t$ffiffirus$ LondonBorough of Hounslow Applicationfor a premiseslicenceto be grar$ R a undertheLicensinsAct2003 i Hl | 5$ffil Cfi,fuT# t:rU \y k:ril INSTRUCTIOdd READTHEFOLLOWING PLEASE i-Fii\\#tHtr Beforecompletingthis form pleasereadthe guidancenotesat the end of ihe form. lf you are completingthisform by handpleasewritelegiblyin blockcapitals.In all cases ensurethatyouranswersare insidethe boxesand writtenin blackink. Use additionalsheetsif necessary. You may wish to keep a copy of the completedform for your records. l/We 16e COA(UK)t-td (lnsertname(s)of applicant) apply for a premiseslicence under section 17 of the LicensingAct 2003for the premises described in Part 1 below (the premises)and l/we are making this applicationto you as the relevantlicensingauthority in accordancewith section 12 of the LicensingAct 2003 Part 1 - PremisesDetails Nameand postal addressof premisesor, if none, ordnancesurvey map referenceor description Cranford Community College High Street Cranford Middlesex Telephonenumberat premises(if any) 02088972001 valueof premises f 415,000 rateable Non-domestic Part2 - ApplicantDetails Pleasestatewhetheryou are applyingfor a premiseslicenceas Pleasetick yes a) " an individualor individuals b) * a personotherthan an individual n pleasecompletesection(A) i. as a limitedcompany E pleasecompletesection(B) ii. as a partnership n pleasecompletesection(B) or association iii. as an unincorporated pleasecompletesection(B) iv T corporation) l other(forexamplea statuiory pleasecompletesection(B) APPLICANT{if applicable) SECONDINDIVIDUAL Mr tr Mrs I Miss X Surname I am 18 years old or over Ms tl OtherTitle{for Rev) example, Firstnames n Pleasetickyes Currentpostaladdress if differentfrom premisesaddress PostTown Postcode DaytimecontacttelePhonenumber E-mailaddress (optional) (B) OTHERAPPLICANTS please providename and registeredaddressof applicantin full. Where appropriateplease give any registerednumber. In the case of a partnershipor otherjoint venture(otherthan a 6oOycorporate),pleasegive the name and addressof each party concerned. Name The GOA (UK) Ltd Address 76 Middleton Avenue Greenford Middlesex UBlO 8BS 1626437 Description of applicant (for example, partnership' company, unincorporateq etc.) Company Telephonenumber (if anY) 0'2rl 97231322 ffi Pad 3 OperatingSchedule When do you want the premiseslicenceto start? lf you wish the licenceto be val'idonliyforia lrimitedperiod,when do !ou,w&htit to end? Day Month Year m of the prernises(pleaser:eadguidiance note'l) .flEg"r givea generaldescription The AnnrualFestivalis organisedon the open playingfields/groundsof CranfondComnnunity College which is an enclosed location securelyfenced off from the main roads and traffic. Clear entranceand exit routesare displayedand vislble,for both vehiclesand pedestrians,which have been previouslyused and proven to be efficientvia this systematicapprobch. The.groundsare clearlymarkedfor sta'llholderis, marqueesand the stage,and a detailedhyout plan is produced. Washroomfacilitiesare easilyaccessibleand provisionfor disabledgueststoo. The Bar Area wil! be cordoned off, wiih securitv in attendance lf 5"000or morepeopleareexpected to attendthepremises a,tany 9onetime;plieasestatethe numberexpectedto attend. What licensableaetivitiesdo you intendto carryon from the premises? (Pleasesee sections1 and14 of the Licensing Act 2003and Schedules1 and 2 to the LicensingAct 2003) Provislonof reoulatedentertalnment Pleasetickyes E a) plays(if tickingyes, fill in box A) b) films (lf tieking yes, fill in box B) c) indoorsportingevents(if tickingyes, fill in box C) n d) boxingonwrestlingenteftainment(if tickingyes,fill in box D) e)' live rnusic(if tilckingyes, fill,in box E) n 0 recordedmusic(lf ticklng,yes, fill in box F) g) performancesof dance(if tickiingyes, fill in box G) g h\ "t anythingof a sim,ilardescriptionto