John Flynn Student orientation handbook

John Flynn Private Hospital
Student Orientation Handbook
Dear Student,
Welcome to John Flynn Private Hospital. We are very excited that you are undertaking your introduction
to the healthcare industry here in our facility. This package aims to provide you with details in a timely
manner that will assist you in your induction and orientation to our hospital.
This package also provides you with initial information about our hospital along with some essential
workplace practice information.
Placements: John Flynn Hospital Work Experience
Approved by: Policy & Document Control Committee
Date approved: March 2013
Controlled Document if printed in red
About our Hospital
John Flynn Private Hospital serves the people of the Gold Coast and Northern New South Wales. The
hospital is located at Tugun on the southern end of the Gold Coast and was opened in late 1993. The
hospital has over 300 beds and provides a wide range of in-patient and out-patient services enabling it
to be a major referral hospital for this region.
John Flynn Private Hospital is owned by Ramsay Health Care, which was established in 1964 by Paul
Ramsay. With private hospital facilities located throughout the country, Ramsay Health Care has
developed an excellent record in hospital management and patient care, features that combine to make
it one of the most respected and successful private hospital operators in Australia owning 72 hospital /
clinics across five Australian states, over 7,000 beds and over 25,000 staff.
Ramsay Health Care is recognised for its commitment to staff through the fostering and development of
a special culture known as “The Ramsay Way”. The Ramsay Way recognises that staff are the key to
our success.
The Ramsay Way
We are caring, progressive, enjoy our work and use a positive spirit to get things done
We take pride in our work and actively seek new ways of doing things better
We value integrity, credibility and respect for the individual
We build constructive relationships to achieve positive outcomes for all
We believe that success comes through recognising the value of people and encouraging that value
through professional and personal development
We aim to grow our business while maintaining sustainable levels of profitability and providing a
basis for shareholder loyalty
Placements: John Flynn Hospital Work Experience
Approved by: Policy & Document Control Committee
Date approved: March 2013
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The John Flynn Private Hospital has three major buildings on its campus. Here is a guide to help you
find your way to some of the essential services.
Plant rooms, Maintenance, Biomedical rooms
Morgue, Car park for Visitors, Staff Gym , S and N Pathology
Kitchen, CSSD, Laundry & Housekeeping Coordinator, Engineering, Stores, Staff
Change Rooms , Staff Canteen, Medical Records, Accounts
Operating Theatres, Pre Op, Recovery and ICU
Foyer, Reception, Admissions, Administration, Cardiac Catheter Laboratory (CCL),
Emergency Care Centre (ECC), South Coast Radiology (SCR), Pharmacy, Day
surgery .
CCU, Renal Dialysis, Physiotherapy, Auditorium, Meeting Room, QML Pathology,
Link way to (right) Medical Centre and (left) Fred McKay House, Premion Radiation
Centre, Day Oncology Unit, Pay Office, Dispensary, HNC
A (left)
General Surgical
B (right)
A (left)
B (right)
Surgical and Orthopaedics
A (left)
B (right)
Medical / Discharge Planners/ Pathways Coordinator Respiratory
& Diabetes Coordinator
A (left)
Cardiac Medical , Allied Health Offices
B (right)
Cardiac / Vascular / ENT / Paediatrics Surgery
A (left)
B (right)
Oncology , Clinical Facilitators Office
Placements: John Flynn Hospital Work Experience
Approved by: Policy & Document Control Committee
Date approved: March 2013
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Hudson’s coffee shop -including outdoor seating and fountain area
Level 1
Executive Suites, Risk Management, Infection Control, WPH&S, HR Department,
Staff Development. Premion – Radiation Oncology Centre.
Level 2
Rehabilitation Gym & Cardiac Rehab + suites
Level 3 & 4
Rehabilitation Wards
Level 5- 6
Specialist Medical Suites
Medical Suites & PDA training room
Level 2 –6
Specialist Medical Suites
Remember you can always ask staff for directions or help – we all remember what it is like being
new somewhere and trying to find your way around. Just ask for directions.
