i):l il fcpblic of thc Philippines DEPARTMENT O F TRANSPORTATION AN D COMM UN ICATIO NS REGI0N r^tl' 1-0lLo c{i r',E:or rHE. REGt(lNr\r- $r*\.ri'' JUN 0 ? 20lt 2014. JOINT ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 01 SUBJECT: REVISED SCHEDULE OF FINES AND PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS oF LAWS, RULES AND REGUT-AT|ONS GOVERNING LAND TRANSPORTATION Pursuant to Executive Order No. 125, paragraph 5 (o), as amended by Exeartive Crder 125-A and Erecutive Order No. 292 (otherwise known as 'Administrative Code of 1997"), Title X/, Chapter 1, Section 3 (14), which states the power of the Departmerrt of Transportation and Gommunications to establish and presoibe the coresponding rules and regulations for the enforcement of laws goveming land transportation services, including the penalties for violations thereof, the following revised schedule of fines and penalties for violations of laws goveming land transportation services and the procedures for apprehension and adjudication thereof are hereby promulgated and approved ficr implementation. 'l vror.ATroNs rN coNNEGTIoN vlnTH LtcENsrNG a. DRMNG WITHOUT A VALID Php 3,000.00 DRIVER'S LICEN SE/CON DUGTOR'S PERM IT This includes driving with an expired, revoked, ln suspen ded, inappropriate driveds license restriction code, inappropriate drive/s license classification, fake driver's licensq tourist driving a motor vehicle with a valid foreign drivefs license beyond the 9& day maximum allowable period and siludent driver Criving without being accompanied by a duly licensed driver. improperly licensed driver shait be disqualified from being granted a a THE co{-UMBI/. TO\I/ER BRGY. }YACI(AA'^CI( ORNGAS AVENUE 1555 MANhILI'TONG CITY. PHIUPPINES addition, the unlicensed or drive/s license and driving a motor vehicle for a paiod of one (1) year trom the payment of the fine. (634?29{025 TTNKUNE 722'796010 79 TELEFAT i4 003282 DCTTC ACTTON CENTER }'<'TUNE 19 CO b. DRMNG A MOTOR VEHIGLE.USED IN THE Php 10,000.00 COMMISSION OF A CRIME UPON CONVICTION BY REGULAR COURT OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION A ln addition, the drive/s license shall be confiscated, and upon conviction for the crime, revoked and the driver shall be perpetually disqualified from being granted a drive/s license and driving a motor vehicle. The motor vehicle driven by the violator shall likewise impounded until ordered to be be by a regular court of competent jurisdic{ion after released payment of appropriate fines and penalties. c. coMttitssloN oF A cRtME tN THE couRsE OF APPREHENSION UPON CONVICTION BY A REGULAR COURT OF Php 10,0O0.00 COMPETENT JURISDICTION ln addition, the drivefs license shall be confiscated, and revoked upon conviciion for the crime. The driver shall be disqualified forn being granted drive/s license for a period of 5 years counted from the date of payment of appropriate fines and penalties. The motor vehicle driven by the violator shall likewise be impounded until ordered to be released by a regular court of competent jurisdiction after payment of appropriate fines and panalties. d. DRMING A MOTOR VEHICLE I,I'HILE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL, DANGEROUS DRUGS AND/OR SIITJIILAR SUBSTANCE UPON FINAL CONVICTION BY A REGUI.AR COT'RT oF CoMPETENT JURISDICTION (SECTION 12, RA 10586) ln addition to the fines and penalties presoibed by law: The non-professional drive/s license of the person shall be confiscated and suspended for a period of twelve (12) months for the first conviction and perpetually revoked fur the second conviciion. The suspension above shall commence upon the PaYment of the approPriate fines and penalties. The professional drive/s license of the person shall also be corrfiscated and PePetuallY conviction. first revoked for the The perpetual revocation of a drivefs license shall disquatiff the person ftom being granted any kind of driver's license thereafter. E. RECKLESS DRIVING No person shall operate a motor vehicle on any highway recklessly or without reasonable caution considering ihe width, traffic, grades, crossing, curvatures, visibility and other conditions of the highway and the conditions of the atmosphere and weather, or so to