Have you been injured in a motorcycle accident? you need this Free book No one plans on getting in an accident, so they don’t know what they should do after it happens. With over 17 years of experience, I’ve represented hundreds of accident victims. I wrote Myths & MIstAkEs: How Illinois Accident Victims Wreck Their Own Personal Injury Cases… And What You Can Do to Avoid It, to give you important and useful information you need to protect yourself and your family after an accident. Visit... www.MotorcycleAccidentLawyerIllinois.com to get your FREE copy today! the Law Offices of Barry G. Doyle, P.C. MOtORCyCLE ACCIDEnt LAwyER sERvInG ALL OF ILLInOIs 312.263.1080 OFFICEs ACROss nORthERn ILLInOIs skOkIE • ChICAGO • ORLAnD PARk • st. ChARLEs • LIsLE • ROCkFORD • CRystAL LAkE October! Hunting, Birthdays, Breast Cancer & The Beaver! Thunder Roads WISCONSIN / NORTH ILLINOIS PO BOX 236, Yorkville, IL 60560 October! HAPPY HALLOWEEN Hunting! We all know that the season has begun and what bet- Owner / Editor Daniel Ryner / [email protected] / 630-608-8603 ter way to celebrate it than with a pretty girl on a camouflage bike. Seen on our cover and calendar this month is the lovely Kaytea on her father’s 2001 custom Road King. Now let me tell you boys that Kaytea is the real deal. Not only does she love motorcycles she also loves to hunt and plans to go to college to become a conservation officer after she graduates in 2015. Now I do have to warn you that her father Gunner is the one that has taught Kaytea how to handle a gun. I am sure you can see where I am going with that one boys! Thanks to Kelsey Ruchti for the great photos. Layout & Design Barbara Laszewski Garner / art director This month my family celebrates 4 birthdays and we have them listed in our monthly calendar. Would you like to wish someone special in your family happy birthday, anniversary or any other message on our calendar? We are offering these messages for just $20 a month. The space is first come first served and space is obviously very limited. Contact [email protected] Breast Cancer. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and we have a very special bike to share with you. Check out one of our readers rides called Burning Up Cancer. This is one bike and story that you do not want to miss. The Beaver! All summer I asked you to Spot The Beaver. Many of you spotted The Beaver and sent me pictures as I requested. Thank you to everyone that sent in pictures. We did not have space for all of them but then again how many pictures of a man with his pants around his ankles can we really print? We might just have to do it again next year. In closing I would like to thank all of our advertising partners. Without our advertisers we could not do this each month. Please thank them every time you pick up a magazine and if your favorite shop does not have the magazine tell them where they should go! Ride safe! Daniel L. Ryner Owner/ Editor/Rider Please send comments to [email protected] 2 Thunder Roads WISCONSIN / NORTH ILLINOIS OCTOBER 2014 Thunder Roads Magazine of WI/N.IL Subscription ® One year subscription delivered to your mail box every month ... only $35 Name___________________________________ Address_________________________________ City____________________________________ State___________________________________ Zip_______________ Thunder Cam...............................................................8 Kruser’s Point of View..............................................10 Otho’s Grand Thrill....................................................13 Burning Up Cancer....................................................14 Wisconsin Sales Manager Trixie Schmidt ~ 920.392.9213 / [email protected] Moto Grrrl..................................................................15 Peoria / Galesburg / Kewanee Illinois Kimberly Thierry ~ [email protected] Beaver Dam Wisconsin Area Greg (Mac) MacDonald ~ [email protected] Northwest Chicago Suburbs Rowdy ~ [email protected] Madison Wisconsin Scott Meicher- 608-206-5706/ [email protected] LaCrosse (Western Wisconsin) Greg Stetzer/ 608-780-5885 / [email protected] contRibuting correspondents Writers & Photographers Don Kruse (Kruser) / Daniel L. Ryner / Darrell Broten / Michael G. D’Aversa Bill Bish (NCOM) / Nate Ulrich / Dean Bartosh (ABATE WI) / Bob Myers (ABATE IL) Toni McCoy Shearon (TR Corp) / Rowdy (DILLIGAF’s), Kenn Hartmann Chix For Charity.........................................................16 Pull Out Calendar......................................................18 Spot The Beaver........................................................20 Lyme Aide..................................................................22 Nation of Patriots......................................................23 The 59 Club...............................................................24 NCOM.......................................................................26 Biker Friendly Directory.............................................28 Of Pirates and Spacemen.........................................30 ABATE Illinois............................................................31 Upcoming Events......................................................32 KISS..........................................................................34 Thunder Roads Magazine® of Wisconsin/North Illionois is a free monthly publication. The cost of a one year subscription is to cover shipping and handling. National Founders Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive / Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Thunder Publishing, LLC Offices: 615-792-0040 e-mail:[email protected] / www.thunderroadsmagazine.com Make check payable to: Thunder Roads WI IL Inc. Mail check and this form to: Thunder Roads Wisconsin / North Illinois P.O. Box 236 Yorkville, IL 60560 Kankakee River Loop.................................................6 Advertising Sales Illinois Sales Manager Rick Polson ~ 901.832.2663 / [email protected] Birthdays. Letter From The Editor…...................................……..2 ✁ © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF ITS CONTENT MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION. PUBLISHER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY AND IS NOT TO BE HELD LIABLE FOR ERRORS BEYOND THE COST OF THE SPACE OCCUPIED BY THE ERROR, SLANDER OF ANY GROUP OR INDIVIDUAL, FAILURE TO PRODUCE ANY ISSUE AS SCHEDULED DUE TO REASONS BEYOND OUR CONTROL, ANY AND ALL SUITS FOR LIABLE, PLAGIARISM, COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT AND UNAUTHORIZED USE OF A PERSON’S NAME OR PHOTOGRAPH. OPINIONS AND CLAIMS MADE BY ADVERTISERS AND AUTHORS ARE THEIR OWN, AND DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT THE POLICY OF THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE OR THUNDER PUBLISHING. PUBLISHER DOES NOT PROMOTE THE ABUSE OF ALCOHOL OR OTHER DRUGS. www.trwinoil.com Clubs & Organizations...............................................35 D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F.’S.......................................................36 on the cover Kaytea Grefshein / photo by Kelsey Ruchti OCTOBER 2014 Thunder Roads WISCONSIN / NORTH ILLINOIS 3 www.twistedironcustomcycles.com 920.219.2357 Creative Custom Beyond Bolt ON! www.trwinoil.com OCTOBER 2014 Thunder Roads WISCONSIN / NORTH ILLINOIS 5 KANKAKEE RIVER LOOP ~A “Get Local” Getaway by Michael G. D’Aversa This is a nice little ride to take if you live in or near the Chicagoland metro area and just want to get away for a few hours, or if you are tracing old Route 66 in Illinois and want to add a little something extra to your day. First, find your way toward Wilmington. From my little corner of southwestern exurbia, that means hopping onto Interstate 55 heading south, getting off at the North River Road exit and following that east, toward Illinois 53. An alternative is to ride south from Joliet on 53, simultaneously retracing that portion of Route 66 in the process. Either way, you’ll be entering Wilmington from the north. then head west on Illinois 113, another two-lane ribbon that follows the Kankakee River on the south bank. Along the way, you will see a number of state park signs, most of which mark small parking areas for hunters and anglers. Enjoy the gently curved ride back through the canopy of trees, but do keep an eye out for wildlife. I have encountered deer and other fourfooted creatures on both sides of the river. When 113 returns to 53, turn right and head north, through Braidwood and back toward Joliet. You are once again following a portion of historic Route 66. If you are hungry or thirsty and not in a particular Now if you happen to arrive at this point around lunchtime, or if you just want to quench your thirst, turn left onto Peotone Road and go east toward Symerton, population about 106 and home of Anson’s Pub. A left turn on Symerton Road and a right on Commercial Street will get you there (it’s pretty hard to get lost in Symerton). Anson’s is very biker friendly and the food is simple, but good. The first time I bit in to their cheeseburger, I was surprised to find a slice of real, garden-fresh tomato – as opposed to that tasteless variety you usually get at burger joints – and I nearly cried out with joy. Back out on Rt 53, continue south into Wilmington. Route 66 fans will appreciate stopping at the site of the former Launching Pad Drive-In, home of the Gemini Giant, a well-known converted muffler man statue. The drive-in has been closed for some time now, but nostalgia fans still stop to view and photograph the statue. From downtown Wilmington, head east on Illinois 102 (there called Water Street), which roughly follows the Kankakee River along the north bank. Once you leave Wilmington behind, followed shortly thereafter by the small community of Ritchie, you will be treated to a curving ribbon of two-lane blacktop that weaves its way through a semi-wooded area and borders Kankakee River State Park to the south. The park itself straddles the river on both sides, though the main park entrance is off Highway 102, east of Warner Bridge Road. Take a right into the main entrance and then right again, toward the concession and picnic area. You will find a small parking lot between the park’s concession stand and