that fallingwirthin(e), (0 or (g) (if tickingyes,fill in box H) 13 E LJ I J tvl i-/q . Provisionof entertainmentfacilities: i) makingmusic (if tickingyes, fill in box l) f, j) dancing(if tickingyes, fill in box J) x k)' pf a gimil?Idescription to thatfallingwithin(i)or (1) enter:tainment yes,TlllInooxK) (rrtrcKtng T Provisionof late nightrefreshment(if tickingyes, fill in box L) Suoolvof alcohol(if tickingyes,fill in box M) In allcases completeboxesN, O and P f J MI E LivernusicStandard daysandtimings (p{easeread guidancenote6) Willthe oerfcrmance of livemusictakeolace indoorsor oufdloo,rs or both- oleasetick (please Indoors readguidancenote2) Oudoors Day Both qlve Please f,urther detailshere(pleasereadguridance note3) Start Finish Mon x d n AmateurGoanCommunity Live Bands AmplifiedMusiccontrolledby a ProfessionalFirm Speakersare pointedawayfrom residentialhomes(seeattached plan) Stateanvseasonalvariationsfor the oedonnanceof liver.nusic (pleasereadguidanrce note4) Tue Wed Thu'r Fri Non standardtiminos. Where vou intendto use tlhepremisesfor the oerformanceof live musicat differenttimesto those lislediin the coliumnon the left. oleaselist (pleaseread,guidancenote 5) Sat Last Sundayin July Sun 10 2.00 20.00 F Recordedmusic Standarddaysand ilmrngs (prease read guidance note 6) Will the olaving of recorded music take olace indoors or outdoors or both - please tick Iplease reas guroance nore z, lndoors il Outdoors d Both T Finish Please qive further details here (please read guidance note 3) Amateur Goan Community Recorded Music Tue State anv seasonal variatio (please read guidance note 4) Wed iC Thur Non standard timings. Where vou intend to use the qremises Fri t^-4L^ -l^..:-- ^r -^^^--l^-l Last Sunday in July 1 4 t l a+ ali4fa:an* limac fa fhaea listed in the column on the left. olease list (please read guidance note 5) Sat Sun n..aia t2.00 20.00 G Perform:ancesOf dance timings(pleaseread guidanr :e note6) Day I Start Will the oerformanceof dance tiakeolace indoorsor outdoorsqr both - p$easetick ipleasereadEuidancenote2) Finish Mon I lndoors T Outdoors IVJ Both T Pleasesive further dehils here (please read guidance note 3) Arnateur GoanrGommurnity Dances Tue Wed State any seasonal variations for the nerfonmance of dance (please read guidance note 4) Thur Non standard timlnqs. Where vou intend to use the oremises for the pedorrnance, of dance at different times to those listed in FN the colurmnon the left.sleaselist tpleasereadguidancenote5) Sat LastSundayin July Sun tz 12.00 20.00 G Performances of dance a{anrlarrl .14t,^ -A.l (pleaseread tinnings guidanr :e note6 Day I Stant Will the pedormanceof dance take olace indoorsor outdoorsof both - nlieasetick (pleasereadguridanee note2) Finish Mon lndoors n Outdoors d Eoth TI Please oive fudtrerdebils here (please read guidance note 3) Arnateur Goan Comrnunity Dances Tue Wed State anv seasonal variations for the nerformance of dance (please read Ellidhnce note 4) Thur Fri Non standard timinos. bYherevou intend to use tbe oremises for the perforrnance af dance at different times to those listed in the colLrmnon the left, qlease list (please read guidance note 5) Sat Last Sunday in July Sun 12 r.2.00 10.00 M Surpply of alcohol Standard daysand rl]aq (prease irnnrngs guidancenote6) befo'rconsumotion of alcoho,l Willthesruooly {Fleasetickbox)(pleasereadguidancenote7} Day sta* Finish i Mon II ____l T Eoth forthesupolvof alcohol(pleaseread variations Stateanvseasornal guidancenote4) On the premises { Off the premrses ! Tue Wed Non standard tim,iinqs.Where vou i:ntendto uisethe oremises fnr fhe sunnlv of alcoho,lat different times to those listed in the column on the lefL olease list(please read guidance note 5| Th:ur Fri Last Sunday in July Sat Sun t2.00 t9.30 Statethe name and detaitsof the individualwhorr you wish to specifyon the licenceas premisessupervisor Name