YOU MUST HAVE THIS FORM FOR EXAM TO BE COMPLETED. For scheduling at all locations, please call (813) 661-1060 or Fax to (813) 655-3172. Total-Sun City Center Total-Parsons 3862 Sun City Center Blvd. 427 S. Parsons Ave., Ste. 100 Sun City Center, FL 33573 Brandon, FL 33511 Phone (813) 642-9299 Phone (813) 315-2080 PA R S O N S - S U N C I T Y Fax (813) 633-3565 Fax (813) 315-2090 NPI # 1710088919 NPI # 1871781088 Tax ID # 20-0973385 Tax ID # 75-3246956 Fax STAT Report to: (___)___________ This exam is medically necessary for this patient. CD See reverse side for important information. MRI w/o contrast w/ & w/o contrast Breast Brain Orbits TMJ Cervical Spine Thoracic Spine Lumbar Spine Neck Soft Tissue Shoulder R:___ L:___ Elbow R:___ L:___ Wrist R:___ L:___ Hip R:___ L:___ Knee R:___ L:___ Ankle R:___ L:___ Arthrogram-specify joint:______________ Other: specify Abdomen MRCP Liver-specify indication __________ Other-specify indication __________ Pelvis MRA ANGIOGRAPHY MRA / Head (Circle of Willis) MRA / Renal MRA / Carotid Aorta w/Extremity Runoff Abdominal-Aorta Thoracic-Aorta Other ___________________________ MAMMOGRAPHY (Total Imaging- Parsons & Sun City) Please bring previous films Screening Screening (Diag. and/or U/S if indicated) Bilateral Diag. ___U/S if indicated Unilateral Diag. ___U/S if indicated BREAST BIOPSY Biopsies performed at Total Parsons Biopsy to be determined by radiologist Ultrasound Guided MR Guided FLUOROSCOPY NUCLEAR MEDICINE (Total Imaging- Parsons ) Barium Enema / Air UGI UGI with Small Bowel Small Bowel Series Esophogram Voiding Cystogram IVP IVP w/Tomography CT w/o ____ w/&w/o ____ Brain w/o ____ w/&w/o ____ Orbits w/o ____ Sinus w/o ____ w/_____ Maxillofacial Mastoids/Temporal w/o ____ w/&w/o ____ bones w/______ Neck w/o ____ w/______ Chest / Thorax w/o ____ w/&w/o ____ Abdomen w/o ____ w/ _____ Pelvis Renal Stone Protocol (Abd. & Pelvis w/o contrast) w/&w/o ____ CT Urogram - (Abd & Pelvis) w/o ____ Cervical Spine w/MPR w/o ____ Thoracic Spine w/MPR w/o ____ Lumbar Spine w/MPR w/o ____ Upper Extremity w/MPR Specify__________________ Lower Extremity w/MPR w/o ____ Specify_________________ CTA ANGIOGRAPHY All CTA’s performed with IV Contrast CTA Brain- (COW) CTA Neck - (Carotids) CTA Chest - Pulmonary Emboli Protocol CTA Chest - Thoracic Aorta CTA Aorta - w/Runoff CTA - Abdomen CTA - Pelvis Extremities Upper Lower Specify PET / CT IMAGING* Indication:_________________________ Initial Treatment Subsequent Treatment PET - Brain PET/CT - Skull Base to Mid-Thigh PET/CT - Melanoma (Whole Body) PET/CT - Bone Imaging (NaF) PET/CT - w/Dual Time Delayed PET/CT - w/Super Dimension Bone Scan-Whole Body Bone - Limited_____________ Bone - 3 Phase ____________ Hida Scan - w/ Ejection Fraction Gastric Empty Study Parathyroid Scan Liver Spleen Scan Thyroid Scan with Uptake Thyroid Scan w/ 6+ 24 Hr Uptakes MUGA Scan Renal Scan (Baseline) Renal Scan (Lasix) Renal Scan (Vasotec) DMSA Renal White Blood Cell Scan Other:_ _________________ ULTRASOUND Abdominal Total Appendix RUQ (includes gallbladder, pancreas, liver & right kidney) Renal Aorta Transabdominal & Transvaginal Pelvis Pelvis Transabdominal Only Pelvis Transvaginal Only Obstetrical Hysterosonogram Carotid (Duplex scan) Thyroid Scrotal with Color Doppler Breast Sono R:___L:___ Venous Duplex R: ____ L:____ Bilateral____ Upper Ext._____ Lower Ext._____ Arterial Duplex w/Physiologic Testing R: ____ L:____ Bilateral____ Upper Ext._____ Lower Ext._____ Echo w/Color Flow/Doppler Renal Dopplar Physician’s Notes / Other Procedures SPECIAL PROCEDURES Myelogram w/CT C-Spine T-Spine L-Spine Hysterosalpingogram Arthrogram: Joint ______________ Arthrogram w/MRI Arthrogram w/CT EKG Bone Densitometry (DEXA) Cardiac Scoring (Heart Scan) GENERAL RADIOLOGY CXR KUB Abdomen Complete Ribs R:___ Bone Age Skull Sinus / Waters 1 view Sinus Series Neck Soft Tissue TMJ Bilateral C-Spine T-Spine L-Spine Clavicle R:___ Shoulder R:___ Humerus R:___ Elbow R:___ Forearm R:___ Wrist R:___ Hand R:___ Finger R:___ Pelvis Hips R:___ Femur R:___ Knee R:___ Tib/Fib R:___ Ankle R:___ Foot R:___ Toe R:___ Other___________ R:___ L:___ L:___ L:___ L:___ L:___ L:___ L:___ L:___ L:___ L:___ L:___ L:___ L:___ L:___ L:___ L:___ L:___ * Detailed Clinical History Required: Patient’s Name Clinical History/DX Appointment Date Physician’s Name Appointment Time Physician’s Signature Date TIP05002 Rev. 03/2014 Important Insurance Information If your insurance company requires