restrooms. From there you can enjoy a walk along the Kankakee River, stopping at the scenic outlook points to watch the river flow, listen to the trees and smell the smells of the season. When you exit the park, it’s time to cross the river and pick up Illinois 113 for the return trip. You can do this either by backtracking slightly west on 102 to Warner Bridge Road or by continuing east on 102 to U.S. 45/52. Either way, you cross south over the river and hurry to get home, stop at the Polk-A-Dot Drive Inn, featuring fast food, soft drinks, ice cream and classic Route 66 atmosphere. For what it’s worth, I am partial to their bacon double cheeseburger and they make a nice turtle sundae, too. If you continue north on 53 from there, you will return to our starting point. Of course you can also go south instead, and continue following old Route 66, but I’ll save that one for another day. This entire loop can be done in a couple of hours or an entire day, depending on how much time you have and how much you spend at any one of the stops I’ve mentioned here. Me, I don’t like to rush it. Take it at your own pace, keep it safe, and remember to enjoy the ride. 6 Thunder Roads WISCONSIN / NORTH ILLINOIS OCTOBER 2014 October 2014 Ride & Win Challenge Follow the rules below to qualify to win prizes from the magazine and our sponsors. Winners will be drawn from all entries recieved before November 3 2014. Winners names and photos will be printed in the magazine at a later date. Submitting your photos gives the magazine the rights to print them. Enter to win Thunder Roads products such as shirts, hats, gift certificates as well as products from our Advertising Sponsors. No purchase is necessary to win. Enter one from any category or one from each category below. The more categories you complete the better your chances of winning. Odds of winning are dependent on the number of entries. Good luck and have fun! The October Challenge must be completed between October 1st and 31st 2014 For each of the catagories you must include a copy of this October 2014 issue to qualify. Email all photos with your name and mailing address to: [email protected] All photos must be taken at businesses listed in our Biker Friendly Directory on pages 28 & 29 1. Take a photo holding the magazine with your bike at one of the listings with their sign behind you. 2. Take a photo holding the magazine with an employee of the business. 3. Take a photo of you with food from one of the listed restaurants. Include the magazine and a menu. 4. Bonus entry #1: Any of the above with you in a Halloween Costume. 5. Bonus entry #2: Any of the above with you and “The Beaver” or “The Editor of the Magazine” See page 20 to recognize The Beaver and page 2 for the Editor. Good Luck and Ride Safe! 8 Thunder Roads WISCONSIN / NORTH ILLINOIS OCTOBER 2014 www.trwinoil.com OCTOBER 2014 Thunder Roads WISCONSIN / NORTH ILLINOIS 9 Kruser’s Point of View by The Competition can Kiss our ass! We have the Best damn Burger Anywhere! Don Kruse Sprocket Connection Fall is upon us and I’m staring at a blank page, thinkin’ it may be sooner than later that I’ll need to put Paradise in her stall to wait out the upcoming winter months. Why so darn soon? Well, I may have broken my clutch hand and in order to keep the swelling from getting “out of hand” –yes even in pain I jest- I had to take myself off the bike last week. Simply put I wasn’t safe.It took place about two weeks ago, when Lady G and I moved the little “Kitten” into her new room at college. After all these years of moving her in and out of college, this year we forgot a hammer to adjust her bed. Get this, my hand is not “the hammer” it once was. Go figure. Yes, things change over time. Our memories forget what really was but remember what we think they “was”. Old Thunder and Lightning, those two arms of mine still rumble at times, but they aren’t the storm they once were. Yet, they take care of things the best they can. No different than anything else you could say. Us, our bikes or our friendships…they all get old and need “maintenance”. Friendship you say Kruser? That is a strange one, where the heck are you going with this? I mean, I can see us getting old or our bikes “nostalgic” but friendships? Remember when we were young and rode our pedal bikes year round, going to friends’ houses, down to the old swimming hole or the new tree house? Back when most of us were thinner and had more hair? 105 W Edgewater St. Cambria, WI 53923 Ph. 920 348-5733 www.thedumpbar.com What were we doing without realizing it? Maintaining our friendships. Now that we are older and have motorized bikes, what are we doing? We are maintaining our friendships and possibly saving –or at least extending- our marriages for another day. new Burger menu Stop in & check em’ out! Even tho the times have changed, biking still keeps us together. The trips may not be as long, but oh, the stories we tell about them keep us close together. The trips of today might be day trips instead of week-long adventures due to health or responsibilities to family and work, but we still take those road trips together. Now Serving KICK aSS Find Our Thru these road trips, poker runs and week end camp outs the biking community has some of the tightest bonds of friendships. We’re there for one another, brother and sister. As we get older we start to become the –hold back the laughter now- we start to become the “wise old owls” for the young ones joining our flocks. EntErtaInmEnt SChEdulE on Next time you’re at work, look around you. How many true friendships do you see? Now, recall the last biker get together you were at, how many true friendships did you see there? Even co-workers at a bike gathering have a true friendship …we have a bond. As our hair changes color or the breeze blows some strands off; as we put on the extra layer to keep our liver spots warm and our varicose veins flowing, may we welcome this coming fall with open arms for our friends, recalling the past year of rides…and planning new ones for next year. My friends, may you be warm and safe as we travel thru this season of the calendar and of our lives. ~ Kruser Caught ya lookin’ this could be your ad here Our ADS last for 30 days not 30 seconds! Contact us at 630-608-8603 10 Thunder Roads WISCONSIN / NORTH ILLINOIS OCTOBER 2014 Custom Paint & Airbrushing [email protected] P.S.: Yes, I heard you all say, “Oh crap, a P.S.? Yes, a P.S. If any of you had nothing better to do last month, you may have read my column. If so, there was a mix up once it left my email. You probably have it figured out, but the second “table” was supposed to have the GW and HD riders switched at the top of those tables. The way it was printed, it screwed up the whole meaning of the column. All I can say is I am so thankful that my readership is smart and flipped it around to where it was to be. I hope this doesn’t happen again, but must remember, we are all capable of making errors. Collision Repairs & Restorations 630-244-3150 1535 Paramount PKWY Batavia, Illinois 60510 [email protected] www.trwinoil.com OWNER: Mark Daniels M-F 9-5 Sat by Appt. Fax#1-866-703-6105 psychoticair.com OCTOBER 2014 Thunder Roads WISCONSIN / NORTH ILLINOIS 11 Otho’s Grand Thrill by Kenn Hartmann O tho introduced the young lady to the ride confident he’d impress and amuse her. As they waited in line, the dazzle of lights and whirl of contraptions heightened their joy, if any higher they could be. He slipped his hand around her waist, pressed his lips to her ear and whispered. “You’ll feel like you’ve never felt,” said Otho. “Anticipate it.” She elbowed him and said, “Can’t this line move any faster?” “We’ll be up front,” said Otho, “Look, they strap you in a cage; the line’s moving.” “It’s like forever.” “It’s not forever, imagine us in the cage at the top, spinning crazy, insane.” “And then you come down,” she said. “What fun.” “It’ll be a thrill baby, I’m telling you, it swivels,” he said. “We’re next.” Once strapped into the cage spinning at the apex the girl said, “I am thrilled; this is sick.” She let out a delightful squeal. Otho clenched his teeth and braced his palm against the teetering cage, hung, lurching inverted, suspended dreamlike, terrifying, above a sprawling festival of lights. The cage returned to earth and the operator said, “Alright folks, time to disembark.” “We want to go again,” said the girl. “That was only half the ride.” “That’s the ride,” the operator said. “It’s over.” “We’ve been standing in line watching,” she said. “Everybody else got to go around twice. We only went once.” “Everybody goes once,” said the operator. “No exceptions.” “Exceptions,” said Otho. “We go one time, everybody else two times.” www.trwinoil.com The operator raised his hand and summoned authorities. Two cops escorted Otho and the girl out of the cage. The cops I.D.’d Otho and more cops arrived on the scene. Otho’s name triggered an alert. “He’s a known gangster,” said an officer, “an active member of a notorious motorcycle club.” Otho calculated 30 cops mingling closer, fondling weapons or batting batons into palms, eager for action. Otho realized his protestations about the peculiar timing of the amusement were futile, but continued, “Everyone else got to go to the top, swivel, come down, then go back up, swivel again, whereas we only swiveled once.” “So you’re here seeking some perverse swivel thrill?” said a cop. “Of course, paid for it,” said Otho. “I bought a ticket. That’s why I’m here.” The world tightened around Otho like a constrictor binds its prey, a familiar prelude to a smothering exhaust inside his head. Rather than suffocate, he would fight for every breath with his arms flailing like a lethal windmill scooping the life out of each and every foe. “You’re deemed to be a danger and a menace,” said an officer. “Do you hang with Quick Horse?” said a second. “Why aren’t you flying colors?” said a third. “I’m not in that life any more,” said Otho. His extremities burned like a bright fuse enticing an explosion. He said to no one special, “I could jab a knife in a toaster for sparks and jolts.” The cops circled tight and exchanged sneers, grunts and nods. Otho noticed the girl was nowhere to be seen. “As well,” he said; he didn’t know her name, knew nothing about her only that she was