Kobe University Repository : Kernel Title Some Species of Cladosporium from Japan Author(s) Yamamoto, Wataro Citation 兵庫農科大学研究報告. 農業生物学編, 4(1): 1-6 Issue date 1959 Resource Type Departmental Bulletin Paper / 紀要論文 Resource Version publisher URL http://www.lib.kobe-u.ac.jp/handle_kernel/81006107 Create Date: 2015-02-05 SOME SPECIES OF CLADOSPORIUM FROM JAPAN Wataro YAMAMOTO Although a number of species belonging to the genus Cladosporium have been recorded from Japan, their descriptions are generally too short and too vague' for their identification: and the figures often do not show the essential details of their structure. In order to confirm Jap:mese species of the genus, the author collected m3.ny Cladosporium fungi at various localities in' the provinces of Tamba, Settsu and Kawachi. These fungi were isohted by a single spore isolation method, and cultured on the culture media such as CZ3.pek's solution agar, malt exstract agar and onion decoction agar. From the results of studies m3.de on the morphological and cultural characteristics, they could be classified into six species-Cladosporium herbarum LINK ex FRIES, Cladosporium sphaerospermum PENZIG, Cladosporium cladosporioides (FRES.) de VRIES and three new species. The present paper deals with the diagD.osis of these species. The m3.ny type cultures Cladosporium spp. were kindly supplied by Dr. K. MINOURA (Oslka University) and Dr. T. HASEGAWA (Institute for Fermentation, OS3.ka). The author wishes to express his sincere gratitude to them. The type cultures of six species mentioned above are kept in the Institute for Fermentation. Osaka, the Deplrtment of, Fermentation Technology, Osaka University and the Laboratory of Phnt Pathology and Mycology, Hyogo University of Agriculture. JONES, Plant Path. 387. 1949. Cladosporium epiphyllum PERSOON ex FRIES, in Syst. Mycoi. 3: 360. 1886; de VRIES, Cantr. Knowi. Gen. Cladosporium. 71. 1952. Cladosporium epiphyllum (PER SOON) MARTIN, in SACCARDO, Syll. Fung. 4: 360. 1886; IKATA, Path. & Therap. Stud. Import. Paras. Dis. Jap. Persimmon. 26. 1942; HARA, List Jap. Fung. 69. 1954; GILMAN, Man. Soil Fung. 334. 1957. Cladosporium epiphyllum (PERSOON), LINDAU, in RABENHORST, Krypt.-Fi. 8:804.1907 & Mikrosk. Pilz. 218. 1922. Cladosporium graminum PERSOON ex CORDA, in de VRIES, Contr. Knowi. Gen. Cladosporium. 71. 1952. Cladosporium graminum CORDA, in Icon. Fung. Huc. Congn. 1: 14. 1837; SACCARDO, Syll, Fung 4: 365.1886; LINDAu,in RABENHORST, Krypt.-Fi. 8: 815. 1907 & Mikrosk.Pilz. 219. 1922; HARA, List Jap. Fung. 69. 1954. Colonies on CZ3.pek, malt and onion agar media growing rather slowly, velvety, sometimes lanose, plane, p:Jwdery, olive green to greenish gray and reverse of colony greenish black. Mycelium loosely branched, irregularly septate, not constricted at the septa, thin-walled, hyaline to sUbhyaIine, 2.5-4 ~ wide, later becoming stout. densely septate, pale brown to brown. more or less constricted at the septa, somewhat thick-walled, 5-11 ~ wide. Conidiophores arising laterally or terminally from" the hyphae. simple. straight or somewhat sinuous, more or less inflated at the apex, hter several times proliferate, with 2-8 or more nodules, sometimes geniculate at the upper p3.rt, 6-26-septate, not constricted at, the