For JET Participant Use 2015 JET Programme Reappointment Procedures (ALTs/CIRs from English-speaking Countries / SEAs and ALTs/CIRs from countries with a small number of participants) The purpose of the outlined procedures is to confirm the intent of both the contracting organisation and the JET participant regarding reappointment for the 2015-2016 JET Programme year. Please note that reappointment deadlines are different for English-speaking countries / SEAs and countries with a small number of participants. 1 Reappointment Outline 1.1 JET Programme appointments are for a one-year period. If both you and your contracting organisation are in agreement, your contracting organisation may reappoint you for an additional one-year period (the first reappointment for April Arrivals is approximately four months). The maximum number of reappointments permissible is two (altogether, three years on the Programme; for April Arrivals, the maximum number of reappointments is three, altogether three years and four months on the Programme). Additionally, if after careful consideration the contracting organisation deems your work performance, level of experience and ability to be of an exceptionally high standard, it may choose to reappoint you an additional two times (altogether, five years on the Programme; five years and four months for April Arrivals). 1.2 In principle, if reappointed, you will remain in the same contracting organisation in the same job-type. 1.3 There are some contracting organisations that may be unable to reappoint their JET participants due to policy changes or budgetary reasons. For this reason, please discuss reappointment with your contracting organisation supervisor as early as possible, regardless of the documentation submission deadlines. If necessary, please also consult with your host prefecture/designated city office. 1.4 Reappointment of SEAs from China requires discussion with the Chinese government. Therefore, even if both the participant and the contracting organisation agree on reappointment, there may be cases where reappointment cannot occur. 2 Reappointment Procedures You may not withdraw your intent to accept or not accept reappointment. If you do, your contracting organisation may be left without a JET participant for the next year, hindering organisational management. Therefore, if you are considering pursuing further education or seeking other employment, please do not 1 For JET Participant Use casually accept an offer to be reappointed, and give careful thought before making a final decision. 2.1 If you are given the Contracting Organisation Intent to Reappoint and JET Participant Intent Confirmation Form (Form A-1), please carefully review the terms, conditions and other provisions of your next appointment, and indicate whether or not you choose to accept reappointment by signing the appropriate section and returning it to your contracting organisation by Friday, 15 January, 2015 for English-speaking countries and by Friday, 5 December, 2014 for SEAs and countries with a small number of participants. 2.2 If you are given the Confirmation Regarding Reappointment Form (Form A-2), you unfortunately will not be reappointed. Please review the reasons for not being offered reappointment by your contracting organisation, and sign and date the form by Friday, 15 January, 2015 for English-speaking countries and by Friday, 5 December, 2014 for SEAs and countries with a small number of participants. If you have any questions regarding the reasons indicated on the form, please consult directly with your contracting organisation supervisor. 3 Job-Type Changes and Transfers (Exceptional Cases) Job-type changes are only possible when the contracting organisation recognises a need for such a change. Therefore, only if a contracting organisation within your host prefecture/designated city puts out a call for a job-type change can you request to be considered. As SEAs are invited as specialist sports assistants, they are unable to request a job-type change. Transferring to a different contracting organisation is considered only in exceptional cases. If your current contracting organisation or you find it is necessary to request a transfer to a different contracting organisation, please consult with your contracting organisation supervisor as soon as possible. There may be cases in which your contracting organisation cannot reappoint you due to reasons attributable to policy changes or budget. In these cases, your contracting organisation may recommend you for a transfer to another contracting organisation if you agree and there are no problems with your work performance. First, a transfer will be attempted for within your current host prefecture. If that is not possible, a transfer will be attempted to a different host prefecture/designated city. In this case, you may indicate up to three host prefectures/designated cities