lost in the cacophony of the crowd and convulsions of his heart. He drew a long breath and said, “No more patter.” Two cops abruptly stepped back from the circle and revealed an open path. Otho stepped through and departed. He hastened past gimcrack shacks and a falafel wagon to his sickle, fired it and gunned it like mad, the loud backfires, the obnoxious belching fumes, a sound and fury that soothed him. Otho wondered at his good fortune. He patted the tank and said aloud, “Amazing, my friend. One of those rare situations a cop says, ‘you got three seconds to blow’ and I blew.” There was no need to hurry now. He idled to catch his bearings, throttled in a wicked roar, swerved in a surly screech, elated by the thrill. Kenn Hartmann [email protected] OCTOBER 2014 Thunder Roads WISCONSIN / NORTH ILLINOIS 13 Moto Grrrl Burning Up Cancer Burning up Cancer is a 1997, Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 owned by Jodi Roberts of Columbus, WI. The painter/artist is Lester Eveland, of Middleton, WI. Lester and I discussed the theme of this bike for 2 years before we finally brought it alive. I can’t draw a stick figure so getting the image out of my head and into Lester’s artistic hands took some time. I spent many afternoons at Lester’s shop while he would paint what I was describing as the image I was seeing in my mind. I remember him saying, “Are you sure you want a pink bike? I don’t do girly well.” (Lester is known for his talented painting of skulls, fire and flames that look as though they are alive.) Burning up Cancer is inspired by Mary Emery Weidling (19452012) and the courageous battle she fought with breast cancer which eventually turned into bone cancer. Mary is my mother and my mom loved to ride. Mom rode a 2005 Ridley before she passed. My husband, Matt and I have so many memories which were made riding throughout the upper Midwest as a family before mom passed away. Mom will ride with us forever...in our hearts, in our tattoos and in the paint of Burning up Cancer. I was getting ready for work one morning and the idea of putting mom’s ashes into the paint came to mind. I thought to myself, “If we can do it with tattoo ink we should be able to do it with the paint on my bike.” I knew that I was going out to Lester’s shop after work that day, so I quietly gathered a small amount of mom’s ashes before heading out the door. I didn’t mention my idea to anyone.....Lester was the first person I told about my idea. Lester’s reply was, “If the paint sprays we can do it.” I personally mixed my mom’s ashes in the purple paint that very night. I have a video of Lester spraying the purple paint...as he is spraying he says, “This purple candy has never sprayed so well, Thanks, Mom!!!!” Burning up Cancer raises awareness with every ride. Everyone connects with this bike in a different way, that is very personal to them. Just last weekend my husband and I made a flying trip to Hibbing, MN on our bikes. I had promised my granddaughter a picture of us on my bike and we didn’t get it done before she went back home for the school year. We pulled into a hotel to see 14 Thunder Roads WISCONSIN / NORTH ILLINOIS OCTOBER 2014 Hi! My name is Beth Wade and in addition to being a motorcyclist, I’m also an Illinois Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT). I’m excited about writing for Thunder Roads on the topics of wellness and pain management for riders as well as touching on a few other subjects (i.e. vintage bikes, women riders) along the way. if they had any rooms...an entire family, teenagers and a father, came out to look at the bike. They asked to take pictures of the bike. I learned that the mother had passed away recently after battling breast cancer. That particular hotel didn’t have any rooms, but stopping there was definitely meant to happen at least for this family. A little about me; I’m a lifelong Chicagoan and live on the Northwest side. I’ve been riding for over a decade and currently own a ’72 Honda CB350f and a ’88 Honda Hawk GT. At one time I was up to 4 bikes, however for various reasons I had to sell a couple. I’m hopeful about getting my numbers back up sometime in the near future. October is breast cancer awareness month. Early detection is the key to survival..... Burning up Cancer will be riding in many parades and attending numerous events throughout the month as a reminder and to raise awareness. I enjoy long-distance road trips best and I also like doing solo rides. (That way I can stop for ice cream or to use the bathroom as many times as I want.) To date my biggest road trip has been to the AMA Women in Motorcycling conference in Keystone, CO in 2009. A friend and I rode out there by way of South Dakota and Wyoming. It was a great trip! For me the highlight was on the way back to Chicago – we took the Pony Express Highway (US-36) through Kansas and stopped in Cawker City to see the “World’s Largest Ball of Twine” and even got to take a tour of the last remaining Pony Express exchange stations before we crossed into Missouri. Now, onto my career; I’ve been a Certified Reflexologist since 2011 and a LMT since 2013. Currently I see clients on Tuesdays & Sundays at my office which is in the Edison Park neighborhood of Chicago. I’m a graduate of the massage program at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and am continuing my education there by pursuing my Applied Science Degree in Asian Holistic Health with a graduation date in April of 2015. I am excited to bring together two of my passions - motorcycles and massage therapy! I understand the physical demands our lifestyle puts on our bodies and have found that massage therapy can be a great way to prep for road trips, track days & road racing as well as dirt & trail riding. Massage can also be an important part of recovery from an unfortunate accident or injury sustained while riding. Going forward my hope for this column is that you, the reader, find it to be informative and engaging. Please feel free to contact me with questions, comments and suggestions on topics that you would like to read about. I can easily be reached through my email, [email protected] or my Facebook page, facebook.com/chi.motomassage. Beth Wade, LMT 6565 N Avondale Chicago, IL 60631 773.250.1234 x5 www.motomassage.biz Chix for Charity Thirty four teams took the green flag and local professional racer Benny Carlson, who normally rides a Harley-Davidson XR1200 in the AMA Pro road race series, took the day to help out this charity and have some fun riding with friends. Carlson jumped out to an early lead on the Bell Helmets/GLP sponsored Aprilia in the early laps of the race and held that spot all the way to the finish. With teammate Joe Stoffel they turned in 86 laps on the 1+ mile course with a fast lap of 1:17.045. Jeremy Dereuyter and Jesse Janisch took the second place position with 85 laps on their Harley-Davidson of West Bend sponsored Honda. Their best lap was a 1:18.867. by Anyone that attended will never forget AJ Spingola riding his KTM 990 dual sport bike, brakes screaming for mercy in every corner on every lap. He even bent the front wheel leaping this beast over the two motocross jumps. Darrell Broten Keep an eye out for this event next year. It is worth your time to stop out and help Chix4aCause (www.chix4acause.org ) and see some exciting racing. rived in the 80s after someone decided to invite the best pro riders from road racing, flat track and motocross to see who the best overall racer was. Thus began a race series for TV at the time called Superbikers. It lasted only a few years before disappearing, but ever since, amateur racers have kept the sport going on makeshift tracks all over the country. The track is a mix of road course, motocross track and dirt oval flat track. It makes for some very interesting riding in a race like this because of the mix of racer talent. A couple of local top pro riders were on track for this event with many very talented amateur racers as well as some beginners just coming out to help raise money for this charity. As for machinery…… well, let’s just say it runs the gamut from full out race ready 450 motocross bikes to street bikes prepped only for this race. Imagine a 125 Honda dirt bike alongside a KTM 990 Adventure and you’ll get the picture. But then you don’t have to, I have them for you. August 23, 2014 Washington County Fairgrounds West Bend, WI Gordon Lunde The Washington County Fairgrounds doesn’t have a race track. What they do have is a very nice layout of asphalt drives and walkways, along with service roads and large green areas. Combined with a bit of imagination a race track was created as a venue for the Chix4aCause charity 2 hour Supermoto race. This event was a fund raiser for Chix4aCause, run by a dedicated group of ladies that raise money for cancer victims. They help by providing a needed gift, a hand up, or a little extra support for the victims families, homes and/or themselves. The race is a two hour endurance type event with multiple riders sharing time on a team bike. Supermoto is a style of racing de16 Thunder Roads WISCONSIN / NORTH ILLINOIS OCTOBER 2014 Results 1. Team GLP: Riders Ben Carlson and Joe Stoffel, Aprilia 2. H-D of West Bend :Riders Jeremy Deruyter and Jesse Janisch, Honda 3. Team Woody: Riders Rob and Jeff Weidmeyer, Kawasaki 4. GMJ Racing: Riders Chris Kemp and Tim Boblin. KTM 5. Team BNB: Riders Paul Buettner and Jules Buettner, Kawasaki to my sister Lori Ryner Happy Birthday to my wife Vera Ryner Happy Birthday October 2014 to my dad Daniel A Ryner Happy Birthday to me! Daniel L Ryner Happy Birthday Scout 1st Run halloween Kaytea Grefshein / photos by Kelsey Ruchti 20 Thunder Roads WISCONSIN / NORTH ILLINOIS OCTOBER 2014 Lyme AidE If you live in Chicago there is no question that you have heard of 97.9 The Loop. You probably have also heard about their Loop Rock Girls. One thing that you probably don’t know is that the original Loop Rock Girl is fighting a battle with Lyme disease. Erica Gustafson-Valker has been suffering from the effects of Lyme disease for the past 12 years. This disease is a common concern to anyone that spends any time in the woods of Illinois or Wisconsin. According to the CDC website, Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected blacklegged ticks. Typical symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, and a characteristic skin rash called erythema migrans. If left untreated, infection can spread to joints, the heart, and the nervous system. On September 7th 216 riders met at Fox River Harley-Davidson® to help raise money for Erica’s ongoing medical treatments and more importantly to show her and her family that the Chicagoland biker community are there for them. Brain Rapier and the crew at Fox River H-D put on a great event with an escorted 65 mile ride along winding country roads. This ride was led by the Illinois State Police and the Medinah Motor Corpse providing road blockers to allow safe passage. With a line of bikes stretching what had to be over 2 miles it was great to see cars pulling over to watch our parade of bikes roll along. Once back at the dealership all participants were provided with food and drink while we listened to the band play some great country and rock tunes. The event also included raffles, a bikini bike wash and a dunk tank. This is an event you will want to put on your calendar for next year. September 13, 2015 is sure to be a great day to support Lyme Aid-2. 