septa, olivaceous brown, smoothwalled, 180-614 X 3-4.5 ~ and nodules 5-7 ~ wide. Conidia acropleurogenous on the apex and nodules of conidiophores, catenulate. Conidial chains 2-4 times branched and branches rebranched. Basal conidia of chains subcylindrical or elliptic-oblong, attenuate-truncate at the.b3.se, sometimes more or less enlarged near the apex, sometimes slightly proliferate, rarely geniculate near the apex. with two to several hila near the apex. pale brown to ,olivaceous brown, continuous or I-septate, distinctly verrucose, 10-23 X 3.5-6~. General conidia ellipsoid, obovoid, elliptic-oblong, sometimes with 1-3 hila near the apex, continuous or I-septate. distinctly verrucose, 3.5-10x3-5 ~. (Figs. 1-4). 1. Cladosporium' herbarum LINK ex FRIES in Syst. Mycoi. 3: 370.1832; AINTHWORTH & BISBY, Dkt. Fung. 68.1950: BESSEY, Morph. & Taxon. Fung. 595. 1950; de VRIES, Contr: Knowi. Gen. Cladosporium. 71. 1952. , • Cladosporium herbarum (PER SOON) LINK, in SACCAROO, Syll. Fung. 4: 350. 1886; IIJETA, Jap. Phytopath. 735. 1911; IKATA, Path. & Therap. Stud. Imp:Jrt. Paras. Dis. Jap. Persimon. 28.1942; CLEMENTS & SHEAR, Gen. Fung. 395. 1954; GILMAN, Man. Soil Fung. 334. 1957. Cladosporium herbarum LINK; in Mag. Ges. Naturf. Fr. Berlin, 3: 37.1801; VOGLINO, Path. Veget. 254. 1923; FERRARIS, Tratt. Path. Therap.Veget. 2: 1053. 1927; HARA, List Ja'p. Fung. 69. 1954. Cladosporium herbarum (PERSOON\ LINDAU, in RABENHORST, Krypt.-Fl. 8: 800.1907 & Mikrosk. Pilz. 218. 1922. . Cladosporium herbarum (LINK) FRIES, 'BUTLER & 1 Sci. Rep. Hyogo Univ. Agric. Figs. 1-4. Cladosporium herbarum LINK ex Vol. 4. No.1 Figs. 5-8. Cladosporium sphaerospermum FRIES 1. Conidiophores. X 530. 2. Conidia. x 1200. 3. Basal conidia of conidial chains, x 1200. 4. Mycelial hyphae. >: 1200. PENZIG 5. Conidiophores. X 530. 6. Conidia. X 1200. 7. Basal conidia of conidial chains. x 1200. 8. Chlamydospores produced in mycelial hyphae. x 1200. 2 XII, 1959 Series: Agricultural Biology Hab. On bamboo slats of Phyllostachys reticulata KOCH. Provo Kawachi, Kawachi-nagano-shi (Nov. 5, 1958, W. YAMAMOTO). On leaves of Oryza sativa L. Provo Tamba, Tannan-cho, Komakura (Nov. 7, 1958, W. YAMAMOTO). On flowers of Dahlia variaiblis DEsF. Provo Tamba, Tannan-cho, Komakura (Nov. 7, 1958, W. YAMAMOTO). On dried fruits of Diospyros kaki L. Provo Tamba, Sasayama-cho (Dec. 9, 1958, W. YAMAMOTO). On leaves of Phaseolus chrysanthos SAVIo Provo Tamba, Sasayama-cho (Nov. 6, 1958, W. YAMAMOTO). 3. Cladosporium cladosporioieds (FREsENIUs) de VRIES in Contr. KnowI. Gen. Cladosporium. 57. 1942; PADY & KAPICA, MycoI. 47: 39.1955. Penicillium cladosporioides FREsENIUs, in SACCARDO, Syll. Fung. 4: 310. 1886. Hormodendrum cladosporioides (FREsENIUs) SACCARDO, in Syll. Fung. 4: 310. 1886. Colonies on Czapek, malt and onion agar media growing rather slowly, more or less velvety, powdery, slightly raised in the central area, more or less radially furrowed, grayish olive, becoming olive gray in age, and reverse of colony greenish black. Mycelium loosely branched, irregularly septate, not or slightly constricted at the septa, thin or slightly thick-walled, subhyaline to pale brown or olivaceous brown, smooth or slightly rough, 2.3-4.5 I' wide, later becoming stout, dematioid, thick-walled, strongly