%SP^8'^t?^|iS'?- ,-»--»v *• • ,<_,.rr-.sj"f..-, . «. m ,ft« ' v "<» ^ j f S j S . ; . . *'^^^^j" t ,'l^ •-••>' f . , '»HlH»l PJ*WM*MM*m <ps '_.\J.'£&iL..._:. <-& lit -, * * s^^ssss? tee: Augb,lisnafln, B . Lennon and P . Inniscarra, R e v . B . McCarthy, D. D.lion at t h e Waterford assizes, which CTNelll, cousin; 8 £ x p. Farnan, Miss factory W M opened on March 8, vrhea T I E R N E Y - O n March 5, at Sher- were opened in March b y the Bight Brennan. McGarry; Bally lough, J. Carr and H. twenty girls w e r e given employment Mr«. Patrick WVitlan, Duke street, for the. start. McCann; BaUybannon, P . Hazard a n d bro, Dartry road, Dublin, John Tier- l i o n . Lo>rd Justice Holmes, and h e was '&' ^$*£ t H i HAPPENINGS OF INTER- P. McMulJan; Waterask, P. Toner and ney, f o r many years representative of presented with white gloves b y the Athy, died March 4, a f t e r a short pe- Mr, Jamea Henneaty, Kileanadon, R. Savage; Moneylane, F . Cuuniugbam Welch, Margetson & Co., London. city high sheriff, Alderman .Thomas riod of sickness, deeply emi widely re- died March 9. H e spant many years in I » T IN THE 0I.& COUNTRY. gretted. and P. Doran; Magherasaul, H. Hanna B R E N N A N - O n March 9, at 60 Ever- Whittle. f Australia. After his return to W e x and B. Mulbolland; Moneycarragh, H. green road. David Brennan. The> d«ath of Mr. P. Flynn o f Kil- KILKENNV^-ThM death took place ford h e went to reside in a beautiful * / •Vtiat I s Balng Don* by tha People at Carr and J. McMullan; Dundruia, I». O'KEEFFE—On March 8, a t 51 St. mactlxuiias, uncle of Canon Flynn, March 4 of Mrs. JaEnes K i ng, t h e Butts. bouse on tbe Hlaney river, and his inH»m«—-GoMip From All t h e Savage and N. Burns. Finnbarr'B road, William S. O'Keeffe. Ballybricken, Waterford city, occurred Kilkenny deeply re>grette«l. tervals of leisure were spent in looking {tajniiaaaftha Emir. L Y N C H - O n March 8, a t Blackrock, on Feb. 25. Th« «al« o f t h e Lane Fox estate, after tbe interest of his neigrhtwrs. FERMANAGH. — Mr. John PorUraid lele. Gaulstown, Tullaronn, taaa b*-en arPorter has lodged a claim ugalnst Daniel L y n c h . — H E V E Y - A t 3 Alto Mr. Thomas Boyd of Chi I comb House, ranged on t h e following t*«nn8: Twen- N e w Ross, died March 8, aged eightyFermanagh county council for $5,000, place, (jJardner's Hill, Martha MeNiece DOYLE—On March ty-one years' purctiase o f the present seven years. balance of money alleged to be) due in Hevey, Belfast. rents, a half year's rent t o be remitted; connection w i t h the building of Iunis- 8, at station house, Colbinstown, WilMr. John O'Netill, Carrignana, SpurCAFLOW^-On Feb. 25, a t Port Eliz- interest at 3 ^ per cent t i l l the date of rowsland, master of the Bree Harmore viaduct, which h a d been execut- liam Francis Doyle, a g e d nineteen ». i;ANTRIM* •— On March 3 Thomas ed by the late Mr. J. G. V. Porter. The years. TWOHKJ-On March 5, atabeth, Kouth Africa, in the twenty- t h e vesting order, and, finally, sport- rier's, on March 7 w a s killed w h i l e , IfoeffK Hutchinson, aged thirty, son of case will be submitted to Mr. Iienls Scrahan, Inchlgeela, Patrick Twohig, Blxtb. year of her age, died Mrs. Anna i n g rights a r e the property of t h e tenriding with the Wexford hounds near jCc, James Hutchinson of Sandymount, Henry by Mr. Falls, solicitor to the aged ninety years. LONG—At the Mary Hennessey, sister of the Rev. M. ants. Raheeu. , lUtflywalter, near Balyclare, was found council, to ascertain the liability of the South iuiirniary, Daniel, eldest son of Hire. Stradtially and the Rev. W. Rice, The funeral of th»e late e Mr. Nicholaa WICKLOW.