or regional blocks as preferences. Preferences are not guaranteed. If you wish to request a transfer to a different contracting organisation within your host prefecture/designated city or to a different host prefecture/designated city, you must submit the Transfer Request Form (Form A-3) to your contracting organisation by Friday, 17 October, 2014 for all JET participants. Please note the following conditions and acceptable reasons for requesting a transfer: 2 For JET Participant Use 3.1 Transfers to a different contracting organisation within your current host prefecture If it is necessary for you to request a transfer to a different contracting organisation within your current host prefecture, please make your request to your contracting organisation as soon as possible. Additionally, please submit the Transfer Request Form (Form A-3) to your contracting organisation by Friday, 17 October, 2014 for all JET participants. Note: As the decision to grant a transfer depends on conditions set by the host prefecture and the discretion of the contracting organisation that you are requesting to be transferred to, there is no guarantee your transfer will be granted. 3.2 Transfers to a contracting organisation in a different host prefecture/designated city If it is necessary for you to request a transfer to a contracting organisation in a different host prefecture/designated city, please make your request to your current contracting organisation as soon as possible. Additionally, please submit the Transfer Request Form (Form A-3), your reasons for requesting a transfer and all necessary documentation to support your request by Friday, 17 October, 2014 for all JET participants. Note: In order to be granted a transfer to a different host prefecture/designated city, you must meet the criteria listed below and your current contracting organisation must be willing to make a recommendation to another contracting organisation regarding your attitude towards work. Only if you meet the requirements for a transfer will CLAIR confer with the requested host prefecture/designated city and the prefectures/designated cities located nearby your preferences. Transfers will only be possible if the requested contracting organisation agrees to accept you, but there is no guarantee that your transfer will be granted. Even after completion of all the necessary procedures, if previously undisclosed facts arise before the next appointment commences that render you unsuitable or the criteria listed below are not met, the transfer may be revoked. In general, transfers are seldom granted to JET participants going into their fifth year. 3.2.1 Criteria for Requesting a Transfer to a Contracting Organisation in a Different Host Prefecture/Designated City Please submit all necessary documentation to support your request. A. Marriage When it is necessary for you to be transferred to a different host prefecture/designated city due to marriage (you must first confirm whether your spouse can move to where you currently live or not). Example 1: Because of your placement, you are unable to live with your spouse. Example 2: Because of your spouse’s employment (excluding part-time or temporary work), you would be unable to live with your spouse. Example 3: You intend to marry soon (before or during your next appointment) and would be unable to live with your spouse because of your current placement. Supporting Documents to Submit: Marriage certificate OR Statement from JET participant and fiancée/spouse indicating intended date of marriage Notice of transfer, employment verification, etc. of fiancée/spouse 3 For JET Participant Use Other documents to support your request B. Nursing Care When it is necessary for you to be transferred to a different host prefecture/designated city so that you may provide care for a parent or child. Example 1: You must provide nursing care for your parent and the parent is unable to move to where you currently live. Example 2: You must provide care for your sick child and would be unable to do so where you currently live. Supporting Documents to Submit: Medical certificate of person needing care Document proving relationship between you and person needing care Other documents to support your request C. Health When it is necessary for you to be transferred due to health-related reasons. Example 1: You are currently suffering from an illness and the only hospital that can provide treatment is within a different host prefecture/designated city. Example 2: You are suffering from severe allergies and the only solution is to transfer to a different host prefecture/designated city. Supporting Documents to Submit: Medical certificate Other documents to support your request Please Note: (1) Gathering and providing documents to support your transfer request are your responsibility. (2) The following are examples of reasons that are inadmissible when requesting a transfer to a contracting organisation in a different host prefecture/designated city. I want to move to XYZ Prefecture because I requested it when I applied. My abilities are not being utilised in my current workplace. I want to live in a city with a Japanese language school in order to improve my Japanese. Workplace relations are poor. Any other personal reason not attributable to situations A to C described above. 