-1- x (proj) PROJECT WORK – 2014/15 CLASS X PROJECT WORK [SUBMISSION DATE: JULY 1, 2014] ENGLISH LANGUAGE Assignment 1 Write a composition in approximate 350-400 words on any of the following topics: (a) “Women should not be excluded from any profession.” Write either for or against the proposition. (b) “The menace of noise and air pollution is increasing. How can this be fought and its effect minimized?” Give your views. (c) You visited a friend admitted in the most famous hospital of your town or city. Describe the scene that met your eyes and the lasting impression it left on you. (d) Write an original short story entitled, “Puppy love.” Assignment 2 Write a composition in approximate 350-400 words on any of the following topics: (a) “A poor country like India should not waste money on extravaganzas like ICC World Cup or Commonwealth Games.” Give your views either for or against the subject. (b) “Can you imagine a world without television?” Give your views. (c) “Comes summer and your city faces acute electricity problems”. Describe your life when there are daily breakdowns or power-cuts. (d) Write an original short story beginning with the sentence: “It was an extraordinarily dirty room, with everything in a mess.” ENGLISH LITERATURE Answer the following questions in 500 words approx (each). Assignment 1 “Quick-witted, wealthy, and beautiful Portia embodies the virtues that are typical of Shakespeare‟s heroines.” Discuss. Assignment 2 Give a vivid description of the “casket scene” (Act II Scene vii) from the play The Merchant of Venice. Assignment 3 A clownish Jewish stereotype, or a tragic figure whose sense of decency has been fractured by the persecution he endures, Shylock is the most noteworthy figure in The Merchant of Venice. Comment. HINDI 1& 2& dYiuk dhft, fd ^vki dkSu cusxk djksM+ifr izfr;ksfxrk esa ik¡p djksM+ /kujkf”k thr x, gSaA mlls vkidks dksbZ rhu dk;Z djus gSa] vki os dkSu&dkSu ls dk;Z djsx a s ftlls vkidks vf/kdre larqf’V izkIr gksA viuh ikB~; iqLrd dkO; pfUnzdk ds vUrxZr ^jke lqxzho eS=h* ds vk/kkj ij Li’V dhft, fd jke vkSj lqxzho vkn”kZ fe= Fk]s lkFk gh lhrk dk gj.k ,oa ckfy o/k dk laf{kIr ifjp; nhft,A MATHEMATICS Comparative Newspaper Coverage of different items. Survey of various types of Bank Accounts, Rate of Interest Offered. Planning a Home Budget. PHYSICS 1234- Any two one Projects Based on any one topic given below: Refraction of Light Electric Circuits, Resitance and Ohm‟s Law. Electromagnetism and E.M. Induction. Nuclear Energy and Radioactivity CHEMISTRY Topics 1- Variation of periodic properties of elements along periodic table. 2- Nomenclature and isomerism of organic compounds. -2- x (proj) BIOLOGY 12- Population, Reason for sharp increase in population, Methods of population control. Health, Common Health Problems, Health Organizations- Red Cross, WHO, Major Activities of Health Organizations. HISTORY & CIVICS History Discuss the differences between the Moderates & Extremists on the basis of their Beliefs, Objectives, Programme, Methods of struggle and Achievements. Note: Supplement the topic with relevant pictures. Civics Discuss the powers of the Prime Minister. Note: Supplement the topic with relevant pictures. GEOGRAPHY 123- Transport in India- Rail roads, Sea ports, Air routes and their development. Policies of India, Countries problems and Plan for solving them. Need for and trend of Industrialization in India and its impact on Economy of India. HOME SCIENCE Synthesize information gathered from books, journals, magazines and the internet with respect to environmental problems. Write about the methods of removal of common stains and their reagents from Clothes / Fabrics (Oil, Curry, Turmeric, Blood, Dye, Ink, Grass) Collect 5 samples of fabrics and compare them on the basis of cost, durability, appearance and suitability. First Aid Box & its contents- Band Aid, Burnol, Pain Killer, Balm, Cotton, Paracetamol, Dettol. Finding out from parents about planning of household budget and saving methods. COMPUTER APPLICATION i) iv) Triangle Structure Based Program using Menu Driven Approach. Applications of Sorting. Application of Searching. Any five programs based on Object Oriented Approach. Make a Menu Driven Program to print the following number system programPrime No. ii) Perfect No. iii) Armstrong No. Palindrome No. v) Magic No. Note: Output Screen of the program to be pasted with every Application along with the hand written matter. ECONOMICS TOPIC-I Explain “The Productive Mechanism” by defining Factors of production (definition, characteristics, importance) Agents of production, their remuneration and their impact on the production structure in an economy. TOPIC-II Explain Law of Demand with the help of individual and market demand schedule. Explain movement and shift of the demand curve with the help of hypothetical schedule and graphs (e.g. Extension, Contraction, Increase, and Decrease). Make a Power Point Presentation on it and submit a CD with the file for the same. TOPIC-III Survey for understanding the Functions of any commercial organisation (survey of sugar factory, school, commercial bank, telephone exchange, rice mill, private or public company, local firm/industry), Students must submit following documents: (i) Questionnaire, (ii) Your Photographs in the organisation (Date and time must be mentioned on it), (iii) A file explaining functions of it and your findings with conclusion. COMMERCIAL STUDIES TOPIC-I Students need to submit a file and a CD (Power Point Presentation) on the following topics: (i) Marketing, (ii) Selling, (iii) Sales Promotion, (iv) Personal Selling, (v) Advertising, (vi) Publicity. -3- x (proj) TOPIC-II Consumer awareness amongst households through designing a „Questionnaire‟ and collection of primary data with a file covering following captions: - (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Consumer Movement: A Global History. Reasons for Consumer‟s Exploitation. Need for Consumer Protection. Duties of a Consumer. Rights of a Consumer. Consumer Protection Act 1986 & It‟s Features. Basic Concepts under the Consumer Protection Act(Consumer, Complaint, Class Complaint, Persons who can file a complaint, Period for filing complaint.) (8) Machinery for Redressal of Consumers‟ Grievances. (9) Questionnaire (for at least 20 Customers with their passport size photograph, Signature, Address & Mobile No.) (10) Write your findings with Conclusion. TOPIC-III Survey for understanding the Functions of any commercial organisation (survey of sugar factory, school, commercial bank, telephone exchange, rice mill, private or public company, local firm/industry), Students must submit following documents: (i) (ii) (iii) Questionnaire, Your Photographs in the organisation (Date and time must be mentioned on it), A file explaining functions of it and your findings with conclusion. PHYSICAL EDUCATION Prepare a file on any one gameSoftball Hockey Cricket Volleyball With History (World and Indian), Rules, Measurement, Play Ground, Referee Signals and Fitness Programme. S.U.P.W. 1i) ii) iii) 2- 3- File Work: Write on the following topics Interior Decoration Wood Work Gardening Community Service: Awareness drive on health and hygiene. (Students must bring a chart and a gift pack of cleanliness and sanitation products like Harpic, Phenyl, Dettol, Hand Wash, Detergent, Napthalene balls, Wiper etc) Project: Students are required to prepare a decorative Flower Pot.
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