. M. K. Jyoti 1738-F, Sector-4, Shivaji Chowk, Nanak Nagar, Jammu -180 004 (J & K) Mobile'. 09419191277', E-mail : jyoti [email protected] jyoti-1 946@rediffmail. com 4. Chemical Sciences Prof. Anand Prakash Mishra Professor, Department of Chemistry, Dr.H,S.Gour University (Cenetral University), Sagar-470 003, M.P.; House No.C-51, University CamPus, Gour Nagar, Sagar-470 003, M.P.; Tel : 07582-265265 (O), 07582-265661 (R); Mobile '.09425425938; E-mail : apml [email protected] apmishrasagar@gmail'com 6. Engineering Sciences Prof. Atul Sitaram Padalkar Founder and PrinciPal, Flora lnstitute of TechnologY, Pune; 49/1, Khopi, Near Khed-shivapur Toll Plaza, Off National Highway 4, Pune-412205'' Iel '. 020-24336601; Mobile : 09890673701; E-mail : [email protected] / atul. Padalkar@flora. ac.in 8. lnformation and Communication Science Technology (including Gomputer Sciences) Prof. Aparajita Ojha Dr. Kashinath Bhattacharya Professor & Former Head, Environmental BiologY Lab.' Department of Botany, Viswa-Bharati University, Santiniketan -731 235, Dist. Birbhum, West Bengal; Flat No. A-3, Basona Housing Complex, 30, Nagerbazar Road, Kolkata -700 074', Tel : 03463- 262290 1261 686(O), 033-25602253 (R); Fax : 0346 3 -26267 21 261 1 56 I 26 I 409 I 2627 2B; Mobile :09434249734', E-mail : [email protected] Director, Pt. Dwarka Prasad Mishra lndian lnstitute of g n & M anufactu rin g, I nformation Technology, Desi Jabalpur and Professor, Computer Science and Engineertng, Dumna AirPort Road, Post - Khamaria, Jabalpur-482 005. M P.; Tel : 0761 -2632615; Fax '.0761-2632094 E-mail : di rector@iiitd mj.ac. in/aoj ha@iitdmj'ac' in (3) 9. Materials Science Dr. 10. Mathematical Sciences (including Statistics) Prof. Ajay Kumar Arvind Kumar Saxena Outstanding Scientist & Director, Defence Materials & Stores Research & Development Establishment, Defence R & D Organisation, Govt. of lndia, Ministry of Defence, P.O. : D.M.S.R.D.E., G.T.Road, Kanpur-208 013; 1'18, Gandhigram-2, Netaji Nagar, Kanpur-208 007(U.P.); Professor & Head, Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi, Delhi-110 007; C-2196, West Enclave, Pitampura, Dethi-110007; Tel : 011 -27666658 (O), 01 1 -27 U 4a1 5 (R); Mobile : 09810009887 ; Fax .. 011-27662284 E-mail : ak7028581 @gmail.com / [email protected]. in Tel : 051 2-2450695 (O), 0s12-2402228t24as576 (R); Fax : 0512-2450404 I 240472 4: Mobile : A9451424133 E-mail : [email protected] 11. Medical Sciences ( including physiology 12. New Biology (including Biochemistry, Biophysics & Molecular Biology and Biotechnology) Dr. Sib Sankar Roy ) Principal Scientist, Cell Biology and Physiotogy Division, lndian lnstitute of Chemical Biology, 4, Raja S.C.Mullick Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata-7O0 032; Flat 3G, Block-ll!, Dakhineer Complex, Ranikothi, 116, N. S. C. Bose Road, Kolkata-700 040; Tel : 033-24995858 (O), 033-24812780 (R): Fax : 033-24735197; Mobile : 09433414568; E-mail : [email protected] / sibsankarl 967@9mai l.com Dr.(Mrs.) Shashi Bata Singh OS & Director, Defence lnstitute of Physiology & Allied Sciences, Defence Research & Development Organisation, Ministry of Defence, Government of lndia, Lucknow Road, Timarpur, Delhi-110 054; Tel : 0 1 1 -23883 1 021 23946257., F ax : 0 1 1 -239 1 47 9A E-mail : [email protected] 13. Physical Sciences 14. PlantSciences Dr. V. P. Mahadevan Pillai Professor and Head, Prof. Arun Kumar Pandey Professor, Department of Botany, Department of Optoelectronics, University of Kerala, Kariavattom-695 SB1, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala ; Sivapriya, Archana Nagar, pongummoodu, University of Delhi, Delhi-110 007; D-10/8 (First Floor), Cavatary Line, University of Delhi Campus, Dethi-'l'10 007; Tel : 01'1-27667573 (O), 01 1-27666928 (R); Medical College P.O., Thiruvananthapuram-69S011, Kerala Mobile'. 097 177 45993', E-mail : [email protected] / aru nkpandey@botany. du.ac. in ret : 047 1-23081 67 (O); 047 r2aa6909 (R); Fax : 047 1-23088614; Mobite : 09400946909; E-mail : [email protected] / [email protected] D. MEMBERSHIPENROLMENT For membership form plese write to ISCA Office or download from website http : // www.sciencecongress.nic.in For further details, please contact : Dr. Amit Krishna De Executive Secretary,The lndian Science Congress Association,l4 Biresh Guha Street, Kotkata 7OO 017 Email : [email protected] / [email protected] Telephone 033-2874530, Fax O3Z 2g72551, Website : www.sciencecongress.nic. in (4)
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