endanger the property of the safety or rights of any person or so as to cause excessive or unreasonable damage.to the highway. This includes driving an unregistered vehicle under Section ll.a hereof. First offense - Php 2,000.00 Second offense - Php 3,000.00 Subsequent offense - Php 10,ilF.00 ln addition, the drive/s liconse period of shall be suspended for a (3) the second for months three offense and six (6) months for the third offense fiom payment of fine and revocation of drivefs license on the succeeding offense. A revoked non- professional driver shall be disqualified frorn being granted a drivefs license for a period of two (2) years counted from date of revocation. A revoked professional driver shall be perpetually disqualified front getting any drivels licanse. f. SUBMISSION OF FAKE DOCUIIENTS IN Php 3,000.00 REIjTION TO THE APPLICANON FOR. A DRTVER'S LICENSE (NEW' RENEWAL) ln addilion, the drive/s license shall be put on alarm, revoked and the driver shall be disqualified ftom being granted drive/s motor license and driving a a vehicle for a period of one (1) year ftom the payment of the fine, without prejudice to the filing of appropriate criminal charges. g.l.FArLURE TO lnrEAR THE PRESCRTBED First offense - Php 1,(X)0.00 SEAT BELT DEVICE This includes allowing a child 6 years old and below to be seated on the front passenger seat. Second offense - Php 2,000.00 Third offense - Php 5,000.00 ln addition, the drive/s license shall be suspended for a period of one (1) week from the payment of the fine, for the third and each succeeding offense. g.2.FA!LURE TO REQUIRE HISTHER PASSENGER/S TO WEAR THE PRESCRIBED SEAT BELT DnflCE (SECT|ON 12, RA" 8750) For Public Utility Vehicles, failure to post For Public Utility Vehicles, both appropriate signages instructing tront seat the driver and the operator are passengers to wear seatbelts when inside the liable to pay a fine of Php3,000.00 vehicle. for every violation. h. FAILURE TO TA'EAR THE 'STANDARD PROTECTIVE MOTORCYCLE HELMET OR FAILURE TO REQUIRE THE BACK RIDER TO WEAR THE STANDARD MOTORCYCLE HELMET, UNDER PROTECNVE RA First offense - Php 1,500.00 Second offense - Php 3,000.00 tOO54 Wearing a helmet with a fake Philippine standard (PS) or lmport Commodity Clearance (ll0) sticker shall be tantamount to riding a moving motorcycle without wearing a helmet. Third sffense - Php 5,000.00 Fourth and succeeding offenses - Php 10,000.00 i. FAILURE TO CARRY DRIVER'S LICENSE, Php 1,000.00 CERNFICATE OF REGISTRATION OR OFFICIAL RECEIPT VVI.IILE DRIVING A MOTOR VEHICLE. j. ALL OTHER VTOLATTONS OF TRAFFIC RULES AND REGUI-ATIONS This includes the following traffc violations: 1- Parking a. ln an intersection b. \Mthin 5 meters of the intersec{ion drivew.aY meters from c. 4 the entrance 4 a fire meters from hydrant e. ln ffont of a private drivetraY f. On the roadway side of any unmoving or Parked tvlV at the o.rrb or edge of the highwaY g. At any place where signs of prohibitions have been installed d. \Afrthin , J. 4. A 6. 7. 8. Disregarding Traffic Signs AlloMng passengers on top or cover of a motor vehicle except in a truck helper Failure to provide canvass cover to cargos or freight of trucks requiring the same Permitting passenger to ride on nmning board, stepboard or mudguard of tvIV while the same in motion. Failure to dim headlights when approaching another motor vehicle Driving in a place not intended for taffic or into fl-ce not allowed for Parking Hitcfring or permitting a person or a bicyde' Php 1,000.00 motorcycle, tricycle or skate roller to hitch to a motor vehicle 9. Driving against traffic- failure to pass to the right when meeting persons or vehicles coming towards him l0.lllegal tum- failure to conduct the motor vehicle to the rigtrt of the intersec{ion of the highway when tuming to the left in going from one highway to another 11. lllegal overtaking- failure to pass to the left when overtaking persons or vehicles going to the same direction except wfren there are two or more lanes for the movement of trffic in one direction l2.Overtaking at unsafe distanc+- failure to pass at a safe distance to the left of anolher motor vehicle when overtaking that vehicle t3.Gutting an overtaken vehicle- driving to the right side of the highway after overtaking before his motor vehicle is safely clear of sudr overtaken vehicle. 