3.3 When a Transfer Request is Unsuccessful Transfer requests are only successful if the new contracting organisation agrees to accept you. Therefore, it is possible a transfer request will be unsuccessful, despite meeting the above criteria. In such situations, your choices are either to complete your appointment with your current contracting organisation and finish your tenure on the JET Programme, or to request to be reappointed by your current contracting organisation. If both you and your current contracting 4 For JET Participant Use organisation are in agreement, they may reappointment you for an additional one-year period. Please discuss these matters with your contracting organisation supervisor in advance before making a request for a transfer. 4 Schedule (Dates are to be Strictly Observed) Distribution of this document to JET participants (contracting organisation All JET participants Wednesday, 8 October, 2014 JET participant) ※If Requesting a Transfer Submit the Transfer Request Form (Form A-3) and supporting documents if you are requesting a transfer to a All JET participants contracting organisation in a different host by Friday, 17 October, 2014 prefecture/designated city. (JET participant contracting organisation) Receive ‘Contracting Organisation Intent to Reappoint and JET Participant Intent Confirmation Form’ (Form A-1) English-speaking countries by Friday, 26 December, 2014 or ‘Confirmation Regarding Reappointment Form’ (Form A-2) (contracting organisation SEAs and countries with a small number of participants JET participant) by Friday, 21 November, 2014 Sign and Submit ‘Contracting Organisation Intent to Reappoint and JET Participant Intent Confirmation Form’ (Form A-1) or Sign and Submit ‘Confirmation Regarding Reappointment Form’ (Form A-2) (JET participant English-speaking countries by Thursday, 15 January, 2015 SEAs and countries with a small number of participants by Friday, 5 December, 2014 contracting organisation) 5 Form Explanations 5.1 Form A-1: Contracting Organisation Intent to Reappoint and JET Participant Intent Confirmation Form 5.1.1 The purpose of this form is for your contracting organisation to indicate its intent to reappoint you. 5.1.2 Please indicate your intent to accept reappointment by signing the upper portion, or your intent not to accept reappointment by signing the lower portion of the space provided. 5.2 Form A-2: Confirmation Regarding Reappointment Form 5.2.1 The purpose of this form is for your contracting organisation to indicate its intent not to reappoint you. 5.2.2 Please review the reasons for not being offered reappointment by your contracting 5 For JET Participant Use organisation, and sign and date the form. 5.2.3 If you have any questions regarding the reasons indicated on this form, please consult directly with your contracting organisation supervisor. 5.3 Form A-3: Transfer Request Form 5.3.1 This form is submitted to your current contracting organisation to request a transfer to a different contracting organisation within your host prefecture/designated city or to a different host prefecture/designated city. 5.3.2 Please submit your reasons for requesting a transfer and indicate up to three transfer requests by filling in the names of the contracting organisations. 5.3.3 If it is necessary for you to request a transfer to a contracting organisation in a different host prefecture/designated city, please submit this form, your reasons for requesting a transfer and all necessary documentation to support your request to your contracting organisation. Host Prefecture/Designated City and Regional Block Code List Place Name Block Place Name Block Place Name Block A Mie D Okinawa H Aomori A Shiga E Sapporo City A Iwate A Kyoto E Sendai City A Miyagi A Osaka E Yokohama City B Akita A Hyogo E Kawasaki City B Yamagata A Nara E Nagoya City D Fukushima A Wakayama E Kyoto City E Ibaraki B Tottori F Osaka City E Tochigi B Shimane F Kobe City E Gunma B Okayama F Hiroshima City F Saitama B Hiroshima F Kita-Kyushu City H Chiba B Yamaguchi F Fukuoka City H Tokyo B Tokushima G Chiba City B Kanagawa B Kagawa G Saitama City B Niigata C Ehime G Shizuoka City D Toyama C Kochi G Sakai City E Ishikawa C Fukuoka H Niigata City C Fukui C Saga H Hamamatsu City D Yamanashi D Nagasaki H Okayama City F Nagano D Kumamoto H Sagamihara City B Gifu D Oita H Kumamoto City H Shizuoka D Miyazaki H Aichi D Kagoshima H 6 Designated Cities Hokkaido
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