22 Thunder Roads WISCONSIN / NORTH ILLINOIS OCTOBER 2014 www.trwinoil.com OCTOBER 2014 Thunder Roads WISCONSIN / NORTH ILLINOIS 23 THE behind. Now with a Classic Section, the 59 Club remains in business. It’s now located in Plaistow near East London and is led by Father Scott Anderson who is assisted by dedicated volunteers. The Fifty Nine Club is a registered charity, with chapters—the British call them sections—all over the world (USA, Canada, Europe, Asia, and Australia). The 59 Club is open Wednesday and Saturday nights, holds a Tinsel and Turkey Party in February, and attends motorcycle rallies throughout the year. In 2012 it celebrated its fiftieth anniversary. CLUB They escaped into a leather culture by visiting hangouts like the Ace Café transport stop, scraping together just enough for whatever they could get in the way of a motorcycle, donning a stud encrusted black leather jacket, and risking life and limb by doing the “Ton” (100 miles an hour) on the treacherous streets and roads of London. Movies like Quadrophenia and The Leather Boys dramatized the story. Books like Rockers! (by Johnny Stuart) and Café Racers: Rockers, Rock ‘n’Roll and the Coffee Bar Cult (by Mike Clay) captured the scene. Some former Rockers admit that fighting was an ingredient—the most infamous beat down between Rockers and Mods (stylish and fashionable middle class youth riding non-threatening scooters) occurred on Brighton Beach in 1964 and was pictured on the cover of Life magazine—but that wasn’t all. It also had to do with rock ‘n’roll music, having mates (friends), and riding motorbikes. Stuart quoted one rocker as saying, “I’m a Rocker because I ride a motorbike. To be a Rocker you’ve got to have a bike and a leather jacket with a studded belt, jeans, and high-topped racing boots.” Into this stepped Father William Shergold. Ordained an Anglican priest in 1942, Shergold was appointed vicar of St. Mary of Eton, where the Eton Mission—supported by Eton College—was located at Hackney Wick. The 59 Club there had already been formed by Reverend John Oates. Shergold, however, had a goal to grow the club and experience as a motorcyclist. So in 1962 Shergold dropped in at the Ace Café one evening and invited the Rockers to come to Eton Mission on Saturday nights. Shergold has been famously quoted as saying, “I was convinced I was going to at least have my trousers removed or my bike heaved into the canal.” by Darrell Broten Once I took possession of my Triumph Bonneville T100, it soon took me down new and strange roads. First it was the British Biker Cooperative, next it was Rockerbox, and now it’s membership in the Fifty-Nine Club. Before the Fifty-Nine Club, however, came the Rockers, a segment of English motorcycling that included post-World War II disaffected British youth. The pe- riod after the war was a time for the world to recover and veterans to heal, but it was also when teenagers rebelled. The USA had it with greasy duck tailed teenaged “hoods” in black leather jackets up to no good and the British had it with their Rockers, originally called Bike Boys or Ton-Up Boys. English teens involved with Rocker culture were young, penniless, and hopeless. They were the sons and daughters of working class families struggling to make ends meet at a time when the Kingdom was coming out of a horrendous war, world trade was competitive, and the slogan was “export or die.” Brit teenagers were left to cope with crowded living conditions, bleak working class futures, and pressures to conform. Far from it. Attracted to the juke box, table tennis, coffee bar, and other games as well as the absence of rules and lack of religious pressure, Rockers flocked to Eton Mission. The press loved it. Soon the hordes of Rockers forced the creation of The Fifty Nine Motorcycle Club. In 1964 Father Shergold moved to a parish in Paddington but he continued to shepherd the motorcyclists. Some say the Mods stayed in Eton Mission while the Rockers moved over to Paddingon with Shergold. In any event, Shergold, fellow clergyman Graham Hulett, and parish worker Mike Cook held services for the Rockers and urged them to uphold positive ideals. They counseled guided, married, baptized, and buried Rockers and 59 Club members through it all. At one point the 59 Club was considered the World’s largest motorcycle club. Even now its brochure proclaims itself as the “… largest and most famous motorcycle club in the world.” Times changed. Into the 1970s and early 80s, The Leather Boys grew up, Brits got more prosperous, the British motorcycling industry died, and laws made it more difficult to obtain a motorcycle—all things that weakened the 59 Club. However, Rocker reunions began in the late 80s with a resurgence of the 59 Club not far I learned about the 59 Club in Café Racer the motorcycle, by Mike Seate. The book contained interesting facts and lots of pictures, but it didn’t explain what the 59 Club was all about. That drove me to the internet. About a month ago I revisited their site and saw that they had posters for sale. A poster would be a fancy purchase, but then I looked at the price of membership. Why not simply join the 59 Club? How cool would that be? Joining the “9” would not be quite as simple as making out a $15 check for club in the Chippewa Valley. I had to keep in mind the difference in clock time, the international mailing time, and the conversion from dollars to British pounds sterling. Adding up the cost of the poster, membership, T-shirt, and mailing came to 41 pounds, which equaled $69.70. I contacted Sandra with the 59 Club via email, and set about to make application. It was no problem emailing my application information to Sandra, but the main hurdle was getting the money to the Club. International money orders could be put in the mail, while wire transfers took only seconds. I decided on a wire transfer, but found only two Eau Claire banks that were capable of handling them. By and by, I opened an account at Wells Fargo and had personal banker Amber—a motorcyclist herself with Midwest Mayhem—take care of the transfer. FYI: you have 30 minutes to back out of a wire transfer; you actually don’t know if the receiving bank ever gets the money; the transfer itself cost $30; there’s another fee taken out on the other end by the 59 Club’s bank. It’s not cheap. No matter. I contacted Sandra to let her know that everything was on its way and she promised to get the material in the mail to me right away. Incredibly, just one week later I received my poster, T-shirt, club brochure, club membership card, MAG (Motorcycle Action Group) membership card, and BMF (British Motorcyclists Federation—kind of like AMA, I guess) card. Soon I’ll receive my copy of Link, the annual 59 Club newsletter. I am now a full-fledged member of The Fifty-Nine Club. In return I emailed Sandra Midwestern Motorcyclist, and will continue to do so. She told me she posted my blog “A Good Dose of T100” on their bulletin board. It’s a thrill knowing that my words are hanging on a wall in Plaistow, London, UK, for local motorbikers to read. Yes, that T100 carries me along on its way. Where will it take me next? NEWS BYTES THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. For more information, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit us on our website at http://www.ON-A-BIKE.com NCOM NEWS BYTES 10-06 Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists FLORIDA STATE FAIR SETTLES CIVIL RIGHTS LAWSUIT In a big win for motorcycle club members nationwide, the Florida State Fair and local law enforcement were dealt a stunning blow when they agreed to settle a Civil Rights lawsuit filed by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) attorney Jerry Theophilopoulos (“Jerry T”) on behalf of the West Florida Confederation of Clubs. The Florida State Fair and Fair employees, along with two Hillsborough County Sheriffs agreed to pay three members of the West Florida Confederation of Clubs a total of $72,500 to settle the case after nearly a hundred club members were denied entry into the fair by off-duty sheriff’s deputies on Feb. 7, 2010 based on the fact they would not remove their colors. A posted policy banned “club colors” and the bikers were threatened with jail if they attempted to enter the front gate of the fair, and AIM lawyer Jerry T. captured the entire event on film with a videographer, which was a pivotal reason the federal lawsuit was settled out of court. “This settlement is a great day for all motorcycle club members, not only in the state of Florida, but across America,” said Jerry T., “We sent a message that our people will not be discriminated against in a public forum.” After the lawsuit, the no-club-colors signs were replace by a posted policy stating that the fair may turn away or eject people who are disruptive or who display behavior associated with “criminal gang membership.” That cleared the way for bikers to attend subsequent fairs. MORE MOTORCYCLES EQUALS SAFER ROADS According to the Motorcycle Industry Association (MCIA), an increased number of motorcycles on the road results in a lower rate of