14. Failure to give way to an overtaking vehidefailure to gtve. way to another vehide approaching fiom the rear that wishes to overtake his vehicle when the former has given suitable and audible signal. lS.lncreasing speed when being overtakenincreasing the speed of the motor vehide before the overtaking vehide has completely passed. 16. Overtaking when left side is not visible or clear of oncoming traffic- driving to the left side of lhe center line of a highway in passing another vehicle overtaking proceeding in the same direciion where the left side is not dearly visible and is not fiee of oncoming traffic for a sufficient distance to pass in safely. gradeetest of 17. Overtaking upon passing another vehicle overtaking proceeding in the same direction when approaching the crest of a grade. lS.Overtaking upon a curve- overtaking or passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction upon a curve in a highway or or a a where the drivels view along the higtrway is obstructed within a distance of S00 feet ahead. l9.Overtaking at any railway grade crossingovertaking passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction at any railway grade crossing. 2O.Qvertaking at an intersection- overtaking or passing another vehicle the same direction at any intersection of highways except on a highway having two or more lanes for movement of traffic in one direction where the driver of a vehicle may overtake anothervehicle on the right. 21-Overtaking on "men working' or ncaution" signs- overtaking or passing or attempting to overtake or pass another vehicle proceeding in the same direction between waming or caution signs indicating that men are working on a highway. 22. Overtaking overtaking zone. overtaking or passing or attempting to overtake or pass another vehicle proceeding in the same direction in any "no passing or overtakin$ zone. 23. Failure to yield the right of r,rny- failure of the vehicle on the left to yield the right of way to the vehide on the right when these vehicles approach enter an interseciion at approximately the same time. 24.Failure to yield the right of way- failure of a vehicle approaching but not having entered an intersection to yield the right of way to a vehide within such intersection or tumihg therein to the left across the line of travel sf the first mentioned vehicle when such vehicle has given a plainly visible signal of intention to tum. 25. Failure to yield the right of way- failure of the driver of any vehicle upon a highway within a business or residential distrid to yield the right of way to a pedestrian crossing such crosswalk except at highway within intersection where the movement of traffc is regulated by a peace officer or by traffic or in at no or a I signal. 26.Failure to stop before traversing a'through highwaf or railroad crossing- failure of the driver of a vehicle upon a highway to bring to a full stop such vehicle before traversing any'through highwaf or railroad crossing. 2T.Failure to yield right of way- failure of a vehicle entering a highway ftom a private road or driver upon a highway to yield the right of way to all vehicles approaching on suctr highway. 2S.Failure to yield right of way.to ambulance, police or fire department vehicles- failure of a driver upon a highway to yield the right of way to police orfire department vehicles and ambulances when such 'vehicles are operated on official business and the drivers thereof sound audible signal or their approach. 29, Failure to yield right of way at a 'through highwat' or a "stop intersection'- failure of a vehicle entering a "through higfnrayr or a "stop intersection" to yield right of way to all vehicles approaching in either diredion on such "through highwaf. 30. Failure to give proper signal- failure to give the appropriate signal before starting, stopping or tuming ftom a direct line. 3l.lllegal tum- failure of the driver of a motor vehicle intending to run to the right at an intersection to approach such intersedion in the lane for traffic nearest to be right{and side of the highway and, in tuming, to keep as close as possible to the righbhand curve or edge of the highway. 