PauliDe-Mendonca Address " The Firs" 17 Firs Drive Granford Middlesex Postcode i TW59TA Personal Licence number (if known) 01104 lssuinglicensingauthority(if known)Hounslow 18 N otherentertainment or matters or services, activities, Pleasehighlight anyadultentertainment ancillaryto the use of the premisesthat may give rise to concernin respectof children (pleasereadguidancenote8) o Hourspremisesi1re opento the publi Standarddaysarrd timings(pleaser,--ad guidancenote6) State anv seasonalvariations(pleaseread guidancenote4) Finish Mon Tue Wed Non standard timinqs. Where vou intend the oremises to be ooen to the oublic at different times from those listed in the column on the left. olease list (please read guidance note 5) Thur Last Sunday in July 2014 Fri Sat Sun 19 )9.00 !2.00 P Describe thestepsyourintendto ta,keto prornote thefourlicensing objectives: a) General*allfourlicensing (b,c,d,e) objectives noteg) {pleasereadlguidance see The EventManagement Planattachedin all cases b) Thepr'evention of crimeanddisorder T P M Security {SlA} Firnnwill be in attendance (See detailed breakdqnn of personnel} Pedestrians tsags are ahecked by security staf{ V€hlcles are checked by security sliaff Young adults witl be checked for age verification (lD) Alll Bar staff will be briefed of their responsibilities on the day See attached Event Safety Plan Publicsafety Alitdrinkswill be servedin PlasticGlasses Alllbarswill be cordonedoff with a securitysta,ffmanningthe entrance A fully equippedFirstAid facilitywill be in attendance SpeedLimit enforcedat 5 mph within the Sch,oolperimeter RiskAssessmentcarriedout and form attached Food Hygienecoursesare offeredto all FoodCaterersand is mandatory-Level2 d) Theprevention of publlcnuisance Leafletsare distributed to local residentsadvising them of the Festivaland welcomingthem to attend the festival TFM Security Firm will be in afiendance Trafficwill be controlledby Stewards e) The protectionof childrenfrom harm I childrenare accompaniedby Adults on entranceto the site in organiser'sare C R B checked, separatemarqueeirsprovidedfor lost childrenand attendedby CRBchecked lenge21125policyfor the Sal,eof Alcohol,approvedl.D.Passport,PhotoDriving icence 20 r ' r Pleasetick yes/ Nt I have made or enclosedpaymentof the fee = M I have enclosedthe plan of the premises and authorities and the planto responsible I havesentcopiesof thisapplication otherswhereapplicable I have enclosedthe consentform completedby the individualI wish to be premises if applicable supervisor, J H_l that I mustnow advertisemy application I understand will my application that if I do not complywiththe aboverequirements I understand E o . r m m be rejecied TO A FINEUP TO LEVEL5 ON THE IT IS AN OFFENCE,LIABLE ON CONVICTTON TO MAKE A THE LICENSINGACT 2OO3 158 OF SECTION UNDER STANDARDSCALE, WITHTHISAPPLICATION FALSESTATEMENTIN OR IN CONNECTION Part 4 - Signatures (pleasereadguidancenote 10) (SeeSignatureof applicantor applicant'ssolicitor or other duly authorisedagent capacity' what in please state applicant of the behatf on tuiO"n"" note t i;. lf signing rq* other For joint applicationssignatureof 2ndapplicantor 2ndapplicant'ssolicitor or applicant the of behalf on lf signing 12)' guidance note read authorisedagent. lpleaJe please state in what caPacitY' Cor,ta"tname(wherenot previouslygiven)and postaladdressfor correspondence note13) readguidance witirttrisapplication(please associated number(if anY) Telephone lf y"" to.rld pt"f"** 21 t. ""t*tp d with you by e-mait your e-mail address (optional) { tro I i l i z J oul F a F z Li-l IU I J - a itJ LJ- z o o v tr.1'€- -- {Ks ..,l 'ry*r 'fry qn*, '* 'w: I Jcvr" L @ b - , a : : l ' f l " ' : ._iit: . .., ,i. , .. E E E t H H r H] E E H H H H H F H E I H E tjj ' @ H @ @ tlN-'oTililF'il-l f-o-.iffiiffil Wt ,^.*** | H I
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