serious accidents. When 10% or more of vehicles on the road are motorcycles, mopeds or scooters, there is a proportionate reduction in rider fatalities, says Steve Kenward, CEO of the MCIA, a motorcycle trade association in England. Japan has 98 bikes per 1,000 vehicles (9.8%), and for every 1,000 bikes on the road, the country has 0.8 motorcyclist fatalities per year. In Europe the ratio of bikes to cars is lower, at 73 per 1,000 (7.3%), and the rate of motorcyclist fatalities is higher, at 1.52 per 1,000 bikes. In the USA, the ratio of bikes to cars is just 27 per thousand (2.7%) and the motorcyclist fatality rate is much higher, at 5.32 per thousand bikes. Kenward told how “volume breeds safety” at the recent National Safer Roads Partnerships’ Conference, where police forces, local authorities, government officials and academics meet to discuss road safety. There is also a growing body of evidence that those who start their motoring career on motorcycles make better car drivers. With congestion on the rise, Kenward explained that getting more motorists on motorcycles would result in a “virtuous circle” leading to better road users. According to their research, an increase in motorcycle use has also been proven to keep traffic flowing. A study which models traffic for one of the busiest roads in Europe concluded that if just 10% of drivers swapped to powered two wheelers (PTWs), congestion would be reduced for all road users by 40%. Increase that number to 25% and congestion is eliminated entirely. SIKHS DENIED EXEMPTION FROM ONTARIO HELMET LAW Motorcycle-riding Sikhs in Ontario, Canada will not be exempted from the helmet 26 Thunder Roads WISCONSIN / NORTH ILLINOIS OCTOBER 2014 law, Premier Kathleen Wynne has ruled. The Canadian Sikh Association received a letter from Wynne stating the Liberal government, for safety reasons, will not allow Sikh motorcycle riders to wear only turbans as two other Canadian Provinces currently allow. NEWS BYTES ENDORSED BY THE NATIONAL COALITION OF MOTORCYCLISTS $2 0 The Ontario Highway Traffic Act requires all motorcyclists to wear a helmet. This poses a problem for those of the Sikh faith, whose turbans don’t fit under most helmets. HIRE ATTORNEYS WHO RIDE Law Offices of RICHARD Not Just ONE Attorney The AIM Team to Help YOU “After careful deliberation, we have determined that we will not grant this type of exemption as it would pose a road safety risk,” Wynne said in her letter dated Aug. 14. Wynne said safety trumps religious freedoms in this case. “As you know, the issue of balance between religious accommodation and public safety has been considered by the courts in Ontario which, on this issue, have found that Ontario’s mandatory helmet law does not infringe on the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, nor the Ontario Human Rights Code,” she said. In 2008, an Ontario judge ruled against a human rights challenge launched by a devout Sikh who was fined $110 in 2005 for not wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle. NDP MPP Jagmeet Singh (Bramalea-Gore-Malton) said he was “deeply disappointed by Premier Wynne’s decision not to grant an exemption to motorcycle helmet laws for turbaned Sikhs. Similar exemptions already exist in the United Kingdom, Manitoba and British Columbia, and here in Ontario the idea is supported by members from all three caucuses.” MSF MOTORCYCLE SAFETY STUDY TO IMPROVE COUNTERMEASURES The Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) has announced that the data-acquisition phase of the MSF 100 Motorcyclists Naturalistic Study is now completed, and preliminary results are being shared at various transportation safety venues around the world. The MSF partnered with the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute on this world’s first, large-scale, naturalistic motorcycle riding study. The 3.5-year study began by collecting data from instruments installed on motorcycles owned by study participants as the bikes were ridden in normal day-to-day use. Sensors and video cameras recorded all motorcycle operator inputs such as steering, acceleration, braking and lean, as well as recording all motions of the motorcycle, current riding conditions and the actions of surrounding traffic. The motorcycle instrumentation was designed to be as inconspicuous as possible, so that participant-riders would forget their rides were being monitored. M. LESTER IPHONE/ANDROID USERS Visit us on the web at www.ONABIKE.com SCAN TO DOWNLOAD OUR NEW SMARTPHONE APP lane filter next to a curb, next to parked cars or in school zones Police say that early indicators show the new legislation is working, but many motorists are still unaware of the new rules. Other road users (motorists, cyclists and pedestrians) are advised by the Roads and Maritime to “check twice” for motorcyclists and follow regular road rules. BIKER PROFILING New demographics prepared by the Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC) show the median age of California motorcycle owners was 45 years old in 2012 -- having risen from 33 years in 1990, 38 years in 1998 and 41 years in 2009 Statistics show that the median income for motorcyclists in the Golden State was $64,130 in 2012, more than double what it was in 1990. More than 60% reported their annual household incomes at over $50,000, with almost 20% reporting incomes of over $100,000. Almost three quarters of them were employed. About 14% were retired. CALIFORNIA SIDE X SIDES UNDER NEW JURISDICTION Good news for offroaders as ABATE of California Lobbyist James Lombardo has announced that AB 988 was signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown on August 25th. “The MSF 100 study is being conducted to support motorcycle safety research, with particular emphasis on results that offer ongoing guidance in rider training,” said MSF’s Director of Quality Assurance and Research, Dr. Sherry Williams. “The study utilizes a naturalistic methodology that provided researchers with information captured by instruments installed on one-hundred motorcycles ridden for a combined nine-thousand-plus hours by real riders in real riding conditions.” AB 988 is Assemblyman Brian Jones’ bill that puts Side X Sides (Rhinos, Razors, etc) under the jurisdiction of the new Motor Vehicle Board and as such will allow Side X Side owners with grievances to take those grievances to a non-binding arbitration hearing instead of having to spend money on hiring an attorney to represent them. ELECTRIC MOTORCYCLES TO HELP REDUCE AIR POLLUTION IN IRAN The MSF 100 Study, which tracked participants in Virginia, California, Florida and Arizona, is expected to be a rich source of insight for years to come on a wide range of questions and points of interest for an international array of safety professionals generally, but riders and rider safety professionals specifically. Nearly half a million electric motorcycles will be manufactured to help reduce Iran’s Tehran Air Pollution. All 100 riders on their equipped motorcycles have completed the data acquisition phase of the study, and the analysis phase is now yielding preliminary results. NSW AUSTRALIA LEGALIZES LANE FILTERING This summer the state government of New South Wales legalized lane filtering, which allows motorcyclists to legally ride between two lanes when traffic is stationary or slow moving. The idea behind legalizing lane filtering was to reduce traffic congestion and queuing at intersections. There are strict conditions attached, which include heavy fines and three demerit points for motorcyclists caught moving between traffic at more than 30 kilometers/ hour, under a new offense called lane splitting. It is also illegal for motorcyclists to • • • • • • • The Iran Fuel Conservation Company (IFcC) has a plan to get 400,000 motorcycles that use gasoline off the road and to replace them with 400,000 electric motorcycles, saying, “Due to incomplete combustion, some motorcycles pollute the air four times as much as automobiles. A manufacturer will receive $300 for each electric motorbike it produces and sells. Once the plan is implemented, only electric motorcycles will be allowed on the streets of central Tehran. WEIRD NEWS: MOTORCYCLE-RIDING VIGILANTE SERVES DIRTY JUSTICE Beware litterbugs; a vigilante female biker, fed up with people brazenly tossing trash out of their vehicles, is seeking street justice. Ove r Rec 0 Mil lio ov Our ered F n o Clie nts r Founder, Aid to Injured Motorcyclists Local Wisconsin/N. Illinois Offices to Serve You Free Legal Consultation AIM 3255-E No Recovery = No Fee We Make House Calls Attorneys in Every State and Province Who Ride No Fee on Motorcycle Damage Recovery Also Auto Accidents 24 Hours - Toll Free (800) 531-2424 (800) ON-A-BIKE just can’t be bothered to find a trash can and knocks on the window. What happens next in a video gone viral is a beautiful victory for everyone who has ever felt that little twinge of anger while watching someone lazily toss a full bag of fast food trash onto the pavement... she chucks garbage right back at the offenders before speeding away on her motorcycle! Shot somewhere in Russia, immediately after the video was uploaded it skyrocketed to the top of Reddit.com with more than half-a-million views in 24 hours; a sweet vision of revenge for all those people who can’t stand littering. RUDEST DRIVERS ARE FROM IDAHO Drivers from Idaho, Washington, D.C. and New York have been judged to be the rudest drivers, according to a survey by Insure.com, an independent consumer insurance information website. Also judged to be quite rude are drivers from Wyoming, Massachusetts, Vermont and Delaware. Here’s how the top 10 rudest drivers rank, based on a survey of 2,000 licensed drivers nationwide: 1 - Idaho, 2 - Washington, D.C., 3 - New York, 4 - Wyoming, 5 - Massachusetts, 6 - Delaware (tied with) Vermont, 8 - New Jersey, 9 - Nevada, and 10 - Utah. When asked what makes them most mad about other drivers, people said: - Talking on a cellphone while driving: 47% - Tailgating: 37% - Not signaling turns: 35% - Weaving in and out of lanes: 28% - Driving too fast: 26% Half of the respondents (49%) believe that about a quarter of other drivers should not be on the road, while twenty-one percent think half of other drivers should not be allowed to