32.lllegal turn- failure of the driver of a vehicle intending to tum to the left, to approach such intersection in the lane for traffic to the right of and nearest to the center line of the higtrway, and in, tuming to pass to the left of the center of the intersection except upon higlway laned for traffic and upon one-way highway. 33. Failure to stop motor and notch handbrake of motor vehicle when unattendeG failure to tum off the ignition switcfr and stop the motor and notch effectively the handbrake when parking a motor vehicle unattended on any highway. 34. Unsafe towing 35.Obstruction- obstructing the free passage of other vehicles on the highway wtrile discharging or taking passengers or loading and unloading freight, or driving a motor vehicle in such a manner as to obstruct or impede the passage of any vehide. 36.MC canying more passengers other than the back rider or cargo other than the saddle bags and luggage caniers. 37. Refusal to render service to the public or convey passenger to destination. 38. Overcharging/Undercharging of fare. Public 39.No franchise/Certificate franchise Convenien@ or evidence presented during apprehension or canied inside the motor vehicle. 40. Fraud and falsities such as presentation of of of fake and spurious CPC, OR/CR, Plates, stickers and tags. 41. Operating the uniUs with defective parts and accessories. 42.Failure to provide fare discount to those entilled under existing laws and pertinent Memorandum Girculars of the'LTFRB. 43. FasL tampered, defective taximeter or operating without or with an old seal taximeter. 44.Tampered, broken, joined, reconnected, fake or altered sealing wire. 45. No sign board. 46.Pick and Drop of Passengers outside the terminal. 47.Carrying of illegal and/or prohibited cargoes. 48. Failure to provide fire extinguisher and required "STOP and GO" signage for use of each vehicle. 49.Trip ctrtting. 50. Failure to display fare matrix. 51.Breach of franchise conditions under 2011 Revised Terms and Conditions of CPC not othenrise herein provided. VIOLATIONS IN CONNECTION WTH MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRANON'RENEWAUOPERATTON a. DRIVING AN UNREGISTERED MOTOR Php 10,000.00 VEHICLE This includes driving with an improperly registered ln addition, in case of nonmotor vehicle or a motor vehicle with expired, registration and the violation has revoked, suspended invalid registration, exceeded one (1) month, the unregistered or fake substitute or replacement motor vehicle shall be impounded engine, engine block or chassis and shall be released only upon its valid registration and payment of appropriate fines and penalties. or ln the case of undocumented engines, the motor vehicle shall be impounded and shallbe baned for a period of one (1) year from payment of the fines. The undocumented engines shall likewise be confiscated in favor of the government. 11 b. UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATION This includes change MOTOR VEHICLE Php 5,000.00 color and other ln addition, the motor vehicle shall unauthorized modifications the stanciard be impounded and shall be specifi manufac{urefs cation not covered by the released only upon inspection, preceding sec.tion a. conection of defect and payment of the fine. in of c. oPERATING A RIGHT HAND DRIVE MOTOR Php 50,000.00 VEHICLE ln addition, the motor vehicle shall be impounded until the defect is conected and the motor vehide is deemed road worthy upon inspeclion and payment of the fine. d. TilOTOR VEHICLE OPERATING WTHOUT OR V\NTH DEFECTIVENMPROPER'UNAUTHORIZED ACCESSORIES, DEVICES, EQUIPMENT AND PARTS Php 5,000.00 This includes bells/homs/sirens/whistles, blinkers, ln addition, the motor vehicle shall brakes, early waming device (EWD), grilUs, be impounded untilthe accessory, jalousies, brake (foot and hand brakes), brake device, equipment or part is lights/headlights/interior lights/signal lights/tail properly installed, conected or lights, minors, mufflers, rnetallic tires/spare tire, removed, as the case may be and speedometer, windshield, wipers or any other payment of the fine. accessory, device, equipment or part that is The improper or