Placements: John Flynn Hospital Work Experience
Approved by: Policy & Document Control Committee
Date approved: March 2013
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Lets help you understand some of our “HOSPITAL LINGO”:What’s the HNC?
What is HIS?
Who is the
JFH ........................................... John Flynn Private Hospital
HNC .......................................... Hospital Nursing Coordinator
HMO.......................................... Hospital Medical Officer
EMO .......................................... Emergency Medical Officer
DOC .......................................... Director of Clinical Services
ADOC........................................ Assistant Director of Clinical Services
CEO .......................................... Chief Executive Officer
NUM .......................................... Nurse Unit Manager
RN ............................................. Registered Nurse
EN ............................................. Enrolled Nurse
EEN........................................... Endorsed Enrolled Nurse
QIA ............................................ Quality Improvement Activity
CCU .......................................... Coronary Care Unit
ICU ............................................ Intensive Care Unit
ECC .......................................... Emergency Care Centre
CSSD ........................................ Central Sterilizing Services Department
S&N........................................... Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology
QML .......................................... Queensland Medical Laboratory Pathology
HIS ............................................ Health Information Services (Medical Records)
WPH&S ..................................... Work Place Health & Safety
SCR .......................................... South Coast Radiology
NGC .......................................... New Graduate Coordinator
OT ............................................. Operating Theatre
SDC .......................................... Staff Development Coordinator
Placements: John Flynn Hospital Work Experience
Approved by: Policy & Document Control Committee
Date approved: March 2013
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When hunger pangs strike, you can seek fulfilment from visiting our staff canteen where wholesome
meals, salads and snacks are available for lunch on B2. Lunch only Monday – Friday.
Hudson’s Coffee shop located on the ground floor Fred Mackay House, is open seven days a week and
offers a large variety of delicious foods and sweets to tempt you.
When all else fails there are vending machines located on the ground floor and
in the staff dining room.
Staff and students need to park in the LONG TERM car parking bays. When entering the hospital via the
roundabout the first one is located on the left (first car park that you see); the next is opposite the entry
to the B3 parking turn left and drive out to the extreme left carpark; or the top car park on the extreme
left of the Premion Radiation Centre (overlooked by the highway glass walls).
Personal Belongings
All students are asked not to bring valuables to work. The onus of securing
personal items rests with you and therefore you should not leave your personal
items unattended. We advise you not to carry excess money with you. Lockers/locked
cupboards are provided in some departments check with your facilitator and NUM as to the
appropriate place to store your belongings.
Mobile Telephones
To ensure the risk of interference to clinical biomedical devices is minimised, the use of mobile phones
and/or other radio transmitters is not recommended within 2 metres of such equipment. You must turn
your mobile phone off when you are on placement at the hospital.
You must adhere to the clinical practice policy of your training organisation and John Flynn Policy and
Procedure in regards to wearing your uniform at all times.
Identification Badge
Please ensure your student ID badge is visible at all times whilst in the hospital. Failure to wear your ID
may result in you being sent home from placement.
Placements: John Flynn Hospital Work Experience
Approved by: Policy & Document Control Committee
Date approved: March 2013
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A reminder that you have signed a confidentiality and privacy statement as part of undertaking clinical
practice. Please adhere to these principles at all times.
Clinical Documentation
You must ensure your clinical documentation meets with professional standards and is countersigned.
Please confirm with your facilitator the required standards and read the relevant documentation policy
for further guidelines.
Patient Contact and Consent
All patients have the right to refuse or limit student access. If this does occur please abide by the
patient’s wishes and alternative arrangements will be sought to ensure your placement is not
Customer Service
The staff at John Flynn Hospital take pride in their professional image for which the hospital is known.
Please help us to maintain this image by always presenting in a professional, courteous and respectful
manner to all our customers.