drive. QUOTABLE QUOTE: “Liberty is the right to choose. Freedom is the result of that choice.” ~ Pierre-Jules Renard (1864-1910) French author NCOM National Coalition of Motorcyclists Wearing a GoPro camera on her helmet, she rides her motorcycle up to drivers who www.trwinoil.com OCTOBER 2014 Thunder Roads WISCONSIN / NORTH ILLINOIS 27 BIKER FRIENDLY DIRECTORY If you would like to see your business listed and receive Thunder Roads Magazine each month call 630-608-8603. Thunder Roads Magazine WI/NOIL is distributed monthly at the following locations Wisconsin Apparel, Leather & More Southern WI/ Northern IL JDZ Biker Wear Distributor of Wicked Chrome Wear Follow us on Facebook for event listings Jamie and Rob at 608-669-4463 Urban Legend Choppers www.urbanlegendchoppers.com Auto Services Markesan, WI Arneson Auto Body 76 S. Margaret/ 920-398-8000 Body Repairs, Restoration and Custom Paint Cars, Trucks and Motorcycles Bars & Restaurants Beaver Dam, WI Charlie Brown’s 1019 N. Spring St. 8:00 to 2:00 Sunday -Thursday 8:00 to 2:30 Fri - Saturday Dockside Pub and Grill W11146 CNTY Rd G 11:30 to Close Daily Tue 1pm to Close Known for 5 Star Pizza! Full Kitchen Daily Hogz N Honeez W 7771 State RT. 33/ 920-356-8741 Open Thursday - Sunday 11a.m. to close Friday Fish Fry Like us on Facebook www.hogzandhoneez.com The Hill W7523 County Rd C /(920) 324-2704 Hwy 151 and C Happy Hour 3pm til 6pm Mon- Friday & 1pm til 4pm on Saturdays Mon - Thu: 3:00 pm - 2:00 am, Fri - Sat: 11:00 am - 2:30 am, Sun: 11:00 am - 2:00 am Black River Falls, WI First and Last Chance Saloon N5090 Highway 27 / (715) 284- 3121 “Project Christmas Poker Run” October Cambria, WI The Dump 105 W Edgewater St. M-S 10 a.m. to close Sunday 11-11 Bike Night Every Thursday TRWINOIL favorite Wisconsin Burger! Fox Lake, WI The Wharf 221 W. State / 920-928-2111 6 am to close Daily Breakfast & Lunch / Friday Fish Fry Twisted Iron Custom Cycles & Service 146 Webster St./ 920-219-2357 Creative Custom Beyond Bolt On! Like us on Facebook www.twistedironcustomcycles.com Juneau, WI Pumpkin Center Tap N4851 CTY RD I Mondays 3:00 to close / Tues-Friday 11:30 to close Sat & Sun 9:00 to close Fox Lake, WI Twisted Iron Custom Cycles &Service 209 W State St./ 920-219-2357 Creative Custom Beyond Bolt On! Like us on Facebook www.twistedironcustomcycles.com Skallywags N5350 Club Grounds Rd Open Memorial Day Thru Labor Day Closed for the season. See you next year. Look for our entertainment schedule on facebook Onalaska, WI La Crosse Area Harley-Davidson 1116 Oak Forest Drive (608) 783-6112 www.lacrosseharley.com Lodi, WI KD’s Bar and Grill N1444 Fair St. Cold drinks and Hot food! Live music! Outdoor patio, sand volleyball and horseshoe pits Janesville, WI Team Triumph 4747 E. US HWY 14 / Janesville, WI 53546 608-741-9900 Manchester, WI The Hitching Post W3350 Main St / 920-398-2443 Sun-Thur 11a- 2a Fri, Sat 10a-2:30a Tue- All you can eat chicken wings $6.95 Thur- $1.50 Tacos Fri- All you can eat Fish and Chkn $7.75 Sunday- Chicken and Ribs $9.95 Markesan, WI Vandy’s Lakeside Pub & Hotel www.vandysbarhotel.com Off Highway 44 along Little Green Lake Sun-Thurs 10am to 2am Fri & Sat 10am to 2:30am New Diggings, WI Anton’s Saloon 26320 County RD W / 608-965-4881 Open Thur-Sunday at Noon “Home of the Macho Burger” Waupun, WI The Other Bar 105 E. Main St. / 920-324-5505 11:00 to close 7 days a week. Bike Sales & Service Beaver Dam, WI Mischler’s Harley-Davidson & BMW N8131 Kellom RD 920-887-8425 www.mischlershd.com www.mischlersbmw.com 9-5:30 M,T, Thur, 9-8 W, F 9-2:00 Sat 28 Thunder Roads WISCONSIN / NORTH ILLINOIS OCTOBER 2014 Juneau, WI Steelhorse Motorsports 165 E Oak Street / 920-219-9779 The source for V-Twin Parts accessories sales and service Like us on Facebook www.steelhorsems.com Hotels/ Lodging Markesan, WI Vandy’s Lakeside Pub & Hotel www.vandysbarhotel.com Off Highway 44 along Little Green Lake 920-398-2113 to make your reservations today Photography La Crosse, WI Fine Lines Photography and Graphics 611 Powell St. 54603/ 608-782-4849 Facebook; James Whistleman [email protected] www.fine-lines.smugmug.com NORTH ILLINOIS Apparel, Leather & More Utica, IL Mix’s Trading Post 602 Clark St/ 815-667-4120 Areas Best Price and selection of motorcycle leather Indian art and gifts. Open 7 days 10 to 5 BIKER FRIENDLY DIRECTORY Palatine, IL Victory Leathers 104 S Northwest Hwy 847-907-9435/ www.victoryleathers.biz Mention this ad for free fingerless riding gloves with qualifying purchase. St. Charles, IL Alley 64 (Downtown St. Charles) 212 W. Main St / 630-513-6464 Open 7 days at 11 am - www.Alley64.com Great Food & Cold Drinks Outside Bar / Patio / Bike Parking Urban Legend Choppers www.urbanlegendchoppers.com Ray’s Evergreen Tavern 1400 W. Main St./ 630-584-3535 Sun-Thurs 11am to 1am Fri & Sat 11 am to 2 am Covered Patio/ Bike Parking / Great Food Southern WI/ Northern IL JDZ Biker Wear Distributor of Wicked Chrome Wear Follow us on Facebook for event listings Jamie and Rob at 608-669-4463 Bars & Restaurants Bristol, IL The Bristol Tap 46 Cannonball Trail (630)553-6229 Home of the Bristol Burger Ladd, IL Softails Bar & Grill 246 N. Main St. / 815-894-2221 Lunch 11-2 daily / Dinner 4:30-9 Mon- Sat Come enjoy the covered patio! Just north of I-80 exit #70 Thursday Night Bike Night! / Video Gaming! Leland, IL Maddie’s Place 100 N. Main Home of Jumbo Breaded Mushrooms Find us on Facebook Millington, IL Last Chance Saloon & Restaurant 102 S. Church St. (815)695-5660 Good Friends! Good Food! Good Times! Palatine, IL Alley 64 2001 N. Rand Road / 847-934-6408 Open 7 days at 11 am www.Alley64palatine.com Plano, IL The Friendly Tap 14 N. Center Street / 630-552-3696 Check out the daily food specials! TRWINOIL Favorite Illinois Burger! Spring Valley, IL Uncle Stewy’s Road House 225 E. St Paul St/ 815-663-8338 10 am to 1 am Beer Garden , pool tables and cold drinks Home of the Illinois Valley Fallen Biker Memorial www.trwinoil.com Symerton, IL Anson’s Pub 18332 W. Commercial St. (Look for sign off Peotone RD) 10am to close Daily food specials/ find us on facebook Willow Springs, IL CC’s Grove Inn 8258 S. Kean Ave / 708-839-1959 / www.ccsgrove. com Open 11 am to 2 am 7 days a week Major Events and Benefits hosted at CC’s Grove Yorkville, IL Rowdys 210 S. Bridge St. / 630-553-5054 Voted as one of the top burgers in Chicagoland! Open during construction, Parking in back! Bike Sales & Service Batavia, IL Diesel’s Motorcycle Service & Repair 555 S. River St/ 630-761-1984 “Get your bike out of the barn and on the road!” Elgin, IL BBK Motorsport 222 Dundee Ave/ 847-841-8100 Honda Motorcycle, Scooter ATV Maple Park, IL Off the Grid Motorcycles 44W399 RT 64/ 630-365-1200 Custom, Service, Parts www.offthegridmotorcycles.com McHenry, IL McHenry Harley-Davidson 1903 West Rt 120 Sandwich, IL Black Magic Customs, Inc 4686 E. 29th Rd / 815-786-1977 www.blackmagiccustoms.com South Elgin, IL American Heritage Motorcycles Chicago West 474 Redington Dr. 888.339.8783 Indian & Victory Motorcycles New and Used Sales, Service and Accessories Convenience Stores North Utica, IL Village Green House, Inc 611 Clark St. Liquor Shop- Open 10:00 to 10:00 Local delivery available 815-667-7050 Plano, IL Plano Liquor & Wine 401 E. South ST / 630-552-7044 Cigars, Wine & Liquor, Keg’s Available Sugar Grove, IL Village Liquors 84 S. Main St / 630-466-4900 Cigars, Wine & Liquor Custom Paint and Graphics Batavia, IL Psychotic Air 1535 Paramount PKWY/ 630-244-3150 Custom Paint & Airbrushing- Collision Repairs & Restorations Leather Repair and Service Rochelle, IL Custom Cowhide 404 Cherry St/ 815-761-4325 Custom Leather design, repair and cleaning follow us on facebook! Facebook.com/ customcowhide Tattoo & Piercing Montgomery, IL Inkaholikz Tattoo 2294 Cornell Ave/ 630-486-4170 New and old school tattoo & Piercing Orland Park, IL South Side Motorcycle CO. 13341 Southwest Highway, Unit D 708-361-0942/ www.sscycle.net Bike Building & Custom Specialists for V-Twin Parts & Service OCTOBER 2014 Thunder Roads WISCONSIN / NORTH ILLINOIS 29 Of Pirates and Spacemen by Bob Myers Legislative Coordinator ABATE of Illinois www.abate-il.org We are looking at trying to clean up a few of the gray areas on the Poker Run bill. I have only heard of a few counties having problems with the bill but there are a couple of counties that are “over thinking” and trying to “re-write” a state statute. We will have a meeting with IDNR and other parties that have an interest with the OHV Park on Sept. 19th. The Sept 5th meeting was canceled by the IDNR My own fanaticism for two wheels and an engine began at age four, when a much older cousin gave me a ride atop the gas tank of his Bridgestone 80. After a brief run through the residential streets of Blue Island’s east side, probably at all of 20 miles per hour, we returned to my uncle’s driveway, where upon being set back upon solid ground, I turned around, pointed to the motorcycle and declared, “I want one of those!” My mother, a professional worrier among worriers, began protesting loudly in Italian and never completely gave up her opposition to motorcycles for the rest of her natural life. All I ever had to do was utter the word Have you ever heard someone remark that sport-touring riders dress like spacemen or that cruiser riders dress like pirates? These comparisons, although sometimes made in a derogatory fashion, are among my favorite because I have fit into both categories. Back when my ride of choice was the Honda ST1300 (I’ve owned two), I tended to favor armored textile jackets and modular helmets, just like most of my peers. I can only speculate that the armored apparel goes hand-in-hand with the more technical riding that sport-tourers tend to seek out. But that’s just a guess. At my age, any peg dragging, wheel lofting or 100+ mph speeds achieved were as much to my surprise as anybody else’s. When I bought my first American V-twin, my current Victory Vision Tour, I discovered that most of my peers favored leather and wore far less confining gear in general. The pi- 30 Thunder Roads WISCONSIN / NORTH ILLINOIS OCTOBER 2014 you are on and don’t pass if there is a road that intersects with the road you are on. Again it is election season and we will be asked to help out with getting our favorite candidate’s in their offices. One Hand Washes Another Bob I hope all have had a great riding summer especially with such a cool July that we had. Fall is fast approaching and we will be out riding and looking at the colors of foliage. We just need to remember to keep watch on the deer and other critters AND the farm machinery out on the roads. They can make a sudden turn while you are trying to pass and then “BANG”. “motorcycle” in her presence and she would begin yelling in Italian again. In the eyes of my parents, I became “one of them” once I had acquired a bike of my own (that would be “one of us” to you loyal readers), but it wasn’t until I became a bona fide motorcyclist that I realized we further differentiate ourselves from one another, even to our own detriment. 