a referral or authorization number for diagnostic testing, YOU MUST have the referral or authorization number with you at the time of your exam. If you arrive for your exam without this information, we will attempt to get the referral/authorization number from your physician’s office or insurance company, but pleaseImportant realize THATInsurance YOUR EXAMInformation MAY HAVE TO BE RESCHEDULED. Thank you for your cooperation. If your insurance company requires a referral or authorization number for diagnostic testing, YOU MUST have the referral or authorization number with you at the time of your exam. If you arrive for your exam without this information, we will attempt to get the referral/authorization number from your physician’s Si su compania de seguro requiere que tenga un referido o numero de autorizacion para un examen de diagnostico, USTED TIENE que tener el referido o el office or insurance company, but please realize THAT YOUR EXAM MAY HAVE TO BE RESCHEDULED. Thank you for your cooperation. numero de autorizacion al momento de hacerse el examen. Si usted llega a su examen sin esta informacion, haremos el intent de obtener el referido o su compania dede seguro requiere de que su tenga un referido numero de Siautorizacion la oficina medico o. o numero de autorizacion para un examen de diagnostico, USTED TIENE que tener el referido o el numero de autorizacion al momento de hacerse el examen. Si usted llega a su examen sin esta informacion, haremos el intent de obtener el referido o numero de autorizacion de la oficina de su medico o. Directions Total Imaging Parsons Directions Total Imaging Sun City 3862 Sun City Center Boulevard 427 S. Parsons1 Tower Avenue,Diagnostic Suite 100 Center of Brandon 2 Total Imaging Parsons 3 Total Imaging Sun City From Brandon613 Blvd. takeDrive, Parsons Avenue South. 1½Sun miles, go left at second light. Oakfield Brandon 427 S. Parsons Avenue, SuiteOff 100of I-75 head east3862 City Center Boulevard From Brandon Blvd., take Kings Avenue South. From Brandon Blvd. take Parsons Avenue South. Off of I-75 head east 1½ miles, go left at Building After crossing over Oakfield Drive, make a left into Brandon Medical Plaza. The office is located behind the BB&T Bank After crossing over Oakfield Drive, make a left into At the second street (Oakfield), turn left. second light. The office is located behind the We are locatedWeinareSuite 100 building on your right. Brandon Medical Plaza. We are located in Suite 100. 1 the second BB&T Bank Building. Rd 64 0 3 Lit Tot ottal Ima Imagin magin ing g Sun un nC Ciity y Cen Center te ter hia Pi n ecr est Rd . Sun SSu un City Cityy Center Ci Cen ente terr Blvd. te Blvdd.. Bl O ak 1 Tow ow wer er D Dia ia ag gnosti gno sticc st sti Cen en nter te Coort rtar aroo ar Cortaro Co ner Dr. E. Roberston Rober ober berston ber erston ton St. S t. t. Dr. ol Noland Nola N olaandd D r.. Co r S. PParso Parsons arsons arso ns Ave A Ave. ve.. ve Ave. Moon ve. ve S. M oon oo on A e. Ave. S. KKings ings g A ve. W. Roberston Roob Robe oberston obe rsto sto toon St. S tt.. 60 0 E. Brand Brandon rand and andon ndonn Bl B Blvd. l vvdd. Cyypress Village Cypress 60 0 W. Brandon Bra randon ndo don Blvd. Blvd. Bl l vd. vdd. 11-75 -75 75 60 0 e ld Dr. Brando Brandon B Br rando and nd n ndo don Regi Re R Reg egi giion g on ona nal Regional Hosp Ho H osp o osssp pita itttal ital ta all a Hospital State Stat ate Hw ate at Hw y 67 Hwy 6744 Total Tot To al Ima Imagin Im ging gin g 2 Parrson sonss Contrast Criteria Contrast Criteria Bun/Creatinine levels will be requested if test is ordered with contrast and patient falls under one of the following criteria: levels will be requested if test is ordered with contrast and patient falls under one of the following criteria: Bun/Creatinine MRI (labs must be performed within 3 months of procedure) CT/IVP/Venogram (labs must be performed within 6 months of procedure) MRI (labs must be performed within 3 months of procedure) CT/IVP/Venogram (labs• must be performed within 6 months of procedure) • Kidney disease • Diabetic • 65 Years of age or older Nephrectomy • Kidney disease • Diabetic• Hypertension • Liver transplant • 65• Kidney Yearsdisease of age or older • Insulin• Nephrectomy dependent diabetic *If patient is 86 years of age and fall into one or more of the above criteria, we • Hypertension • Liver transplant • Insulin dependent diabetic • Kidney disease will request a 24 hour urine creatinine clearance