General Safety Rules
The following general safety rules are designed to keep you safe. Please read them and observe them
when you are on your placement:
1. Safety instructions must be adhered to at all times.
2. All injuries must be reported immediately or prior to leaving the site, to the facilitator and the NUM.
They will help you complete all the necessary documentation and forms relating to students injuries.
3. Familiarise yourself with emergency procedures, equipment, alarms and exits.
4. No person shall use any item of plant or equipment, which is in any way damaged, or defective.
Report it for repair immediately and place an Out of Order tag on the equipment and remove from
5. Equipment is to be used for the correct purpose and according to manufacturing instructions.
John Flynn Hospital has an Emergency Plan which is specific to each floor / unit of the hospital. They
are located near the lifts and on the walls of each department and are kept under the perspex covers.
Access to the Emergency Plan Manual is available on the intranet and the hardcopy is kept with the
HNC. It covers the actions to undertake in a number of different emergencies including fire, flooding,
storm damage, bomb threats, chemical spills threats of violence and robbery.
The hospital building has certain safety features which will assist you in the event of a fire. These
 Automatic fire detection and alarm systems including smoke and thermal detectors, break glass
 Fire hydrant systems
 Fire hose reels
 Portable fire extinguishers
Placements: John Flynn Hospital Work Experience
Approved by: Policy & Document Control Committee
Date approved: March 2013
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Types of Fire Extinguishers Available
 Water extinguisher – red – used for wood, cloth, paper and packing materials
 Dry chemical extinguisher – red with white band – petrol, kerosene, oil, paint,
solvents, electrical
 Carbon dioxide extinguisher – red with black band – petrol, kerosene, oil,
paint, solvents and electrical
 Foam fire extinguisher – blue – petrol, kerosene, oil, paint, solvents
 Wet chemical foam extinguisher – red with beige band – cooking oils and
animal fats
Procedures in the event of a fire
Flip charts on the Emergency procedures are located adjacent to the fire extinguishers in each
department. The chart details the number to call for a particular code and the procedures to follow.
Action taken on hearing fire alarm:
 Fire Emergency is ‘CODE RED”
 If alarm is heard and fire doors close your floor is involved
 Floor Warden and all available staff report to SIP to determine area of alarm
 Use Warden Intercommunication Phone (WIP) to contact Emergency Coordinator at main panel
 Floor Warden dispatches staff to locate source of alarm and fire
 Do not leave the site during an emergency, as this may cause emergency services personnel to
believe that you are still inside the building requiring them to search for you. This may endanger
their lives
 Report info to Emergency Controller who will silence alarm
Person detecting a fire must:
Placements: John Flynn Hospital Work Experience
Approved by: Policy & Document Control Committee
Date approved: March 2013
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Fire [Code Red] .................................... Dial “5555” and talk to the operator
Cardiac Arrest [Code Blue] ................. Dial “9999” and hang up
(From fixed lines only – not DECT phones)
........................................... Dial “2222” and hang up
(From fixed lines only – not DECT phones)
Duress Dial “9997” and hang up.
(From fixed lines only – not DECT phones)
Duress Alarms – these are situated under the nursing station desks. Upon pressing wards men
will urgently attend your area.
(The Duress Ph No. and alarm is used during an aggressive episode in the ward that requires
immediate help from others)
Please also familiarise yourselves with the patient call bell system in the clinical areas.
Placements: John Flynn Hospital Work Experience
Approved by: Policy & Document Control Committee
Date approved: March 2013
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Nursing requires frequent manual handling tasks. Here is a list of principles of safe manual handling.
These will be useful to remember:
Assess the load and plan the move
Clear pathway or work area
Select the appropriate techniques or lifting devices as necessary
Summon help if necessary for a team approach
Position your feet correctly, facing the load, one foot slightly in front of the other
Bend your knees
Push don’t pull
Keep your back straight
Get a safe, secure and comfortable grip
Move the load by tightening your abdominal muscles and using leg muscles
Move the load smoothly and slowly. If a two-person operation, coordinate the move and
communicate instructions
Keep the load close to your body
Avoid twisting, bending or over-reaching your back while moving the load
All Nursing staff, physiotherapists and Wards persons involved in patient handling are required to
undertake the “O’Shea No Lift Patient Handling” program. This is a system that
 Identifies tasks associated with manual and patient handling
 Uses patient mobility assessment tool
 Uses standardised procedures
 Ensures correct use of equipment eg hoists and slides sheets etc.