—A fetal railway acciJrowned in a dam near his home. council. the late Jeremiah I^ong, Knockrough, liralgtienauianagh. Brennan, Hart, toofe plae«» March 5 to dent occurred on the Dublin, Wicklow Right Rav. Dr. Henry Henry, bishop Edward J. Gallagher, beloved eon of Balllna*rree. Funeral on March 9 via T h e Carl ow branch of the. Gaelio Ballinamara. The large a nd ref>resent- and Wexford railway line on March 7 *C D o w n and Connor, administered the John J. Gallagher and Annie M r l l u g b Dripsey and I'eake for Aughabullogue. fetijjuo has on Its roll of members Mr. ative cortege was a testimony to tbe at Kllcoramon crossing, midway becrament of confirmation to 240 <-hil- of Hoss, County Kermuuugb, Ireland, O W E N S O n March 8, at Spring E. Williams, Mrs. VVhyte, Messrs. J. popularity which t t i e family enjoy, and tween Ratbdrum and tilenealy railway en in St. Paul's church, Belfast, on lied Feb. 20 lust. lane, Eliza Owens. M'SWEENY—On O'Neill, M. 1'. O'N'oud, F. F . O'Phelan, a tribute to the m e m o r y of t h e de- atations. Philip Bell, aged eighty years. af&rch 6. H e w a s assisted by Father March 6 , at 12 Tucky street, Catherine W. McN'evin, W. O'Neill, P. O'Kelly, ceased. M0NAGHAN.—At Monaghan astlrei Who resided In a cottage beside the I . MeJLeverty. lately, before Mr. Justice Kenny, the McSwee-ny. —O'MAHONY—On March A. Nolan, I*. J. O'Lawlor, J. O'Kane KING'S.—Hugh Oewane, tn employee crossing, w a s going over the line w h e n A R M A Q H . - T h . four men named Irial yf Joseph F e e for the murder of 7, at 8t_ Patrick's hospital, Wellington and F \ O'Duffy. of Messrs. Goodbody.Clar-a, w a s found t h e 7 a. in. train from Wexford to D u b BiunUton Rice, William Blackeney, John Flanagan at Clones on April 10 road, Jeremiah O'Mahony. BRENMoat Rev. Dr. Foley, biahop of Kil - dead o n the road lending to t h e rail- lin struck him, killing him. H o f h Caughey and Alexander Kelly, last took place and resulted In a dis- N A N - O n March 0. at 60 Evergreen dare, has recently made t h e following road station in Mullingar on March 3. Died, March 6, a t Drumdangati, charged at the Armagh spring assizes agreement of the Jury. road, David Brenuan. SULLIVANLONGFORD. — Tht nr»«nth'a mind, Rathdruni, Mrs. Jane Ward, a g e d changes: Kev, John James, OralguenaWith a n assault on t h e Kev. Stephen Mr. William MoMahon, builder, con- On March 9 , Patrick Sullivan. managh, to Clonegal; Rev. M. O'Brien, high m a s s a n d offle* for the repose of eighty-eight years. March 8, at ArkBrown, Marketbill, a n d Mr. John Mc- tractor for the erection of a new Cath- C R O W L E Y - O n March 11, at PoulaC. C . Graiguenamanagh, to Hackets- t h e soul of the l a t e Mr. J. Brady of low, Henry Delahunt, son of the l a t e Orath, Markethill, on Jan. 15 last, were olic hall in Monaghan, Is taking down duff road, Jeremiah Crowley, late emtown; Rev. D. Oorry.jO'. C , N a a s , to Cranary, Oranard, father of Mr. John Sylvester Delahunt, Furzeditch, Wicksentenced March 9 b y Mr. Justice the old chapel in Park street, t h e site ployee o f Cork a n d Bandon RailGralguenamanagh; Kev. A. Delaney, C. Brady, Ix>ng-ford, -was celebrated in l o w ; funeral to Castietymon well atWright i o terms of Imprisonment va- of the n e w hall. Mr. McMahon in- w a y company. FITZGERALD—Ou C, Clonegal, t o N'aas; R e v . W. Rice, t h e Purth chapel i n the parish of Co- tended. t j l n g from one month to six months. tends to have the work cdmplPted March 1 1 , at Church street, Kanturk, C. C , Hacketstown, to Gralguenama- lumbkllle, March 1G. A large number Member* of t h s Camlough branoh of about September, when the Catholics Edward Fitzgerald, aged forty-eight nagh. of clergy attended. NACGHTON—On March 11, the United Irish league held a meeting of Monaghan will be provided with a years. One hundred tenants o f the Doory Mr. John Byrne, J r , Dunroe, Bagat Klltrullen, at a n advanced age, • n Feb. 28, w i t h Very Rev. C. Canon new public hall. Hall estate, Bally million, heatled by nalstown, died March 2, aged thirtyO'BHI EN - O n Qninn i n the chair. The following ofA short time ago an old man named Margaret Naughton. GALWAY.—Tha greatest regret w i : Rev. Canon O'Far-rcll, -Ardagh, and S o e n were appointed for this year: Sylvester IJrennan, aged KM years, March 7 . at Blackllon, County Cavan, seven years, deeply regretted. Rev. Dean Monagb-an, Ca rrlcke<iinond, expressed in Portumna when i t became •TreiMent, Very Rev. C. Canon Quinn; w a s buried at Tydavnet. Deceased, Cornelius O'Brien, second son of Mr DUBLIN.