test performed within 6 weeks of *If patient is 86 years of age and fall into one or more of the above criteria, procedure. If patient is on dialysis, please contact our office for specific requirements. we will request a 24 hour urine creatinine clearance test performed within Exam Preparation 6 weeks of procedure. If patient is on dialysis, please contact our office for Please arrive 20 to 30 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment to allow time to fill out the necessary forms. It is important that you bring any previous films relating specific requirements. to your exam (if outside Tower/Total Diagnostic Centers) so that our doctors can properly evaluate your results. For your convenience, we have Spanish speaking employees. and your test.Preparation Please contact the facility if you have any questions regarding medicationsExam Myelograms, Hysterosalpingograms: Please call the center for special Barium Enema (BE), IVP Exams: Use the prep kit the day before the exam 20Scans, to 30 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment to allow time to fill out the necessary forms. It is important that you bring any previous Please arriveCAT instructions. following the directions carefully. These tests require special instructions. The prep films relating your examHysterosalpingograms: (if outside Tower/Total Diagnostic Centers) so that our doctors properly evaluate your Centers. results. For your convenience, we have CAT,toMyelograms, kits are available from can your doctor, or Tower/Total Diagnostic (Por favor llame al consultario para instrucciones especiales.) Barium Enema (BE), IVP Exams: (Use el prep kit el día antes del Spanish speaking employees. Please contact the facility if you have any questions regarding medications and your test. examen siguiendo cuidadosamente las instrucciones. Estos examenes requieren Ultrasound: Drink 1 quart of liquid 1 hour before exam and docall NOT use especiales. El prep(BE), kit esta IVP disponible por medio su medico por the day before the exam CAT Scans,Pelvic Myelograms, Hysterosalpingograms: Please thethecenterinstrucciones Barium Enema Exams: Usedethe prepo kit los consultorios de Tower/Total Diagnostic Centers.) bathroom. Your bladder must remain full for the exam. for special instructions. following the directions carefully. These tests require special instructions. Ultrasonido de la Vesicula: (Beba 1 quarto de liquido una hora antes del examen CAT, Myelograms, Hysterosalpingograms: prepSeries, kits Gallbladder, are available from your Ultrasound doctor, orExams: Tower/Total Diagnostic y NO use el bano. Debe mantener la vesicula llena para el examen.) UpperThe GI (UGI) Liver, Pancreas Do NOT eat or drink anything from midnight the night before your exam until the (Por favor llame al consultario para instrucciones especiales.) Centers. exam is complete. Mammograms: Do NOT use deodorant, powders, or perfume on day of exam. Pelvic Ultrasound: Drink 1 quart of liquid 1 hour before exam and do NOT Enema (BE), IVP el prep kit el día antes del UpperBarium GI (UGI) Series, Gallbladder, Liver,Exams: Pancreas(Use Ultrasound Please bring prior films if outside Total Imaging Centers for comparison evaluation. Mamografía: (No use desodorante, polvo, o perfume el día del examen. Exams: (No coma o beba nada desde las 12 pm hasta que el examen este use the bathroom. Your bladder must remain full for the exam. examen siguiendo cuidadosamente las instrucciones. Estos examenes Por favor traiga sus placas para comparar. completo.) Ultrasonido de la Vesicula: (Beba 1 quarto de liquido una hora antes del requieren instrucciones especiales. El prep kit esta disponible por medio de examen y NO use el bano. Debe mantener la vesicula llena para el examen.) su medico o por los consultorios de Tower/Total Diagnostic Centers.) Mammograms: Do NOT use deodorant, powders, or perfume on day of exam. Please bring prior films if outside Total Imaging Centers for comparison evaluation. Mamografía: (No use desodorante, polvo, o perfume el día del examen. Por favor traiga sus placas para comparar. Upper GI (UGI) Series, Gallbladder, Liver, Pancreas Ultrasound Exams: Do NOT eat or drink anything from midnight the night before your exam until the exam is complete. Upper GI (UGI) Series, Gallbladder, Liver, Pancreas Ultrasound Exams: (No coma o beba nada desde las 12 pm hasta que el examen este completo.)
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