unauthorized manifestly prejudicial to road safety. ' accessory, devi@, equipment or part shall likewise be confiscated in favor of the government. L2 E. FAILURE TO ATTACH OR IMPROPER ATTACHMENT/TAMPERING OF AUTHORIZED MOTOR VEHICLE UCENSE PLATES AND'OR THIRD PLATE STIGKER Php 5,00O.00 This includes the attachment of any unauthorized ln addition, the authorized motor plate/s or any accessory or device to and/or around vehicle license plate/third plate the authorized motor vehicle license plate, or any sticker shall be properly attactred manner of attachment that impedes in any way the and unauthorized plate, visibility or reflectivity of the authorized motor accessory and/or device rernoved vehicle license plate and/or the third plate sticker. and coffiscated in favor of the government. the f. SMOKE BELCHING (Section 46, R.A S7491 Any vehicle suspected of violation of emission The motor vehicle shall be standards through visual signs, such as, but not impounded until the same has limited to, smoke belching, shall be subjected to an passed the standard emission test emission test. and payment of the fine. ln addition, the driver and operator of the apprehended vehicle shall undergo a seminar on pollution control management conducted by the DENR and shall also suffer the following penalties: a.) First Offense. a fine not to exceed Two Thousand Pesos (Php2,000.00); b.) Second Offense- a fine not to exceed Four Thousand Pesos (Php4,000.00); and c.) Third Offense- one (1) year suspension of the Motor 13 Vehicle Registration (MVR) and a fine not more than Six Thousand Pesos (Php6,000.00) d.) Succeeding Offensesuspension of MV Registration for one (1) year. g. FRAUD rN RELATTON TO T.HE REGISTRATION OF THE MOTOR VEHICLE Php 3,000.00 AND/OR ITS RENEWAL ln addition, the motor vehicle shall be impounded and shallbe baned from registration for a period of one (1) year ftom the payment of the fine. H. ALL OTHER VIOLANON IN GONNECNON WTH MOTOR VEHIGLE REGISTRANON' RENEWAU OPERATION 14 Php 2,000.00 ilt VIOLATIONS IN CONNECTION YI'ITH pIMENS|ONS. SPECIF|CATIONS. WE|GHIAND LOAD LTM|TS A. LOAD EXTENDING BEYOND PROJECTED Php 1000.00 V\NDTH UNTHOUT PERMIT Fine shall be imposed upon the driver of the motor vehicle for operating a motor vehicle with any part of the load extending beyond the projected width of the vehicle without special permit. b. AXLE OVERLOADING An amount equivalent to 25% of MVUC at the time of infringement on owner/operator or driver of trucks and trailers for loading beyond their registered gross weight, vehicle weight. The penalty shall be waived for loads exceeding the registered G\M/ by a tolerance of less than 5o/o. No motor vehicle shall be allowed proceed on the roadrvay if either a dual-wheel axle load shall exceed thirteen thousand five to 15 hundred (13,500.m) kilograms (kgs.) or the vehicle load exceeds 150o/o of the maximum allowable gross weight. To be formula. opERATtNG A PASSENGER BUSTTRUqK WTH GARGO EXCEEDING 160 KILOGRAM$ c. computed based on Fhp 1000.00 , Fine shall pe ipposed ppon the driver and conductor of the motor vehicle. 16 IV VIOLATIONS IN CONNECTION V\NTH FRANCHISE TYPE OF VIOLATION motor vehicle is considered oper:ating as "colorum" under any of the following circumstances: a. pdvate motor vehicle operating as PUV but without proper authority ftom the LTFRB; b. A PUV operating outside its approved routs or area without a pdor permit from Board or the exceptions provided under existing memorandum circulars; c. A PUV operating differently from its authorized denomination those approved as scltool service but operating as UV exprsss, or those approved tourist bus transport but operating as city or provincial bus); and d. A PUV with PENALTTES FOR FTRST (lsr) OFFENSE A a of the outside Pl Million 3 months 1. RevocaUon of of the ENTIRE Public Gonvenience CCPC) where the apprehended Certfficate vehicle belongs (except apprehended vehicle is when with private/groen dato); 2. Btacklistlng of the apprehonded vehlcle and all olher authorized unils induded in the CPC from being used as a public utility vehicle: and 3. Revocation of the registnation of the apprehended vehicle 8nd all other authorized units included in the frsnchise. (ex. as For the commission of 2d Offense, the penalty shall be: €ncelled and CPC the Decision/Order of suspension or cancellaton is executory; and e. A PUV with expired CPC and without a pending application for extension of validity timely filed before the Board. 