—The Feaet of St. Thomae recently met Mr. E. S. Darley, the known that the Rev. Joseph Pelly w a s Vice president, Owen Maguiness; treas- who had many relatives, w a s hale and John O'Brien, Round Hill, Dunmun Atjulnas was observed Murch, 7 with agent, a t Doory Hall, Ballymnbon. Mr. to be transferred to Ballymacward. LYNCH—At Croom, March 11, special devotion and plenary indul- Darley said h e wanted t o offer terms During his stay Father Pelly endeared urer, John O'Callaghan; secretary, hearty up to a few months before his w-ay. gence In the Church of S t Saviour, which would give Miss Jessop "her himself to the parishioners. Khomas O'Hore; assistant secretary, death and used to relate the Incidents Thomas Lynch, aged fifty. eVrancis McParland. Also delegates to of a century ago. Deceased lived in KERRY.—Each tenant on the north L o w e r I>omlnl<-k street, Dublin. High present income p e t " T h e terms were: Mrs. Cunningham, Ballytraana, Tuam, divisional executive: Thomas O'llare, Eshnalough, near Scotstown, before Kerry estate o f the Eurl of Listowel mass was celebrated by Very Rev. J. Nonjudicial a n d evicted tenants, nine- died recently at the a g e of sixty-five «$>ljl?' O'QallaJhan, Francis Maguiness his death. At the. present time there has received notification of the land- D. Fitzgibbon; Itev. Father Uyan, dea- teen years' purchase; first term ten- years. S h e was t h e mother of Father is living at Drjimman, beside Scots- lord's willingness t o sell on t h e fol- con, a*d Kev.-leather Olendon, subdea- ants, twenty and t-hree-qoarter years; \ Cunningham, pastor, Hastings, S t . « 3 Kdward Mooney. The remains of a prominent member town, Owen Smyth, who Is 110 years lowing terms; First term tenants, coa. The panegyric was preached by Becond term tenants, t w e n t y - t h r e e P a u l diocese, TJ. S. A-, and Bister of #f the Sir Charles Russell branch of old. He is healthy and active, recent- twenty-one and a half years' purchase; Very Kev. Vincent McNabb, O. P.,years; a l l arrears a n d the hanging gale Rev. Canon Ronayne a n d R e v . J a m e s tt© I r l l b National Foresters were re- ly walking several miles without using second to b e wiped out; Interest a t rate of av, Ronayne, Mountbellew. The remains term tenants, twenty-four Woodehester, moved from his residence in Shanklll a stick. At m meeting of Dublin corporation per cent, payable from March 15, 1904, | w e r e taken from the residence of t h e years' purchase, and individual cases Street, Lurgan, March 5 for interment TYRONE^-The death of Mr*. Ly- dealt w i t h o n their merits. The in the council chamber, city hull, March until completion of pureha se. T h e ten- deceased March 4, a great number h a v . In Bougher cemetery. The deceased nam, mother of Mr. F. J. Lynam, cotm property extends over a great portion : 7 a resolution, moved by Mr. Kelly, re- ants agrreed, but stipulated tbLat the Ing assembled to pay the last tribute t o fraa Edward McAvoy, aged about thir- ty surveyor, occurred a t Oraagh o n of north Kerry, comprising many thou d u c i n g the salary of t h e lord mayor by sporting rights shonld b e reserved to her memory. T b e cortege w a s one o f t y - t w o years, t '. March 6 after a short illness. T h e fu- sand acnes of land, and includes the £2,000 from Feb. 23, 190f>, w a s adopted them. They had n*c obje-rtlon to the the largest witnessed here for many a by a majority of 40 to 2U. T h e an- Jessop family enjoying sporting rights year, sixty vehicles attending. CAVA N.—On Fob. 10, at a wadding at neral left for Glasnevin, where t h e In- town of Listowel. Oornagee, Dowra, a cooper named Pat- terment took place. LEITRIM. —Mr. Jamea Drum, M u l John Cathtl and John Walsh, t w o re- nouncement w a s received with ap- in conjunction with them during their On March 3 a meeting of the tenants spectable young men of t h e agrlcultu plause, i n which those in the public lifetlme. t i c k Loughlln, while a t dinner, w a s lies, Manorhamilton, died March 7, aaen'.to be -fainting. H e w a s removed on the estate of Mrs. T. M. Kuslice, ral class, were charged before Captain gallery joined. The salary heretofore LOUTH.—The tenants o n the estate aged forty-three years. The remains outside, where h e Buccumbed instant- Novarina, Houremouth, consisting of a P. Crauo, It. M.. with having, with w a s £3,<JB1 10s.. £2fl2 lWs. of which was of Captain Macart ncy - Frigate have w e r e interred in Kilrooak Wednesday ly. An inquest w a s deemed unneces- the town lands of Galbally, Druuigal- others, o n March 5. 