Robin Osborne – Certified IEW Instructor
(949) 830-8625 / [email protected]
IEW Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons (4th – 6th grade)
Learn writing and vocabulary based on Ancient history topics using the IEW (Institute for Excellence
for Writing) method of style and structure. Students will write about topics that include ~ Ziggurats,
Gilgamesh, pyramids, the Sphinx, mummies, the Exodus, The Fall of Babylon, the Trojan horse,
Pandora’s box, The Greek Olympics, and Ancient Rome.
Student workbook included with $30 registration fee: IEW Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons, 4th
edition by Lori Verstegen
IEW Medieval History-Based Writing Lessons (4th – 6th grade)
Students will learn to write with structure and style using the IEW (Institute for Excellence for
Writing) method. A variety of writing skills will be taught including: outlines, summarizing references,
research reports, the 5-paragraph essay, writing from pictures, narrative stories, critiques, and creative
essay writing with a thesis. Writing tools, such as, using concise word choices and sentence variety will
be taught. Vocabulary words and grammar rules will be reviewed and practiced within the context of
the writing assignments.
These lessons will acquaint learners with Charlemagne, the Vikings, William the Conqueror,
Knighthood, King Arthur, the Renaissance, and more!
Student workbook included with $30 registration fee: IEW Medieval History-Based Writing Lessons, 3rd
edition by Lori Verstegen
Beginning Composition: IEW Writing/Grammar/Literature
(7th/8th Jr. High)
This is a complete English course including: reading, writing, and grammar.
Homework will consist of reading and answering literature questions, writing assignments, and
grammar pages. Students will learn to write by going through the nine units of structure and style as
presented in the IEW program. Novels assigned provide a variety of classic selections and important
authors with an emphasis on the elements of literature. Grammar will be taught using Easy Grammar:
Plus a prepositional approach that allows the student to easily identify sentence structure.
Curriculum: available through www.christianbook.com or www.rainbowresource.com
Easy Grammar Plus Teacher Edition 2007 edition (w/answer key) by Wanda C. Phillips, Ed.D.
Easy Grammar Plus Student Workbook 2007 edition
Easy Grammar Plus Test Book 2007 edition
Novels: The Golden Goblet OR Mara Daughter of the Nile, The Bronze Bow, Crispin: The Cross of Lead,
Jungle Book, Your Choice: Biography of a Famous Missionary, Number the Stars
Course Packet and IEW Student Resource Notebook included with $25 registration fee: (provided by the