constricted at the septa, dark brown, rough-walled, 5-10 I' wide. Conidiophores arising laterally or terminally from the hyphae, simple, rarely slightly barnched, straight, sometimes slightly sinuous, rarely more or less geniculate near the apex, often with 1-4 short, lateral outgrowths just beneath the septa at the. upper part, neither nodose or proliferate, 5-25-septate, not or slightly constricted at the septa, olive gray, paler toward the apex, smooth or finely verrucose, 110-510 x 2.53.5 1'. Conidia' acropleurogenous, catenulate on the conidiophores and lateral outgrowths. Conidial chains 2-6 times branched and branches rebranched. Basal conidia sub cylindrical or obc1avatecylindrical, not or somewhat attenuate toward both ends, rarely more or less constricted at the middle part, attenuate-truncate at the base, more or less enlarged and with 2-4 hila at the 'apex, continuous or I-septate, pale gray to olive gray, smooth-walled, 12-35 X 3.5-5 1'. General conidia ellipsoid, limoniform, ovoid or oblong, some times with 1-4 hila near the apex, continuous, smooth or very finely verrucose, subhyaline to pale olive, 3-10 X 2.2-4 #. (Figs. 9-12). Hab. On bamboo slats of Phyllostachys reticulata KOCH. Provo Tamba, Kasuga-cho (Feb. 4, 1958, N. OYASU); Sasayama-cho (Jan. 21, 1958, W. YAMAMOTO). On boards of Pinus densiflora SIEB et Zucco Provo Tamba, Sasayama-cho (Dec. 2, 1958, W. YAMAMOTO). On dried fruits of Diospyros kaki L. Provo Tamba, Sasayama-cho (Dec. 9, 1958, W. YAMAMOTO) 2. Cladosporium sphaerospermum PENzig in SACCARDO, Syll. Fung. 4: 355. 1886; LINDAAU, inRABeNHoRsT, Krypt.-FI. 8: 826. 1907 & Mikrosk. Pilz. 218. 1922; de Vries, Contr. KnowI. Gen. Cladosporium. 81. 1952; HARA, List lap. Fung. 70. 1954. Colonies on Czapek, malt and onion agar media grpwing rather slowly, velvety or lanose. later powdery, slightly raised in the central area, somewhat furrowed, grayish olive to dark olive gray, becoming dark olive brown to dark brown in age. Reverse of c10ny greenish black. Mycelium loosely branched. irregularly septate, not or slightly constricted at the septa, thin-walled, subhyaline to pale brown, 2.2-5.5 I' wide. Chlamydospores intercalary in the immersed hyphae, solitary, sometimes two aggregate, rectangular or oblong, not or slightly inflated" continuous, pale brown to brown, smooth, more or le;;s thick-walled. with thicker and darker ends, 5-15 X 2.5-6 1'. Conidiophores simple or branched, sometimes rebranched, more or less genculateil a the upper part, many septate, neither nodose or proliferate, often with 1-5 short, lateral outglowths just beneath the septa at the upper part, b~aring chains of conidia, olivaceous brown to dark brown. finely verrucose 160-495x2.3-3.5 1'; branches 10-137 I' long. Conidia acropleurogenous on conidiophores and lateral outgrowths, catenulate. Conidial chains 3-6 times branched; branches rebranched. Basal conidia of chains long ellipsoid or subcylindrical, attenuate toward both ends, truncate at the base, slightly enlarged and with 1-4 hila at the apex. continuous or I-septate, olivaceous brown to dark brown, finely verrucose, 8-23x3-51'. General conidia globose, subglobose or ellipsoid, apiculate at the apex or both ends, continuous or I-septate, pale brow to dark brown, finely verrucose, 3-6x33.5 1'. (Figs. 5-8). Hab. On bamboo slats of Phyllostachys reticulata KOCH. Provo Tamba, Sasayama-cho (Jan. 31, 1958, W. YAMAMOTO). On boards of Pinus densiflora SIEB et Zucco Provo Tamba, Sasayama-cho (Dec. 2, 1958, W. YAMAMOTO). 