The-MA Power Market Model – The New Model of Choice The-MA is an advanced model for power market simulations. It is used by a wide range of clients, and has a track record in projects for power producers, the EU Commission, European TSOs, regulators, and traders. It is fast, easy to use, easily adjustable to user-specific needs, and transparent. ©2010-2014 THEMA Consulting Group Hva skjer nå med inntektsramma di? Hva skjer nå INVESTMENT ADVICE The model comes with a full dataset for North-West Europe for the time horizon 2014-2040. In addition, the client can easily implement own scenarios and sensitivities, allowing to identify the main long-term price drivers and uncertainties. Client assets can be modelled directly in the model, estimating revenues for different scenarios. HEDGING SUPPORT The model can be applied to evaluate the medium term price risk related to main price drivers and uncertainties. Future revenue streams can be evaluated, given different hedging strategies. Generation assets of a client can be explicitly represented in the model, optimizing dispatch and revenues. FEATURES The model is very flexible, and can be tailored to the needs of the client. Nothing is hardcoded; hence all parameters can easily be adjusted. The model is user-friendly and transparent, allowing easy in- and output control. The model interface is implemented in Excel, and the actual optimization is performed in GAMS, using CPLEX (or other solvers). The code is accessible to the user. The model is very fast. The time resolution is easily adjusted to allow for even faster test-simulations Interface TRADING SUPPORT The model is easily adapted to accommodate for short term analysis and trading support. Due to its flexible structure the model can be adjusted to account for the client’s own data sources and data, as well as trading horizon. Model & Optimization CPLEX ©2010-2014 THEMA Consulting Group Hva skjer nå med inntektsramma di? Hva skjer nå SPECIFICATIONS Hourly time resolution: The simulates all hours of a year. model Detailed representation of thermal units: Thermal generation modeling includes start-up costs, part-load efficiencies and minimum stable load restrictions. Plants can be modelled on a plant by plant basis. Detailed representation of hydro capacities and water values: The-MA can use both implicit and explicit water values, simulating the effect of inflow uncertainties. Each reservoir can be modelled individually with its own individual characteristics. Intermittent generation: In The-MA, intermittent generation is modeled with observed volatility. Large wind or PV installation can be modeled individually with own profiles and characteristics. Modeling of price areas: Price areas can easily be modelled by The-MA. The Nordic market is by default represented through price zones in the model. Modeling of the integrated North-European electricity market: As markets are highly integrated, all relevant markets in North-West Europe are represented in the model. The geographic scope is easily adjusted by the user. ©2010-2014 THEMA Consulting Group Hva skjer nå med inntektsramma di? Hva skjer nå Contact: Arndt von Schemde, PhD +47 982 63 986 [email protected] THEMA Consulting Group THEMA Consulting Group is a consulting firm focused on Nordic and European power market and energy issues. Our clients include ministries, regulators, the European Commission, large utilities, TSOs, trading companies, and other stakeholders in power markets. Model customers include authorities, regulators, utilities, and trades ©2010-2014 THEMA Consulting Group Hva skjer nå med inntektsramma di? Hva skjer nå
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