2014 October Legislative Newsletter Report Not much to talk about. Michael G. D’Aversa I sensed it from the moment I rode my first motorcycle home. The looks I received from my neighbors were quite different than the ones I might have gotten on my way out of the subdivision earlier that same day. They ranged from the bug-eyed, open mouthed “Wow!” look on the faces of young kids to the stares and somewhat forced-looking polite smiles of my adult neighbors. Since I was already in my early forties at the time, I’m sure some of them assumed I had begun my midlife crisis. But in all likelihood I would have gotten the very same reaction twenty years earlier. Why? Because people who ride motorcycles are different from those who don’t. We know it and so do they. ABATE of Illinois One safety measure you can employ is, If there is a road intersection or a field entrance up ahead in your sight, Don’t Pass!! - Wait till you can see there is no exit from those fields to the road rate reference conjures up the stereotypical image of a bearded biker wearing a black vest, black boots, black gloves and a doo rag, worn either under a helmet or in place of one. The doo rag really does help keep one’s hair tame. As for the other pieces, bear in mind that before there was ballistic nylon, aramid fiber and various other hightech protective materials, there was leather. And just like mesh fabric is more breathable than “solid” fabric, a leather vest is more comfortable in hot weather than a leather jacket. So you see, it’s not all about looks. Please take this to heart: No matter what we wear to go riding, underneath it all, we are the same. No matter what we ride or where we ride or how we ride, we are all more like one another than we are like those who do not ride at all. The more we accept and embrace our similarities, the more we stick together in the face of those who conspire against us on the whole, the better off we will be. As always, keep it safe and remember to enjoy the ride. www.trwinoil.com OCTOBER 2014 Thunder Roads WISCONSIN / NORTH ILLINOIS 31 November 8—Veterans Appreciation Day. 9:00AM. Route 43 Harley-Davidson, 3736 S Taylor Drive, Sheboygan WI. Thank you to all our veterans— honoring all that served. 920-458-0777. November 10—CMA S.O.S. Riders Chapter #902 Monthly Meeting. 6:30PM. Iron Skillet, 717 South Sylvania, Sturtevant WI. 262-308-5054. UpComing Events 2014 Send your charity events to: [email protected] always Free The upcoming events page contains rides, meetings, parties and other events focused on riding and being surrounded by others that have a passion to ride. Some events listed are for members only but are listed to show you what kind of events these great organizations offer to their members. Please contact the group or business for further details on attending these events. If you have an event your organization or business is having please send the information to [email protected] Thank you to Darrell Broten for his assistance in putting this list together each month. WISCONSIN october October 3—Wisconsin BMW Motorcycle Club Meeting. 8:00PM. New Berlin VFW Post, 17980 W Beloit Rd, New Berlin WI. 262-679-0800. October 3-5—31st Annual Apple Run Campout. Northwestern Elementary School, Poplar WI. Food for the body and soul. Saturday ride to Bayfield Apple Fest. Hosted by Lake Superior chapter of Christian Motorcyclists Association. 218-729-1838. October 3-5—Rotary Ride Thru The Hills. 10:00AM. Blue Hills Masonic Center, South Street and Pioneer Avenue, Rice Lake WI. Benefit for End Polio Now. 715-410-9769. October 4—British Biker Cooperative Color Ride. 11:00AM. W8017 Mink Creek Dr, Random Lake WI. Pat. 414-429-0674. October 4—5th Annual Stockberfest and 2nd Annual Fireworks Show. 10:00AM. Stocks Harley-Davidson, 2433 Hecker Road, Manitowoc WI. 920-684-0237. October 4—Open House. 10:00AM. HarleyDavidson of Appleton, 5322 Clairemont Drive, Appleton WI. 9:00AM. 920-757-1651. October 18—Team Triumph Open House. 4747 E US Hwy 14, Janesville WI. 608-741-9900. October 4—Wisconsin Motorcycle Touring Club Color Ride. 10:00AM. Shell gas station, Hwy 29, west side of Green Bay. 920-360-1321. October 25—The Bucky Dual Sport. 8:00AM. American Legion Hall, 2217 American Legion Hall, Cross Plains WI. $70. Lunch, supper, and T-shirt. 608-798-3291. October 4—Children’s Toy Run. 12 Noon. American Legion Hall, 916 River Avenue, Iron Mountain MI. 2 Toy donation. Joe. 906-282-6684. October 25—Dubuque Harley-Davidson Halloween Spectacular . 145 N Crescent Ridge, Dubuque IA. 563-557-3735. October 5—Fall Color Run. Hammond Hotel, 820 Davis St, Hammond WI. Registration 8AM-11AM, Ride at 12 noon. 715-796-2330. October 25—HDW’s Annual Chili Chilly Ride. HarleyDavidson of Wausau, 1570 Cty Hwy XX, Rothschild WI. Group ride, chili cook-off, door prizes to benefit Humane Society of Marathon County. 715-355-4464. October 5—Slimy Crud Motorcycle Gang Run. Pine Bluff, WI. Peter Egan and gang ride from Red Mouse Tavern in Madison to Sprecher’s Tap in Leland. Pat Hanson. 414-429-0574 or www.slimeycrudrun.com. October 11—Taste of Sauk Prairie. 9:00AM. Sauk Prairie Harley-Davidson, 836 Phillips Blvd., Sauk Prairie WI. 608-643-3735. October 11—Frost Your Nutz Run. Mallalieu Inn, 414 Wisconsin Street N, Hudson WI. 715-386-8165. October 12—Badger NASCAR Poker Run. 10:00AM. Badger Harley-Davidson, 6200 Millpond Road, Madison WI. 608-221-2761. October 12—Ride to Balltown. 9:00AM. Sauk Prairie Harley-Davidson, 836 Philips Blvd/Hwy 12, Sauk Prairie WI. Ride to Balltown IA! 800-972-6895. October 17-18,14—Gallery Night and Day. HarleyDavidson Museum, 400 W Canal St., Milwaukee WI. A premier art event sponsored by the Third Ward Association. 414-287-2789. October 18—Hitting The Road For Hospice. 9:00AM. The Barn Restaurant, S5566 Hwy 123, Baraboo WI. $20.00. Poker run, raffles, delicious cook-out, and more. 608-547-0821. 32 Thunder Roads WISCONSIN / NORTH ILLINOIS OCTOBER 2014 October 26—Fall Color Ride. 3:00PM. Route 43 Harley-Davidson, 3736 S Taylor Drive, Sheboygan WI. Join us for a fall color ride through the Kettle Moraine area. We will enjoy the leaves changing and stop for a bite to eat somewhere along the way. 920458-0777. October 30—Skulloween Bike Night. 5:00PM. Harley-Davidson Museum, 400 W. Canal Street, Milwaukee WI. Bring out your best costumes and customs for a true Harley Halloween. 414-287-2789. november November 1—Jack Frost Run For Fun. 9:00AM. Vandervest Harley-Davidson, 810 Frontage Rd, Peshtigo WI. 715-582-8843. November 5—Kettle Moraine HOG Chapter Meeting. 6:00PM. New Berlin Ale House, 16000 W Cleveland Avenue, New Berlin WI. 262-691-2469. November 7—Wisconsin BMW Motorcycle Club Meeting. 8:00PM. New Berlin VFW Post, 17980 West Beloit Road, New Berlin WI. 262-679-0800. November 8-11—Veterans’ Day Appreciation. Harley-Davidson Museum, 400 West Canal Street, Milwaukee WI. Free admission for Military and their families. 414-287-2789. NORTH ILLINOIS October 12—28th Annual DuKane ABATE Toy and Food Run. 10:00AM. Knucklehead’s, North Street and Route 47, Elburn IL. $10.00. Bike show, four live bands, vendors, crafts, and food. 630-669-2588. October 14—Never Forget Thunder Run and Toys for Tots Parade. 8:00AM registration, 11:30AM ride. James Lovell FHCC, 3001 N Green Bay Rd, North Chicago IL. 630-254-6178. October 18—HOG Weenie Roast. Coziahr HarleyDavidson, 150 W Marion Avenue, Forsyth IL. 217877-7115. october October 19—Walneck’s Motorcycle Swap Meet. McHenry County Fairgrounds, 1049 Country Club Rd, Woodstock IL. $8. 630-985-2097. October 1—Fox River October Motorcycle Ride. 6:30PM. Fox River Harley-Davidson, 131 S. Randall Road, St. Charles IL. 630-584-8000. October 19 —Sunday Night Bike Night. 5:00PM. Three Aces, 1321 W Taylor Street, Chicago IL. Bikers, food, and drink. 312-213-1577. October 4—Color Ride. Kegel Harley-Davidson, 7125 Harrison Avenue, Rockford IL. The beauty of autumn and the open road. Weather permitting. 815-332-7125. October 25—Ladies’ Pink Party. 9:00AM. Kegel Harley-Davidson, 7125 Harrison Avenue, Rockford IL. Vendors, food, pampering, and all the Harley gear you could want. 815-332-7125. October 4—Oktoberfest. McHenry HarleyDavidson, 2103 W Route 120, McHenry IL. German beer, live music, and live radio broadcast. 815-344-9300. October 25—Halloween Bash. 9:00AM. Illinois Harley-Davidson, 9950 Joliet Road, Countryside IL. Come on out for the Spooktacular open house! 708387-8750. October 5—13th Annual Big Thunder Run. 9:00AM. Batavia VFW, 645 S. River Street, Batavia IL. $10. Poker run, door prizes, raffle prizes, bike show, and more. 630-879-9630. October 5—Doc Mark’s Run For The Kids. 8:00AM. New Horizon Center, 6737 W Forest Preserve Drive, Chicago IL. $25. Continental breakfast, escorted ride, party after. Benefits needy children for Christmas. 773-286-6226. October 8—Chicago Norton Owners Club monthly meeting. 7:30PM. Fuddrucker’s Restaurant, 1500 Branding Lane, Downers Grove IL. 815-355-3241. October 9- Indian Scout 1st Run. Get the first look at the all new Indian Scout- American Heritage Motorcycles 474 Redington Dr, South Elgin IL 847-429-2277 October 9—City Limits Bike Ride. 6:00PM. City Limits Harley-Davidson, 2015 North Rand Road, Palatine IL. 847-358-2112. October 11—6th Annual Reindeer Toy Run. 9:00AM. American Legion Marne Post #13, 7125 Harrison Avenue, Rockford IL. $15. 100 mile ride with stops, home cooked meal, raffles, and more at the end. Julie. 