1004, at Olenoe, Intended to remunerate his secretary. been notified that h e is willing to sell following, the funeral cortege b e i n g sary, a s deceased had been previously lon, Ronskey, Ardpatrick, w a s held In willfully and unlawfully rescued six Father Patrick Hughes, 8 . J , Mill- at twenty six years' purchase o f sec- large and representative and a tribute •offering from a n affection of the the Rallwny hotel, Stowartstown. Mr. cattle from three bailiffs named James town Park, Dublin, passed nway on ond term rents and twenty-three years' to the memory of the deceased. h e a r t The people of the locality re- John Stewart proposed and Mr. Pat- Edward. Marshall, Frederick Wyatt March H. purchase of first term rents. T h e es- MAYO.—Mrs. Anne Loughlln, Hollyg r e t his demise, as h e w a s a general rick Rmlth seconded that Mr. Huph and John Eager which had been taken Recent Deaths In Dublin.—ROGERS tate Includes two large evicted farms, mount, died March 4. Mcllwaln act as secretary. After con- under a civil bill decree from Mrs favorite. —Ma rob 5), at 0 8t. Patrick's road, vacant for t h e past t w e n t y years. Mr. Michael Kelly recently disposed sideration the secretary w a s requested Walsh o f KiKM-kaloughn Cardinal Logue edc-ninistertd tKe sao- ' of eight acres of land belonging to Mr. The death of Mrs. Redly, Laragh, Druiuixintiru. Mary Rogers, I'lercetown. to write to the landlord that they were mother of Mr. James Rellly, merchant, F O I . E Y - M a r c h 5 , at 3 West ter- ranient of coiiflrmatlmi I n St. I'e-ter's Patrick McNamara at Tooraree, n e a r M e m b e n of t h e Asdee branch of th« willing to buy under the land net of Kilconny, Belturbet, took place at Au race, Imhl.-ore, Michael F o l e y . — church, Iinigheda, March O to 5GO chil- Ballyhannls. The tenancy w a s a y e a r United Irish league held a meeting on 1908 if the owner Is willing to sell on Chagorllck, Laragh, o n Feb. 14. The March ti. John Coughlln, chairman, L Y N N - M a n - l i r., at 0 a n d 10 New dren. After the 12 o'cloca mass and ly one at £2 12s.fid.per year. T h e r e reasonable terms. funeral w a s extremely large. The chief presided. 1'reaeut; T. O'Connor, D Bridge utreet, James Lynn, bootmaker, before administering- the sacrament he w e r e no buildings on the holding; n e v mourners were: James Rellly, husband; M'CAHK- preached nn e l o q u e n t lerrnnn o n "The ertheless It went at the extraordinary Gleeson, Johanna O'Connor, M. Tid BKed x(.\«'nty-i>rie years. J a m e s Rellly, Kilconny, Belturbet; ( \ March 8, at 2 Unoolu place, Owen Me- Gifts of the Holy Hplrit Itecelved In price of £210. in other words, the s a l e lngs, D. O'Carroll, Eugene Morlurty, Rellly, Laragh, and John Rellly, sons; Martin I'att, James O'Connor, John t'abe, aged forty five years. MA- Confirmation." At the oUwc o f the of the tenant right realized eighty M i s s e s Mnggio Reilly and Mary Rellly, G A N N - M a r v u i), at the hospice, Har- ceremonies h e administered t h e total years' purchase on the rental. M r . CLARE.—The death of Mr. John Tu- O'SullIvan, Ed McEUlgott, M. O'Con •laughter*. Rev. Father Rellly offlciatoldscrosB, Francis Magann, aged thir- abstinence pledge until t h e y be twen- , Kelly sold the grazing of Mrs. Carney's nor, J a m e s Mahouy, Martin Collins bridy of Kllrush took place Murcb 7. I| land at Cloonkeary, near Balllnrobe, • d a t t h e church and grave. ty-two ye-srs. DOY'LE—March S, at ty-one years o f age. The late Mr. Tubrldy w a s father of (from Ballybunluii branch), P. Crow The office a n d h i g h mass for Mother and realized on a n average about £ S 8 Summerhlll parade. Peter Doyle. ExMrs. Mullen, 8taJdone, died Feb. 12, Rev. Brother Tubrldy, Christian Broth- ley, P. KJssaue, Mrs. C. Scanlon, Ed change court, aged twenty-six years. Mary Hyacinth, w h o died on March 5, 10s. an acre per annum, and he a l s o deeply regretted. O'Connor. Ed McEUlgott, John Gor ers, Kilkenny. O ' U O H K E - M a r c h 5, a t 1 White- took place In t h e convent ohapel. Dro- disposed of a small holding of land a t man, a n d others. Among the letter* DERRY.