1. 2. 3. 4. Revocation of ALL CPCs (entire fleet) of the operator; Disqualilication of the operator, and, in case of a corporation, all ils stockholders and directors, to operete any kind of public land transportation; Blacklisting of ALL authorized units (entire fleet) of the operatorftom being used as public utility vehide; and Revocation of the registration of ALL authorized units (entire fleet) of the operator. ln determining the frequency of offenses, the LTFRB and ils RFRBs will count offenses against operators and not against er CPC. Hence, the second apprehension of a vehicle belonging to the same operator, regardless whether the first and second vehicle apprehended are included in the same or different CpCs, shalt be counted as second (2d) offense. particular motor vEhicle or of lf a private 2. motor vehicle operating as a PUV but without proper authority from the LTFRB is apprehended, the LTFRB or RFRBs shall, in addition to the abovementioned fines, impounding, and penalty, disqualiff the registered owner, and, in case of a corporation, all its stockholders and directors, to oDerate anv kind of oublic land transoortation. Refusal to render 1* Offense - fine of P5,000.00 service the public convey 2d Offense -fine of P10,000.00 and impounding of unit for for passenger to thirty (3O) days destination * 3d and subsequent Offenses - fine of P15,000.00 and cancellation of CPC where the unit is authorized Overcharging/Unde 1" Offense -fine of P5,000.00 rcharging of fare * 2d Offense - fine of P10,000.00 and impounding of unit for thirty (30) days to or 3rd and s0bsequent Offenses 4. Failure to proper markings provide body - fine of P15,000.00 and cancellation of CPC where the unit is authorized 1* Offense - fine of P5,000.00 2nd Offense - fine of P10,000.00 and impounding of unit for thirtv (30) davs 18 3d and subsequent Ofienses ftne of PIS,OOO.OO and cancellation cLCPC wtrere the unit is authorized 1* Offense-fine of P5,000.0 - 5. No f ranchise/Certificate of Public 2d Offense - fine of P10,000.00 and impounding of unit for Convenience or thirly (30) days evidence of franchise presented 3d and subsequent Offenses - fine of P1S,OOO.00 and during cancellation of CPC where the unit is authorized apprehension or canied inside the 6. 7. motor vehicle * Fraud and falsities as presentation of fake and spurious CPC, OFUCR, plates, stickers and taos* Employing reckless, insolent, such discourteous or arrogant drivers francniffi Revocation/cancellation of the Convenienee, after dug notice of hearing pursuant to LTFRB Memorandum Circular No. 2013403 1- Offense - fine of P5,00030 2d Offense - thirty (30) days fine of P10,000.00 and impounding of unit for 3td and subsequent Offenses 0. 9. Allowing to - fine of P1S,O0O.OO and is authorized and impounding of unit for of p1S,000.00 -is fine authorized - 3'd and subsequent Offenses 10. - cancellation of CPC where the unit an 1* Offense - fine of P5,000.00 unauthorized driver drive PUV or 2d Offense fine of P10,000.00 allowing a driver to thirty (30) days drive PUV without bringing his/her 3rd and subsequent Offenses drivels license cancellation of CPC wtr'ere the unit Operating the 1* Offense - fine of P5,000.00 uniUs with defective parts and 2d Offense fine of P10,000.00 accessories' thirty (30) days Failure to provide fare discount to and and impounding of unit for - fine of P15,000.00 ancJ cancellation of CPC where the unit is authorized 1o Offense - fine of P5,000.00 those entitled under 2nd Offense - fine of P10,000.00 and impounding of unit for existing laws and thirty (30) days 19 3' Memorandum of Circulars LTFRB* 11. Failure to and subsequent Offenses - fine of P15,000.0O arrd the cancellation of CPC where the unit is authorized provide rhe Board with complete, correct, and updated 1= Offense -fine of P5,000.00 2d Offense - fine of P1O,000.00 and impounding of unit for thirty (30) days operatods information (suctr 3td and subsequent Offenses - fine of