630-669-3500. www.trwinoil.com november November1—Tucker’s Annual Toys For Tots Ride. 10:00AM. Walter’s Brothers Harley-Davidson, 615 S Maxwell Rd, Peoria IL. Lunch with Wayne’s secret recipe chili and chili dogs. 309-697-1917. November 1—Ted’s Chili Cook-Off. 9:00AM. Ted’s Motorcycle World, 4103 Humbert Road, Alton IL. 888-695-4740. November 1—CMA Ambassadors Chapter #100 Monthly Meeting. 8:00AM. In-Laws Restaurant, 720 Milwaukee Avenue, Gurnee IL. 847-336-3166. November 8—Annual Chili Cook-Off and Turkey Bowl. 10:00AM. City Limits Harley-Davidson, 2015 N Rand Road, Palatine IL. City Limits H-D looks to crown the best local Chili Making, Master Chef! 888400-4641. November 8—3rd Annual DeKalb Chili Cook-Off. DeKalb Harley-Davidson, 969 Peace Rd, DeKalb IL. A pot of your best chili may have you win big! 815756-4558. November 22-23- Toys for Tots Parade, McHenry Harley Davidson 1903 West RT 120 McHenry IL. NATIONAL october October 2-5—Las Vegas BikeFest. Las Vegas NV. Riding, vendors, stunt shows, live music, races, and—of course—The Strip. 702-450-7662. October 10-12—Big Bike Weekend. Redding CA. Riding, entertainment, and vendors, plus the Redding Police Dept Invitational Motor Competition. 530-2228025. October 10-12—Corpus Christi BikeFest. South Padre Island, TX. Two main venues on each of the Island make for a memorable rally. 956-668-7484. October 15-19—Changing Of The Colors. Hatfield AR. Annual fall homecoming for members of Christian Motorcyclists Association and others, too. 870-389-6196 or [email protected]. October 16-19—American International Motorcycle Expo. Orange County Convention Center, Orlando FL. Bringing together vendors, motorcyclists, and the riding press. 855-627-4697. October 16-19—Biketoberfest. Daytona Beach FL. Little brother to Daytona BikeWeek. 386-255-0415. October 16-19—AMA National Convention. Orange County Convention Center, Orlando FL Hall of Fame induction and legends reception. 800-342-5464. October 17-18—Harvest Classic Motorcycle Road Rally. Luckenbach TX. A European and vintage rally to benefit Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation. 512-922-5494 or www.harvestclassic. org. October 25—Love Ride. Glendale CA. The largest one-day motorcycle event in the world. Benefitting MD Association. Joe. 818-246-5618. October 31-Nov. 2—International Motorcycle Show. San Mateo County Event Center, 2495 S Delaware St, San Mateo CA. 650-574-3247. november November 6-9—Lone Star Rally. Galveston TX. Ride the Causeway, see celebrities, two bike shows, and lots of places to eat. 832-437-2318. November 9—City Limits Garage Party. 1:00PM. City Limits Harley-Davidson, 2015 N. Rand Road, Palatine IL. For ladies to learn how to ride their own motorcycle. 847-358-2112. OCTOBER 2014 Thunder Roads WISCONSIN / NORTH ILLINOIS 33 Clubs / Organizations / Associations We are making a special page just for you Wisconsin Clubs British Biker Cooperative (BBC) Dedicated to the Preservation of the British Motorcycle See website for meeting dates and locations www.britishbiker.net Organizations K.I.S.S. page composed & edited by: Toni McCoy Shearon aka “MaMa Thunder” of Thunder Roads National Founders’ Office. ALABAMA (“BAMA”) WHITE BBQ SAUCE This is SO delicious and can use on/in all kinds of ways then just on chicken. Cluckin’ A. 2 Cups of Quality Mayo (*or Miracle Whip) 3 Tbls. Horseradish; Fresh or Bottled 4 Tbls. Apple Cider Vinegar 2 Tbls. Lime Juice; Fresh or Bottled 1 tsp. Sugar or Splenda 1/2 tsp. Cayenne Spice 2 tsps. Salt (Kosher or Sea if want) 4 tsps. Ground Black Pepper Mix it all up, slather it all over your chicken, lay on a REALLY hot grill to get good grill marks, then move to the side to cook slowly. Slather more on before serving. SMOTHERED CHICKEN IN CAST IRON My Mom (my beloved Guardian Angel) used to make this once a week and I remember walking in, the smell filling up the whole house, and knowing that I was definitely staying home for supper. In A HUGE cast-iron skillet, med. high heat, add: Enough quality Olive Oil to just cover the bottom of pan. To this add 3 good size pats of butter or quality margarine 1 Green Pepper; cored and med-thin slices, then cut those in half 1 Red Pepper; same way 1 Yellow Pepper; same way 1 Huge Sweet Yellow Onion; medium chop 1 Box of Sliced Mushrooms; pat dry and add last 1/2 Lb. of Bacon; fried crisp, drained and put aside Saute’ up all your veggies. Use slotted spoon and remove to a side plate. Make up a spice mix of palmful of: cinnamon, basil, parsley, salt, pepper, coriander, celery salt, garlic powder, and whatever else you really like. Pat chix good & dry; rub spice mix all into chicken, really good. Let just rest while you’re sautéing veggies. After removing veggies, put your chicken in; skin side down, cook until deep golden brown, flip and turn heat down to low, add veggies back in so that they encircle chicken, not covering. Just let go like 40 minutes, slow and low, until bottom golden brown and then, at end, flip chix back over and top each piece generously with rough-chop bacon and kinda’ press down. Next add your favorite cheese on top of bacon. My mom (and me) always used Monterey Jack but you can use Cheddar, Pepper Jack, Baby Swiss or Brie....whatever; you’re the Cook. Put a lid on it to let cheese melt and a good trick is to just add a like 3 Tbls. of water to mix and then cover and it creates this heavenly steam chamber. Let go 5 mins. Remove lid and slide skillet off of heat and just let it rest for 5 mins. * I didn’t say this in the beginning but use whatever pieces of chicken or even a whole chopped up bird. I only do wings as they have the most amazing flavor. But a couple breasts thrown in would be good also. This is freakin’ INCREDIBLE! All those veggies, this awesome flavored chicken so tender it literally falls off the bone, the skin is infused with sauce and spices, and then there’s this gravy that’s created that is a silky wonder. This is food that creates forevva’ memories. And that’s what cooking is all about. BALSAMIC PORTABELLO MUSHROOMS Portabello ‘shrooms are SO meaty, you could serve them as an entree. But I like as a side-dish Costco or Sam’s Club is your best bet to get BIG ‘shroom caps. Take a teaspoon and run it all along the inside to remove all that “fuzz” up under the inside lip. Now, take a damp cloth and rub them down good. Do Not Wash under water as you’ll end up with a limp shroom and nobody wants that. Fry up a tube of sausage, your fave brand, drain and put aside. Add ‘shrooms, cap side down to drippings, add couple pats of butter and on med. heat saute’ till golden brown both sides. Drain bottom down for 10 mins. on paper towels. Stuff with chopped purple onion and sausage mix. Place back in skillet and top with your favorite cheese. Do the lid trick again; couple Tbls. of water and tight lid it for 5 mins. Remove to serving dish, drizzle reduced down till thick, quality Balsamic Vinegar over top. This is flayva’! A.B.A.T.E. of Wisconsin A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactment www.abatewis.org Reason 2 Ride (R2R) Meeting 3rd Wednesday March- August Legion Post 481 5337 W. River Rd, Waunakee, WI 53597 www.reason2ride.com Associations 18 Wheels Motorcycle Association www.18WheelsMA.com Chapters across Illinois and nationwide. Illinois Organizations A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois A Brotherhood Aimed Toward Education Dedicated to Preserving the Rights of all Motorcycles www.abate-il.org DuKane Chapter (A.B.A.T.E.) Monthly meeting 3rd Tuesday each month 7:30PM American Legion, West Chicago, IL www.abate-il.org/Dukane/ Associations 18 Wheels Motorcycle Association www.18WheelsMA.com Chapters across Illinois and nationwide. Chariots For Christ (CMA) Aurora, IL Monthly Meeting 1st Saturday of month Contact: [email protected] Jesus Team Riders (CMA) Yorkville, IL Monthly Meeting 1st Saturday of month Contact: [email protected] Steel Witness Chapter #578 Loves Park, IL Monthly Meeting 2nd Saturday 8am (See Website for locations) Contact: Tony “Rawhide” Voshell 608-295-3348 http://cmancr3.org/IL/STEELWITNESS Christian Motorcycle Association (CMA) www.cmausa.org Shovester! A what? Shovester..I didn’t know Harley made that motor...They didn’t. From the birth of the old K models to Panheads and Shovelheads( yes I missed some) and so on. There was a movement that came about which seems kinda like a cult following. The Shovester swapping Shovelhead jugs and pistons and trying to pack them in Sportster cases… Seems easy right? Not really... This mutant in some people’s eyes is a sign of combining what they love. Two eras into one and having the ultimate bike. Few will take on such a task of machining, welding and frame modifications just to make the motor fit. Why? Why the Hell not! For most Stock Sucks and Custom for others isn’t always bolt on chrome or powder coating. These guys take on a project that is more than just building a 60’s styled chopper which most of the time was cutting and welding the frames and adding over stock forks. Projects came about from the ones who appreciate the eras that these motors came from. To start one of these projects most had to save, scrounge and pinch pennies to build these beasts of burden. I’m sure some used the old barter system when it came to the machining part just to build these demons. When done all you will see is the finished project of a Shovester either in a modified Iron Head frame, Evo frame or to build? The answer is....too long and does it really matter. other. It’s something to see and to me very interesting when you find one and the builder has a Nope it’s all about the journey. “I guess it sounds better than huge smile of accomplishment. Then when asked how long did it take and how much did it cost Big Bore Kit”. Shovester..... Rowdy K.I.S.S. STRAWBERRIES & ANGEL CAKE BIG quart of big, totally ripe, delicious s-berries. Slice thick. Discard tops cut. Sprinkle sugar or Splenda all over the top in a flat, glass dish. Pour white corn syrup all over generously and let hang out in fridge for about 3 hours. Buy you a gorgeous Angel Food Cake, slice it up, pour your fabulously reduced down strawberries and tons of delish “sauce” over & top with real whip cream. TO ALL OUR BRAVE, PROUD TROOPS... YOU’RE IN OUR THOUGHTS & PRAYERS DAILY. God Speed You Home. www.trwinoil.com OCTOBER 2014 Thunder Roads WISCONSIN / NORTH ILLINOIS 35
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