—On Feb. 25 the remains of Mrs. Timothy O'Gorman, native of hall terrace, Clontarf, Cornelius A gheda. In t h e choir were: Very Rev. Cloontubrld, the property of Mr. Richread WOJS one from the national dl Mr. John McBrlean, Clady, Portgle- Kllfera, died March 0, The interment BREN- J. Curry, S t Mary's; Very Rev. F a t h e r ard Foy. the price realized being £50. rectory regarding t b e application in O'Rorke, a g e twenty-four. •Kme, were laid to rest in the Greentook place on Tuesday to t h e family •OUghs. favor of Mrs. <\ Scanlon (evicted ten- NAN—March 0. at 2 4 Stafford street, Doggette, 0. S . F.; "Very Kev. Father At the Qaelio leagus concert h e l d burial place at Kilballyowen. The fuPurcell. O. 8 . A.; Hov. Father Fitz- March 0 in Westport town hall w a s Mary Brennan. H A N D M a r c h 8, at ant), regretting the standing committer The pioneer of shirt and undercloth- neral w a s one of the largest seen In R O C H E - maurice, O. 8. F.; Rev. Father Hanra- well maintained t h e success which h a s i n g manufacture in Derry for half a the locality for a number of years. The had no funds a t its disposal for evict Grace Dleu, Kate Hand. March 5, at 47 S t Ignatius road, Dub- han, 0. S. A ; Very Rev. Father Con- attended those gatherings since t h e y ed tenants. Otntury, Mr. William Tlllle, died March chief mourners were Timothy O'Gordon, 0. P., prior, S t . Saviour's, Dube\ aged eighty-one years. H e employ- man, husband; Michael Cnrmody,brothMr. Michatl A. Manning, natlona lin, Patrick Roche, late Cornmarket, lin; Very R e v . Fattier Powell, O. P., w e r e commenced by the Weetport Wexford, formerly librarian Mechanbranch of the Gaelic league. There • 4 more than 8,000 hands and w a s a er; P a t O'Gorman, brother-in-law, and schoolteacher, Ballyferriter, died March prior, Tallaght; Rev. Father J. Roche. w e r e two n e w recruits in the dancing ics' Institute. Wexford. A N D R E W S generous employer, free from religious Thomas Nolan. 5 deeply regretted. | —March 1, Ellen Andrews, aged.eight- O. P., Tallaght; Rev. Fathe>r Peter Mc- performance, and they were a g r e a t prejudice. CORK.—A eucceiiful Qaelio oortotrt LIMERICK.—An event af • vmry In- een years, wife of J a m e s A n d r e w s of Quillan. O. P . , Tallaght; Rev. Father success. Mr. Thomas Gibbons, WestDONEQAI The death of Mr. W. L. promoted by the Donoughinore branch teresting nature took place recently, Math, Little NTaul. FARRELL—On Desmond, 0. P., Newry; Rev. Father port quay, danced an Irish reel and s l i p McGonnell, clerk of petty sessions, Let- of the Gaelic league w a s held in the when a deputation o f his parishioners March 2, at t h e Mater hospital. Peter McDonnell, 8 t . Peter's; V e r y Rev. Fa Jig and w a s applauded. Mr. F u r l o n g ttrkenny, from pneumonia, took place Firmount national schools recently. from Rockhlll a n d Brueree waited on Farrell, Cabra. L E D W I D O E —On ther Kenny, O. P.. Bt Magdalene's; danced a hornpipe and reel hi a w a y «n March 5. The schools were filled by an enthusi- the Rev. Eugene Sheehy, pastor, r e March 3, a t 6 6 Main street. Bray. Rev. Father Boyd. C P., St. Magdawhich captured the good opinion of t h e In the beautiful church at Adara, astic audience. Among those present cently returned from America, for the Margaret Ledwidge, aged seventy lene's; Rev. F*ather Collins, 0. F . , S t audience. Mr. Joseph McGreaL now a fSKhJca the late Father Kelly spent were Rev. Father Barry and Rev. Fa- purpose o f presenting him w i t h o years. MAQUIRE—March 3, a t the Magdalene's; Rev. Father Breen. 