P15,000.00 and ds, but not limited cancellation of CPC where the unit is authorized to, address, contact numbers, drivers, list etc.) of and olher forms of misreoresentation display 1* Offense-fine of P5,000.00 Smoking"' and/or 2d Offense fine of P10,[email protected] and impounding allowing personnel thirty (30) days to signage 12 Failure 'No - or passenger to smoke inside the 3d and subsequent Offenses vehicle 13. Fast, tampered, defective taximeter of unit for - fine of P15,000.00 and cancellation of CPC where the unit is authorized 1- Offense -fine of P5,000.00 or operating without 2d Offense - fine of P10,000.00 and impounding of unit for or with an old seal thirty (30) days taximeter @( 14. Tampered, broken, cancellation of CPC where the unit is authorized 1o Offense -fine of P5,000.00 reconnec{ed, fake 2d Offense or altered sealing wire (TX only)' - and fine of P10,0(F.00 and impounding of unit for thirty (30) days 3td and subsequent Offenses - fine of P15,000.00 and cancellation of CPC where the unit is authorized color 1o Offense - fine of P5,000.00 scheme or design/ Adoption new 2d Offense - fine of P10,[email protected] arrd impounding of unit for color design without thirty (30)days authority from the Board (PUB and 3d and subsequent Offenses fine of P15,000.00 and TX only) cancellation of CPC where the unit is authorized Violation of of - 16. fine of P15,000.00 3rd and subsequent Offenses joined, 15. - only)* Unreoistered or 1o Offense -fine of P5.000.00 20 unauthorized tradelbusiness 2d Ofiense - fine of P10,000.00 and impounding of unit for name (PUB and TX thirty (30) days only) 3rd and subsequent Offenses - fine of P15,000.00 and cancellation of CPC where the unit is authorized 17. l{o Panel Route 1o Offense - fine of P5,000.0O (PUJ, PUB, aM 2d Offense - fine of P10,000.00 and impounding of unit for thirty (30) days fine of P15,000.0O and cancellation of CPC where the unit is authorized board' 1o Offense-fine of P5,000.00 3td and subsequent Offenses 18. No sign (PUJ, PUB, - LM 2d Offense - fine of P10,000.00 and impounding of unit for thirty (30) days 3td and subsequent Offenses - fine of P15,000.00 and cancellation of CPC where the unit is authorized 19. Pick and Drop of 1* Offense - fine of P5,@0.00 Passengers outside the terminal ((PUJ, 2d Offense fine of P10,000.00 and impounding PUB,IM* thirty (30) days - fine of P15,O0O.OO and cancellation of CPC where the unit is authorized 1o Ofiense - fine of P5,000.00 3'd and subsequent Offenses 20. Carrying and/or cargoes' of illegal prohibited of unit for 2d Offense - - fine of P10,0ff1.00 and impounding of unit for thirty (30) dbys subsequent Offenses - fine of P1S,OOO.OO and cancellation of CPC where the unit is authorized 3d and to provide 1o Offense - fine of P5,000.00 extinguisher required 2d Offense fine of P10,000.00 and impounding of unit for 'STOP and GO" thirty (30) days signage for use of each vehicle (SIS 3d and subsequent Offenses fine of P15,000.00 and only)* cancellation of CPC where the unit is authorized ?2.rrip cntting (PUJ, 1* Offense -fine of P5,00O.00 PUB, UW' 2d Offense - fine of P10,000.00 and impounding of unit for thirty (30) days 21. Failure fire and - - 2! 3'' and subsequent Offenses Rn'e-oi ptS,OOOoO and cancellation of CPC where the unit is authorized - 23. Failure to display 1' Offense - fine of 'fare matrix (PUJ, PUB,IM* 2d Offense - fine of P10,000.00 and impounding of unit for thirty (30) days 3Id and subsequent Offenses fine of P1S,0OO.0O and cancellation of CPC where the unit is authorized 24. Failure to display- 1* Offense fine of p50F00J0 the lntemational Syrnbol of 2nd Offense - fine of P7S,000.00 and impounding of unit of at Accessibility inside least forty-five (45)days. An impounding fee ot pSOO per day the units ancUor shall be imposed. failure to designate seats specifically 3rd and subsequent Offenses - fine of p100,000.00 and for the use of cancellation of CPC Persons with Disabilities or Failure or refusal to transport PWDs - (PUJ, PUB, r7S, w 25- Breach of franchise conditions Under 2011 Revised Terms and Conditions of CPC not othenrise herein provided.