What techniques are banned at our hospital? We do not use the following:
 top and tail lift
 cradle lift
 shoulder lift
 underarm hook
 lifting patients off the floor
 carrying a patient’s weight if they are unable to stand
Standard precautions form the basis for the prevention and control of infection in healthcare settings and
Hand washing
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Maintenance of a clean, safe environment
Cough etiquette
Sharps management
Placements: John Flynn Hospital Work Experience
Approved by: Policy & Document Control Committee
Date approved: March 2013
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Standard Precautions are to be applied to all patients and clients regardless of their known or
presumed infectious status.
These are the minimum requirements for the control of infection in all settings situations, including those
where a high risk of infection transmission exists.
In circumstances where extra measures are required to prevent transmission, additional precautions (i.e.
contact, droplet or airborne precautions) may be used.
Additional Precautions
Additional precautions are measures used in addition to standard precautions when barriers are required
to prevent transmission of specific infectious diseases. They require:
 ‘Isolation’ of the infectious source to prevent transmission of the infectious agent to susceptible
people in the health care setting.
 A means for alerting people entering an isolation area of the need to wear appropriate personal
protective equipment (PPE) to prevent disease transmission.
Standard Precautions includes the following measures:
 Hand Hygiene
Hand Hygiene is the most effective and inexpensive measure to prevent cross transmission and
healthcare associated infections (HAI).
John Flynn Private Hospital uses the WHO 5 Moments of Hand Hygiene.
Placements: John Flynn Hospital Work Experience
Approved by: Policy & Document Control Committee
Date approved: March 2013
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Use of appropriate PPE to provide a barrier to contact with blood, body fluids, non-intact skin or
mucous membranes (refer to PPE policy).
o Gloves
o Protective glasses
o Waterproof / splash proof gowns / plastic aprons
Immunisation of healthcare workers. All students are encouraged to be immunised against
Hepatitis B.
Use of aseptic technique to reduce patient/client exposure to micro-organisms.
Management of sharps, blood spills, linen, and waste to maintain a safe environment (refer to waste
management policy). Careful handling of all blood contaminated sharp objects to prevent needle-stick or
associated injuries. Needles are never re-capped, bent or disconnected from syringes, but disposed
intact into sharps containers provided.
Sharps containers must NEVER be overfilled and should be replaced with empty containers prior to
capacity. Please be thoughtful of colleagues in preventing injuries. Sharps containers must NEVER be
placed on the floor or at a low level as this allows access by small children. Containers should be
restrained within a bracket. Ideal height for containers is 1.1 - 1.3 metres.
Please refer to the John Flynn Private Hospital Waste Management for further information.
You need to be aware of the different modes of disposal for sharps, contaminated and
general waste.
Disposal into designated sharps waste bin only. Sharps include objects or
devices that have sharp points or protuberances or cutting edges capable
of causing a penetrating injury such as:
- Needles / needle and syringe combination
- Broken ampoules
- End of IV tubing (if bag and IV line removed)
- Blood filters (if detached from bag)
- Scalpel blades
GENERAL WASTE: Dispose into bin with clear plastic liner or wheelie bin
General waste consists of all waste that is NOT clinical waste (and not cytotoxic, pharmaceutical,
recyclable, newspapers). General waste includes all general non body fluid contaminated items, paper
waste, non-blood stained dressing, flowers and medical paper packaging, incontinence pads/nappies.
CLINICAL WASTE (excluding sharps): Dispose into bin with yellow plastic liner.