0 . P familiar figure before Westport audiAfter the horse a n d carriage and an illuminated y e a r s of anxious labor and gave sub- ther Twomcy, Firmount Harkwicke hospital, Dublin, Eva Ma- The chanters were: Very Rev. Father ences, danced a reel and doable Jig i n stantially of h i s means to Bee com- concert Mr. D. O'Leary, organizer, ad- address. gulre, Bnlllnrobe, sister of Dr. ConnoF Powell, O. P . . and the R e v . Father graceful style. Mrs. Peter A. H e r a t y p l e t e d a n d dedicated t o God's worship, dressing t h e assemblage in Irish, said Patrick Fltxgerald, Routha, w a i Maguire, Claremorris. RU8SBJLL— Peter McQuillan, O. P. A t t h e high and Miss Baby Heraty sang a d u e t . attare w a s celebrated t h e month's mind then- entertainment would help them found l y i n g in a field i n an nncon March 3, a t the monastery. Mount S t m a s s the celebrant w a s V e r y Rev. Fa- " H a s 8orrow Thy Young D a y s Shad« f t h t deceased. I n trying times of the in their efforts to promote the language scious state, March 6, a short distance Joseph, Clondalkln, Anthony Russell, ther John Dominic Roche, 0. P . ; dea- ed?" which they rendered faultlessly. l a n d w a r In t h e bills of Donegal he movement. from his o w n bouse. H e never regain in tbe seventy-eighth year of his age con. Rev. Father Collins, O. P . ; sub- The following were the other items o n nraa notable in t h e public controverRecently a native of Fortgrady, Ban- ed consciousness, dying about a n houi and fifty-first o f his religious life. deacon, Rev. Father Desmond, O . P. the programme: Mr. Joseph Moore, s i e s that arose around the Qweedore teer, named Cora Riordan died at the after he w a s found. DOWLJNG — March 0, a t 12 Qrcat M E A T H ^ - T h e death of M r . Jehn Mo- song, "Corrig Dhnn;" Mr. Martin M c sensation i n which Police Inspector age of 107 years. The deceased, who Donald, F l o w e r Hill, Nava.n, oecrurred Greal, song, "The Dear Irish B o y ; " The dearth of the Rev. Father Ste- Charles s t r e e t Edward Dowling. Martin lost his life, and he took an ac- led an active life, w a s wiry and enerCOFFEY—At Sandymount T h o m a s P. Marchfi,deeply regretted. The ftineral Miss Casey, song, "Eileen Alanna;** phenson, O. SS. R., took place Marct Isrre) part in procuring the funds and getic. H i s mental and physical faculCoffey. COON'EY-March 7, a t 25 • to Dononghmore cemetery was attend- Mr. Frank QUI, song, "God Save I r e providing the defense of the Irish pa- ties were wonderfully preserved, and 11 at t t i e convent, Mount S t Al Castle street. Dalkey, Edward Cooney,'J ed b y a great number of relatives and land;" Mr. Denis J. MeXoughlin, s o n g , phonsus. Limerick. Deceased was triots in the famous Maryborough trial. up t o within a few d a y s of his death aged forty y e a r s . — F I T Z P A T R I C K - ]i friends. The chief mourners were Mr. "The Meeting of t h e Waters;** Mr. P a t At the residence of her father, Mr. he w a s in his usual health. The de- young In years. H i s ordination took March 8, a t 36 Marrowbone lane, Ste-,, P. McDonald, son, and Mrs. Farrell, rick Gaffney, song, "Norah, t h e P r i d e place twelvo months ago. Solemn re sUdward Kelly, N. T., Knoekbrack, aft- ceased had visited towns little and enof Klldare," and "The Moon HaTh phen F i t z p a t r i c k . — H U G H E S — M a r c h daughter. quiem m a s s w a s celebrated a t t b e R e e r a brief Illness, died Miss Sarah Kel- joyed the open air life, which contribRaised Its Lamp;" Mr. Peter A . Hera8, Father Patrick Hughes, S. J., Mill! demptorist church. Father Stephensor I Q U E E N ' S . — Mr. N i o h o l a n C . e e ol l y on t h e morning o f Feb. 20. Onuted to his great longevity. town Fark, in h i s sixty-sixth y e a r . — < Redhllls, Abbeylelx, died F e b . 2T. He ty, song, "The Shan Van Vucht;" M i s a was a native o f County Waterford. March 2 her remains w e r e removed for A serioua aeoident ooourrtd March 7 M T A B K - M a r c h 8, a t 14 Fitzroy ave- J w a s a m e m b e r of one o f the oldest Ethel Byrne, song, "Innisfail;" M r . The t a l e of Lord E m l / a estates Ir Interment in the burying ground of his- t o Miss Maxwell of E a s t Ferry House, nue, Drumcondfa, Catherine McCabe.' families In the district and was highly Patrick Walsh, song, "Lay Him A w a y ; " -tiorlc Templedouglas. near Midleton, while playing in a hock- Limerick and Clare has just been comMrs. Peter A. Heraty. song, " T h e pleted. I n Clare t h e property Is in BR KEN—March 7. at North Circu- ' respected. H e was a brother t o Mr. Whistling Thief;" Mr. Robert Lane, D O W N T - A meeting of the Kilmegan ey contest with the Midleton Ladies' lar road, Anne Breen, late of Killough,' Daniel Cass, merchant in Abbeyleix. the Clare district, and in Limerick It • r a n c h of the United Irish league w a s Hockey club near Cork. She received extends through Croom, Bruree and County YTicklow.