* 1" Offense -fine of P5,000.00 2d Offense - fine of P10,000.00 and impounding of unit for thirty (30) days 3d and subsequent Offenses - fine of p15,000.o0 cancellation of CPC where the unit is authorized . anct Except in cases of colorum violation, as provided above, the LTFRB, in the application of these fines and penalties, shall count offenses against operators and not against a particular motor vehide or CPC. Hence, the second offense committed by a different vehicle of the same operator shall be counted as second (2nd) offense ino another offe1se by a third vehicle of the same operator shall be counted is a third (3d) offense, provided allapprehended vehicles belong to the same CpC. Fines and penalties provided for under existing Memorandum Circulars of the LTFRB which {e nol provided for in this Joint Administrative Order shall continue to be applied by the Board and Regional Franchising and Regutatory Ofiices. 22 , v GENERAL PFOVTSTONS Unless othenrvise indicated, motorcycles and bicycles. all references to motor vehicles shall include ln all cases vvhere the penalty includes the @nfiscation, suspension or revocation of a drive/s license or student permit as well as the suspension or revocation of the registration of a motor vehicle or impounding the motor vehicle, and the same cannot be immediately implemented, the drive/s license, student permit or motor vehicle as the case may be shall be put on dlarm until the proper penalty rnay be implemented. A Temporary Operatofs Permit (TOP) shall authonze a driver to operate a motor vehicle for a period of seventy-two (72) hours only. Further, all apprehensions are deemed admitted unless contested by filing a nnitten contest within five (5) days frorn date of apprehension. However, failore of the driver to pay the coresponding penalty within fifteen (15) days from the date of apprehension shall cause the automatic suspension of his drive/s license for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of apprehension, in addition to the fines and penalties presoibed hereunder. The LTO shall resolve a contested case within five (5) days fiom receipt of said written contest. The imposition of the foregoing fines and penalties shall be without prejudice to any criminal ac'tion that may be instituted under existing lavrrs, rules and regulations. Within twenty four (24) hours from the payment of the fine of an admitted case or from resolving a contested case, the LTO through its Traffic Adjudication Service (TAS) or Regional ffice, shall transmit to the LTFRB the resolution/result of all apprehensions relative to violations in mnnec{ion with franchise under Rule lV herein. Upon receipt of the resoh.rtion/result of all apprehensions from LTO's TAS or Regional ffice as provided in the.preceding paragraph, the Board or its Regional Franchising and Regulatory Office (RFRO), as the case may be, shall hear and decide all franchise violations in accordance with the follo\iling procedure: 36-frours firom the rbceipt of the resolution/resutt of all apprehensions from LTO's TAS or Regional Office, a Show Cause Order shall be issued against the operator informing him/her of the franchise violation and requiring 1. \Mthin z?-t I VI. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE ln the event that any provision shall be hetd or declared void, invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction or by legislation or regulation, the remainder of this Department Order shall be fully effective, operative, vatid, enforceable and binding. VII. REPEALING CLAUSE All Department Orders, Memoranda, Circulars and other lssuances in conflict herewith are hereby deemed revoked, amended or revised accordingly. VIII. EFFECTIVITY This Order shall take effect fifteen (15) days following its publication in two (2) newspapers of general cirq.rlations and filing of three (3) copies hereof wilh the ffice of the National Adminisbative Register (ONAR) U.P. Law Center, Diliman, Quezon Gity, pursuant to Presidential Memorandum Circular No. 11 dated 09 October 1992. SO ORDERED. AwY. ALFortFo v. TAN, Assista'iifsecretary C.P.A JB "- Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board Land Transportation Office APPROVED: JOSEPH Secretary Department @,*J$$$W[[mq[*,, 25
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