Placements: John Flynn Hospital Work Experience
Approved by: Policy & Document Control Committee
Date approved: March 2013
Controlled Document if printed in red
Clinical Waste includes human tissue, materials or solutions containing or contaminated with blood (wet
or dry), eg blood/body fluid, contaminated dressings, sanitary napkins, contaminated materials removed
following surgery or birth, medical disposables.
CYTOTOXIC WASTE: Dispose into bin with purple plastic liner.
Cytotoxic waste must be managed in accordance to the John Flynn Private Hospital Waste Management
Policy and Cytotoxic Agents – Safe Handling and administration policies.
Cytotoxic waste includes:
 any residual Cytotoxic drug remaining after administration to patients
 equipment used in the reconstitution or administration of Cytotoxic drugs, including disposable
personal protective equipment (PPE)
 the urine, faeces and vomitus of patients who received Cytotoxic drugs in the preceding 48 hours
 disposable PPE used in handling this waste
 unused or expired Cytotoxic drugs
We aim to provide you an environment where you can comfortably and confidently participate in
clinical learning. So we trust this booklet has been of help in getting to know our facility. We
look forward to you becoming part of our John Flynn Hospital team and supporting your career
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact the Staff Development Team
Anna Davey
Jan Taplin
Ext 9010
Ext 9880
Ext 9391
Ext 5869
Ext 5853
Ext 5854
Ext 5855
Placements: John Flynn Hospital Work Experience
Approved by: Policy & Document Control Committee
Date approved: March 2013
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Graduate Opportunities at John Flynn Hospital
John Flynn Hospital offers programs for both newly qualified Endorsed Enrolled Nurses and Registered
John Flynn has 2 intakes throughout the year of graduate nurses. Applications can be made once
applications open online by visiting Interviews for the February intake take place
in September in the year prior to the program and mid year program interviews will be conducted in May
for the program starting in August.
John Flynn Private Hospital’s goal is to offer a supportive Graduate Nurse Program built around specific
learning needs. The aim is to assist in professional and personal development to becoming a competent
and confident Registered or Enrolled Nurse.
The program will offer you the opportunity to develop your clinical skills by rotating through a variety of
patient care settings. You will find that our supportive preceptors and other staff will assist you to further
develop your confidence. You will have access to a specifically tailored clinical competency program.
Advancement through this program in your graduate year gives you the knowledge, skills and attitude to
meet the challenges of clinical nursing.
John Flynn Private Hospital has a dedicated Graduate Nurse Coordinator and Graduate Facilitators who
organise all the activities offered in the program and ensure that you are offered diverse learning
experiences in your transition from student to Registered/Enrolled Nurse. Furthermore the Graduate
team are available to support and coach you and assist with any questions you may have throughout the
The following are just some of the things that will be offered to you at John Flynn Private Hospital as a
part of your Graduate Nurse Program:
Structured paid orientation
Preceptorship throughout your graduate year
Supernumerary periods at the beginning of each new clinical rotation
Paid study days, delivering quality education provided by experts in the field.
Your personal folder containing competencies required for both rotations to assist you in the
development of your clinical skills
Several meetings throughout your graduate year, with your Graduate Nurse Coordinator and
your peers, discussing relevant issues for your transition from student to nurse
One-on-one support and coaching from the Graduate team
Ongoing group learning activities and self - directed learning programs occur at regular intervals
throughout your graduate year. They are designed to allow you to discuss your clinical
challenges and work through clinical patient scenarios that are relevant to your day to day
experiences. This will assist you to develop analytical and critical skills and integrate your
knowledge within the context of the real practice setting
Free electronic library service providing you access to an extensive collection of books and
videos, journals, a document delivery and research service and access to popular databases
Staff Health Program (e.g. free flu and Hepatitis B vaccinations)
Access to gymnasium facilities
Free staff car parking
Free morning tea
Placements: John Flynn Hospital Work Experience
Approved by: Policy & Document Control Committee
Date approved: March 2013
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Specific Education forums and study days
Social Events
Staff Rewards Program
Post Graduate Scholarships for further study
Clinical rotations through the following areas:
o Theatre
o Intensive Care Unit
o Orthopaedics
o Surgical
o Medical
o Rehabilitation
o Cardiac Medical
o Cardiac Surgical
o Oncology
o Dialysis
o Emergency Care
o Coronary Care
o Day Surgery
These are just the beginning of the advantages that working at John Flynn Private Hospital could offer
you. We are confident that you will see many more if successful with your application.