—BYRNE—March 1, The funeral w a s v e r y largely attended. song, "My Mary of the Curling Hair." a blow of a hockey stick on the nose. fceld at Magherasaul, near Dandruui, WESTMEATH.—TH« t e n a n t , o n th< Miss Gallagher, a s usual, presided a t Athlacca districts. Some of the rand a t 8 George's place, Henry Byrne, late -am March 6. The following were pres- The injured young lady, w h o i s only is t h e finest In Limerick. A satisfac m e m b e r of No. 3 branch A. S. C. and J. Montgomery estate, Ballymore, have the pianoforte. tttt: Patrick Cunningham (Moneylane), twenty-two years old and an only tory feature of t h e negotiations closed QUIRKE— March 5, at 31 Frank- purchased their holdings o n t h e fol ROSCOMMON.—Mr. Jamea S a n d y s , Henry Carr, Patrick McClimont, James daughter, w a s removed in a prostrate through t h e agent, Mr. James Q. Bar fort avenue, Rathgar, Ellen Browne lowing terms: Twenty-four years* pur- Durham Lodge, Roscommon, died i n condition, and medical aid w a s speedKing, N . Burns, P . Dolau, John Mcry, is that they were conducted wltb ,Qulrke. N e w t o n , County Meath. c h a s e of present rents, all arrears, in Dublin, March 7. , Sherry, N . Lennon, J . Lennon, Felix ily summoned. It was found impracti- friendly feeling on each side. TJndei O ' R E I I . L Y - M a r c h 10, at Cloughbally, eluding t h e hanging gale, t o be -wiped 8 LI GO.—The committee of t h e T e m cable to have her removed to her homo, Hodgers, B . Lennon, T . Lavelle, B. the conditions of sale occupiers oi Mullagh, Mrs. Mary O'Reilly, mother out; 3Mi per cent .Interest, payable by pleboy branch o f the United I r i s h and she w a s conveyed t o Sydney place, Chthningham, P . Doran, F . Ounningof the late Rev. Michael O'Reilly, Ctl- the tenants o n purchase money untt league i s composed of! Rev. J. J. M e l Cork, where she Ilea in a critical condi- farms h e l d under first term judicial F , Barr, B . Magennls, P . J. ca, N. Y.; Rev. M. O'Reilly, tlerwork- completion of t h e s a l e . rents b u y at twenty-one and a hall , vin, president; T. O'Dowd, P. McDertion. Irimes, H . Hanna, J. McClimont R. years' purchase, while t h e tenants er, nnd Rev. H. O'Reilly, L o S Angeles, Right Rev. Dr. Gaffney, bishop o< mott, 0. Finnegan, P. Sexton, J. M c O" March 6, under the chairmanship holding o n second term judicial rents aged ninety-four years. Ibfcin, J. Kerr, H u g h McCann, E. F A R R E L L Meath, o n March 8 administered the Ctaire, T. Tiernan, O. Heally, P . Long, patarray, P . McGarry, B . Lennon, Seu- of Rev. E. Griffin, spiritual director, a bought a t twenty-four nnd a hnl! —March 10, at 1 Beaver street, off sacrament of confirmation to 878 chil- i J. H u m s , T. P. Melvin, C. M c G o w a n , avla Lennon, P. Murray, Neal Murray, very instructive debate w a s held In years' purchase. The sale is the flrsi A m i e n s street, Patrick Farrell, in his dren In Mullingar. They were from I P. McAndrew, J. Rooney and J. M c - L' Toner, P . Savage, A. Kearney, Kanturk Young Men's society, the sub- large one in t h e county of Limerick nineteenth year. WYATT—March 5, S t Mary's college, \Iullmgrar; Lorettc Gowan. T. P. Melvin is secretary. Raines McCann, P . Ounningham, Jr., ject being "The Fiscal Policy In Re- under t h e new land a c t . T h e tenants a t 41 Haroldscross, Miss Sarah Wyatt. convent, P r e s e n t a t i o a convent, Muliin T h e death of Mr. Austin Larkin o c Jk iBxatm, B. Toner, A . Connolly, J . lation to Ireland." The debate was are pleased. On the conclusion of th< C A S S I D Y - A t 20 George's quay, gar; the national sonools o f Walshes curred March 3 at Sunnyvale, Sligo. . Wofe, P. Rice, P . Savage, J. McCarten, condocted in a remarkably able man- negotiations for the s a l e t h e y express Mrs. Ellen Cassidy of Bellview build- t o w n , Gninstown, Curragnmore, Bal A meeting of the North Sligo execu* EL Keenan, D. Grant, P . Rooney, J. ner a n d spoke eloquently for the re- ed their thanks to Mr. Barry, regret ings. O'REILLY-March 7, at thelinea, Olnscorn and Balrath. Mass' tive of t h e United Irish league w a s < Ghrant, John Barr, P. Gibben, P. Mar- search of the speakers. For "Protec- ting the s e v e r a n c e of a long connectior Mater hospital, Fergus O'Reilly, aged •was celebrated by Rev. P. Daly, Mnl held in the town hall, Sligo, o n March ; k ^ , W. Fltzsimmons, J. Cunningham, tion" M. Hanrahan, J. Cashman. 