4. Cladosporium multigeniculatum YAMAMOTO sp. nov. Coloniis in agaro Czapeki rapide crescentibus; 3 Vol. 4, No.1 Sci. Rep. Hyogo Univ. Agric. Cladosporium cladosporioides (FRES. de VRIES 9. Conidiophores. / 530. ]0. Conidia. x 1200. 11. Basal conidia of conidial chains, ',' 1200. 12. Mycelial hyphae, x ] 200. Figs. 9-12. Cladosporium mulligl'niculafum sp. nov. 13. Conidiophores. ;. 530. ]1 , Conidia. :. 1200. ] 5. Basal conidia of conidial chai ns. " ]200. 16. Conidial struct ure, / 530. Figs. 13-16. I YAMAMOTO 1 XII. 1959 Series: Agricultural Biology caespitulis velutinis, pulveulentibus, planis, interdum leniter suIcatis, olivaceis vel olivaceo-griseis, postea fusco-olivacentibus, reversum viridi-atrum; mycelio compacto intertexto. ex hyphis laxe ramosis, irregulariter septatis, ad septa non vel parum constrict is, levibus vel scabriusculis, e subhyalino pallide brunneis. 2.2-5.5 fb crass is composito; conidiophoris in hyphis terminalibus vel lateralibus, simpli:ibus, raro ramosis, rectis vel plus minus sinuosis, saepe dense irregulariterque multigeniculatis, interdum 1-5 nodulosis, 6-27 vel pluriseptatis, ad septa non vel parum constrict is, fuscis, sursum pallescentibus, I~~ibus, 160-880 x4-5 fb, ramis 48 -88 fb long is, raro usque 180 p, longis; conidiis acropleurogenis, catenulatis, in' catenulas dense ramosas disPositis; ~onidiis basis obelavatis vel obela vato-cylindraceis, deorsum attenuato-truncatis. apice plus minusve inflatis, saepe breviter; Illuraliterque proliferatis et irregulariter geniculatis, apice cum pluraIiter hilis, continuis vel 1:""'-2-septatis, pallide olivaceis, levibus, 13-34 x 3-5 fb; , conidiis supernis ellipsoideis vel, 'ovoideis, raro subglobosis vel oblong is. r~ro subglobosis vel oblong is. interdum apice cum 1-5 hilis, continuis vel1:septatis. levibus vel minutissime verruculosis, e subhyalino pallide olivaceis, 4-12X2.5-4.5 p. (Figs. 13-16). Hab. On bamboo slats of Ph,yllostachys reticulata KOCH. Provo Settsu. Nisinomiya-shi. Yamaguchi-cho (Jan. 19. 1958, M. MAEDA). Prov. Kawachi. Kawachi-nagno-shi (May 10, 1958, W. YAMAMOTO). Remarks. The present species somewhat resembles Cladosporium herbarum LINK ex FRIES. but it is distinguished from the latter by the shapes of conidiophores and basal conidia which are muItigeniculate. 5. acropleurogenis. catenulatis, in catenulas dense ramosas dispotis; conidiis basis subcylindraceis vel obelavato-cylindraceis, deorsum attenuato-truncatis, apice plus minusve inflatis et cum bi vel plurihilis, raro breviter proliferatis, continuis veI1-2-septatis. paIlide olivaceo-griseolis. levibus, 10-22x3.5-4 fl; conidiis supernis ellipsoideis. ellipeoideo-oblongis vel oblong is, interdum apice cum 1-3 hilis. continuis vel l-septatis, e hyalino pallide olivaceis, 3.4-lOx 2.3-4 p. (Figs. 17-20). Hab. On fruits of Ficus Carica L. Prov. Tamba. Sasayama-cho (Nov.' 6, 1958, W. YAMAMOTO). On leaves of Oryza sativa L. Provo Tamba, Tannan-cho. Komakura (Nov. 7, 1958, W. YAMAMOTO). Remarks. The present species