If you would like any more information whilst on placement, please feel free to visit the graduate team
located in the education department or via phone –
Jan Taplin – Graduate Coordinator EXT 9880 or 9391
Nicole Bruni - Graduate Facilitator Ext 9392
Student placements “Search and Find” activity
To orientate yourself quickly to your clinical area you may need to complete this search and find activity.
If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to ask the ward staff or your Clinical Facilitator.
Placements: John Flynn Hospital Work Experience
Approved by: Policy & Document Control Committee
Date approved: March 2013
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Floor directory
NUM’s office
Introduce yourself to NUM or nurse In charge
Allocation folder
Hand basins
Patient rooms
Nurse Call system
Patient Telephone /TV/ Light system
Treatment/ Medication room
Dirty utility room
Refuse room
Water bottles in staff kitchen for patients only
Ice machines
Equipment storage
Emergency exits
WIP phone locations
Fire stairs/ Fire fighting equipment / Fire doors
Linen room
Vases for flowers
Store room for clinical supplies
Patient charts
Clinical worksheets/ Team board nursing sheets
Nursing progress notes
Spare MR forms
Locate policy and procedures manuals on hospital intranet
Print the policy - Documentation - abbreviation list
Duress Alarm
Resus Trolley
Storage of personal belongings
Emergency packs in rooms
Confidentiality bin
Observation machine
ECG machine
Staff tea & coffee making facilities
….Enjoy your placement here at
John Flynn Private Hospital.
Placements: John Flynn Hospital Work Experience
Approved by: Policy & Document Control Committee
Date approved: March 2013
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How to find John Flynn Hospital Policies &
 Click -Internet Explorer
Opens to Ramsay Health Care home page
 Click –My intranet
John Flynn Private Hospital
 Click – (Left hand side) policies & procedures
 Click – General clinical
 Click –Select your specific policy
Please feel free to use this space to note down any Questions or issues you would
like to get more information on.
Placements: John Flynn Hospital Work Experience
Approved by: Policy & Document Control Committee
Date approved: March 2013
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Name ___________________________________________
Mobile Number
Email ___________________________________________
Goals to be achieved during placement
To be handed back to facilitator first day of placement
What are your learning goals or objectives for this placement?
(What do you want to achieve, be specific)
How will you achieve these goals/ objectives?
What resources can you use to help you achieve these goals/objectives?
What nursing skills would you like to improve on?
What are your strengths?
Contact details in the event of an emergency;
Phone number:_________________________________________________________
Relationship to you:______________________________________________________
Placements: John Flynn Hospital Work Experience
Approved by: Policy & Document Control Committee
Date approved: March 2013
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Orientation Checklist for students on placements
Your clinical facilitator will discuss the issues below with you on your orientation day. It is important that
you understand these issues as they outline the workplace expectations that will influence your conduct
whilst you are here at John Flynn Hospital.
It is your responsibility to know about these issues. Please take the time to check through this
list and tick each box to ensure that you understand what is required during your placement.
We welcome you to our hospital and trust that you find this placement an educational and rewarding
Please Tick each box indicating you understand this issue and then sign the sheet on completion
returning it to your facilitator.