0. between them. twenty-six years, brother o f Thomas lingar. The following clergy w e n 6. Mr. William Frazer presided. DeleBourke and J. D. O'Connor; for "Fl-ee ,.* D a n Curren, etc. Mr. J a m e s King, who O'Reilly, T . C , 146 t p p e r Dorset street present: Rev. TV. Gracken, adrninis g a t e s were present as follows: Sligo TIPPERARY.—Mr. Michael Qubbina "' KHMft moved to the chair, explained t h e Trade," J. Fitzpatrick, Michael Shine, FLYNN—At 5 Frankfort'place, Up- trator, Mullingar; Rev, J. Fapan, Mul Borough branch—Edward Connolly, B . Object o f the meeting and congratu- J. Bourke and J. O'Leary. T h e com Nenagh, died March 0, deeply ant per Rathmines, Mr. Patrick Flynn. Ungnr; R e v . J . J. r*oland, Mullingar T.; B . McTerUan, John Jinks, T e r e n c e plicated and far reaching problem was widely r e s e t t e d . i t e d t h e meeting on being so well atKILDARE.—Office and high mast Rev. N. Woods, Malllngar; Rev. Dr IiFox, Thomas Brennan a n d James Conhandled with skill and t h e various asA meeting of Ballingany branch o aided; especially by t h e young men Cairy branch—Owen Clarke, pects very ably dealt with. -On a vote the United Irish league w a s helc w a s held i n Levittstown chapel, March Dooly, Klllucan; R e v . P, Tnite, D e l v i n ' w a y . ^ K f N dMriet. T h e meeting elected ofRev. W. P. K e a r n e y , Kinr»ejrad; Rev Phil 9, for the repose of t h e soul of Misa McGoldrick, W. Frazer, W . being taken, t h e "Utile loafers" carried March 6, Mr, B . Delahunty presiding m» f o r t h e ensuing year: President, all before them, the champions of free Present: J . Pront, J. Connell, B. Mor Margaret Lalor of Skenagun, Castle J a m e s Murphy, Mnltyfamharn; Rev Cullen, J. Milmoe and Patrick Foley. taAe being left i n a hopeless minority. rissey, T. Ryan, M. Sparrow, H. Black dennot, who died in t h e Mater Miseri "W. Rooney, administrator, Long-wood St. John's branch—Thomas K i l a w e e . \m% James Jging; treasurer, Patcordise, Dnblin, Feb. 29. The Inter- B e v . C. Murray, T . P . . Rochfon Kllloran branch—P. Cawley, T h o m a s Amid manifestations of deep and uni****""i>Mi »e«|et«ri«i, P a r t e ! Mc- versal regret, t h e funeral of Rev. B more, J. McDunning, M. Pollard, E ment took place In the burial ground ol Bridge; Rev. 1. Drug, BUBT. F*ath« F m a n , T. Coleman and B. C H a r a . Grace, L. Power, T. Clear, J. Kelly, p Janiea Leanon. Delegates IJteOarthy, D . D., Inniscarra, took place Grant, a £ . Purcefl, J . Kennedy, D t h e c h a p e l . Among those present werei Carpenter, Ta.«jmon; Rev. C. Casey Drumcllffe branch—J. G. Qullty, B. R e ,1 eiectrtive: Patrick Savage, Mt*da 8 from tha^parish chnrch, Clo*h- ' O'Snllivoia, T. Hanly, M. Tobin, T Mr. Richard Lalor, brother; Mr. E Dysart; Rev. C Gelsinan, Ballinacai gan, P. Shaw, P. Jinks, Thomas M c *•*, to Maeroom. O'Neill, brother-in-law; Mr. Jamei « y ; Bev. F . Gerard, Kinneg^d; Rev. P H n g h and M. Chrystal. The secretary Kenny ar*d J. Hanrahan. M o « y l a M ; p . McClimont, 0*NelU, nephew; Mr. J, Conlan, M r s Cooks, Rochford Bridge; Bev. P . 3 is Mr. McTernan. A great amount at Recant Deaths In Cork^-M'CARTHv WATEftF0RD«-»Th«r« w a s no orim OosUua, fiteoe; M i s s CPNeill, t h e Mittet C C a l l a g h a n , MUltovrn, thaslness of local a n d national impor"O^WMb B, «* the pajochial hotiti, ituU bttsinass before -the city commis Xaiftr, nieces; M I M Oermaine, M r . J WEXFORD—The INiw R o n hoeltrj' t a n c e w a s considered and acted on. II Loinster Ulster * -* : u& S •3 a ft* ^ t, f t iS «, it i Gonnaught M i.V; i* •W i'"-^"'-';.v$i : m f- Munster ?&•< IS £»a •S& fefcf, '^ • : ;v -'•^ ] m-n **rii^M-t-^«**i^Mrf^[*^ysj ****i <»'»"" % %m &•«>?.•• . *-*-.-•;*-.„ y/ %*k~. ^ i , C ' , * •:>*••••. '. WmmSm^^ • ^^^^^^^W"'^:7^^;:^^yv^^m^f^i^ 7 : iMi^S^A',Ms§i
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