somewhat resembles Cladosporium cladosporioides (FRES.) de VRIES. but it is distinguished from the latter by the coralloid hyphae and by the shape of conidiophores which have nodules with prominent hila on them. 6. Cladosporium funiculosum YAMAMOTO sp. nov. Coloniis in agaro Czapeki rapide crescentibus; caespitulis f1occosis, plus minueve pulverulentibus. olivaceis vel griseo-olivaceis, postea griseo-brunneis. reversum obscure purpureum vel atro-purpureum; mycelio compacto intertexto, ex hyphis laxe vel dense ramosis, irregulariter septatis. ad sept:l non constrict is, e hyalino pallide olivaceis, scabris, plus minusve mucihginis, interdum aggregat is, postea griseo-olivascentibus. 2.2-5.5 fl crass is composito; conidiophoris SOlitlriis vel fasciculatis, saepe funiculosis, simplicibus vel breviter ramosis. rectis vel parum sinuosis, raro sursum geniculatis, saepe ad septa 1-4 denticulatis, 7-50 vel pluriseptatis, ad septa non constrict is. scabris griseoolivaceis, 170-1270 x 2.5-4 fl; conidiis acropleurogenis, catenulatis, in catenulas dense ramosas dispositis; conidiis basis subcylindraceis, deorsum attenuato-truncatis. apice non vel plus minus inflatis et cum 2-4 indistincte hilis, continuis vel 1-2septltis, minutissime verruculosis, griseo-olivaceis, 10-20x3-4.5 p,; conidiis supernis, ellipsoideis vel ellipsoideo-oblongis, utrimque obtusis, interdum apice cum 1-3 hHis. minutissime verruculosis, e hyalino pallide olivaceis, continuis vel l-septatis, 4.5-10x2-4 p. (Figs. 21-24). Hab. On leaves of Phaseolus chrysanthos SA VI. Provo Tamba, Tannan-cho. Komakura (Oct. 29, 1958. W. YAMAMOTO). Remarks. The shape of funiculose conidiophores is the chief distinguishing characteristic of the present species. (Laboratory of Plant Pathology and Mycology, Received Aug. 1, 1959). Cladosporium coralloides YAMAMOTO sp. nov. Coloniis in agaro Czapeki rapide crescentibus; , ,caespitulis lanosis vel f1occosis, radiatim plus minusve suIcatis, griseo-olivaceis ,vel grise is, reversum viridi-atrum; mycelio compacto intertexto, exhyphis laxe ramosis. irregulariter septatis, ad septa non vel leniter constrict is. initio hyalinis. deinde pallide griseo-olivaceis. 2.5-5 fl crassis composito. postea saepe hyphis dichotome vel irregulariter denseque ramosis., coralloideis, fasciculatis. plus minusve tortuosis. dense septatis. interdum valde constrict is, e subhyalino griseo-brunneis. 4-6.5 fl crasis, raro hyphis immersis spiraliter uncinatis; conidiophoris in hyphis l~teralibus vel terminalibts. simpiiCibus, raro ramosis, rectis vel subflexuosis, ad apicem plus minusve inflatis, deinde proliferatis, geniculatis, plus minusve, nodulosis et cum bi vel pluri hi lis, interd~m ad septa denticulatis, 5-30-septatis, ad septa non constrict is, 120-580x3-5 fb; conidiis 5 Sci. Rep. Hyogo Univ. Agric. Cladosporium coralloides YAMAMOTO sp. nov. Conidiophores, x 530. Conidia, x 1200. Basal conidia of conidial chains, x 1200. CoralIoid and spiral hyphae. x 1200. Figs. 17-20. 17. 18. 19. 20. Vol. 1, No. 1 Figs. 21-24. Cladosporium funiculosum YAMAMOTO sp. nov. 21. Singular and funicular conidiophores, X 530. 22. Conidia, x 1200. 23. Basal conidial of conidial chains, x 1200. 24. Conidial structure, x 530. 6
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