Student Expectations:
 Professional Behaviour
 Code of conduct /ethics
 Scope of practice
 Professional appearance
 Uniform standards
 Identification badges
 Communication Channels
 Confidentiality
 Punctuality
 Customer service
 Sick leave /absence reporting
 Personal belongings
Hospital Procedures:
 Vision , mission and nursing philosophy
 Fire and Safety procedure
 Medical Emergencies code procedures
 Documentation standards
Medication Administration
 Car parking
 Cafeteria
 Hospital directory
 Policy and procedure manual
 Manual handling procedures
 WPHS guidelines
 Infection control /waste procedures
 Incident/accident procedures
 Hospital clinical resource staff
Student Name:______________________________________________________Date:____________
Training organisation: _______________________________________________________________
Student ID: _________________________________________________________________________
Signature: _________________________________________________________________________
Facilitator Signature:_________________________________________________________________
Placements: John Flynn Hospital Work Experience
Approved by: Policy & Document Control Committee
Date approved: March 2013
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Ramsay Health Care Investments Pty
Level 9, 154 Pacific Highway
St Leonards NSW 2065 Australia
Telephone 61 2 9433 3460
Facsimile 61 2 9433 3460
Email [email protected]
Dear Student
Confidentiality obligations – Ramsay Health clinical placements
Your clinical placement will take place as a result of an agreement between your education/training
organisation and Ramsay Health Care Investments Pty Limited (Ramsay). Under that agreement, your
education/training organisation has agreed to comply with certain obligations of confidentiality which
extend to ensuring you also comply with these obligations of confidentiality. The purpose of this letter
is to ensure that you understand the expectations of Ramsay in relation to you and your conduct
regarding its confidential information during the period of your clinical placement and thereafter.
In consideration of Ramsay providing or making confidential information available or accessible to
you during the period of your clinical placement, you acknowledge and agree that:
1. Your obligations of confidentiality extend to all confidential information owned, held or
controlled by Ramsay. This may include patient’s medical notes and other health information
of patients, policies and procedures of Ramsay and other information relating to the business
of Ramsay. This confidential information may be provided to you or may simply be available
to you or accessible by you during the period of your clinical placement.
2. The information that will be provided to you or which is available or accessible by you
during the period of your clinical placement is secret, confidential and valuable to Ramsay.
3. Any unauthorised use or disclosure of any of this information may damage the business of
4. Ramsay is only prepared to disclose this information to you on the understanding that you
will keep it secret and confidential. You may use the information to fulfil your obligations in
relation to your clinical placement and you may disclose the information to staff or contractors
of your education/training organisation who have been nominated to assist you in relation to
your clinical placement but only if they first agree to keep it secret and confidential. You
must not use or disclose any of the information for any other purpose or to any other person or
entity, unless Ramsay has first agreed in writing. You must not make copies or reproduce the
information or remove the information from Ramsay’s premises, unless Ramsay has first
agreed in writing.
Placements: John Flynn Hospital Work Experience
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Date approved: March 2013
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5. These obligations continue until all of the information ceases to be confidential, other that
because of a breach of any obligation of confidence.
6. Ramsay has obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and you will be expected to also
comply with those obligations during the period of your clinical placement. Please ask for a
copy of the privacy policy and related documents of Ramsay if you are unclear about what
these obligations are or if you would like some assistance in understanding these obligations.
7. Ramsay Health Care has a strong policy on the use of social media. It is unacceptable for a
student to access electronic media whilst undertaking placement in a Ramsay workplace.
The content you choose to place on any social networking site, even when used in your own
time, may lead to disciplinary action and may lead to termination of placement. The decision
to take disciplinary action will depend upon a thorough investigation into each case including
but not limited to whether the site was used to:
• bully, harass, discriminate against or vilify work colleagues:
• publicises workplace disputes;
• post defamatory comments;
• disclose confidential information or intellectual property; or
• make unauthorised statements allegedly on behalf of Ramsay Health Care
All students are expected to comply with the Ramsay Health Care Social Media Policy.
Please indicate that you have read and accept these terms by signing and dating the attached
copy of this letter, in the spaced provided. You must then return the signed copy to your
clinical facilitator.
Yours sincerely
Jan Taplin
Graduate Coordinator
John Flynn Private Hospital
Acknowledgement by student
I have read and accept the terms of this letter.
Placements: John Flynn Hospital Work Experience
Approved by: Policy & Document Control Committee
Date approved: March 2013
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